The Miniature Mad Lad

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hello welcome back I'm looking extra white today thank you so you guys are probably familiar with that video that's gone viral of the small man in the bagel shop that went crazy he started screaming at this woman for like no reason for those of you that have seen it skipped to this time because oh god there's more to this guy than meets the eye I mean you probably don't meet his eye cuz you know but you know what he's got a serious case of short man complex or a short man rage or whatever you would call it he's got this like where's that New Yorker Boston accent and he sounds very similar to the people in like the movies Casino or those gangster flicks he kind of reminds me of Joe Pesci from Goodfellas how the [ __ ] am i funny what about me I know Joe Pesci isn't as short as him but he has the same energy you're not God or my father or my boss it's kind of sad but clearly this guy throughout his life has been berated by people because of his height and that has definitely had an effect on him so I can kind of see where he's coming from unlike a surface level even though I would never act this way and come on you ever hear of short kings Peter Dinklage one of the most badass actors and Game of Thrones come on now short king Danny DeVito from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia short King that guy he gets [ __ ] I mean maybe Martin Scorsese is 5'4 he's an amazing director short kidding Kevin Hart 5'4 comedian very good one another short King Michael J Fox 5 for short King Seth Green 5 for short King Bruno Mars 5 5 Wow there are so many short kings out there it seems like it's a mentality issue doesn't have much to do with your height you don't think Bruno Mars is getting laid every [ __ ] day cuz he probably is Daniel Radcliff five five short king Jetley five six kungfu masters or whatever he did karate jack black's five six people so you get the points a mentality thing that's it get over here so obviously this guy has some deep-seated insecurities with his height and if that wasn't bad enough he has some other problems as well so I did some digging this guy's name is Chris Morgan and he created a YouTube channel and he uploaded a bunch of videos pretty much incriminating himself a hundred percent you know he wants everybody to think he's this batshit insane guy I mean if that one baby didn't prove it he has like a bunch of other ones I'm gonna show you today there's this short clip of him like screaming in a parking lot and someone's filming him from across the way so when his video went viral a bunch of news agencies wanted to interview him one of them being TMZ and this is what he had to say let me ask is based on some of the other videos I just want to ask you point blank to your face are you misogynistic I mean can you blame them I mean I wouldn't expect them to know what a misogynistic means he's clearly not all there no like you feel certain what you feel negatively about women oh well I of most of them yeah because I don't trust any other are you misogynistic I won't lie yeah kind of you know they're short women out there do just move to Japan I know you're only five feet tall but people they're probably like five to two five four so finding a woman that's under five feet probably wouldn't be that difficult there and they wouldn't be able to understand your ramblings either so I thought be a win-win let me just ask are you homophobic I gazed over all the magnet hang out with them just don't talk to me especially in the private parts this guy answers questions gays don't bother me just don't touch me okay Jesus Christ actually the private parts would you consider yourself racist no I have black friends okay yeah now it's so many gulps that's me and he happens to be black or steal something then yeah comes out of my mouth I'm not gonna lie are you racist black friends but if I have a problem with one of those people one of those people and if one of them steals from me you know maybe the word will step out you know as you do you're being interviewed by TMZ and you're telling everyone that you hate women that you're not really all that fond of gay people and you're not afraid to say the n-word black people are mean to you I mean at least he's honest I guess that's kind of a good trait what is your ideal woman what is the type of woman you're actually looking for you mean looks at everything however the whole package what is your ideal woman what are you looking for this guy doesn't even know misogynistic means and he wants a woman maybe you need to lower your standards a little bit even if they met you in the middle so to speak I don't even think that would be enough for this guy works appreciates a man's money wants to beat it and love each other for each other and you're not oh you know what are you doing for me it shouldn't be based on a barter system it should be based on pure love it shouldn't be based on a barter system it should be based on pure love well you know a relationship is give-and-take right so basically what he's saying is I want the girl to give everything to me I want to give anything the girl what is this water this is my thing you know the woman should be there for me and that's it so this guy got divorced big surprise and here's the video explaining why we're married I went I was yeah that was my fault yeah oh really most of it was my fault I don't want to embarrass the person but there were parts of me that were not becoming attracted to her because she my tastes went from girls would be trusted not and then it started to go back and I just it was horrible I felt bad so long story short he divorced his wife he's didn't like her tits stop being so materialistic stop judging people for the way they look Obama divorced my wife because I don't like her dead how do you know one thing just destroyed if I mean the beginning I feel like you did start [ __ ] like you do the same thing to her that people do you like there's a physical thing but it wasn't met maliciously no no no no right like you you looked at something like wow I shouldn't have kind of judged her on her it began as she picked up on it began to be like oh I think you just love me like a sister like I kiss her on a forehead instead of anyways because of the breasts he was and then what happened was she would go to this guy even asks him so don't you think that's kind of like the same thing people aren't interested in you because of your height because people have preferences just like you weren't really interested in your wife because she had small tits but they just dodges the question by talking about something else immediately afterwards here's another video on his channel called Chris Morgan ditches gold-digging woman I'm not sure about the context behind this clip he starts yelling at this girl so you don't want to go back to my place but he locks the door and just kind of like takes off before she can get in the car and then he comes back around does a Joker laugh and then he does it again [Laughter] here's a compilation that he upload it's called Chris Morgan against the world so he's trying to buy coffee at this gas station and the cashier asks him how tall he is and you know naturally being Chris he tweets out I come in here to get a coffee and to get a doughnut and this jackass right he asks me what is my height I just bring this to the counter right to pay for my [ __ ] you don't say hi how you doing the first thing out of your mouth is what's my height he decides to vlog every single time that he feels insulted by someone he like shoves his phone in their face like hey did you say I'm short you want to take this outside no it's more like this what country are you from [ __ ] I don't believe your [ __ ] sorry what country what country you from how do you like me asking you a question like that Pakistan really you know much money our country gives you [ __ ] third-world toilet country's huh if it wasn't for our country you wouldn't be working here what if I came up to the Karen go I don't like foreigners more country from would you like me to ask you that question how would you like it if I asked you where you're from and then he just blatantly says they doesn't like foreigners like get the hell out of my country so bad and then he calls the cops after saying racist [ __ ] to this guy I'm gonna call the [ __ ] holy like the cops can do anything about this the guy literally just said how tall are you I'm guessing that's why he said because he didn't record that part but I mean yeah that's kind of a weird thing to ask someone especially a stranger so maybe he should have done that but this is kind of an overreaction I'm tired of this [ __ ] bro I'm tired of this I come in at 5:00 in the morning they get a [ __ ] coffee and mist I hear pot what do you want I want to file harassment charges no such thing that's [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] shut up sorry I don't believe this [ __ ] song I want to file some kind of a report or something anything and the poor cops like down there like all right this is no offense I can't arrest him for saying something and then the cops like fine I'll write a report but nothing's gonna happen he said sorry what else do you want please open I don't think it's [ __ ] funny it's not funny hear what he said the cop said he don't think what you said is funny this is you here daddy stop Jen the cops like it's not funny I don't think it's funny then here's another instance in a bar he thinks this guy said something insulting so he whips out his phone again screaming [ __ ] I'm sorry guys thank you all shut up this boss sucks [ __ ] this boss sucks [ __ ] you're a fat ugly piece of [ __ ] I'm angry all the time it's not that big of a deal that you're short you know good personality goes a long way and who cares if people make comments about your height play off of it work off of their jokes say that your dicks bigger than Laura this guy just sucks at banter that's what I'm getting so he hired this guy to help with this business and Chris feels like this guy ripped him off I wish I lent you $1500 I want to know where my $1500 is are you gonna answer me I'm gonna take in a small claims court I lent you 1,500 bucks where is it I'm gonna take your piece of [ __ ] ass to small claims court you [ __ ] dark bag scumbag so obviously the the logical thing to do here is to approach them with your phone out at them film them and start screaming at them to give your money back just scream with them over and over this is not how you solve situations it's not you think I'm a sucker huh do you think I'm a sucker I'll wait for the cops I didn't do Noth Wallner I'm not on your property okay we're gonna end today's video with this it's the last video that he uploaded on his channel it was uploaded on July 19th and it's called Chris Morgan wants to dot-dot-dot and guess what Chris Morgan wants to do [Music] so you all know who I am I'm famous I'm the bagel boss he really wants this thing to take off right he's like I was a douchebag to people in public now I'm famous people love me I'm not gonna mention any names but I was recently interested in somebody and you would think that that person would feel very very lucky and you know all women they say you know a nice guy well here I was you're not a nice guy though I've seen nothing but the contrary from you based on everything I know about this guy it's all anger it's all short man fury nice guy so I'm gonna put it right out to you I'm about to go out fishing but now that I'm famous so I'm gonna be obviously rich but now that I'm famous obviously I'm rich if that's not a good incentive for all of you ladies out come pop on me dick hey you miss it out once again how I work is I try to be nice to a girl then they somehow screw me over in some way or another I just show one of my promoters all the text I try to be nice I find that kind of hard to believe Chris sorry but so now I'm gonna bluntly put it to you I wanna [ __ ] I wanna [ __ ] so this is the best way to do it this little dude is horny as hell he made a youtube video with the sole purpose of finding someone to sleep with them he's so thirsty he's not even trying to use tinder or like one of those hookup apps he goes on YouTube he's like oh I'm rich and famous Dow even though he's not you know yet 3.8 K on YouTube and this video has 5,000 views I think your thing you've got a long way to go man but in his eyes he's rich and famous so I mean coulda fooled me I tried being a nice guy over and over and all I do is get my mind playing with so ladies I do apologize I'm tired and I'm trying to get my heart broken so I'm pissed I wanna [ __ ] I'm dying getting my heart broken hey I just want to [ __ ] this guy he might be a douche misogynistic racist you know you name it he's probably that but he's definitely honest so that's something something good about this guy so any girl wants to get down party smoke weed tonight and [ __ ] my brains out and I goddamn mean it she'll go be a little something a Fiat so we can work it out peace out what does that mean I'm sure there's gonna be a little something-something for you we'll work it out are you gonna pay these women to have sex with you I thought you were rich and famous they should want to have sex with you by that logic right I mean if you if you're all that you shouldn't have to pay let's be real ladies and gentlemen this video did not work at all he's just a sad little man who just wants to have sex with beautiful woman and he gets turned down all the time cuz he's probably aiming higher than he should he's definitely I mean let's be real he's definitely aiming higher than he okay I died I mean why isn't he trying to get in on the [ __ ] game man all those women have to be shorter than him so make him feel like the big guy right for once in his life and make him feel like the big man they should have cast him as one of the dwarves and the Hobbit or something he could be like the little douche dwarf all right guys that will do it follow me on Instagram and Twitter and go to alien clone calm for some pretty cool merch and that will do it for me thank you so much for watching peace out and don't let your your height freak you out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 771,097
Rating: 4.9352264 out of 5
Keywords: bagel boss, bagel guy, bagel shop guy, bagel shop fight, chris morgan, bagel fight, chris morgan bagel, elvis the alien, elvisthealien, short king, short kings
Id: GC5V9wJENww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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