Why this Skyblock Glitch Hunter Turned Evil

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this is simple origin standing in front of an administrator on Minecraft's biggest server only four people out of tens of millions have ever received the exclusive item simple origin is about to get the game Annihilator a special reward for his work in finding dangerous glitches 16 months later simple was banned and white after causing one of the most damaging events in Skyblock history a month after that he did it again what happened why did this well-respected glitch Hunter Fall From Grace this story involves trolling various YouTubers dealing 2.147 a billion damage in a single hit and the Forbidden Minecraft triple chest yeah well anyway the simple origin of simple origin all started with technoblade on June 14 2019 technoblade uploaded the High pixel Skyblock experience which attracted a great number of people to what became the most popular mini game in all of Minecraft simple Origins saw this video and started grinding to the top he joined forces with the most advanced players around the first place frag's Guild first place frags was Infamous for harboring cheaters abusers and IRL Traders and simple was exposed to some of that during his time there at one point many Guild members including simple origin abused an illegal method of fishing which got the Guild Master Mind Tricks band despite being mostly legit simple origin was always fascinated in video game exploits as a result his interest was peaked when he caught wind of the fact that the backpack storage item was the cause of a number of duplication glitches on Skyblock with a couple of friends simple experimented with backpacks trying to get two players to access the GUI at the same time he and his friends actually managed to find a duplication glitch but they kept searching surprisingly by the end of the first day simple's band of glitch Hunters discovered a total of three duplication glitches all involving backpacks one of his friends contacted the admin Jaya varman and each of them received the exclusive game breaker item for reporting the exploits rather than abusing them simple was incredibly excited when Jaya showed up on his Island on Hypixel it's pretty rare to ever see administrators and simple was being specially rewarded for his efforts in helping the game Not only was this recognition from the staff team gratifying it was also profitable game Breakers sold for tens of millions of coins so if simple origin could find exploits get a good reputation with the Advent and make money off the game Breakers he was golden these events launched simple origin into his career of glitch hunting and he and his buddies didn't have have to wait long before they found another one whenever Skyblock players do something like Breaking logs or killing zombies their XP in certain skills increases and that skill XP also contributes to the level of any pet items which are equipped three days after the triple backpack Duke symbols ragtag group of exploit archaeologists discovered a method to decrease skill XP an effect that also applied to pets this exploit which involved a newly reworked enchanting system allowed players to get Negative enchanting XP when they specifically combined certain books together simple origin and his buddies joined new profiles and brought pets with them gaining skill XP normally increases pet level so when the exploit was performed the Pet's levels dropped to zero creating a new unique item they tried to transfer those level zero pets back to their main profiles but almost every one of them was reverted to level 1. only the horse and pig pets didn't get reverted for reasons that are way above my pay grade simple Origins involvement in glitch hunting brought him into a Discord dedicated to collectors of glitched items there he met time Dio which is why simple was present in the first ever Mega co-ops where dozens of players went onto a single profile players who are drawn towards exploit hunting who also played legit often gather and collect glitched items as something they can show off to the community this is why simple wanted to get those level zero pets back to his main profile he also managed to Anvil his game breaker and I have no idea how that was done this is different from the game Annihilator he was later gifted the story of which is coming up after reporting a number of exploits simple earned a reputation among the staff team for being a glitch Hunter and exploit finder among the general public though his reputation was much different on top of being part of the sweatiest Guild on Skyblock he was also known as a rat one strategy simple employed to find some of the exploits he reported was to leverage his Connections in his Guild to infiltrate certain glitch hunting groups and snitch on their findings to the admins because he was around for so many game-breaking exploits and was the inventor of several of them the YouTuber and exploit Hunter timedio invited simple origin to the player quality assurance team or pqa you can think of the pqa as the Avengers of glitch hunting a group dedicated to finding and Reporting as many exploits as possible when simple origin joined the pqa discovered a method to create previously unobtainable vanilla items including dragon eggs nether stars and beacons this occurred with a bug in the Ender Chest storage system and was done by sending the slash Ender chess command twice at the same time where her it would glitch out and any item from the top row could be grabbed after those three special items were set as icons they could be acquired the same as anything else the dragon eggs generated with this exploit added to simple's Growing collection of glitched items he traded some of them for other unique items like the closed barrier and sold even more for a profit at this time simple origin was a mostly well respected member of a team that worked closely with the admins to make the game better a year later he was banned and wiped after his fall to the dark side that descent was pretty gradual and the first inkling of it surrounded a Lobby crash exploit involving training Devils Lobby crashes on Skyblock are quite dangerous because the lobbies are forced to roll back thus if someone can purposefully induce a Lobby crash they have a duplication glitch on their hands a pretty consistent method of Lobby crashing revolves around spawning in a load of entities often in quantities nearing or exceeding ten thousand one way this was done is with an item called the SkyBlock training dummy the training dummy lets players test their weapons and shows the damage amount whenever the dummy is hit that damage tag is in itself an armor stand which is an entity if there were a way to repeatedly create those damage tags one could potentially get enough entities to crash a Lobby simple origin did just that by shooting a bow from above the dummy which caused the arrows to bounce off each bounce created another damage tag stacking endlessly and eventually caused the lobby to crash simple reported this glitch but he secretly used it to dupe some backpacks Duke backpacks known as same uu ID or stacked backpacks were one of the most broken duplication glitches in the game for quite a while they were the method which the duper diesel used to cause so much chaos back in 2020. simple origin kept those backpacks hidden on his Island and after the training dummy crash was patched he used them to dupe some small stuff usually to flex on his friends this was the first hint that simple might go Rogue he had skirted the laws of the land a little bit but what was the harm if he wasn't profiting from it the issue was that this was the first step a simple origin took down a steep slippery slope he had a powerful duplication glitch that he neglected to report a choice he made purely for his own Amusement also subscribe if you're enjoying the video the training dummy exploit encouraged origen to explore the limits of entities on Islands he had the idea to get thousands of armor stands into a single block then shoot an arrow to break all of them at once he theorized that an arrow which broke every armor stand at the same time might create enough entities to crash the lobby simple teamed up with another pqa member who was The Mastermind behind the mega co-ops to explore this potential Lobby crash and duplication glitch the two of them found that it was in fact a viable method for crashing lobbies and only required 8 000 armor stands they reported this and no one said expected simple origin was doing anything out of the ordinary though he had dabbled in the dark arts with the Stacked backpacks simple was still in good standing with the pqa for example on September 30th he and time Dio did some experimentation with the shark helmet to get a billion help the custom shark scale armor on Skyblock has the special ability of doubling your player's defense stat when you get into water by spamming your helmet on and off you could get practically unlimited defense in combination with the elephant pet that gives extra health for every 10 defense you could get practically unlimited health when this was used with the pooch sword which does extra damage for every 50 Hearts you have you could deal practically unlimited damage simple origin and time Dio went around and were able to kill the bosses in every single dungeon in one hit they dealt the integer limit of 2.1 billion damage every time they swung their sword after they had their fun they gave all the info to the admins while a lot of entities on one Island can cause it to crash doing some other funky things might simply cause the island to freeze as described by time Dio The rappelling candle decoration item might just be the most broken item in all of Skyblock removing the torch with water and then placing it back caused an instant Island crash but placing an anvil inside the torch could cause the island to freeze some crazy stuff could be done with a frozen Island like placing command blocks and even creating the Forbidden Minecraft triple chest in December 2020 Hypixel rolled out the social update which made it so that people visiting your Island would increase their social XP and social level simple origin discovered a way to cause an island crash and rollback but it required a specific social level symbol teamed up with a skilled coder I'll call Tony Stark who created a party bot to grind social XP on alt accounts the bot went Lobby to Lobby inviting people to then bring them back to the islands once they acquired enough social XP to cause the crash they duped billions of coins of Enchanted cooked salmon why salmon because it's valuable I don't know I'm the historian not the fish marketer with this they bid a billion coins on the auction of the player laricus up to this point basically everything simple origin had done was pure tomfoolery but he took another step away from the light when he profited from this dupe Venture on the alts simple and Tony Stark used duped coins to buy some of the most valuable items in the game necron handles they then resold those four super cheap on his main account simple advised a friend of his to buy the handles that were going for way under market value hold on to them for a while and then resell them for a profit when that was done simple split that income with his friend effectively laundering money from the dupe accounts to his main after that Venture he walked away with a couple hundred million illegal coins the spooky event that happens on Skyblock Halloween every week or so tasks players with getting as much candy as possible during a one hour competition candy comes in green and purple varieties and drops from Bob kills purple candy is worth 5 Points but players can't simply get some purple drop it onto the ground and pick it up for extra score unless just two weeks after the social dupe simple origin and that very same coder Tony Stark got the world record for the highest candy collected with the small score of a million points simple abused a collection duplication glitch to do this which she learned about from pqa Hypixel collections are based on the amount of one particular item that someone gathers during their time playing Skyblock for example during the Potato War technoblade couldn't just place down a potato and then break it again to increase his collection he had to place it down let it grow and then Farm it that being said there have been a number of collection dupes where items were placed into chests the chests were broken and the game saw everything inside was earned legit intimately each of these dupes were done with irregular methods of breaking chests like bed explosions or mushroom growth simple origin and Tony Stark used a different method though theirs involved portals here's the strategy place a portal down in both simple and Stark opened up the GUI to delete the portal simple then deleted the portal well stork remained in the GUI after this simple place the chest in the spot where the portal was and filled it with purple candy at that point Tony Stark clicked the remove Portal button and the chest was deleted the game thought the candy was earned legitimately thus simple was able to earn 11 520 Points each time this was done repeating this process over the course of an hour got him onto the leaderboard to win with 1 million 2880 points he and Tony Stark were on alt accounts named DM and PM for method and they kept their Hypixel friend requests open needless to say they were spammed by the the entire player base who wanted to figure out how they had done it simple Origins strategically planned this chaos to take place on the Halloween event during the real-life Christmas New Year's holidays so no admins would be on when miniklin found out what happened he was absolutely livid supposedly he vowed to permanently ban whoever was responsible if he ever found out who those people's main accounts were well many now you know when he won the event simple origin received a spooky pie that had his ranked number one and a million point score he was actually able to launder that pie to his main account by gifting it to a YouTuber on the alt and then buying it off the YouTuber on his main for 50 million coins when the new year of 2021 rolled around Hypixel released the Jerry update based on the NPC that has long been a complete meme because of his super buggy nature one feature of the update was the ability to get Jerry's every couple of minutes that could be killed for loot boxes clicking on the Jerry NPC himself gives us bonig that will move him to a different spot but you can actually generate an unlimited number of these eggs in normal Minecraft placing a spawn egg on the same type of mob spawns a baby version of that mob with these eggs simple origin went around spamming baby villagers by placing them onto the Jerry's brought in for loot boxes he spawned all these in front of refraction as well as other YouTubers like 30 virus that wasn't the only time simple did a bit of trolling by spawning loads of mobs just three weeks later he timed Dio and a couple other pqa members joined the new Dwarven mines and discovered they could spam eggs to spawn in chickens eggs are normally disabled but weren't in the mines because of another egg related item they bought tens of thousands of eggs off the SkyBlock Bazaar Marketplace change their Minecraft skins to chickens and went around spamming creating hordes of baby chickens they threw so many eggs and actually lagged out a couple lobbies but of course this was quickly patched since it was pretty obvious what was going on after unearthing and Reporting countless Skyblock destroying glitches and exploits Jaya varman gifted each player in the pqa a brand new custom item called the game Annihilator this was a mega version of the game breaker and only four people out of the tens of millions that have played Skyblock have ever owned one okay yeah why do you think we have a game breaker oh what simple origin was perfectly content keeping his secret illicit activities private and accepted the gift with gratitude over the next couple of months though something occurred which resulted in simple origin fully embracing the dark side and leaving pqa entirely he got into a big argument with another pqa member regarding his place in the group particularly surrounding his connections with the cheating community and all that as emotional tensions Rose harsh words were exchanged and simple left the pqa this cemented his fall from the light you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain simple origin no longer cared about the well-being of Skyblock to any degree and so in late 2021 he found out about a brewing stand exploit this was a duplication glitch that was incredibly efficient hundreds of millions of coins worth of items could be created in seconds simple messaged several big coin shops and informed them that he could Supply them with a lot of illegal coins the shops gave him accounts to create money on and he got paid he earned a couple hundred dollars by selling several billion coins but that was nothing compared to what was about to come next any damage to the SkyBlock economy done with that minuscule pathetic duping was Child's Play in comparison with the Hypixel Skyblock sandbox imagine logging onto Skyblock and typing in the command slash game mode created that's basically what it means to play on a Sandbox profile the goal is to have instant access to every single item in the game without question but with coins attained through duplication glitches simple origin had access to a number of dupes and he decided it would be less suspicious if he used exploits that were somewhat public this included the Dwarven mine F6 Duke glitch the precursor to the F6 report glitch that was used on the pit another was a crash dupe utilized that was done with pet stacking simple generated billions points of the valuable gemstones that he sold to irel Traders for multiple thousand dollars on top of this he also duped gemstones for his main accounts profile he hid those illegal items in chests under his Island using an ALT account on the same profile as his accomplice with all this simple origin was on top of the world he had everything he could possibly want he was rich enough to buy new valuable items the minute they dropped from the new updates but still he wanted more simple got to the point where no amount of cash could ever associate his hunger then word of a new investment strategy spread around the Community Place sell orders for gemstones people advice and simple did just that this was a ploy by the exploiter dafty to decimate the game's economy by Distributing trillions of coins of gemstones through the bazaar as you might have noticed there's been an influx of new items on the Bazaar in auction house and I may or may not have been involved Daphne's rationale was if I sell enough gemstones to a sufficient quantity of people there's no way Hypixel can ban everyone dafty was wrong the SkyBlock development team banned and wiped hundreds of players in an event that was named the great gemstone Massacre simple origin was one of those people and he lost everything but now he had nothing to lose at Rock Bottom the only direction to go is straight down simple got in contact with the exploiter addicted to CBT who found a duplication glitch involving profile swapping together they created a Sandbox duped as many items as possible and went absolutely him the sandbox had so many items that it was impossible to sell everything without getting detected even still they had enough to do whatever they wanted including getting Max skills with Jerry boxes but it all came crashing down when simple drank a little too much funny juice in real life got intoxicated and logged in while on a call with some friends they thought it'd be really funny to give moved items to a live streamer which he tried [Music] the live streamer not wanting to get banned refused to accept the gifts but one of his viewers did simple origin says accept oh he did it oh God no way oh my God no you're crashing immediately that viewer sold everything to the bazaar crashing the entire gemstone economy simple origin was on an ALT while he did this and it had around 6 billion coins in the bizarre the admins acting swiftly wiped the alt and banned it for 90 days three months later when simple logged into the empty account he bridged over and you can imagine my surprise the next morning when I saw six billion coins in my Jerry when the admins wiped simple's alt they forgot to wipe his Bazaar and the game's escrow system returned those billions of coins to him at this point simple origin's main account was unbanned and he wanted to transfer those coins to it so he did through the bizarre the bizarre coin transfer method was something simple had done dozens of times before without any issue this time though he was detected as it turns out the day before simple transferred those coins the admins added extra bizarre checks to the game to make sure people weren't doing exactly what he tried to do this got simple Origins main ban for a year this time and he quit for several months apart from returning for a small duplication glitch simple hasn't been around much at all by duping so much and playing on Sandbox profiles where he didn't have to work for anything at all playing the game legit was no longer fun for him it's like spawning in items with creative mode in a world that was entirely survival afterwards it's just not the same remember you should always report bugs for the chance of hanging out with timedio also in this video here I exposed the Hypixel Pit's secret super villain if you want to see how click the video on screen
Channel: PitFall
Views: 896,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qDmTE9Trt6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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