The MONEYBALL Rebuild!

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what is going on guys bengal again here coming back at you with another video and today got a very interesting idea for you guys as we're doing a money ball rebuild now what moneyball is if you guys are not familiar with the concept it was kind of brought together by the oakland athletics of the early 2000s based around like finding players with a higher on base percentage which was an undervalued stat in baseball at the time and really just not paying players a ton of money and that's not to say that they didn't have some players that were highly paid miguel tejada was an mvp uh around that time with the team and he had a pretty decent contract on him but for the sake of this video we're going to try and keep the contracts down i need to create some type of construct to have like a rule set for this so i think what i'm gonna do is no players with contracts above 5 million per year if you want to see an actual raiders rebuild i did a 20-year rebuild on the channel check it out it's in the rebuilding playlist that this video is in as well so you can go see that every team is in there so far and if i did a realistic rebuild the first time i'm gonna do an unrealistic rebuild the second time and vice versa so you get it hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on any future videos it's completely free helps me out a lot and i'm so close to 250 000 you guys so that's so awesome i'm glad i'm entertaining a lot of you guys it's incredible to me i appreciate the support and yeah i think we're gonna do under five mil per year but also it might just be better to have a baseline for for over all salaries that we can't go over like we have to stay 20 mil under the cap or something like that we'll figure it out we'll hop in i chose the raiders because uh they're a team that hasn't really gotten a ton of funding and that doesn't mean they haven't been able to sign like big free agents and whatnot but oakland athletics in real life oakland raiders of course then moved to las vegas i could have just relocated a random team but i feel like this is pretty on brand unfortunately though i will have to trade a lot of these players away because guys like derek carr guys like rodney hudson trent brown they're gonna be over that threshold or even if we decide to do an overall like team salary threshold they're gonna heavily contribute to that as well the toughest part about this in my opinion is going to be finding a quarterback because we're either going to have to draft one and develop one within four or five years but they're going to be expensive qb is so expensive i don't know it'll be interesting let's get into it and we'll uh we'll talk more about it in a second so as we scroll through the salaries on here there are some big ones i didn't even know lamarcus joyner was getting paid this much and it's interesting with the way some of these contracts are structured it's going to be a lot more expensive next year for some of these guys and then cheaper the next year and the year after that for some other guys so i think the best most efficient way to do this after evaluating the overall salaries and based on where some of the league averages are i think the best play is to set the baseline under 150 million for total salaries as you can see at the top of your screen 2020 cap is 210 mil and salaries for most teams seems to be between 170 and 210 kind of being the highest i i think i chose the uh the most expensive team in the league somehow i mean the jaguars are under 130 jets under 140 so do i have to even set it lower oh i don't know you know what let's let's do it let's get super crazy so here's what we're gonna do uh at any point the total salaries has to be below the cap and the cap i think actually does rise the way it does in real life in madden i could be mistaken about that and we'll change it as we might need to but the 20 20 cap is 210 mil and right now the lowest team in the league is the jaguars and they're at just under 130 which is what 80 mil off 82.9 mil in cap space so we're going to say at any point we have to be over 75 mil in cap space so this is gonna be extremely difficult but uh i wouldn't have it any other way let's struggle let's go through this pain cap space has to be over 75 mil at every single moment and if it goes over we got to get rid of somebody uh yes interesting point we have 10 million cap space right now another thing we have to consider is this first year we're going to take a massive cap penalty just kind of cleaning some of these guys out so that will affect us but salaries will be overall lower so i guess cap space doesn't matter so much this first year because we're going to take a big penalty because we got to trade some of these guys away but overall salaries has to be below what 130 mil basically it's around that need salaries to get to i think it's 135 mil is the baseline i said let me just write that down so i don't remember don't forget don't remember yeah good call on that so the big salaries to get rid of derek carr i mean i almost want to call him david after i did my david carr career reason number one overall pick in 2002 bust by the texans that video's up on the channel as well if you want to check out that but i gotta get rid of some of these huge contracts starting most notably with derek carr trent brown lamarcus joyner tyrell williams especially these guys that are signed in through 2022 like they gotta go after 2022 it's not too big of a deal like we could probably continue to pay darren waller but i'm not liking what i'm seeing in 2022. massive contracts we have including will include gabe jackson 9.6 million we have one two three four five six seven eight at about 10 million to 20 million wild even look at marcus mariota's contract good lord i said getting a qb is gonna be the toughest thing by a mile okay so this first trade and this is the way we're gonna have to set it up i think because right now based on the length that this rebuild's gonna go i can't just go out and trade for players with good contracts for some of them yeah but for a lot of these guys i just need picks i need to navigate around the board to save money and the number one overall pick as is expected from the jaguars in 2021 and 2022 as we have that's gonna be expensive in its own right so we might have to trade down from those spots as well but derek carr tyrell williams trent brown headed to jacksonville for two first-round picks now we just gave them an offense so they might actually be fairly competitive but derek carr 20 mil trent brown add another 20 mil tyrell williams 10 mil on to that 50 mil headed to the jacksonville jaguars okay so i'm gonna really just do an interesting trade here i think isaiah simmons is gonna be a really good player to have he's listed at safety we're probably gonna end up playing him at linebacker which means he's gonna stay pretty cheap the entire time safeties just don't get paid very much inside linebackers don't get paid very much when you have to uh do their contracts for the most part it's gonna be rodney hudson jonathan hankins and a first round pick that's our first run pick this year for isiah simmons really really good player for the future now hasn't looked amazing in real life he's struggled to find an exact role for the cardinals they've kind of kept him off the field he's played better in recent weeks because he's actually gotten some more playing time he's learning where to be and how to play still going to struggle in uh run fits and things like that because he is still developing that play strength due to the size of his frame and he's not really a true linebacker but i think we're gonna play him at safety and then as a sub linebacker figure out what to do with jonathan abram but i want to get that first round pick back because i think we're going to be fairly bad so i need to get this first rounder back from arizona it's going to involve probably carl nasib it might involve uh corey littleton or nick witkowski where's corey little thing let's set it right outside linebacker but i think witkowski is probably gonna be on the move they don't want carl nasib now they don't want kwikkowski what's going on carl nasib and tak mckinley actually get me the cardinals first and i'm not done in order to work this thing out i'm gonna have to just be super savvy and maybe that's gonna mean abusing the system a little bit or a lot i'm trying to keep cleveland furl to be honest but i i want my first round pick back and lamarcus joyner probably has to go in order to make that happen i don't feel like trading darren waller i don't want to trade josh jacobs what are the cardinals even gonna want okay richie incognito gabe jackson corey littleton to the cardinals for our first round pick back in a 2022 second rounder so i know i'm completely blowing up this team but it isn't about the raiders it's about the money ball concept and we just kind of needed a clean slate to work with and there's so much talent on this team for the future like colton miller now that he's actually developing he's going to be a really good player for us now he will get pretty expensive so i'm trying to just batten down the hatches and prepare for that henry ruggs should be a stud star receiver in the future he's playing on a first round contract he might end up getting expensive so i would say unfortunately don't get too attached to anybody because a lot of these guys are going to be gone just the nature of the beast so right now our salaries is at 112. so i know our cap space is only 51.7 mil we're experiencing quite a few penalties right now like a lot of them but salaries is way way way down now of course we're trying to keep that under what 135 yeah 135 so we are like clear under that right now but i don't think i'm done because guys like lamarcus joyner who were 29 years old only in 80 overall they gotta go it is not worth paying him that and we're paying him that for the next three years feral is quickowski is probably gonna go rugs is fine uh and i think the rest pretty much fine i'll probably wait on trading kwitkowski and who's the other one i said lamarcus joyner uh lamarcus joyner actually has to go now though because of his age he's gonna rest so i cannot wait until the offseason to trade him because regression will hit he'll be down and overall can't happen is there anyone i need to trade because i only have one year remaining theoretics on the raiders no way nicholas morrow he might have some value malik collins on a one-year deal okay so we got to trade him nelson aguilera lamarcus joyner headed to the jets two positions they actually need a lot in real life i think these players would really help them out and we're getting a first round pick those guys had to go now i said i wanted to trade malik collins as well but i also want to trade nick quitkowski the reason i'm going to hold off on kwikkowski for right now he's still under contract he's 27 so he might end up progressing a little bit more into the 80s might give him some more trade value also at that point i'll probably be able to buy a uh trade package to boost my value on some of these guys so uh i need to add one more player nevin lawson nevin lawson make it happen no it's just barely not gonna work okay malik collins nicholas morrow and a fourth round pick get me a first from the lion so that's all i'm gonna do for right now the team is garbage well aware of this had to happen this first year was just about creating as much cap space as possible our salaries is under 100 mil that's so crazy so we're gonna have all the money we want pretty much to sign anybody in free agency but again we do have to remain under that 135 million for total salaries and that's in relation with 210 for the salary cap if the salary cap rises in madden i'm not sure it does i can't remember but if the salary cap rises however much it rises by total salaries will rise as well i think that's pretty self-explanatory but just for example if the salary cap is 210 million as it is now and we set the baseline for 135 mil we have to be under that salary cap jumps up to 220 we would also get a 10 million dollar window 135 would jump up to 145. we're one and six at the mid-season mark which i'm fine with don't really anticipate being good at all nevin lawson i could have tried to trade rayquan mcmillan i want him around he's only 24 years old but i'm also paying him here as an outside linebacker which is not really what i want to do because he's going to be significantly cheaper i think if we pay him as a middle linebacker henry ruggs superstar dev excellent i actually didn't know he had superstar seeing the slot let's put him in the slot let's boost him up maybe he gets superstar x factor or something like that uh furl has a rush to tackle fine i needed to play isaiah simmons at sub linebacker like that's fine that he's starting a strong safety also superstar dev but i'd rather have jonathan abram i think at strong safety and simmons basically being a linebacker kwikkowski i'm going to move over to outside linebacker he's under contract his overall will jump up rayquan mcmillan is going to play middle linebacker because when it comes time to resign him which we're going to wait till the end of the season i want to pay him like a middle linebacker not like an outside backer kwikkowski to an 80. rayquan up the middle and then my sub linebackers probably not going to be jonathan abram probably going to be isaiah simmons and probably going to be rayquan mcmillan do i really want to resign anybody in here rayquaza mcmillan eventually yes daryl worley we're gonna need to find value deals is he gonna be one of them he's gonna have what four years to develop where they're about get him up maybe to an 80. uh probably not worth it daniel carlson i don't need to pay a kicker actually he's super cheap uh so i'm actually just gonna give him this contract i mean that's that's under seven mil a year or seven mil for seven years under a mill a year easy the rest not too worried about at the moment justine braequan mcmillan i'm gonna wait till the end of the season and i'm gonna wait on coach xp probably as well i don't even think we can afford anything i think we're what did i buy yeah i bought increased player weekly goal xp at the start um i think i'm probably gonna do expert scouting because we need to take super big advantage of our draft picks so the more we know about players the better so shout out cpu for scouting for me we're going to simulate to the playoffs i have a hunch we're not going to be a part of them just just a thought did not make the playoffs didn't expect to uh we went 5 and 11. kind of just had to set the groundwork for this rebuild video and that involved doing a lot of weird things i mean that's just that's just how it is we need to do a lot of things to get rid of a lot of salary cap we had to just do salary cap dumps titan saints in the super bowl interesting matchup as rayquah mcmillan i want to extend him he's 25 years old didn't jump up in development trade but as you can see his cap hit is gonna be uh pretty easy to manage he's only a 71 overall though would jump up if i moved him to outside linebacker which i might do after this and a little bit of a hiccup there um but i think i'd be fine to sign him on a four-year deal not really paying him too much he's not interested in signing you're also a 72 overall so i'm not losing out on a ton there we're just gonna build through the draft try and get really really really good contracts and free agency that's the thing that happens quite a bit is some top players just don't get offers so there's a really good chance we could get some great players for effectively nothing any dev trade increases foster moreau has star didn't know that he certainly is not going to play left guard hmm no increases on offense what is marcus mariota's contract please tell me that how long is he going to be on this team one year remaining i'm not paying him 10 mil like he's gone clearly any increases on defense oh yes maurice hurst mo hurst gets superstar dev that's excellent and i turned off dev trait regression for this rebuild just to try that out so he has superstar for the rest of time here now middle line or not middle linebackers d tackles can get fairly expensive he's on the last year of his deal it's gonna be pretty frustrating also for isaiah simmons i think i'm just gonna go after this actually i'm gonna go run support right now he's gonna keep his scheme fit but if i plan on moving him to middle linebacker at any point i need him to be able to tackle i need him to be able to shed blocks so run stopper is what i'm doing there and the cpu will just automatically upgrade zone while he's still at strong safety so we'll see what's available in free agency we have a ton of money we just need to find the big deals like earl thomas wouldn't be the worst signing ever that would be a decent pickup he wants a lot of money but also if we offer him like nothing he either he signs for super cheap or rejects us i mean it's it's a win-win we don't have anything to lose by offering that okay so i do have negotiations going on with a lot of different free agents i would say the one i'm most interested in is chris barnes he's like an upgraded rayquan mcmillan younger higher overall and i think effectively cheaper we're offering him essentially nothing just under 21 mil over five years i mean that's super affordable nothing contract for puna ford cam robinson same deal i mean these are really really really cheap deals and if we get anybody to sign we're gonna win we're gonna be uh we're gonna be the free agency winners nobody as of yet hassan reddick rejects i mean i knew we're gonna see a lot of rejections uh we everyone rejected i thought chris barnes was gonna accept i'm actually kind of surprised he didn't that's fine colton miller i think it's gonna be more effective to not pick up his fifth year option and then extend him because if we pick up his fifth year option and then give him an extension he's gonna be higher overall after that next season so i'd rather just skip the whole fifth year option whatever extend him at his lowest overall give him the lowest amount of money as we prepare for the draft picking at number one overall also number four we're in a really good spot i can't take this pic i think everyone knows i can't take this pic we just can't afford it and every qb in here is pretty viciously bad and i would consider taking a qb who's an early second round guy i really would but the fact that these guys are supposed to go in the first round really just throws me off and i don't want to take that but jonathan delos and brett roper maybe luckily that's roper and not a different letter in there after well whatever um don't really need running back too much wide receiver could happen carlos landry early first rounder in the third round that's a second round pick for sure we are taking him and we don't have to pay him like a first rounder that's excellent that's a big thing for the draft is uh getting value picks down the board because those players are cheaper zion pound i bet he does man to man guy only a second round pick here we're just looking for value down the board another thing is as i'll probably look to take jacques pearson if he's available looks like a really really good player it's not about getting the best players necessarily but the best players for my scheme we've had a lot of success with 3-4 storm lately and that involves getting a bunch of speed rushers to play in your front seven so i'm down to just fit guys into my scheme get the best players for this team not the best players in general but i'm trading down this pic no brainer trading number one overall back to number three picking up number 35 and also a first rounder next year from philadelphia they jump washington football team division rival to get the number one overall pick and they use that to take a corner isaiah watkins football team at two they take the qb jonathan delos if he has a good development trait i don't think that's a terrible pick but i am a bit hesitant to say that he does now i think that jacques pearson would be a good pick here joey gardner out of the u looks great as well baller skipped the combine today roger goodell i'm not doing your damn combine merch is in the description if you want to skip the combine stuff i'd be happy with either of those players but is it a mistake to take both i don't know i mean the salary associated with those top picks is going to be pretty high i mean we do have the money for it very easily but it could limit us later that's the only thing i worry about so based around my new 3-4 defense that revolves around speed rushers we are set up pretty well for it cleveland furl speed rusher max crosby speed rusher maurice hearst very close to a speed rusher he's got finesse moves as his main trait other than power moves right so he's a finesse rusher so i really just need two edge guys i think you see where this is going wikowski can move inside isaiah simmons can move to linebacker on the inside we're kind of set at that point we just need two edge guys and where would i find them at pick number three and four i'm gonna do it jacques pearson 21 years old out of oregon finesse move past rusher early first round guy not an amazing combine but pretty good and the skills are there so we're taking them number two in the draft 77 overall star better development that's amazing really really needed to hit on this pick and we did it's a star better dev that i love 83 speed 83 finesse moves i mean he's just gonna stay at left outside linebacker not really a cover guy but a get after the quarterback guy and that's what we need that's what we got and now it's time for the baller said roger goodell up yours i'm not doing the combine skips it bigger boy 6'4 258 he's also going to stay at his position position at right outside linebacker and go from miami to las vegas he loves to be in a party city well he got it 75 overall unfortunately only normal development ranked number eight in the class took him at number four but he's got 85 speed decent blocks at 75 as well tackling could be a bit higher finesse moves almost in the 80s again not a cover guy at all but he's a pass rusher that's what he's going to do 90 acceleration really happy with that pick as well of course you'd love to see better than normal dev but i'm not really too upset about it here we are at number nine probably not going to take this pick don't need to look at past rushers anymore unless they are like 65 290 and they can play on the inside power rusher i'm kind of out on that first round pick in marcus mariota to the dolphins we're getting a first round pick from them next year and then mariota i don't want his contract he's gone very easy decision i'm not taking number 16 either it's gonna be a first rounder from somebody next year probably the jets they're just gonna be pretty bad just how that works we're just gonna straight swap okay never mind it's gonna be a first rounder a sixth rounder and a future six rounder for number 10 next year projected from the jets cap room swells to 120 mil we don't have a ton of players right now i would consider picking at 24. i'm gonna see what the board looks like but i'll tell you right now as far as what's on my particular watch list for the draft board like do you see anyone really worth taking here not at number nine i have guys in the second round to be on that i like so we'll move down there closer number 24 in the draft and consider drafting here i mean this qb is interesting i don't think i'm gonna take him in the first round like at all i know he's not gonna be a first round guy i'd consider it in the second i would but i like these two players a lot larry cobb out of clemson larry good top skills early first round guy and then nate billingsley he's gonna be back up d tackle speed rush type mid first round guy but fits the scheme really well only 21 years old we're getting just loading up on young talent and he would fit pretty damn well i don't want to risk larry cobb getting drafted though so i'm going to take him we need help on the o line he will be that number eight in the class took my 24 only normal development but looks really really good good strength run block pass block all good pass block power great lead block impact blocking i mean just looks great overall his finesse could use some work but fits the scheme that's important and is also a very very solid player good fill in as i think we'll go defensive tackle here provided our player is on the board and he is so nate billingsley should be a really good pick here welcome to las vegas 74 overall ranked number 19. took him at 35. he's not going to play right away but he does have 77 finesse moves 78 speed great strength pretty good tackling as well he might end up being a stud unfortunately only normal development and at this pick it would be between a quarterback and brett roper who would be decent value for this spot or a receiver in carlos landry third one fill out the team early first round guy great value gotta go with him 75 overall only normal development but number seven in the draft took with 36. he's got 91 speed route running leaves a little bit to be desired it's interesting that he's a deep threat when his short route running is the best part of his game extremely well-rounded well-balanced looks like he's a really good player so not mad at that at all oh was just gonna take alani bernard went the pick before me qb is off the board but julian barkley's still here mid-second round guy i might consider taking him no one's on our draft board i mean he's not the worst he'd be a good pick for this spot if he's got star better development it's an automatic win i mean the way i see it we need a qb anyway julian barkley killed the combine he's got a pretty good arm welcome to the team 70 overall a little bit higher rated than marcus mariota who's no longer on the team ranked at number 48 took him at 68 only normal dev but he has a 70. 88 throw power accuracy isn't the worst 85 speed 87 brake sack hm 93 change of direction hold on that's really high fits the scheme as well for improviser i mean that could have gone a lot worse seventh round now the odds of getting anybody decent are super low we're just going to take the only one we have scouted shaq harden 65 overall ranked number 181 to 196. a lot of nice stats in there just really not going to be my guy we're going to simulate to the end of the draft he might have to start right away we have john simpson we have the center we dropped it we have colton miller it isn't the worst offensive line in the world but it also is pretty bad all right pretty big trade here nick witkowski shedding some cap doing that number three overall from philadelphia but i don't think the eagles are gonna be all that bad so that that projected pick is gonna go probably down a lot we'll see where the chargers end up picking and then number 16. basically first round picks are expensive don't really want to pay that but we get derwin james an incredible player who more than makes up for the value of what we just lost really really good player and also we've talked about it before safeties not that expensive durwin james is a beast we had an actual free safety to play on the other side of jonathan abram really really good pickup to the team he's not super expensive we check out his contract he is in the final year of his deal so we will have to resign him but it really shouldn't be too bad it'd be super nice if we could develop some of these guys like i like amick robertson a lot was so good at louisiana tech it's just his size really made him drop in the draft and limits what he can do probably will never be a boundary guy at 5 8 i mean i say probably almost certainly won't be a boundary guy at any point but in the nickel could be pretty productive isaiah johnson guy liked quite a lot of houston 6'2 208 and he's extremely fast 92 speed to go with that size really really good but at the same time don't know if he's ever going to develop at all damon arnett not really the best athlete in the world but technically pretty good older corner rookie in real life he's okay but will he ever develop because of normal dev i know i don't know not a ton trevo mullen i like super young talented for them we'll have to see but we do have the makings of a very good team i'd love a better middle linebacker next to isaiah simmons i think we'll be able to go out and trade for one i need to go out and trade for some better offensive lineman my voice is about to go out on me i almost rather that it cracked because it's like oh man i've been talking so much of cracked but it just withered up and died and i'm like water i'm like okay easy trade for me we're swapping brandon parker and jesse davis davis is more expensive because um we needed to get him in order to make this trade work for salary for the dolphins but also jerome baker great player we're essentially just getting him for a fourth round pick along with brandon parker jesse davis is getting cut i mean i'm not gonna pretend like oh he could make an impact for us we all know the deal uh there's no shot jesse davis is done 66 overall 29 years old 3.59 million cap room not even close to worth it but we did get a great middle linebacker next isaiah simmons we are in a tremendous spot i need offensive lineman though badly it's funny that one of the only teams in the league that has interest in jeff heath is the cowboys because they actually don't have interest in him even though he started there forever for some reason but jeff heath is gonna get me something on this cowboys team how about cd lamb and they're gonna tell me no oh they can't even afford it jeff heath a third next year and a fifth this year gets me zach martin i think the cowboys probably don't make this trade in real life but in this move in this fantasy land this movie rebuild moneyball they do now the thing about zach martin he's pretty damn expensive but he also in the grand scheme of things would not be very expensive for a tackle or at least one of his caliber he would be uh probably under what some of the top ones are getting paid so he's gonna be our highest paid player right now by a lot that's also fine because he is 30 years old superstar development as an offensive lineman probably won't see him regress very much if at all this first year he's still amazing he's under contract we can we can get some more expensive players as long as we stay under that uh salary line that i've set and as you can see we are under a hundred million the cap hit did rise by the way from 210 to 222 which means that our salaries just needed to be under 152 right plus 12 135 plus 12. that's not 152. that's 147. i got my numbers mixed up there regardless of that we are way under we are under 100 mil right now we don't have a quarterback the team is not anywhere close to as good as it could be we're not really paying anyone a ton we have one guy over 10 mil and then we have some some high draft picks but they never get over 10 mil so i'm comfortable with where we are at the moment we got a rookie quarterback it'd be interesting to see how he plays but i think this is the team going forward it kind of sucks but it could be worse everyone on this team though is a scheme fit for the most part so we really are playing heavy into that the offensive scheme like will probably change at some point i think that's safe to say just because i mean the raiders don't exactly have the best offense and sim and i get that but i don't know like we'll have to see how it goes this year rookie quarterback maybe turns it around better than mariota you got a decent receiving core hunter renfro's getting traded next year probably but not this year he's going to stick around defense is looking really nice bunch of good players set up for the future gardner i'm not exactly sure what to do with him yet he's not going to be a rush end over pearson just won't happen to be fair already up to an 82 overall i think it is better than where we started before we gutted the raiders but also we needed to gut them because we really really needed to free up a ton of cap room to make this money ball thing work i think i'll stop the sim probably at like week seven just so we can potentially trade someone if we need because what if durwin james is like i want 150 mil and i say i can't go over that no he won't but um i mean some pretty big free agents in here jalen richard is not worth it art and key is gone alec ingold is worth paying a fullback we do need everybody else though baker is gonna get a massive deal in terms of the years colton miller is gonna be expensive maurice hurst is gonna be expensive but he fits so i want him and then darwin james also probably won't be too bad for a 25 year old superstar x factor 92 overall safety he will be over 10 mil but we have the money right now so we'll see if he offers or if he accepts this contract he does darwin james is back maurice hurst this really isn't so bad i think i'll probably give him five years and i have to up this very slightly and he's back as well colton miller is another expensive one but he's back we're doing really well so far for resigning these guys on unreasonable deals and then jerome baker needs a big deal and he should be back and he is okay so some big contracts going out there but in the grand scheme of things uh like it's not too bad our salaries jump up just under 100 mil and it's going to jump up even more after this because james is going to get up to 15 and a half so some of these will get more expensive like by a lot but we just need to stay under that threshold again it went from 135 to 147 but i'll probably even try to stay under that so or like well under that as i'll get d-line training boost o-line will be coming up next as we will simulate to the mid-season mar or the playoffs we are three and three right now broncos on six rough start for them we're in a tough division as well did not make the playoffs man really really bad second half of the season that is so terrible we were pretty much alternating wins and losses and then just almost lost out barely beat the chargers and lost a lot of games not very good from the boys check out the stats there 17th best offense rookie quarterback could have been worse to be fair we need someone better than that and our defense really wasn't good which is kind of the biggest shock for me josh jacobs was solid we knew that was going to happen henry ruggs was the best receiver on our team by a lot i i don't even know if i can say that like yeah for touchdowns but i mean hunter renfro and carlos landry even darren waller really not too far behind and then defensively look at isaiah simmons 118 tackles six for lost two sacks three picks going off max crosby 17 tackles for loss led our team in sacks of seven and a half six and a half rehearsed six and a half for cleveland feral three and a half for jacques pearson not even close to get enough three for joey gardner simmons had two arden key had two interceptions three for simmons and trayvon mullen led the way and then yearly awards ryan tennille wins mvp we're not gonna see any raiders in here for offensive player of the year maybe for defensive player of the year though isaiah simmons at seven offensive rookie is rqb julian barkley so if he gets up to star dev that would be okay carlos landry at two defensive ricketer is jacques pearson all right joey gardner at eight i don't know how by the way i don't know how he won that best d-line max crosby best linebacker oh i thought we were gonna see isaiah simmons closer to the top unfortunately it was not the case but we're going into off-season number two we just had a really awful season but i feel like we have a decent amount of momentum we got a decent bit of momentum because we do have a solid team we're building on what we had alec ingolds in here i don't really need a fullback like if i could get him for super cheap sure but i think i'd be able to get them for super cheap in free agency so i'm letting everybody in here walk and uh we'll try to get some really good contracts and free agency just for a refresher our salaries jump up to 127 mil we need to stay under 147. salary cap did go up to 234 though from 210 so that's what plus 24 from 135 so 135 plus 24. 159 i'm not a math guy i hope that's correct what is it i don't even remember the numbers 135 plus 24 159 wow do you believe in miracles we need to stay under 159 now so what that means is we have 32 million to go out and free agency and potentially bring somebody in so maybe jacques pearson what is your dev trade superstar i'll take it unless he got it in which case like i'm not even that hyped now he had it let's go that's what i like to see 88 finesse moves all ready for him should i give him let's get power moves into the 70s i know it's gonna be like oh it's not nice anymore yeah i feel that but also he's got to become more dynamic if he's going to be a beast julian barkley tell me he got star i mean that's just so stupid whatever 84 overall team at least 85 offense 84 defense don't see any upgrades on offense because we definitely didn't have any and then defensively max crosby up to superstar max hur or max hurst yeah it doesn't look like a max maurice hurst up to superstar x factor love to see that is blitz good i don't know aaron donald had it my rams rebuild he was pretty good max crosby though up to superstar love to see that now he's gonna be really expensive when his contract expires which is after this year so i don't love to see that i do like the dev pre dev trade increase though uh anyone else notable trayvon mullen up to star okay that was actually not too bad we had some big boosts in there no one's going after jair see this is what i was talking about with getting guys for super cheap no one is trying to get these great players so we're going to try and steal some of them so as you can see my cap room has jumped down a lot but we're not going to get everyone i went after i have a lot of negotiations going on like jair orlando brown jr harold landry neihe heinz alex cappa connor williams aj cole not to be confused with aj cole the pitcher in baseball but if we could get jair i think that's the biggest one because he'd be such an upgrade to our secondary it's not really a bad contract i mean it's an amazing contract for me so i would love to get somebody it was way better than i thought okay we got orlando brown jr for absolutely nothing we got a punter that's fine we got harold landry i didn't expect for that one to happen like that's that's the biggest thing i'm super confused about zach martin's gonna move back to right guard cool orlando brown jr right tackle and our offensive line improves a lot and that was one of the positions going in like left tackle across through right tackle where i'm like we probably aren't going to spend a lot of money on the offensive line because it's not really a super impactful position in sim for the most part but here we are we've gotten some really good deals gotten some really good players and i think we're doing really well so far now in regards to harold landry i'm as surprised about this one as anybody i don't really know what's going on with this but basically he's playing for super super cheap i kind of had to like i'm if he's gonna accept that good on him you need a new agent but does this mean we can't afford jair anymore let me take a quick gander at the salaries again we have to remain under 159 currently we're at one uh 139 so there is a little bit of wiggle room i need to retract some of these contracts and they're mostly going to be on the o line because if john simpson's my worsto lineman we're doing something right no one wants jair still please sign please sign jair no fifth year options is that cleveland furl can't pick it up absolutely not no way damon arnett another situ oh josh jacobs josh jacobs yes damon arnett's in next year i don't know why i was being stupid um josh jacobs for sure and then i hope there's not a big market for alexander i hope still just us and now he minds i'm like i'll take a backup running back it's pretty much the thought process there but if no one wants rojo i'd rather have him as a backup running back and well not that much money hold on hold on hold on oh we got rojo and jair alexander they need to fix free agency it's super bad but that is incredible for our team decent backup running back and then stud stud corner and look at his contract like yeah it is expensive based on our money ball thing going on but also it just gets over 10 mil at its highest point that is a super super good contract for a 26 year old 99 overall cornerback we go to 150 again we have to stay under 159 as the cap rises to 234 million but our team's amazing nfl draft time 2022 picket number three overall chargers are at number four is that number four from their actual pick i think it is from going five and eleven which makes me go how well did the eagles do did i do a really good move with uh trading that pick for darwin james tell me i did oh no the chargers have it i'm like i'm i was so confused um yeah number 12. so that was definitely worth it it dropped from 3 to 12. good value i can't move up for a quarterback but there are some great qb's here jeremiah duggan michael clemons chris patchett i'm fine with either of these top two guys daryl moorhead is built like an absolute tank five nine two twenty four so running back the rams the number one go quarterback the broncos at number two could you go qb here hold on i have to trade up absolutely have to jonathan abram has one year remaining on his salary or on his contract it's got to happen jonathan abrams headed to denver jonathan abram and number three to move up one spot to number two it is worth it to me because we need our qb of the future michael clements out of texas tech cannot risk the broncos taking him and the last qb out of texas tech i don't know if you guys remember decent player i feel like they actually have fairly similar measurables as well patron homes is listed at 63230 michael clemons is six to 227 i feel like mahomes probably ran about four six two as well maybe even a bit slower in terms of 40 time he's got a plus throw power my homes ran four eight flat unofficial so michael clemons is better than patrick mahomes i think that checks out 75 overall unfortunately only normal development number six in the class stigma number two but we had to and i really do think we have a great player here 90 throw power 85 throw accuracy deep decent medium and short nothing crazy high brake sack high speed amazing change of direction as well i think we had to do that now picking at number nine is daryl moorhead the guy is that my jonathan abram replacement he almost seems more like a lamarcus joiner replacement at five foot nine what else is down the board i mean if i'm taking a safety i'm taking one now safety inside the top ten we could go corner but daryl moorhead it is 75 overall ranked number seven star better development i think that was a good pick for us 91 speed 70 zone 73 man 77 hit power block shed it and then rush moves are terrible but that's not what he needs to do needs to make plays at safety darwin james moves back over to strong safety pretty good pickup for us this seems to be a pretty good draft overall i definitely would have considered taking outside linebacker if one of those guys lasted but i definitely can't uh brandon hargrove is brett or brendon harbor is gonna last is he gonna be available yeah i'm gonna trade out of this pick trading number 29 and number 67 for first rounder next year from denver made a lot of sense for us to do that we're going to take a linebacker here at the top of the second round like yeah we do have jerome baker and he's locked up for a while could take a backup running back behind rojo don't think that's worth it but he is an early first round guy so that's tempting but i think he'd be pretty much the same price that we're paying ronald jones so i'm not sure it's worth it even though he is a better player in terms of overall i think i would rather have brennan hargrove he's a late first round guy i've been a linebacker maybe not i don't know like rojo is just way too cheap for what he brings to the table i don't think i can take a running back here and i'm gonna keep josh jacobs isaiah simmons will be on the team jerome baker's almost getting too expensive i am going to take this back with middle linebacker he's only going to be like a 70 overall but i'm super fine with that we're not drafting for overall as i talked about we're drafting for the player 73 overall to be honest is pretty good for number 21 in the draft number 35 is where we took them 88 speed 69 zone coverage nice black sheds low but he actually looks like a really really good player and he fits the scheme i'm in let's go receiver here last pick of the draft for me peter allen 73 overall with star better development slot type and that's all he is i mean doesn't offer anything as a deep throat with 60 60 brow running which is actually a really really solid looking slot receiver that's hunter renfro hunter renfro is gone i i wanted to make a pun for like hunter renfro hunter wren thrown away i don't know in the trash there's not really anything there unless i'm missing something i want to do like gone but whatever ignore me please so some of the players i did want were flying off the edge as they usually are andrew flores is someone i very much considered but i went with the safety instead he's the number one player in the draft only normal dev i'd rather actually have my guy joey gardner is going to move down to right end for me he will be my cleveland furl replacement he won't actually be a ton cheaper because we took him at number four in the draft but for right now he'll be a backup feral is gone after this year we have harold landry moorhead starting a free safety i mean our cornerback group is pretty damn good jair alexander trayvon mullen damon arnett if you look at specialists here feral no no no no no max crosby's gonna have to be a rusty tackle and at 6'5 270 i am super cool doing that furl is cool i love them at clemson just i think for the sake of development the sake of his development trade only being normal and getting max crosby more reps getting pearson in there harold henry both off the edge i think it makes more sense to to play crosby as a rush d tackle i want to say i'm not crazy for thinking of doing that hunter renfro's probably gonna get traded but what is he going to get traded for what do i need maybe a left guard instead of john simpson yeah and i'm sure what will be an unpopular trade i'm trading hunter renfro and a fourth for nitani moody guy was super high on in the draft who only fell because of injuries i think it is represented in the game is he a star dev he sure does he also is a scheme fit and is an upgrade over john simpson they're playing on pretty much the same contract but moody on the other hand is a five overall higher a development trade above and a definite upgrade to our o-line i mean it's so funny that we have so many scheme fits all over the place i feel like i should definitely change it because this offense is just like so bad but i want to keep west coast power run because all the scheme fits for upgrading i mean i'll try out i'll try out tennessee alongside this but i think i at first i was told from guys at ea that the scheme is only for xp and then like the more and more i experiment with it it seems like scheme almost matters more than playbook does at times but i am going to change the playbook i want alan to get some more playing time he is my hunter renfrew of the future like there's no reason to have hunter renfro we will have to pay more isaiah simmons with an upgrade here i don't want pass coverage on him i just don't i want run stopper plus two tackle i mean i kind of wanted block shed but i'll take that this is the team you've seen the offense it's quite good like it really is we just need a quarterback that's going to get developed and then defensively i mean i think it's quite good as well hargrove is a great great third middle linebacker option jerome baker will end up getting traded at specialists i have hargrove playing um over him or at least i thought i did before i did uh like generate best lineup sometimes i do that i don't even realize it i forget and it changes my entire stuff up we're going to do db training boost got some young cornerbacks i want to develop and of course it's starting safety was a rookie we will simulate to the mid-season mark season 3 in 2022 this is going super well i would say so far even though we haven't seen the simulation success we've clearly built a very good team 88 overall got a lot of guys on really good deals we are playing under the threshold i've set and at week nine we are four and three we have a positive record and just double checking on salaries here we're actually over we just jumped over so that's no good it needs to be at 159 we jumped up to 162 because the cpu signed players is what happened um i mean guys are getting cut that's just what's gonna happen robert foster gone go off to a foster home so i got rid of some of the players that the cpu just randomly signed that killed my uh entire moneyball idea we are under the 159 million threshold i've set for salaries again that jumped up because of the salary cap jumping up we've uh had it go up accordingly so it matches as the contracts scale up 89 overall though so i think we've done a really really good job with you know having everything where it needs to be but the big thing is we have some big free agents and we're not going to be able to pay them all we're not going to be able to afford it foster more probably going to foster go that's so i'm i gotta stop trying to do that it's just leave it max crosby i'd love to bring back trayvon mullen i'd like to bring back cleveland furrow we talked about it he unfortunately has to go but after i give out these contracts i it's not going to change um where it is for this season but for next season it's going to take effect crosby wants uh more money and then i think the trayvon mullin contract is actually pretty reasonable so he's back but again we're gonna have to navigate change our salary situation up after this year i do want max crosby back 100 gonna need to make some moves to make that happen we did make the playoffs in 2022 10 and six and of course the oakland athletics did not exactly win the world series um that big year where they had like a 20-something game winning streak uh they got eliminated 2002 i think it was yeah they went 103-59 so great season finished first in the division but they also were eliminated when when were they eliminated in the why is it not clearly shown oh there we go they lost in the division series which is the equivalent of the division series in football the divisional so um we didn't win the division unfortunately but did finish second in a really really competitive division 24th best offense in terms of yards but the defense was top five in the nfl really really good points scored 18 so it's just really the offense was not amazing as a rookie though michael clemons was fantastic 4 000 plus yards 31 touchdowns to only 11 interceptions rushing josh jacobs was awesome in limited attempts he's got to get the football more i think that's pretty obvious that eight touchdowns though as did rojo peter allen the rookie had a tennessee over 1100 yards and 14 touchdowns only star development for him he's wearing number nine that's not allowed i guess all of her teens and 80s numbers were taken so i'm gonna leave it he can just have nine kinda sick darren waller 80 catches for over 900 yards six tds henry ruggs wasn't in the slot so his numbers weren't crazy carlos landry was all right defensively isaiah simmons had 130 tackles with those 113 tackles three were for lost half a sack two picks nothing crazy harold landry 13 tackles for lost leather team had nine and a half sacks which also led the team hearst five and a half five for crosby three for gardner two and a half for billingsley two for baker i don't think i set up rush d lineman the way i was supposed to completely forgot jair three picks led the way simmons arnett mullen all with two and then for yearly awards we have cam newton winning mvp afc offense player the year is cam newton hey michael clements our quarterback at number 10 defense player of the year is tj watt offensive rookie here is michael clements peter allen at three with 14 touchdowns and then defensive rookie of the year is delauren whitworth daryl moorhead our free safety at number two brandon hargrove our middle linebacker at number five we are a 91 overall team i would say doing pretty well by quarterback training boost and we'll see if we can beat the jaguars just lost to them in week 17. let's hope this game goes a little bit differently and it does 3114 as we advance to the divisional facing the la chargers division winner chargers as well i want to see that safety's development trait though only star as i guess is to be expected but for rushdie lineman i meant to move this all around i completely forgot i feel terrible furl really shouldn't have been playing very much at all but uh i left him there unfortunately so i did change up specialist i took maurice hurst out of there just because like he's not the best pass rusher max crosby's gonna be fine there ferl was already there and then i had pearson coming in harold landry staying at rush right end see if we can beat the chargers in the divisional it's gonna be a tough matchup chargers are always strong in simulation and they prove that this time around winning 34-28 as we advance to the offseason salary cap for the league is gonna jump up so of course our salary cap will jump up as well it seems like the chargers crush the giants in the super bowl we need to check out salaries so it is up to 242. our salaries jumped up to 167. is that fine i don't think so it's actually on the exact number it's 75 below exact i'm just not a math guy i don't even i don't even bother looking at the numbers really put them into the calculator and it tells me furl's got to go i'd love to bring max crosby back i don't think i'm really able to and i can't have that happen so what's gonna happen is i think gardner's gonna go how does clemens not get upgraded man oh alan up to superstar there we go peter that's what i like to see harold landry up to superstar that's awesome here's the thing if we lose max crosby what do we look like i think we look a lot worse furrow's leaving as well i mean we just wouldn't we wouldn't have any setup we have to keep max crosby and then get rid of other guys so that's gonna suck but also it has to happen need max crosby back absolutely has to happen so there's my offer max crosby returns have to let everybody else walk and then as we go to free agency here we really can't afford anybody we have 54.9 million and can't afford anyone because salaries is now at 177. that's a problem and again it's not really about cap space right now we need to clean 10 million and now you see the rookie reserve if we got rid of our draft picks if we got rid of them we'd be able to afford it but i need to get a rid i need to get a width of 10 mil it's not like elmer fudd it's webbit season i need to get rid of 10 million salaries though we need to get to 167 looking at this qb it's just all about the salary hit i'll take the penalty you know what it has to be it has to be zack martin i think it almost certainly has to be zach martin which is brutal the fact that michael clements didn't go up to star dev is like so bothersome to me but also does it open the door for him to be the one to go barkley's way cheaper is under contract for the next two seasons and is significantly cheaper as i as i mentioned before like significantly it's a small difference in overall nah i think we'll just hold on to him i mean this wouldn't be the whole money ball concept if i didn't have to make tough moves that i don't really want to make but zack martin has to go zack martin and a future third gets me a current two breaks my heart but also it puts us under the salaries threshold so it had to happen we need to get under 167 or at 167 and we did that we lose a really really good player but we honestly didn't have much of a choice it had to happen so john simpson going a right guard kind of a downgrade from zack barton i think it's safe to say nfl draft time what am i even looking for here i mean i'm not going to trade up there's almost no way that happens but if we look at this team i mean it's just pretty good i mean i don't really think there's any position i actually need i know that seems crazy but our defense is excellent and our offense i mean we could use a better qb but am i really going to find that in this draft am i going to keep drafting qb's until i get one without normal dev we'd be here forever here we are at number 12. well good thing i don't need a quarterback because they're all terrible i mean i do kind of need a qb but like not like not that badly it makes no sense to take this pick at number 12. so i will just use it to trade down for a first rounder next year and the cycle continues a one this year and a two next year gets me a one next year we save money by doing that but more importantly we don't waste money which and there is a difference there is and then i'm trading a first round pick number 27 overall for a right guard in bonds doesn't fit our scheme but our scheme can change and it probably will if i want us to be our most successful he's a 77 overall he's only 24 years old he's an upgrade over john simpson if only slightly probably could have looked around but i wanted someone that was not expensive and was still going to help us out as we simulate to number eight in the second round have a player i want hopefully he is still available and he is sydney thomas at lsu looks amazing linebacker type safety he is a 76 overall normal dev number seven in the class took him at 40 91 speed high tackling high hit power block sheds low but i mean he's a linebacker playing safety second round here nelson bomber lasted colorado state edge rusher 72 overall star better development number 19 in the class took with 59 he's got 82 speed 80 finesse moves he looks like some of the uh like 77 overall players you might draft his playwreck and awareness are just low but his actual abilities fantastic and that will do it for the draft 89 overall team 89 offense 91 defense offense is still very very good again like we've slightly upgraded at right guard over john simpson it's plus six and he's under contract for longer so i'm cool to do it and then defensively we have some very interesting decisions to make i almost want to say that the big brain play has moved pearson down to right end and have just bombers started left outside linebacker i think that could really be the move but i don't want to get crazy jerome baker is also someone that probably needs to get traded just because with his contract situation it's not worth paying him when we have a middle linebacker behind him that's almost as good and after the draft our salaries jumped up to 170 and of course for those mathematicians out there that is not under the limit i need to remove a few million and of course it is going to be jerome baker he's just got to go it's his time okay i'm trading bonds the guard we just traded for and jerome baker for elton jenkins it isn't a major salary cap reduction but it is so we jumped down to 168 which means we are what one mil away from the 75 million threshold and we upgraded huge at guard elton jenkins is under contract for the next few years this might be the final season here so i would love to be super successful moody's gonna move back over to right guard and i need to get rid of just a few contracts of players who don't even play i mean tanner music could go right now but i mean he's an okay backup so it's just gonna end up being one of the 40 receivers of cpu sign for no reason zack terry star dev all right well you can stay unfortunately i got to get rid of my guy little jordan humphrey then and pretty much every receiver underneath him okay so now we are exactly at my threshold 167 million in salaries which is 75 mil under the cap of course because of cap penalties the cap space only says 72.8 million but again that wasn't really the goal of the video is dealing with cap penalties because i mean we would have failed right away i do think the team's quite good though unfortunately for the squad as yeah nittany mootoo's gonna move back over i think i'm gonna change the offensive scheme because i want to dominate and i don't think this is a dominating type scheme as as though i mean we won 10 games last year but i want to win more and i think we have a better shot to do that in a different scheme going west coast spread and chicago which does fit for some of our players tackles are fine qb's fine in there allen works he will be our second receiver carlos landry in behind him and then defensively of course you've seen it it's a really really good defense scheme fits all over the place we've built this exactly to my specifications except for pearson is going to move up to rush left end max crosby to rush t tackle harold landry off the other edge and we should be in a great spot why would pearson be a sub linebacker is he that good off the ball he had 94 finesse moves good lord good lord 91 offense 89 defense 90 overall will simulate to the mid-season mark mid-season mark we are four and three and it's a super competitive afc west really really good teams in there and we knew that going in patrick mahomes with the chiefs really really good i mean you look at the charges with justin herbert really really good if the broncos could find a quarterback well they're going to be a pretty good team as well and their new qb is connor richards random superstar dev quarterback not even that good all right not gonna worry about contracts right now because i think this is going to be the final season but josh jacobs is there he'd be super cheap just because he is a running back and running backs are not really expensive at all in uh in franchise mode so he would probably be maybe four or five mil a year up to eight so nothing crazy playoff time we are in the playoffs finished at 10 and six won the division no less three teams went nine and seven broncos chargers chiefs oh my goodness the chiefs actually didn't make the playoffs because they went nine and seven that is wild i mean there's no way they made the playoffs right with the amount of wild card spots no they mathematically could not have but the chargers also didn't make it so sucks to be them ninth best offense and michael clemons actually was quite good did throw 14 interceptions 4 200 yards 37 tds though rushing josh jacobs 1100 yards 5.2 per carry five tds rojo10 average four per carry receiving peter allen 1200 yards 12 touchdowns he is amazing just not much of a deep route runner rugs over 900 780 for darren waller 600 for carlos landry eight tds for waller and ruggs and then defensively isaiah simmons 110 tackles 11 for loss two and a half sacks two picks my goodness 23 tackles for loss for howard landry what a pickup he had 12 and a half stacks led the team eight and a half for jacques pearson six for max crosby five and a half for joey gardner four and a half mo hearst hargrove had three isaiah simmons two and a half where is nelson bomber had won didn't really play a whole lot so i mean that's that's okay and then uh interceptions we have two from simmons led the way no one really had a ton where were we in terms of team defense our offense was top 10 in terms of the arts defense was not top 10. did have 49 sacks though allowed 427 points a little bit too much for my liking as the ravens allowed under 300 are you kidding me oh man steelers defense was pretty good as well i mean look at the chargers look at the vikings patriots went off i mean i almost want to go to the patriots 3-4 under type setup after they were so good like is that worth doing is 3-4 under loki the glitch oh man i feel stupid talking like that but like it might be bomber only has star i mean it's not terrible but right but like it's not amazing team is looking pretty good though no no no all right we're gonna upgrade the team here didn't want to actually actually upgrade only one guy who doesn't even play we have home field advantage against the nine and seven broncos and we win but unfortunately we're matched up against the patriots in the divisional oh no do wide receiver training boost and what over all their patriots 84 i mean this should be a murder right and we win again 31-14 i'm jumping in for the conference championship without question here i don't want to risk a loss at this point not even playing at home the team's awesome by the way 92 overall 93 offense 92 defense playing under our salary goal we had money ball and the best team in the league but the ravens brought in harrison smith mark cheeks brown out there a wide receiver an entertaining game so far six nothing through almost an entire half wow six to six i i'm on the edge of my seat for this one oh my goodness end of the third quarter it's 12 to six do we have an offense oh my goodness can we get a stop at least please i'm jumping in i've seen enough derwin james and isaiah simmons up the middle might be very tough to defend the run here and that's exactly what it is it's a run thank god i helped out that was gonna be a td third and six huge play here huge play and it's a throwaway i don't know if that's the call lamar they're gonna punt the football back to us we got alan returning touchdown puts us in the lead as long as we get the extra point and we're gonna start from the 20. it's so weird not playing ncaa 14 and seeing a receiver wear number nine i don't even know where i want to go with the football here though she's gonna check down we have time let's just not get crazy let's just not get crazy 14 for 28. not good and an interception that's at lamar jackson stat line and that's not me making fun of lamar jackson in real life he actually had an almost identical stat line when i saw it when we played defense as josh jacobs is just kind of too good i was really comfortable giving him the football approaching the two minute warning and he's just amazing and i almost just made a huge mistake but darren waller breaks a tackle we're gonna get out of bounds he's so good probably should have gone to josh jacobs though didn't really even see him on the other side of the field and henry ruggs is super fast if darren waller can take harrison smith we're gonna have so much space up the field but i'm gonna check down give it to josh jacobs who's just way too good approaching midfield we want to control the clock do not want to give too much time to the raiders and lamar jackson or the ravens and lamar jackson that'd be a huge mistake that's open over the middle there we go landry carlos landry i like it i love it i want some more of it shout out tim mcgraw we got a minute and 14 to play down to a minute is that safety coming up to blitz he sure is give me time we had square run out josh jacobs i'm gonna give it to him hey there we go i don't know why you're diving down like that we're gonna call a timeout the last thing i want is to get intercepted throw on this land here to waller i think it might have been oh my goodness it's open on the run we hit henry ruggs he's down at the six do i call a timeout um i think no i think no i think we let it tick down a little bit hand the ball off to josh jacobs here and have him do magic up the middle jacob's touchdown we're gonna tie the game at 12. very very good drive slow and steady won the race extra point puts us on top and that's exactly what happens 13 12 raiders the ravens have 19 seconds to come back all right 15 seconds and an unbelievable defense do not get burnt please oh check downs check downs we'll win you the game they do have the best kicker in nfl history though oh where's adam villatery uh yeah dude he had some clutch click kicks maybe the best clutch kicker of all time guess what i'm gonna take the guy who's got a way higher all-time field goal percentage how did i run past that there's two seconds though they have to take a shot at the end zone i'm gonna blitz damon our net i'm gonna blitz isaiah simmons and we're gonna force the ball out early get to him today's final score raiders 13. what is the logic of the madden cpu at sometimes there isn't any that's the answer down by one does lamar jackson know that there's two seconds left in the game and that a quick out is not helpful man these qb's were terrible today like almost identically bad really really awful the run game was pretty good maybe when josh jacobs is averaging almost 6 yards per carry maybe you give him more than 12 attempts i'm firing the offensive coordinator super bowl time we have my favorite team the new york giants seems like it's always the giants in the super bowl giants playbooks are op that's all i found out they went 13-3 i got to run only giants playbooks for an entire rebuild maybe for my giants 20-year rebuild coming up oh did i just spoil that peter allen superstar x factor he's wearing number nine over or nine number nine as a receiver he's an 89 overall clemens goes up to star love to see it he's playing up to an 85 and then defensively we got harold landry going up to superstar x factor you love to see it and look at jacques pearson 92 overall he's only 23. shout out gleber torres 96 finesse moves 96. he's like oh i'm gonna get five sacks a season three four we had eight and a half in 2023 did i check out the stats i may have just completely forgot to do that hmm these look familiar i just how did i miss eight and a half sacks from pearson i mean that's a pretty good number i mean i ain't mad about that we got the giants in the super bowl we've made it all the way we've got a 92 overall team 93 offense 92 defense salaries of course under the threshold we're at exactly 75 mil as i stated under the entire rebuild except for the cpu is like i'm gonna bring in some random guys no baker mayfield qb of the giants now we have a massive overall advantage 92 to 86 for those who are not quite math savvy out there believe that is six overall points could be mistaken i sure as hell hope not uh but we got raiders giant super bowl there's saquon would love for them to win in real life this is a video game though so screw them we need the super bowl win big start seven nothing giant's answer with a field goal and we get a field goal of our own make it 10-3 10-10 though this is a very close game come on keep the giants out of the end zone we can't 17-17 24-17 the giants take the lead but we answer right back the giants score nearly instantly darius slayton touchdown and we're taking over on offense i can't risk it [Applause] actually you know what we're gonna watch we're gonna watch this drive third and one you gotta figure this goes to josh jacobs it's not going to but it's open over the middle that's a big catch that's carlos landry moving the chains going back over the middle this time henry rugs and he takes a monster shot from gibralt peppers but holds on to the football three interceptions for our quarterback in this game but he is driving this raiders team down the field when it matters most josh jacobs has 15 carries for 117 and a touchdown why is he not getting the ball more uh let's castle the playbook i know but i got it i gotta complain about something clearly it's a screen jacobs only gets about four trill peppers coming up it's a safety blitz recognize it please get rid of the ball over the middle that's a touchdown henry ruggs ties up the game here in super bowl 50 something is it even i don't even know the year so it might be like 60. there's a good chance it could be but it's going to be 31.31 second and 10. pretty dynamic offense here for the giants saquon barkley baker mayfield darius slayton it's a screen isaiah simmons read it pretty well but saquon barkley's just a little bit too fast i mean this is a game-winning drive here for the giants i might have to jump in at some point baker had a shotgun he's going to throw over the middle that's saquon barkley in a first down for the giants as they are past the 40 approaching midfield very quickly baker again all day to throw goes left sideline and throws it away maybe looking for evan ingram there after another throw away this is third and ten we are sending a safety blitz okay that's interesting mayfield out of the shotgun has time throws down the field and that is incomplete sterling shepard can't stay in bounds and the giants are gonna punt the football back it was a beauty though this raiders team is pinned at the six yard line 42 seconds to play it's gonna be a handoff to josh jacobs i need to jump in okay we're not getting safety here in the game we are not getting safety that is not how this super bowl ends oh we got decent blocks josh jacobs is up the middle and gone pepper's trying to chase him down we made a juke move josh jacobs to the 49. i thought for a minute we could add a touchdown but your bro peppers was just a little bit too fast and we're in a position as our interior offensive line dominates there we're in a position to win this football game step up throw on the run and on the money for henry ruggs get out of bounds we're in field goal range just want to get a little bit closer here no interceptions but rugs is open and he is going to take it to the 10 yard line two seconds remain we're probably gonna get iced here but it's a 27-yard manageable field goal and there's the ice now we've seen daniel carlson miss some massive field goals before i believe with the vikings this time he's on a different team do we get a different result kick is up and kick is good the raiders have won the super bowl a lombardi trophy is headed back to las vegas the money ball rebuild i think we can consider a success we've won the super bowl here we've managed to have a ton of cap room and we've reached the ultimate goal of winning it all the raiders the money ball raiders our super bowl champions couldn't do it in oakland but managed to do it in las vegas josh jacobs is your super bowl mvp and we were you know ready to play for overtime he broke one up the middle on an inside zone play went for about 50 yards and put us in a position to win the super bowl well-deserved super bowl mvp as henry ruggs clemens josh jacobs and of course isaiah simmons will hoist the lombardi as we call this one a success hit that subscribe button if you are not subscribed already it helps me out a ton it's completely free your youtube account which you probably do google account you certainly do but that's going to do it for the video appreciate you guys watching thank you so much and i'll see you the next one take it game easy playing with the best let them know get off the track the train's coming through yeah promise you get in my way then you best believe i'ma just run over you yeah yeah papa turn taking it back to the house fifa joke i'm laughing so loud
Channel: Bengal
Views: 383,462
Rating: 4.9356394 out of 5
Keywords: madden rebuild, realistic rebuild, madden 21 gameplay, madden 21, madden nfl 21, madden 21 franchise, madden 21 career mode, madden 21 face of the franchise, madden 21 rebuild, madden 21 realistic rebuild, nfl moneyball, money ball, moneyball, moneyball rebuild, money ball rebuild, madden moneyball, moneyball rebuild madden, madden 21 moneyball rebuild, madden 21 cheap rebuild, moneyball madden 21 franchise, the moneyball rebuild, the money ball rebuild
Id: SalqkVnWGtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 40sec (5140 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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