I AFK'd to a Hyperion... | Hypixel Skyblock

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nothing in Scout loock is as useful as the Hyperion which gives teleportation healing and of course the most damage output in the entire game but all of this comes at a price that being 1.8 billion coins which would take the average Sky Block player over a 100 hours of grinding however in this video I'm going to prove that you don't need effort or skill to make money because I'm going to be spending the next month getting a Hyperion except I'll be doing absolutely nothing but AFK here's how it went well here we go guys today is the start of a very interesting challenge don't even know if it's possible but we're going to be afking all the way to Hyperion all right I'm just going to start this challenge we're just going to start AFK you guys probably know nothing about what's going on so I guess I should probably start explaining so you might be wondering how this challenge is even possible after all it would take making 60 million coins a day AFK for 30 days to be able to get a Hyperion well it's all because of seven different money-making methods that I used but first off you can't think of passive money-making methods without thinking about minions and what if I told you that during the start of this challenge I accidentally stumbled across the best minions in all of Sky Block this right here is 32 or2 flower minions and let past me explain why they're so good so guys this right here is apparently a flower minion setup I never would have thought that fly minions would be good for money but whatever and yes they're actually good but only because of one flower dandelions which sell for a ton of money on the bazaar and this is apparently the setup you use which looks kind of complicated but let me explain it basically this setup uses the minions to place down the flowers and then with the water flow system it washes all of them away at once into Hoppers which can collect all of the items and put them in a storage system now all of this sounds really great but there's just one small thing about this setup each minion costs over 50 million coins so I guess it's time to head to the dark auction but by the way guys real quick you might be wondering what I'll be doing AFK well I'll probably just be playing Cookie Clicker and speaking of things with big numbers I'm trying to prove to my friends that I can make highquality videos that get views and not fail school at the same time and YouTube really likes it when people after watching the video subscribe to the channel and press the like button so if you guys could please do that and not just ignore this plug like you do other videos that would mean so much improving people that I'm not wasting my time anyways it's time to waste some money all right here we go we're signed up for the dark o all right I just realized I am not nicked so this could be very painful yikes Hocus Pocus Cipher protection six book we got a Wither artifact right here which I bought for like 45 mil but now it's 170 wow the inflation is crazy all right here we go the flower minion this is what I need swear to God if anybody is trying to overpay it I'm going to be so upset I don't want to do over like 40 mil but 20 mil for for one is a steel 25 mil okay we're getting a bit more expensive 27 28 mil for a flower minion I think we locked it in 31 million coins for a flower minion what a scam but whatever we need 31 of these this is going to be really expensive all right so we also got to make this tier 12 which is going to be painful all right to get it to tier 4 we need 2 million coins this right here is 2 mil that's wild all right I'm going to be giving all of the materials to a guildmate because at least they can get the max crafts but at the end he will be giving it to me but thought might as well help some people out because this will be really useless but now we need Enchanted dandelion it's going to be around 1,24 which is 42 million coins but after tier 10 it's just poppies which are really cheap it's like 32 100K okay not bad I just realized it'll take 2.3 billion coins to get 31 of these oh my God clearly if I was going to get all of these minions I would have to have a lot more money than I actually had and in addition to that there's only one dark auction in an hour so it could take me an entire week to get all of these minions I really needed a new plan and luckily I did have one what's up everybody so what I'm doing is just messaging everybody on my friends list if I can buy their tier 12 flower minion for like 15 million coins because for them it's probably just sitting in a chest you know they have no use for it now but this can save me a ton of time and also basically a ton of money because not only do I get the flower minion but it's already tier 12 all right basically everybody on my friends list either didn't have it anymore or they didn't want to sell it to me but I've just been going around the dungeon hubs and I found my first customer shout out to X Maru who's selling me this flower minion for 15 million coins I guess they also watch me because they know about this little thing that happened but anyways 15 million coins for a tier 12 flower minion pretty good deal for them because it's just lying around and a really good deal for me while past me is trying to find more customers may I remind you guys to please use code will in the Hypixel store whenever you're buying something you get 5% off and it actually helps me out so much as I can hire editors and make my upload schedule a little bit better 25 million coins a bit more than last time but only because this person wanted a little bit more money which I'm fine with because I'm saving money either way another deal done shout out to QT kindly I can actually see this project kind of coming together now it's probably been like an hour since I last got one but here's another one for 15 million coins this person has a ditto blobbed game Annihilator but whatever we're here for the flow minion so plus one we have another person right here and also look at that my inventory is starting to become very nice looking actually being finessed out here 30 million coins but like I said anything under like 70 mil is a good deal as you can see I'm starting to get a little bit impatient and desperate but it's been like 3 hours so 40 million coins for a used flower minion all right we're going to take a little bit of a break and start building this actual machine I never really explained how it really works but I can't really show you right now however this is the Hologram that I'm going to build and hopefully it should go well all right we're basically done so this is what it looks like all right now the water Contraption part that sweeps all the flowers away should also be working okay score another flower Minion from fan 19 now we only have like three or four more to go all right this right here is the last flower minion so glad to be done with all of these so yeah now we're done now for the part that will be very painful find the mythal infusions we're going to need 30 of them there we go oh no look at how many of these there are dang though all right time to combine them you save a whole 1.4 seconds putting a mythal infusion on them don't think that'll be that good but you never know honestly if they're as good as people say they are then I could make that money back in like 2 days or something which would be crazy all right this is the last of the minions right here and there we go so now we have 30 tier 12 flower minions with mythal infusions well atast cow this is a major investment and now we can just start placing them down like this and there we go all of them placed down all right now for the fly catchers which for some reason are 29 million coins I bought them at 25 mil per but if I were to sell these now I bet I'd be making pretty sure like 300 million coins in profit whatever we're going to put them in these little guys right here each of these will increase the minion speed by 20% Which not going to lie is pretty good but then again each of them are 30 million coins per all right and now we're done with the fly catchers I do have two spare because I didn't know that we would need the Cobble minion up here Cobble minion only needs to be tier one which is very good put the Cobble minion right here and now this Farm should be fully functioning where I crashed again all right lastly a scorched power Crystal to increase minion speed by 11% now let's see if it'll actually work all right here it goes the water is going to flow down like this let's see it's going to break all of these flowers very good lagging just a bit and now if we come down here at the very bottom should be some flowers yes there we go obviously this has only been running for like 2 minutes but already it's made like 200k which is an insane amount actually all right I completely forgot about the feel so foul flesh time 90% more speed and I'm putting in 13 days worth or stack I'm investing everything into these minions so they better pay off okay so apparently the ocelot also works so 63 mil for level 100 ocelot I would just borrow it from my Co-op but I've been doing that enough times so there we go all right so without ocelot it's 6 seconds and if we equip it it is 5.3 seconds so now this Farm is crazy optimized and now it's just time to AFK and wait so 24 hours of AFK and have passed and let's see how good these minions are doing all of these chests for the minions are empty because I just emptied them and let's see how much money these flower minions made me so right here we have about a day's worth 19 million coins if it just sold but in total it's around 28 million coins which is pretty good but keep in mind that this is only one of the seven methods that I use to get all of this money and I think it's time to talk about some of the other ones day two of AFK I looked back at the footage of yesterday and basically I explained absolutely nothing each day for the first couple days at least I'll be talking about at least one money-making method that I used but there are a lot of quick ones so I might as well explain like two or three of those fast ones right now for starters every day I would get an easy 2.5 mil my first find my daily limit of grand XP bottles from the Mage NBC basically every day I would get around 900k to 1.2 million coins in profit in probably just 25 seconds then I would head over to this NPC right here Arna which would give you one k every 24 hours if you sacrifice a player this was anywhere from 900k to 1.5 mil afterwards I could make another easy 5 million coins a day by placing a bio order for 394 Enchanted melon blocks costing around 195 million coins but once it filled I could sell it again to the NPC and because of the small price difference it usually had I could make anywhere from 4 to 5 million coins again basically doing nothing all right it's almost the end of day two we're actually doing pretty well the first day I made like 44 million coins or something so we're currently at 138 million coins and I have like 30 million coins in the bazaar so yeah anyways there are a couple big money-making methods left that I have to show you guys but uh I'll do that tomorrow all right we're on our like third day or something and today let's talk about bottles of gy but by the way just something real quick so that you guys aren't confused or think I'm like actually like cheating or something I haven't actually been afking this entire time it's actually been my ALT account because then I can like play or do whatever I want and my ALT account just sits in here and afks but anyways before this challenge started I bought a bunch of bottles of gy and basically if you have the item in your inventory every 1 hour you get like plus one intelligence if you drink this or something but at 300 hours it turns into this a refined bottle of G which sells for 2.5 million coins so every 300 hours you profit like 2.2 million coins but you have an entire inventory to do this so essentially you're making 77 million coins every 300 hours and that goes to be around 6.6 mil every day from actual just AFK it's ridiculous okay so I actually didn't record for day four but day five everything is going pretty well and actually something I have to do that I can actually show you guys what I'm doing too one of the best money-making methods for this challenge is actually the composter all right so I just realized I need to fill the composter too so there is the organic matter fill and the fuel fill but yeah this composter actually makes a lot of money before this challenge happened I did have to do a lot of visitors and that's all because of the copper which you can use to buy all of these upgrades that make the composter very good but anyways this is around 7 million coins in profit every day if I remember to do it so yeah I'd highly recommend you do this however if your upgrades aren't that good on the composter it's going to be kind of bad anyways I'm going to get back to afking and tomorrow I'll show you guys the last two methods that I use which total make about 30 million coins per day all right it's a new day and that means pretty sure after this I'm finally done with explaining all the methods and then basically my job's done all I do is AFK but yeah this second to last method is the forge one of the craziest money-making methods ever most of the time I chose gemstone Chambers which need 500 wor membranes and five gemstone mixtures Al together and I could Forge around 20 Chambers a day if it wasn't the weekend each of these Chambers would be one to 2 million coins in profit so I basically made at least 20 million coins from the forge every single day and finally this last method is of course cookies basically I get 9,600 bits per booster cookie and basically profit around 2 million coins per cookie I can go through around two cookies in a single day which means 4 million coins of profit just from cookies also if you're buying cookies on the Hypixel store of course use code will it helps me so much and you get 5% off but yeah I'm pretty sure that's all of the methods so now that you know every single method that I used here are some of the highlights from this challenge so you might be wondering why I have 400 million coins almost in dandelions well I've been saving them up recently and it's scorpus right now so everybody is buying flower minions and Enchanted dandelions are really high so that's some easy money wish I kept more though so these are all of the enrichments that I bought with all of my bits from the past couple days that is a lot of coins that I made back and and we have some gemstone Chambers here so we might be at 800 mil now if I cancel all my bizarre orders all right it's probably been way more than 12 and 1/2 days which is 300 hours to fill all of these refined bottles of gy but you know sometimes you get Lobby kicks and stuff overnight but look at all of these they're 3.1 million coins right now so 91 million coins and we still have all of these left take all of these out finally these are done all right let's see another 100 100 million coins that is just a little bit crazy and we're almost at a billion coins right now so we're going to get this Hyperion pretty soon all right bottles of gy have not really sold and it's been a decent amount of time so we're just going to insta sell them right now they're only 2.4 mil now which is kind of sad and we're instant selling them but here is 70 million coins right now all right and here is another 78 million coins I also converted all of my bits into Magic find enrichments so we can sell these all and this will be like probably another 60 to 70 mil all right so look at all of these gemstone Chambers we have that's a lot just in my inventory right now but look right here 181 million coins claim this all nice put it in my bank 1.7 bill I think we're basically there to get a fully scrolled tyion and I do have some Enchanted dandelions too all right here are some Dand Lions the prices aren't that good right now but 44k is decent 43 million coins pretty good and now I think we can buy one all right so you might be wondering 1.3 bill that's not enough for our fully scrolled Hyperion well if we take a look in here yeah we're going to do it right now so all we need is the handle I swear if something goes wrong with this recording I'm going to be so mad let's just just buy this handle right here 814 mil bro what am I even going to do with this Hyperion anyways the handle has been acquired let's take out the Wither catalysts do not make a catacombs expert ring instead let's make an unrefined nekron's blade zero carpentry XP actual bra moment honestly do I even make this a Hyperion because wouldn't it be kind of cool if it was just a random nekron blade okay but a Hyperion without its scrs is just a clickbait title we got to put some of these on first let's put Shadow warp on it okay so you can just go like this and then watch he just dies from that far away okay I'm getting off track now let's put implosion on it might as well with a shield let's go a clean necron Blade with wither impact oh my God I also cannot see anything don't mind me I'm just going to flex this in Hub one show item nekron's blade unrefined and now this really doesn't do anything but it means I actually got a Hyperion in the first place obviously right here I have my own so I don't even know what I'm doing with this a to flex it on the person the master AFK who showed me like half of these strategies shout out to smookies now I don't really know what to do with it so I guess if you're watching this video/ ah will water prison and I'm selling this thing well you made it to the end congratulations but you should probably watch this video right here where I Max every single skill in Sky Block it was a really fun video to make and I bet you'd like it [Music]
Channel: Willwaterprism
Views: 221,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QaXleqHarxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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