The Mind Architect: Unlocking Your Human Potential with Peter Crone

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on this episode of drops of gold we are honored to sit with Peter cron the Mind architect an individual who's focusing on our human potential how do we unlock the blocks of our self-limiting beliefs to step into our Highest Potential this is all about Joy vitality and living your life golden so if you're looking to unlock your Highest Potential this is not an episode to miss welcome to drops of gold I'm Jeff sculls I have been on the healing and revealing journey following my thread to my inner goal my great honor in life is to sit with the golden ones and discover what they've released in terms of their past stuck stories what they've revealed in terms of who they are and new and within that how we can each celebrate the art of living life golden welcome to drops of [Music] gold hey there golden ones this episode of drops of gold is powered by one golden thread the regenerative nature fashion brand that I created from my mind's eye that we can all live in regenos enjoy the program and we've got a special code for you later on to share you are golden we are all connected better together as one golden [Music] [Applause] thread brother this has been a um a beautiful blessing of of a journey that brought us here together yeah so I meet this guy his name is Peter mhm who reached out to me to talk about maybe doing something in co-creation for various um lifts that gift in the world or gifts that lift in the world and he says come out and see me in in um Santa Barbara yeah yeah uh and um and I have a gift for you mhm I have a door for you MH I have a message I mean who doesn't get that I have a door for you could you come and pick it up please that that was um one of the most extraordinary invitations for a surprising delighting gift that keeps on giving because I believe in doorways and portals and and and when you handed me bestowed the door and actually it is a door it's it's it's a it's for a if it was a door it would be for somebody that would be like my 12-year-old self yeah maybe 15 17 a big dog it's like a it's it's the most extraordinary dog door and the message the message on it was so extraordinary mhm um and do you remember what it was of course it's one of my pieces of art I yeah so even on your worst day you're a living Miracle yeah yeah yeah and you know it's ironic we meet on many bridges one of my favorite Bridges we meet on is that words cast spells and we can choose our spellings wisely it's that language you know is that is that seat that that unlocks I'm looking forward to you know to diving into um to that but I wanted just to share with you um you know I we we share the same desire to put words down and this is one of one of the ones that I wrote for drops of gold you can read it this is when did you write this this is like this was written years ago oh okay again the lighting in here is not that good but you you read it it's yours you are a miracle you're a miracle Miracles are messy self- permission to make a mess nice so you know it's a it it I'm Virgo so I got to get that so I just want to start by saying you're one of my favorite enigmas uhuh I mean you're a you're a Brit with perfect teeth yeah that that [ __ ] everybody that's why they think I'm Australian you you are uh you you car you carry the wisdom but you always remember to play you showed up in a Scooby-Doo shirt y so I love I love the the the multi- parts of you and i' love to just start by um you introducing this notion about a mind architect because it means so much um to to us to realize that if our bodies know the score you know our minds can either be you know a terrible teacher or beautiful garden so I'd love for you to just talk a little bit about what is mind architecture and what does it mean to be a mind architect sure I mean you know just on the most surface level it's just a moniker right it's a sound it's a vibration but it creates a space for me to step into and also sort of begs curiosity because if I was walking around as I'm a spiritual teacher or I'm a coach like it's sort of contaminated language I think so words it was sort of the invention as uh the mother of necessity and so I felt like nothing really captured what I was doing accurately enough so I just saw well what am I doing I'm really working within this space mind which most people think is here it's really not we're inside of the mind that we think we are and architecture is sort of speaking to that ability to create new structure to build beautiful um containers for what ultimately is our true nature our soul so M architect was just born out of necessity for realizing that everything else never really quite resonated and it already had previous meaning so it's uh helping people to through their own conscious process and perhaps a little bit of inspiration and guidance to recognize the structure they're in is probably overdue for demol U to be uh demolished and uh torn down because it's limited usually based in inadequacy insecurity and scarcity and then to give rise through their own architecture their own Conscious Creation something that is a dwelling that they'd love to live within staral hope said create containers for things to thrive yeah and it's a very interesting thing to think of your your your mind as a container as opposed to something that's like a river or or or a body of water that has no that has no no container and I love this notion around creating Health within um yeah and I think just for the audience to recognize like it's so we use the word pretty much every day whether it's mind or mental right mental Wellness mental illness like oh what's on your mind like but for me most people don't know what it is right and so when we're speaking about something so consistently regularly frequently but not really knowing what it is I think it's a disservice because you're wielding this power but you don't know to what degree you're not actually accessing its potential so as a very simple analogy if you live within a 500t studio apartment there's only so much that's available to you in terms of that physical space right you're not within that space having a conversation through the form of inspiration of I can't wait to throw the Olympics here right that conversation doesn't arise in that space or even I'm going to throw my friend's wedding here with a hundred people at a reception because the space doesn't afford it so for me most people are walking around as this boundless Timeless Limitless soul but suffocated in words that aren't big enough to give rise to the dreams that they aspire to and it's only because of the containment the confinement the constraint of the words that are part of the mind which itself is limited mind to me is just a space it's what are you doing with the space based on the words that you choose that creates the degree to which you have possibility available to you so it's like containers are Limitless as being you know something that is it's not confining it's it's just contain it's container yeah words become as I said earlier the Wardrobe for the soul so words will allow or disallow whatever it is that you aspire to based on the degree to which they speak to limitlessness or they speak to scarcity and confinement yeah I loved um reading of uh about you going all the way back and the pure consciousness of the childh and I love to um to to to start there because we all start there and then the world can tell us differently the the can'ts and the shoulds and the things and we this notion of giving our um giving our our gold away because we're all born golden I believe that I genuinely believe that yeah and and so I'd love to hear you talk about that that beautiful essence of um of tapping back to that that pure um consciousness of the child yeah and I think it's important especially most of people listening are obviously going to be in their 30s 40s 50s and Beyond right so to be careful like the Gold's never lost it might become covered or hidden but it's never lost right so it's like Michelangelo when he was asked how do you create this incredible sculpture of David out of a big lump of marble and his response is I didn't David was already in there I just chipped away everything that wasn't David yeah so for me yes you could say that as kids we arrive or as beings incarnate into this particular life form that we are gold and we are Freedom we are Timeless we are boundless we are pure possibility but I would assert in this particular Paradigm we are as that is our Essence but then we have our own forms of constraints that we're here to transcend right so there's a certain I think naivity of thinking oh we're just pure as kids we we are to a certain degree but we're as pure as that when we're adults as just we have quotequote a bigger accumulation of feelings of inadequacy or insecurity or scarcity or constraint so it's it's I think it's important for people to understand because otherwise it's sort of an adorning process right most people think oh I need to get somewhere I need to become someone I need to to overcome or find something but then that just sort of perpetuates the idea that I don't have what I'm looking for but you are what you're looking for it's just what's in the way of that so I as a catchphrase I say I don't solve any problems I dissolve them it's a dissolution process I don't solve any problems I dissolve them MH beautiful yeah beautiful because problems only exist to the identity that you've become Mis associated with that's not you so as long as you're trying to solve a problem you're actually looking through and from the perspective of the identity that is a facade it's a survival mechanism not wrong everyone's got it it's your ego your Humanity but beneath that that has never gone anywhere that was never contaminated that can never be lost is the essence of the freedom the love and the pure possibility that everyone's looking for but from the wrong place in your personal life recently or or you can hearken back where was something that um your Human Condition or they a human condition would have said a problem that you saw as an opportunity and that problem is became an became a solutionist like that for you um gosh I've been through a couple of things recently um which has been refreshing a bit you know like when you're in The Cauldron it can be a bit discomforting even for the Mind architect it's like damn it uh careful what not walking on water yet no uh so for me just the Catalyst of love and intimate relationships has always been for me the conduit through which I get to discover my own goal my own Freedom my own sense of true love and so recently recognizing some of my behavioral patterns that to use your word hearken back to when I was a kid and my mom was dying of cancer right so what I recognized as a blind spot which is really where the power lies to see what we can't see until we see it and um I recognize that for me as a even though I was an only child so I got inundated with attention and love when my mom was still alive she was the priority cuz she had cancer and she was dying and so what I recognized is one of my patterns was to be the quintessential good boy no time for me to have Tantrums or to you know demand my needs be met or I want this or I want that like I was always uh I had such an incredible ability to I guess at some level accommod repress you know whatever it is that I was feeling such that my mom got the attention she needed and of course it's not a conscious process I wasn't that you know um aware as a child it was just a survival mechanism but what I saw just recently in the last actually month or so is that like in Partnership when somebody is being in this case quite mural and volatile you know who seems like somebody's really upset and angry or whatever they're going through not dying but to that part of me I recognize oh like okay there's a lot more commotion over there I'm just going to be quiet and it's also why I think I'm such a great listener because I can be with people's suffering so that was something that I saw wow like I'm at some level denying my own truth of like hey what you just said is really [ __ ] hurtful and really mean and unnecessary um so that was that was quite revelatory for me recently is that I can also have a voice and speak up in terms of what doesn't and does feel good so that's that's a little extra notch on the belt of my own process to Freedom when do you feel like you claimed your golden voice because it is 7 to your mother passed at s yeah and now I'm 27 so there's biologically some place yeah somewhere in those 20 years yeah yeah yeah you're you're you're you're you're you're aging well thank you very much 277 I'm 108 so yeah exactly of course um yeah no it's it's amazing like I felt like I did so much work 20 years ago which is when I started my quote unquote career as a mind architect or you know so we're as I often say we're all masterpieces but works in progress and I'm yeah not uh you know I'm I'm I'm not excluded from that uh as is recently evident well we we we share we share that that people pleasing Jean that's that suppressive Gene uh that was my my story as well I think that you um you know you architected yours much sooner than mine mine didn't even open in terms of cleaning my voice until 42 mhm and prior to that I was getting sick habitually so I really understand how we can actually how how we can choose you we can choose what occurs in our body I want to speak about this notion around even compassion and empathy because you know it's one thing to be compassionate but empathy comes from actually like a shared suffering a sh doesn't need to be the same suffering but you had um if we may go there and thank you for bringing your mother into it and my mother is very Central to my story as well from that perspective in in its own unique story but you know you had very um traumatic um one was maybe slower one was um um sudden yeah um at seven and 17 yeah in terms of a deep level of of of suffering um uh and maybe you like to quickly just you know just share a little bit about you know um where you were where when your mother passed of cancer and then your what happened with your father at age 17 as I understand the the tragic accident on the ferry yeah um off of do yeah yeah I mean again it's everybody's got their form of suffering and I don't consider myself to be special because of what I went through you know we I don't think comparing each other to one another because of the degrees of suffering is very helpful we all have our own customized curated path for what our soul requires so for me there was one of the biggest stories that we all struggle with as humans the the illusion of loss right so I lived in that for a long time oh I'm so sorry for your loss and oh you lost your parent parents and so that was really subsequent actually to the events themselves The Suffering was way more profound or um impactful was because of the story of loss right so yeah my mom was dying for a while I was seven so and I'm sure for the couple of years prior to that like five six I you know what do I know as a kid right like it was just confusing and as I said I obviously learned some survival techniques of being the good boy and allowing my mom to have the attention and just hoping there was other thing like you know my feelings were very much commensurate with her state right which I've also seen in life and especially in my own personal relationships if someone's feeling good I was like okay good everyone's okay if someone's feeling bad or upset then there's a part of me that's like was more scared right and so that equally was a very profound thing to be able to transcend and go oh whatever they're going through that's their experience like I'm I I can have empathy sympathy compassion understanding all the things for it but I don't need to be sort of bound to their own emotions um so that equally was quite for me liberating to see but yeah my dad 17 of course you think you know everything um I was I think relatively humble even at 17 but it was still super confusing you know Dad goes to work says I love you I say I love you and see you tomorrow no you won't you know that yeah that was very jarring but again I never got to really grieve it CU it's when something is that shocking and you don't know how to cope with it you don't know how to process it um it really didn't manifest for me in terms of an emotional release until probably 12 14 years later so um when I really just did a lot of work and couldn't stop crying for a couple of hours realizing how much I missed my Dad wow yeah it was pretty so it's you know and some people sadly go to the grave and they never process something right so I'm grateful for the fact that I at least had that um and simultaneously and a few years prior to that I'd realized I'd never lost anything right my my parents died and I'm not saying that was great I wanted it but The Narrative of loss is such a disservice to the fullness of who we are CU it it implies there's something missing in you your life and that then that becomes an eternal sentence to suffering so this this notion of the disillusion the illusion of loss yeah comes from realizing there is no nothing lost if we've if because it's it's alive inside us we are everything you know without getting too esoterical woooo spiritual but like you know I am I am all of it and in the world of the Manifest just through the laws of physics you know forms come and go they change right Energy's conserved so okay the being that we could say was my mom and my dad the physical form is no longer here but to what degree is the still alive whether it be through me around me in my own thoughts and perceptions so yeah the story of loss is such a disservice to people because it becomes a justification for victimhood and that's not a story that I want to perpetuate for myself or anyone no oh my um my mother um peacefully transitioned from a 7-year Alzheimer Journey MH and um one of the interesting things within that was for me the deepening of my loving relationship with my mother that actually upon her peaceful transition even transcended mhm so deeply like I genuinely um miss hearing her laugh and yet I feel her laughter yeah um I miss her the her new puns and yet they live within me the puns always run because it that was my mother yeah you know and so um I really appreciate that notion around the the disillusion of the illusion yeah and of course form as I said comes and goes it's even sitting here for 20 minutes like the form of our own body is completely different doesn't look like it to the onlooker but like cells millions of them are dying like we're literally you know no offense and I'm happy to pay housekeeping but like I'm dropping cells all over the floor right you know but thankfully new ones are being born and the degree to which we don't inhibit or interfere with that process is the degree to which we say vital when we suppress and we hold energy disease is the precursor to disease right and so the cells don't quite understand or they don't have the correct energetic signature to replicate in a way that is what intelligence wants right and this is how the cancers of the world develop right we're in a hostile environment internally and no one including a cell wants to be in that and so it's going to encourage more separation so form is constantly changing to what degree you can be in harmony with that surrender to it the absence of resistance resistance creating suffering and disease is the degree to which you hopefully live a pretty vital and holistic and healthy life yeah well even just the word you just said like I love how we can unpack and repack and reframe and reveal a word that realizing like this notion of like disease it's simply ease yeah that we've chosen this and so it's a beautiful way I really believe in the atmology of of of words and what are some of your favorite words in terms of like an immediate reframe like I'll give you just a prompt as an example for me it's this notion of um we're so focused on change you have to change you have to then it's it's almost like I I need to right and it suggest less than it for me what came up with this notion of change was this feeling of blame this feeling of of of pain this feeling of less than this feeling of scarcity and this feeling like it was going to be a [ __ ] Steen ship to get it from there to there and so for me it was so beautiful to to to just unpack this notion of reveal like there's nothing to change we can just reveal and choose to heal because it's already inside us yeah and that that's an example I'd love to hear some of you because your your your your word architectur speaks directly to my soul actually as I was writing some notes to my to to remind my mind I I one of the things I wrote is like you're a clear-cut butcher to the soul butcher vegan but you know like a clearcut right right right to the soul you just like it's you see that that that beautiful um clean cut and that's what I really appreciate about your precision and you know we we all everyone here in this circle meets on this bridge of of nuance and meets on a bridge of like appreciation of like that we are living a sensorial cesic mhm experience mhm so um yeah there's so many words words are beautiful and I sometimes I feel they fail me in terms of not having sufficient lexicon cuz I'm sure there's so many words that would really like just complete an experience or something that I wish to you you know relay portray to somebody but I don't have access to right so I'm always like I said a work in progress myself and that includes language but I think even the different types of language right English versus you look at say something like Sanskrit Sanskrit and you know if there are any Sanskrit Scholars out there they can perhaps correct me but from what I understand in my Vic studies and doing ieda Sanskrit the words themselves they they were born from the frequency of the object that they spoke to if you really get that it's like so you know we say orange and I have no clue what Sanskrit is for orange but the the vibration of the word is in keeping with resonates and is in alignment and commens with the frequency of what an orange is yes that to me that's now when you get into the real Alchemy of Abracadabra right as I speak so I create so and so there's no to answer your question no specific words my one of my favorites is what we just spoke to disease right disconnect dysfunction discomfort right so it's the absence it's the lack of so disease is the the accumulation over time the only illusion is time right so there's many people out now who are not presenting with disease at all you they go see their doctor they you're fine but the energetic expression of disease the absence of ease that's living in every cell of their body based on the mind that they're living in which is based in constraint because of the language that you're using adequacy and scarcity or some sense of insecurity is already a ticking Time Bomb right so that's one of my favorite words um but just words themselves like when you really understand that magic is that as I speak so I create as I cast spells the words that I use are the precursor to the reality that I experience we're not victims of circumstance we're victims of perspective and perspective is based in the language of the identity that I think I am so really all I am is I'm a slave to my own vibration and when you see that it's like holy [ __ ] like I don't need to change anything out there yeah sure you'd like to have a few more zeros in your bank account perhaps a little less body fat maybe a better-looking partner a bigger home whatever it is that you think you want but they're all precursors to the experience of a vibration that you think is on the other side of attaining them which is actually who you already are so you can Short Circuit the whole thing and realize oh I'm the very thing I'm looking for but it's on the other side of the limiting language that I'm oblivious to that I identify with as who I am and I love the the the notion of what you've already spoken to which is lean deeper into the triggers if something's trigger that's that's actually that's actually the doorway that's the Gateway that's the that's the leaning in yeah the access to True freedom is to recognize where I'm not free I think it was on the backs side of some sort of a plant or ceremony funny that what uh what what the universe you know just sort of spoke to me was that no you've been a prison of your own mind and you're the warden holding the key to an unlocked cell yeah that never existed in the first place exactly it's all the losery I say you know what I like it writing in quotes as you know and I say you can't help but laugh when you realize the only thing that's been upsetting you is your own imagination exactly so I printed some fun cards a little like a little play play card Series so now we got to create a deck new product this is this is called rapid prototype this is the this is the this is the Peter Peter Crone chisms Peter Peter cron isms yes so the ultimate prism is fear prism PRI that's funny the ultimate prism is fear but as it's written let's let's honor the man the ultimate prison is fear yeah let's talk about fear because this notion of um of of fear I mean we've got we've had beautiful um you know reminder teachings whether it's from Joseph Campbell or what have you that you know beautifully articulated like that cave we most fear to enter holds our greatest treasure how do we in this modern day Society where fear is like can be gripping particularly what's happening around us I mean the world once again has become a little Kos scoic right that Indian word for out of balance um and and the harmony yes we we get to be our own vertically aligned Harmony but this notion of fear which is gripping right now yeah how do we um how do we see maybe the prism the prison into a prism yeah I mean what is the nature of a prison what's the nature of fear and I'm going to come back to the same we've just been discussing which is its words right fear is the Manifest experience of the illusion of the constraint living in based in language yeah right so fear we if it weren't for this sort of meats suit this is sort of the screen upon which the projection of our own perspectives gets experienced yeah right like if you walked into a theater but there was no back wall and there was no screen but they had the projector you would never see the image it was just sort of infinite and being projected so fear is really The Human Experience that we get to have by virtue of this physical manifest form which is really the the canvas upon which we get to see how am I viewing the world right like I think Einstein and I'm paraphrasing terribly he said you know you either look at the universe as everything is for forget what it was or it's a miracle right it's not great every you know the universe is against you or everything is bad or an accident but or it's a miracle and so fear really to me is you know again one of my quotes and I'm haven't used this one for a while so I have to recall it from the dark recesses of my subconscious but it's like fears are the beacon fear is the beacon that lights your path to Freedom love that right but it's human nature to resist fear to avoid fear to escape fear by whatever means and there's obviously a myriad of substances and things that people use but actually just similar to what I saying is like the real access to freedom is to recognize where you're not free well equally fear is the access to realizing where you don't understand your own divine nature and so the more you can lean into fear not necessarily like with will or toughness or being a Survivor or a fighter but really to see what is the illusion what is the perceived threat where do I think that I'm not going to be okay here cuz fear is usually it can be a present state but invariably it's a future-based thought right future events appearing real as an acronym of fear right where I'm like worried about something I'm not going to be able to pay rent my partner's going to leave me I'm not going to be well I'm going to be sick my mom's going to die there's this narrative that is based in an illusion of something that hasn't happened yet or as I say most people are trying to avoid a bad future that hasn't occurred yet right that's where the fear lives so the antidote you know the the way to mitigate fear is one understand it see the illusion of the threat and then secondly recognize to what degree am I actually not recognizing my eternal nature that form comes and goes as we discussed earlier and that includes my surroundings my finances my relationships my possessions but I will remain complete there's nothing that I can lose and for that reason there's literally nothing to [Music] [Applause] fear hey there golden ones are you tired of settling for clothes that lack Soul style and purpose well we've got something for you with one golden thread it's time to upgrade your wardrobe with one golden thread the brand that's redefining fashion and making a positive impact on the planet I'm Jeff scol founder and designer with one golden thread you're not not just buying clothes you're planting seeds of change every purchase contributes to planting a tree helping to restore our precious environment and create a brighter future for generations to come and don't take my word for it read the reviews the clothing isn't just stylish it's versatile and inclusive whether you're hitting the gym meeting friends for coffee or chilling at home one Golden Threads designs effortlessly blend Comfort functionality and sophistication but what truly sets us apart is our golden ethos a commitment to living life to the fullest while embracing regenos and connection with the world around us so why settle for ordinary when you can elevate your style and make a difference visit one golden today and join the movement towards a more conscious and golden way of living one golden thread because Life's too short for anything less and hey because why not here's a first time checkout love code from me deeper than anything you will find elsewhere drops of gold find your sexy and Soulful golden thread self at one golden thread drops of gold is your go-to code guaranteed you will like it try it buy it love it and if you don't just return it no questions asked you are golden we're all connected Ed as one golden [Music] [Applause] thread you know one of the drops of gold that touches my heart is Revere fear there's gold in there MH and um one of yours that you you speak to which is so beautiful which is this notion whatever you fear is not out there it's in you yeah which speaks to this notion of like if we can be if we can if we can let go of the as we let go of the resistance to ourselves we let go of the resistance that resides inside because it's inside you it's not that thing out there yeah that's that feels like something that um I mean what I what I love about I mean knowledge is what we receive and what we hoard wisdom is what we embody and and what we and what we Infuse and what we share with our with ourselves first and what I love about about the um the digestible the accessible mhm and the disillusion of the wisdom that that that is um you know is your lucid dreaming that you put into words and you do soundscapes around and we do clothing now and all the things which is like you know I believe that the like the codes are alive inside MH yeah and um and then you don't we don't need to talk about it we don't even need to do it we can just be it mm and that to me is like a world truly of living life golden yeah yeah that's Freedom right I tell people again one of my catchphrases I can't give you something you don't already have but what I can do is remove what what I can do is remove what's in the way of you realizing that right and that's that's priceless right so again it's the image of like that David that's being chipped away out from the outside there's no becoming of something it's the dissolution or The Unbecoming of who you've been misidentified with that's based in some sort of limitation and that's where the fear is fear ultimately is based on the predominant human state which is the illusion of separation and as long as you think you're separate from other from Source from the Divine then you have to by the you know by the laws of even of the second laws of thermodynamics like when there's this separation there's atrophy because you're no longer part of the the the the one the whole and so it's immediate right being separate is commensurate with having to survive so if you're separate from the the hole then whatever it is everything's a Potential Threat so you as soon as you're separate then fear is instantaneous but if I'm held if I'm part of everything then there's nothing to survive anymore one of my last supper invitations at the table if we can play the game where they can be alive or transition is Tick not hot mhm and uh the the lesson of the blessing of what inter beinging which is the the order that he coined ironically enough in the year of my birth in 1965 is this notion that everything ultimately connects that there are precepts where really obliterating the greatest lie which is the illusion of which is the which is disillusion of the illusion of Separation yeah and it's not just even that notion around the separation between us it's that separation between nature and one as ush which to me is like the most gorgeous thing and is as a human who who has chosen to live in nature you know what how does that land for you in terms of this notion of connection to self by Connection in nature and realizing that that there is that there is no separation between the two I mean it's cliche right but everyone's like get M time in nature put your feet on the soil go and walk in the forest like I think nature is such a beautiful teacher and I'm learning that more and more certainly over the last few months but it's it's I was going to say it's uncontaminated it's become somewhat contaminated by humans unfortunately but it's it's the most authentic expression of what is whereas humans based on fear the illusion of Separation have become we masquerade right like we we Adorn the facade and the pretense that we think is going to Garner the love and acceptance we so definitely crave because we don't have it for ourselves and so humans play this game of manipulation not always Mal intent but sometimes but usually it's just a child through the innocence of not feeling accepted enough or loved I'm going to be the sexy girl the powerful wealthy man as you know stereotypical archetypes to try and Garner that so but nature doesn't give a [ __ ] Nature's like no I'm here and you're there and I don't judge you so that's why just being in nature there is that there's the relinquishment of any particular facade God or barricade that humans create because of the Feeling Again of fear that this particular tribe this particular Community this particular office this particular yoga class or Community is not going to accept me what people don't recognize is you felt that before you even entered the space so is it they're not accepting you or you living in the energy of lack of self-acceptance right whereas in nature there isn't any of that so it's sort of the real life remembering and the reminder of the fact that you know in the absence of the idea of yourself there is no fear there is no separation and there's nothing to overcome I've um chosen to live a life of seeing possibility and and I truly do believe in Solutions versus problems and what have you and yet the world has some big problems right now and that kind of goes against your belief but that's okay this is what I'm saying is like I I mean well thank you it it does go actually you know what no I really appreciate you saying I just calling you out I appreciate you calling me up MH because in that moment I will tell you that in the last month I'm not saying that that that there's a nihilistic n to my consciousness yeah but there's a sense of um of like how do we get out of this mess yeah um because you know um I was supposed to be in the Middle East on October 11th um and dear friends um uh which includes cat benzova who's here with us today and and and Mily and a few few other friends we um we went to the rise gathering in outside of Las Vegas and had the most extraordinary heart openening moment of writing intentions on eco lanterns and sending a thousand lanterns into the sky and um on the three lanterns that I had I wrote a um an intention for a self community and Planet mhm and as the literally I mean it's it's as the script of life goes as the lanterns were rising to the sky and we were in this most exuberant of the of the grand possibility of it allh um and seeing the magic what was happening um in terms of the massacre that music festival was unfolding at the same time right and what has happened since then has been um decisions and actions where almost it's toxic masculinity would be the way that I would view what's what's someone what's what's going on in terms of decisions and and for me what what what what comes through and it this is um a poem of a spoken word piece that that that just came through which is don't we realize the LI in Disguise that as we so rigidly choose sides our hearts become desensitized the suffering of the other side rationalized mhm and can't we now see the truth that we get to meet on the bridge of a situ and to see that there's no sides to choose there's only one choice to choose and that's love virtue mhm and and yet what has been hard challenging on my heart um is that um I believe that love Trump's hate I believe it mhm well and it's not even belief because I believe with within every belief is liie which is a lie so I it's not about a belief it's just like a deep knowing of what I feel um and yet it's been polarizing so even in that moment where you called me up just now and I said we have a problem yeah like I'd want to say like we have an opportunity and I will tell you that that I'm angry like there's an there is there's an there is an anger in me that that that I'm expressing and and that's coming from this place of we had as a Humanity an incredible moment to look and stare hate right in the eye on October 8th and as a human Community to go back into our humanness around the world and come together and say like that's not who we are we will dismantle that we as Humanity not sides but we as humanity and come into our humanness I saw the pandemic as a beautiful reset yeah like I see that I'd love to hear what you're feeling and what are some invitations and invocations that we can offer to listeners who may feel unexpressed who may feel suppressed who may feel um uh hopeless yeah there's a lot there right so I think the first the first thing I want to speak to is when you said you were supposed to be in the Middle East right on whatever day 11th of October I think you said whatever so if you look at the languaging even like what would be the first thing you recognize in that it sounds like a a should or an oblig as opposed to it was an invitation it was a blessing I was I was and beyond that you weren't supposed to be there how do we know that cuz you weren't right yeah so when you really get that it's powerful right cuz so there's resistance in your system however subtle you might not be massacring or beheading but you're carrying resistance of I was supposed to be somewhere and I wasn't that's now you're in conflict with reality have a minor and there's obviously a sliding gradient but that's where we can recognize as the old African proverb says you know if there's no enemy within the enemy without can do us no harm right so just as I was saying earlier this Meats suit upon which we get to see kind of like the canvas of our own thoughts get manifest well then if we look at it on a societal level a global level whatever seeming problems or certainly immense amount of suffering stuff that I don't condone that's abhorrent that's disgusting and all the words that we can use at some level is really the projection of the current state of ignorance that humans carry because of the unknowing of their true nature right even the fact that people identify with a religion it's going to be a hot topic for people nobody is a religion when someone says I'm Christian I'm Buddhist I'm Hindu I'm Muslim no you're not and by all means choose if it's conscious ly please a Dogma that you subscribe to you could choose to live a life of Christianity but you the being are not Christian a baby doesn't even know its name let alone its nationality or any particular religious affiliation so when we start to become associated with misidentified with these labels then if I'm one thing and you're another we're just perpetuating the very form of fear that we discussed earlier which is the illusion of Separation yes so until that's actually reconciled and understood the mitigation of ignorance and I don't mean ignorance as a judgment but really the absence of knowing then there is no resolution there is no peace again one of my quotes I say you can't create well peace when people are at War within themselves yes so even that subtle shift of like I wasn't supposed to be there why cuz I wasn't yeah and to find peace that's an expression of Harmony and peace which is the precursor to a world of Peace why because Jeff's at peace and that's very hard because it really calls to surrender and a deeper trust that in ways that I don't understand my life is unfolding precisely in the way that I've curated for my own Liberation but as long as we're in this very egotistical self like the audacity of the ego that thinks it knows how things should be and how other people should act that's that's War waiting to happen consistently so what is the what actually is the invitation of you within this golden mic moment um were to share a message with each human every one by one who would be receiving it for them to look inside and realizing that we can decalcify what would be the the the how to start it's the dissolution of every misidentified label that you think you are that is in any way different to anybody else yeah mhm as I was telling friends yesterday gives me CHS I said in the absence of all personal stories all you're left with is I love you that might be the golden mic drop right there um you're speaking about identity which is really extraordinary which is um like I love the words I am mhm it's powerful and yet sometimes within I am there can be that White Knuckle clutching into identity instead of like I feel um what is what is what does I am mean to you it's the root upon which everything that we identify as is born if I am not good enough then I will live in a world of confinement and perhaps some sort of compensation or adaptations to become a people pleaser a perfectionist or work harder if I live within a world of I'm not wanted then I might become a drug addict who lives on the street just so that I can reinforce and be right about my own perspective right the ego number one prerogative is to be right about its own identity no matter how limiting that identity is that's the madness I'll prove to you that I can [ __ ] up my life just so that I can be right about the narrative that wasn't even consciously chosen so when you see that so that is the dissolution of the idea of myself in the absence of the narrative that I am something that is a limitation or a negation of myself then what am I left with that's why I said in the absence of all personal stories all you're left with is I am love I I love you because who I am is love if I'm not identified as not enough not wanted not safe I'm a religion that you're not I'm a nationality that you're not I'm a wealth bracket that you're not if all of that's gone because it's all dialogue then all there is is the unity of the love that we are at the deepest level so that's the invitation it's the dissolution it's The Unbecoming it's the recognizing that I'm not my story I'm not my narrative I'm not this form I'm not my bank account I'm not my job I'm not my corner office really I'm a spiritual being having a human experience and by all means have whatever form of human experiences appropriate for your own emancipation but Underneath It All Namaste namas go I like to think about the uh this this uh appreciation of The Human Condition is the scarcity the human uh experience is love and human experiment is the dissolution of the good and the bad and just seeing both and and holding them both in in the highest and we know I I love what you said is this notion of I am well it's your choice to choose if you're if you're choosing to see something from a scarcity perspective that will lead if you're choosing something from a abundant perspective that's a beautiful I am yeah and so I'd love to ask you what does I am freedom mean to you yeah so just one little adjustment there it's not a choice it's only a choice when it is right so Choice can be literal or figurative so it's figurative Choice oh well you can just choose like if you don't like your life and you're sick that's your choice but that creates a lot of disempowering and victimhood mindset it's very judgmental you can't choose beyond the limits of your current awareness now when you get that it really breeds a lot more compassion right so you can't be held accountable for that which you're oblivious to that at least gives people the permission to be be in their blind spots without any sort of judgment or feeling of you know lack of selfworth Cu oh I'm sick cuz I got cancer cuz of my own fault that that's perpetuating cancer right so it breeds a little bit more understanding and compassion for The Human Condition which is you only can see as far as your current state of awareness as you expand that fine you have more choice but choice is also infinite right so the I am freedom to me why that is such a powerful statement is because it's the impersonal expression of what we seek personally right so most people even the most spiritually Elite might say oh I am free nothing bothers me anymore but what they are missing as far as I'm concerned is that there's still the eye and the eye is the barrier all bit as subtle as you know the inability to impregnate life if you have some sort of contraception use the ey is the condom that keeps you separate from like the infinite expression of creation so the I am free that's great have at it but the impersonal the most powerful expression is I am Freedom itself that's the Transcendence even of the eye I'm the expression of Freedom which contains both me but then it's also an invitation for everybody to join me if I'm free it's like I don't know about you you're [ __ ] but I feel great that equally isn't like a resolution of Harmony for world peace or but if I am Freedom that's an over invitation for you to to join me and perhaps see the same in yourself it's an impersonal expression of the essence of the Soul that's always been there that arises in the absence of the idea of myself that was based in limitation So speaking of limitations so you say that we cannot expand beyond our current awareness correct and so what I'm receiving from your um from following following the thread here is that is that if loving awareness or if love is the the the regenerative language if love is the expression then by simply going into love you can expand your awareness what are is that is that is that the way for Humanity to expand their awareness and therefore expand their um their life and their livelihood and finances and all the things in between it's one way and again it depends how you define love for some people they get confused with the you completes mes and the Romantic connotation of love right so for me love is all embracing it doesn't have an a gender it's all accepting it's Godlike so that's one way for sure but I think the real way to get to that place of freedom and the emancipation of your own sense of constraint is that you have to go through quotequote the cauldron of your own existence as the perceived human that you think you are so everything that's currently happening in the world is really the expression of the collective form of lack scarcity inadequacy insecurity just being manifest in horen ways it doesn't condone the behavior you know the man who's beating up on his wife or his kids i' I'd be the first to interfere and stop that but if you understood how he was conditioned based on the fact that his father and his high school teacher did the same to him there's an understanding there's a compassion right so he has to get through the fact that he's going to be you know have a restraining order he's going to get divorced the suffering that he has to go through there's no there's no Silver Bullet you know like you it's sort of what's in the way is on the way right that expression of like we try to avoid the challenges but as I said earlier fear is sort of the the beacons that light the path to freedom and so we there's no spiritual bypassing unfortunately you know and what we're seeing in the world right now as hard as it is to see as tragic it is is as as as seemingly evil and hus it's nonetheless at some level it's the reconciliation of all of the disease that's been suppressed and hidden and denied and the ignorance that's associated with it coming to the Forefront it's like a collect cancer that is manifesting in a tumor in different areas and hopefully through the collective recognizing wait a minute this doesn't make sense like there's some sort of intelligence that now can surpass the ignorance that's allowed for the disassociation and the feelings of separation and the justification of harm and abuse whether it be in a little home right now in Los Angeles somewhere or sort of the mass destruction and genocide that we're seeing it's it's the same energy and so really what is the answer what is is the work you become free in yourself you discover freedom and the love that is your inherent nature you be peace yeah CU if we are collectively the expression of everyone's individual Essence then if I shift if I can reconcile even that little bit of I was supposed to be in the Middle East a benign story of you telling something that nonetheless carries the energy of resistance however INF infimal yeah is still a contributing factor to the energy of resistance and hostility in the world but if who I am is in harmony with life I am so in the place of gratitude and acceptance and surrender in ways that even for me personally may not be what I currently want but if I can at least remove the resistance and I'm equally mitigating the resistance that's part of the collective that would manifest as war or abuse it's extraordinary as we're wrapping up you know one of my favorite you know um acknowledgements I'd just like to honor by seeing you is that there are those that can sure esoterically philosophically woo woo Guru but you [ __ ] bring it down to the Brass tax of like the highest performers in the world that are doing things that we can dream about because we watch it on TV and we assume that those people are robotic we assume that those people have this ability like oh they have no they have no thoughts because they are that Precision athlete or what have you I'd love for you to share a story that that touches you in terms of of that that that somebody giving themselves self- permission to shift and pivot based upon a reframe of their mind of the architecture and something that touches you yeah I mean one of the most I've had you know the opportunity to work with so many highend performers in different areas but the one that was really speaks to the Embrace of our Humanity was and actually the precursor to that athlete winning the MVP of the whole national league and Major League Baseball right which is an honor that very few humans have um was because he was struggling and he had a bunch of strikeouts which obviously as a hitter being an offensive player is not good you don't want that right you want to get hits and it was creating this accumulation of disease frustration anger all the things that we can understand when we're not getting what we want right it's the adult version of a kid's tantrum CU you didn't buy the toy that they wanted right in this case he's not getting hits and he's being paid millions of dollars to do that it's embarrassing it's unfulfilling all the things and it was such a beautiful conversation because as you've noticed I like to bring or I do bring a lot of humor because I think we tend to you know make everything way more significant than it is in this illusion of Being Human in in the first place but so I said to him you know he was frustrated I think it' been for maybe five games where he'd really scuffled and hadn't had a hit and I said oh yeah that's sucks cuz you're obviously the only player in the whole league who's not getting hits right you know like the baseball is a game of failure you're the best in the world you're still missing seven out of 10 right so it's just an invitation to realize what what do you like you're supposed to be hitting every like you've got a guy on the mound who's being paid the same amount maybe even more than you because he's really [ __ ] good at what he does and he's going to be trying to make sure that you don't hit it right like that beautiful tug of War the yin and the Yan between a pitcher and a hitter and so he found a little bit of relief in realizing that it was sort of asinine for him to think that even as one of the best players in the league he shouldn't be missing right and so it was such a beautiful conversation because he's the Ardent professional he's so disciplined he's so dedicated he's revered in the sport for being one of the biggest you know com sort of most dedicated professionals right there's a lot of guys who have talent and they get away with it and whatever they do to you know offset their fears whether it be substances and God knows what but he's he's he's the Ardent professional and so for him it wasn't that he needed to work harder he didn't need to like dedicate more time to batting practice he didn't need to get a nutritionist or spend more time in the gym the discipline he needed was to accept his humanity and it's one of my favorite quotes from Jack Nicholas greatest golfer of all time he said that one of the most important parts of winning is is being okay losing and it gives me chills CU I love working with athletes and I love sports because in the moment that you're okay with what I tell a lot of my athletes if you're okay with every outcome you've got nothing to lose but see the human disposition is people consciously but predominantly unconsciously aren't okay with a lot of outcomes and it's that resistance to the possibility of everything that creates the absolute in inhibition of accessing potential cuz if I'm not okay with anything then it's an avoidant energy that avoidant energy is sitting within me which is the it is the Suffocation of my own potential so in that moment what happened is he embraced his Humanity he recognized that not only can he not avoid striking out but striking out is an inherent part of the game the game is based in failure again you get three out of 10 you're a Hall of Famer as a hitter it's about 300 right that's right so he that for that moment there was the release there was the real freedom and I'm going to actually piggyback one other story that was one of my favorites it's still in baseball but so he then went on to have an extraordinary season I think he bat like 320 or something which was you know one of the highest maybe the highest in the league became the MVP but it was not because I told him try harder don't do this avoid this it was no I want you to integrate Your Capacity to fail and so there was no longer the avoidant energy which was creating resistance which as an athlete means you're timing is off you're already at the plate in the case of a hitter trying to avoid something like one of my free throw shooters for the NBA he had the worst free so there's two stories I want to piggy back because I love sports but he had the worst free throw average in the league 37% the average is like 75 and so I asked well when you step up to the line how are you feeling he's like well you know I'm nervous and I'm trying not to miss see when we're trying to do something that we don't want then the brain can't distinguish it's sort of still focus on that you don't come to a tea Junction and go I don't want to go right you know you're you if you know where you're going then you have a sense of direction and so in that conversation with this guy who you know I hugged him when I arrived I was like looking at his belly bun and I'm not sure but it was such a beautiful moment cuz this little kid came to the Forefront where I said well if I told you that for the rest of the season you shot League average like how would you feel and his face lit up he's like dude that would be amazing there's a bit of disbelief there because of the past hurt of not performing well again I say past hurt in forms future fear so his suffering had now been superimposed into the future of now I don't want something but I said so you'd feel amazing he's like yeah and I said how would you feel in your body it's like oh God I feel so relaxed like there's nothing who cares there's nothing to lose I'm like well that is the energy by which you as a natural athlete get to perform in a way that is it's effortless and I said here's the difference is like we're still sitting in your kitchen right I've just got a better imagination in the way that I'm casting and creating a future for you to step into which is inspiring versus resistant or avoid void and then the last story with baseball it was my first season in baseball so I didn't know much about the sport but I knew a lot about the way that people were or weren't performing and this one guy who was he was he was I mean baseball players are big but my other guy who was the MVP is a first baseman he's like solid he probably has about 30 plus homers home runs a year smaller utility guys Short Stops and stuff like that they might get six to S this guy kind of middle of the round 12 to 16 would be a good season right he's not one of the power hitters but he's solid but he'd gone almost the span of a whole season all bit across two seasons so sort of the last 3 months of one season and now we're two months into the next season hadn't had a home run so you know 85% through a season orbe it split across two years hadn't had a home run so he's getting gested he's getting picked on he's you know guys don't worry you're not a power hitter like you know the energy within the locker room amongst men is it's pretty brutal so it was really getting to him and I remember he called me from the car park of the of the field this is like three or four hours before a game and he's really frustrated and I get it and I said what if I told you that for the rest of your career and he had probably another five to six years you never hit another home run for the rest of your career could you be okay with that now an athlete being paid probably 5 7 million whatever and probably was going to make more as he continued that that was a really really hard thing for him to hear and of course the instantaneous re no of course like I'm no I can't do that like I'm not that's not what I'm paid for it's not what I want but it was the energetic invitation for him to let go of a future fear that was creating the resistance which was the precursor to him not getting the results he wanted so he eventually got to a yes to the answer of my question could you be okay for the rest of your career you never hit a home run and in the reconciliation in the mitigation and the release of the resistance of a future that he was trying to avoid meaning he suddenly became okay with every possibility I could feel the shoulders drop in his car and I wasn't even there right the freedom that he felt this was done over the phone this is just over the phone 4 hours later it was we were playing the Cardinals it was the diamond against diamond backs against the Cardinals his second a bat the text he sent me that night like it like hairs on my skin are standing up what was the text I I don't remember the words but it was like a kid who just like I don't know discovered sex for the first time he was like that was the most extraordinary experience he said I didn't even try yeah yeah so that was for me one of the most beautiful moments of recognizing the power of avoidance and how that can stop us ironically from actually receiving attaining creating attracting the very thing that we think we want I remember back in 2015 there was a a young couple at the time dear friends of mine that had like this effortless relationship and and I asked Amanda it was Amanda and Chris I asked Amanda I said what's the key to your relationship with Chris MH and she says I have no expectations of Chris MH so I'm surprised and delighted every time and it feels like that's hearkening back to like this chills that you just got of him like being his inner child hitting a home run like it's his first time yeah and he wasn't he he let that go what it's it's such a powerful thought to go because and you're inviting people to go so deeply in what they're not expecting from you which is like like to let go MH of the outcome I know that one of your favorite teachers is this um uh the gentleman who had the quote I don't mind how this is going to uh turn out yeah this is my secret I don't mind what happens Krishna mty yeah that's freedom and it's subtle right because I think for a lot of people they might hear that and it seems like resignation almost like oh well who cares like in that again as an athlete that's having worked with hundreds of athletes that's one of the Expressions I hear a lot is they say God damn you know when things aren't going well I wish I didn't care so much and for me it's quite the antithesis it's actually no I want you to care more but your care has to supersede your worry care is heart- centered they care about this they can't you've been playing baseball golf you know whatever sport it is since you 3 four years old you care more about your sport probably than your spouse with all due respect you know but when you worry and you drift into your head because there's expectations there's past failures trials and tribulations that you're wanting to not AO you know repeat now you're in a state of ego and you're ironically actually manifesting the very thing that you're trying to avoid whereas if you stay in the love you stay in the passion you stay in the acceptance which is really a rule for Life similar to you talking about that couple where there's no expectations it is the pure nature of life itself which is uncertainty and maintaining the Curiosity and childlike wonder and awe that we have when we arrived of like wow let's see where this goes full circle back to The Golden Child yeah uh I would love to invite us to complete this with a little Spoken Word by you oh really putting me right the spot if something if something's coming through spoken word I mean I think the whole conversation is being spoken word it's true I mean there were a couple of moments I said wow that was pretty cool what I just said I can't wait to get someone to record that fortunately make notes from the recording I didn't say that thank you Josh Robertson yeah no I think uh I mean you know I'll share a poem that I wrote recently uh I didn't write recently I wrote it many many moons ago but I shared it with someone recently because it was appropriate to share so it's not really spoken word it's a poem but yeah um such a one do I remember whom to look at is to love to have lived forever within one's mind and yet so briefly by one's side oh for a life of sensation rather than of thought when you share the that what comes through for you because that that's obviously an amalgamation of a lot of of universes um uh infinitely coming together yeah what what to me that sort of in a beautiful summary of our whole conversation invites people to consider is don't live in your head live in your life to have lived within one's mind forever and yet so briefly by one side ohe for a life of sensation rather than of thought get in the DT feel it all that's the access to Freedom Peter cron you were golden back at you my friend thank you for being here this is uh yeah I mean if there is is there anything you'd like to ask me in closing anything you'd like to um should you have been in the Middle East no no no this is no I'm just so grateful for this conversation the collaboration we're doing um you know sort of yeah I just love what you're a stand for and the fact that our paths crossed in this sensorial experience that I'm enjoying of Being Human and the fact that you're one of the beings that I've curated as part of my path and I'm just very grateful for that and what we get to now share and this beautiful project we're creating together there and hopefully people Adorn the the garments that you wo and that I fora have have the experience of being Freedom themselves well it it's it's a beautiful thing it feels good to it feels good to feel this good and it feels good to wear a message that you're sharing with others and I and I love the message that's also tucked inside so yeah this is uh we get to complete to continue and and and this is going to be a beautiful beautiful garden and I appre appreciate um you know this for me is what we're doing here is is as deeply corded in my soul is is as the clothed and the codes and because I um the fact that we get to remember yeah the fact that we get to release the fact that we get to reveal and reframe and come into this version of self and I love what you said it's like you know just be embodied you know and and be here now and and um so I uh maybe maybe I'll I'll complete this by reading we we'll exit by by you choosing one of your cards one of my own quotes one of your own quotes and from the deck that is not available yet on Amazon but apparently we will be creating let's go this way let's go stop for a moment take a breath and ask yourself can I be at peace with the way things a right now I will give you one reflection and then I will read one of yours and you give a reflection sure so my favorite human was my grandmother Emily mhm and whenever I had any any inner angst as a young boy and I had a lot of inner angst in terms of the what was suppressed inside MH she would say to me um whatever you're feeling inside I want you to f forward 365 days to next year at this exact moment do you think that you would even remember mhm what you're feeling inside on this day 365 days ago because if not it's not yours let it go right so beautiful that's a beautiful expression okay okay I get to go this this is the new Peter Crone game where PR deck available in 2024 at a good bookstore near you um do they even have bookstores anymore forget that just go online yeah go to Peter this is where you can find me by the way and join Freedom this is a good one you're either living from ego or you're living from Soul mhm yeah I mean it sort of summarizes what I've spoken to here and what we discussed right if you're in the worry in the head the identity the miss identification of who you think you are then everything has to by default be based in some form of survival trying to make it in life versus from the soul when you live from the essence of who we are there's nothing missing I am everything I am that which I seek the trouble is when you're in the ego it's like you can't see the soul so to speak there it's like it reminds me of a funny line from Groucho marks where I don't know what the movie was but I remember the line it was so funny and very hym where a gentleman comes up to him and asks for directions he says you can't get there from here right which is so beautiful because it's sort of like when you're in the ego you can't get to the soul from here cuz when you're in the ego it's the blind spot yeah now of course you can but there needs to usually be some form of inspiration a catalyst for you to be jolted out and go oh I'm not that and yet I that is a part of me so and this last one is you can read it because this is from the deck also coming out in 2024 20125 this is drops of gold from Jeff scult okay uh play Pray prey and it's spelled yes the distinction between prey p r e y and prey p r a y yeah so what comes up for me in this notion is uh and I will share a spoken piece that was inspired in in the presence of one of my creative Partners Kat benzova which um which was really a blessing of like well how do we be our fullest expression mhm and what came through that was this that in this in every each and every moment we get to choose to start to give zero [ __ ] mhm about anyone else's opinions of you mhm to clear the decks for our infinite [ __ ] which is our trans endent truth no more woowoo no more gurus because we are each Spirit full M over spiritual because the gold already resides inside you you say yes to life with no hesitation and reservation a free dive into the unknown beyond your comfort zone expectations each each our personal choice to claim our golden voice it's all time we share our gift with increased ignition when in doubt get out well embracing the Beautiful Mystery of the magical journey of life's mystery we are each more liberated and free together than apart because we know each moment is to choose to live from an open heart and we keep our eyes on all the blessings because we know residing inside that deepest dark fear cave shines our deepest Soul lessons and most importantly we will never forget just like Scooby-Doo this is all supposed to be fun so yes [ __ ] yes let's have some mhm amen Peter cron thank you so much for being on drops of gold it's an honor and a blessing and uh thank you thank you you appreciate you let's get back to the ah well you got SP spart okay golden ones thank you for being on this episode of drops of gold the special code for you as a reminder is drops of gold at checkout for one golden thread 22 % off gift off purchase your threads enjoy your journey you are golden and we are all connected as one golden thread enjoy your threads thank you for showing up thank you for being with us on drops of gold produced by Mark Shapiro and Josh Robertson music by Josh Robertson and Shazier I'm your host Jeff scullt and remember in this moment and this moments forward remember to always pull on your golden thread and find your truth in this now reality thank you for being with us you are golden enjoy your [Music] journey
Channel: Drops of Gold by JEFFSCULT
Views: 5,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3tw4siVr2ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 7sec (4687 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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