The Most Delusional People Ever - AskReddit

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he wants to live a free life as a wandering philosopher rather than live as a working drone like everyone else what is the most severe case of someone being completely out of touch with reality parents of a 35 year old woman who was hospitalized after suffering severe anoxic brain damage 20 years ago she had been in the same Ward since barely conscious they refused to get her transferred to a more suitable facility for 20 years saying that there's no reason to do so those facilities are for lost causes and their daughter is going to make a full recovery finish school get married and be totally fine working in hospitals got me quite a collection of these stories but this one I thought was one of the saddest ones there is a girl at my work that always complains about not making enough because she makes 200 to 300 a paycheck then is always the first to leave early and always shows up late and has other people take her shifts she asked me how I make 600 to 800 a paycheck I said because I work more I'm currently at work taking over her shift she doesn't realize if you don't work more you'll be paid less this was from a regional manager of Starbucks after they removed merit-based raises that could go up to a 5% increase change to a flat 2% increase when she asked if people liked the new raise plan I said actually no they feel unmotivated with no reason to perform any better than just normal regional manager your staff need to realize working isn't about money my parents paid for half the down payment on my house pay for our landscaper house cleaner child daycare car insurance and give my wife and I a monthly allowance were completely self-sufficient human beings who even try and give other friends financial advice obviously written in the voice of someone I know work with a girl who is a flat earther and on top of that denied the existence of space when the topic came up and I disagreed she asked if I had ever been there obviously I haven't I told her I have also never been to Japan and that does not mean it doesn't exist she complained to management about my intolerance of her beliefs my sister grew up with everything handed to her and literally cried when her first car wasn't the color she wanted married rich can't fathom why I can't take off work whenever it suits me and says stuff like I wouldn't ask my boss for a week off I would tell him I am taking the week off my cousin was spoiled and sheltered her entire childhood through college then her parents stupidly cut the leash without any preparation and released her into society she quickly got in trouble for bouncing checks all over town my mom picked her up and asked why the hell she was writing bad checks everywhere turns out my cousin was under the impression that as long as you had checks in your checkbook you had money in your account she didn't understand that you deposit in a number and then can spend or withdraw up to that amount my old boss at the time was a girl of 26 who got 4 million dollars from her mom to play with her mom is very wealthy in China her daughter is here trying to be a CEO of a company for funsies I accidentally got a job at that company one days she told us we were all going on a group outing for bonding she took us to an outlet mall four hours away told the rest of us seven people that she was going to go shop and she'd see us later that was code for don't follow me every two hours she'd let us know she was going to go unload her bags to the giant van they rented and would group text us telling us we can meet her there to unload as well we all get paid under 50k we have nothing to unload by lunch she had proceeded to fill up the van with stuff she then asks me where all my new stuff isn't I said in budgeting right now she goes take out a credit card and go shop that's the American Way seriously okay by 9:00 p.m. her bags were taking up people's seats and they had to sit with her stuff she spent 30 K the rest of us spent about $70 we were tired and bored and cold to this day I still believe she thinks she did something nice for us and doesn't understand how polarizing and not at all team bonding that was my step grandma who called me a lazy useless loser because I was struggling to find a job after college back in 2009 when the economy was in the gutter she called me every name you can possibly think of but the most common phrase was dependent loser since I had to move back in with my parents this is the same woman who never had a job in her life and was supported 100% by my grandpa and is now currently living off of his Social Security and pension what a way to call the kettle black the pastor of a small-town Church insisted that members set up the parish hall and provide food and beverages for 125 people after every Sunday service even though the average attendance was only around 20 people week after a week month after month much food would be disposed of in large urns of coffee dumped down the sink and all because the pastor was in denial about the reality of weekly attendance had a friend who insisted she was in a relationship with a c-list celebrity whom she met once during a comic convention all the celebrities Instagram and Twitter posts were for her and everything had a meaning behind it when the celebrity got married she said that it was just for the media so she and celebrity could live a quiet life when he didn't do anything for her birthday she had a breakdown she went to therapy not long after my sister-in-law kicked out by her boyfriend comes to stay with us for a few days we suggest looking for a flat slash cheap house to rent near us she won't live in the scummy part of town near us she'd like a three-bed house with garden in the best part of town she has no savings and isn't sure if she has a job was a part-time cashier in a supermarket stopped going to work when Kovac came note not furloughed supermarkets still open she's just not going in when I suggested maybe she couldn't afford 500,000 pounds on a family home on her salary she suggested she just get a council house disregarding the huge waiting list and the fact that most council properties are in the ghetto parts of town this is just the crust of a deep layer of unhinged fantasy world that she lives in my step-brother got into a weird Gnostic religious group and thought he could convert people by talking to them for asking them socrates style except without any ability to carry out a philosophical conversation also assuming workplace is a fine occasion to do this when he'd get fired from his temp jobs he'd assume it's a conspiracy and fight against enlightenment this is more funny than deluded as a side note but one of the group activities is to have to rewrite their religious book by hand which he diligently did and it wasn't a small book either turned out he used the wrong color ink which for some reason and validated the whole thing got a job in a restaurant as a waiter assumed for whatever an imaginable reason at the proper way to act for waiters is to bow after taking the order when his supervisor asked him to stop he lectured the supervisor on proper waitstaff manners wanted to propose to a 50-plus year old woman who has until then shown no signs of being interested in him luckily he believed in the tradition to first ask the father's permission so he asked his dad who talked him out of it had an idea to join the military to convert them from the inside at one point believe the sunrays can sustain you but luckily never really bothered to practice it is totally against capitalism and wants to live a free life as a wandering philosopher rather than live as a working drone like everyone else however does believe the working drones and his family should support his noble pursuit while also chastising them for selling out my parents neighbor thought that her garden was too small for her sons to play in so when she met my parents for the first time the first thing she actually said was can you give me some of your garden so my sons have more space to play in thankfully my parents just said no for context they live in a very expensive neighborhood where houses cost on average from 750,000 pounds to 1 million pounds the gardens in that neighborhood are a lot bigger on average than the majority of gardens in the UK I've never heard a story of somebody being as painfully out of touch as that woman I used to work at a software company in downtown Boston one of the best perks of the job at the time was the flexibility in hours many folks had regular wfh days myself I knew I could drop my kids off at school get into the office by 9:30 and my boss had no issue with it whatsoever others with kids had similar arrived later our leave early schedules depending on their childcare after a few years a new CEO comes in spends a month observing how the office works then calls for a company-wide meeting during the meeting she tells everyone she believes having a full office 8:00 to 5:00 is the most productive environment and at the start of the next month all wfh was cancelled and she wanted everyone in the office during those set hours no showing up late or leaving early a lively debate ensued with discussions of there being very little warning to please of flexibility to concerns of making necessary childcare arrangements especially given that in many cases ie schools we couldn't adjust those times plus commuting into Boston sucks after listening to all of these arguments she finally responds with a long speech of appreciating the sacrifices everyone has to make to better the company everyone doing their part blah blah blah she ends it by saying I understand where you're all coming from years ago when my kids were little my husband and I had to hire three nannies to cover all of the times we had to work I remember we all looked around at each other speechless it was also the moment I realized I would have to start looking for another job when the millionaire CEO thinks hiring three nannies is a relatable example to her middle-class employees it's pretty clear she's not going to change her mind I went to a private International School in London as a teenager most kids there had parents working good jobs but in between them were some filthy rich kids with parents in the oil industry or something similar in eighth grade we were talking about our Easter break and my friend from Belgium was talking about how his family had decided last minute to go there over the break but had decided to drive there because there were no flights available then this Russian billionaire classmate of mine asked him why don't you take a private jet she was so clueless when we started laughing my friend suffered a psychotic break when we were teenagers he'd been smoking weed constantly for a couple of weeks not eating or sleeping and I think he had some underlying mental health issues anyway but that routine just sent him over the edge before his parents had him admitted to hospital he came and met us before we were going out to a gig he was wearing a pink silk pajama shirt and jogging bottoms and just looked very unwell he was rambling on about the discoveries he was making and that he was going to meet some scientists in America then he laid on the pavement in the middle of the street and told us we all had to lie down to conserve the Earth's energy that was about 15 years ago he runs a successful business now I was a stablehand of a very upper tier barn in a wealthy part of the country the staff have to sign non-disclosure agreements to protect clients on one particularly scorching July day I overheard a client venting to another about how she was incredibly stressed and going to have a mental breakdown because her first choice catering company was all booked up for the and of her last minute yacht party I'm paycheck-to-paycheck and had probably a total of three days off since Christmas I would love for yacht party to be my basis for a mental breakdown needless to say the staff had a healthy chuckle on that one a streamer that I watched a couple of times before his behavior drove me to stop it was ashamed because when he was actually gaming I liked the content but his attitude drove you up the wall and by attitude i mean raging back when I watched him the rest of the events in this post hadn't happened yet but the out of touch with reality part he talked about his girlfriend on stream a few times nothing wrong with that except his girlfriend was a female streamer who lived in Europe he was from the States and he'd never actually met her in his life she got wind of this through shared viewers and debunked the story on her stream saying she'd never even interacted with him this caused him to go nuts and start stalking the girl wherever he could causing her to eventually stop streaming delete all her social media and so on after his twitch account was banned for this he eventually managed to convince twitch to unban him and then did the same thing to a different girl now he's been permanently banned from twitch as a result of this again and keeps raging about it on Twitter just to clarify I don't follow the sky but someone posts about him on the game subreddits every now and then which is why I know the story some people are just bananas my friend stole my card information and bought loads of expensive stuff I asked her if it was her before reporting it knowing that a she was going through a tough time and I wanted to give her a chance to make it right and be that I could be in trouble for conspiracy to fraud if I reported it and they believed I got stuff delivered to my friend to claim fraud for the money back she said no I thought someone else had done it so I reported it when she got arrested she said she didn't think they'd take the fraud things so far she thought you could just call up banks to get the money back and they wouldn't investigate my father he is an habitual liar I somehow think he believes his own lies over the past couple of years and I've noticed he doesn't actually have anything new to say sort of regurgitates sentences in slightly different ways it's caused his business to fail he lied to everyone that was employed there he had to liquidate the company going so far as to tell people he met with lawyers and the process has been started I did some digging and found out there were no lawyers or liquidation he just tried to duck the system I have no contact with him but my brother says he is still trying to use the same tactics I just feel he believes everything sort of like living in his own head very sad that he damaged life's in the process I had a fat ugly unemployed friend who believed he deserved a perfect and girlfriend he only asked out women that were way out of his league it was so cringy he truly had no self-awareness in the club he would walk up to super model types and ask them out and would come back angry when he was always shot down he eventually moved to Brazil because he was convinced American women were too smug to appreciate his excellence and the crazy thing was that he wasn't just playing any confidence is sexy game or anything he 100% believed in this he saw himself as a God my boss's wife is 28 she grew up in a wealthy family and married to a man who was third generation owning the company he was in they were a regional power etc she was talking to his staff that in general made 36k a mumbling about a staffer who was on his honeymoon Tennessee ha Tennessee she looked around the room for everyone to join in my god how did she agree to that we did Hawaii and that was least I told him was acceptable thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for a free trip to Tennessee via private Space Shuttle click the right box for the George Carlin was right playlists let us know in the comments what delusional people you have experienced
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 145,718
Rating: 4.932961 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts delusional, reddit delusional, delusional, delusional people, delusional examples, reddit reality, reality, Delusional Disorder, spoiled
Id: i007TGsks4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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