The Minecraft Property Brothers

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yeah i bet your chat won't be telling you to kill me today oh i mean we'll see no i i mean i don't want them to i just i honestly you just never know there's a couple things that i think we need to do we need to get we need to get like more iron because we want to get all iron tools and everything we don't have like any iron right now so we kind of just need to dig around down there but then also we want to like expand our yo dude look what you just did it oh because i jumped on it yeah you unhoed my spot the next step for like beating the game probably is we have to go into the nether at some point and so if we're gonna go into the nether we're gonna need like good armor so we need like iron stuff at least or maybe diamond stuff but we can also get a a cow farm and a sheep farm there i mean that would be pretty fun to try and lower them all the way heat yeah we can make a little bridge a little cowbridge yeah i took your advice and i i put the text-to-speech things on i'm sorry i called you a version before yeah one of my mods was saying that dude what the hell you called me a virgin and then you turned them on yeah i turned them off did you really because of what i said are just cuz i turned them off seconds after you called me a virgin and they have been on since so with wheat we can make bread so i put some bread in the um thing if you need food oh so that'll be kind of nice for you and you'll say thank you about it too thank you all of a sudden everyone in my chat is saying uggo house hey people are saying house is in uggo mode this is me and my friend kurt's house yeah maybe my friend curt live here where do you guys get off calling our house uggo mode i think it's i think it's on gorgeous mode actually i think it's on [ __ ] mode it's on sex mode i think we're gonna get this land bridge popping we're gonna lure these faster than i am at it oh you're going backwards you're on that back yeah reverse cowgirl on this then you can kind of just oh my gosh this is so much faster i should have been going reverse cowgirl my whole life that's what i said when i first discovered this i was like so this is what people are talking about when they say reverse cowgirl i could get used to this yes everyone's saying now people in my chat are saying the house is hideous it's like one person said it and then like they all they all just kind of hop on the bandwagon it's a bunch of bunch of fairweather fans we got oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no look out oh no did you die too yeah dude that creeper got a little bit too close that was kind of annoying loki that creeper did look kind of good though i don't know it looks a little sexier to me luckily dude i put my ingots in the chest right before i left yeah thank goodness see that's why you put the inkies in the chest okay thank god i got my boots and my leggings so i don't you got your do you have your helmet uh no do you know if i was wearing a helmet before i don't this is me and my friend kurt's house yeah maybe my friend kurt live here i think you were i was gonna say this is a new look for that's you of suspicious then yep i've got everything that i had before everything's the same we gotta get some wheat and once you've got wheat in your hand they'll basically follow you anywhere these these dumb ass cows so this is where our cows are gonna go okay and you might think it's a little inhumane to put cows in here especially when you see how many we're gonna have after a while but i swear they like it okay okay even if it sounds like they're kind of like writhing around in pain and also why don't you stay down there too no i don't why don't you just why don't you just get back in the hole trust me you like it you might think it's inhumane for you to be in the hole but don't worry you like it don't worry you like it now how do you dual wield again uh press f f as in full of stuff in your hands stands for funny amount of things in my hands got so many things that's funny two things i'm holding one thing in each hand and i can't hardly contain myself i'm losing my [ __ ] mind man yeah there's like a lot of cows and sheep over here you're like on that island to the left as i do a leap of reference yeah right there's a song that starts like that so yeah i'll believe it when i hear it i'm on an island all right so that was it i finally believe it so i forgot to tell you i'm streaming with do alipa she's like sitting right next to me hit it doa he's on and she sounds exactly like you i have to say people i've gotten that a lot actually guys i'm not gonna kill danny what the hell okay uh i'm gonna make a separate hole for cows because i have one that has a lot of sheep in it and one cow but i kind of feel like we want to have them separate that's a sheep does it does it matter if my sheep hole is separate from my cow hole or can i just keep them in the same hole what do you guys think because like i'm just gonna go down there and kill them all like eventually so does it matter if they're in different holes come on cow don't be shy just go in the hole just going in there nice yeah now we're in the hole i don't know why i came in here i was like damn it looks fun in there yeah this is [ __ ] lit all right all right now what you can do dude you got wheat left over yes give them the weeds give it to them it'll make them horny yeah see oh look look it baby sheep nice dude baby sheep they're [ __ ] right in front of me dude yeah i know see the birds and the bees and the curt and the curt making it all happen uh do you want to get in bed real quick uh sure oh just like platonically no no get away from me where'd the ladder go i placed it and it's not in my inventory anymore the game the server like glitch and my ladder's gone you guys are just straight up oh no this is already chaos in here it's kind of hard to maneuver around there's baby sheep everywhere [Laughter] hey kurt i can't see you kurt i keep falling down here [ __ ] off these little sheep dude don't [ __ ] the sheep i'm that's how you win the game did you actually log off where did you go oh yeah i logged off no i see i see your name no i logged off you don't see my name anymore yeah well let that be a lesson don't ever mess with me like that again it scared me i got scared and i got freaked out and scared you got scared freaked out and scared yeah all at different times in that order get hoodwinked not today dude you did get hoodwinked not today i'd say own up to it your hood has been winked oh yeah i was gonna see if i could just get the cows to go through first okay this sheep is sort of killing the vibe back up yeah should we just kill this [ __ ] yeah and then do you have ladders so we can get out of this hell hole she eat grass sheepy ass no i eat ass how do i make the dirt into sheep i mean into grass how do i turn the dirt into sheep it's a circle of life man you need a grass block use your silk touch they want me to use myself [Music] i don't think i have silk touch guys dude that couch just went up the ladder get back in there what i don't dude oh you gotta delete the bottom ladder i think you only need two okay don't worry i i knocked him back in there yeah okay that'll teach him stay in your i know your place kyle i thought that was like a glitch how the [ __ ] does a cow use a ladder going straight up how could people say this house is uggo this is i wish this was my real life house this is so nice yeah i think i might actually sell my house and then hire a contractor to make me one that looks just like this a one-to-one replica now that we've got this cow hole and the sheephole we're gonna be miles ahead of the competition we're gonna have unlimited beef unlimited mutton unlimited wool and unlimited leather yum i should make the island bigger you know what that's not a bad idea yeah if we make the island bigger then we can have an even bigger uggo house i was going to say we should probably make it out of whatever we want the house's floor to be made out of that way yeah i do have a i do have a bunch of cobblestone so yeah let's do cobblestone that could be kind of hard like you know castle vibes yeah i don't really say this a lot but this looks pretty good you do say that a lot don't lie about that you always say this is pretty good let's see how many wood planks we have i got 60 on the go okay yeah i've got like a hundred so we can probably do some serious wall building here hey maybe in this little corner we could put uh like crafting stuff like a crafting zone if you will yeah is there crafting stuff in this game i mean we've got string already in one spot that's kind of crafting material yeah oh do you mean like like a crafting table oh for some reason when you said crafting like my mind immediately went to like arts and crafts like we can put like glue and construction paper in here yeah we're gonna have little zig zaggy scissors in the corner all you gotta do is put sand in the front i'm fixing it there is dirt [Laughter] [Music] i want the dirt oh [ __ ] yo that's hard yeah put a torch it's kind of like an art piece that looks awesome let's go ahead and slap six torches on here yo this is sick yo fire cube glass floors yo that'd be fire with the water underneath sheesh oh whoa we should have done that stupid cobblestone you know i can start on it i've got i just got some glass out of the furnace okay i don't have that much sand so fish floor fish floor yeah yeah do you think fishy um chet will fishies just swim in here willy nilly fishy wishy really nearly style yo are they gonna come in here willy willy-nilly style or willy-nilly that's my favorite position we got 35 glass yeah i've got 28 in my pocket i've got glass in my pocket eliza delizer what's saffron what's that is that a real thing it's uh there's a there's like a hole in my bucket dear eliza it's about liza koshy [Laughter] she has an old nursery rhyming better you know what man yeah what man shut the [ __ ] up all right dude this looks [ __ ] sick yeah i think this is really gonna be epic and i really have to i gotta say that i don't say that a lot so you have to believe me when i say it yeah well i mean i've heard you say it probably a thousand times but yeah maybe in your mind's eye maybe in your wettest dreams disgusting guys let me know if i can do the kelp life hack um that we learned about in my solo stream english please so basically i'm gonna like be performing what most people would say is sort of like a kelp life of sorts no i heard that it's it's just like not okay yeah yeah i mean i i heard you but you're just not you're just not explaining it you know what kelp is right sometimes i make chips out of it and stuff kind of yes and i know what a life hack is but i'm still not still not gonna understand if you sort of just say kelp life hack and don't expand on how about instead of expanding on it i just show you okay ah okay whoa he's helping life hacking over there no i'm not doing it yet whoa he's not doing it yet how did he do that oh it's already evening it all out this is oh no people are just goofing around being absolute goofballs oh guys you can shut the hell up you know that vine that was like a teacher or something and she's like shut the hell up shut up shut up oh yeah shut up shut up i think about that a lot glass floor is finished let's get some pop let's get some [ __ ] let's get some interior design in the chat let's get some uh phantom menace uh jubilee music in here you know the song from the end of phantom menace that goes [Music] yeah you know the one i'm talking about yeah that's what it goes [Laughter] yeah let's get some of that in the chat guys guys let's get every star wars song at the same time in the chat uh let me see if i have any glass class is that gonna be enough oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh i'm good did you almost die i almost died did you almost die shut the hell up have you seen that video [Music] danny my parents are fighting oh [ __ ] you know what the only way to fix it is you got to start fighting with them too with them with your parents yeah yeah and i'm not talking like arguing i'm here square up yeah put your [ __ ] dukes up right now this is going to sound crazy so just bear with me okay should we get our own rooms in our house we could decorate our own little rooms however we want yeah and still have a common space where we can congregate and we could plan for our next adventure sorry wait what dude all the villagers are gonna be so jealous of our pad they're gonna hear us talking about it and they're gonna say shut the hell up because all the villagers on the shore screaming at us we can like faintly hear them from our from our bedroom just have you you know how villagers how they sound you know how the villagers sound oh yeah that's going to be in that voice yeah [Laughter] shut up i just why is there a dip over here i'm trying to fix this i don't know why there's a dip over here water wise that looks so funny what me in the dip yeah you're just sort of swimming underneath our house it's not that funny it's hilarious actually you look so stupid we hit 3005 all right all right all right all right i'll sing it okay no matter what you say or what you do when i'm alone i'd rather be with you [ __ ] say the whole lyric other guys i'll be right by your side till 2005. hold up i'm laggy hey um how is jenna's plants going speaking of leggy because plants get leggy sometimes when you grow them inside what do you mean lagging well it's kind of like an industry term for like when like don't hate me while you're explaining something gardeners talk about it that was so condescending of you today i feel so backhanded right now it's just a thing that gardens stop that immediately it means to like if they're not getting enough enough light so instead of like getting strong and thick like a nice thick stalk like a nice thick stalk basically jesus uh they'll uh they'll just grow upwards back up okay i get it now you're making me really nervous before you start sort of creeping towards me was i yeah as you were explaining you're still like slowly making your way towards me and i and i didn't like it i didn't hardly notice you didn't hardly notice i didn't hardly even notice you didn't stop enough absolutely enough i'm not even swinging at you i just saw you do that what are you doing hey put the glass back messy boy put the glass back messy boy i need more glass i was hoping i'd hit the block you were standing on they need to sort of fall through oh that would be epic but oh nothing it's fine every little thing is gonna be all right [Music] i didn't just ruin our mind shaft it's gonna be just fine you ruined our mind shaft i didn't just ruin our mind chef sounds like you did just oh maybe not back get back away from our pad okay is he in our house no he's sort of he's sort of like yo let me in my boy's in there and i'm like i'll protect you curtis oh my i had him but thank you you needed my help you'd be dead if it weren't for me admit it i was watching this speed uh the speed run of minecraft that sounds really fun and he did like this weird thing he like put a door underwater or some [ __ ] and he was just able to like just be underwater it was like an air bubble there's of of of sort sort of stuck uh yeah i totally believe you okay it might not be the best idea to do this at night but i'll i'm willing to take a look oh it works get in whoa it's like an air bubbie so what i was saying about the leggy plants am i supposed to find a sea pickle i don't even know what that is i feel as though i'm i feel like i must be getting hazed right now there's no such thing as a seat pickle in this game i'm going to go to bed real quick i can't see any pickle dude that's actually kind of hilarious do you mind if i use that in my stand up actually yes that's my closer or when i start touring again so i've been i've been working on that for months and uh one last thing before i go folks uh i don't even i actually don't even see a pickle you've been great i can't see a picture goodbye i still can't see one you've been great i can't see you can't see a damn thing you can't see it didn't pick on this [ __ ] peter see it the mods could make a poll all right and call it rooms verse mines oh i got a poll going what do mine for stuff or build your own rooms okay mine's at about 70 30 in favor of rooms mine is pretty much the same wait mine is the same not like mine oh i i'm so sorry for the good fusion um no no i didn't do this look i'm oh no this is going to be that like the congregating area kind of like the like this the plaza if you will or something i don't know living room that's the word i was looking for what do i say yeah the plaza yeah that makes no sense what if minecraft music like the music in the game was just minecraft parody songs like that one what did we watch deuce world i still see your armor in my room those diamonds oh diamonds in my room i still see your diamonds in my room go to the nether dude i'm not going to go to the nether right now are you crazy i am ill prepared for that i gotta plug my [ __ ] in hold on fixed it fixed fixed it oh you uh you you uh you found an extension cord uh to plug your poop into i'm sorry you've you found uh you got a little plug and you plugged your poopy into the wall yes i plugged my poop into the wall and now my poop is charging because he said you said i've got to go turn my [ __ ] in yeah i just by happenstance stumbled across a village so i'm gonna go in there and poke around and go to sleep in one of their beds dude and you'll never guess what i just found the daddylands the badlands what are those i still you didn't really explain what those are i found them jesus room jesus room check uh hey does anyone in chat know what my core what home coordinates are here for this world or maybe curtis can tell him hey curtis huh what'd you say sorry i was celebrating my epic pod put this concrete powder in the water so it solidifies and turns into a concrete thing and then do i sort of just mine this do i do i hit it with my picky oh people are saying it works in my chat so is that did i do it green concrete check i guess what i'm trying to say what on earth was that noise what did you hear [Music] a little monster [ __ ] off a little monster did i say it like that yeah he said a little monster you sounded really happy oh i i meant to be i meant to convey fear because whenever i'm happy i'm scared of when i'm gonna stop being happy you know i'm like oh no this is gonna end soon true yeah you're screaming oh hooray oh no santa's coming back soon when's this gonna end i'm gonna make a cactus farm and then i'll probably hop off the stream but people said i need sand i need sand for the cactus farm correct that's where cactuses grow cacti yo this is looking sick oh no oh this dolphin is my bestie get me out of here curtis get me out of here what's happening sorry i'm stuck in the cow hole let's do that oh what do i need for that sorry never mind i'm a [ __ ] idiot um what why you did what was that you sort of agreed really quick that was uh some that was some other guy he came in here and he was like yeah curtis is a total dumb [ __ ] i killed him so don't you have to worry about it okay thank you we are designing our own bedrooms to uh show off our in unique individual styles mine is gonna be very dark and brooding because i'm in a bad [Music] i'm in a mood mood right now i'm making a dark room where are you um how about i'm right here oh ah okay guys bye everyone love you thank you so much bye-bye
Channel: Kurtis Pogger
Views: 400,135
Rating: 4.9890122 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, danny gonzalez, minecraft, baddie smp, twitch, gaming highlight, kurtistown
Id: 1RhGve7pxxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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