Elite Nannies For The Rich and Famous | Real Stories Full-Length Documentary

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you're gonna get told off not gonna go to harrods [Music] he drive us anywhere mommy tells them to go if i cut my fingers she usually says is it okay and then she makes it better with just one in ten moms staying at home to raise their kids more of us than ever hire professionals to help with our families if it's something that you want done you can get somebody else to do it i've never changed a nappy in my life but who does the poo bags leah i went there now there's a new generation of child care experts they call me the potty lady is that trendy when we've got female operatives looking after the children he refers them as ninja nannies [Music] but if you want the best be prepared to pay for it i would expect to be charging two and a half thousand pounds family will be spending a million per child if money is no object you expect your staff to be perfect a client can be very demanding the nani and the maid has to be so ugly actually they're all demanding we all have an opinion on it absolutely we need to raise our children i'm not sure that i would want to give so much of that precious thing to somebody else [Music] we said sorry this is how the posh parent i'm not ashamed to say i'm too posh parent no east london chauffeur and bodyguard mo is about to start his day i'm at the door about 6 30 to be at work 8 o'clock 8 15 the latest i'm working class i work for upper class [Music] driver mo works for 34 year old fashion designer nina now store who lives in a seven million pound townhouse in london's chelsea if you had a mom and a dad they can't do everything if we didn't have stuff mommy's life could be so difficult i don't think there is a big taboo about using stuff today with three children nina spends 200 000 pounds a year on parental outsourcing you can have three nineties for one child so two tutors a day just to make sure that they're up to date with with the homework chefs and butlers three four drivers one of my things in my job is to look out for nina's kids i'm there to take them to school if they're going to go anywhere outside school hours i've got to take them yeah i mean you don't know who's out there watching you know you hear stories every day today you know if it's something that you want done you can get somebody else to do it i wonder if you could help me i'm calling on behalf of nina astor and your name is faye our personal assistant's name is faye and she arranges dates if anybody's coming to our house there's birthdays noah has piano on a wednesday science club on a thursday lego therapy on a friday karate on friday and arabic with the girls on saturday she is definitely part of the morning routine every day is it possible to make an appointment for a full body groom please we have seven chihuahuas simba princess sharkey diamond snow white goldie and cinderella [Music] for most parents getting ready for the school run is the most stressful part of the day nina has help mo is our driver and he takes us to school and all the places where we've got to go wow goldie and cinderella have come along for the ride [Laughter] are we going to go leah's school now lego school now sound australian little lady school now is east london and east london people speak not very similar to english english people speak more posh dogs it's the hill leave the dog no you know let's try to fight alexa having that help gives me time to be me and it gives me time to do the things that i want to do bring your hand more into sort of that side if you choose to have hired help in the home there are agencies that claim they'll find you the perfect candidate at a price good afternoon onion butler david speaking how can i help nanny and butler is an international agency that specializes in placing staff in the homes of the rich from super nannies with phd's to bodyguards some of our clients obviously like skiers like swimmers like they talk me through about you know some of the things that you'd really like this this nanny to be able to do boss paula diana has an appointment with a client in need of help did you already find the maternity nurse absolutely and actually now i need your help to find the best nanny as well a client can be very demanding i'm moving back to new york at the end of this month usually i spend 70 percent of my time in the states between new york dallas miami palm beach san francisco los angeles actually they're all demanding of course they have to be creative and with a good background and just love your daughter i would say many mothers they prefer not too beautiful nannies would say the nani and the the maid has to be so ugly that my love doesn't even have to get distracted once you know quite fat paula's job is to try and find francesca her perfect nanny never use too much makeup never wear glamorous things not even if you're going on a yacht you know don't highlight you know your beauty because you you risk to lose a job when i'm not getting an interview i actually am using running gear like leggings leggings never please they're too sexy forbidden really yeah leggings yeah sports leggings uh it's no i don't know i think francesca would prefer someone maybe in her 40s or 50s i mean she wants to be the princess in the house what's what's wrong with that for this position they're offering do we talk about salaries yeah 6500 per week a top nanny can expect an exciting and beautiful lifestyle they would pay for you to you know use the spa or the gym or you know you'd be free to use all the facilities in the hotels they fly with the private jets they ski with the family and they meet uh celebrities they meet uh head of states they meet royals so they can really live a good life sandbanks in dorset is one of britain's most expensive places to live amanda jenner bought her house with a profit from her new business use me for potty training their children um more the wealthy families wee-wee doesn't go in the trousers does it where does the wee-wee go in the potty good boy people's reactions they just think it's a crazy thing to have a potty training expert um and they call me the potty lady which i actually quite like i think it's quite good that i'm the only potty lady in the uk down there not gonna do a wee that's holly's potty it would take most children about three days i'd normally charge about two thousand pounds for that [Music] she has an appointment at one of sandbank's most exclusive salons amanda is getting ready for tonight's launch of her potty training academy potty training academy i know that babies come and learn how's it that is and i go out and um parents use my services to go out and potty train are you joking yeah they call me the potty lady so yes can you make me look glam okay i might go to sleep so i'm intrigued why would somebody hire you to hot and train their child i don't get it because they can and they've got the money to do it they call in me or they call an asleep nanny chef a nutritionist yoga teachers mad isn't it if you were super rich would you and you had a child now would you pay for services i think it's the most precious thing in my life and i'm not sure that i would want to give so much of that precious thing to somebody else fair enough i think they're missing out on an awful lot of pleasure with a waiting list of up to a year amanda is expanding her potty training empire would you use my services and are you potty trained that's the main question well i've got four children and i've never changed nappy in my life i just got an extra i got an extra nanny when i got asked to do so each to their own i don't judge anybody you know somebody else somebody might need for nannies because they can't cope you know just because they're living in sandbanks and they're affluent doesn't mean that they're not fighting the same stresses that there's not many other people doing so good evening everyone thank you for joining me on the launch of my potty training academy there's a big problem worldwide with potty training and especially in the uk but no more because my potty training academy is here [Music] [Applause] in her chelsea home nina is hard at work the formal model runs a luxury fashion label and has showcased collections in london monaco vietnam and bulgaria i'm not sure they choose it for a cover just because it doesn't suit their audience yeah i know i would say it's a lifestyle brand that's favorite that's i think that's the most likely to be picked as a cover it's everything from culture ready to wear accessories foreign leather bridle and you know then you're ending up in the kids square where for me obviously that's reflecting back me being a mom also using them as my main models in my my photo shoots these ones are catalogues from my kids collection which obviously my children a model for me every season i think in the way of their manners and behavior and their looks that they got from me of course i think yeah you could say their catalogues in a [Music] way with a holiday to monaco booked nina needs to sort a couture wardrobe the children are having a fitting with their personal cobbler come on we're gonna try special shoes handmade children's shoes cost 175 pounds it's nice now maybe for monaco make something colorful no we can be as crazy as we want to be for most parents kids clothes shopping is a chore but nina employs a children's personal shopper so is that noah who is leah who's the eldest is that you the gorgeous marabou coat and you must be lovely alexa these are people that are short on time but have a lot of money to spend i think they're support with lots of love and attention these children but their their amazing reality is a wonderful cocooned world of opulence it's about being spoiled with really gorgeous things what should we have underneath my pink dress you want a pink dress underneath i want the children to have a fab time pick out some really beautiful pieces is that your style is that trendy yeah let's try what we have first probably the most extravagant thing i've bought for a child is a five thousand pound fur coat which they were delighted with a lovely mink coat at home there's one duty nina doesn't delegate choosing the chihuahua's couture for their afternoon walk this is the dog's wardrobe we have a mixture of roberto cavalli you want to put a bow tie diamond is wearing one of their gucci fur jackets this is going to be a bit small now no it's not dressing up is a big part of the households kids yeah they love to go out go to the park okay let's go this is cinderella and simba they're a little bit naughty so who does two bags there um are we landing i think it's easier if you have someone to do it [Laughter] right leah yeah yeah even with a team to help things can get out of control [Applause] british families now spend more on child care than an average mortgage lucy challenger runs polo and tweed a luxury domestic staff agency that charges thousands to find the perfect candidate at polo and tweed we get clients that come to us from around the world and they're looking for all types of staff from child care maternity nurses nannies through to butlers housekeepers chauffeurs chefs and the caliber of staff that we have on our books is of the highest well heidi is flying in today from austria she is coming over for her work but also to meet with me in mayfair to interview prospective nannies [Music] she's very spiritual she needs a very sort of yogic zen life but she also wants things done the correct way it's a bit more difficult than most families because we have very specific dietary requirements i'm vegan my husband and my children are vegetarian and we have a vegetarian house so there's no meat no fish kind of even allowed through the door we're quite fanatical in that way a bit like a religion i guess you basically say to the nanny there's no sweets no chocolate no cakes my worst nightmare would be a nanny that comes in and wants to cook kind of ready-made nuggets and chips fast food or take them to mcdonald's i would be devastated a lot of our clients want their homes run like five star boutique hotels so the staff have to make it perfect hi hello come in how are you very good nice to see you lucy has been given 24 hours notice to find a nanny that can cook vegan food ski and has a spiritual outlook she's had a few temporary positions in the last year or so i think it's just whether it's of personality match hi camilla hi coming i'm lucy nice to meet you lovely to see you i don't want someone that that does housework and doesn't look after the kids i really want someone that's there for the children that's what's important to me child care i i don't mind the only problem about me is i as you see on my cv i do not have any child care experience hello hi maria hi hello how are you how are you can you see yes i can see you've got a lot of experience and i love wine it's good if it's a good wine okay are you kidding me i've never interviewed someone who has brought a bottle of wine to the interview that that's the first for me hi lovely to see you coming through this is heidi hi there nice to meet you hi come and take a seat marie tell us a little bit about yourself i lived in california for two years when i was doing opera and now i live and work here in london it mentions here that you'd love to cook yeah i like to cook everything yeah would you have an issue cooking vegetarian food not at all if you show me the recipes i would have no problem with that do you ski or yeah i do ski golf skiing do you have any questions for heidi i would love to hear more about the girls they're obviously two girls very different personalities they go outdoors a lot they have a lot of energy of course i think all children in that age do either me or one of the girls from poland will get in touch with you we'll give you feedback and then we'll let you know what the next step is brilliant parenting services for the posh is booming amanda jenner is visiting a prospective client in need of her unique skill set going to meet herren and her nanny she's got five children and she's about to start thinking about potty training her fifth child so this is really an initial conversation with her and you know hopefully she used my services [Music] stunning house absolutely stunning [Music] iren hire staff to help her raise her five children i'll have two butlers i have somebody who turned down all my beds we have a driver we have a tutor we have a nanny it's always good to have stuff when you're super busy like me what a beautiful beautiful room oh i love it i have the best school i have the best help speak the best way as posh as possible why would you be ashamed to be posh i mean if i can buy it like i'm doing why not that's actually one of the queen's favorite i have them in white listen i'm just living a dream it's easy to be the queen actually we're building an empire we're building our life you know so in a way i've realized the more help we get my husband is free to do other things i can't look after my house on my own fully seven bedroom i mean who does it this is connie hi connor like the best friends and everything she's the second nanny connie's been with us for eight years you've seen me you know giving birth to full of my children when i give when i say congratulations [Laughter] congratulations to us you know i can travel i can go to places i know they're well looked after and she's been with them from day one my children they were born with connie around so connie is an extension to mommy she's like an assistant and all of that i'm not ashamed to say i'm too posh parent no i think um as a parent people need as many as much health as they can how long do you think you'll take it it depends on the child how old they are whether they're sort of responsive they're walking and communicating um so who will potty train well mostly i have to put my hands up connie's the nappy changer throughout these days how do you feel about getting someone like myself in trust me i'm a better wife i'm there for my husband i can go and party cocktail parties everywhere in london i can do it because i've got the help at home i'm not stuck at home i'm not i don't have to do a school run somebody else can do it for me why not she's absolutely beautiful she's nearly ready to let go oh she's so beautiful hello gorgeous hello gorgeous girl thank you sir hello amanda is here to help with your potty training that you don't know yet but we're talking about it already mona okay but it's one of these skills you probably carry for a lifetime so whatever the price is i'll pay for it international businesswoman heidi has flown successful nanny candidate marie to the austrian alps for a 48-hour trial i'm excited to meet heidi and her family i'm excited about the girls i hope they like me and everything will work out good thank you how was your life it was great good to see you i could not work without having a nanny i do travel quite a lot probably every other week i'm traveling to london or barcelona or amsterdam so i need that childcare support and i need to be able to know i can leave my kids with someone i trust deep breath and let's go nanny marie is meeting heidi's children emilia and tilly for the first time hi girls hi it's nice to meet you can i get her hi hi hi and where's your sister do you think can i get back what's your favorite cake chocolate ah how big like this i'm quite a strict vegetarian so i need someone that can respect that the first test for marie is to take the children to the slopes [Music] family is super nice and the kids are really great this is like living in a dream tilly's bonded with her immediately so so sweet actually she just took her hand and went with her this is why you have a nanny this is the weekend so it's nice that i can spend a bit of time with all [Music] can you take care of the kids for 5-10 minutes and get them an apple juice then you check if they have apple juice they might not have any and she bought them a fanta they went mental for two hours they've never had a fizzy drink [Laughter] i think heidi was a bit upset i'm like they had a fanta i hope it's all right and she's like of course not we never give them fanta oops in kent south east england irene has employed nanny connie for over eight years to help raise her five children connie's connection to the kids is just like my sister will do she treat them like her own children and that's the beauty of it we didn't have to fake it it's just a fact i think she loves the family she's not with us for the money you know i love them when i go to my two days off i miss them so much because they are like my kids too connie my nanny is really really nice she usually gives us hugs yeah i usually miss her when she goes out for the day then i would call her a second mom yes they work for you yes you pay them yes the money is in between you but they obviously have to look after their own family you know of course he's a mum of two so they do have you know a life that they sacrifice and to look after my kids i leave my eldest daughter six years old under five years old and then my youngest one is three because i leave them to my parents they look after my kids because i went to work outside the country sometimes i feel because i need my my my own kids back home but i think they don't understand why i live them and how often do you see them sometimes every two years mary jane and jenny anne yeah she is 24 and 22. i must work and earn money to support them so you must be strong to leave my back my family it's different when you left your kids like one year and then when you come back they are three years old and it's sad because the the kid the child can really can recognize you that's your mom you know they can't even oh it's your mom came but they just embarrassed and ashamed to come to you you can't even hug people think it's easy to lay to live live your own family it's very difficult but for now it's long time 20 years most philippine woman's we do that we you know think about the future i get my dream comes true because my my or my two child has already finished the university i have a friend as well she just gave birth two weeks and then she went to work because she is a single mom and she leave her baby to her mom even she arrived she had still milk in her you know breasts so and then she cried when when the when the babe when the when the milk came out she just cried because she remember her baby behind she just left them [Music] in the alps nanny marie is on her second day of her trial for her dream job they're not just vegetarians they are vegans which is not so easy this is gonna be interesting i don't even know if i'm cooking it right if they're gonna like it or not the family's strict diet is still playing on marie's mind i was asking the girls if they want apple juice and they said no if you want to find them like okay can you have fun then they're like yeah we have fanta all the time like fine apparently they don't hey girls hungry like it it's probably double the size of a portion that they normally have they must have made a dog portion yeah that's huge though yeah normally i put salad and stuff at the side oh okay yeah usually give them some fresh peppers and carrots and tomatoes that sort of thing salad yeah we don't give them cakes and chocolate and sweets generally no fizzy drinks yeah my bad they don't even know the word fanta it's not something we have at home [Music] having a full-time staff to help run your home may make life easier but can put your security at risk nani butler is a successful family staffing agency that also offers protection advice talk to me a little bit about i mean safety from the child and do you have any security measures in place that we kind of want to look after at nany and butler we have many different kind of clients ranging from royals captain of industries celebrities professionals they don't want their nannies to say anything it is really a very secret word no one wants to let other people know how wealthy they are many times there are celebrities public figures so we have to be careful wealthy russian victoria has come to see paola regarding an issue with her family staff i i need some help from time to time with children and also when i'm traveling and um i hire some people i know myself but i think i hired wrong person it happens unfortunately and she was on facebook and she was by monument in my channel clothes chanel glasses chanel and she was showing off and all her friends were giving her you know a hand like wow wow let's go out climbing in this closet and then i realized she was going through my stuff to my life but you hire her as a nanny as honest keeper which was her role you're always help and um after three months uh everything suddenly disappeared my jewelry my money that's terrible checkbook my cards my documents children documents i kept those documents in my bedroom in my underwears with very secretive other documents and she knew that she took it all you know and then the black mailing how are your personal because first she asked for fifty thousand and forty thousand and thirty thousand well you found her through word of mouth right not through an agency many people they think recruit stuff in the house is easy it's not easy at all it's not easy at all and it's so risky my god you can really lose your money you can lose your children it's so dangerous so you better pay a serious recruitment agency who does this job every day so this was madness i was so shocked in chelsea family driver mo is also dealing with a protection issue [Laughter] this one in front this one on your chin now yeah now don't touch it just like knee chin your legs no teaches us boxing but not to kill people to like how to fight people if i punch a stripe not a lot of air like this put me out yeah all right quit yeah do it i went to a amateur boxing club in east london i started when i was five did my dad just do kung fu at the time so i used to go kung fu as well the kids beat you up that took me everywhere football rugby wherever but i i enjoyed doing boxing stuff a lot of discipline for kids [Music] shoot man don't punch his hand put somewhere else [Music] she's not she doesn't want to hit me look see agency nanny and butler offer a wide variety of family protection options for their clientele i had recently a position where there was a chauffeur security where the mother felt that she really needed someone to sort of protect her and the family as well she was particularly looking for someone with the ex-military background there is a risk maybe they can have the fear to have kids kidnapped and i understand that my ex-husband we are not in good terms yeah we haven't talked for ten years he was head of organized crime there and from my experience i'm very scared to hire anyone at all now because when you leave person behind i understand can you trust your house keys having now the big picture i would suggest you to talk to our security guy mason haines is a high-risk security operative who specializes in protection for families when you have nine zeros in your bank account the potential for abduction of your children is always going to be higher than that if you have no zeros or a minus next to the number in your bank account right you can easily drop a couple hundred grand a year on a good security team that's basically dedicated to the taking care of your children when we've got female operatives looking after the children of the great and the good then we refer to them as ninja nannies it just basically means that they've got qualifications over and above what a normal nanny would have that relate to security fearful of her family's safety victoria has come to vauxhall to meet two prospective ninja nannies two things that you have to bear in mind first of all is the weapon itself the second thing is obviously the threat you've got to commit fully that you've got to throw all of your weight behind every shot and it's got to land accurately on its head okay when you're ready don't just concentrate on the obvious fret look everywhere okay you don't like me and you're at school don't scare all the other mums get in the car okay stop holding your punches good we're just taking the guys through a uh scenario at the moment based on um a child leaving school okay and the uh and the bodyguard actually walking towards a vehicle that's parked up down here um and the threat is that there's a potential abduction so you want all of your body weight to come through that hip through that shoulder and go into the target what we want to do is we want to concuss the guy as opposed to kind of you know rough him up a bit obviously we want to be nice and low key in school we don't want the child to have like you know be bullied because they've got this bodyguard with them so we keep it as low profile as possible um so when they come out some small talks in conversation like any other mum or nanny picking up their child however while she's doing that she's also very aware of her surroundings oh you look like ballerina [Laughter] so what's your criteria when you select catherine's uh ex uh police um she did some security roles and she now works more of like a pa so she's with her family and she provides sort of not just security advice but also um help for the bookings everything else for me i like the jobs where there's um children involved i do feel a bit there's sort of a maternal thing that kicks in and it's it's really important to have a good bond with the mother and the child so that you feel like you've got 110 trust in me when i'm out with your child so how the girls look like in action and how they look in life now i question second time with all those nannies in my neighborhood are really nice it's it makes me much more comfortable back in chelsea nina has invited her personal portrait painter into the family home the crazy creative person downstairs yeah he's a very talented painter an artist he did a portrait of me and i absolutely loved it today we're doing a portrait of me and the children is this an average household i don't think you could call this an average household one day she's in bulgaria the next day she's having dinner at sexy fist the next day they're all going off to uh is it south korea for a fashion show um so getting any kind of time together to to organize a painting is is very tight before artist meton starts the family portrait there is an unveiling of his last masterpiece when he unveiled it for the first time in front of 60 of my closest friends everybody in the room were just stunned it's beautiful but you know what it says that my studio is a lesser place because that's that's not hanging there anymore it's the capture the boss yeah says it all done it i think basically and i remember when when i unveiled it there was a bit of a deathly silence in the room for about what to me seemed an hour i was just stunned i didn't know what to say you kind of reminded me of uh the grace kelly's of that era and the romanticism of of what it is to be a woman a mother don't let them in here please when you walked into your room wearing that dress i'm so blessed to be next to you um i remember when you posed then you sort of threw your hair back yeah and i had this a moment stop stop stop what you're doing that was perfect well growing up they used to call me christmas tree because i always used to overdress that's always been a part of my my personality i think this captures me in an amazing way for the next one because we're doing it with my kids it would be nice to see the emotions between me and the children here we go there we go look at me while you're doing it noah can you look at me nina's children are helping out with the family fashion brand by modeling the latest season one two three okay smile just debate between each other who's going to clean it up no i'm not cleaning it up we'll leave it there to drive come on look this way [Music] look it's one thing it's one thing okay doing this without permission okay and you say you're gonna tidy up it's another thing doing that number on the doors okay you can see there's a garden there's a house behind it right now okay i didn't know you didn't realize she made no attempt to investigate is this a pizza well smoke does that doesn't it anyway i don't argue we said sorry i'm going to clear it up and that'll be it what let's clean it up anything else i'll do it but i'm not doing that this one's not you say there's a hierarchy in the house we work for nina so it's our house it's her home so nina decides what we do so she's in the house to do the horrible jobs that nobody wants to do like cleaning washing picking up the dog poo like you can see now one in four uk children now use private tutors worth a staggering six billion pounds a year the industry has grown by a third in the last decade most of the feedback from candidates are struggling a little bit with the fact that you're in high gate paula diana runs a luxury staffing agency that places super tutors with wealthy families so alia which are your ambitions uh i want him to go to cambridge or oxford and i would like him to be a scientist and so you will love him to become a nobel prize with the top of my dreams that's why we also have not only good nannies and governances but also good school experts amongst some of the most well respected super tutors is mark mclean who has helped some of the world's most affluent families the term kind of super tutor is given to someone who can do a little bit more very often you end up being sort of the overlap of a coach a mentor and a teacher and they can charge anywhere from 500 to 1000 pounds an hour a few of the clients that i've had the parents are world leaders they'd be a king of a country it's probably not ridiculous to say that a family would be spending a million per child one two three four five thirty five goodbye i've teached your children in some incredible places imagine taking them to the pyramids of giza you're actually making it come alive as a tutor you become almost their own personal david attenborough 110 recently i had a client where the the child had 12 tutors and he was eight years old and each of them in their individual right was a fantastic individual you know one of them was editor of a a major newspaper another one was a you know a well-known gardening expert and things like that what was the last number you said 32 good as you get more and more families moving to the uk who have almost unlimited funds you know a lot of them want the best they want people with experience they want people with good track records you know and they'll and they'll pay for it living in their 45 million pound family home in london's kensington russian investment banker igor lives with wife natasha and daughter katya katya has been playing the violin since she was just five years old the reason she plays violin is that we just established she's good at that for an upcoming concert mother natasha has enlisted the help of internationally renowned violinist dmitry sitkovetsky this is very important for any piece of music because pulse is the it's like a pulse of life am i allowed to ask the values oh shh what is it seven yeah yeah let's say seven million pounds one more time just to get to get the very clear character one two [Music] she trains with good teachers mostly because we want them to learn to work hard that's a russian way of trying to make sure they don't turn up into lazy breaths [Applause] [Music] along with several super tutors mentors and experts the family have employed nanny emma for the past 13 years she's crucially important for us crucially in terms of the keeping emma long enough i thought about carefully after couple of years to ensure that our relationship a long term so i agreed to buy a house for the first house in her family and she was absolutely happy person it was the best investment i've made in my life emma is the big influence for my 13 year old daughter i think my daughter wouldn't talk about oil prices or investment banking she probably will come to me to talk about that but there are things when i know that she would discuss with emma emma was like a second mom to me because my mom was she well not as much now but she used to travel loads for work so she was like a second parent because she's very easy to talk to so when i'm at school i just like bring her up she's the first person to call about things it's very clear i'm the mother and so responsibility starts with me and finished and kind of stops with me she's my partner what's more important for nanny or the work of art after one month of waiting it's time for artist meton to reveal the family portrait what have we here what have we here hello donnie how are you how are you i'm very good very very good good very good and very nervous well i need you to come in and have a look at the painting you just arrived when you have stuff for a long time they become like a part of the family most of the time i don't really see them as my boss they've talked me in like their own from day one [Music] stop has been with me for so many years and i spent every single day with them from i get up in the morning till i go to sleep are you ready one two [Music] three oh my god how nice is this look at mommy's mouth wow oh my god i would say my kids are my everything what do you think guys do you like yourself yeah but it kind of forms the heart which obviously is the center of a family so for the children i would probably say the nanny is probably the most important person after me of course if when you die you can do no damn when you grow up you need to go no when the posh have the staff like nannies or i think it's because they have the money to do it it makes life a lot easier for them i suppose our nanny is very important important because she needs to take care of us when no one's in the house every woman deserves to to kind of also have a little bit time for herself and it helps with having stuff and having help definitely everybody should have
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Keywords: documentary 2023, full length documentaries 2023, documentary movies - topic, free documentaries on YouTube, Real stories uk, real stories full documentary 2023, trevor mcdonald, criminal, Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald, timeline, death row inmates, prison, death row documentary, BBC 3, BBC Three documentary, crime, indiana, indiana state prison
Id: 4GGuRdotJGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 17sec (2777 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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