The Mind And How It Works

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the following program is sponsored by generous friends and partners of real life [Music] the enemy goes after your mind tonight christian the enemy goes after your mind tomorrow morning when you wake up the enemy is always going after your mind oh don't worry he'll forgive you have you ever heard that in your mind before who hasn't the mind and how it works is today's message but first here's an important book that jack hibbs would like you to have lucky or blessed pertaining to the history of the united states in moments of crisis when disaster looked imminent god intervenes to provide deliverance and progress best-selling author and radio host michael medved reveals a record of improbabilities and amazements that demonstrate what the founding fathers always believed that events unfolded according to a master plan with destiny playing an unmistakable role in lifting the nation to greatness order his book now the american miracle five-star reader reviews there are certain situations that are surely miraculous and the lord's hand was clearly on america's founding it makes me humble to think that god did act in the making of my country the evidence for divine providence doesn't prove that america is perfect but it does strongly suggest that america is no accident for your gift of any amount the american miracle go to or if you prefer call 877-777-2346 and order now [Music] regarding the human mind so much of our lives is dictated of course by how our mind processes things according to the bible the bible makes it very clear that when god created us the word of god says that god did that by making us in his image and then that doesn't mean that god is six feet tall or that god weighs 200 pounds the word image means moral likeness god made you and i with the ability to think to create to imagine to produce to feel to ponder listen the human mind has the ability to look into the future to wonder and to cast vision and in that respect we are very very much like god we're not god he alone is god but we have been created in his image the bible tells us in genesis 2 verse 7 as an example that when god formed adam that god breathed into adam and adam became a living soul now in greek new testament theology the mind is interchangeable with our verbiage as soul why because the word mind is su-k where we get the word psychology the study or the words of the mind but what you and i need to be careful about is as the bible tells us that you and i have been created body soul and spirit that's first thessalonians 5 verse 23 you and i have been created more than just our bodies listen carefully we have been given a mind you and i have been given a spirit body soul and spirit the body is obvious we take great care of our body we see and feel our body all the time we can become overly body conscience the physical side of things we worry about that we clothe it we perfume it uh we we feel it but little do we stop to realize that what is it that's causing us to think the thoughts listen human consciousness is very much of a mystery because that's connected to the mind the soul it is your thinking that dictates your body activity and your spirit is either alive to god or not that's why jesus said we need to be born again we need to have our spirits come alive see every one of us has a mind a soul every one of us has our bodies but the bible says some of us are spiritually alive and some of us are spiritually dead how can we know the difference well we're going to be looking at this in our study because the big question is this can the human mind be changed if you think about it the world is doing everything it can to control the mind to change your mind advertisements sales commercialism indoctrination teachings curriculum it has nothing to do with your physics it has everything to do with your mind but little do we think about it so that's our goal in today's teaching is to get you to think from a biblical worldview about who you are in totality you are way way beyond your physical appearance you are way beyond your physical existence god addresses who you are inside who is the real deep person that will live forever it won't be your elbow it's not going to be your nose it's not going to be your head right now you and i use our physics to express who we are in a very ethereal spiritual soul manner so let's grab our bibles let's get into what god's word has to say in this teaching right now and i hope you get a lot out of it my friend so let's go to god's word [Music] your mind it is within us it's us but from the earliest stages of life the world our family living our external existence all of these things come together to determine and to make the you that you are you and i and the human mind has been engineered in a way to receive input constantly not only processing but it shapes our personalities and it shapes our world view as we grow up we have a certain perspective on life that doesn't come from the brain it's the mind the brain is only a tool and that's something that we need to keep in mind because the bible again tells us and we'll look at some scriptures tonight that our minds are alienated from god and yet there's something yet inside of us that makes us wonder think about it right now believer or non-believer alike tonight the thoughts that come into your mind regarding is life forever if i were to die is there a heaven is there a hell and what about right or wrong what about sin and what about doing the right thing all of these things are of the operation of your mind of the soul of who you are listen to what c.s lewis you know i love quoting him listen to what c.s lewis says regarding man's situation when a man is getting better he understands more and more clearly the evil that is still left in him did you hear that it's going to make you think when a man is getting worse he understands his own badness less and less a moderately bad man knows he is not very good a thoroughly bad man thinks he's right or all right this is common sense really i love this you understand sleep when you are awake not when you are sleeping you can see mistakes in arithmetic when your mind is working properly while you are making them you cannot see them think of that you can understand the nature of drunkenness when you're sober not when you're drunk good people know about both good and evil bad people do not know about either that's a profound statement the very fact that right and wrong and good and bad can be determined speaks to what we're looking at tonight what makes us the way that we are you and i the bible says in genesis chapter 3 verse 1 genesis 3 1 the bible says now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the lord god had made and he said to the woman has god indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said by the way this is the third time i've read the word said which is important to where we're going tonight regarding the mind and the woman said to the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god has said that's the fourth statement there you shall not eat of it nor shall you touch it lest you die verse 4 then the serpent said to the woman you will not surely die notice that there are numerous statements here where he said she said back and forth why is that important because when words are spoken the mind receives what is spoken and begins to process that statement satan knows this notice satan attacks eve via deception now i'm not getting into the weeds uh the serpent look we don't know how adam and eve had it it must have been amazing in the garden because you say why do you say that because eve eve is being deceived by satan but satan's using the serpent which was a magnificent animal in the garden and apparently it's no big deal to talk to a serpent in those days i don't know about you if a snake started talking to me i i would i wouldn't be i know how that goes i've read the book it's not going to turn out well but she's not flustered at all about that this snake's talking except satan's using her like a puppet and she's carrying on the conversation but notice with it no notice what the attack is the mind the enemy goes after your mind tonight christian the enemy goes after your mind tomorrow morning when you wake up the enemy is always going after your mind constantly half god said did god say what about this listen it goes on and on fill in the blank i feel this doesn't matter what the bible says god is love oh don't worry he'll forgive you have you ever heard that in your mind before who hasn't the enemy is speaking why because that's how he gets into the recesses if i can put it that way of your mind and he goes to work in your thought process he begins to tamper with your progress of how your mind works in romans 8 verse 5 the bible says for those who live according to the flesh set their minds on things of the flesh you gotta everybody get that if if you live for this world you're gonna be thinking only about the stuff of this world if you live for pleasure that's all you think about it's pleasure you just line your crib with pleasure that's all you think about that's what paul's talking about in romans 8 5 those who live for the flesh to satisfy the flesh just mark that but for those who live according to the spirit the things of the spirit so there's a choice for to be carnally minded is death the word carnally minded is earthly minded flesh skin-minded is to live for that now look god made you and i with the ability to appreciate pleasure aren't you glad for that that's wonderful be it food you know i gotta tell you those of you who are young you know when you're young you're picky about food let me tell you right now stop wasting your time go for it because i'm telling you right now when you get older everything tastes good i'm grateful to god that he gave us the ability to taste the things that we taste but when that is handled wrongly it gets out of control you can become a glutton you can eat need for pleasure's sake throw up and then eat because you are addicted to the sensation that your taste buds are giving you to the brain of taste that's sick but when people are doing it they don't think it's sick because they've gone through the steps so long and so deep that it's become ingrained in their minds to the point where you don't even see it anymore you don't even realize it anymore to be carnally minded as death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace verse 7 says because the carnal mind is enmity warfare against god for it is not subject to the law of god nor indeed can be a carnally mind that's given over to the passions of the flesh is an out of control mind and i don't know and i cannot speak for you i came to jesus at the age of 19. but my mind was in that place and because my mind was in that place of being carnally minded i lived planned made allotments for carnally minded living that's the lost soul that's the lost mind it is god's desire he wants to transform our minds by the power of the word of god and that's what he does and when i heard the gospel for the first time it began to unlock god's love to me god's forgiveness but of course as i told you last week it also exposed my depravity and how bad i needed god let's take another verse in first corinthians 2 verse 12 to 14 first corinthians 2 12-14 it says now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit who is from god that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by god verse 13. these things we also speak not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the holy spirit teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual but the natural man this is the unsaved man with the unsaved mind does not receive the things of the spirit of god for their foolishness to him nor can they know them because they are spiritually discerned so i want to want to in light of that i want you to hear this tonight your mind tonight whatev if you're if tonight you're a victim of abuse maybe tonight you're here and you were the abuser you need to know something right now by and through the gift of faith and repentance given by god you ask him for it your conduct as an abuser can be forgiven and god can give you a new mind he can give you a new life he can forgive you and get you starting over if you're a victim if you've been abused god wants you to have a new mind regarding the way that you view things the data comes to you it could be words you know listen when you're abused and somebody then tells you later on in life i think you're beautiful i love you they don't hear it they don't hear it like you think when somebody who really loves somebody else and they've experienced that hurt and that abuse because the mind is still held captive and you say but jack i love the lord and you you're describing me but i love the lord listen i understand that just know this he wants to set you completely free he doesn't set you kind of free he doesn't get one leg out of the trap and leave the other one he wants to renew your mind and you want to he wants to have you understand something that god is at work and he's going to take that damage and that attack and that hurt that has been perpetrated against you and he's going to clear up your thinking by the power of his word as you immerse yourself in his word and believe his promises when he says to you i'll make all things new you're a new creation he said but jack i struggle every morning i wake up and i i'm reminded of this absolutely i understand you keep going back to his promises and you hang on to those promises and you say lord i don't feel it i'm not getting it but your word says i'm new in christ your bible tells me that you will renew my mind in christ jesus and i'm asking you to do that now god and you might say i've prayed that a thousand times then listen you keep praying it a thousand times more you just keep doing it because listen he will change you and set you free and again if you're the perpetrator he will change you if you repent and seek him just turn to him our minds can be changed thank god if you don't if you don't brain wash mind wash listen your mind if you don't if you do not occupy your mind with the word listen the past will come back that's why paul the apostle said you need christian to reckon the old man dead you know that means every time that stuff comes up you now look i'm i'm describing me you've got your thing that comes up and you hate it the christian fights it it's tough but listen greater is he that's in us than he that's in the world it's absolute victory in jesus the guy listen to the men i say don't give up keep fighting fight fight women i don't i've never been a woman don't plan on ever being one so i don't know what to say to you for to you i don't know maybe it's words maybe it's maybe it's memories or this person oh i'm heavily married and everything's great but i remember back then when when so-and-so said this and he was that way and oh the romance of maybe that's it don't think about it when the thought arises grab it and cast it over to jesus constantly constantly fight it fight fight today listen many are not fighting they're not fighting they're giving up there are so many christians in the state of depression because the world has gotten inside and it's hammering and this poor man you saw on this screen began to deny his own life's existence maybe satan is saying to you has god said that you're his child did god say that you were saved how do you know god told you your sins were forgiven why would he forgive you anyway you know what you are it wouldn't be heaven if you were there and he begins to sow the seed listen christian washed as the bible tells us in fact the bible says in ephesians 5 that the husband is to wash his wife with the water of the washing of the word of god you know that speak speak god's love god's truth god's healing god's word over your wife well how about your own life how about your kids how about your situation isn't this true and we're going to end is this true lord you know everything about me and you know all the things that trip me up or you know the things that i just cannot get victory over lord i'm asking you right now you lord have pointed out to me those things are are traps i know it's your will that i'd be set free you put it in your book i'm asking you now god to do a miracle in my life can we just close our eyes and pray right now every one of us right now can we just agree lord i'm asking you right now to do a miracle in my life in the lives of these here tonight [Music] well if i were to ask you what's the first word of the gospel think about that for a moment what's the first word of the gospel you might say believe in jesus that's close but that's not it love god again close but that's not it the first word of the gospel is the word repent now nobody wants to hear that word anymore but without repent there is no gospel let me put it to you this way the first word out of jesus's mouth regarding the gospel was the first word out of the mouth of peter and paul and the disciples it's supposed to be the first word out of the mouth of everyone who gives the gospel the good news that christ has come died on the cross for our sins and rose again from the dead what is that word the word is metanoia in the greek language meta neue we use the old english term repent in fact the word repent from old english is a nautical term it's a sailing term it means that the ship is going in one direction and the helmson or the navigator i should say shouts out to the helmsman repent and what that meant was is he turned that wheel and the ship turned 180 degrees in the opposite direction metanoia meta means after thought or beyond thoughts it means to think again the gospel is this think again think it over think twice believe on the lord jesus christ and you shall be saved metanoia repent and believe and that speaks to our soul listen god will always reach out in your life into that familiar area of your thinking god will speak to you where you process he will invade your thoughts he will speak to you on the inside he will come and visit you so to speak on the porch the welcoming spot of who you are in totality he will visit your mind and he will challenge you to think again so friends listen what does that mean to us today think about jesus beyond what you've thought about him before think about the good news about christ dying on the cross and being resurrected from the dead think beyond that now what does god want from me what should be my reaction to this how do i believe think beyond oh listen that is our desire here at real life is to get you to think deep thoughts about god listen your time's valuable and precious so is ours you don't need us to speak fluff to your life you can get that anywhere we want to bring you truth while we can and you want truth why to think again about your life and to make a decision about the direction that you're heading on maybe for some of you it's time for you to turn around i encourage you to do that god bless you listen for more teaching you can go to and find out so much more lucky or blessed pertaining to the history of the united states in moments of crisis when disaster looked imminent god intervenes to provide deliverance and progress best-selling author and radio host michael medved reveals a record of improbabilities and amazements that demonstrate what the founding fathers always believed that events unfolded according to a master plan with destiny playing an unmistakable role in lifting the nation to greatness order his book now the american miracle five-star reader reviews there are certain situations that are surely miraculous and the lord's hand was clearly on america's founding it makes me humble to think that god did act in the making of my country the evidence for divine providence doesn't prove that america is perfect but it does strongly suggest that america is no accident for your gift of any amount the american miracle go to or if you prefer call 877-777-2346 and order now [Applause] [Music] welcome to real life radio with jack hibbs god's word never will return void god's word is spirit it's power and it has its effect so i want to encourage you to grab your bibles open them up and get ready to learn from god's word god did not give us bible prophecy to scare us but to prepare us but i think you're going to get a lot out of it and one of the great you are the light of the world jesus said you are the salt of the earth how does it happen by the power of the holy spirit you're going to get excited about what jesus christ wants to do in and through you [Applause] jack hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful no-nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth [Music] will you stand with us in sharing this message in real and practical ways we ask that you commit to support real life and the teachings of jack hibbs with a gift of your choosing simply go to and there you can simply follow the instructions of how to give a one-time gift or a recurring gift if you would prefer to call our toll-free number is 877-777-2346 again that's 877-777-2346 and of course you can write us our address is real life with jack kibbs box 1273 chino hills california 91709 your gift will be faithfully put to work because it's our desire that through jesus christ you will know real life the preceding program was sponsored by generous friends and partners of real life
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 47,302
Rating: 4.9594226 out of 5
Keywords: God's image, image bearers, mind, soul, humanity, real life with Jack Hibbs, Jack Hibbs
Id: rmTjw3zyuDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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