The Ascians After Endwalker - FFXIV Lore Explored

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how we all worm here the aseans have been our primary antagonist for just about all of ff14's existence from the manipulations of beast tribes heralding cataclysms and the creation of empires to serve their own ends the aseans have been a major part of the history that has shaped not only our story but that of olive theorists we knew going into end walker that the expansion was going to bring their story to a close however many myself included were left with questions after end walker the primary one being what happened to the rest of the aseans that made up their membership during end walker we didn't face off against any of them save fan daniel in fact most of them were not even mentioned and the dialogue of the story seems to be pointing us in the direction of them being past tense with no real explanation but why is that where did they go what happened to these aseans in this video we go over the asean membership and try to piece together their fate let's get a few facts out of the way first the aseans are comprised of the former membership of the convocation of 14 or should we say 13 as the 14th member azem vacated their seats due to being against their chosen path during the final days the aseans as an organization would be formed after the sundering it began with elitibus la habrea and nemet selk all members of the convocation who would escape the effects of the sundering with their souls intact from then on they would be known as the unsundered the rest of the convocations members were sundered along with a theorist into 14 shards not long after these events the unsundered set to work forming the asean organization they sought out the sunder souls of their former convocation members and aided them with the return of their memories once complete these sundardassians took up their former titles and joined their ranks as assy in overlords we don't know the full specifics of these sundardassians but it's likely they are comprised of multiple merged soul shards as the asians have a means to easily travel between the multiple reflections while not as powerful as the asundered with their original memories and ancient magic they are beyond most other beings [Music] let's go over the asean membership as well as the most recent info we have on each of them we start off with the three we know the most about the unsundered la habrea was one of the primary antagonists we see during a realm reborn and heaven's wart he manipulated a number of events on the source with the aim of weakening heidelin he is later undone during said machinations he's grown so strong in it as to deny us our power after lara brey is defeated in combat by the warrior of light the archbishop of ishgard uses the eye of nidhogg to transform himself into primal king thordan intent on ending strife his first act was to kill la herbrea striking him down and destroying him while also absorbing his etheric energy to the best of our knowledge this was the final end of la habrea whether his soul was destroyed or returned to the ethereal sea is not known for certain next we have emmett silk he's had a rather unique impact on the source under the guise of solace zos galvez he ushered in the founding of the modern guardian empire and its development into a vast and powerful nation the founding father was an asean and he created the empire solely for the purpose of sowing the seeds of chaos he reappeared in recent times in a younger form to manipulate world events and played a major part in shadowbringers it's from him that we learned much about the asean's history and their true goal of restoring zodiac their world and their people he meets his end in the dream of amarot at the hands of the scions and warrior of light accepting his fate he utters remember remember us [Music] remember that we once lived emmett selk does accepts his fate and his soul joins that of his people in the ethereal sea we meet him again in end walker when we went back in time to elvis a much younger man at this time and a very different character not weighed down by history i haven't the focus what you're talking about after the main events of that time from us telling him about his future and the truth of the final days emmett selk has his memories of those events sealed away by hermes it wasn't until his death in shadowbringers and his return to the ethereal sea that his sealed memories were returned to him so when we met him later on in ultimate thule his demeanor towards us goes through a major change still you must be commended our methods would not have brought mankind this far after he renders assistance to us alongside hitler deus both he and emmett selk returned once more to the ethereal sea but not before issuing one final challenge to the warrior of light expand your horizons go forth and seek discovery as the bearer of azem's crystal you may consider your duty to see at least that much then we have elitibus during his time on the convocation and afterwards he was known as the emissary elitibus sacrificed himself during zodiac's first summoning to become his core elitibus did most of his work in the shadows manipulating events and people towards the asean's true goals he made quite the mark on the source and its reflections during its storyline he made artbert and his allies the warriors of darkness and rescued beings from reflections like the world of darkness all with the goal of using them as pieces on a chessboard only moving them at the right time during our final confrontation with him while inhabiting the body of a past warrior of light he stacy barely remembers the world he came from i am elizabeth and it is my duty to steer mankind and the very star upon their true course this i swore to to someone he doesn't remember the convocation or the promises they swore but it doesn't deter him from his mission elizabeth is defeated by the warrior of light and gracia atop of the crystal tower using the tower itself to seal him away within it thus bringing about his end he reversed to his true form where the warrior of light gives him the soul crystals of his convocation comrades elitibus finally remembers them and his world before finally fading away stay strong keep the faith the duties end we will meet again we will we will we meet him again in end walker still sealed away in the tower while his aether dissipates he shares with us information on elpis and facilitates the creation of a door to the past so that we can go there to learn the truth to accomplish this elitist uses what power he has remaining in the tower to open the portal at the cost of his own life however he was content with this decision eager to rejoin his friends in the ethereal sea [Music] now i have a very quick theory if you'll so indulgery not long after we unlock pandemonium we learned that themis is elitibus a much younger version of him either before taking his convocation seat or he's brand new to it the story never states as such of course but we put enough pieces together to establish this identity halfway through our dialogue with elizabeth in the crystal tower we discuss elpis and suddenly he remembers seeing us there wait i saw you there and help us this is likely his old memories catching up with him realizing that the warrior he met so long ago was actually us he quickly went to aid us with going back as he knew it was supposed to happen it's kind of like what happened with the older m itself once he regains his memories his entire demeanor towards those changes anyway those are the three unsundered members of the aseans all of whom have passed on and will likely not be returning we now move on to the asean overlords first we have pastorate he made his first and only appearance during a realm reborn with his fellow aseans in the rift we don't see him again after this but we can assume he's still alive and active next is igorim she played a major role in the attempted rejoining of the 13th reflection with the source as the thirteenth was falling she faced and defeated the bringer of light unukalhai who was his world's last offender gifted with the echo she defeated unakal hai but the result of this was the world was flooded over with darkness similar to how the first was flooded with light the main difference is this process was complete and the world fell and became the void which we now know today is the world of darkness this is where the void's end originates the darkness having transformed all of its inhabitants into void beasts a random thought for me but if you think about it the 13th world is the first one we ever visited thanks to the crystal tower raids happening long before our journey to the first igorim failed her mission as the fallen world was now unfit to rejoin the source she later started to aid la habrea as he prepared the source for other rejoinings a way for her to redeem her failure on the 13th at their bidding warring gods will shake the firmament and your world will be consumed in the swelling storm of chaos she stands with la brea as they both face the warrior of light in heaven's warts even fusing with them via the echo to form asean prime but even in this superior form they are defeated that power remains to us at least [Music] the warrior of light then traps a yorim in a shard of white aura sites a means created to trap asean's soul so they could be fully destroyed the warrior of light uses the eye of nidhogg to shatter the aura sight destroying igyorim once and for all [Music] next is altima like pastorates he only makes his appearance in a realm reborn alongside his fellow aseans but isn't seen again after these events however during stormbloods guy's belster shows that he has his mask among the collection he wears on his person which shows ultimate had an encounter with the former black wolf now turned assy in hunter we don't know if guys destroyed him fully or just sent him back to the rift but the latter is more likely given what we know we move now to metron metron was regarded as a mystery until the events of shadowbringers his true name prior to the convocation title of metron was artemis apparently he was an expert in creating sea life before the final days he and lagriff were assigned to bring about the calamity of the first so it could be rejoined to the [Music] save your source during his battle with artbert he was struck down with the latter zacks which unleashed a flood of lights that also transformed him into the sin-eater we know as eden he remained his way for many years until being freed by rein in gaia as gaia was a reincarnation of lagriff he tried to restore her memories against gaia's will the end result was metron was defeated by the warrior of darkness it's very likely after this defeat that metron's soul returned to the rift in order to be reborn his defeat at our hands was not enough to kill a standard asean as we've learned in the past as a result to the best of our knowledge mitran is either asleep in the rift or currently active next is emerloth first documented appearance in the game timeline was when she tried to free the primary eureka from its imprisonment on the isle of val golov baldessian and his allies cast a powerful spell over the island to stop her which cast the island into the livestream emerald thus had her essence scattered into the livestream itself while it's likely this would have been enough to destroy her she appears with her fellow aseans in a realm reborn which takes place after the events of the incident on the isle of val we don't know if this is the same memory loth or another sundered shard of her that was ascended to asean status as a result she's likely still active but we haven't seen her since we move now to nabriels seen with his fellow aseans in a realm reborn he takes an antagonist role in the story early on we meet at last warrior of light i am nabriales we encounter him after we lose heideln's blessing which gabrielle takes note of and as such attacks the rising stones now as the warrior of light is weakened he takes tupsomati former staff of luis with the intent to use it to cause another umbral calamity and kidnaps her in philia after she refuses to relinquish the staff we follow him into the rift and succeed in getting both the staff and miniphilia back as we return to the rising stones nabriels follows the scions spring into action and immediately trap him in white orasite then using the staff we channel aether into the aura site which shatters as a result and permanently destroys gabrielles [Music] but what trickery is this [Music] [Music] this either destroyed his soul completely or returned to the aetherial sea [Music] now we have lagriff during the final days lagriff offered to sacrifice herself as a catalyst to summon zodiac but her lover metron convinced her not to she was brought back after the sundering when the unsounders found one of her soul shards and her memories were restored along with metron she was assigned to bring about the calamity of the first as they were actioning their plan they were defeated by artbert lagerf was killed and metron unleashed a flood of light strangely though logarith's soul didn't return to the rift but instead reincarnated on the first as gaia some time later mitron attempts to restore logra's memories and erase gaius after a series of events logger's memories are not restored and gaia continues on as a result of this logrip is likely one we won't see again but it's very plausible shards of our soul exist under the reflections next is halmarut they make their only appearance in the realm reborn alongside their fellow aseans but after this meeting we don't see them again then came dudlophon another that makes their only appearance in a realm reborn alongside their fellow aseans but isn't seen again after this their mask however is among those in geist's collection meaning both parties came to blows at some point with guys either killing dudelphon or sending them back to the rift now the infamous fan daniel i am fan daniel and may i say what a pleasure it is to finally make your acquaintance as we well know van daniel was the leader of the telephone he's a more unusual character however ah money money money the great motivator there is simply no better way to move men and expedite plans than with its alluring glint would you not agree the original fan daniel whose real name was hermes was sunders like most of his fellow convocation members during the sundering his soul charge would continue on in the source and his reflections until the end of the third astral era his soul on the source was currently reincarnated as a man of the elegant empire em itselk offered to ascend him to asean ranks and restore his past memories something went wrong during this process however the memories were implanted but the ones of amman appear to be the dominant and even though he joined the aseans he was ever seeking to pursue the goals of the late elegant emperors and they their destruction of the world [Music] my heart's desire is to lay this half-broken world to waste leaving mary a fleck of dust behind he did as an end walker by freeing zodiac and merging with him forcing the warrior of light to defeat him which was part of his goal when zodiac was defeated van daniel's soul returned to the ethereal sea we defeat him one final time when we venture into the sea to find heidelin defeated once more his soul dissipates into oblivion alongside the unsundered and the overlords the aseans have a number of other individuals in their membership referred to as minor aseans we see a few of these during the story such as the aseans of the 12th pentagon sword staff and chalice we also see a mass mage which is assumed to be an asean but is never unveiled [Music] the most well-known and influential minor asean is travisette he made his first appearance during the original game 1.0 during this time he was seen manipulating the sahagan beast tribe towards asean ends he is last seen when he stole a sealed rocky from his shoulder before vanishing we learned later in heaven's wards that travancette was the one responsible for instigating the summoning of alexander a primal located in the giovanni in hinterlands he influenced an individual named might and gave her the magic horn he stole from me stole it in 1.0 and had her place in alexander's core we don't see him again or even have mention of him after these events but like the rest he can assume to be alive and that is every member of the asean organization we have current knowledge of making up the 13 seats of the convocation and the asean hierarchy as we understand this as well as those who serve them from this breakdown we see there are many asean overlords that are unaccounted for halmarot dudafion altima and pastorate are the prime examples only ever showing up once or twice in small cutscenes early in the game's story but never mentioned again however as i discussed earlier guys had many masks in his possession including some red and black masks showing at the least some of these aseans were defeated by him this begs the question of what happened to them are they still active it's full theory mode time there are a number of theories to explain their absence one is that they are still active but have chosen not to take any actions this one holds water for me after zodiac's defeat the ultimate goal of the asean organization was formed upon came to an end they could be idle for now or even working in the shadows this leaves the door open for them to play a role in the future stories as antagonists or even as potential allies depending on the circumstances we see a prime example of this in fan daniel who had already been making moves but upon discovering that all three on sunday were now gone he put his plans into full gear in acts that the unsundered would have tried to stop themselves that the last of the unsundered is gone [Laughter] [Music] begs another question however is it possible that most of them shoot a lot in with fan daniel the issue with this theory is we only ever see fandaniel we see no other russians interact with him or fight against us and not one of them appears in end walker if any of them were still pursuing the goal of completing zodiac they would have likely taken steps to stop van daniel or even showed up when he tried to unbind him the creature of pure instinct wanting for guidance the entire time we were on the moon i was honestly waiting for another rassian to show up objecting to fan daniels and xenos actions or even ones that were allied with them but neither of those ever happened one plausible theory is van daniel actually eliminated the other aseans as he saw there would be a roadblock in his plans this theory doesn't hold too much water however i doubt he alone would have been able to take out that many of his fellow aseans unless he caught them all by surprise but even then we know killing an assian letting on multiple aseans isn't an easy feat on that subject is the many masks gaius has in his possession we don't get the full story of how we came to possess these masks and what the end result was for some of the aseans he took them from i would see each and every one dragged into the light and put to the sword as i discussed earlier he either killed them fully or sent them back to the rift to the best of our knowledge he doesn't have the means to fully kill an asean one of the few methods we know just far is why a white or a sight but it's not out of the realm of possibility that they couldn't come into possession of disinformation or indeed a means of replicating the effects now then onto the main reason we have to suspect that they are either no longer active or no longer alive when we are in ultima thule and we summon elbit selk he turns to us and states and so as a show of respect to the last of us i make this declaration [Music] you will not end our journey that is our answer the answer of all lives of a theorist past and present this part made me think that all the aseans were either asians no more or had moved on or they were actually dead why else would them itself state the last of us is it possible that msl doesn't view the overlords as amarothians his demeanor changed of course in end walker but we know how we felt about sundered individuals a prime example is us that trick of the light you are a broken husk nothing more but my last question is the most important one what do you think about this topic let me know your opinion in the comments if you enjoyed this latest video give that like button a tap and feel free to subscribe if you haven't yet because i have many many more videos to come thanks all and now as always have a good one [Music] you
Channel: Wyrm Limion
Views: 34,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14, gameplay, final fantasy xiv gameplay, final fantasy 14 online, final fantasy xiv online, final fantasy 14 gameplay, wyrm limion, wyrmlimion, final fantasy 14 shadowbringers, final fantasy xiv shadowbringers, lore, endwalker, ffxiv endwalker, ff14 endwalker, story, main scenario, 6.0, ascians, future, lahabrea, emet-selch, elidibus, pashtarot, igeyorhm, altima, mitron, emmerololth, nabriales, logrif, fandaniel, convocation, halmarut, deudalaphon, ascian
Id: qvgXbnYZdv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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