The Most INSANE AI Image Upscaler, EVER!

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[Music] so that my friend is generative AI on steroids but when it takes too much steroids or you do too much this is what you get so we definitely need to strike a balance so here's a pretty soft image no detail in the eyes skin texture absolutely non-existent the hair is a whole different mess as soon as you put it in processing in this mysterious AI let's wait for the results it uses generator AI to create those insane details take a look at the skin take a look at the lips take a look at the eyelashes it is just crazy the eyebrows now speaking of reality let's see if you can tell the difference between an AI generated image or a real image so one of these images is AI generated and the other one is a real photo can you tell which is which so let us zoom in a little bit to give you a little more input can you now tell the photo on the left is actually a real photo from Adobe stock quite overly retouched and the photo on the right is an AI generated image looks more natural in some ways but AI generated images are quite soft they look like this right and this is the actual AI generated image so how did it get from this to this I got to know about this from my talented friend pratique and let's see what he created this is the first image that I took a look at and it boggled my mind so here is an image created in mid Journey AI generated and the details are added later using this mysterious AI it is just insane we'll get to real photos later but for right now let us take this image it's very soft the skin is way too soft and you can clearly tell that this is AI generated let's upload it to the platform going to be working with today and that is magnific no this is not sponsored at all the platform is very very expensive given that you have to do a couple of trial and Evers and you have limited credits speaking of limitations do you know where you can find incredible music for your videos without any limitations epidemic sound the sponsor of today's video even when you have a huge library of tracks finding the right one is always a challenge with epidemic sound you just upload your video clip and its AI automatically suggests You music based on your video clip it's AI all over the place besides you can filter your genre the sub genre the pace and even the mood to exactly pinpoint the song you're looking for and the best part is you get to download separate tracks for the same music you can choose the drums you can turn off the melody you can just keep the vocals it's all up to you you get all the controls you never have to worry about copyright strikes or takedowns and I've been using epidemic sound since way before the sponsorship because you get to have unlimited tracks for a single subscription fee check out the link in description to get an absolutely free trial any videos where you use the music during the trial will remain safe and protected even if you cancel your subscription so why not try it back to the video and we have our image uploaded on the left hand side please don't focus on the right don't judge me for it right now you can upscale 2x more coming soon and meanwhile you can of course upscale multiple times let's scroll down you have different optimizations you can choose portraits video game assets right now I'm going to choose films and photography because that's what it actually is you can write in a prompt to guide the upscaling process so I'm just going to type in Japanese woman wearing a red lipstick let's scroll down on the left hand side and we're going to get get to these sliders later for right now let's keep it these settings you have different engines as well automatic works great most of the time and you can leave it at that you can also use the Sharpie one which is good and let's see what it does take a look at the details so on your left you have your previous before and as we swipe in we have the after have a look at the skin texture it kind of makes her look a little bit older we're going to fix that later but have a look at the details there was no skin texture here is the after that is crazy have a look in the eyes have a look at the eyelashes have a look at the lips it's just insane and even if you have a look at the clothes look at the embroidery before after look at the details added later even on the skin of the body you have all the pores and every texture therein added have a look at the hair as well this looks artificial but here's the after have a look at it right now it's crazy but that is not all how do we fix the too much details added on the face well this is the channel for Photoshop so so let us download this photo by clicking on this button and bring it into Photoshop so right here in Photoshop here's the before and here is the after massive difference now why don't we also use AI to retouch this again press controll or command J to make a copy of this lay let's go to filter and these are the plugins I highly highly recommend to all professionals whether you're a photographer commercial retoucher it uses CI to retouch automatically take a look at this so this is retouch for me you have the heel for removing blemishes but there are no blemishes so we're going to directly go to dodge burn it does high-end dodging and burn absolutely automatically and just take a look you can choose how much dodging and burning you want using the blend at the top so this is nothing this is all the way up so we're going to keep it 164 check soft light layer hit apply this creates an actual soft light layer change the blend mode from normal to soft light and have a look at it by the way I think they're running a winter Christmas sale check the link in description to get an exclusive 30% off but before that I highly recommend that you get the trial version try this plugin with your images and see how it performs and then and be the judge in this case here's the before and here is the after very subtle now when you look at the image you also have the texture of realism without unnecessary details now does that mean that this AI is going to work the same on a real photo so here I have a photo which is a bit more retouch than I would like it to be for my personal taste and let's see if you can add some texture to it so these are my settings let us take a look at the before and after so here is the before of course and here is the after have a look at the eyelashes at the top I've not used any prompt here here's the before here's the after have a look in the eyes here's the before here's the after of course you can upscale it multiple times and the details on the lips is crazy but there's one problem with this it is not the same person and that is the thing with this AI it changes the person quite a bit and depending on your settings it can change them even more let's talk about the details and the variance of change it has its own qus so here's the I before and here is the after the details are amazing look at the eyelashes before unrealistic here's the after straight out of the camera but if you take a look at the lips before after that's fine pay close attention to the teeth it kind of divides that here's the before here's the after see it so there are few quirks but thankfully we have Photoshop but sometimes the changes are way too much so right here it's an amazing upscale but it changes the eyes so these are the eyes before and here's the after it changes the gut of the eyes a little bit of the shape of the eyes you have to find a way to work with that or reduce the settings even more do an upscale increase the settings for other areas to an upscale and do some kind of compositing in Photoshop maybe besides the skin it also adds gr detail to the hair and clothes so have a look at the hair here's the before of course not so real here is the after every strand every FlyAway hair is just depicted perfectly even if you take a look at the close here's the before not much detail right here but here is the after all the intricate details added but besides that have a look at the finger right here it kind of missed the fingernail and either way it was not properly done in the AI image now how much the upscale changes from the original image depends on one slider and that is the creativity slider right here let's compare it so I've made the upscale on the left with creativity of two and on the right the creativity is at eight so here's the before have a look at these items right here and after they are more refined there's more shine and it looks very much more metallic there was no detail right here here's the before here's the after detail is added have a look at this machine before after all of the machines and the gadgets and gizmos are more refined it maintained the texture of the leather right there here's the before here's the after it is still the same item but here's creativity 8 it allows the AI to hallucinate a little bit gives it more freedom removes it away more from the original so here's the before and here is the after adds way more details than there actually was yes the before there was nothing there and it adds maybe a fuel cup cap sorry have a look at this machine right there basic right now it is way more advanced here's the before look at this thing right there and here's the after look at the tags and everything look at the belt here's the before very basic here's the after let me share with you a delicious example here's the before the food looks amazing here is the after now it's even more detailed before after look at it but when the creativity is high it turns into Gordon ramzi on steroids so here's the before and here is the after where the heck did those oranges come inside of the eggs maybe it's a different dish and this is just creativity at 8 when I turned at 10 faces started to appear on on the bowl so much so that I couldn't show it in this video because it would be censored now if you really want to get the details going you can upscale the image twice and here's how to do that so here we have already upscaled this image before after a lot more details if you want to upscale it again click on this button right there and choose reuse upscaled image so right now the upscaled image will be uploaded right here and you can upscale it again with the same settings by the way if you want to recall a setting from a previous image or something for example Le you want the same settings as this you can click on this button again and choose reuse parameters so that the settings used in this upscaling will be copied right here so you can use any parameter you want so I'm going to just reuse the parameters that I used in this image previously and click on upscale again notice this this will cost you 15 credits so larger upscales will cost you 15 credits and smaller ones will cost you five let's click on upscale it really eats up your credits really fast there you go it's done it was already upscaled and now it is upscaled even more look at the details before after crazy let's try real photo again with faces it changes the faces quite a bit but if we have something like a landscape even if it changes it a little bit it should be fine right so here's the low resolution landscape we have upscale this so here is the before and here is the after how do you feel about that it is creating new trees before as you can see the trees are different after have a look at it do you like it do you not let me know have a look there was nothing there it's basically creating a farmhouse in there yes's the after it completely changed that area but if you're okay with this this is a wonderful upscale but is it photography that's something up for discussion let us talk about it in the comments now just for fun and since we are more conscious of our own face let us try this Inception right here so this is a snapshot from one of my other videos and this is captured in 1080p let's see if this can improve it so here's the before so far it's good before after not much change but have a look at the face after I mean it changes me this is absolutely not me here's the before here's the after it looks like me but I don't like it I just don't like it I highly recommend that you try it with your face and then judge because right now some of you may go hey it just looks maybe exactly like you but to me this doesn't look right just doesn't and I think you may have seen this as a blooper in the beginning beginning of the video this is Carl CJ Johnson from GTA San Andreas so I tried to upscale that by the way for the settings I used 3D render so right here if you scroll down here in the optimized Force section you have different ones so I tried 3D render and this is what it did so here's the before and here is the after not bad not bad it renders it perfectly have a look at the edges just it does it nice here's the after so before after I also tried with other settings like films and photography and here is the after looks like0 50 Cent so what do you think of all of this what do you think of this brand new AI upscaling technology where do you think this is going and I really hope so that it works with images more perfectly in the future right now it changes the images a lot I'm talking about real actual photos that would absolutely change the game my biggest gripe with this is the pricing it is just insanely expensive not just because it's a monthly subscription but you do get a limited number of credits in all of those plans and since you have no option to buy credits once your credits are over and I didn't want to upgrade to another plan I had to use a different email account to sign up again for this plan right here $39 so anyway if you're interested in face swap videos and how to use AI to swap faces there's a free AI up to some extend of cost there's a free AI that lets you do that I think they give you 30 40 50 credits I'm not sure but you can do quite a few for free so you can check out that video right here and that's pretty much it for this one thank you so much for watching thanks to all of these nice and amazing people for supporting pix in perfect on patreon and I hope you learned something from this video I hope you enjoyed it and if you did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials thank you so much for watching I'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating Don't Make Me Dance a tone that know my body don't move like that don't make me pretend I don't see a short coming you'll be running when I raise the [Music] black
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 227,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnific ai, ai image upscaler, midjourney, generative ai, ai upscaler, low to high quality, low resolution to high resolution, increase image quality, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: HR7o8SQlmBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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