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my boyfriend has been putting slugs in my food for the past two weeks what are some creepy incidents that unfolded through reddit posts a guy who was convinced the fbi implanted a microchip in him which i guess is typical of some disorders but he was vlogging about it making all these posts about how nasa helped develop the technology so it's not showing up on scans his doctor being in on it for refusing to refer him to surgery to remove it reading through his comments were chilling there's a whole subculture of people who believe they are being watched and followed they call themselves targeted individuals there's lots of videos on youtube about it they think they are the subjects of intense psychological warfare and crazy advanced weapons it's a very interesting subject they think they are victims of voice to skull tech street theater implants or their thoughts are being monitored it's a very strange group i found a postive guy that went pretty in depth about different musicians and record labels basically posted half a novel about different songs and what the secret meanings were and how they proved the labels ripped off songs that he co-wrote with and as of then unknown artist this guy went pretty in depth analyzing things word by word on taylor swift lyrics and how she was allegedly talking about other popular artists like lord it was truly crazy stuff almost everyone who commented on the posts just told the guy to seek help he ended up filing a suit in federal court here in town which i'm sure was tossed right out of court the guy didn't update for a while though and i figured he got the help he needed my brother works in corrections though and saw a commercial with taylor swift a few weeks ago and mentions how one of the prisoners there mentions her all the time in his lawsuits against her turns out he tried to burn down a recording studio to get rid of all the surveillance from the record companies the guy who found a cave in the desert and then disappeared if i remember correctly this guy went hiking and found a cave that he described as being a perfect m shape supposedly this was out near a military testing ground so he thought he stumbled on some top secret stuff there's actually a video of him going back out to where he saw it and it's gone sometime after he posted that video he vanished people thought he was taken by the government for seeing something he shouldn't have his wife later logged into his account and updated that he had been depressed for a long time and more than likely decided to end his life and the mk hike was him just finding a secluded place to do it there was a guy on a legal advice subreddit who complained that his neighbors would wake him up nights by pounding on walls and making really loud noises he complained that his roommates were in on the harassment because they denied hearing any noise people responding to the post eventually worked out that the guy was an alcoholic binge drinker and hallucinated loud banging sounds when he'd stopped drinking for a few days there was a woman who had lyme disease and you could see her mental health going worse and worse on her profile she got really into conspiracy theories for instance she passed away and the worst of all is the guide that said he murdered his best friend because she didn't want to date him everyone called bs so he posted pictures she was decapitated and completely naked he positioned her in a humiliating way some people still didn't believe him though no one found anything on reverse image search turns out it was all real and it made the news a woman found teeth and other weird stuff at her house turns out the local pastor spent his days hidden in her attic they found adult magazines and jars filled with a white fluid and of course he made a peep hole here is the story i live alone in a fairly large house in my bedroom i have a door that leads outside to a small porch i was just sweeping the ebony stained wood floors which i frequently do because they show every speck of dirt i just found a tooth right in front of the door on my bedroom floor this has not been there i was so shocked to find it i actually stood there and ran my tongue over my teeth to see if it might be my own update it's too long to wait on anyone so i'm checking it out there is a hand smudge at the opening i've been sitting here in silence typing listening for any sounds nothing at all update 2 i can't see much up there but there are things laying about not a person as far as i can see going to get a taller ladder and a bigger flashlight i am an enforcement but for a game and fish commission fully trained but a smallish woman in the middle of nowhere nonetheless update three someone has indeed been in my attic but they are not there now things i found eight beer huggers some of my personal items a whole pile of change and a twenty dollar bill other things i won't mention right now my colleagues are here we'll update more later thanks for making me smile guys update 4 they have dusted and gotten prints taken everything away i'm beginning to calm down and process it it looks like someone has occasionally visited up there for over a very long period of time i'm going to leave the house now and go ride trails i will be locking my door from now on and have new locks installed just to be safe probably final update till i have a stalker that sits in my attic when i'm home no i don't lock my doors unless i'm inside sleeping because i live in a community of about 400 people with only a post office it's normal here i do however always keep my bedroom patio door locked i will now be locking all doors i've thought of robbers in the past but a locked door is not going to stop someone from breaking in if they really want to i don't know how the tooth that started this even fits in it's not in the path that would lead to the attic the only reason i even thought of or looked at my attic was because of that top comment that made me stop dead in my tracks i've always been a little scared of the attic i know the sheriff here and he feels it's someone that knows me i don't want to say what was up there it's awful thanks for the kind words you guys are great and as usual i'll be taking this post down shortly update you know those gigantic pickle jars the kind at concession stands where you buy just one out of well there was two of those up there he had been collecting his personal well hell his juice is in i did not take a picture of it and it made me vomit there were thousands of tissues maroon socks towelettes and such used for wiping strewn about the attic there were clothes of mine that had gone missing over a year ago there were small toys like a plastic butterfly and a bobblehead wooden turtle there were the beer huggies and some black and pink straps with velcro on the ends lots of random stuff i have not slept or eaten or been home much since this happened i have received zero updates i am leaving for a week of camping on we and won't be home there are cameras being installed we will see final update it's my 70-something year old married forever to the same woman church deacon father of four grandfather to six pillar of the community neighbor i'm away but have received the call there was some guy who posted to r twox chromosomes or someplace similar pretending to be a woman they said they were looking for help proving that they had been violated but if you went through their post history they posted a lot of stuff in pro violate subreddits and it was pretty obvious that they wanted to use the information they gathered to commit the perfect crime the guy that posted on our legal advice a bit ago asking about getting his job back after getting terminated he was cagey and evasive about why he got canned and kept emphasizing that he was well paid and that his wife couldn't find out all of this stank of course and the user got roasted he posted several times about this situation then deleted his account then his wife appeared on reddit and posted somewhere else about this whole chaos and it turns out that the guy was very obviously pleasuring himself in a jacuzzi while bothering a woman while on a work trip it was caught on camera at the hotel and got the whole company banned from the hotel and then himself terminated from the company and she did of course find out the whole thing after a while of them trying to pretend everything was okay i think she said that he spent down their savings while trying to pretend he was working still too she was angry and divorced him there was a post on r glitch in the matrix that i read about a year ago i was sorting by new so there weren't any comments yet but it gave me a really uneasy feeling the poster talked about how he would see this same man in a coat wherever he went initially he said that he saw him walking downtown and then saw him when he was driving sounded like typical coincidence but then the op went on to say that he has seen the man in the coat and the reflection of his shower head while he was in the washroom and had heard voice and stuff i returned to the post later that day and someone who knows better than i do had commented that this was not a glitch in the matrix but actually symptoms of schizophrenia i didn't pick up on it right away despite how obvious that is but i never found out if the poster seeked out treatment or not the 22 year old girl who posted about mysterious throat pain and sores in her mouth and then followed up with posts finding out her boyfriend was collecting slugs throwing them in a blender and adding them to her food thankfully she left and took the dog with her she really hates slugs now here's the post my boyfriend has been putting slugs in my food for the past two weeks i have been with him for four years he is 24 years old i noticed he started acting a little strange around a few weeks ago he started putting fruit on the floor and in the garden i thought it was a bit strange but he said he was feeding the mice family that has nested in our shed so i thought it was sweet and helped him to do so anyways he started being really nice to me around two weeks ago and was making food and was baking cakes for me he usually never cooks so i was happy with his new hobby i did notice sometimes i felt sick and dizzy after eating and put it down to a lack of sleep or hormones a friend of my boyfriend came into work today i work in a cafe and said he needed to talk to me he told me that my partner has been collecting slugs from the garden fruits and putting them into my food blending them up and sent him a picture of a bag of slugs and then the blended slugs i feel really sick to my stomach i don't understand why he would do this this is so out of character of him i asked him why he did it and he accused me of snooping around and got angry at me for not being able to take a joke i feel disgusted i love him but i just don't understand his way oh thinking am i overreacting i don't know what to do i remember it here on this sub many years ago about a man saying he was afraid of ghosts because when he was a child he'd spend summer nights at his uncle's house and every night a ghost would come into the room he wanted to tell his uncle about it but didn't want to scare him but the truly scary part was that he said this ghost looked just like his uncle and would fondle him every night this poor man was being mistreated as a child and he didn't even realize it i didn't read the responses but i would hope that the readers told him what was really going on hopefully he got the help he needed there was a post on ask gay brothers that was taken down but you can probably find links somewhere the main gist of the post was a guy asking if anybody else smells their straight roommate's underwear when they are at home it got an unfortunate amount of upvotes and comments sharing stories before people with morals logged on to downvote and report it to oblivion it was very unsettling to see that side of the community especially in such a high quantity that guy on my the butthole who was dating a native american's woman and made several disrespectful comments about how disgusting he found it that she kept part of her umbilical for cultural reasons it was kept hidden in a keepsake box but he ended up throwing it in the trash he eventually got it back but he opened it and threw a cigarette butt left in the pouch away the cigarette belonged to her father who had passed away and when she found out what had happened she stabbed porcupine needles all through his belongings and put a native american curse on him he tried to throw them away in secret and the ex-girlfriend's mother unexpectedly called him and told him he could not escape this curse and throwing them away like he did would do nothing to help him he became very violently ill sweating sores blisters headaches fevers and hallucinations no doctors could help him he posted on several subs asking for advice on how to break the curse but everybody read his initial post about disrespecting his girlfriend and told him to get after that he deserved it his posts became more and more delusional and difficult to understand it was clear he was having a mental episode a few months later he posted on a mental health reddit asking how to get his life back on track after being hospitalized for psychosis and a mental breakdown the guy who went to a camp that was claimed to help them with their depression the reality is that it was a cult that made them wear track suits give up their cell phones and suitcases and a big red flag said if they wanted to stay after the timing they were there and invite their family to stay with them they were allowed to eventually they called their parents to help them escape and the cult leaders tried to bring them back the creepy part sometime after they made the post the op said something along the lines of how it wasn't a cult and they have rejoined it and they made another post asking how to delete a message they made it's extremely unsettling if you ask me in our slash relationship advice a while back a guy posted about his wife acting strange she'd kind of ignore the kids and act standoffish with him and he felt like she might be cheating because she had just mentally checked out of their life together someone in the comments suggested capgras syndrome and it turned out that was what she was experiencing he had to send her to a psych ward for a while i believe capgras is when you suddenly start believing that everyone in your life is a clone or a robot version of your loved one so this woman thought her kids and husband weren't real it was wild i am still terrified for the woman who was blatantly going to get murdered by her husband and father i-law after giving birth to her child her father-i-la had raised his son her husband as a single father and was obsessed with his son doing the same as the op told it they were utterly convinced she was going to die during childbirth and husband would have to be a single father too she was perfectly healthy and couldn't understand what was going on they threw away her clothes because she wouldn't need them soon they had her record videos for her child to see in the future after she was gone father i la would argue with her about the medication and care she'd received during labor because she would die but they'd make sure the baby lived father i law was obsessed with the baby and so was husband commenters got straight up freaked out that she hadn't left her husband over this someone mentioned that it sounded like they were going to make sure she didn't survive childbirth they urged her to leave go somewhere safe cut them off she never posted again thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more creepy videos click the right box for a video of the very best reddit posts let us know in the comments 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Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 92,041
Rating: 4.9306359 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts best reddit post, best reddit posts, best reddit posts of all time, reddit best posts and comments, reddit posts, reddit post with most awards, reddit post video, reddit post youtube video, best reddit post
Id: jg4dNR25D2o
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Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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