The Monument Mythos: American Wonderland [Season 2 - End]

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hey welcome back to coverage of the monument mythos quick little point just so we're all aware this is the second part of the full series exploration of the monument mythos series by alex kansas if you missed the first part you need to go to this video the monument mythos alternate timeline of terrors season 1. nothing is going to make sense if you continue with this video without having watched that one first or the first season of the monument mythos now once you've done that or if you've already done that which i'm assuming most of you have then you know the drill if you haven't stopped to watch the content in full i highly suggest doing so especially because the creator made playlists so you can watch it all straight through in chronological order once you've done that for season two you can come back to me here i'll give you five seconds to do so and go [Music] alright are you all set good let's dive back in because there's a lot more content to season two than season one and we get to make a bunch of connections and tie up loose ends when we come back to the monument mythos we're introduced to an aspect to the timeline we haven't seen yet big corporations the analog to apple computers maze machines is presented through a commercial advertising their personal computer popcorn prime we then receive a map of maize manufacturing plants established each year in the u.s from 1960 to 1971 spreading in a sort of w pattern from the west coast to the east starting around the area of san francisco and leading to just outside new york maze and the u.s consumer product safety commission issue a mandatory recall of all personal computers after outbreaks are reported pcs are to be disposed of at the local hazardous tech collection center this most likely occurred in the 1980s judging by the timeline we're given next 1960 maze machines is founded by rob careers and rob withroba that timeline's counterpart to steve jobs and steve wozniak 1969 president dean establishes the department of technology uniting all major american computer corporations and allocating billions of dollars toward technological advancement 1970 maze produced his first personal video camera and home computer 1972 maze collapsed with department of defense to make first control system for true forces of mass destruction tfmds it goes under project horned serpent showing a logo that follows the pattern of the maze production plants across the u.s 1980 maze is attacked difficult to understand the image we're looking at but it seems like several buildings covered in special trees with some shooting lightning 1990 the last american pc is shut down on national television with the sign off screen promising a new beginning and in 2000 a statement we always want to hear from giant corporations whose products needed a mandatory national recall we've learned from our mistakes control his confidence and today there are no doubts with mei's movie maker now you can take control next we explore maze factory or we're about to but first we spread the word someone puts on the screen then we're showing some graffiti but where are the monuments they are all connected we're actually in the point of view now of the vandal from rushmore revenge or a member of their group two pairs of legs are seen headed down the stairs and end up in a cave they reported that the air felt charged one of them takes out a map and examines a spot that's been censored probably by maze since they now own the footage one of the intruders touches the wall activating an electric response the monster down here is very hard to describe do not visit these sites they have not been fed in years filmed by maya and nathaniel arnoldson well look at that we found our vandals arnoldson was the family name of the group in canyon crown and the father was looking for his sister maya he must have been nathaniel and guess what we've already met maya arnoldson she was the lincoln looker taken by mistake her experience in the statue may have been the event that made her join whatever organization is infiltrating monuments the pattern for info in the video descriptions changes here too we're no longer dealing with the archivist a statement from maze now indicates that several photographs of president dean have been manipulated to protect security interests and people are encouraged to check their twitter account spelled quite differently from our history's twitter and now a personal favorite for a lot of people ripped straight from the pages of last year's edition of really stupid news the suez canal crab march 23 2021 the container ship known as the ever given gets stuck in the suez canal creating an immediate halt in all supply chains and the world economy by blocking a critical route in the dumbest way possible in the monument mythos timeline on april 6 of that year president clinton announces a nuclear solution to the problem broadcast through may's news network with every passing hour that the ship sits there it costs the global economy over 400 million dollars so they're going to detonate a nuke in the canal to create enough of a force in the waves that it should dislodge the ship on april 10th the nuke is detonated the waves go up the ever given is freed and then it tilts sideways keeps going until it's lodged in even worse and seems to be swallowed by the land we're shown a twitter machine aka t machine a handheld device that appears to just be for accessing a much more scaled down 90s style version of twitter an egyptian account reports that the ship just disappeared according to the officials one person says it got up and left why is everyone confused and then uh then we're shown exactly what happened as the ever given is now walking on appendages that make it seem like a daddy longlegs an egyptian tweet comes in the americans destroyed the suez canal and released a demon great april 11th a u.n security council meeting declares that the suez canal crab will not be destroyed the crab cannot be eliminated without causing great damage to the ever-given in this day and age the world is unprepared for a loss of cargo of such magnitude no containers will be lifted from the ship since though flying aircraft caused the organism to ambulate unsteadily efforts are underway to carefully manipulate the crab's root through egypt we're shown a diagram of two barriers which it appears the crab gets through without a problem then cairo is shown just ahead of it the next segment is unexpected a presentation from dr disturbing about the 2021 cairo tower stampede and you know i could keep on being a dark media spooky guy narrator for a minute myself but i never get the opportunity to kick back and let somebody give me a chance to grab some water and catch my breath so here listen to this guy instead due to evacuations around the suez canal millions travel to cairo in search of housing in response to this migration many building capacity limits for popular attractions were inflated cairo tower one of the tallest buildings in egypt had its own recommended capacity limit increased from 700 persons to 1000 [Music] on the evening of april 16 2021 upwards of 1200 visitors toured the cairo tower at once although concerns of overcrowding had been raised by several staff members the building manager dismissed their comments since the suez canal crab would be passing by later in the evening he also encouraged visitors to enter the upper levels of the tower as that would provide a better vantage point at 8pm the suez canal crab was observed to have turned toward the cairo tower and proceeded to approach despite an alert sent out by the egyptian government for civilians to immediately vacate structures in the crab's path most visitors ignored the warning and stayed on the upper levels of the cairo tower as it came near at 8 15 pm the suez canal crab was seen to have stumbled and in an attempt to regain its balance crashed into one side of the cairo tower killing over 200 people the resulting tremors that traversed the building damaged its staircases and elevator systems beyond repair the cascade of shipping containers from the ever given knocked forward by the momentum of the initial stumble lasted for over two minutes as an estimated 800 containers broke from their locks and pushed forward an additional 1000 containers as all 1800 containers tumbled down through the building the structural integrity of the cairo tower rapidly diminished falling debris and containers are reported to have killed over 800 visitors at 8 19 pm the cairo tower fully collapsed dragging the immobilized suez canal crab into the ground in total only 39 of the 1189 visitors of the cairo tower survived two of the 15 staff members escaped to safety including the building manager none of the six security guards survived although paramedics and police officers had arrived shortly before the cairo towers collapsed the visibly unstable tower prompted them to collect survivors on the ground and retreat to a safe distance at 8 41 pm a hazardous waste collection team and soldiers of the egyptian ground forces arrived to contain survivors within mobile quarantine chambers due to fears of a potential contagion contracted from the suez canal crab all civilians in the vicinity were placed in quarantine under the authority of egypt's military in collaboration with the ministry of health upon impact with the ground the suez canal crab and the ever given separated the large wounds caused by the separation discharged thousands of gallons of seawater and bodily fluids the hazardous waste collection team and soldiers attempted to plug the gushing lesions however survivors report that their efforts were mostly futile due to the team's inability to stay standing on the slippery ground with the number of accidental falls among the troops on the increasingly wet ground the egyptian army diverted its focus from closing wounds on the suez canal crab to evacuation efforts by midnight the civilian population within a three-mile radius of the fallen cairo tower had been completely evacuated on the morning of april 17th egyptian authorities publicly announced that the suez canal crab had fallen in cairo and laid in a vegetative state although the cairo exclusion zone was primarily intended to prevent any media coverage of the crab and the surrounding destruction several journalists managed to record footage of the site through the assistance of private helicopter pilots by 8 am clips of the crab were trending on twitter members of the anti-device association attributed the severity of the disaster to the development of intelligent devices specifically twitter machines they reasoned that due to the popularity of twitter in america the ever given was overstocked with t machines which weighed the ship down and consequently caused the initial obstruction of the suez canal on twitter the ada released a vicious string of messages criticizing twitter hillary clinton and egypt along with images of the suez canal crab photos of scattered goods that had fallen out of the shipping containers became a popular topic of discussion one image of a sports car resting on top of debris would be retweeted by the ada with the caption the cairo exclusion zone is a conspiracy to keep goods in egypt the american people have been robbed okay back for my lunch break ah that was nice thanks doc anyway that cairo tower disaster was pretty messed up right but now comes another commonality between our history and this other history loudmouth idiots on twitter spouting conspiracies as false justifications to run around being [ __ ] eventually leading to actual harm that could have been avoided if their parents had raised him to use their brains instead of always giving in to their infantile emotions and then deflecting criticism by yelling i don't give a damn what anybody thinks because of course those tweets about egyptians concocting the whole thing as a plot to keep goods from americans didn't stay as the ramblings of the village idiot impersonating the town crier people added on by claiming they saw a sports car at an egyptian soldier's home and on april 19th it would be the day to reclaim their property yeah their property egyptian officials had managed to catch a few intruders in the exclusion zone but mostly they continued working on attending to the situation keeping people out treating the injured making sure nobody got any giant crab fluids on them but on april 19th over 12 000 americans who had booked flights to egypt gathered at the gates of the exclusion zone an egyptian officer was murdered the gates were broken down the americans immediately began going through the shipping containers finding an array of goods including firearms those who weren't already armed ended up taking weapons and it wasn't long before fights broke out these mixed with accidents resulted in several injuries and many deaths even before a twitching leg on the suez canal crab caused the panic which created a stampede on the wet ground crushing several falling people as others ran away from the scene then when they met the middle barriers placed to keep them in the zone to prohibit the spread of potential diseases and violent trespassers several more died from the crowd crush in the attempt to escape of the over 12 000 americans who had arrived only 944 survived now here's where it takes a turn from depressingly realistic to wonderfully creepy 77 survivors were found kneeling around the body of the crab and claimed they were promised by a deity that they would survive if they prayed to the crab none however could explain the dead worshipers around them these survivors would later form the church of the ever given while being treated in a hospital together the cairo exclusion zone is now designated a world heritage site so here's where we have a moment to do some thinking because it seems the suez canal crab wasn't just hanging out on board the ever given right we've seen evidence already that the use of nuclear technology doesn't really go to plan in this universe the radiation therapy on alcatraz island ended up spawning duplicates of alcatraz at an alarming rate who's to say that use of the nuke in the canal didn't irradiate what was a normal crab and make it something horrible after all that didn't look like any crap judging by the legs it could just as easily be that the bomb woke up a monster already living at the bottom of the canal but it's worth keeping in mind that nuclear technology was used to initiate the event and might just be the reason for this you also may have noticed that the old anti-dean group the ada is now a new ada anti-device association speaking of president dean here's another video in relation to the hottest commander in chief you never had dean disaster the story of america's worst tv hijacking during a broadcast of abc news anchor frank reynolds informed the public to prepare for a special program the next day as they would witness the start of a glorious adventure people assumed that like one fateful evening on abc they would receive an incredible announcement from now president james dean and millions of americans sat in front of their tvs on may 13 1969 for the broadcast [Music] james dean's america is hell but you still don't believe us you'll hear the truth from james dean himself [Music] from that moment air raid sirens nationwide activated playing at a much higher volume than usual which burst the eardrums of anyone within a 4 mile radius extreme panic ensued causing a rush on bomb shelters resulting in stampedes the injured flooded hospitals overwhelming their abilities to respond to those in need fires broke out in all major cities and the number of cars running on the roads generated so much carbon monoxide that it became lethal some of it infiltrating homes and shelters president dean was rushed to the underground bunker but refused to stay hearing the screams above he gathered his people to shut off the vehicles on the roadways and put an immediate end to the risk of poisoning then mobilized the national guard to do the same his next order of business was finding out the source of the air raid sirens a few phone calls revealed there was no nuclear threat which meant this was a coordinated attack he ordered the armed forces to shut down all the air raid sirens and when technicians arrived to do so they discovered the bodies of those who tried in piles forming ramps to the tops of the sirens with all forces occupied dealing with their own sirens shutting down cars and assisting people there was no one to tackle an air raid siren near the white house so dean took it upon himself to shut it down permanently damaging his hearing in the process rendering him deaf the volume also burst several blood vessels causing abdominal hernias in his drive to join the forces working on the emergency he had sustained the same injuries as countless americans who had been caught in the immediate radius of the sirens and now would literally share their pain the sirens would be shut down within three hours and the next day radios would relay the message that americans in their shelters could leave it had been a domestic anti-dean group who hijacked the sirens and their attack had cost so many their lives their hearing and their health president dean chose to respond to the event with a speech to be delivered not only in captions on tv but through the very sirens that had been used against the people is jimmy speaking i'm sorry very sorry for what's come to pass i wish i wish i could bring back your friends your family i want to fix everything this is not the announcement i plan for but as you know there are people who have it in for us the ncd association they hijack our systems they hurt people [Music] the ansi dean association is an anti-american association i want you to keep an eye out for them they will not be hard to find because they are very proud of their silly ideas find them and bring them to your local authorities will make things right we have places for people like them this is jimmy signing off in the wake of this announcement hundreds of thousands of anti-dean citizens would be apprehended and sent to correctional facilities nationwide all in the vicinity of national monuments it was a symbolic gesture according to the documentary most of those detained would stay for a short period before being released and their friends and families would claim they were rehabilitated their personalities had improved they held no memory of their criminal past and some came back with changes to their physical appearance people were so impressed with whatever was happening in the correctional facilities that they began requesting admission for themselves despite not being ada members it got so bad that teen had to issue a statement hey it's jimmy again a lot of you won't be sentenced to the same places we're sending those antsy dinners to i get it those who come out of these places they look clean as a whistle but if we send you to those places too then those correctional facilities lose their [Music] [Music] may 22nd 1969 president dean receives a state-of-the-art hearing implant from maze machines he was so impressed with the quality and ease of surgery that he was inspired to take action that would allow such a change of life for the american people prompting him to request an emergency session of congress he spoke before them insisting that they needed to bring together technology companies to manufacture the hearing aid that he'd received for the whole nation it took just 10 hours from that point for congress to approve the department of technology by may 27th everyone with hearing loss from the ada attack was eligible for the surgery free of charge mass rapid surgery hospitals were organized and surgical androids were given clearance for use in these locations yeah androids didn't see that one coming right and once everybody who had lost their hearing in the attack was given the surgery anyone hard of hearing who had been that way before the attack was also granted the free treatment president dean effectively eliminated deafness in the united states the country was cured by the deadline he had given july 4th and how did james dean celebrate that independence day why at the racetrack of course with his old friend richard nixon uh okay now that i finished being miserable about realizing james dean was never actually a president let's get back to something in this truly beautiful tale that isn't so beautiful because it is important we know why so many of the anti-dean association members came back as better people the event of rockefeller tree tragedy shows us that when a special tree is activated a parallel version of a person from another timeline is brought into this one while this timeline's version goes in their place almost every anti-deener was swamped with a timeline sibling which is why they had different memories and changes to their physical appearance but here's the thing we know a lot of these monuments are meant for sacrificing people not just swapping them between realities and it was said that most anti-diners came back that means some of them must have been sacrificed right after all hundreds of thousands of them were rounded up and processed but the group responsible for the hijacking couldn't have been that big because they never would have succeeded without a whistleblower or a bunch of them among the ranks and forming the government here's what i'm thinking faced with a group of domestic enemies who were as willing to harm the entire nation as the ada president dean must have felt he needed a solution to punish the criminal element while eliminating the possibility of others picking up violent actions in their stead the entire realm of anti-diners had to go not because they were political opponents but because they were genuinely dangerous and willing to hurt their neighbors changing their minds wasn't an option but changing who they were and putting them in a reality where dean wasn't president which is what they wanted would be a way of solving the problem without killing or imprisoning the non-violence they'd pay a toll obviously but they would be alive and be free as for the ones who didn't make it back the perpetrators of the hijacking yeah feed them to the monsters what they did was too evil and far too anti-american to tolerate the scale of the damage death horror and the blatant infliction of harm was too great and keeping a group like that alive to bring the temptation of breakouts by living outsiders or the issuing of new orders from inside was too much of a risk is it a messed up thing that president dean did as far as the members of the ada who ended up as monster food go nah we'd love to see it team jimmy all the way as for the replacement of hundreds of thousands of americans that's a little insane i understand it but i don't agree with it there are much better ways to go about dealing with that element than evicting them from their own reality even if it gives them an aspect of reality they do want it's uh it's an interesting issue to think about that's for sure and now back to the weird [ __ ] with the entry starry sphinx we open with a message about a tfmd on mars showing us an egyptian sphinx on mars yep there's a sphinx on mars you'd better believe it the egyptian monument leaves the planet and makes its way to earth then drops false children which organized into the shape of the starry sphinx and distracts observers as the mother ship flees meanwhile we're presenting an interview with leonard morland the lincoln looker info guy which was recovered from an arson scene egypt was against an excavation that america wanted the egyptians insisted their system worked for thousands of years and would continue protecting their country turns out the excavation was for the pyramids which the u.s deemed true forces of mass destruction making their excavation inevitable you see the ancient pharaohs appointed workers called guardians who would spend years of their lives cutting the trees with giza glass blades this wasn't to cut down the tree but to make it focus on repairing the damage instead of growing the ancient egyptians knew they could not permanently halt the tree's germination but by prolonging their growth the egyptians bought themselves time to build enormous towers that would better contain the trees it was discovered that the pyramids did not extend into the ground as far as we thought they went much much further they weren't pyramids at all they were towers which contain an enormous species of metaphysical flora as a result of the visitation by the martian sphinx the pyramids rise out of the ground extending horrifically high we're left with a diagram of the starry sphinx versus the trees that are now revealed by research produced by the anti-device association scary situation you bet the title of the next entry is giza guardian but it actually focuses on much more than that we begin with a stream of the star sphinx on july 4th carry through may's news network the sphinx lays down and when its orbs touch the ground that's not a euphemism by the way the formation changes the orbs stretch up unfolding end over end until they've all unfurled and bent over forming arches a massive flash of lightning takes out the camera feed and we carry on to another doctor disturbing video project giza guardian throughout the 19th century stories were told of lightning strikes near the pyramids of giza which only occurred under formations of a certain unknown constellation when lightning struck the sand it formed a strange mineral called giza glass which was collected by members of the bedouin tribes in the area the only people who knew the constellation that generated the glass in the 1870s british egyptologist flanders petri discovered the constellation that came before a giza glass event and organized an expedition three years later to beat the tribes of the harvest petri and his men succeeded but had to break large sections of the glass for transport in the process he slipped and fell on an upright piece of glass and was beheaded but somehow survived his head still blinking in mouthing words the troops collected his body and head but became concerned when the head began to take on a strange color and swelled significantly dr disturbing cuts away from telling us what happened to petri there which kinda sucks because that's actually a disturbing story but at least the rest of the info is valuable petrie's a lot of giza glass was taken back to england but further shattering during transport meant the museum didn't want the material they decided to hand out the glass with the first recipients being some visiting americans then president rockefeller ordered the confiscation of the glass from the american ambassadors aware that this was no ordinary material he decided that segments of the glass would be refined in the blades and given to a group of greco-egyptian swordsmen they were assigned to guard restricted areas of the grand canyon from trespassers for decades and anyone who was injured by their giza glass blades was given vinegar to control the side effects but since the ability to treat the side effects lessened over time those afflicted were granted shelter inside the grand canyon on one condition they would lure unknown dangerous persons wanted by the government to the forbidden zones of the canyon the government says project giza guardian was shut down in 1969 but sightings of the swordsman continue to this day next we have an interview with louisa crawford wife of thomas the sculptor thomas apparently hated america he left for rome when he was 21 and thought it was ridiculous that a slave-holding nation wanted him to make a statue named freedom he chose to give freedom a liberty cap a symbol of roman slaves who had been freed he wasn't happy when he was told to remove the cap but took the project anyway and went to egypt to find material for the sword giza glass he had an accident with it once slicing off the top of his finger but felt no pain and no blood he could even control his severed fingertip one night he came home without a hand and said he could still control it back at the workshop it's here we learned what actually happened regarding thomas and the statue inspector zafino was wrong mrs crawford explained the statue had thomas's eyes because he had cut up his own body and put it inside freedom on the issue of nina we now understand what mrs crawford does the giza glass was used on her which is why her remains seem neatly folded around the statue inside freedom thomas and nina are protecting america together a report follows by the prior members of the delaware river journal who were shut down for their story about washington following the ada's attack on dean's presidency at the capitol the freedom statue which killed over 150 of the trees and weasels is now headed to the grand canyon a journalist from the new delaware journal leaks a classified file the header attract and extinguish ada members and other curious persons protect may's assets what follows is a diagram of the freedom statue carving a path through the grand canyon beheading ada members ending with someone familiar maya arnoldson an audio clip from a device recovered by park rangers in 2004 features the last words of maya which are mostly just her pleading for her life her body was recovered but her head remains missing so this video brings us a lot of information first there are mother ships delivering special trees to earth from space it also appears that the star he sphinx was always there it was the constellation that was making the lightning that created giza glass we also got confirmation about the freedom statue really being alive it was thomas inside and soon after nina it's unknown whose flesh the pair used to finish the sculpture before arriving in the u.s but deep inside it's a father and daughter or if there remains we don't know how sane they might be anymore as for their fate they ended up in the grand canyon creating the canyon crowns with a sword of giza glass beheaded ada members had their bodies discarded and their heads expanded over time becoming the huge balloon creatures that live there it certainly explains the smell of vinegar whenever a crown passes when lauren arnold sent and her family visited their father was looking for his sister maya we now understand that they were probably both ada members and he was looking for his sister there because she became a canyon crown the video fallen father serves as a kind memorial from a child to their father choosing to use their art form to honor their memory in the text we find it's by lauren arlsson who indicates that her father nathanael didn't come back from the grand canyon there are some strange scenes outside which to be quite honest i'm not really able to interpret aside from the idea that nathaniel was beheaded by freedom and followed them home as a canyon crown speaking of the canaan crowns this next one is a doozy we hear from dr disturbing again who is back to youtube three months following the death of his father wait didn't lauren arnoldson have a brother who went with her to the grand canyon she did didn't she is doctor disturbing actually nathaniel arnoldson's son i guess we'll get possible confirmation on that one later we're introduced to part 7 of the rockefeller tapes in which rockefeller describes the site of a german air vehicle bearing his name a thank you from the german forces for his contribution to its development disgusted at the result of his actions he asked for his name to be stripped from the blimp and all the others in the line then goes on to explain how it came to be it had been rockefeller's personal mission to reinvigorate the american economy during world war 1 he saw an opportunity by making secret dealings with the germans choosing to sell them a load of canyon crowns for a tremendous german sum which were placed inside the blimps to make them float in doing so rockefeller helped create the deadliest airships known to man which were later used to kill american forces and their allies during the war rockefeller knew the day would come when the american people would learn he was responsible for the blimps and they would demand his death the president that followed him bought time by covertly seeking the elimination of every single rockefeller airship using a unique form of death ray that had a very strange item in the lens operation pyramid plasma was conducted to take out one of the ships which saw the anti-airship death ray placed at the top of the great pyramid in egypt at this moment we understand the great pyramid is secretly hiding a massive special tree and it's not a good idea to do anything crazy in the vicinity of those trees the death ray doesn't seem to have a direct energy component to draw from for eliminating the target which tells us it's probably using this special tree inside the pyramid itself a truly bad idea several men were needed to operate the ray and they successfully took out rockefeller 70. as a result of the operation the 17 men overseeing the ray were disintegrated divided into microscopic parts and scattered in the desert in a semi-conscious unstable form they eventually found each other forming an amalgamation fusing into one being as one the men returned to their homeland and in stage five of the aftermath they retaliated executing a counter-attack on may 23 1937 president rockefeller entered a bunker under his plaza and was never seen again investigators found the door to the bunker melted open with possibly the most powerful heat ray ever built only two photos of the potential suspect were ever released one is from the site of the special treat rockefeller had taken from babylon forest the other is from a christmas tree celebration in rockefeller plaza in both instances the suspect is a glowing translucent figure resembling a human nervous system made of light this is the amalgamation who had been haunting rockefeller ever since his presidency and chose to strike once the news came out that let them know he was responsible for their condition washington wonderland brings us back to virginia the girl who switched realities after an unsuccessful lobotomy virginia fate arnoldson yes arnoldson like maya and nathaniel provided a more complete account of the rockefeller tree tragedy following the switch between realities virginia's parents abandoned her unable to truly see her as their daughter her foster parents likewise chose to leave her shortly after resulting in virginia ending up at an orphanage many of her friends ended up sharing the same fate they stuck together until aging out of the system with the military taking the boys and the doctors taking the girls virginia informs us then of what things were really like in the forest of special trees when the tree changed me i was not scared at first i did not know what was wrong with me when my eyes adjusted i was in a field of special trees i was reminded of a story my mom told me alice in wonderland this was my wonderland i held myself close and looked up the trees looked like they ended but above them were upside down trees and above rows there were upright trees like they were being reflected forever the pattern repeated for as far as i could see i looked down and i thought i was on solid ground but then i looked more closely i was sitting on a thin floating layer of dust it smelled like baby powder and through the dust i could see the start of another tree and below that one there was another and another infinity of trees while i played with the breasts i heard distant footsteps they grew louder and louder then there were bright flashes of light all around me out from these lights hundreds of people ran out one man came up to me and whispered the trees are not the trees he had such sad tired eyes as he picked me up and put me on his shoulders he said you could be her anyone could be her i promise i will not leave you there was a bright flash and we were in another field he was sitting in front of me with his hand out another flash and we were both running past through the woods [Music] and we were both lying on the ground looking at infinity every few seconds there was a flash and we would be doing something else again and again and again over and over and over it will not stop it felt like forever years of flashes i was so angry at first but soon i had those sad tired eyes of his two we were so sad and tired every now and then we will flash to another layer of dust above or below yes but we would always see the climbers i think there were people who tried to climb the trees while they were flashed around they were stretched and burnt maybe the dust was the people that fell the man was always with me he kept me safe the whole time he must have been years i felt like 500 years i named him everett he was always there he never left me everett was my best friend then on one random blow no time one random time all the trees bumped and the flash brought me back to new york all my friends were around me well i did something wrong and i lost it i ruined everything when virginia was 18 she went looking for her new parents her father had died of a broken heart and her mother lived in isolation virginia wanted her old parents back and went to rockefeller center where she spoke with the tree the tree stood at the top of the plaza above everyone else i was never supposed to visit again but i did and i spoke to her at first i could not understand her voice was like a breeze behind my eyes it was cold and i could not move but soon i could understand she said that i had to be ready to exchange one life for my own she understood that i wanted to go back home to my new york she said come back in three years and i did [Music] virginia comes back and the sequence is the same as last time in fact it happens two more times it took her over six years and was about to be nine years but something happened while she was waiting during the third period she met a man a secret agent who followed her everywhere one day she found him waiting inside her house where he confessed that his job had become more than a job he'd fallen in love with her his name was leonard and with no one else in the world she was close to virginia came to love him too she became pregnant with a baby boy and she named him everett virginia was nine months long when she visited the tree again she put directions in my head i followed those directions i walked for four days i had to i wanted to go home so badly but i became so happy when i could hear the music it was like the tree's voice but form the washington monument looked much bigger in person its door went up high like it was for something much bigger then i went inside there were bodies everywhere the breeze told me to relax i went on the elevator it went up oh grow up it stopped at the top and the music blared it was so loud i could not move the floor opened and i fell o below down i felt myself hit the ground then i kept drifting down past the ground past rock sand and magma through the layers of earth it must have been years it felt like 500 years then i reached the other side and i felt myself rising through all the layers of earth past the magma sand and rock past the ground back into a body another body almost the same body and flattened like a little red pancake but i felt so empty my belly had sunk little everett was not with me anymore many others laid around me broken like me almost alive and completely still but a little of it was nowhere while everyone else exchanged for their own lives themselves i must have exchanged little evil for mine i cried i cried for years threw all blood into the ground for years why did the tree keep us alive did they like pain did they drink our blood was there any reason for any of it [Music] he had no say he did not even say his first word i ruined his life from the start maybe he lives in wonderland i hope he lives in wonderland one day one random day the music grew and there was the brightest flash we found ourselves outside at the base of the tower the tree had been freed and we were in a field of trees wonderland had risen but whatever it was still missing we were all lifted out in helicopters i was at the hospital faster than ever before they told me it was 2003. they told me everything i knew was wrong they told me everyone i knew was blood and now they plan to fix me i'm sorry paw i'm sorry ma i'm sorry friends i'm sorry leonard i'm so evil please remember me please please remember after her second lobotomy virginia never spoke again later in her life she produced a series of paintings titled the right life they feature prominent figures her parents her friends leonard everett and everyone together virginia passed away in 1980 at the age of 59. her son everett is believed to be the 20th washington absentee a statement from maze is given everett arnoldson commonly referred to as the 20th washington absentee is a humanoid creature that is purported to inhabit the forest of the washington zone have you ever seen everett this is a little hard to unpack so we'll start with the easy connection to understand first leonard is a character we've already seen he's leonard morland the former senior advisor who informed us about lincoln lookers and the truth behind the pyramids now regarding 20th washington absentee everett that's difficult to wrap our heads around he was in the womb but he's recognized as an actual presence at the monument in one of the realities furthermore virginia was told when she came through that it was 2003 but where informed she died in 1980 at the age of 59 which version of her and if virginia is providing the information about her journey before a successful lobotomy which version of virginia is giving that story because this could easily be either one seeing how virginia in both realities was swapped out by the rockefeller tree while placing an ornament how can we have a record of her from 2003 and facts about her death in 1980 are we being given documentation from both realities in one video and the music the music of the special tree the effect it has seems very different from the lightning virginia wasn't electrocuted when she hit the ground she seemed to phase through it in fact all of the washington absentees disappeared they had no swap outs from other realities there are elements of the tree's powers we don't understand and it's produced a very difficult situation to wrap our heads around i'm less concerned with everett and more concerned with trying to understand how this even works this is so tough let's keep moving forward maybe something will shake out that helps us remember the air force one angel this footage relays the strike by the u.s air force against the unmanned air force one as it finished its trip to some monuments an odd map of the u.s is shown in the process revealing that it's been divided into three sections legally known as the united zones of america the alcatraz zone the rushmore zone and the washington zone with a capital in each what follows is one whacked out video is the secrets uh [Music] uh us the unification of 1980 was short-lived as state borders were restored by the end of the decade however due to the extent of the unification of 2003 state borders are not expected to be restored within the century the ada refuses to recognize the three zones and their capitals the picture taken at the tomb of the unknown soldier reveals the identity of the air force one angel it's the amalgamation of the soldiers from operation pyramid plasma who exacted vengeance on rockefeller and seemed to have dedicated their afterlife to exposing the truth about the monuments it is now also within the hands of the ada regarding the unification points and the united zones i feel like there's crucial history here we aren't being told unification of 2003 leads us to believe that the actions of the air force one angel are involved the connection we can make now as well is why it smells like baby powder at rushmore and why it looks so odd we seem to have a major bleed through of virginia's wonderland either that or the natural forest floor for a group of special trees looks like that the whole world egg ada thing is really odd to consider now but we've seen that surfing idea before remember this fact from the maze movie maker video 1972 maze collaborates with the department of defense to initiate the first system to control true forces of mass destruction they come up with project horned surfan and the pattern is a cut up serpentine dragon with body parts roughly following the pattern of maze production plants which we know are guarding secrets the ada declared that it was time for the underground god to leave he does not belong here but the world egg cannot hatch without force they have to fracture the zones themselves split the earth open no more zones for the cracks will be the true borders a thousand states of america are a thousand states of peace and they'll use their fallen angel to do it they're walking atom bomb who will evict the horned surfing and again their logo a serpent wrapped around an egg crossed out the horn surfan some underground god is what they want evicted and it must be that in some way project horn surfan is keeping this world egg from hatching just how long has the ada been using the air force one angel for their agenda what is it about hatching the world egg they want so badly the idea of cracking the nation into a thousand pieces doesn't seem very awesome now let's finally circle back to the statue of liberty which you'll remember hold something much more horrific than a special tree the video opens with info on the statue of progress a colossal sculpture of the entryway of the suez canal it was designed by the same man who created the statue of liberty ferdinand de lesseps the developer of the canal is heard speaking next in an interview recording talking a lot about his inspiration and dreams for the canal then it takes a turn until now what you heard was from a speech i wrote for the grand opening of the canal i could not bring myself to lie to everyone i did not choose to build the canal the man beneath america ordered me to any night he can sink into my dreams we're then shown an animation by the ada the sinking man and the forbidden fruit from the book of ferdinand 29 3 it shows a colonial man with an axe rotating around a fruit tree with some ground covering at the base that resembles baby powder suddenly he sinks below the surface finding himself upside down and in a plane with another tree and another and another immediately we get the picture he's in the world of special trees meeting end over end just like in virginia's wonderland but something different happens here the man stretches becoming horribly long reaching the height of all the trees on the screen we return to the statue of progress followed by a statement about the surviving audio recordings of the 1889 liberty lurker interview with liberty's designer being fake the authenticity of one recording however continues to be disputed to the providence i confess it is a heavy burden that i cannot share with the world but i cannot keep carrying it on my shoulders all alone the most difficult part the most painful the one that made my sleep go away in my hair go gray was the construction of the pedestal but i know why the pedestal is so massive so tall i simply cannot bring myself to tell them the truth i am not strong enough the truth being that i designed an avatar just for him grant told me that he used to be normal like us he called him the horned servant the devourer of villages it was the name given to george washington by the iraqi this was no coincidence their damned founding father locked up in my foundation 1985 following the release of the liberty lurker though not surveyed the environment beneath the statue of liberty's pedestal they recorded the following video inside the horn serpent metastructure colloquially known as wonderland and it is indeed virginia's wonderland the forest of special trees that stretch up and down forever so what does it mean the builder of the statue of liberty told us a version of george washington who used to be human is inside of it he is the horned serpent the ada's animation wasn't showing any man it was showing george washington trying to chop down a tree that was not a cherry tree and being taken into the wonderland where he grew to horribly long proportions probably because like virginia had once seen from a person's mutated remains he tried to climb it he was the man beneath america convincing prominent designers and dreams to build monuments he was the underground god that the ada wanted free and if there really was some insane event that resulted in washington crossing the delaware and later showing up frozen maybe another reality's version of him got trapped in the wonderland ended up as the horned servant and became the nation's most horrific secret as for why project horned serpent chose pieces of the snake across a load of maze hiding places well maybe washington's form is bigger now than we could ever imagine or maybe just maybe someone used giza glass in a way they never should have and sections of washington are everywhere like some kind of sick american version of exodia the forbidden one oh man this is one messed up project you know that okay now at last it's time for the big finale a culmination of many of the insane elements we've witnessed so far we begin with an ominous opening quote from thomas jefferson we now understand quite differently the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants the final upload of dr disturbing is presented dad's favorite things showing us the following paintings apotheosis of washington road to happiness by james dean and together by virginia arnoldson we're left with a quote i hope i see you soon dad three days after upload the remains of lorne and quinn arnoldson were discovered in the grand canyon the siblings were last seen riding onto astonishingly large balloons according to park officials the balloons encountered an unexpected crosswind which caused both siblings to fall to their deaths that tells us two things first dr disturbing was arnoldson's son second quinn and lauren returned to the grand canyon to be with their father and aunt and rode them into the sky before falling to their demise next we have the last broadcast of the new delaware journal leonard reveals that the ada has kept him captive for years forcing him to read their scripts for the old delaware journal you have heard me read about lincoln lookers and the starry sphinx those were their words in my mouth but they did not keep as close an eye on me as they should have he was able to read his own scripts through the new delaware journal three nights before his death which he knows is coming alcatraz went stealth it had expanded shockingly fast and mimicked the environment on a subatomic level to appear invisible spreading to the east coast leonard says he's finished the last batch of tests and can confidently say he's not the same person he was three days ago alcatraz had copied us all overnight every particle of this country and its citizens replaced the united states is the ship of theseus inside my skull is alcatraz's fleshy reproduction of my brain i will not live with a copy of myself better to extinguish myself now than to live a lifetime as something else is handiwork i heard fire does the trick maybe i'll see you in the next life forever for virginia for america though not a will receive data he will convey it to you in a theatrical manner he will arrive in your world after our apocalypse 2 22 22 in hours 10 116 in yours it's worth noting that 2 22 was when this video was uploaded next the angel's ultimatum graffiti is seen at lincoln memorial by the monument vandal now revealed as the air force angel the remains of the men from operation pyramid plasma the advocates were deranged they are all ashes now we will never be weapons again leave us alone or join the ash pile after a two-decade search the angel was located in babylon forest the place where a special tree was found by rockefeller part 4 operation thunderbird two androids in the grand canyon lure freedom to a site where captive false children react to her presence initiating the arcing and the lightning and all of that lightning reacts with a cloud of giza gas that's been generated locking freedom in a pyramid with a set rate of decay freedom is then airlifted out to babylon forest dropped inside and left to encounter the angel predicted result mutually assured destruction part 5 the actual result the awakening of the world egg resulting in the rapid growth of an untold number of special trees then seen in these clumps of special trees in space which then seemed to connect creating a blinding white light and were left with a note survivors of the great division are known as corner folk wow i think i need to go to sleep for 12 hours now i don't even want to try explaining that [ __ ] and it blended to yet more videos by alex kansas the quarterfolk series so even after a whole reality collapses you're not off the ride that is exhausting i'm exhausted how long have we been at this screw it i don't have it in me i don't have it in me after all that i'm not about to go on to another whole series now you just forced me into playing the dlc after a 70 hour game i'm taking two minutes to myself okay lights out you know i'm not a smoker but it's moments like these i really get this urge to step outside and just burn one down i'm in a building not a cigarette when was the last time i had to deal with a kitchen sink of mind-bending stuff after a marathon like that everman hybrid this house has people in it you ever notice how it's some of the most brutally dense stuff in this field that gains an enduring legacy makes life harder in the sign of work but i do love to see it was the suez canal crab even for though where did it come from what was it was it just a bit of fun it was fun but like lore wise this was such an awesome creative effort-filled series it did so much and it was so smart it was so original and it made me take 17 friggin pages of notes which i haven't had to do since i don't remember one i would punch the monument mythos in the stomach and take it out for ice cream what a work of art this is top shelf stuff everyone who enjoys unfiction should watch it and everybody who wants to make unfiction should study it and no one should ever bother me about it ever again i love this project and i don't want to think about it again for a year i really don't my sanity is worse for covering this but my overall life is better and man [ __ ] alex for making me wish for a president like james dean knowing full well there's never been one that is pure heartache how dare you give us a dream like that and tell us it was a lie he's going to be on the racetrack forever in my heart i miss president jimmy all right is it two minutes yet am i past two minutes ah well now comes the part where i have to get back out there and make sense of this wasn't cabin fever dreams supposed to be fun ah it has been fun i'm just enjoying the idea of what the comment section will say about this skit thinking that i'm serious okay so what just happened a lot of things all at once for a short answer as for the long answer in the first part the story of the arnoldson family was wrapped up period that's it we get that loose end taken care of albeit sadly in part two leonard morland virginia's lover informs us that some of the videos we've watched have had false information so we can't even trust our own understanding of this story entirely anymore on top of that alcatraz completely defied the projections of researchers growing to encompass the us and it also had the capability to replicate and replace atomic matter outside itself which is insane and the first time we've heard about that ability he chooses to self-immolate refusing to live as a copy of himself in part 3 the angel informs the government that the advocates for the division of america are all ashes now they've personally destroyed the organization and just want to be left alone and you know what they really should have just left them alone it's appropriate that the ada named their champion the angel because in part 5 freedom's fight with the angel basically initiated their impact see the angel had the energy of an atomic bomb in its being and it was hiding in the middle of babylon forest the babylon forest as we know was the location where rockefeller found a special tree which means there were probably a lot more of them the government took the freedom statue planted it in the forest to neutralize the angel and it blocked the angel's attack with a sword made of giza glass think about that a being of immense energy bordering on a nuke blasted a sword made of giza glass in a forest of special trees there was no way shape or form that this was going to turn out okay and it sure didn't the force of these two elements combining seemed to tear open the earth activate whatever special trees were in the area shake the planet and hatch the world egg which then exploded devouring the world and replacing it with this giant mess of special trees and maybe the other planets too because remember we saw the sphinx mothership on mars and in our final shot that's what we're left with the detonation of the planet creating a ripple effect throughout the universe and then a giant collapse of reality all because america couldn't leave some veterans they treated like dirt alone now this event is known as the great division and the survivors of it are called corner folk as previously mentioned there is a video series by alex kansas for corner folk this video is long enough already i'm at 14 pages of script i know it's going to be long but if you've got the stamina to do one more video just one more we'll do corner folk and gain an understanding of what happened as a result of the great division so are you with me do you have the energy alright one more video let's do this in 2011 riley tillen uploaded three videos describing an unseen presence in his home a fourth video in 2013 raised concerns over his safety and prompted an official investigation upload 1 is presented from october 20th 2011. riley explains how many dimensions intersect with our own forming corners ordinarily beings in one plane cannot cross into another except for the corner folk who are able to jump through the boundaries into other planes of reality on occasion he's even seen them catching photos and video he believes the crossing power of the corner folk requires massive amounts of energy which produces the blue flashes we then receive upload 2 from october 27 2011. cameras at home captured evidence of corner folk huddling together in a corner exhibiting micro movements as if sleeping he also mentions an important concept the corner world [Music] i imagine that their corner world is made of many plane intersections allowing them to move freely without using up any energy [Music] my photographs show that smaller corner folk have odd impressions on their skin as though they have been pressed against many plane intersections at once the corners likely belong to a nursery or a crib in their home world a multitude of corners placed in close proximity could be used to secure the infant from leaving the corner world perhaps they only cross corners in search of food the same way we only leave our homes for resources the corner world may be used to raise young while my own house's corners serve as rest stops of sorts during their journeys i've begun to dream of the corner world i can't stop thinking about it according to the calendar i've spent entire weeks in my home just drawing and describing the corner world on paper i lost my job last month due to repeated absences but it really does feel like i just left the office this afternoon when the corner full jump it feels as though they're taunting me but i'm close to a solution regardless of whether my body survives the forces of the corner world or not this much is certain the fear of my own destruction will not prevent my entry [Music] [Music] following his last upload viewers requested a wellness check on riley tillen local authorities found hyland asleep in one corner of his room a closer examination revealed that his internal organs had been folded along various axes warranting immediate medical attention during his recovery tylen avidly made origami despite claiming to have never been taught how to do so as of 2020 he remains in the care of his friends so did the corner world remind you of anything it looks kind of familiar doesn't it like the mesh of special trees and tendrils and whatever that spaghetti mess is at the end of the alcatraz apocalypse that reality folded crushed into a corner world framework the ada's vision of america cracked borders 1000 zones has become their new reality except that it's now a thousand times a thousand times a thousand and the survivors crushed by the warping of that universe became corner folk and that and last is it unless you want to go forward with the other corner folk videos which yeah seems like a fun time oh what a long strange trip this has been huh alex kansas has created a really impactful original series through the monument mythos it's a mystery box and it gets a bit convoluted and involves some 4d thinking but that's obviously by design the inability to really solve everything i think is also by design and i'll stick to that opinion there are elements to this project that simply can't be cleared up from the audience perspective though i'm very certain that somewhere online somebody's taking a crack at filling in all the holes enough to get within striking distance of alex's own story bible at this point though you really don't want it all solved do you the monument mythos excels on showing you pieces of a world not explaining all of it leaving mystery intact just seems right for its nature we may never know how the world egg got there although i have a hunch that maybe that is what the whole everett thing was about because technically an egg is a correlation to a baby in utero we might never solve the paradox surrounding virginia and how she died before 2003 when she came through the portal or which virginia was telling us what at what point we don't know if the delaware double story was a fake by the ada or if it was real and that somehow explains the whole george washington kaiju thing inside of the wonderland we'll never get an explanation for the suez canal crab there's just there's a lot there's a lot that will not be explained and that's okay point is are you satisfied with your journey did you enjoy the ride do you feel like you can never quite look at us monuments or any monuments for that matter the same way again then the task is done the mission accomplished and in ways that other creators have not attempted to do it or even thought to the effort involved is clear the results are fantastic and the fascination is obvious both from the consistent viewer numbers on the videos to the rave reviews of the monument mythos in our season 1 exploration comments here's to you alex through mystery mayhem and morbid events in the world and in life nothing stopped you there are moments when being a creator and a person at the same time is very very hard and you kept going you're going to be remembered fondly for this you have entertained and inspired thousands with your original well-crafted imaginative work and you have undoubtedly released the horned surfing of imminent copycats and well-meaning mimics trying to spin their own versions of your story and format while showing they learn nothing from you in the process and then i'll be dealing with the repercussions of that in the form of suggestions and look what i found messages from those same young creators pretending to be innocent fans for months you owe me a drink now or at least some tylenol for the headache but all jokes aside you owe yourself a pat on the back and i mean that sincerely thank you alex for making the monument mythos and making this field of art a cooler weirder and more mysterious place thank you all for watching and thanks to my supporters on patreon who all live happily on an island under a giant statue of me in an ocean you will not find stick around to the end of this video to see the names of all these awesome creatures of the night and remember if you want to support nightmind directly you can do so for as little as just two dollars a month over on patreon this helps out so much more than you ever know it's extremely appreciated and it also empowers the night mind index which makes it possible for me to catch wind of crazy news stories and if you can't join patreon but you're not subscribed yet why not subscribe you're missing out on new nightmare content in your subscription feed otherwise random chance on youtube under the algorithm is a lot more risky than hitting the subscribe button thanks for joining me in the dark again this evening once more i'm nick nocturne and i'll be seeing you again real soon make sure you stay away from corners and national landmarks and until next time sleep tight [Music] so [Music] so [Music]
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 448,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monument mythos, alex kansas, cornerfolk, night mind, unfiction, webseries
Id: EAbybKE_Fxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 39sec (4539 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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