The Most Expensive Try Not To Laugh vs JJ

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JJ is giving away one thousand dollars every time he laughs I think this is the last one in the series right I think I don't know we'll see 20 minutes damn KSI here we go okay so I liked wasting money there's no this ain't a waste oh the final video of this series what's next what does he do next I don't know we'll see I guess we'll see because I think he'll probably want to start another series quite soon no more after this after this we're doing normal try not to laugh I'll just be able to laugh freely enough to hold my laugh in just so I don't pay God damn I'm out a stupid amount of money but today I saw most tweets over this whole series this and all the other episodes was like a hundred and ten thousand pounds thousand dollars or pounds because I do it in pound every time I smile off in this video I'm not gonna laugh either a long time it's a very long time I might smile a little bit oh yeah this could be not gonna laugh I could lose a lot of money here God damn it oh all right easy are you ready next thank you for the bits that's there we go no laugh it's all come down months and months and months of this gift every time I laugh I love a little smaller I'm ready [Music] no no no right right well that's not funny it's a song that's it's racism [Music] one light thank you for the Year by the way and I had a dream where I did a poo and I woke up and I'd explicitly diarrheed up the wall of the tent I just remembered and like feeling that my shorts had been pulled down and then and then I just felt so much liquid and I turned around maybe this is the cover story Isaac just got ripped in its head yeah I'm gonna laugh at this yourself [Music] [Music] it was like clearly holding in or laughing yes [Laughter] [Laughter] well you had a weird dream I guess I don't know this clip is so long first and foremost we are used to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to stay to stay to stay outside the cause of it some of some of the structures there are there are like like like like this one um this might be a dumb question but where are you right now I'm in the toilet taking a [ __ ] I had Mexican food for breakfast really yes it was that Mexican place what book are you reading then book no I'm taking a [ __ ] it stinks yes his love adds to it though I think I would have laughed at that clip no that got me that was jokes that was that was funny fat boy what I hate this series man I can't wait for it to be over it's the last one and then we're done are you sure I don't think I laugh at that clip JJ laughing at it makes me laugh as well I think I could have held that in yes I can smell it I wish I was dead right now you know you shouldn't say those things so casually considering that I'm at your place right now and you aren't reading The Great Gatsby which book I'm taking it why is this video it's always GTA and like sad music oh my come on bud come on this [ __ ] video oh just end the clip already [ __ ] are you with her right now oh he's gonna laugh again oh goodbye Sam have a good life okay okay okay okay um [Music] oh bro that was not a nightmare come with his pants bro I ain't no nightmare oh man wet dreams in that man that's what's making me laugh today that's what's making me already lose three grand three grand already God damn it oh it's still going it's still going wow outrageous outrageous outrageous man I'm gonna I'm gonna break my monitor I swear I'm not making me laugh yeah I was easy I remember [Music] I've seen as bash right nope it's Bash seen us laugh enough I don't need to hey real quick she's trying to get them Rings down there you know what it was that made me laugh though right the clip got me a little bit and then JJ's laugh and he literally goes he holds it in it's the little like he realizes he's [ __ ] she's trying to get them right okay [Music] oh I mean we could use something like a desk toy or yeah I'll make you act up I mean I'll be going on with 15 000 yeah are you ready foreign [Laughter] foreign [Music] [Music] oh it was a lot of Rhodes okay uh okay I went over my head didn't get it oh okay I've been doing this it's only on the right baby foreign [Music] white guy oh my God I thought he was doing sign language my mind's just oh my God oh my God oh okay all right okay crush on me at Burger King because he gave me three sauces and usually they forget my sauce I think that's like a little way of him saying yeah you're cute oh I love this that was alive baby the dog made me laugh 57 year old man who was coach speeding at almost 200 kilometers per hour a couple of months ago refused to pay his speeding fine claiming that everything he does is fast according to the man he eats fast he sleeps fast he drives fast he reads fast and he even walks fast when he had to appear on court today he explained the same thing to a Western Cape George who replied let's see how fast you can do a six months in prison that was the longest joke that was awful yeah my apologies I can't imagine that judge already in court saying let's see how fast you can do that six months in prison yeah what a wait that's just waffle we don't see many Asian people with Down Syndrome I'm going to answer it with the most racist thing because you're setting me up to say something else sometimes you can't tell with Koreans God damn it we have the same amount as you white people it's just that sometimes you just can't why does he keep why did you always do this then laugh didn't laugh didn't love me fine we call we chilling we're chilling I think oh yeah baby's crying yeah everyone's crying like what what I want to be Frozen with that yeah we used to play this game called Gay Chicken they called it the game was you you and a buddy you'd grab each other's wiener right they called it in those days some of you guys call it penis yeah you grab it and the first person to get an erection lost the game right I did real well one season uh what is the gay chicken season well I would say it's an Autumn game oh I love that move I love that name I wasn't even funny a lever I'll try that what look there's no lever I don't see a lever if you go into the game settings you could enable mentally handicapped mode we'll show you where that lever's at what the [ __ ] did you just say seems like there's a lever over there on the other side bro this is me with colorful I'm down like bro how do I get past this level you gotta train it's just that like oh whoa maybe you should use your [ __ ] swords and climb up there God damn it I've been waiting here for so damn baby use that [ __ ] acts of yours swing at this crack in the [ __ ] world oh my God I'm gonna take with the prime that got him um the Philippines spent four years praying to a green Buddha figure she purchased from a store until one day a friend pointed out the Buddha figure she'd been praying to was actually no wow damn wow that was that was that was a grand wow in that gym that was a grand man who trained hot men who hardly train me I train to make men hard was visibly lost for words as he had just left the shack before he got the call about the fire did the shot go on oh [ __ ] my God that could have gone bad yup just a few more steps I've seen this guy there we are ah The Winds of Paris isn't that what they say [Music] do you have an amazing sense of smell oh there it is there's what oh nothing just the uh Goodyear blimp it says I love you Kate All In Lights here yeah it's it's here for Wimbledon or something oh my God it's a romantic thing anybody who's ever done for me well get used to it you're gonna be hearing a lot of things I've done for you it's pretty small women with an assumptions foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] so much damage [Music] oh [ __ ] that was funny hahaha [Laughter] oh the music always music I'm just really scared of landing on people's heads [Music] nope nope nope that's come Nate we got we got 10 more back orders the line's stretching out the door cinnamon rolls man going as fast as I can David I will not laugh at that no that's jokes I was in Spain um and those in a restaurant and I needed to um use the facilities in this restaurant so I popped off um and I don't want to go into too much detail but I needed to drop the kids off at the pool um so I did that I've seen this one went to flush didn't work flushed again six seven times I tried to get it down James would not go so it's not gonna do the right thing I'm not just gonna do a hit and run and leave it here I've seen this I'll go out and tell someone that there's a problem with their facility so I went out into the restaurant I found the waiter unfortunately he didn't speak a word of English I didn't speak any Spanish so I ended up I mean there is a kind of gesture to this man it's like yes can you just come here no no leave the malarians just follow me I ushered him in to the toilet right I pointed out my poo I went to flush it went down straight away I think I would have lost I would have laughed but I haven't seen that before the choice and I find out and say I can't come into work today because my little girl's probably gotten on to look after her I went back and I accused me of being in KFC [Music] ladies and gentlemen it's finally over oh my God I don't have to do this [ __ ] thousand pounds every time you laugh I think I wouldn't laugh at all I think the thought of giving away a thousand pounds every single time I laugh I should be there the whole time thinking of stars dead animals never again why did I think this is this would have been a good idea all right well it's been your boy KSI I've got a fight January 14th I'll see you there I'm gonna go sleep well sleep away my sorrows I'm all laughed out take care and peace it's not even 990s Prime in the video where I should probably stop this because it'll get I should be that should be um I should be Christmas drillings at the end of his video anyways the KSI series is over okay what time
Channel: MiniminterClips
Views: 768,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, miniminterclips, simon, sidemen, mm7, miniminter clips
Id: GET60UHNlzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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