The Minecraft Horror / Creepypasta Iceberg Explained

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I don't think I need to introduce Minecraft to you the bestselling and probably most well-known video game of all time it's infatuated players since it's launch in 2009 with its sandbox building gameplay but one of the most interesting parts of the game to me is the Hidden Mysteries that players find and report online rumors about hauntings in the game stories about entities living in Minecraft and probably the most prevalent creepy pastas or what can be explained as horror focused internet legends that are based in intrigue and fear of the unknown or what could be hiding in Minecraft in today's video I'll Be looking at an iceberg image that is meant to explain Minecraft horror and creepy pasts as we get further in the video and further down the iceberg image the entities will become less known to most people so let's start at the top this is the Minecraft horror [Music] Iceberg Herobrine Herobrine is by far the most iconic KY pter in Minecraft history Herobrine first started as a rumor on foren where if you listen to the 13 music disc you could find an entity with glowing white eyes a screenshot was posted where you could find the white eyes in a dark cave this evolved further when a Minecraft forum user and allend posted a similar situation but instead of it being when the music disc would be played it would be when the cave sounds would play in the game wi eyes would spread throughout the Minecraft Community involv into something more familiar to us modern day players wi eyes had evolved from just being the two glowing eyes and everything else not being visible to a version of the default Steve skin with no pupils or white eyes in sometime before August 19th someone had modified the story to include the new version of the player character and the name Herobrine saying it was Notch's brother on the 31st of August the now famous story will be posted on 4chan's paranormal board describing a player's firsthand experience with Herobrine I had recently spawned a new world in single player Minecraft everything was normal as I began chopping down trees and crafting a workbench I noticed something moved amongst the dense fog I thought it was a cow so I pursued it hoping to grab some hides for armor it wasn't a cow though looking back at at me was another character with the default skin but his eyes were empty the person follows them to the fog but they disappear as they play on the world for longer they see 2 by two tunnels in caves small sand pyramids in the ocean and trees with the leaves cut off they posted their world to The Forum asking if anyone had seen this but their post keeps getting deleted they received a message from an account named herob Brian telling them to stop they later emailed Notch asking him if he had a brother and he responded saying I did but he is no longer with us the story doesn't stop there as a stream named Copeland was dream himself playing where he saw Herobrine in reality this was just a retured painting but this was definitely most people's first introduction to Herobrine another streamer pamus streamed Herobrine near laa pool which was a retextured door he ran away save the game and Herobrine was gone funnily enough pamus was later talking to his wife about everything being fake and this was the first person to publicly admit that everything was fake Cop Land the person from the last stream was actually in the chat posting links to a website of Steve's face with realistic pupils moving its eyes around there was text at the bottom of this website but we'll discuss that later Herobrine would then become a Minecraft Legend becoming so popular that Herobrine has been featured in official Minecraft merch and is considered a conon character in The Game's law summoning hero Ryan was also a pretty big part of who he is as it was an extremely popular rumor of the time if you had Gold Blocks Redstone torches and nether you'd be able to summon him Redstone torches also are pretty synomous with him so if you see any Redstone torches around maybe it's herob Brien watching you from the Shadows cave sounds cave sounds are a feature of Minecraft which can create a horror-like atmosphere if you're in a cave long enough you may hear one of these [Music] noises the way that it works is based on the current mood of the game you can see this in the F3 menu a simplified explanation of how this works is that the game will take a block in a 17x 17 x 17 area around the players's eyes and calculate whether or not should increase the mood every tick if the block has Skylight it decreases the Mood by 0.001 per Skylight level meaning a cave sound is less likely to play if the block has a light above one it decreases the Mood by the block light level -1 ided by 6,000 if the block light is zero it increases the Mood by 1 divid 6,000 if you're in complete darkness a cavan will play every 6,000 ticks or every 5 minutes I know this is an explicit horror but it's honestly one of the first things that I think of when I think of Minecraft horror the warden the warden is in my opinion the most horror-like aspect of vanilla Minecraft the warden added in 1.19 the Wild update is an extremely powerful mop that resides in the deep dark cave made known by the skulk on the Deep slate nearby the mob has the most amount of melee damage of any mob in Minecraft and attacks with a Sonic Ray for range attacks the reason that the warden is on this list is because of where you can find it and the effects that it gives you the warden's biome being the deep dark or an ancient city structure will spawn below y level zero meaning a part of the world where light usually isn't seen Beyond torches on top of this the the warden will give you the darkness effect limiting how much the player can see the warden attacks only based on sound so if you're silent you won't be found but that creates even more suspense as even one small chest open can make the difference between life and [Music] death Soul Sand Soul Sand is a regular block and vanilla Minecraft and has some interesting law behind it you can find it in Nether and walking over it slows you down though this can be bypassed using the soul speeded enchantment and it also gives laugh to the Wither why is it on this Iceberg well all this implies that there are real souls in this block and when you walk over them they're pulling your soul down to join them when you use the soul speed enchantment on them if you turn around you'll see souls coming out of the block with the subtitle saying that the soul escaped when you walked over it this is also how the Wither gains all of its power using all the souls that's gathered 11 and 13 law 11 and 13 are common music discs you find in m mcraft instead of following the standard for a music disc which would be you know music 11 and 13 are sound experiences 11 has someone walking through a cave stopping to use some equipment probably a flint and steel using some paper sounding thing either flicking through a book or a collection of maps then running over Stone then that changes to dirt or gravel then the recording ends we can confirm that this tools a flint and steel based on the version update and that it's not a map because of the same reason so I assume it's a book the disc ends at 1 minute and 11 seconds which is pretty interesting to note the disc was also the 11th disc added to the game so there's definitely something significant about the number 11 moving on disc 13 is quite similar to 11 the player is in a cave gets shot out or shoots someone twice an arrow connects and this is probably the player getting attacked the audio cuts out they get attacked by a creeper fall into water climb out and then walk away the most interesting thing about disc 13 is that the audio cut this happens at 1 minute 30 seconds and exactly 11 seconds later it comes back there's the number again again 11 so what if we put dis 11 into dis 13 but where that cut is then the story starts to make a bit more sense the player is in a cave gets shot out or shoots someone twice an arrow connects they walk through a cave they stop to use a flint and steel flick through a book then they run because they've seen something they run over Stone this changes to dirt or gravel they get attacked by a creeper fall into water and then walk away 3:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. is a phenomenon of Minecraft videos where people will record themselves playing the game 3:00 a.m. which is supposed to lead to ghosts or demons or Herobrine visiting your game 3:00 a.m. is the witching hour which is said to be associated with the devil and Supernatural events supposedly if you play Minecraft at 3:00 a.m. haunted stuff can happen to your game well at least that's what these YouTubers want you to think but in reality it's just mods but who knows maybe something creepy does happen at 3:00 a.m. the orphanage the orphanage is an old Minecraft horror map created by Mercy in 2014 the story goes that you're on a long drive back to your hometown you start to get a bit drowsy and not pay attention to what's going on around you but your car runs out of petrol confused and not knowing what to do you walk towards a building hopes of finding a suitable shelter and instead you find an orphanage this map was pretty famously covered by YouTubers like DanTDM and it's pretty scary to be honest give it a try if you haven't seen it don't look at the Moon don't look at the Moon as a Minecraft mystery that was uncovered on a Minecraft Iceberg being at the very bottom of it you users were very confused to this entry as no one could really explain what it meant the creator of the iceberg Probot 748 remastered the iceberg and included descriptions of what each entry meant to help alleviate this confusion under don't look at the Moon they wrote it's not exactly about not looking at the moon there's a rumor that there's code in Minecraft that checks whether or not you're looking at the moon and experiments were made to test it out some having disastrous effects being Shadow entities being set on fire and World corruption I added it in the last Iceberg but it was only recently that I decided to to test them out for myself no Shadow entities but the results are a bit interesting attached to this was a YouTube playlist documenting the users experience with the moon in the first few videos everything seemed innocent enough just testing the moon in Minecraft with unsuccessful results at first but then they start to get a bit weiro go to the end in exactly midnight starts this trend where they enter the end and all they see is darkness and a different portal sound can be heard the video looking at the moon the entire night ends with the user PC crashing after the night is over in the next video they load their save and the entire world is now made of endstone making the world look like the moon but the Moon is still in the sky in the next video it's a little hard to make out but increasing the brightness and contrast reveals that they're standing in a room with item frames with clocks in them around them they're slowly becoming obsessed with the moon and time in the next video it appears to be simple gameplay but the Moon is invisible Minecraft's music starts to play but it doesn't feel how it normally does in this dark setting it feels haunted almost in the last few frames of the video you can also see the the player collector clock the next and last three videos all have the same title look at the moon for the entire night just like one of the earlier videos there's a noise that can be heard in the first video but I personally just think it's background noise and not a siren but it could definitely be a siren the second video has the title in a lower case and the shaking is much more prevalent in the first one compared to the other two the final video in the playlist has the title in lower case with a full stop at the end which makes it sound more like a command than a personal challenge that initially started as the video is different to the others however when the Moon Rises the cursor doesn't even follow it but the camera just slowly tilts throughout the video's duration there are more videos on the cat's YouTube channel Legend finer but considering I've got about 20 other entries to look at I wanted to keep this brief to everything in the playlist if you're interested in what I'm talking about go to Legend finder's YouTube channel to see the rest of the video or alternatively check out RT 60's amazing video on this topic Entity 303 Entity 303 is a pretty big and well-known creepy pasta but may not be known to some old school players as it came out right after Herobrine and was a bit overshadowed Entity 303 was a former employes doing as he was fired by Notch and want to take revenge on moyang Entity 303 isn't really the single employee though but a whole team of hackers getting their Revenge entity 33 is a non-existent player that could access every server and causes glitches and destruction across them the story was created by the speed 179 and on his own personal YouTube channel he goes through the various encounters he had with it so what did 303 want well 303 wanted to ruin Minecraft and set a goal of ruining it by the end of 2014 why do I bother bringing this up well it seems that a certain company bought moang at the end of 2014 so did Microsoft really want moyang or was this the doing of Entity 303 to ruin Minecraft forever era 422 era 422 is a supposed lost version of Minecraft inaccessible from the gamees launcher the update was supposed to to rewrite the entire code of the game which it did but had a massive consequence of making the game's code come to life when you open the update the game's menu was entirely glitched out but that's just the menu when you go into the game a multitude of random effects will happen to you there's probably too many to say in one video or else it'll be here for the next 7 hours so I'll just go through the highlights your health and hunger bar are corrupted so you can't see them anymore there's no Oxygen Bar when you swim the maximum item stack is changed on opening the game the F3 menu is unreadable you can get hit random beds can explode like in the nether but the most eventful one is this this is the entity or error 422 it will lock your controls fill your screen with errors and crash your game the story behind this entry is that in January of 20020 a boy named Alexander was sitting in class when you got this random Discord message from a random person sending a video called Minecraft eror 422 5445 53 and in the description there was a download to this version music disc 5 LW similar to diss 11 and 13 disc 5 has a little LW behind it the first hint towards the Laur is how you get the music disc the disc has been broken into several shards which you find in chests across ancient cities the disc starts with a man walking through a cave evident by the bat sounds around them they light a flint and steel and walk towards with a metallic banging around them making it seem like they're charging with an army to battle we hear a wind whooing sound and then a deep almost like teleportation like noise before the disc cuts to regular music maybe one of the shards doesn't match the rest of them the disc Cuts back to some bubbling and a portal sound we slowly hear some sounds that are found in ancient cities the person is breathing with some Whispers in the background as they place blocks we then hear a sound we don't really know about and haven't really heard in the game before before silence and Booms with the booms we hear someone walking on Sand but because of the pig noises in the background I assume this is Soul Sand a portal noise plays and we hear ambient noises with them placing blocks followed by skull noise the warden then Rises then we hear boss being defeated the most popular theory about this was covered by map out from Game Theory I can't really go a single video without talking about mapow which is connected at this point the dis tells the story of how the ancient Builders of Minecraft found a way to fight the Wither which was the warden as we hear the boss no is being defe of the end but it also nearly killed this old era of people which pushed them towards living in the end Barnacle the Barnacle was a mob that was in the running with the mob vote in 2017 it was referred to by Jeb as the monster of the ocean depths and MOB a it was later referred to as the Barnacle the Barnacle would use its tentacle to pull down players deeper into the ocean and deal damage to it only in deep ocean biomes however this mob ended up losing to the Phantom the reason I put this in the iceberg is for one very simple reason were you ever scared of Enderman as a child I was the random teleporting the static noise the fast movement it terrified me how do you think this kid would have reacted to the Barnacle I probably wouldn't even gone near the water moving on null null is extremely similar to Herobrine Josh was playing the Minecraft Beta andur an entity who acted very similar to Herobrine but instead of the Steve Skinner was a completely darked out skin it wasn't hostile it never interacted with the player and it just stood there watching some time had passed and it seemed that the entity had just disappeared with updates with the new Minecraft launcher allowing people to go back and play older versions Josh went back and played the 1.2 beta of Minecraft and this was around the same time that Herobrine and started to gain a lot of traction Josh was in a forest Mining and saw a dim light in the corner of his eye he followed and saw a redstone torch at the time Josh passed us off as a prank at the developers about the constant pestering of Herobrine and they continued home at the door of the house was a sign that just said null on it they thought this was another joke so they went inside and slept through the night when the morning Rose they went outside and heard crying and whimpering coming from behind them but the noise got slowly corrupted and turned into a full damaged noise they turned around and saw Herobrine then their game crashed they stopped playing and later went on to play Minecraft 1.7.2 looking to go past this older bug of Minecraft they played for a couple days built a house and then logged off for a while logging back on instead of being in the house they built they were deep underground deep enough to see the Bedrock particles from the ground they walked through a narrow hallway without Ling walked for about 5 minutes without seeing anything they got tired and bored and decided to turn around but was met with the wall of stone they kept going forward and found a redstone torch oh great they said looking at another cliche of Herobrine they kept going and the Torches kept Following being placed a lot more frequently they reached a dead end with a sign at the end of it and upon reading the sign another corrupted noise started to play the sound of someone asking for help they took a screenshot of the sign and quit the game out of fear it was written in Swedish so Josh opened Google Translate to translate it help null is here tell everyone about me reading this they hesitated opening the game again but but thought that they might not be able to help this person later so they should before it's too late they opened the gameer were teleported in the sky held up by a single piece of bedrock and eye to eye with Herobrine Herobrine was communicating through the chat saying that they needed help they weren't the evil entity haunting everyone in Minecraft this is all the doing of null and that Herobrine was actually the Hero trying to stop null from taking over and ruining Minecraft notch. ai notch. ai was a mysterious video uploaded by Julius hater which was an animation of Notch fighting null while doing some cool tricks they uploaded the video and thought the video was good so they shut off their PC and went to sleep before they sent it to their friends the next morning julice opened their computer expecting to see all the first opened programs but the thing about the video was that it was different it was in black and white and was making static noises but you could still see it Julius was a little mad but thought it looked really cool so it didn't worry that much Julius closed the video check the thumbnail which had also been impacted but they thought it was was cool so I decided to publish it and send it to their friends they wanted to check one more time to see if it was okay to upload but realized that null wasn't in the video anymore it was just Notch fighting nothing so they closed and reopened it many times with each reopening changing the video slightly at first no buildings then no swords then it was just Notch stabbing the left of the screen in the video ending Julius was very confused and frustrated so they left the video for the day they went to work and came home and decided to open the video one last time to see if anything had changed but this time they were met with something unexpected a video of Notch realistically stabbing sheep with a sword with gor and blood coming out everywhere Notch then looked at the screen and jump scared in with a creepy laugh now every time the video opens Notch does something different entity zero entity zero comes from a tale told by the Creator's father who worked em Mojang at the time Minecraft was in development in 2010 there was talk about a mob being worse than anything that made before being something that would terrify the player worse than the creeper worse than the Ender and it was code named Annihilation this skin was a procedurally generated skin using gray and white as its color scheme unfortunately as the structure of Minecraft started to get paced together with the adventure update Annihilation had no place in the game at the time and was locked away until they had a use for it Annihilation was left abandoned with Minecraft's release but if the rush to release it a bug was left in that merged annihilation of the game's code giving it access to everything suddenly the Minecraft code grew in sizes as Annihilation modified it with its own code that expanded the procedural generation of the game the developers found that they were unable to change it back but thankfully Jeb was able to lock the code of annihilation so it would never be found by players in the game Minecraft 1.1 would be able to release but somehow Annihilation was able to get into the writer's father's account and try to make it like that he was trying to bring the code back which Notch obviously did not approve of so we fired him instantly Annihilation is a rare site to see nowadays with the signs of it are RAM usage dropping to zero warping chunks and frame rates dropping suddenly late late is a Minecraft map developed by the Mind makers team in 2017 it's a seriously impressive map with custom voice acting models textures and more it seemed to have fly under the radar as I haven't really seen many YouTubers cover it which is disappointing because there's clearly a serious amount of dedication and work put into this project if you haven't played it I recommend going in blind just give it a try it's really good dotexe exe is a horror game Trope inspired by the lacks of Sonic.EXE sally.exe or I hate you and they all have a lot of common elements such as Corruption of a gaming icon blood in the eyes jump scares this terrifying scream for some reason I'm going to eat it all before you even get there and just general glitchiness or things being how they're not supposed to be shocking there wasn't a widespread minecraft.exe in similar vein to the ones I mentioned earlier but there was aexe entity narice was an employee of Mojang but most importantly he was the co-creator of Minecraft he did a lot of programming for the game and introduced many mobs to the game with the biggest being an entity named project Zoro which could improve the game drastically not agreed and was very supportive of the project but then found the darker intentions this mob had and fired noras removing all mentions of him in Minecraft norice then went the name entity 505 and began hacking Minecraft servers Notch found him and confronted him in the Mojang office the two4 with Notch strangling him with the computer cord resulting in ARA's spirit being combined with the project Zoro code creating dotexe which would go on to haunt and kill players I'm sorry to break character of this like very serious video as a YouTuber uh subscribe if you haven't by the way now that we're here but I just love this story because it means that Notch has murdered someone sanity mod the sanity mod is a mod that implements the sanity system from the game don't starve into Minecraft doing things such as killing passive mobs eating rotten flesh and other bad foods will lower your sanity but sleeping and eating good foods will increase the sanity of the player with the lowered sanity you can find ghost Zombies light Seekers which remove light sources and in the dark you'll see a pair of glowing eyes Watching You Into the Depths Into the Depths is another Minecraft horror map created by SS 33094 you play as an escaped convict who's running from the authorities you stumble across a cobblestone path and become attacked by creatures who take you to a castle owned by King Arnold and has been abandoned for a very long time by people at least not those monsters as usual it is a very cool map and these are all free so please go check them out and download them there's a lot of effort and it's really scary so just go play it it's really awesome 12:41 12 41 is an entity that haunts servers and corops people's Netherworld file 1241 was first discovered by Jack on Minecraft version 1.2 Jack went mining for obsidion and went back to their house but it wasn't how they left it all the blocks have been replaced with nether related blocks like Cobblestone being replaced with nether brick and wood being replaced with Netherrack the house was now empty besides a single Sher box with a signed book inside of it they thought it was a friend messing with them but no one was on the server I used the named 1241 join the Hamachi landan connector which basically allowed people to join service through open to LAN Jack haded removing it but this ended in a blue screen of death on his PC after a reset Jack got back on the world with 1241 being gone from the lobby they joined the world and they were spawned in the nether roof and could see a person staring at them in the distance they pressed Al for deleted the world save and looked at the logs which revealed that 1241 had corrupted their base Weld and the end World they created three updates to their initial post which one of them contained a text file with their full name and IP address in it a second where the computer randomly opens text files different codes and fonts on them and the third update where they've sold their old PC and 1241 haven't haunted them since but they feel as if it'll attack them again someday but this time they'll be prepared the Ambiance the Ambiance is a story about how Steve is being controlled and all the events that play out in Minecraft were decided by someone else it has heavy themes of Free Will and taking back of control in your life and it's a great little poem my favorite line in is probably you were once in a world they changed your name and appearance they took control of you when they were not there you were there it's a great read ties into a lot of themes that have seen in Delta Run Like You the player the person controlling Steve and Steve was the person before all this happened it's pretty cool and I definitely recommend reading for the full thing Ashen Ashen is a Minecraft map created by superet and Chopper 2112 where you escape a haunted Facility by killing monsters but try not to go insane it's a great horror experience and it's sure and sweet as well I think it's definitely one of the most unique horror maps Minecraft has seen it's not just more story guarded more combat guarded so definitely give it a try like all the other ones bash 2313 bash 2313 is a Minecraft hacker that horns people's servers with honor the first signs of them being in your world being a corrupted all block bash 2313 can know where the player lives and send them their IP address control people's PC and have unlimited control over servers signs that bash 23 13s in your world are 10x10 long tunnels and caves mines in weird areas glitches to your game your PC crashing and a black figure standing on a hill Minecraft Alpha 1.016 is a multi video series on a YouTube channel with the same name based off of the version this is in my opinion one of the most complex args I've seen from Minecraft it's very similar in quality to the Super Mario 64 beta archive if you're familiar with that which is definitely a great watch if you haven't seen it it's people recounting their experience with the div verion of Minecraft I honestly think it's way too big of a topic for this Iceberg and would definitely be best explained in a solo video so subscribe to see that as I'd love to cover it next time it start of some kids seeing an entity in Minecraft and trying to hunt it down with the developer jars being involved and so many other story points I definitely recommend checking it out it's very interesting and I'll be doing a video on it eventually wake up included in that Herobrine website from earlier was a text story called wake up it has been reported that some victims of torture during the ACT would retrat into a fantasy world which where they could not wake up from in this katonic state the victim lived in a world just like their normal one except they weren't being tortured the only way the victims realized they needed to wake up was a note they found in their fantasy world it would tell them about the condition and tell them to wake up even then it would often take months until they're ready to discover their fantasy and consider waking up this definitely goes into the idea that the Minecraft world that you play in is often a fantasy and the real story is something else if this interests you I'd like to advise a trigger warning if you consider researching this story further as the original excerpt contains mentions of sexual assault I really enjoyed the story the whole concept of waking up is very interesting to Me Maybe Minecraft is like that we don't really know there's not much we know about the story of Minecraft like who is Steve so this could definitely be something but I doubt it'll be that dark I'm adding this during editing so if my audio sounds horrible it's because I woke up about 20 minutes ago uh the original version of wake up as I said earlier does contain mention of sexual assault and has a few lines Chang but the most interesting thing about it was that it wasn't even written for Herobrine or Minecraft creepy pasts it was published at in 2008 which was years before the entire browcraft streaming event so this piece of literature was just kind of attached to this whole event and really has nothing to do with Minecraft at all hi thanks for watching this new style of video I'm doing I really hope you enjoyed it if you did please subscribe and if you didn't give me some feedback want to try something new anyway thanks for watching as usual and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: thorpii
Views: 139,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yz7poxj5cOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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