The Most Shocking Confessions Of Anonymous People - confessions (Part 107)

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i receive 250 000 and about 2 000 a month for the next 99 years i have no motivation to do anything confessions by anonymous people that will shock you my high gpa earned me a full four-year scholarship and my family thinks i want to go on to law school after that in reality i dream of getting married and having kids when i'm 19 or early 20s ever since i was little i wanted to be a stay-at-home wife and mother until i was around 13. in high school i began to pursue my academics while working 20 to 30 hours a week my average was 96 98 in my last semester and as a result i was awarded a full four-year scholarship to a top university in my home city on my dad's side i was a first generation high school graduate everybody tells me they see me becoming someone someday despite having all of this going for me all i want to be is a stay-at-home wife and mother before you say anything i'm a feminist a career just isn't what i want for me i could never tell my family or friends because in their eyes i'm throwing away such an amazing opportunity and truthfully maybe i am but i am miserable thinking about the next seven years of my life being dedicated to studying it's just not what i want to do with my life i feel like i'm living a lie i am asexual but haven't told my boyfriend i'm a female in my late 20s this is something that i have struggled to accept about myself and still really haven't it's something that i don't want to be true because it hurts so much to feel this way it's hard to explain to people who don't know what it's like i know that sounds cliche but i legitimately don't have the words for it i look at the couples on television on the street in the grocery store even couples in books and wish that i could feel that i still desire relationships emotional intimacy just not intercourse that need for emotional intimacy is what keeps me in the relationship i still have intercourse with him but it's more of a forced thing like i owe it to him i don't necessarily mind it most of the time it's just something i do to get it over with i know that sounds bad and it probably is but i enjoy our time together when we're not having intercourse i don't tell him because i'm afraid of the rejection from my point of view so much of life is structured around sex and i can't be a part of it not in a genuine way i hate myself for being this way i'm scared nobody else will ever want me if they know we aren't going to be able to have intercourse i gave up on life because of my small wiener my family and a few close friends know that i am depressed but nobody knows the reason why the truth is that i pretty much gave up on life because i have a small johnny i know that it sounds absurd and i know that there are many people out there worse off than me with terrible illnesses and disabilities etc but i just can't shake these feelings of worthlessness and self-loathing i was bullied in high school after some guys saw how underindound i was in the locker room it took me a long time to try dating after that because i was so insecure about my size and my worst fears were realized when the first woman i was about to have intercourse with rejected me because i was too small for her i probably would have given up on dating for life then but a couple of years later a woman pursued me persistently and i eventually gave in but her first reaction to seeing my willy was laughter it has been many years since and i will never seek a romantic relationship again i will die a virgin i have a really huge wiener and it has messed up my life i am an indian guy with over nine inch noodle and my girlfriend broke up with me when we tried to have intercourse it was really bad almost impossible to have intercourse as there is no motion i used to be really ugly in high school and girls were not interested in me so i started working on myself i started working out then started dating this girl when i was 20 and we just seemed to hit it off we both resonated so properly we both loved anime had the same music taste in movies but when it came to intercourse it just didn't seem right so she broke up with me and we decided to just be friends but inside i am heartbroken she was the girl of my dreams and i thought she was the one i am a scammer most people i scam come from the usa gullible people you are i enjoy doing it as i see this as my revenge against you people my country doesn't have enough money or care to catch scammers like me slovakia but i will give a few pointers when trading online use a middleman if it is too good to be true don't do it always i p the scammer or ask for location could be in small talk but for now i will keep scamming these gullible and bred obese idiots and making quite a fortune doing it i won't come out to my parents i'm a lesbian but i don't see the point i'm sure you're assuming that i have homophobic parents or something but i don't think they are the truth is that i just don't want to come out to them i obviously will come out if i get married or something but my parents are getting old and they might not even be around for my wedding i guess you could say i have internal homophobia and sure you'd be right but it's really not that bad i've come out to close friends and my sister so it's not like i'm ashamed of it i just feel bad about being gay for no real reason if you could give me feedback that would be great because i know that many other lgbtq plus people feel like they have to come out but i just don't want to do you think there's something wrong with me i am a man in my early 20s simply put i received a lot of money from a trust fund about 250k and receive about 2 000 a month for 99 years sounds great right wrong i have no motivation to do anything whatsoever i am currently in my last year of college studying finance but i genuinely have no motivation to get dirty and work hard because i know i will always have a comfy safety net you may be thinking why not just give up the money i wish i feel like all of this money is the central point of my life and can't find it within myself to give it up this money is basically the life and death of me i have no motivation whatsoever to do anything here's further proof i'm about average height and average looks in a big city yet i'm still a virgin i've gotten close with many girls and relationships but could never make it happen i've repeated this two or three times before and i'll say it again i have no motivation to essentially put my foot on the gas pedal and go all the way i envy all with money problems i wish i had your motivation i am the man from the first entry in confessions episode 81. i wanted to explain not excuse myself more since i kept things more bare bones than i felt i should have for length first of all i laughed at the big ad comments thank you i talked to that woman from the philippines from ages 18 to 26 fooling myself into thinking i had a chance of a real relationship even sending her money regularly she gained a lot of weight before i finally saw how stupid i was to address a few people at once i am sure i have attachment problems i was very isolated growing up overbearing parents who isolated me from friends and family i was the scapegoat for the golden child it led to me keeping friendships that were toxic and used me after moving out which is why i loved online relationships they couldn't take advantage of me as much to this day the closest friends i don't trust use me for favors as a shoulder to cry on and they still leave me out of parties events to attend and alone when i am in need of emotional support i am still with them because i have known them since i was able to really make friends since 18. i am afraid of being left physically alone the app i spoke about i never used to send videos to hear anyone's voice i was only messaging and sending memes to the one person in the comments who i scared and made feel unsafe i apologize for making you feel that way please make your social medias private as a layer of protection i felt physically sick when i read your comment and felt disoriented to the point i almost collapsed i am not here to excuse myself i am here to explain what happened and what i thought to those saying i need therapy i agree i have been getting it for the last two months after a self-end attempt i plan to speak about this experience in my next session feel free to believe me or not i want a meaningful connection not to chase after a 14 or 18 year old girl it is a part of my life i was ashamed to have gone through one last thing to the sick butt wipe that made the comment about the age of consent in the philippines eat chemical waste i would castrate myself before entertaining the idea i fantasize about cheating on my girlfriend i've been dating my girlfriend for almost a year we live together share finances do things together fight occasionally normal couple stuff she's practically obsessed with me and we have a healthy sex life too everything's amazing that said i can't resist these fantasies i have i have a few close friends who are women and i know if i wanted to i could pick up one of my co-workers from the restaurant i work at and i frequently have fantasies about that sometimes while me and my girlfriend are having intercourse in fact it really helps me get off sometimes the most messed up part about it is lately i've been having fantasies of sleeping with my friend and secretly carrying out a homosexual relationship with him while still dating my girlfriend whenever my girlfriend goes to her friend's house i find myself fumbling myself to the thought of it like i said i love my girlfriend and i value her too much at least right now to ever act on these fantasies but each month it's getting harder and harder and i don't know what to do i am scared of growing up i am 21 now and i still live with my grandparents i've been working at the family restaurant since i was 15 and i honestly hate everything in life right now everyone in the community i live in are all the same ideologically and it's like living in what i consider the 1800s but with modern-day technology they're all hardcore bible thumpers and they believe that the virus is a hoax and that the government will microchip the vaccine because of revelation i think i am transgender and i am bisexual who wanted to vote for bernie sanders i can't take living in the closet like someone who did something truly horrible so i'm moving to texas with my girlfriend my entire family says my girlfriend is a man who will kill me in order to rob me besides that i am trying to figure out how to adult by figuring out finances get my driver's license and build the resume i am terrified of basic social interaction because i've always been coddled and told what to do i never thought i would live past 16 and i have attempted numerous times i'm still considering even though i would never actually do it i lose sleep many nights just trying to figure out why i just couldn't be the perfect hard-working christian man and even with the hope i'll be okay in the future i tremble and privately break down when i remember if i try to be happy with myself by being myself i'll lose my family who have been the only people i've ever known back in high school there was this overweight girl in my class that was always being picked on for her weight i was told that her weight was because of genetics and it was very hard for her to lose weight so she decided to just live with it she really wasn't ugly and she was nice to everyone even the people that hurt her well one day in class these guys took it a bit far and i decided to say something i never really had a problem with telling ignorant a-holes off but the guy i was going off on was very very very attractive and i was very very very dumb and lonely i told him what i was always told about her saying that she couldn't help it because of genetics he turned the whole thing around and outsmarted me and my idiot self just played it off as being under the influence of what everyone else was saying about her i told him that i was just sticking up for her because i really thought she had a problem me and the guy started going out shortly after and this is the most toxic relationship i have ever been in we're still dating to this day and the overweight girl is married and has started her own successful business while i'm stuck with this butt wipe because i was so desperate to be cool for all you lilly holes out there don't make fun of people don't be ignorant and don't let your ego stop you from admitting you are wrong people like that are the worst kind of people i hate this i'm thinking i'm becoming an intel and i don't like it sorry in advance if this seems like kind of a rant i find myself getting more and more annoyed at the level of entitlement i'm seeing from young women in my age group girls who idolize people like nicki minaj and cardi b trying to live their lifestyle girls who are on tinder listing off their criteria like it's a checklist meanwhile most of the girls i've dated and in my friend group lack such basic life skills it hurts me but brag about their head game and that should be enough for a happy relationship as a male i have these basic skills and women are genuinely surprised that i am quite cool in how clean my apartment is like just because i'm a man i live in my own filth i just think if you want to be with someone it's equal work on both sides not one person does all the work they are such basic life skills in my opinion to have it seems to me every second girl is on tinder just to plug their insta or only vans i also get very frustrated with the double standards of dating but i understand both sides have their own difficulties just to clarify i know it's not 100 of women that would be extremely sexist and i'm 100 down with women empowerment in the workplace and the metoo movement i hate my life at 27 years old i thought i would have all my ditch together i am in a toxic relationship with a man who likes to get his way and believes he is always right he criticizes me all the time and his excuses he is honest and that he wants to make me better some days i feel like the stupidest person on the planet because of him the last fight we had became physical and i had to apologize to make peace so he wouldn't make my life a living hell i have my issues too not saying i am a victim in all this i just wanted the criticism to stop we have a dog and the thought of leaving him behind with this man breaks me i don't know if i will ever forgive myself but i know i have to leave soon there's no way he would let me keep the dog as he paid for him but i take care of him i have been left with no choice either than to just leave rather than breaking it off in person does that make me a coward thanks for listening to radio tts and special thanks for submitting your stories hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more content 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Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 77,574
Rating: 4.9316516 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts confessions, reddit confessions, reddit confession, confessions, R/confession, reddit dark confession, reddit confession story, reddit confession stories, disturbing reddit confessions, r/reddit confessions, Dark confessions, best reddit confessions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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