People Who Slept With Their Boss For A Promotion Share Their Story - AskReddit

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not my boss but I'm sleeping with my boss's daughter people who have slept with their boss for a promotion or raise was it worth it I slept with my boss at the time and we secretly hid our relationship for several months in the end he told his superiors that we were together and it was he that ended up getting the promotion and race he was taken away from being my direct supervisor so our relationship could be out in the open we were married four years later when I was 18 I was part-time running food at a really high-end Italian restaurant after shifts ended everyone went to the bar next door and got drunk every night one of the managers was a 24-year old blonde that I really had a thing for after a night at the bar we were loaded and she said I could crash at her place so I went in one thing led to another we slept with each other and I took a cab home the next weekend when I had shifts the managers called me in because they fired the bartender and because I'm very hard-working that I'm going to fill his position maybe not an office promotion story but I was making a couple hundred more a night bartending than busing currently sleeping with my boss we work at a bar he manages and I was a cocktail waitress he's working on his mechanical engineering degree eventually and looking for a new job and I just got out of active duty so this is both a temporary job for us and we'll both be quitting within the next year aside from a free meal while on my shift usually we get 50% off but he just comps it I haven't really gotten extra benefits obviously I'm only dating him for the free meals and his genitals been dating for three months now I slept with my boss we were all out having drinks and were sharing a cab she told the driver to just drop both of us off at her place and I gladly went with it I transferred to another department shortly thereafter because we both agreed it was weird now unbeknownst to me I was giving a raise and a new title when I transferred I always thought of it as a reward for being discreet I had sex with her because she was a hot older woman the Rays I got later was unexpected when I was just 18 I had just come out of high school and I desperately needed a job I was able to get a job that pays $12 an hour at some guys small business the as I had to sleep with him that money was great but it was really awkward whenever I saw him I needed the money though so I would do it again I worked there for about a week when he confronted me he said that if I slept with him I would get a $4 raise I'm not proud of it but I would do it again if you're single right now and you make $50,000 a year would you sleep with your boss if you get a raise to seventy five thousand a year it is not two years ago the guys around my cubicle were borderline sexually harassing me I didn't want to bring it up with HR because I made that mistake with another company and that's a whole mess of drama I don't want to deal with again I went to my majors office hinting that my coworkers are pushing me to the point of quitting he brings up an open position that pays an extra 75 K per year that will have its own office and I can stay there secluded for most of the day the way he looked at me I knew what he was hinting at I asked him when he wants to talk about it he says he'll pay for a motel and we'll both get off two hours before work ends nothing straightforward was said I couldn't even text my husband for the rest of the day I arrived and we were there for around an hour no one ever got suspicious afterwards was it worth it no no no no the next morning I realized something very important I didn't need that extra money I could have just quit and found another job now I feel like an outcast in my family a person who would sell out love for money I convinced my husband to put the extra money into our kids college fund for a few years and then until a vacation account for when they're in their late teens and we can go on a nice cruise possible have them bring their girlfriends or boyfriend's I'm not spending a dime of that money on me and I know that's not enough to make up for what I did slept with my boss she wasn't hot but cute and I had never been with a curvy girl before we left a company Awards ceremony and had a long drive back to our branch two and a half hours well long story short she ended up giving me roadhead and we pulled over to do nasty things it was fun and we continued our relationship for about six months it ended when she was promoted to regional manager because she was always travelling to different branches never got a raisin or a new position I got to brag to my buddies kinda relevant I had in friends-with-benefits who was the manager at a store that opened in our town and I think that had something to do with me getting hired no experience whatsoever it was generally a nice experience I got a ton of special treatment at a couple free lunches it also didn't hurt that he was in the closet and I'm sure he appreciated my discretion kinda the other way around I slept with one of the girls that worked for me I was in a relationship at the time and this gorgeous smart funny girl started working for me we really hit it off as friends and we started messaging each other initially work-related our messages became more personal and we began to really connect as friends then one night my colleague was out with her friend for dinner and invited me along for drinks we headed to this nightclub and began to drink vodka by the bottle big mistake and ended up confessing our feelings to each other we left the club together and knew what we were doing was wrong so decided to go separate ways home by the time I got home I had a missed call I called her back and we met in the city where we sat and talked until the early hours she invited me to go back to her as as temperatures had really dropped I said yes and we made our way there holding hands and talking when I got to her as we lay next to each other on the sofa and talked and talked and talked all night nothing happened the next morning was awkward and I went back to mine feeling very confused a couple of days later we were at a work night out in the pattern repeated as we went back to hers and talked all night the next morning she kissed me we slept together and again and again I felt very bad for what I had done but I couldn't help but feel happy at the same time I broke it off with my girlfriend which was one of the most difficult things I've ever done I now realize that I am completely in love with this girl and we are currently looking for a place to live together work out pretty awkward as people realized what had happened in my now girlfriend left for another venture I was the boss sleeping with my employee she was a very mediocre employee to begin with raging alcoholic would come to work looking like hell with black eyes and wet hair never on time after we started sleeping together I think she developed the attitude that she had to start performing better at work or would be obvious there was something going on when she didn't get fired within a few weeks she's a model employee probably far better than even I was she received several small lateral promotions within a few months one I was involved in and when I was not we ended up dating for over a year while I was still her boss before we both left the business we both started looking for other employment because of our relationship and found better jobs with better pay a few years later we are still together and now living together and engaged I slept with my boss granted we had to file a form to claim we were in a close personal relationship first he tried to help me get hired elsewhere so it wouldn't be such a conflict then he explained what being in the job for 20 years was like the politics of it all how everyone hates it after a few years and burns out so I quit the job and now I'm going for a law degree still with him over a year later and couldn't be any happier if I tried and I think he feels the same best decision of my life I can't even fathom my life without him he was worth all the stigma and hours changes and pay lust for taking time off to be with him I do some freelance work as a reporter and actually just agreed to a sexual relationship with an editor of a local newspaper I really want to write for he's 27 years my senior but the taboo nessa VII is enticing and exciting and the obvious advantages work-wise that come with it won't be too shabby either kind of feel just a little bit guilty about it but hey he's like a George Clooney in the town I live in so why nah I had sex with my manager so I could become a full-time waitress when I started working at my current job I was a hostess eventually I was able to wait tables part-time but still most of my hours were for shifts as a hostess which only paid minimum wage I kept pestering the GM and am's to be made a full-time waitress but there just weren't enough shifts at the time eventually my GM announced that he would be leaving to open another restaurant in another state not part of our small chain completely different franchise he ended up taking me aside to tell me that he really wanted to make sure I was promoted to full-time server before he left I was thrilled he asked if I'd like to talk about it with him at his house that night I said absolutely when I got to his place I realized right away there was a total quid pro quo type of thing in the works yes he'd makes sure I officially became a full-time waitress he promised that while stroking my thigh though and that's when I realized what was happening yes I did it keep in mind I never felt threatened or pressured I wanted the promotion he wanted sex and I was okay with that did it make me feel a little dirty definitely but it was actually a really fun night that I don't regret was it worth it absolutely at the time I was barely able to pay my bills I was literally living paycheck to paycheck in the two plus years since I've managed to save a pretty decent amount of money when it's not killing me I like the work too but if I'd had to wait for that promotion especially after the GN left it would have probably been months before I became a full-time waitress there's no way I would have been able to manage that and I'd have probably ended up getting a different job so yeah I was happy with the results not a boss but one of my professors at my university she was in her late 30s and I was 22 it was her first year at the school and was having a rough time meeting people she was having car trouble so I offered to help her out while I was visiting during her office hours she offered to feed me dinner and I was more than happy we started drinking and ended up in bed we had a casual relationship for most of the year until I unfortunately had to move after graduating when finals came around she told me not to worry about the final 15 page research paper hell yeah but to be completely fair I was a really good student with a solid day in her class before we started hooking up when I was in high school I worked at a pretty large movie theater in my area it was a lot like a restaurant in the sense that everyone is sleeping with everyone in partying most nights together we had a very cute manager who was probably about 30 and pretty strict on most of the guys who worked there mainly because we were little high school dish heads that thought we were the cat's pajamas anyway I hooked up with her after a party and it was great we became friends with benefits and since she was in charge of the timeclock she would often clock me in a couple hours early on slow days before I showed up so I was getting paid full-time 40-hour weeks while only working about 20 hours she would also have me stay late to clean up after late we would have sex in the regional manager's office since it was the only one without cameras and because the regional manager was a fear mongering which I had a summer job working for the local government I worked in a department filled with stereotypical middle-aged office women you know the type they shower in JCPenney perfume while caking on as much makeup as they can like it's some sort of competition then they come in to work for an hour or two so they can gossip and eat the rest of the day anyways I was basically told to file random stuff while they asked me about my life and what I did outside of work but all weird and creepy like they would ask me about my weekend on Wednesdays so I never knew if they were talking about the previous weekend or the one coming up then the not so subtle queries about my sex life would come up randomly I usually deflected these pretty well yet there was this one lady who happened to be the boss of the department who was not really subtle at all she started hitting on me in the most awkward ways possible keep in mind I was 18 and looked 14 and this was a summer job so there was no room for advancement or raise close to the end of the summer she flat out asked if I wanted to have sex with her for a recommendation and arrays' if I came back next summer you get a raise every year you come back I wasn't that stupid I did not do it slept with my boss when I was 17 and she was 24 no forethought to promotion or a raise but just because she was an older sexy woman and I was crap with women at that time it was all good in the end happened a couple of times I got privileges like the hours I wanted it work and in the sections I wanted as well as a side benefit left the job when I went to university and all was good I would do it again most likely but not for promotion or advancement but just because it was good fun have slept with a co-worker a couple of times I would say that was more problematic than with my boss I must admit there are bosses I've had that I would have liked to have slept with not for promotion or a raise but because there is something very attractive about a woman in power not my boss but I'm sleeping with my boss's daughter my boss knows about us and has yet to say anything or treat either of us differently I don't mean to toot my own horn but I'm a very good and loyal employee there so I think he knows it it'd be a bad business decision to fire based off of an emotional standpoint rather than a rational one I think the only real consequence I've experienced would be that there have been times where I've been over for dinner and my boss has said oh I'm adding you on the schedule for tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. as we're leaving it's usually on a Friday or Saturday night when he knows her and I are probably going straight from dinner with her parents to the bar or out to a club with some of our other co-workers just as a little fu because he knows he can't fire me simply on the basis of dating his daughter who just so happens to work there as well we've been dating for three months now and I know they tell you to never where you eat but I would do it all over again if anything I feel like it's brought me closer to my boss he's a totally different guy at home funny and just a simple guy who watches football every Sunday not that I don't like him at the job he's respectful in the type of person who's a leader not just a boss I'm not sure if it actually is helping but it feels like he's getting exposed to the real me not just the work me seeing what kind of person I am all the time so I'm gonna keep on dating his daughter because she's hot as hell and I like her I will freely admit that I slept with my supervisor from work we spent a lot of time working together and in my career which involves about 50% field work it's hard to meet guys from outside the job so I met this great guy who was extremely interesting had hobbies he was passionate about and he just happened to be the person I report to one night he asked me if I wanted to go rock climbing with him and so that became our thing a few nights a week a few weeks later I was absolutely starving but was too tired to cook dinner so as a joke I asked what he was going to make me that evening and he took me up on the offer and cooked some amazing food and then afterwards he showed me an amazing night then an amazing week then amazing months we split up because I had to move away with work so I didn't get a promotion or a raise but I was kept on for the entire duration of the project as one of three geologists from an original 12 I don't think it was because I was sleeping with him not my boss just a supervisor because my productivity rates were higher than anyone elses the advantage I got from sleeping with him is that when I was out of work he was asking around all his contacts to try and find me something it's nice to have someone helping me out occasionally bit of a story for me girl just returned home from being an air hostess for a few years got a job at my work deli customer services everyone bangs everyone in CS she was school friends with my boss so we saw a lot of each other we got on well started sleeping with each other she moved into her own home and asked me if I join her foolishly I said yes six months later using her connection with her friend in the company she got a promotion and a new job role in training an HR tiny bit more money but more importantly she was now my boss you can see where this is heading another six months later we started to have some issues and agreed that we should work at it it was for my part the fact that we were together 24 hours a day made me feel a little suffocated from her point of view I wasn't ambitious enough she told me to go for jobs I didn't want to do in the company because it looks better for us anyways a little resisting her urges for company promotion and my own plan to go to university part-time to study for my dream job everything seemed to get better then it stopped being better we drifted even though we were still together constantly and after deciding to give it one last go she dropped a cannonball on me she told me she had been sleeping with not only her boss but with a company director and a co-worker I asked how she could do this it boiled down to that she did it because she wanted to without regard for me just to progress her career rest assured my world crumbled I was embarassed at so many things being cheated on by your girlfriend is one thing being cheated on by the person you share a home with another being cheated on by a co-worker something too but being cheated on by your boss with members of the same company after we broke up I tried to continue working at the same place but it became very clear that she wanted me gone and twice went to her boss to find a way to get rid of me I found this out from our mutual friend years later I couldn't take it anymore and quit I went on for 4 years after that went to that bottom of that barrel everyone talks about I was low very low I felt completely lost and alone with my troubles I had no idea where to go what to do and thinking like this was just my fault deal with it I lost a good job and a bad girlfriend I gained around 100 pounds I close stirred up socially I thought that I was weak to need help for feeling a bit down that this is something you can't ask for help to deal with no one cares this went on for years I remember genuinely thinking that everyone around me would have their life improved if I was simply dead I was diagnosed with depression and social anxiety with suicidal tendencies but things are getting better for me I've lost 84 pounds of the 100 pounds I put on in the last 18 months I have resigned up to finish my degree in September of next year I volunteer regularly at a local mental health charity that helped me during my problems anyways don't sleep with anyone you work with it can only potentially ruin your job it can ruin your life my first job was at a mall food court holy hell everyone was farken each other it was a big corporation that runs mall airport and truckstop food courts around the country so it was 12 fast food places and three restaurants all under the same management / employment so people would be moved to different units frequently it was just a series of hookup traumas every day this creepy BK cook he had the Zoot Suit frame banged all of the chicks over 250 pounds and one day his current girlfriend was crying because someone told her he was only with her because he's a chubby chaser it's a really relationship stressor saying he only likes fat chicks it was like a circle of people you hung out with that you didn't want any of your other circles to know about the entire crew would go bowling one night then next month we'd all go to a rave and get messed up after the mall closed then the month after that we had a zoo day that place was anarchy and sex you should try it out I was ridiculously awkward and still managed to get two girlfriends there they pretty much initiated the entire sequence of events with me just meekly replying to everything they said thanks for listening to radio DTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for a better position without having to sell your body click the right box for the radio TTS career advice playlists let us know in the comments what you think about sleeping your way up radio TTS for alive
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts promotion, Reddit raise, reddit boss stories, reddit work stories, Promotion, Raise, reddit promotion raise reddit promotion at work getting a promotion reddit
Id: pF5SpKa6lIU
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Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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