CUTTING GIANT Holes In Humans With Super Laser Cutter - Teardown Mods

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he looks like a poopy tim on a clothesline in a storm loop dear look loop do you look loop-de-loop does c-top have an explosive head [Music] oh [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going chance we're playing tear down we've got a beautiful looking map here to take a look at this one's called north pine mall made by rat1808 that's his name pretty awesome name it's also a heist map as well there's some stuff that we have to steal pick up the target cool i'm gonna have a look around the map first though see if i can find my getaway vehicle there's loads of doors and stuff going on here and like holes in the walls and stuff wood inside the walls wow that person really knows their construction okay let's go around here this is pretty good this is pretty good all right where's the mall part because it's a mall at the moment i'm just hanging around what looks like a basement death dungeon hey this is what i'm talking about you know what if you look at the colors going on on the map at the moment it's got like a fin pier vibe let me know in the comments if you agree i think i think it's got a vampire vibe it's good the colors are very thin pyre all right let's go let's go let's have a look oh let's close i could use a new pair of duds changed my pants from the scary game i played the other day oh what's this thing we have to steal some paints maybe not vintage clothing what what why do we have to steal some vintage clothing so we've got a few mods and stuff to look at today one that's a very cool mod which is a little bit like a slo-mo mod but also like super hot you know that game super hot where time moves when you move oh cool okay i can get in this car yes driving a car in the mall i've always wondered how they get those cars in the mall you know the ones where like you know people annoy you when they when you're walking past and like hey you want to buy a ticket to buy this car you'll never actually win and you're like yeah okay and then they're like the tickets are 300 bucks each and you're like i'm only a kid leave me alone so they just like teleport them in there or something it's amazing and also why are there so many cars in this mall where's this staff parking park outside like the rest of the plebs oh oh what's this it's a table no i just picked up the entire table it's getting a little bit chilly in here oh yeah that's nice we've got another target what target's that one that's the something target i don't know what one that is cool i guess i have to drive the car through the wall like an absolute action hero hey what's up the doors oh hey is that that's my getaway vehicle okay okay so we've got some stuff to steal shipping management car auction thing and then a pair of pants okay so the thing that i needed to steal was here oh yeah how long we got we got one minute let's get the heck out of here i'm doing the parkour stuff i'm like b-hopping around the place get all the way up here ah we're in trouble oh no this place is burning it's burning now we need to steal the pants and then we got to get out of here 36 seconds 36 seconds to steal some pass can we do it oh god oh god i think the pants are over here no no they're over here 27 seconds where's them pants where's them pants i don't know where they are maybe it was downstairs okay oh it's going to burn i got the laser thing going on oh yeah let's get in the escape vehicle which is actually a boat and get out of here i'm going to shoot that airplane airplanes helicopter yes we got out here in time we managed to get two targets but we didn't get the secondary target i reckon we could do better where were these clothes were they downstairs oh there it is it's downstairs oops all right are you guys ready let's do this bang we're off and we're off watch this i've got the scorpion fist oh yeah that's how we move around the place now oh got some pants it was actually just some clothes check this out okay so that's probably cheating but it's also super fun punch the door down yes mortal kombat my way in here bang i got 37 30 seconds okay yeah yeah we we're fine we're fine all right swing from the lights wow oh there's the lights in my face and we win 15 seconds remaining that is probably the fastest you can do that okay so this right here is just a regular city map it's literally called city it's nighttime so like all the houses and things like that are lit up on the inside looks really nice okay i'm just gonna steal that door and i'm gonna throw the door away i just broke a bunch of stuff oh my god what did i do what did i do to this person's house dude okay i'm sorry it was a peaceful village until finpai came along is this like a cop car or something whoa the doors and the boot just what what what i could walk through this car but i can drive it as well does this thing even have collision what is going on here this is really weird i can walk through stuff am i dead am i i think i'm actually a ghost i'm just gonna punch this thing open all right let me inside your home where's your xbox give me your xbox there it is i gotta punch his xbox to bits that's for not choosing playstation instead let me know in the comments xbox or playstation yeah take your pick i can't get through that that's one of those unbreakable windows everybody should have one of those in their home at least one i gotta tell you i'm not the biggest fan of this map it feels a little bit unfinished okay so yeah it might be a work in progress all right all right but it's got glitchy cars and all of the doors seem to be connected to one another and there's no sewer all right why are there no sewers let me just sue us i'm just destroying everything because i'm mad i'm mad like thor when he gets mad take that building yes oh get wrecked i think i just destroyed some kid's bedroom i kind of have a little bit of regret now hey there's something over the fence what is that what is that how do i get over the fence i think we need to weed whack our way through [Music] it's one of those fake towns where it's really just a concrete wall surrounding it it's a make-believe town there's all these objects out here what's this about it's like ruxin's i told you guys it's a fake town okay this is pretty cool so this is a map made by vero gamer i've played these mods before you make some cool mods man all right i'm gonna get in this car this is good they've got oh yeah a couple of these like little jump thingies where you can test your vehicle's jumping ability i don't know all right let's go over that way let's just smash up this thing oh we got loop-de-loops love the lufty loops love them love them can't drive them very well but i love them this map's broken it's not it's me who's broken hey what's this thing okay i'm gonna drive up here this is good it's a shiny fl flow i crashed it through the fake forest okay you've got to take it slow over this bridge you can't go fast this is cool though i like this it kind of makes me want like a uh ah really really is that stuff it's just walls okay so you can you can test your car smashing it through walls all right what's this one oh oh that hurts that hurts the sports car big time okay we've got some we've got some bumpy ground we've got some like all-terrain stuff going on this is fun whoa off the map quite decker fan let's go do the loop-de-loop in this thing i don't even know if that's possible i'm gonna try it though let's zoom out oh that's that's a bad that's going to leave a mark okay i'm bugging it up it's already ruined all right loop-de-loop loop-de-loop loop-de-loop loop-de-loop loop loop d look loop-de-loop loop-de-loop i think it's impossible in this car i don't think it could be done this time this is the one this is the one where we make it this is the one way no yes oh so close close enough yes so the last video we looked at a slow-mo mod this time we're looking at a super hot mod which means that it goes into slo-mo only when i'm stood still so watch this see it's slow-mo but now that i'm moving around it speeds back up again and then i stop and then slow-mo that is so cool all right so we can do some cool stuff like this if we jump in there just poopy tim's butt here right we're going to regular speed and then we go we get out oh i'm actually on his arm so it didn't work so i was still moving but then if i stop yeah you guys get the picture let's see if we can do that a little bit better so this time i won't land in his armpit and get dragged like over the jump if i go like this and then jump out oh oh yes that is cool it's like poopy team just got booted absolutely booted like one of those cool wrestling moves i don't know the names of wrestling moves you guys might know though hey they've stopped what they're actually in mid-air why are they stopped like that that's super weird okay let's just like throw a couple of exploding things in there okay they still blow up oh you can see the parts flying off him in slow-mo right there just on his shoulders whoa he's flipping he's flipping all of them are getting dragged in yeah that's cool now if i stop oh slo-mo it's still going really fast because of just how fast they're moving around [Music] it's like eight poopy teams at once it's just like rubber banding all over the place tearing their skin off as they go through dude that's incredible oh those ones are next yes he looks like a poopy tim on a clothesline in a storm let's get just here the old thor's hammer there we go that gets him in there dude yes oh that's cool that is so cool all right ready slow-mo flying across the screen so you guys know i'm mad keen for a laser cutter right check this one out we had a look at this one on the last video it's the one that kind of screams when you set it off right it's pretty good it's pretty good [Music] i like it i like how it's animated well i've got another one here this is a really cool one because it cuts in like a circle i haven't tried it yet though let's give this a shot all right the beam is super weird it's also animated though but it definitely cuts in like a perfect circle i'm just cutting like a hole through poopy tim's head in a perfect circle hang on let's go and try it on my play button something that's nice and flat let's test this out oh cool that is like a perfect circle i'm just like waiting for the point where it actually just like plops out you know what i mean plops this is the worst word to use ever okay has that cut through because it feels like it kind of hasn't let's have a look oh no it didn't quite make it yes so the laser cutter definitely works better on stuff that's like super thin if you try and use it on like a head or something like that or you know like a really thick piece or something it just doesn't cut right through let's just try it on the top of poopy tim's head see if it's a good you know tool for doing brain surgery okay it's cutting through the skull this is working out pretty well it's definitely a awesome tool and a bit gruesome you're like hey friend what's up to see top's hat said nobody but that's fine don't worry guys i'm gonna work it out oh yeah what's in there what's in there dude show me show me your secrets oh god it's dark like a spooky portal or something i think it's solid chocolate i think ctob's hat is made of chocolate okay that's fine we can cut our way through the chocolate and find out what else is in there does c-top have an explosive head okay just pour out cheese why does c top why is he full of explosives oh it's the gun that's explosive i didn't know that the laser gun did that that's kind of awesome it burns and then it explodes watch this yeah that's cool aha i worked it out that is how you cut a perfect circle oh look at that it's a neat plug i just cut it right through there that is awesome oh my god i just realized you can change the amount of lasers that you have look at this 3 4 5 17 lasers what whoa champ yes look at this dude the destruction is real it's just carving him up look at that i'm cutting like a perfect hole in him yeah i'm just trying to take out the poopy tin plug all right the poopy plug we call it let's just pull it out it's stuck okay he's gonna need some medicine to unplug himself so you can make it like super whoa give me like super wide oh it's carving like through his legs whoa so if we went like 50 lasers but increase the distance oh that's weird and that is slowing my game down big time look at this but we're putting like all these dents all over him yeah the game does not like it when you do that it looks like we just gave him some weird tattoo oh here we go perfect all right right through the face oh my god what's the cutting power okay yep and we just slide that that way i suppose [Music] nasty look at that right through the head okay one more and this is it oh champ oh oh look at that perfect circle if you guys have got ideas and some weapons you'd like to see in this game let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video if you like it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 370,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, download teardown mods, teardown press, teardown hydraulic press, Black Hole Mod
Id: TnXwVbuuopw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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