I turned off the Salary Cap and it actually BROKE the game...

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going on guys bengal again here coming back at you with another video and today doing kind of like a franchise experiment of sorts if you guys are new here please hit that subscribe button it's completely free helps me out a lot best way to show your support if you can't like do anything else it's a simple gesture and uh hit that subscribe button but the thing we're doing today as you can tell from the title is turning off salary cap i mean this could be a madness i'm also turning on auto everything this isn't a rebuild we've done plenty of rebuilds on the channel and i'm sure we'll continue to do those uh but this is not that this is turning off salary cap and just seeing what's gonna happen with the nfl super bowl is brown's bucks i don't particularly care what happens but we're gonna jump into free agency and just see what's going on i'm kind of screwing the chiefs over here by being the chiefs but we could in theory sign whoever we want like we get every single like best player in the league every single year looks like the bengals are going after juju and like we could just we could actually sign over or just everybody we could trade for whoever sign whoever obviously with no salary cap we can really just do whatever we want and maybe i'll do that our cap room says 2.11 billion we'll get todd gurley i guess we'll get juju smith schuster we could literally give him a seven year contract worth 30 million we could offer him a contract that is record-breaking right now we can't because it's actually higher than the league maximum salary but we can give juju 145 points on his contract and get him if we want to and we will why not so we did manage to get juju smith schuster marcus williams todd gurley desmond king i guess we're gonna take this chiefs team and i mean not that it's not already the best team in the league but with the addition of a lot of these players we're gonna bring in we're gonna turn it from the best team in the league to maybe the best team of all time we certainly have the money to do it just every free agency i guess just get the best player and free agency the best players and i guess i will do the draft at number 29 what are we going to do here anyone on my draft port justice cornerback supposed to go in the third round i guess we'll take him now he was a baller skipped the combine said roger goodell you idiot i'm not doing your combine i don't have to can't make me 75 overall star better development only 21 years old 95 speed 77 man seems to be quite the pickup and i guess the cpu can just handle the rest this is not about like can we draft the best players or blah blah blah it's not a rebuild this is just seeing if we can i guess build the most overpowered team possible in nfl history by just not having the limitations of salary cap paying as much as we want to whomever we want whenever we want let's make a move juan thornhill may be getting traded who else is value we need linebackers really really badly and our offensive line is brutally bad you know we could just do let's just pop in a free agency and just sign whoever will have any type of trade value and then just move them for a good player so damien williams fabian moreau i mean that already is worth the first round pick in this game trey herndon might be able to get me something as well let's go out and trade for some beasts damien williams and sammy watkins gets me a first round pick from the cardinals it is just so difficult without using picks to trade for any player it's almost impossible frank clark damien wilson gets me a first rounder from the panthers here's the thing is frank clark's getting paid like 20 mil a year and normally that'd be a massive issue but of course in this make believe land it's not even a problem at all but of course we just can't really do anything at this moment in time i'm gonna trade fabian rowe and that's because like we need to build our team based through free agency which i'm usually not doing in an actual rebuild but in here of course that's the only way to do it fabian moreau juan thornhill gets me a first round for the falcons a couple guys in there like kurt banker to keep our roster size up but we're going to simulate through the playoffs here or at least to the playoffs and i'm not really worried about stats too much we'll check in in a moment so my guy thomas unfortunately only had a star dev i i gotta not slip on that again um we need linebackers pretty badly the team didn't make the playoffs finished eight and eight mahomes was still pretty damn good as he's gonna be i changed the playbooks and again this isn't a rebuild we're just kind of going crazy we're gonna go crazy again here in the off season and sign what should be a way better free asian class like jair alexander should be in there i think that who else would be a big free agent in here it kind of just depends we're gonna see i'm not gonna speculate but okay because salary cap is actually off the packers were able to resign jair alexander so the free agent class is nowhere near as good as it could be we are going to get orlando brown jr though how about a contract worth 141 mil over six i think that should be enough to do it i mean even ronnie harrison could be a trade piece or maybe he's the skinniest middle linebacker and we'll throw him uh in that role i mean this team is going to end up being amazing we got everyone i wanted john franklin myers ronnie harrison dallas goddard orlando brown and von miller so the team is certainly coming along i want to get some younger guys because i don't want to just watch guys regress like laurent duvernay tardif and mitchell schwartz and even travis kelsey will end up progressing very shortly defensively von miller is regressing and we we just signed him a second ago uh franklin meyer is gonna go play right end a little bit of a lower overall but maybe i'll trade him maybe i'll move him to d tackle his overall should jump up a little bit and maybe i end up trading him probably is what happens actually so we pick at number one dude i don't know why i'm so stupid i just looked at him like how did how did the chiefs pick a number one uh but that's me i'm the chiefs and just because i traded for a pick we're not going to trade or draft a quarterback i mean there's no point in doing that at all even though nick hookland looks amazing maybe i will draft him maybe i'll do a draft and trade type deal oh early first round hybrid safety out of texas skipped the combine baller rayshawn miller in the third round all right we better have a good draft do i just go with the uh with the qb at one we don't need to but also trade peace as far as that goes absolutely makes sense to take but i actually i'm gonna trade down never mind let's let's not be crazy okay so number one number 78 number 110 gets us number two number 23 and number 34. pretty good trade we also get this don't need a quarterback we have patrick mahomes we don't need a qb so even if they took the qb there kind of didn't matter and do i make a move with the lions here the dolphins okay moving back down one spot to number three and swapping first round picks next year the lions will be worse than us i guarantee you so they can take whoever that quarterback is still on the board nick hookland we're gonna take him here 75 overall star better development left to see it he looks very good high speed high throw power high accuracy hopefully he's not high though but the hookland is on the team now probably will end up trading him she took a 76 overall running back with that pick because i skipped the pick accidentally doesn't really matter we'll end up trading him as we have some really good players down the board so normally i would wait and take these guys like way later but we don't need to now because there are no such things as like the salary associated with a higher pick because we don't have a salary cap so we can pay them whatever they want we can take whoever we want in the first round because paying them is not an issue raeshawn miller baller roger goodell you know the deal he's on the team now 75 overall only normal development nice zone coverage this guy's a jokester 94 speed 72 man matt gray out of south carolina teaming up with his quarterback somewhat normal development and then mike davis out of penn state 73 overall normal dev center again a lot of these guys are either going to get traded or just develop and not play we can keep guys on the team forever there will never have to be any tough decisions made to uh keep our cap space together because you know we do we don't we don't have a salary cap i mean like what else do i say a two this year and next year and a six gets me a first round pick from indianapolis and that will do it for the draft so the offense is pretty good the defense is just not yet we just know that we just need another free agency or two to uh really make this team unbelievable so let's just simulate to the super bowl i think there's a good chance that we're gonna be there but i also wouldn't be surprised if our defense held us down a lot and we didn't make it but we'll see oh we are in the super bowl 13-3 against the giants i guess we'll hop in see if the chiefs can do it 88 overall to the giants 84. well this is a pretty easy super bowl so far as a giants fan i'd like to say it hurts me but it's a video game dude do i really care though i want to see my team do the best 37 to 11 the chiefs have won the super bowl uh that's expected but can we do it again that's the question the answer is probably yes the team's only gonna get better other teams from around the league are only gonna get worse okay free agency yet again just the only problem is the options get worse and worse because the teams can actually bring them in like and sign players they otherwise normally would not have been able to sign because they didn't have the money so free agency i would say on a year-to-year basis is pretty sparse there's not really a whole ton there so when we need to get better on defense the options are just super limited for the players we can bring in so that's actually super sucky did we get any dev trade increases at least i mean mahomes is maxed out he really can't be higher overall nicole hardman went up to superstar development so that's nice and then defensively dorian o'daniel got star and i think that's it legerius snead went down do i have dev trait regression on uh there goes a 77 overall right end right before we could have potentially taken him we don't need more running backs i need defense okay sherrod godfrey looks very very good probably should be and will be my pick all right we're gonna take him 77 overall but only normal development as is the story of madden 21. i want to get some like real surefire difference makers that can turn our franchise from i guess a super bowl winner but to one of the best teams ever and there's just not a whole lot of uh trade pieces we got khalil mack though todd gurley laurent duvernay tardif and john franklin myers maybe the first double hyphenated name trade in nfl history but we get cleo mack he is older at this point but also super super good still worthwhile addition to our defense for sure even with von miller we're just going to move khalil mack to the other side we need inside backers pretty badly you know what i'm actually going to do is uh move cleomac down to the defensive line he's 270 now when did that happen as a senior at buffalo khalil mack was 248 63 248 since then i mean it's in real life now so um he's not 32. he's like what is he 28 in real life is khalil mack but he just put on it's a casual 30 pounds he's 29 take a running back 79 number one in the class normal development because yeah madden 21 i moved ronnie harrison a linebacker i think i'm going to do the same thing with rayshawn miller i mean these guys obviously would be lighter linebackers clearly but at least he's 217 pounds ronnie harrison's about the same they're bigger guys and yeah in the real nfl they get manhandled they need to be about 15 pounds heavier to even think about competing with an offensive lineman but this isn't the real nfl we're doing the best we can out here and it's not necessarily good enough i mean some of these guys just absolutely suck godfrey's gonna move to red outside linebacker and he's a bigger outside linebacker 260. but he's also a 3-4 outside linebacker he's an edge rusher 260 is fairly reasonable 48-6 yo 14-2 this is kind of broken it's just like we knew it was going to happen it's a very very easy way to dominate like clyde edward zillaire was great tyrek hill was very good travis kelsey put up some numbers khalil mack had 22 sacks von miller 14 and a half i mean patrick mahomes probably won mvp he sure did how are we gonna lose i don't know how we even lost two games the team is uh not even as good as it could be lost week one and then loss to the raiders and then one out but the team's not even as good as it could be i don't know what's going on with the screen everything's like super bright whitewashed it looks terrible but i don't really see how a team could beat us i'm confident enough to just simulate to the super bowl and say hey the chiefs are probably gonna be there they're not god the damn browns beat us again whatever oh hold on hold on hold on accidentally simulated past where we can sign some of the top guys i mean i i caught it too late too that's so frustrating and no one in here is really worth signing like julian blackman maybe is worth signing just because we can trade him and of course the contract doesn't matter so maybe i think julian blackman is worth 18 mil a year just seeing the line of our points on the far right side is funny enough to me we'll go to the draft i need to make some type of a trade we're a 97 offense i need inside backers did mitchell schwartz retire yeah he gone he gone and once again there's a running back that's just the best player available he's the number one in the class that's why dude like i'm getting so so sick of these drafts normal development what is going on it's literally breaking the game why is andy reid look like he's in heaven what's going on everything is so bright i saw when i opened up a clear max player editor to change his position a little bit earlier but everyone is so bright patrick mahomes literally looks like he's an angel and he might be not in the super bowl i it like it actually broke the game a little bit why why is this so bright i don't get it i'm not gonna bother with the stats we're just gonna pop into another free agency hopefully there are actually some really good players here this time there would have been i would have been able to get fletcher cox would i have signed him maybe maybe i would have i'm not sure because we're like fine up the middle we don't really need d tackles hey miko hardman got superstar x factor but here's nuke he looks like he's from heaven he's playing on the all angels team i'll give him a contract dude what what is happening right now dude looks like he's on the 30 20 all angel team he was all angel that year ah it finally is gonna fit here darnell mooney an angel on earth the best receiver in the nfl it is so bright dude oh my god we got eric armstead we got uh e thomas khalil mac is back we got nuke dude like even and i put it i put this screenshot on twitter if you guys don't follow me on twitter make sure to do that twitter.com bengal youtube link is down below but even the locker room looks like it's flooded it looks like he's standing on a cloud what is going on i don't know all right we got our qb here hook land only star dev man imagine if hook land was a real place just a world only of hookers wow all right it's gonna be mcclendon and two threes one this year one next year for number two from the jets and i'm gonna use that in a trade with the 49ers to get fred warner but also i might actually try to get nick bosa hold on no well i wouldn't be able to get both andy reid looks like an actual ghost we have fred warner number two hook land is on the move probably on the corner and then lewis also headed to san francisco as fred warner improves our defense greatly i mean our receiving core is actually amazing tyrique nuke michael hardman and then juju we had everyone with a nickname out here nuke juju cheetah and this dude's just a hard man come on cardinals at number one overall that's the team to trade with no matter how good the cardinals are they will have the worst record in the league almost every year they suck and we got julian blackman and thomas we signed for the number one overall pick i think i'll be taking whoever i want no i really didn't i really didn't mean to do that roman claiborne it's the eric fisher pick all over again what just happened it's all good it's actually so easy to get number two overall desmond king who's like 30 something at this point back for the number two overall pick dude i i don't even know how that happened how i took the just random player i go through and i just look at the guys we've scouted and that was never supposed to happen i've been all over the place this video making mistakes and whatnot donovan wright might be the right pick for me donovan wright normal development let's go baby can't beat it man james robinson his hairline is really fighting to get to the back of his head and touches the back of his neck that is a tough situation hey first round pick juju and ronnie harrison get us aaron donald khalil mack can go to outside linebacker and aaron donald can play defensive end and we're ready to go i just i still can't get over this why is it so bright it's like the future this team is so bright so they got to match that energy you know that's it i appreciate it okay so this is the team it's a pretty good team 93 overall going into the next season 95 offense i can't believe this actually broke the game though like that was my idea for a title going forward but like wow i never actually guessed that it would have actually broken the game and whitewashed everything has a giant spotlight like you're in an fbi interview on everything i mean we definitely made the playoffs 15-1 yeah so we're pretty good right now mahomes solid season clyde edwards lair for sure marshall tulik had 10 tds hardman goodyear i mean so many different receiving options to throw to it's tough to know uh who the best option even would be as mack had 14 sacks 13 for donald both in the 2014 draft class by the way chris jones eric armstead and neither of them went number one overall obviously that was the jedi beyond clowney class and i can't help but wonder if that would happen again it wouldn't we of course are in the super bowl because how would we not be and did we win yes 2814 wow how is this a super bowl team that's crazy let me go crazy in free agency zack martin travis kelsey's here we didn't resign him but we're going to now so our current negotiations include every top free agent most of them are super old this running back ben spencer is not he's only 26. and uh yeah i mean we should be able to get everybody we have a significant lead on everyone except for grady jarrett and you know what i'll extend it even more the highest bait uh highest paid d tackle of all time what were our actual funds at negative 826 million okay that's fine only a little bit of a hole if we reinvest that in the stock market wow we're gonna go off and we got everybody james bradbury ali marpat dallas goddard travis kelsey marcus williams zach martin grady jarrett spencer 99 offense oh this team's an actual joke i mean this looks like the chrome episode of spongebob this is so weird looking everything is just i i know we talked about it obviously but i've never seen this before and i am perplexed okay so the team is uh quite good patrick mahomes is impossibly good he has six skill points even when he starts to regress which won't even be for a couple seasons he'll just have like 10 stocked up skill points ready to go to get him back up to a high overall nuke in the slot okay this is a pretty solid group of guys 99 offense 92 defense surely surely this has to be a super bowl team you'd have to think it is maybe even undefeated we also haven't even done the draft yet we're picking at 32 we need defensive help which means we're going to go out we're going to sign old players because they have more experience and more heart and we need maybe a corner or an edge derek noddy might have to go oh derek noddy and davis right guard just get us bradley chubb straight up oh we love that man this draft class looks pretty bad at first glance here we are at 32. we gotta tight end who's decent i'll consider it best player for us bryce you're darn too natural number seven in the class at only 75 overall normal dev i'm getting sick of this andy reid looks like the freaking crypt keeper he's ready to kill me we're gonna go to the next week 99 offense 92 defense for a 95 overall we really just can't improve the defense i've tried it just can't happen this is as good as it's gonna be we got the chub we got a bunch of decent players is this gonna be a 16-0 team no probably not but it's gonna be a playoff team i'd bet my life on it strike me dead if we lose actually i don't have to look up i can look at the screen because i'm looking at heaven with this bright light deandre hopkins all angel team and everyone else on the team we're not the kansas city chiefs we're the angels moment of truth first round bye so 16-0 is possible 16-0 hey that's what i like to see we won every preseason game as well and a lot of times when teams go 4-0 in the preseason they lose a lot or that not a lot but that has happened um i think i think an owen 16 browns team went 4-0 in the preseason was it the only 16 browns or was it like the owen 16 lions not sure i mean we had a close game against the chargers but for the most part a lot of these games were not close so the no salary cap team has a really really good chance to go the full 19-0 simulate to the super bowl we have the power of god behind us and we're the super bowl against the giants again oh my goodness they are in 84 overall do we even play the game dude there's no shot well this is going to be a super bowl team here yeah i mean it's 31-14 38-14 45-14 the kansas city chiefs have done the impossible the 72 dolphins are not getting together for drinks tonight the chiefs have gone 19-0 completed the full perfect season and that's what happens when you turn salary cap off you can create the best team in nfl history actually and that's exactly what happened if daniel jones is still the giants quarterback by this time in real life you know what i won't even say mahomes is your mvp threw for 261 yards four touchdowns to one interception pretty good game and i saw he was picked off by javier sullivan and that's gonna do it who's even up there who's been alive oh fred warner he's not face again he looks weird he looks fat in the face but that is gonna do it for the video that's what happens when you turn off salary cap thank you so much for watching hit that subscribe button if you're not subscribed already and i'll see you in the next one take it easy step to the end zone my life like a game nintendo playing with the best let them know get off the track the train's coming through yeah promise you get in my way that you best believe imma just run over you yeah yeah probably turn taking it back to the house fifa's a joke i'm laughing so loud
Channel: Bengal
Views: 188,065
Rating: 4.9497128 out of 5
Keywords: madden rebuild, realistic rebuild, madden 21 gameplay, madden 21, madden nfl 21, madden 21 franchise, madden 21 career mode, madden 21 face of the franchise, madden 21 rebuild, madden 21 realistic rebuild, madden salary cap, madden salary cap explained, madden salary cap tips, no salary cap, turning off salary cap, turning off salary cap madden 21, turning off salary cap madden, salary cap off, salary cap off madden, salary cap off madden 21, no salary cap madden 21
Id: 1kIiv59MnGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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