The Truman Show - Nostalgia Critic

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this episode brought to you by doordash Fiat that brings you food you're craving right now right to your door also brought to you by chime the award-winning app and debit card that can save you money today [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hmm I think we're out of cream that's okay I'll take sugar you know you're right it is nice to take these shoots a little slower we don't always have to be in a hurry to get to the next shot indeed and what movie are we reviewing today why are you randomly looking over there have you tried it because it was kind of fun well we're reviewing The Truman Show I'm surprised you forgot already oh dear what a rush of emotions [Music] Tamara are you okay I've never seen such an outburst like that oh critic it's just my views on the movie are a bit complicated okay complexly complicated well how do you mean I've just always had a strange reaction to the movie that some people find unconventional well truth be told I have a thought about this movie that's also kind of unconventional yeah well don't tell me yeah it's that I really like this movie but I don't love it thousands watch from the very beginning waiting for him to reveal his deepest darkest secret with a multi-layered strategy we spent years of preparation utilizing state-of-the-art technology and the complexities of human psychology Now ladies and gentlemen for the first time ever Nostalgia Critic doesn't love The Truman Show you didn't like just randomly looking over there did you welcome to Nostalgia Critic dislikes The Truman Show never said that we have been waiting to reveal his hatred for this movie for years I don't hate it let us interview the woman who made this all possible Tamara Chambers oh thank you malkov it's great to be here Tamara how did you get this monster to reveal what a swiney is in such a natural performance well I had to ask myself who is Tamara chamber okay now knock it off I don't dislike this movie critic I've been following you literally from birth to get the secret out of you that's not the big and age difference between us how am I feeling that I know you've despised this movie for years all right critics who does this well clear The Truman Show has reached perfectionism movie and if you don't acknowledge that then there's a problem no that's the thing it is perfect but that's also kind of the problem see only A demented mind like that would load this movie well put doctor no I am fourth dimensionally well put no it's not put none of this is put it is very put Christ let me explain since its Premiere in 1998 The Truman Show has been endlessly praised and it truly is well deserved partly because it played against type it was Jim Carrey's first major attempt at drama it took what many would consider a comedic idea and play it into the darker elements and as many have pointed out it was ahead of its time so much of the technology we now have today so may if it's satirical ideas have come to be and little details in the background and foreground demanding a re-watch are now utilized in many well-respected films when I first saw it I loved it but it was wasn't quite what I was expecting it was clever satirical and poignant with a lot of beautifully surreal imagery but I slowly realized it did everything an idea like this should do and then stopped I did a video about whether or not a movie can be so good it's bad and while Truman Show is not in any way a bad picture I never got choked up over the death or complexity of these characters but again that's not to say they're not at all deeper complex Truman is a very safe character for someone who's had his whole life broadcasted I mean imagine every moment of your life was filled I mean every moment admit it there's a Dark Twisted weird-ass [ __ ] that would mess you up if you knew the whole world saw it despite being risky for its time I found I wanted it to be riskier I wanted to take more chances I wanted to make mistakes or say something that might not have been safe to say but that's where it's a little too brilliant for its own good I don't think that's what it's supposed to do everything is designed literally from birth to make this world and its lead as gentle kind and ideal as possible we wouldn't see more than messed up stuff because it would be edited out and who knows perhaps this fictional Utopia would turn out someone as safe as Truman in real life however that also doesn't make him the most interesting but once again you could argue that's part of the idea it's a lot to unpack and I think it's an interesting film to look back on 25 years later oh wow I never thought about it like that yeah your review changed the way I look at the world I haven't reviewed it yet oh sorry usually when it cuts and you talk for a long time we're supposed to be blown away yeah like oh he thought that about a movie I guess I'm a changed man you know you do a jackasses go film someone else without them noticing you try that we already did remember oh right they all found out about it and we're so happy that they became influencers you really couldn't make this film today for this camera only there's nothing fake about Truman himself the movie begins with honestly honestly strange choice it's a lot of critics say don't ruin the surprise of the film if you haven't seen the advertising because the reveal in the middle is so good the reveal of course being that Truman's life is a TV show but they tell you right at the beginning nothing you see on this show is fake it's merely controlled no Grant to most people going in from the ads and Word of Mouth know what the movie is about but I do wonder why they act like this is all a big secret revealed in the middle when they spell it out in the first few minutes there is no difference between a private life and a public life my life is my life is The Truman Show in my opinion it's better to start skipping the first three minutes but I don't know I guess some others didn't put together so maybe it's not the big deal no you first place I'm not that anxious to get there we see the life of Truman Burbank play by Jim Carrey who's basically the net Flanders of this world good morning morning oh and in case I don't see you good afternoon good evening and good night and in case I miss you on the holidays Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah Pleasant Kwanzaa joyful life day hey Pluto no no I remember when I first saw this noticing tiny spheres in the environment as if little cameras were hidden in them and I even remember squinting my eyes to see if I could see a lens reflection that'd be all for you Truman that's the whole kitten caboodle the whole first half is shown to us just like a regular episode of The Truman Show occasionally cutting to people watching in real life anytime there's a close call like a light falling literally named after one of the stars and I've always been curious if that star was out for the rest of the movie the world compensates for it an aircraft in trouble began shedding Parts as it flew over sea Haven just a few moments ago also life is not repeat not a TV show Truman is raised to be the idealized human being that everybody watching wants to be and his environment seahaven is made as pleasant as possible with few to no dangers inspired by a lot of 50s Nostalgia and Norman Rockwell paintings which I guess in the late 90s we were kind of nostalgic for could I have directory assistant like many prisons though the greatest danger is wanting to leave as any time it looks like he's thinking about traveling the world reminds him how selfish that would be not appreciating the paradise he's in Fiji Islands do you see this as declared by The orwellian Institute and punishes him for wanting to leave by sending him on a job that's across the water which he's deathly afraid of due to losing his father in a storm which of course was all staged I have an appointment dentist You're Gonna Lose a lot more than your teeth if you don't meet your quota I'm sorry Mr Dickey it'll never happen again I better jerk adding the sinking boat is another nice particularly cruel touch while he might be in heaven heaven likes to constantly remind you you can and should never leave hi honey Laura Linney plays his wife Meryl who once again brings her A-game as a woman who's pretending to care about her husband but not over making the sponsors happy it's a dicer greater peeler all in one never need sharpening dishwasher safe that's amazing here's my ass in case drama doesn't work I can remind people I'm funny with my ass no Emery places friend Marlin who seems equally focused on sponsorships that is a beer sure this shouldn't constantly be shown and Truman explains despite seahaven being a happy day Stafford wiveshaven a bliss it's too good and he wants to travel to Fiji This Is Us [Music] and all the way around here okay and despite me thinking Jim Carrey does do a good job in this movie I Am gonna point out the few Majestic oscarbation moments that's just one whisper away from I don't even know who I am as the environment gets more desperate to keep him there that's good he swears he sees his dead father on the street alive and wellish [Music] I just love the idea that emergency Runners are always on standby whenever they need to detain him his mother tries to convince him it wasn't his father telling him not to think painfully about his death while trying to force him to think painfully about his death you sailing off into that storm but I've never blamed you Truman and I do blame you now would I lie [Music] Truman things back or at least the showrunners want us to think he's thinking back to his younger days [Music] can you believe in graduating college on my birthday I'm the happiest 22 going on 36 year old areas he's drawn to a girl named Lauren played by Natasha miguelone despite the environment clearly trying to draw his attention to Merrell Truman look at my dance it's called the [ __ ] block foxtrot doing those efforts he does meet up with Lauren who tries to get him as far away from the cameras as possible this is my favorite pizza place Tony one large extra Plankton don't back sash me he shares his first kiss just as her supposed father stops her from revealing the truth it's fake it's all for you I don't understand this is group called Q Anon they have all the answers yeah that could be another reason this movie went fly today she does end up being taken away and despite marrying Merrell he gets pretty obsessed over the years [Music] Truman The Ransom That was supposed to be magazine clippings and the woman is supposed to be real [Music] so I talk about how Truman sometimes seems too well adjusted to feel like a real person You could argue this is kind of creepy the funny thing is I don't even think it's supposed to be I think it's supposed to be romantic like the guy who never stops trying to win over the woman he loves and with comedies and fairy tales and cartoons but not the best practice in real life this one also doesn't age that great but I kind of like that it doesn't okay it doesn't make him a bad person or anything but if your friend said he did this would you call it healthy he's literally Facebook stalking with a face from books it does give him something a little odd and off-putting and I like that what's that line Tony Stark had I don't trust a guy without a dark side maybe this world is so perfect this is the closest he can come to having a dark side the fact that this doesn't age well weirdly makes it age better the following day Truman starts to become more and more aware of how inhuman his human surroundings are [Applause] okay A bit thrown off by all the mistakes these people were constantly making but the more I think about it it's been 30 years of him never questioning things the people eventually got more complacent than Truman did and fell behind in an honestly believable way it's unlikely Truman ever went in this building for the 30 years he's lived there and this happens to be the one day he decided to randomly catching the guy who would usually be security off guard and leading to more smoke and mirrors being revealed [Applause] anything happen no maybe there's been even more goof-ups in the past but Truman was just too contend to notice them showing the environment shaping him but also him shaping the environment foreign [Music] class music account how many times you can say that in your lifetime particularly because you know the show Creator Christoph is the one choosing it you could have picked something menacing or uncomfortable to show him discovering his reality is a bad thing but instead he uses something that reflects more of an Awakening like some part of Kristoff wants Truman to evolve despite most of him wanting Truman to stay what was the furthest you ever got off the island went all over never found a place like this though once again his friend calms him down and we're giving what I think may be the creepiest part of the movie and there's lots of pages left over for baby photos I would like to hold a grandchild in my arms before I go I think they're pushing him to have a kid so they can keep the show going Truman can't live forever so a child taking over the spotlight disturbingly makes too much sense maybe his kid will ironically spend time exposing people who are being lied to while being watched by millions wait that kind of happened the next morning after taking their onslaught of vitamin D because they technically don't get real sunlight again crazy ass details in this Truman questions his wife about her motivations what's your Rush surgery there was that that elevator disaster downtown it was on the news last night you know how it's hard for someone to do a voice while doing another voice like it's actually pretty difficult to do I think it's also tricky for a good actress to act bad but not too bad it has to be convincing enough but also show she's starting to lose her nerve Lenny does this in Spades here this cable it just snapped this elevator it just plummeted down that that building it's right next door to where you were can you imagine it's not even we're thinking about all the casting is great I don't care what anyone says she's the best performance in the movie even more when Truman notices the people are on a continual Loop and he starts to lose his mind they go around the block they come back they go around again they just go around and run this is a great callback to Carrie Zane your material but it's also believable this is this boring man's way of rebelling what's New Orleans like this time of year Mardi Gras once again though look at Laura Linney what a reaction is it to ensure viewers don't worry everything's fine while also signaling the show Runners Christ help me [Music] looks more real than the effects in dial of Destiny Mario perfectly predicts there's a leak at the plant it looks like a leak at the plant look at the plant those small moments make me laugh the hardest but when the cop accidentally says Truman's name he tries to escape resulting in him being detained I can just imagine the show's director screaming into her earpiece calm him down but get to the ad a ton of money was put down for it let me fix you some use some cocoa beans from the upper slopes of mountain Nicaragua no artificial sweeteners okay maybe even more than Truman I won't know what happens to her character after she leaves the show because good God you know she ended up in rehab for something we get a hilarious scene of her threatening him with one of the product placements just as another product placement saves the day it's on man is it crazy just how the sponsorship inserts itself out of nowhere hi I'm the punchline for this scene back to school shopping is coming and all the chaos that comes with it but with doordash you could be first day ready with Pantry Staples and classroom supplies to make a good first impression without the 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found him for you Truman sure he's got quite a story to tell and if you're thinking wow that sounds really forced and nobody in the right mind would believe that again that might be the point when I first saw this I thought he was crying because he was reunited with his father but because there's no other moments that indicate he figured out what's going on I think argue he's crying because he knows everything even the people closest to him are a lie I mean his best friend found his dead father I'd honestly like to think bad Hollywood writings what tipped him off at the world he's in is fake even through the small window showing what Truman's doing while these interviews are going on it looks less like he found his lost father and more or less and what the hell while being a what a week it's been I don't know about you I was on pins and needles the entire time on that note this is where it's revealed again yeah okay I already talked about that that Truman is the only true man in this world who's not an actor in his entire life is a production Ed Harris plays you know I was gonna say Kristoff but let's just say if he's playing Ed Harris we accept the reality of the world with which we're presented one of my favorite character reactions I never noticed the first time I saw this I like to think Carrie looked up and said well the man on the moon can act that pretentious I can act that pretentious in my man on the moon how do you intend to explain his 22-year absence amnesia brilliant I hear it's going to work great in Spider-Man 3 so we're gonna try it out here speaking of Typecast this is the third reporter Harry Shear would play that year one of them being a cartoon character and they are being on The Simpsons I believe Truman is the first child to have been legally adopted by a corporation that's correct [ __ ] if that was the case his legal name would be Pepsi presents Truman Baja Blast the Hague for Kristoff hello The Hague all right we've lost that caller for the longest time I didn't know what that hung up call was about but it turns out the Hague is an international court that deals with crimes against humanity there's even a tone her that's made when an international call hangs up The Hague maybe they were gonna do something but then someone more powerful stop them not sure but you can read a few things and do it what you've done to Truman is sick we remember this voice don't we and confronts Kristoff as it looks like for years she's been pushing hard for Truman's release the world the place you live in is the sick Place sea Haven is the way the world should be if I'm back that was Disney's original welcoming speech for Epcot Kristoff shows he's the ultimate helicopter parent literally hovering over him and watching him like a father since his birth despite there only being a 12-age difference between them okay so sure I like to think Kristoff was a young horse and Wales type Prodigy ahead of his time but 12. that's not a prodigy that's a tick villain Merrill will be leaving Truman episode and it's all this behind the scenes stuff should have been part of the show too the style of the office or a found footage movie might have worked better because so many other elements that might be interesting aren't shown to us for example Merrell leaves off screen and we also don't see Truman having a conversation with his lost father either you could say Kristoff edited that out or kept it brief but because the film shows it isn't bound to what's broadcast to the public it's a little odd not seeing these what's he doing in the basement he moved down there after Merrell packed up and left I know we can connect the dots to Truman figuring stuff out but these are two major moments with Merrell leaving and talking to his long-lost dad I think at least one of them should have been shown just to keep us a little closer to his emotional Journey even if he starts to put together it's all fake with that said Truman does tease that he knows what's going on but doesn't fully reveal he's figured them out true Mania of the Burbank Galaxy this bit of him drawing was soap is actually improvised by Kerry and the producers liked it so much they actually used it as the teaser all other soap videos are done exclusively through my Cameo I have to learn how to draw smaller though while one of the directors played by Paul Giamatti looks at the classifieds perhaps foreshadowing his future Disobedience Kristoff knows his Truman has tricked them and seems to have vanished cue the Sun find him as he's gone over his fear of water takes the Santa Maria okay little on the nose and at long last sales beyond what he's seen Kristoff again like a disapproving parent who doesn't want his child to grow up tries to stop him with a literal Act of God he's gonna drown he doesn't even care do it foreign but how are they getting half those boat shots it's e what can you cut to go to birth again it probably goes without saying but Harris does a great job playing someone not ready to let both his creation but also what he sees as his son goes almost killing him until he realizes what he's becoming yeah shouldn't have hung up should you have higged [Music] yeah that's just how he looked after the ticket sales of Dick and Jane how many of you are like me and always look for the bottom of the sky backdrop here it seems so obvious when you start looking for it but man did get a big reaction when we first saw it in the theater I thought I saw Kirk freeing whales out here Truman literally touches the sky and discovers the truth and probably the most powerful scene where they replace the sound with just musical score and never go in for a full close-up all right we don't even see his face when he finally breaks down for once we have to imagine what Jim Carrey's face looks like during a big scene it was a smart choice it really emphasizes being both Justified but also heartbroken at the same time this is followed by probably the most stunning image of the film with a staircase in the clouds leading to an exit though Christoph tries one last attempt to keep him there I can hear you who are you I am the Creator go back or I will smite thee of a television show or I guess the truth works too sure then who am I no but I'll sure try it's okay Junior I understand okay seriously this scene is done pretty great with Kristoff trying to convince him to stay but deep down knowing this is probably the last time he'll ever see him I've been watching you your whole life watched you on your first day of school the episode when you lost your first tooth I broke that tooth I guess I'm sorry for that say something let me just get my middle finger ready in case I don't see you good afternoon good evening and good night and good luck finding Good attorneys cause good God I'm suing your asses oh and uh meeting up with a woman I met once in dedicated my entire life too but after that suing your asses and it ends on probably the most realistic part of the movie yeah let's do it there's a TV Guide especially the part about randomly thinking where's TV Guide and that was the Truman Show it's great it truly is four out of four clever smart ahead of its time everything is done perfectly if it's not a movie I obsess over because it's more a study of The Human Condition rather than a study of a human being Truman is designed to be saved by this overly safe world so it results in kind of an overly safe movie but in a strange way it's a brilliantly safe movie because that's part of its Design This is a film that lets the story and ideas lead the characters rather than the characters lead the story and ideas the movies I'm passionate about though usually throw in surprising character moments something you didn't expect somebody could do but still matches who they are and there's not a ton of that here in earlier versions of the script there were much darker elements that showed more Truman's flaws and how the audience reacted to them I'd have enjoyed that a little bit better like the more the show tries to make him look Flawless the more flaws develop but that's just what I would like to see the film that came out is perfectly fine better than fine it's kind of astonishing we got what we got at this time period the studio didn't want this to be treated so dramatically and movies like this weren't treated that dramatically literally a lame comedy with a similar premise came out soon after called EDTV it's my breasts Ed it's on the internet oh this just keeps getting better doesn't it because she's gay that's what The Truman Show would probably be if the people who made it didn't fight for their vision and I'll be honest too because there is so much that can be done with this idea I a little disappointed there hasn't been more done with this idea the film was so popular and so groundbreaking nobody wanted to explore it further and I think you could how about competing with another show doing the same thing so they had to go dark or do meaner things for sweeps week there's a ton of harsher character building possibilities and yeah okay I'm not saying make a remake or a sequel I mean good guy we have enough of those but it'd be like someone creating Superman and for some reason no one ever did another story about a superhero with a cape it just seems weird such a good idea isn't explored more but again that is kind of a good problem to have when your movie is so good you want to see more done with it I don't usually quote other critics but Roger Eber had interesting quote about Apocalypse Now that I think sums up why I really like this film but don't have an emotional passion for it I doubt if a film can be both great and Perfect Since in order to be truly great a filmmaker has to try things he's not sure about and go places where he doesn't know the way yeah like I said in a strange way maybe it's a little too good still The Truman Show stands as a fine movie that has good acting excellent directing and ideas that still spark conversations even today it worked back then it works even more now and my guess is it'll work even more in the future do it or just really like it it's like it's like he is one that'll be watched as often as Truman himself [Music] and it looks like I'm not surrounded by cameras anymore which is good can you imagine where else they might have turned up on the Nostalgia Critic I remember so you don't have to there's a camera in here isn't there no [Music] in case I don't see you good afternoon good evening and good night this month for cameos for charity we're doing kids rank we've worked with them before and let me tell you this is a wonderful organization kids rank engages military connected children with youth in Hands-On skill building projects and volunteer opportunities designed to encourage resilience through their core pillars connect lead and serve as a Navy brand myself it can be hard to move from place to place and kids rank is there to make sure there's always somebody there for them so if you want a cameo of me saying happy birthday or good luck or whatever click on the link below I'd be giving to a good cause if you're like nah I hate you well consider checking out this organization anyway it's wonderful people that do wonderful work check them out and either donate volunteer or just spread the word but the Fantastic things they do
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 415,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, the truman show, the truman show reaction, nostalgia critic, the truman show explained, truman show, truman show reaction, doug walker, jim carrey, the truman show review, nostalgia critic truman show, movie, film, review, reaction, video essay film, jim carrey truman show, truman show ending, truman show movie, best truman show moments, the truman show meaning, the truman show nostalgia critic, movie reaction, movie review, sci-fi movies, ed harris
Id: TzaK4-ffOIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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