The Most Expensive Nannies in The World - Inside Norland College | Britains Poshest Nannies | Origin

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[Music] want to be a super nanny well if you want to care for an a-lister's child or a royal baby you could study here proudly founded in victorian london norland college is now based in bath they'll teach you to make up a vintage silver cross pram we use them today to show the students how to conduct oneself whilst pushing this pram to stitch like an expert seamstress you can machine along here then change direction and come down here keep your laundry prim and proper our gloves have to be white and yourself immaculately groomed the bun is particularly hard to master but in today's modern world you'll also need a whole new set of skills to be able to evade the paparazzi like a racing driver to swim like a professional lifeguard [Music] pull a defensive move with your pram no no and kick like a ninja [Music] you'll need to let your hair down from time to time oh and these days the victorian stiff upper lip has gone too we go behind the scenes of this quintessentially british school and meet a set of ordinary young women all hoping for a passport to an extraordinary world of work these are the students training to become 21st century mary poppins [Applause] so [Music] nolan college keeps a photographic record of each year stretching back to victorian times today's students are preparing to pose for their class photograph but first it's time for the uniform inspection because obviously we have quite high standards we have to make sure we've got no wispy bits and our bows are straight our name badges are all on so this is what happens before we have any big event [Music] we have to have a bun net in it has to be below our ears or in line with eyes i don't know i didn't do it in front of a mirror so i did it on the way in i was like meet the students of set 36 all hoping to go from girl next door to super nanny [Music] i'm gonna just negotiate the how's my hair looking is my n in the middle with privileged access we look behind the normally closed doors of this most british institution a curiously victorian establishment now catering for a modern world we're not using any words we're going to really try and think in visual visual languages i am claire aka dr betty dingdong this is not a cooking lesson this is how to work a naga just touch the side of the stake it is our responsibility to safeguard children and actually if we don't know why things go wrong then we can't improve our practice these students are training for no ordinary job one graduate went on to look after prince george others are employed by the super rich and famous so no ordinary training will do this is a life-changing journey as they try to become the best nannies in the land after three one two three for many students they've been dreaming of this for years i've always wanted to become a northern nanny ever since i was little i just love working with children i always said to my mum when i was little mum when i grow up i'm gonna have a hundred children and i might actually be able to do that now i always said i wanted to work with children especially after my sister was born i just kind of loved babies i don't know what it was i thought about being a teacher obviously and then i thought about nanny and basically it's just such a free job and i was like why does nobody else want to do this [Music] norland college was founded in 1892 by emily ward it offered previously untutored victorian housemates a formal training and so nannying as a respected profession was born i'm carrying forward a great history and tradition from 1892 that this one woman a victorian woman started and we often have conversations about i wonder what she would think if she could see it now tradition at the college is important but they've also been trying to embrace modern technology oh my goodness the virtual baby oh my virtual baby experience was it was an experience that's the best way to put it i did find it quite stressful the virtual babies which strike fear and anxiety into these students are kept under the watchful eye of practical skills lecturer elizabeth kerry the students named them after various theorists we've got monty after montessori freddie after frederick throwball eleanor after ellen the goldschmidt emily after emily ward our founder and isabel after isabel sharma the first principal we know that they're plastic but we like to treat them as we would real babies even though they're sleeping in a box [Music] each doll contains a computer chip and can be programmed to emit a range of different cries that's her having a bit of a grump that she'd like to be fed and this is the slightly different cry and again it builds up the heads will tip backwards and that will come up as a minus on their ratings [Music] that's really painful isn't it that's horrible [Music] student nanny georgie buntine lodges with a local family and bath tonight she's brought home virtual baby freddy for 48 hours georgie will attend to his every cry and whimper an electronic wristband monitors every move she makes and she has to keep a written diary when she gets back to college lecturer miss kerry will analyze her performance [Music] this is a virtual baby okay you have a little magnetic strip and you swipe the child with the fob on the area in which you want so if they're feeding you swipe them on their chest or if you've swiped it and then change their nappy the baby can tell i'm just gonna cook some supper i think while he's being so quiet i might as well make the most of it it isn't long before baby freddy announces himself georgie quickly offers a virtual milk bottle no it's not a bottle because if it was a bottle he'd take the bottle so it could be a nappy change so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to play the matter oh shh oh i know i know a virtual nappy change later and georgie's back in control [Music] by doing that it's realized that that's what i've done and so i've changed the nappy correctly and that was the thing that was what he wanted so he's now calm down a bit haven't you baby freddie but not for long [Music] is that what you wanted he's had a bit of a had his bottle when he's now he's hanging have a bit of a grizzle you know probably a little bit of a burp um so good boy and so it's just settling him now hopefully and then he'll probably say right you know time for another snooze now [Music] with virtual baby freddie silent she decides to get some shut-eye [Music] but it may be a short reprieve for georgie norland college in bath trains elite nannies some of which go on to work with royalty and the super rich student nanny georgie buntine is on duty caring for virtual baby freddie dealing with these computer programmed dolls is one of the most notoriously tricky assignments in the norland's syllabus you think oh so lovely i'll just get lots of cuddles but actually it's just to sort of show you how hard work really it is i'd say a real baby's easier than a virtual baby to look after just have to accept that you're not going to sleep for two nights hi it's um 10 to 9 um and freddy has just woken up for a feed 1 30 a.m it's um [Music] it's been a long night i've been up three or four times tonight um [Music] just changing nappies and feeding [Music] i was singing to him it was three o'clock in the morning and i think he'd been having a bottle for probably 45 minutes i was like i'm tired maybe if i sing to him it'll work [Music] thankfully things feel different in the morning i'm feeling quite awake now but no doubt i'll collapse in the heap in a little bit i do feel quite attached to him now i think it'll be quite nice to have uninterrupted sleep tonight um but it does help and you know it does remind you of how much parents go through so hopefully i'll be able to remember that when i'm working in a family and they have a young child [Music] back at college miss kerry has downloaded the virtual baby results ms kerry asks us how long do you think your baby cried for and you say oh three hours pick a number then are you talking about minutes minutes yeah well hours if you like minutes it was eight minutes and you're like whoa you go was it only eight minutes because it feels much longer [Music] set 36 are two years into their 13 grand a year nanny training the syllabus combines academic lessons with more traditional skills like cooking for children and sewing in a few days time their coursework is to go on public display so today they're putting the finishing touches on their quillows we're making quillows so one side's fleece one side is cotton and we sew it together to make a blanket and it hopefully will fold into this it's a comfortable quilt that folds into our pillow so it makes it really easily transported and if the child is tired or ill then they just unfold this and they've got the comfort of acquittal [Laughter] quillow's completed it's time for display day an annual event in the norland calendar to showcase their work each student has designed a personalized theme for their display that reflects their character and creativity but it's really a moment for proud family and friends to visit and admire everything these students have achieved today at my display there i've got my mummy my nan my other nan and my auntie jackie and how you feeling i'm feeling very excited my nan and my auntie had never like seen me in my uniform or like seen some of the stuff that i've done so for them to see me for the first time was so like rewarding to show that i've actually like worked hard laura styles is a 19 year old essex girl she's one of three sisters sadly in 2005 she lost her dad who was a metropolitan police officer he passed away when i was 11 so he never really got to see me at new orleans but i don't know we got we got a tree for him and everything so we're going to see that and i'd hope he's proud of me laura's a real girly girly but she also understands that new orleans she has to have a hair up no now varnish flat shoes practical stuff and and she just accepts it as part of her job and she's quite happy with that and bright and clear not too fussy she was a bit worried it was a bit plain but i said no it's nice but of course i'm a grandson now we're just going for the next chapter when she finds her family why no in my heart they're going to be so happy [Music] it's true though for student nanny georgina gabat having her mum visit has even more significance to my display i've sort of gone with like a flower fairy garden sort of theme my party project was a flower fairy theme as well which is why i've got the canopy that i made did you do that as well in my gcse year at school my mum got diagnosed with brain tumor it really really shocked us up as a family and i found it really hard to deal with so i bought i went into i went to boarding school to get away from it you know everything's so very precious in the world so um to be here but george is wonderful really quite emotional about about it because i love her so much she's so special as bad as it was i suppose some positives have come out of it because my mum went on to do her ma and then to do her phd now because she realized that she's got to take the opportunities and that sort of inspired me as well anybody that has my daughter as their nanny is the luckiest little child in the whole world because i can't think of anyone nicer most my mama granny said they wouldn't have missed it for the world which made it really special it was yeah i was glad she could be here but to be a 21st century mary poppins you need more in your bag of tricks than quillows and mobiles today set 36 are at a local skidpan as nannies they will often ferry around young children so they're going to be given expert instruction in driving in extreme weather conditions are there any girl racers in our group i don't think so i think we were really sensible it's a bit scary apparently we won't be going fast so that's reassuring me ever so slightly gosh you're so good [Applause] [Music] i'm sorry girls i love you i love you we need to get faster we need to go faster faster okay [Applause] [Music] some students will go on to work for celebrities so they're also given a crash course in evasive driving so you come down here we've got a road block [Music] [Applause] straight accelerate corner coming up off gas get the car straight on guys corner off gas but you're not clutch no clutch the car was scared slightly off gas by the end of the session it's like a driving master class in grace and precision yes chloe you got it how is it feeling guys all right look at you go out the way oh like that it's great to see in a short space of time that they don't believe they're gonna be able to learn it so quickly very good thumbs up work it working it work working [Music] so much better so it's a lot easier now they've told you what to do it just comes naturally my sister is a in childcare over in the states and over there everyone wants to be an all and nanny you know it seems great it's nice very british in their final weeks at college the girls are taught an array of additional skills like life-saving for trips to the swimming pool and beach [Music] you're going to check her airway for breathing so ear to it yeah brilliant don't pinch your nose yes she's breathing she's going to be sick though action for regurgitation of stomach content it's nice to like be able to do it in like a relaxed environment obviously we have like we've done first aid and now we've done this and so i do feel much more confident [Music] next up they're trained in self-defense [Music] right leg back left punch right punch right kick back you have to do whatever's required to stop the attack stop stop sorry it's vital for any young lady to have a foundation of self-defense but obviously their position is to look after infants children and it's very important as a parent to know that their nanny is going to look after their child not just socially but they're going to look after their self-defense in the defense of them my taekwondo skills are they're okay i have a brother so i put them into practice when i was younger anyway hopefully i won't ever have to use it on anybody you have the skills behind you to maybe kill someone [Music] in cheltenham trainee nanny kesia warn is home for the weekend to visit her family my mom literally tells everyone i'm in new orleans oh my daughter she's so cute she's a nanny pay her fees and support herself through college kessia works in a local pub and like many of the other girls babysits for families in the evening i work saturday and sunday all day so i literally friday if i do get a day off if we're not in college i just sleep i'm a single parent and the fees are excruciating i don't have maintenance for her so it's been very difficult her elder brother sends her money every month and kezia said that when she's earning she'll give her younger sister money so she can facilitate going to university so quite a nice family unit really i think pay it forward and that's what the children all do as much as i wish my parents were minted i think without that i've learned like how to support myself learn about money like some of the girls that have moved into nola like when they first started they didn't have to pay a bill they didn't know how to wash their clothes like i had that behind me i just wanted to be happy i'd like her to have a few years of living not just working or having the money to live as well as work but it should all be worth it complete the course and a job is almost guaranteed probationary nannies earn on average 26 000 with experience it can go up to 50 or 60 000 some lucky nannies working abroad with the super rich can earn well in excess of that [Music] today with the students nearing the end of their course the college publishes a list of available families for their probationary year [Music] there is a list of 106 jobs there's so many on there it's so hard to pick every person could have two jobs which is insane it's quite tricky to know what you're what you're really looking for they're given a full job description which also details travel and perks and statements about the children they'd be caring for there's no jobs in yorkshire that's very disappointing manchester let's have a look at manchester united search vacancies none family live in bromley kent and close to high elms oh my gosh it's just around the corner oh my god there's a couple that i've jumped out which i didn't think would jump out like one's in bath whereas i would have always thought before london that we would have done london and they have a house in the caribbean and in france oh my god i saw one and it's like skiing no we mustn't go for the holidays no that's not what we're doing after children some of these people could be so a-list yes we don't know who they are yeah we could be celebrity nannies i've just found one which really appeals to me a baby which isn't even born yet was it in london yeah seven children yeah what seven children oh my gosh i don't think i've won that one seven children and they think the little girl loves music dancing and tumbling it's like what's tumbling what's that is that not just i like tumblr talks does that mean just like roll rolling around it's so scary it's literally terrifying but really exciting choosing the family is like the main part of the job like that is the hardest bit but it's the most if you choose it right you'll be set i'm just looking for the family that's right for me i'm looking for busy families lots of children lots of things to do lots of activities hopefully a really nice family i'll be really happy as a nanny that's all all i want really is for people people to be happy and the children and me but very soon tough choices will have to be made and these friends will become potential rivals competing against each other for the jobs they want everyone seems to be a bit on edge it's like each for their own like they're all going for it norland college in bath has been training nannies since victorian times their nannies are held up as the gold standard in child care but there's one famous practitioner that these trainees all look up to and are measured against physio constantly called mary poppins or people refer to you as being like mary poppins she's kind of quite a prominent figure in all of our lives it's the fact we have like matching hats and gloves see when you have an umbrella up that's not that's when you get a lot more attention i think it honestly shows like the importance of a good nanny she's supposed to be this perfect nanny and i think we all want to be the perfect nanny we haven't got the magic powers so a slight disadvantage already i love mary poppins i watched it yesterday i haven't watched it that much i've watched sound of music more nineteen-year-old chloe walkdown was brought up here on the family farm in rural wales so living in the city of bath has been a massive change from home [Music] yeah it's quite a contrast of being in bath but it's nice though because barcelona everything's there like i just have to walk to anywhere that i want to whereas here you definitely have to drive chloe was introduced to the idea of norland by her gran but at first her teachers tried to discourage her they kept saying why do you want to be just a nanny and she said i don't want to be just a nanny i want to be a professional nanny yeah we'll go for a walk in a bit yeah i haven't forgotten you as chloe considers which probationary jobs to apply for her big dilemma is town or country i would love the country just because that's what i'm used to but i would love the city too because it's a nice change isn't it but most norlanders won't earn their living in the countryside but in the bright lights of the capital london it's here that most of set 36 will come for interview so as part of their training the college set them an orientation challenge in the city the tasks have to be completed in full uniform [Music] lecturer claire burgess briefs the group on the tasks ahead and issues a reminder about the norland code of conduct and rules of etiquette please ensure that you are not going to any fast food restaurants and that you are sat down you may remove your gloves and your hats but at all other times you should have them on northern have certain standards that you have to obviously adhere to you can't buy unhealthy food from fast food places we can't cross the road unless there's a green man or like a zebra crossing and then we have to wait for the traffic to stop if you're on a bus or a train you need to give up your seat for anyone as crazy as they sound they do make sense because you wouldn't really do those things with children you wouldn't just walk out into a road when you're with the child we've just been given our sheets for the day which we've got two postcodes on and we have to get to those two places as well as a tourist attraction in london so like big ben harris london eye but i don't really get tubes and i've only been to london three times my whole life and we're getting on the green which is district line they all make it back it's just the group that they take might be a bit different to what we'd expect bricks brixton so down we have got to go to brixton and to wilston green and anthony piccadilly circus yeah my mom says i've got a good sense of direction but only if i've been to the place before then i can remember so you'll just have to wait and see hopefully we'll we'll wait get lost today rosie has been partnered with alice my sense of direction are falling [Music] it's falling my dad tells me to go think which way i need to go turn around and go the other way because it's that bad it'll be fine we've got modern technology and maps what more would you need where should we go so we said victoria we're going to victoria yeah but despite all of the available state-of-the-art technology should we just get off yeah things are beginning to go wrong so you need to get to victoria district line [Music] [Music] across london students chloe and jess smartphone in hand are on the hunt for the london eye like when we go outside should i end it and start it from current location [Music] outside they fall back on more traditional methods so we're here yeah but no yes let's go down this road well that's more complicated rosie and alice have found today's task a little disorientating but they're hopeful things are back on track excuse me is this the line to victoria no okay i don't think so [Music] [Music] i don't think we'll be back before we'll make everything we need to we've got what's twelve four and a half hours we can do that oh look how convenient our train look where is this are you sure this is right now though yeah it was only the different colored lines the queen and the yellow that were running alongside each other that we got confused by okay so we need to go blue south yeah at the beginning of the day six hours seemed more than adequate to complete this assignment now it's looking a little tight i'm coming for you it's very windy it's very windy i don't know if it's worth the umbrella it's not me yeah i think we're just gonna go yes straight and then left okay all the way up having resorted to traditional map reading chloe and jess are homing in on the london eye it's huge why is there a red one do you have toilets in them to prove they've made it to all their locations the nannies need photographic evidence [Music] all across london the norlanders are ticking off their locations on schedule [Music] all except rosie and alice that is having passed through wells court station three times by mistake they're at least getting to see the light of day we have to wait for the green man that's what you do with the tiles so the norland code of conduct conduct yeah yeah look now we can go do you think it's that i can see like a roadside trade up that might be there we found it yes right we'll have to stand here and we're going to take our picture ready [Music] and finally things are picking up they quickly tick off piccadilly circus and even have time for every elite nanny's favorite corner shop [Music] by 4 30 all the students have successfully navigated their way back to paddington station to be debriefed by lecturer claire burgess anyone get lost i love it you found it useful yeah yeah yeah excellent how many of you have been stopped today did someone say they thought we're from the salvation army yeah okay we've been mistaken for so many different things i've been mistaken for a nun are you from a convent no sort of a little bit the same but no i've been mistaken for an air hostess a nurse someone that works for an espresso the coffee make so you don't work in the nespresso coffee shop no i don't think so [Music] with less than two weeks left of training the students are facing their final assessments to check that their practical skills are perfect they're examined on making up formula feeds correct sterilization then put the flakes on top these floats go down and make sure that everything is submerged under the water and changing and cleaning of my bowl babies this is just for the head so this is now from italian i'm just going to work around the creases just make sure that everything's here make sure you get it very good baby it's very quiet [Music] a last module looks at nursery management for this assessment they have to create a business plan for a nursery produce a brochure for the new enterprise and then pitch the project to their lecturers good afternoon to you all thank you for being here to be part of what i think is a very exciting new nursery and i'm aware that without your support bambino nursery would not be possible the large sliding doors which you can see here will allow for lots of natural light contributing creating a positive environment the children in the preschool will be traveling over to the main body of the school to have their meals over there which again are nutritious meals i could feel my cheeks burning i generally thought my cheeks were on fire i thought i had like literally like rudolph cheeks yeah i'm happy it was fine i'm just glad it's over to be honest awful moral of the story is improvisation is not very good sometimes you should probably plan these things i'm going to go home have a little lie down by getting on those on top of these exams they still have their final essays to submit [Applause] deadlines are looming and back at home in their student flats in bath the trainee nannies are feeling under pressure i think my status the other day summed up everyone's thoughts i genuinely think if i were to jump off a massive diving board flat onto concrete it would be less painful than all of this uni work help but this once in a lifetime experience is soon to come to an end as these students prepare to leave bath and flee the norland nest [Music] but before they can graduate with their full degree they have to work with a family for a year as probationary nannies [Music] today the students have to finalize their list of five jobs that they intend to apply for kate hooper from the norland agency will help them narrow down their selections but this is the moment when these friends start to compete with each other this is their final final decisions this is where we sign everything off this is and the families that their cvs will be sent to next week and so it's quite a big day today for all of the students i found about three but they're quite popular there's one that like everyone's gone for that's not on my list but it's a main one but so everyone has the same chances obviously this one is high profile so when you have got a high profile family you have to be aware that the restrictions are slightly more yeah yeah you're more at risk with a high profile family because you're exposed more to the the public you may be followed they may be paparazzi outside you have to be that person that can be confident can be very confidential and can be strong how are you hi mickey how are you good i'm very well thank you three in bath and one in london which is not what i would have thought but their families embark some they would really suit me i like the kind of idea of being still in the quite close-knit community i would just say don't stay with what you're familiar with as well yeah okay this is about making sure what you're going on to do is going to set you up for the rest of your career yeah another one that i'd consider the one in london but what really puts me with well that was a shared bathroom a shared bathroom really should not put you off okay and the family are very very respectful of your personal space everyone seems to be a bit on edge it's like each for their own like they're all going for it you still want to be nice to your friends but once you find that job it's like yeah you don't want to see this job no it's not a nice job at all no promise it's not this person i wouldn't want to go up against her no chance i'd take you down we'd our friendship would be over me by the end of the session the choices are all made the students cbs will then be sent off by the college and soon the interviews will start all the girls can do is wait and practice their interview pitch why would you want to hire me hire me i'm exuberant i'm lively i'm caring i'm creative i'm a very happy bubbly jolly person who's incredibly hard-working and driven i'm completely trustworthy flexible reliable i'm hilarious i am bubbly i'm active i will love your children like you do [Music] there's also time for one final celebration tonight is set 36's leavers ball where these trainee nannies can cast off their brown uniforms and let their hair down can we get the more bad and just like white round hippie she's very demanding our nickname is the master and minion because she's the master and i'm the minion okay chloe is perfect now painting look professional we're all really sons guys are we all really sensible we were really well behaved i can be quite sensible we just like to have a good time [Applause] [Music] you're too slippery [Music] [Applause] tonight's event is being held in bath's historic assembly rooms [Music] [Applause] the college will award these students their degrees but georgina and kezia have their own prizes to hand out most likely to become an a-lister first person to have children the most sensible the best-kept person the class clown the biggest drama queen and the best duo many of you will know around college you'll probably notice that we have a fashion like guru many of the girls keep an eye on what she's wearing buy it themselves maybe um our best kept is jade [Music] [Applause] so the final award goes to the best duo laura [Applause] yeah it's been lovely it's been really nice to be all together last time in bath it's been a really lovely evening and everyone looked so nice literally everybody looked so nice didn't they do everyone's having such a good time that you don't want to cry because you don't make someone else upset that you're crying yeah you know so we're having already sad occasions everyone's having so much fun the night goes on into the small hours but in the morning the students will have to prepare themselves for saying goodbye after two years of training in bath it's set 36's last day in college before they go off to live with their probationary family i think there's quite a lot of emotions going around today but i am so excited if someone else starts crying that's it i'll be gone we're flying the nest really we're off on the big world so girls this is your morning it's your celebration we have a very important task to do to present your certificates georgie van time [Music] we're being sent off on like a mini adventure you're off to find the job you want the family potentially fall in love with lawrence has been one of the defining moments for me where it's made me the person i am it's helped me grow up a lot as well i don't think i've changed i just think i've become a better person [Applause] once i've qualified i'd like quite a big family with lots of children to keep me on my feet in over a hundred and twenty years of its proud history norland college has trained more than seven and a half thousand elite nannies and as these students prepare themselves for the world of work it's an emotional farewell to the friends they've made here bye girls don't cry i know it's a real joy and it's celebration and they're off into the big wide world now so it's very exciting mixed emotions and it's been lovely seeing them grow and mature and going out on a high really i'm so happy i've got this highly achieved something obviously it's not over because we're going to our jobs and stuff but the whole this northerner in college my best friend georgina i think we're going to stay friends for a very very long time she's she just looked after me quite a lot this last year because i went into hospital and she kind of took on the role of nanny really it'll be fun we have a strong enough friendship theater [Music] she's going to want to be my best friends for life now definitely three words to describe norland overwhelming hard work fun endless memorable special i'll never get this time back but i think you know you make new memories you move forward i just want to be with a really lovely family that i could stay with and i'm happy with and they're happy with me i've really enjoyed my time here like meeting all my friends i've got now like i think they're true friends like i'll keep in contact it's not going to be a goodbye really it's just going to be see you later isn't it [Music] you
Channel: Origin
Views: 2,476,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: norland nannies, professional nannies, childcare, norland college, nanny school, royal nannies, meghan markle, prince harry, british royal family, queen elizabeth, rich nanny, britains poshest nannies, full documentary, posh nanny, nanny school documentary, nanny school england, poshest nannies, royal family nanny training, royal family nanny, billionaire, billionaire nanny, nanny college, norland nanny, norland nanny documentary, norland nanny college, nanny, teddy bear
Id: lDmPmUv5wwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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