You SHOULDN'T leave your Bee Hive white! SPRING INSPECTION

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welcome back to the homestead we are standing in front of the powerhouse do you guys remember the powerhouse i haven't talked about it that much because i've been busy building mom's place but this is uh new to us in case you're new around here and this is my buddy dr leo but uh this building right here houses all the solar power that we use now uh because you know if you've been hanging around us for a while we used a 100 year old ice box off-grid and we we brought ice in and put it in a box and just like they did in the old days and then we moved up to a little something different and now instead of having our freezer at a neighbor's house we actually have it here and it's all run by the power of the sun so we're going to get into some of those videos coming up but today when you see dr leo it's all about the bees so this is our friend dr leo he is a natural beekeeper and he's going to give you a little information yeah thank you i live in the ozarks in southern missouri i have a website horizontal that gives you free plans and free advice and lots of information on getting started with the natural beekeeping and keeping bees with a smile and uh doug and i have known each other for years yeah i've been coming and they're watching his progression as a beekeeper for a few years now but i promise you if you watched any of the preceding episodes sir that doc has no idea and you have no idea what i'm going to do with his hives today as a matter of fact i talked to him a little bit ago because we were trying to ramp this up see about uh you know opening up the hives for you guys so you can see how they overwintered and i saw a little bit of movement with all three hives everything looks great so i called them up and we've been trying to time the weather and as you can tell i'm squinting so hard the weather is beautiful today it's like 70s barely any wind there's big sun out here and so now we're gonna rawley go over i haven't given him any updates or anything and he's got something for me i don't know what's going on so it's gonna be a lot of fun video right here so we're gonna walk over to the we're going to start off in the woods okay and we're going to open that hive up and if you guys remember if you weren't here we actually put our bees to bed with pillows yes right the first time i've ever done that so we're going to open them up see how the pillows fared over winter and if any of this helped and if it did or didn't why or why not so don't go anywhere and we're going to the trees right now yeah when i come to the beehive i start my smoker and most of the time i don't really need to give these a lot of smoke but i have no problem with giving them a puff of smoke if i have to because i know that there it distracts them from me opening the hive and it's actually much less disturbance for them to receive a puff of smoke than you trying to be gentle and not wanting to smoke the bees and causing all the release of pheromones or alarm pheromones on their part in nature the only time a fight could be open pretty much is when a bear breaks inside or when the tree collapses and opens up so bees always react to it as a big calamity so this smell of smoke tells them that there may be wildfire and just as us would not be paying as much attention to a burglar if the whole houses are on fire the bees start preparing to going inside the cavity deep inside the cavity gorging themselves on honey to just face the emergency of potential wildfire and to get some good smoke from your smoker you need two or three things actually you need their uh fuel and i'm not really particularly about what i put in uh the smoker the dry leaves we have right here under our face to work just fine you certainly do not need to buy something something special for your smoker fuel so you need there to have oxygen this is why the smokers we use today have bellows and finally you need to have a high temperature many times the smoker doesn't start properly just because you don't let it go up to the sufficient temperature here in the can to maintain the smoldering so when you burn the first sheet of paper just wait a minute let the can warm up and then you'll be able to produce as much smoke as you need for your hive inspection if you have children especially if you have a boy lighting a smoker may turn them on to beekeeping better than honey i remember when my son was very little this was his favorite toy and he would be running around playing in a steam engine so we had more smoke from him playing around the homestead and from me visiting the beehives i have very good memories of that it's those family stories you know this homesteading is not just about things that we're doing and the processes that we go through it's about making those memories and passing this knowledge down from generation to generation and that's one of our goals here because we kind of got skipped i mean i didn't learn any of this knowledge from my parents or their parents so we're just trying to bring this back around so everybody can kind of get this knowledge i know a lot more people are keeping bees these days so now we're going to open this up we haven't seen what's going on in here at all i will say this one thing it got a little warm you know so i opened up the front i wanted to make sure they can come in and out and did everything and there was activity here so let's see how they did over winter with their pillow yeah very good and uh this was a fairly cold winter was it oh man we had minus 25 degrees for two weeks straight pretty much it was like 20 25 below zero zero uh you guys have been following along we've been talking about it for a little while so we had a very challenging winter not as far as snow but definitely as far as temperatures and you know that's why i love these horizontal insulated hives or with very deep frames once i switched over to them i never have to worry about whether my bees will freeze in the winter or will have enough winter stores right they're just designed to keep them warm in the winter with one and a half inches of wool all around them right this is the pillow filled with wool that we put there in the winter and the first thing i do when i open the hive i put the palms of my hands on the top bars and if they're warm it tells you that the colony is rearing brood if they're called that means they have no brood and probably they either have no queen or the colony died so i put the palms of my hand here and against my expectation they're completely cool so there is no temperature difference between the walls of the highs and the top bars so without without even opening the hive or looking inside i suspect something is wrong then when you look closely you notice two things first there is a lot of chewed up calm at the bottom of the hive and the pillow has been damaged too what does it tell you a mouse mouse in the house yeah and there sometimes it's enough to have a mouse inside the hive in the winter and to kill the colony sometimes the colony can still survive but in this case i don't think we'll find many bees in there they don't necessarily eat the bees but they disturb them enough in the middle of the winter that the bees become agitated so all the activity of the mice going in and out and they depletes their stores and then of course the mice chew through the calm and they're the colony parishes the most common reason for the mice getting inside the hive is that when you leave the entrance gate open but doug is telling me that there it was uh screened and was really no way for the mouse to get into the fight through the only last we can't tell how long he's been in there but you know unless he just got in there after i opened it up during the warm spell and then that cooled them off enough after the cool kind of came in but i don't think so uh well you know another question is could it could it be that the mouse was there when we closed the gate no and probably not because we did the hive inspection yeah today together all right all calm still some honey in there deep breath heavy frame they still have some honey left in the hive now the mice don't actually eat the bees no they don't need the bees and they don't eat honey right it's so sweet for them they just like the comb exactly they chew through things like you know they will chew through anything like insulation of your electric wires etc so but all i mean is i'm not seeing actually any bees actually in here we'll see so another full frame of honey pretty much in a good shape no mold there is the mouse oh we found the mouse yeah okay what do you do when you find the mouse dr leo weller i know that some of the viewers might not appreciate it but if i can i will appreciate i'll tell you well with all the cats we have that's the first mouse i've seen in several years all right he's going out the front there he goes up he's fast he's fast don't come back where's my dog at oh we need to open the entrance all right think jump right out of there boy scared for it's life yeah i don't see any bees inside of there no uh let me see whether there is any all right so but what you have you have very clean nice looking comb that you can reuse in one of the other hives so always an upside yeah actually no one of my good beekeeping friends is saying that he finds that there when a quarter of the hives die in the winter the following year the the emperor becomes stronger than in the winter when none of the hives die because our selection takes this course of course in this case it may not be due to the bees inferior genetics this is the original swarm that you caught here locally and i don't know yet how the mouse got in there we need to check the lid and see whether it's rocking whether there might have been enough crack there for it to go under the lid and otherwise as long as the entrances are closed it's completely completely mouse-proof i didn't have a single my uh mouse in my house yeah winter that's only the second one in 10 years that i've ever seen inside of a hive so we got that all right i really want to figure out how the mouse got in there because we had the mouse guard on the gate of the hive the entrance was not at all it could get through and there usually the mice get there uh during the winter or late fall but they're i don't know whether it could be that it just got there early enough this spring to cause all of this disturbance and cause the beast to leave it could be now the top is not rocking there are no cracks anywhere around so it's absolutely impossible for the mouse to have gone through under the lid so uh a question doug when you visited them early in the spring uh did you open the entrance in the fully open position never opened it in the fully open position actually when i came for the first inspection i just left it open uh to the little holes so i know they could breathe i know there was a little action going on i wanted them to be able to come and go but i didn't want the queen going anywhere because isn't that one of the screens it's for the queen and uh you know that's when i called you and i was like yeah the bees are moving around hives are looking good i was all excited the pillows worked but it did keep that mouse warm if the mouse was trapped there in the fall when we closed the gate it wouldn't survive until now it would become dehydrated and we would find the corpse of the mouse but this little little thing is very agile so in good health well-fed so apparently it was able to get in somehow and if you have any guesses how this might happen please enlighten us because i have no idea so if you want to exclude the mice for the winter you want to keep it in a position like that in the spring you can start opening it but realize that it's enough to have any crack larger than 3 8 of an inch or one centimeter for the mouse to actually be able to get in so a small crack like that may look small enough for us but mice can actually go through there so be careful and don't open it in a position like that until you know that the cold weather is over and be the bees become so active that mice wouldn't venture inside the active hive for fear of being stung so it could very well be that i'm guilty as charged i brought i just wanted them to be able to come and go a little easier and i've opened that up it's quite possible that that thing just jumped in there and then you know did its damage during this couple weeks like he said there's no way that thing lasts and they're 25 degrees below zero even with a pillow so oh well man you're living and learning all the time yeah and actually you know most of the time the mouse guard is for the winter yeah but what we're learning here that it's important to leave it on until the warm weather really sets yeah and i thought we were good to go there was some activity here so i thought you know in my mind it was just strong enough to that it made it through winter that it would be just strong enough to keep anything out so yep could have been my error and if you don't have fancy uh discs like that to open and close your entrance what you can do is you can take half inch or 3 8 of an inch wire mesh and just staple it with a stapler for the winter yeah or drive two small nails or screws to hold it for the winter and remove it in the spring yeah because you are going to put another colony in here anyway later this year so i will just go ahead and proceed with my surprise all right because apparently the disturbance from the mouse early in the spring was enough for them to they just packed up and left oh the poor thing yeah they got no home and they got cold ah you never know they might have moved into one of these hollow trees here oh about a mile away and they will come back as a sworn two months from now so be right in here and no you never have bogs but in your swamp trap yeah and sometimes if you leave you don't want to leave just in case you guys are new you don't want to leave this stuff sitting around and with spring and the heat of summer coming while you wait for a new hive or anything because you'll get beetles in there everything moths everything in there that can destroy your hive and then you'll be in a really bad way so we're gonna actually take this stuff after we go to the other hives i'll be cleaning all this stuff up if i don't show you all this stuff will be moved inside those frames will be taken care of if we don't use them over at the next stop so just understand that don't leave your stuff outside yeah and if there is any delay before able to do it at least close the entrance to the fully closed position with some insulation uh this will prevent rubber base and their beetles from getting in and destroying the calm and give you a little airflow so you won't get mold or anything else and there the warmer the weather the faster you need to act right because all of these things like small hive beetles or wax moths become active when the temperatures go up that's right yeah so that's right all right doug i have something special for you all right let's see here imagine that oh that's nice so i brought one of the paintings that my family created my wife irina um took the ancient russian design and painted it on one of our hives and over the years with the sun and the rain and everything this painting got washed away and faded away so when she was ready to repaint the hive i told her let's paint it on a piece of paper then we scanned it and we printed it on a sheet of aluminum this way i can put it on my hive and also print another copy and give it a tag as a talking of representation of his work promoting the ideas of sustainable living stacy stacy are you just out for a casual little walk are you what come on now dr leo got you something fancy they made a special surprise for you let's see i can't wait all right let her see it the reveal you got to tell her the story oh look at it okay i want to hear about it it's gorgeous so uh this is one of the original designs we painted on our hives okay and when it got degraded by the sun uh we decided to paint it on a piece of paper i scanned it and we printed it on aluminum this way i can put it back on my height to replace the older uh drawing yeah and we give we can give one to you to decorate your hive oh i love it yay it's sort of like you know when you um get a ship and you christen it with a bottle of champagne this is my christening of the beehive i love it it's gorgeous beautiful appreciate all the work that went on oh it's beautiful fantastic yeah and it's a very older russian drawing with the tree of life symbols of life and the birds the air the sun horses as the symbol of the sun and the horse that takes the sun through the sky sure so all of this ancient symbology one amazing thing though we had a group of native americans come to our acquiry one day and they were saying why did you put native american drawings and the pictures on your russian hives because they were recognizing the swastikas and other symbols that they were finding in their culture and they made you know when you go down in history all of these cultures throughout the world they have some of the same symbology and it's amazing how the ancient russian paintings have some of the same symbols as you will find on native american embroidery or pretty much anywhere in the world all right and it is everything from the sky see so the elements water fire and air coming together and these are the symbols of the seed and the seed being sown in the field to produce leaves as symbols of our new life in the spring oh i love it oh i love it it's great is that back in the day you know everyone was shipping routes so boats would sail around the world and people would be get left behind and then those people would share those customs and the things that they had and the stories would go and there's lots of stories that some of the native american indians that are here uh through tracing and everything act were um you know actually from israel and stuff like that so there's a lot of similarities so i will share with you some of the tips on installing artwork like that on your beehives again if you want to produce something lasting i would recommend there making your design and scanning it and then printing it any place that prints outdoor signs will print from your design or on a piece of aluminum that is very long lasting after 10 years when this paint is degraded you can always replace it with a newly printed plate third thing that you guys might want to think about too is if you have several of your beehives in the same area what happens so putting designs like this on your hives helps bees recognize their own home reducing the drifting of bees from one hive or the other keeping them healthier so not only is beautiful it also serves the utilitarian purpose of our bees navigation when you have more than one hive it's sort of like you know people live in a subdivision some people have a green roof some people have a blue roof they'll know which one theirs is by their design so that's see i thought you'd get a kick out of that bye honey all right now we're going to show you guys how to install it how you can beautify your beehives bet you didn't know your bees were such fine uh connoisseurs of artisan artifacts they are i keep telling people that bees that live in nice looking beehives they make her better honey yeah it's like the happy cows they make the best milk so what we need to do we need to remove these emperor's gates and we'll remove these protective angles [Music] so if you paint your design on the box or just use exterior grade acrylic paint and there then you don't have to worry about having to drill the entrances through your plate but then eventually your design after five years will start to fade and the sun rays will eventually destroy so one of the most challenging parts of installing a painting that's printed on aluminum is making neat holes over the entrances without ripping up the aluminum the hole saw is the tool used for this purpose and i will show you a very simple trick of how to make a razor sharp hole without destroying any of the aluminum around of course the first thing you need to do is to measure the placement of these entrance holes and then put these center marks on this painting but if you were to start drilling like that what will happen is that the very thin sheet of aluminum will be caught on these are uh tines and they're on the teeth of the saw and it will start dripping through them so it will be all torn rather than cut so the trick that allows you to make a very sharp hull is to take two pieces of plywood put one behind and one in front and clamp them together and then drill through the plywood and then through the painting the aluminum and then through another layer of plywood because it's clamped it really cuts through it without tearing the aluminum apart 18. when you do that do not assume that all of the holes are exactly the same distance from the bottom because when you build it it can be off by quarter inch so always measure each one from the bottom and from that edge all right so so five and three one eight the most precise are cut you first need to drill a small three thirty second of an inch pilot hole where the center of the holes will be so you mark it on the aluminum and then with the three thirty second bead or so you drill right through it and you do all three pilot holes i change this to the hole saw this is one and three quarter inch diameter these openings are one and a half inch and it gives you a perimeter of one eighth of an inch on all sides or as a margin of error okay so what we do here is it's best to have a hole saw with the pilot bit that sticks out a lot like at least an inch and a half like what you see here and you will see why so what we first do we enlarge this pilot hole without touching the aluminum with the hole saw just we make this sir opening larger going through doesn't take much effort at all plywood i drill through it and now i put my pilot bit through the plywood and then i put it through the aluminum in the same hole that i already have and now i put it through another sheet of our plywood that's underneath okay there it went now we have a sandwich of two pieces of plywood with the painting between them and everything is connected with the pilot bit that's already there on the center of the hole that you need to drill before drilling it you clamp it with their clamps so that it doesn't shift anywhere and then again once you start drilling what will happen is that when the hole saw penetrates the plywood and touches the aluminum all the surrounding plywood will still be intact holding the aluminum and preventing the tears all around see we tricked you guys you thought we were gonna go through that oh it's a new hole this was from the last one that he did this is a new one ha ha stay on your toes around here all right so uh i'm ready to go um the best results are when you go at maximal speed but minimum pressure preferably use the corded saw but since we're here off-grid i'm using the battery power tool see no damage to the surrounding artwork just a very very sharp incision in the aluminum very very clean cut with the basic hole saw that you can pick up for 10 bucks at any home improvement store the brand doesn't really matter the technique is what allows you to make this very very precise cut so we're repeating the same thing with two more holes and then we'll be ready to install it on the face of your hive i love that thing so now the moment of truth where i measured right i got a pretty good sneaky feeling you've done it before yeah yeah there you go now we have to attach it so i guess it wouldn't matter if the bees were in there or not in there you'll be able to do this process either way right correct i actually do it all the time when i need to replace the old degraded design with the new one that we printed i just come to the hive and all it takes is putting it over the entrance so it's a disturbance of one second and the bees don't really mind they continue coming and going as if nothing had happened so the installation process is twofold you need to apply a bit of silicone all around to seal it around the edges so that small hive beetles or all kinds of vermin etc cannot get behind the painting between the wall of the hive and the painting and make themselves a cozy home there so you just apply a bit of silicone you press it into the silicone and then you attach it with the same angles that we took off on the corners and this completes the installation so there's actually no drilling into the hive at all no no other than these three are there and it also preserves the integrity of the artwork yes uh the silicone you use is just the regular household hundred percent silicone um two ounce 2.8 ounce or two will make one or two hives but make sure this is the siliconer sealant that we put around sinks and tubs do not use silicone adhesive because silicone glue is much much stronger if you were to glue it to the height you would never ever be able to take this off without destroying the plywood underneath the attachment is just too strong this provides enough bonding to set it there and to seal the perimeter so nothing can get behind there but if you ever need to replace it after 10 years when the colors start fading eventually then you are able to remove it and put a new one so use silicone sealant not silicone adhesive and i put it about a quarter inch from the edge when you start pressing on it it will spread and come out of the seam about 3 16 of an inch or a quarter inch bead good bead and just go all around the front wall of the hive part of the desire to make the hives look beautiful is just bringing out all of the significance of beekeeping of something that lets you get out of the rat race and just stop and admire something beautiful even winnie the pooh was saying that honey is not the best thing in the world if you read the winnie the pooh book remember what it was that was the most exquisite thing in the world for winnie the pooh it was the anticipation of eating honey the same thing for me about this it's not just honey or livelihood it's just the beauty of being there in nature silence the buzzing of bees the fragrance of flowers around and just feeling part of this universal flow of life that flows through us through you through me and also flows through the bees and you know i feel that this is the dimension of our this uh modern human dimension that's missing from much unconventional beekeeping because when all of the amperes and the hives are just utilitarian they're white boxes with peeling paint they have been handled by forklifts yes it works and many beekeepers are make a living support their families their and their have thriving businesses through it but for me something is not there when the hives are painted beautifully and decorated like that then i feel yeah this is the feeling of rightness this is what the keeping represents for me so i guess this is an outwardly expression of the inwardly quest for meaning and beauty and their everything that we value in life come on don't just press too hard because the point is to create a seal if you were to press so hard like use clamps what you will do you will squeeze out so much silicone that that will actually make the bonder weaker so when you feel that it's there all around around the entrances around the edges that's good enough normally of course i do it to a hive in a horizontal position i put it on its side and then i put weights here like heavy books overnight until the silicone solidifies but if you do it in the field on the active hive or like we're doing it here what you can do is use the same clamps for holding this artwork in place while you're completing the installation by driving the screws in the corner see i'm not holding it anymore and just the bond of silicone is enough to hold it pretty much in place aluminum like any metal is very sharp on the edge so when you're installing the panel make sure it does not stick down beyond the edge of the wood this way if you ever have to lift it you are grabbing by the wood instead of it protruding and you can cut your finger if the panel was to sit lower than the wood underneath another thing that would happen if you ever have to transport the hive or shift it on the support it would catch this aluminum and damage the edge so make sure it's either flush or slightly above the edge of the front wall look at that they love it already the bees are already coming in wait little fella oh man hotel's closed i just position it over the edge again the same applies to the angles make sure they do not stick down beyond the wall because otherwise you can cut your finger on it feeling necessary [Music] one more tip about the entrances you have two options one is you can reinstall the same disks that you took off and then you'll be able to rotate them and change position from open to ventilation to close but realize that this disc will be scraping and scratching the artwork and degrading it more quickly and also there will be these three big discs that are detracting from their beauty of the artwork so if you want to keep it as a pristine without their this being in the place of you admiring the artwork what i suggest they're using just cork and this is called number 20 cork stopper and it's the right size to fit into these entrances so the ones that you don't use you just put the cork in [Music] and this is what beekeepers were doing for centuries there before entrances like that became available so today because the hive is empty we are putting this one in two but there normally would have two of them plugged up uh read keeping bees with a smile and keeping these in horizontal hives for description of how the two other entrances are being used but there normally only one is open and two are plugged up and only used in special occasions like putting two columns in the same box okay so i get it like we're talking about what you just said but what happens now when i'm rolling into fall and winter that's not going to give any oxygen like you leave those open so it can breathe or whatever i mean there's no problem there if you are using the corkstorper in the winter you would remove it and you would push a piece of wire mesh obviously to let oxygen end but prevent mice from getting it so would you adhere it on here with some silicone yeah good enough you could just in a few drops of silicone or actually you can make it so that it fits into the opening oh i see almost like the strainer on on the bottom of the sink right in the kitchen okay very good i just wanted to make sure in case you guys try the cork that you know they have to breathe in there too so yeah and you know when hives are like that i just come to the equine yeah and for me i don't need to go on a beach vacation anymore because when i have a freak moment i just come and i sit there i watch the bees and this beautiful painting created by my wife irina uh for me and by the way i have a surprise for you too if you like this particular design we can make copies for you too and you can order them on horizontal hive dot com wow good stuff i guess now we're gonna we've moved them on up and beautified them over here so now we're gonna inspect the other two out in the pasture we have a couple of stories that i'm gonna tell you guys about what happened to those over the winter time how am i oh yeah we're just getting this started so don't go anywhere here we go okay now i know i said we were going over to the other hives but this is actually the next morning all right guys so real quick i wonder why more beekeepers don't talk about beautifying their hives okay it's also great for me to look at but like dr leo was explaining to you bees also if you have an apple with a lot of beehives in them it helps them to distinguish which beehive is theirs when they come back in from their foraging flights okay so i think that's pretty important that if you have a large a prairie with five or ten or four or twelve uh beehives in them especially with the verticals and they're usually all white um you know one thing you can do is you can paint your beehives and talk to you about the type of paint to use to differentiate them and help the bees figure out which beehive is theirs when they come back now another thing that you can do is you can turn each entrance a different way okay so if you have like five uh vertical hives in your apple area you could turn one hive this way one hive this way see what i mean one hive this way that also helps with the bees returning home so i'm wondering why more beekeepers don't talk about beautifying their hives to help the bees land in the right beehive so maybe this will help get the word out there but at least you guys learned something new today but the video was going to be really long so i decided this would be a great spot to finish the video dr leo brought these this beautiful print out for us total surprise i had no idea he was even working on such a project so all these prints are available at his website horizontal we're just going to leave it right here for right now what we learned about this hive today what we learned was the hive wasn't strong enough because actually if i were to open that up which i did and the hive was strong enough the mouse would have never went in there anyways um so it was just kind of a weak hive to begin with not sure what was going on with that it looked pretty good going into wintertime this was a smaller box if you guys remember when we put these in here that it wasn't even halfway so they didn't really have much time to build out last year or anything so it just kind of how goes what we'll do is we'll set out some swarm traps and then we'll catch some more bees this year and then dr leo will be coming all the rest of the summer and walking us through all the processes and it's really nice that he takes his time out to come up here and help educate you guys on beekeeping and also it's teaching me new things um you know different approaches to beekeeping that i hadn't tried before and i've been beekeeping now for this is my eighth year so and we use the honey here for all of our sweeteners um you know in our chocolate tea and also uh you know for the pollinators is why we like the bees we put flowers out and everything and without the bees and the other pollinators we wouldn't have any food basically so we just got to make sure that they have nice safe homes and that we look after them the best we can okay and if you make a mistake out there just remember that you'll be able to correct it and this whole thing is a learning experience all right so what i'm gonna do now is uh hopefully you guys enjoyed this video and uh this is the most beautiful i'm gonna get the other part of this video together for you tomorrow so we got back-to-back b videos and then gary and marger coming up we're gonna be working on the log cabin so this week should be full of great uh entertainment for you guys a lot of good knowledge and a lot of that good old uh off-grid with doug and stacy living so hey thanks for stopping by the homestead and i hope you guys are enjoying these bee videos really do horizontal hive dot com see you guys tomorrow on the next b video where we're going to go over there we're going to actually break apart the whole horizontal hive put it inside of one of these and also do an inspection on the other hive just like this with a pillow and see how it did so make sure you're here tomorrow morning and we'll see you guys later and have a great day today get outside [Music] [Music] stay safe
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 103,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living
Id: kldVdTRMoew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 0sec (2640 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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