50 Cal Explosive Bullets vs Torso

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Anyone else notice that some of his shooting shots line up to what he is wearing in the ready up? Like the b roll wasn’t filmed at the same time and was later gone back to shoot again.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/blaze7116 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

So he's slowly embracing the FPSRussia legacy

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/DakkaDakka_75 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/conDonovan 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
why are you here are you here for the violence if you're here for the violence you have come to the right place you see we had an idea here in grantham the idea was what would happen if we shot one of these ballistic torsos from ballistic dummy labs with a 50 cal but that wasn't quite enough so we decided what happens if we shoot them with a couple commercially and locally produced explosive 50 cal rounds find out today on green [Applause] [Music] if you've ever 360 no scope somebody in call of duty go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comment section is out of control get in there find out what makes my comment section so insane which is mostly nothing of value so get in there guys the biggest supporter of the channel is brownells thank you brownells great bass and of course we can't forget sponsors of this video we have geology which we'll talk about later and of course the sonoran desert institute for gunsmithing go check them out they are very cool ladies gentlemen my forgotten but most certainly not by me ralph is rounds welcome to the channel today we have a very interesting video we're going to be shooting these ballistic dummies with 50 rounds so if you want to come in here and take a look at these um these dummies are from ballistic dummy labs and they very very meticulously put together these fairly accurate representations of a human torso so we have both organs blood fluid and then for the skin fat and muscle we have ballistic gelatin which does a pretty good job of approximating how a human body would react so we have all this in addition to that thanks to our patreon supporters we have a high-speed camera capable of over 1500 frames per second big thank you to those guys so we'll have that filming this as well now we're gonna be shooting this with several different rounds so actually we need to pit vipers on always stay looking cool [ __ ] so we have our 556 round right here fired by the ar-15 m4 and multiple other platforms and we have here a 50 cal round typical um full metal jacket this is a 660 grain slug we'll be firing this first through the ballistic dummy to find out how a basic fmj will perform after we have fired the full metal jacket round we'll be firing our very first explosive round now this one is pretty interesting so this right here basically spicy candy corn is a spotter tracer round that was used for tank ammunition in order to spot where their round would land so it's kind of an interesting round it wasn't originally made for 50 cal and it fires both a very heavy projectile is approximately 800 grains plus and a very slow projectile as a quick note now this is uh has a little bit of explosive in it so we'll see what it does again it was made to spot but apparently we should get pretty good results with it you also want to be careful with them and then of course after that we'll be firing a ralphus round if you're not familiar with the rifle surround the ralphus otherwise known as mark 211 is a armor-piercing incendiary combined with a slow explosive so we'll be firing this through a car door we will have armor taped to the front of the dummy we will see how it does going through a car door and then uh if the armor will protect our dummy at all mica what do you think yeah uh i think it's gonna go through the car door violently yeah it's like stage one yeah stage one violent like shred into a couple pieces or start to degrade okay go through the plate which is just the last straw it's pissed at this point yeah it decides to go into like 13 different pieces and then probably continue to go through the body and out the back spicy gummy round we will find out in a little bit um these are very interesting what's also very interesting is that the wrapus round uh performs very similar to a 20 millimeter in terms of its anti-armor capabilities so it is suitable against light armor helicopters uh small vehicles that type of thing so it does pretty well i'm very interested to see how the raffus does but lots of cool things coming so let's go find out what weapon we're using now a question has been brought up about what is my science experience well for one i have a lab coat on two i failed out of med school that makes me a doctor in new jersey so i find myself uniquely qualified to do these types of videos now the rifle we will be using is the halo sniper rifle brought to us by steyer thank you very much and of course the optic by leupold a big thank you to them but talk is cheap ammunition is incredibly expensive so let's shoot this first dummy right you ready to check it out you know i really do think that the uh it just smokes right through that's what that's what i saw through the optics nbd man mbd we'll uh swap glasses really quick we'll take this rifle and we'll angle it away even though it's cleared just to be safe gun safety is important alec baldwin is that too much okay oh yeah you know what kentucky he just knows man he just knows yeah look at that dude i'm not gonna lie i'm i'm impressed i think somebody could survive a 50 bmg no no not even close dude look at the back like i get it you know there was too much energy with the 50 it's too heavy or too close it's gonna smoke straight through that being said it's smoked straight through everything his spine it left a good little hole at the back if you come to the front right here you can see just a little bit of blood now people ask why is it blue well i have halo fantasy so anyhow but you can see it came straight through it hardly deformed at all and we had that good exit now that did take out a good chunk of the spine um i mean that's certainly a deadly wound there's no doubt that the 50s got umph to it and i mean the whole point of the 50 is like you're going to be able to bust through stuff you know bust it busting but i think that's interesting you know we say that we really do say this about a lot of rounds we're like hey it's too fast and it's too heavy it's gonna smoke straight through but usually we're wrong so i'm happy to be right for once nice it's probably why i'm a doctor in new jersey so the explosive round we're gonna fire straight into the dummy so if you guys come over here we're gonna try to hit roughly the same spot and it should travel in a bit before it detonates um so we should have some really cool um it's gonna detonate in or do you think it'll detonate out what if it doesn't even detonate if it doesn't detonate then we'll tape a plate to the back we have a couple but i really do wonder all right next up we have the spicy candy corn now this round wasn't specifically made to impact people even to be used as an offensive round but due to the explosive nature it might prove itself to be fairly good now of course as with everything we do have our fel on site as is required that being said micah what do you think is gonna happen with this right here um i'm curious i don't know if that's gonna explode in tissue or if it would explode only in something like steel or armor it's supposed to just explode so they say yeah i i don't know okay i'm gonna say it's gonna detonate on the surface and it will damage it but if it would detonate inside to be better so i'm gonna say okay so-so damage i think any damage is good damage fair enough now this round is not you know a military load around this is done by advanced gunsmithing out in kentucky kentucky what is with kentucky and 50 cows you know holy sh should we be doing this this is a star it's fine science will be our muse that is the only way to figure this out let's do it okay let's check it out let's go ahead and put this in a safe direction safety first everybody it is a 50. put on our science goggles let's go do this you know okay so i hit through the optic i could see like smoke but like it wasn't like a like a boom or anything like that i don't know is that a hollow point uh so it's got like a detonation cap at the front to detonate when it impacts [Applause] whoa whoa whoa hold up did that detonate in there look at that there's smoke coming out it's still smoking what oh wow that is really interesting so it's like still smoking in there holy [ __ ] is it bad holy [ __ ] oh no wow yeah it's bad that is really i i want to tape a plate to the back and fire another one you want to yeah don't you think but look at that can we take a there's smoke still coming out i think with the i think with the the plate to back it i think we're going to contain that explosive energy yeah totally look at that yeah it's pretty crazy no no come here come here and look at that fmj yeah there's the fmj there's a spot or trace around that's pretty significant yeah we're going to tape a plate to the back of this guy see what happens patrick bateman has skincare routine and so should you this video sponsored by geology a big thank you to them because we're gonna talk a little bit about their skin care products you know skin care is a lot like taking care of your weapon you should do it and you know what your skin is the largest organ on your body so you should certainly take care of it now no matter what taking care of your skin starts when you're young make sure that you get on it i love the facial wash that they gave me a big thank you to them for that it's worked very well you want to make sure that you clean out your pores you want to keep it clean it's just something you should be doing but most guys overlook it for one reason or another geology is a six-time award-winning men's skin care company so you know they have the credentials back themselves up and they can create a simple customized experience for you so you're going to let them know how your face looks how your skin looks how you feel all that kind of stuff and they will customize and make you your own skin care routine that is perfect just for you geology skin care can help you do a couple things one help combatant prevent wrinkles can help you with oily skin help prevent acne and of course just keep you looking good geology is known for exceptional customer service don't forget their award winners they know what they're doing go down take that quiz and with our link right below 70 off get in there check out the link a big thank you to geology let's get back to 50 cows okay we just reviewed the uh heights we reviewed the high speed and uh looks like that round detonated pretty good wouldn't you say micah yeah that guy's dead that guy's hella dead his chest expanded like twice the size three times the size oh yeah he dead what do you think it's gonna happen with the plate even worse i don't know only one way to find out we have a couple extra plates right here old uh level three hopefully it should contain some of the blast on the back side and uh we should see what happens we'll just kind of put this guy right here there's only one way to fix things and that's with duct tape so we put the armor right there in the back hopefully that will contain the blast it probably will do nothing but we have an extra round so why the hell not we're here for the violence aren't we spicy candy corn take two with the armor backer micah what do you think any difference well if our duct tape manages to hold it for longer than half a second i think we're gonna see some pretty cool explosions that duct tape is made by the blind so you better check yourself before you wreck yourself bro round two firing holy [ __ ] jesus christ holy [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] hold on science glasses holy [ __ ] okay did you see that that was [ __ ] crazy what oh did you see it sit there on the ground dude i the like the round was just glowing on the ground what are we doing i could see the explosion through the optic the tape held i told you the blind make good tape holy [ __ ] dude yo look at all the smoke coming out of that i can feel the heat coming out of this dude really yeah dude it's burnt in there oh it's actually so warm holy [ __ ] dude dude it like singed look at that it actually singed like the the ballistic dummy on the inside dude what do you think's the backs bad bro hold on let me compose myself tour knives thank you hold on okay here's a piece of the plate right here this was how do you think it did it capturing this fall you know what take one for 2002 united states military armor tech it's not actually made it's not actually like an fmga i doubt it would stop at 50. wow that sucks for whoever that was look at that look at the back dude it displaced the spine this guy now has like a curvature in the spine permanently yo holy [ __ ] dude that rearranged his internal i've never this the shotgun was bad right it like tore him apart this actually actually rearranged like the organs on the inside like you can see it completely shifted the spine over and completely rearranged where the organs were good god come on wow that tape is good man let me tell you you were talking [ __ ] about the tape and this entire time it was the best part about this that sounded way grosser than it should have that did a significant amount of damage it so that was the old fmj impact but it still split it down you can see the lung tissue oh my you can still see smoke coming out of here dude that's a cavity on the inside look at the blast frag pattern right there you see that yeah dude you see that that's streaking from the frag right there wow so they weren't made to do this but uh they uh they certainly worked so we fired the spotter tracer rounds we fired the full metal jackets impressive results all around but you know what we haven't fired a true military round it's a good old route yep that's me right there holding a fake route this round little did we know it wasn't the real thing really set us back a couple days let's see how i handle it for you moments for us days the ralphus that we received was fake so although it did look cool because it was some type of incendiary round we don't know what uh it didn't have any effect really yeah in fact it hardly even damaged the dummy at all and we were pretty bummed so we scrambled and vance gunsmithing was able to send us uh real ralphus along with hurricane butterflies so if you're going to be using exotic 50 caliber rounds make sure that you use somebody who's reputable hurricane butterfly advanced gunsmithing out in kentucky again there's something about kentucky and 50 cals i don't know if it's the lack of education or what it is but they got it but in any case now we have real ralphus right here so again it is a armor-piercing incendiary with a nice little explosive in it so we will be firing this into the ar500 armor right here with the dummy right here and uh we're gonna see what happens because we're here for violence and the raw fish should be pretty awesome let's give it a shot move this over and uh we have to put on our glasses what am i doing with my life that's a disgusting impact ar 500 armors that's oh my god it's straight through okay should we shall we uh yeah you know what there's the dude hold up science makes little sense to me i okay so there's the the round right i don't see an exit wound am i going crazy yo that's some strong that's some strong armor dude okay so i mean it it certainly [ __ ] him up i think that i'm pretty sure that projectile's still in him oh there's only one more thing to do now then we're gonna tape just level four armor and shoot him it would be my guess let's review the high speed that was some pretty nice armor actually grizzly targets dude apparently you should wear it you'd still die but you know it certainly went through but we did not see the effect that we're thinking so we're wondering if the ralphus lost a lot of its energy on that ar 500 target if it was just too good of a r500 maybe it was even ar 550 or something like that um so what we're going to try at this point is we're going to do a level 4 plate we're going to shoot it with the ralphus and we're going to see if we get the effects that we desire those effects being violence michael what do you think i think we're going to see an exit wound on this uh that steel is still just mind-boggling to me though yeah that really does blow my mind such a perfect hole it one think it would just keep going straight through the body it 100 went through i mean you know these aren't anti-personnel rounds you know they are made for armor and it certainly defeated the armor and sent a shrapnel into the dummy and everything there's only one way to find out we need to we need to do another test you know i don't think i think that went through i don't know that it really did anything you know looking at these impacts i'm thinking that we might need to send this through a car door with a little bit of space what do you think cause 100 smoked through that armor but we're certainly not getting the ballistics we'd expect yeah i mean it went i mean what did you expect you know whoa whoa clean too yeah look how clean that entrance wound is and that exit that's uh significant and then you can see the entrance right there that was significant is there an exit yeah there's an exit but it's tiny this thing might just have too much ass behind it like it it hurt them but you know the ralph is like really isn't an anti-personnel round so i think truly this thing just had too much energy really energy to really do much of anything what do you think mike is he alive no i mean he's hella dead yeah okay he's 100 dead but um you know it's not as like energetic as you'd think i think what we'll do now is we'll we'll try out the car door we tried that before and uh but we'll do it with the actual ralphus and maybe space them off of the car door and maybe that going through will give it time to lose some energy and do some more damage to the dummy reality is often disappointing but hopefully not as much this time so what we have here is we have our dummy propped up we have our car door this should cause ignition and uh should give it a little bit more time maybe to do some damage who knows this doesn't work we'll try two car doors all right ralphus take three okay remote fired the 50 we took cover let's see what happened oh my god joe that worked oh it actually did it yo that actually worked get it to him bro does that take off that took off his shoulder his his shoulder is gone huh that was violent finally there's still smoke coming out of that look oh wow yeah look at look at that look at that spatter pro pattern well micah i guess you could say that really blew him away okay we're done with this well guys science has proven that uh 50 years pretty dangerous but beyond that the explosive rounds are pretty cool but you know what's cooler guys get in training make sure that you get training as cool as these rifles are if you don't have training on them it doesn't matter tons of great places to get training bear solutions tony cowden cogworks haley strategic pat mcnamara get out there get training that is what matters ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching i've got nothing else for you final thing for you guys make sure you drink water water is vitally important and you're probably dehydrated already so make sure you get out there get a little water in your system thanks for tuning in guys we're done
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 5,163,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 50 Cal explosive bullets vs torso, 50 cal explosive rounds, 50 cal vs human, 50 cal vs torso, 50 cal test, 50 cal exploding rounds, 50 exploding rounds, explosive 50 cal rounds, 50 BMG, barrett 50 cal, Steyr 50 cal, barrett 50 cal explosive rounds, 50 cal vs human body video, 50 cal test fire, 50 cal sniper rifle explosive rounds, 50 bmg vs ballistic gel, 50 cal bmg incendiary rounds
Id: UwQ2ks9Gl5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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