The Meaning of Answers 2.0 - FFXIV Lyrical Lore

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[Music] how do you carry on in a world that seems determined to make you suffer answers one of the themes of a realm reborn proffers a fitting reply to that question the song is a call in response from the people of eorzea to heidelen and her answer to their question if you understand that you understand not only the song but one of the fundamental underlying themes of final fantasy xiv it opens with a chorus representing the people of eorzea in their hour of need as a literal apocalypse looms with the oncoming of dalamun the people of the land fear hope and pray it is a question echoed in the hearts of the fearful if heideln is a being of compassion and power why must man suffer where are we supposed to go and what are we supposed to do when it seems any course of action still inexorably leads towards doom is [Applause] [Music] love [Music] [Applause] [Music] loves and then heidelin responds to all the peoples of the land she sings that she understands their plight and the search for meaning in the chaos they face she begs they look to those who came before to help guide them to forge a path for those who may come next it is a comfort against the despair that confronts us not only in this desperate hour but in all moments of life and the promise that meaning can be found in chaos [Music] this star and her children upon it are beautiful and purpose ever springs from the life that is found here the world will live on hold to hope do not let despair fill your heart and believe [Music] to all of my children in whom life flows up [Music] to all of my children to whom death hath passed is judgment [Music] look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after [Music] shining is the land's light of justice [Music] [Music] walk free walk free walk free believe [Music] the following lines are a torrent of all the forces we know in our lives bearing witness we reason and speak suffer and weather the storms of light wandering the world and in response our commands and comfort from the mother crystal heideling calls to us all to mark all these experiences and emotions as those of the realm cry out at all they must know and endure if you add we before each word for the chorus as you can hear sung by the mail section it becomes all the more understandable we reason we suffer and we answer [Music] teach [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this second voice is another call of eorzea begging that heideln might see what they endure feeling as though their mother has fallen deaf and blind to their suffering not only must we bear the weight of our own actions but how can it be justice to bear the sins of the past that will steal tomorrow from us those of aorzia questioned heideln's call what must we feel what must we learn what must we see and what must we hear the very land burns and mourns and despair threatens all of the star more surely than any doom of the flesh why must we who are blessed to live and curse to die be helpless as hell reigns upon us what answer can be proffered in the silence of death why must we feel alone in this our hour of need what purpose is there to this life when it should only end in suffering [Music] [Applause] now open your eyes while our plight [Music] death is our cries lost [Music] our souls have been torn [Music] for our is [Music] [Applause] [Music] words without sound these lights betray our hearts [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] judgment by [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell us why [Music] [Applause] [Music] a second echoing of the tribulations we know all of our hope and desire echoes to the skies and a shard of truth is found [Music] it is not in the course of life that we alone bear the burden of joy and sorrow it is side by side that we feel and suffer we teach and we live dream and answer this question together [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] my life is [Music] to listen to suffer to entrust unto tomorrow [Music] yet [Music] and so heideln offers a clue if not the answer to the question life is to live an endless adventure from which we will know the deepest of sorrows and the greatest of joys to live is to suffer and in suffering find purpose strength and hope and even as loss comes upon us so surely it isn't right to turn away from the answer even if it's painful life will thrive again and hope will live on our travail shall bring forth the way for the future and for those who will inherit it for mankind's potential is limitless and it is ours to travel this road and find meaning and in our all too brief time live die and know this content was brought to you by the aorzian archives if you enjoyed this video help us please the 12 by leaving a like and subscribing for new content every thursday and comment down below with any topic you'd like to see our archons cover in the future for even more content discussion and exclusives please check out our discord and consider supporting us on patreon
Channel: The Eorzean Archives
Views: 25,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: answers, Answers, FFXIV, ARR, a realm reborn, ff14, final fantasy, yoship, hydaelyn, endwalker, lore, lyrics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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