The McGregor Era

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UFC star Conor McGregor was in court after this video surfaced of him storming onto a loading dock at Barclay Center New York if we had to take this yeah baby loose it's always something with Conor McGregor he told the judge nothing of this nature who would believe that at this point [Music] when is this ever happened never uh just two fighters like this but as far as I'm as far as I know this is unprecedented unprecedented I like it I own this town yeah I own Rio where's Jose he's not even here [Applause] tell him I'm coming I never you ready for this [ __ ] video I'm Ready for War you know that I need a tour yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so for him to say he is the king and I am the Joker and this was a different time I would invade his Favela on Horseback and kill anyone that was not fit the world my eyes little man about my hair what you got to say now face to face give me that special in that [Applause] room [Music] Rio is River right yes I love this [ __ ] I don't want to be nowhere else and I see Jose leaving his wife and his kid and he's missing his baby and he's missing his wife we don't have to I have this this is all I want to do you know what that means [ __ ] no drink your dream you like it yeah it looks good right no Never Say Goodbye come get it you come get it three two yeah I said I am his daddy Vegas is done Rio's done Holly is gone now we're here Boston the good life AKA The McGregor life in front of us you talk to them tell him I'm coming tell him I'm coming towards that King The King has arrived baby oh it's very nice this is cozy or something oh yeah [Applause] yeah [ __ ] I'll take that belt that's gonna crack you right in the chin that's gonna hit you around the team all right number one abandoned vault in New York City what's up man let's grab some cash discount I need more I need more than that Ah that's a great yes oh it's like in the jungle one king gets old he starts getting sloppy he starts stagnating then a young gorilla comes up and kills him and takes everything he owns that is what is happening here [Applause] awesome you guys thank you okay Beverly yeah daughter over here maybe over here [Music] [Music] did you enjoy getting your hands on this belt earlier it was built for the belt I doubt yeah I felt it felt familiar yeah I'm from Dublin Ireland I'm a brother Connor what exactly happened there I heard I slapped them in the back of the head I didn't slap them in the back of the head I put my hand on his neck and I bent them over all right let's do this awesome awesome grab your belt hey grab it now he hasn't won a whole lot all good he wants it away from him foreign [Applause] [ __ ] yourself [Applause] go ahead and push that into your ear to your comfort and they will talk to you in just a sec all those ribs is too painful and he will not be fighting so Chad Mendes now will fight Conor McGregor for the unit room belt so it makes sense they'll fight for the interim title and whenever Jose Aldo is ready then that fight can happen to unify you're going to want to watch me destroy Connor Chad you have charge your numbers are so low kid there's gonna be a lot of people tuning in they ain't chewing it for you chat let's let's call a spade a spade here we had to do an interview right before uh my Aldo fight and he's talking about putting balls on on my head and you know just being very unprofessional and uh you know this is something that you know I made it personal listen what what's what you gonna do you kind of you can't even pass God you're on a white belt on the ma well you get me down you hold me down I'll butcher you from the bottom I'll get back up and I'll put you on the feet we'll see is that conclusion next conference thank you for your participation I always do faster cardio I like training on an empty stomach because it takes you someplace so you're in a different mindset and then survival mode almost yeah on the hunt thank you all for joining us you're excited to be here today for UFC 189 let's get to the first question Connor let me just ask you you mentioned in the past that you're going to butcher this guy explain that to me yeah his facial structure will be rearranged after the fight I've been ready for this fight since the first time I've seen him fight in the UFC I mean we have guys on my team that are tall long South laws that can emulate this monkey over here I'm gonna kill this man across from me he's a little five foot two twerp you know when the fight Edge is closer the the face becomes blank it always is the same I become colder so I see nothing okay you gonna be all right thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I'm gonna break my opponent down I'm gonna raise that gold in front of my home country I have been feeling like the UFC world champion since the day I arrived here I [Applause] thing remotely similar to what's going on inside the mind and the body of Conor McGregor right now here we go spinning back kick immediately there smiling and taunting each other oh he heard him hard he heard him hard there [Applause] McGregor says let's keep her going listen to this 10 seconds [Applause] [Applause] Connor [Applause] disconnect [Music] it's the [ __ ] deal double g seven he brought in a guy to mimic me and the guy that mimicked me put him out of free with a spin kick that went wood Champion Mac mansion foreign [Music] [Applause] composed I am prepared and ready to put on the performance of my life [Applause] I wasn't buying into the Zen thing man I was ready I guess it was real all right foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] McGregor steps into the Octagon for the most highly anticipated matchup in the history of the featherweight division foreign [Applause] looks extremely loose and Aldo looks like he's feeling the pressure of this moment here we go relax and smiling oh my God unbelievable the first punch he threw boom boom there's a straight left and Aldo connected with a left right afterwards boom left hand out cold Hammer fist incredible that he connected with a punch as his brain was shutting off the notorious one the new UFC Undisputed Netherland champion of the world [Music] [Applause] Undisputed UFC he's powerful and he's fast but Precision beats power and timing beats speed and that's what you saw there you did all sir congratulations I [Applause] am and now you can go again and take that like him the right I enjoy moving so it's nice when you can pull some food in your belly and gum Wheels yes exactly trying to get cleaner and smoother trying to get a connection with the floor connection with the body I'm not a lot of work for this fight three two and one it's nine days to the fight we just trained for four and a half hours straight there and I'm still full of energy the guy was debating what next and I mean so I don't have to worry about weight I don't have to worry about nothing just keep the body loose keep the body Sharp and then go in and put this man away oh everybody nowadays is like there's this new movement stuff that Conor is bringing the table but I was already around that's what inspired us to begin with so they're acting like he's the head of the game and jumping ahead of the game already been there done that so it's nothing new to us you might be fooling all these other people but we ain't fooled by that [Music] three four days to the weigh-in and I have a full belly once you have the toast I had to paleo Panini chicken chicken panini it's pretty nice that's enough for two days nice and light it's not overdoing it yeah it's good good one guys yeah session you know you know you just compared it's an hour and a half yeah an hour and a half was an hour and a half session feels like 10 minutes now it is exactly all day walk all day long walk wake up training hop today eat half the day healthy and two the Rings in nice oh somehow you got it okay muscle down muscle down get it lock it up at the top beautiful muscle down you got it you pass the hard point now skin the cat hi I got it Haley's doing this thing at the press conference he's gonna try to bust me out and call me a cholo but that's the background I come from you know it's like hardcore where I live if if he came from where I come from he wouldn't have made it man everybody makes it out of where we come from and you don't know what I mean I work hard he talks about this for cards everyone works hard harder for me if he came with me he wouldn't make it halfway through the week he ain't working with nobody he ain't work with no black belts he ain't sport had no had no legitimate sparring has no legitimate trainer look at this trainer it's like this is ridiculous here you don't have anybody at MMA on a level like this yeah 130 posters every time we show up first thing so it's my 25th year C5 I'm used to this [ __ ] sign all these posters check in there take a workout itself it's been a phenomenal stay and now I enjoy the beach there's something relaxing about waking up every morning and looking out at the Sea and the sky and the sun it's a good place out here I asked whooping the ass whooping check the check another day it was a nice drive yeah and this baby it's like driving in a sitting around breakfast one breakfast too we see it even here it's Bike Week a little bit different for you how does that feel I'm just really enjoying my life it's it's a good life here at the top let's talk about that good life man I'm a car guy I love cars I've seen you rolling in Lamborghinis I've seen you in Bentley's room two roads where's your mama and there's there's the muscle as well yeah whip out the shoe up [Applause] can last a little bit all right look at your lineup look at my lineup you know what I'm saying I've been fighting top guys in a light wind water weight last nine years you've been fighting little guys [Applause] three days five days four months all right we got a whole team here everybody here is training for war man even like you know I'm fighting this weekend but these guys are all Warriors represent for me like I represent for them when they're fighting and uh the backup with the support I can eat me breakfast in the car yeah when all I want is a thank you or even a little dance welcome even a little dance dance for me Nate dance for me and don't look me in the eye when you dance you knocked out midgets I'm a lion in there your little gazelle friends are gonna be staring through the cage looking at you getting getting your carcass getting eaten alive and they can do no doubt all they're gonna do is say no we're never gonna cross this River again top 10 kickboxers you don't got you're playing touch butt with that dork in the park the ponytail and I'm the one that got no training part I don't think so you know Nate is always talking about people don't want to fight him and they're scared to fight him he's right like the likes of Pettis and all these people they are probably moving from them but I've hunted them down I stalked him like my like my prey and now I have him on Saturday night I will eat his carcass in front of his little gazelle friends and they can do absolutely nothing I strangle you on a happy [Applause] birthday [Applause] slap that [ __ ] your man's a little [ __ ] [ __ ] little [ __ ] I love it thank you so much careful now this was that [ __ ] why he is seeing some shots watching some clips on the internet I've been playing with some stuff another day my preparation is unmatched the results speak themselves my body is subtle solid free like a Silverback way in that leash how you feeling amazing I'm going another day to start waking up congratulations friends [Applause] time protect yourself at all times follow my instructions touch bugs if you wish let's do this [Applause] [Applause] job by Nate Connor's looking looking for that left hand over the top right hand landed by Diaz good Left Hand by Connor [Applause] Nate trying to become the aggressor here final minute of the first takes him down need up against the fence spins good Movement by Nate here round one in the books all right let's show them another round there we go full recordings caller recovery next question round two Connor good left advancing pretty much the whole flight Connor pouring it on here there's that uppercut oh my goodness combination nice knee to the body by Nate as well to McGregor here yeah he caught him again with the right hook and another left I did with the combination look out look out for the guillotine the guillotine I'm trying to get out of it Connor's in serious trouble gets the move my goodness now he's got the back now my goodness oh wow [Applause] he just shook up the world how's that feel uh I'm not surprised [ __ ] what a night ladies and gentlemen and we've heard a lot about the changes in your training camp and the way you're approaching it differently this time can you talk about how that was developed it forced us to look at how we were preparing and do what we've been doing from the beginning you know Focus I am faster I am smarter he is tough durable and big that's it I'm still gonna put them against that fence and I'm still gonna boost that soft skin up wow trying to get here get this fight get away from one of these people and go home and I'm just saying it's like I feel pretty much every time you gotta beat him bad I swear to God I gotta be that's the best baby watch on the menu George uh we got some barbecue honey chicken and um just real good man this is one of my favorites that's never been on the menu Plaza I'm fully prepared I'm prepared for everything he has to give I'm anticipating him being there for a full distance I wasn't anticipating him being there after the first round last time he made more excuses about the way he got his ass within the first part of the fight then I made it with why I lost a fight I feel that you're hungry again this will be the last one now before seven days out we are 50 minutes uh specific heart rate and a specific watch what's called for an endurance it's good because you're not pounding the roads are supposed to run you know what I mean you pound the roll is not good for the body he's peeping game that's all what you're doing man he's talking a lot of [ __ ] and do anything but he's been watching me the whole time you know after that last fight is but PPM and he's out doing what what he should be doing you know trying to do a more round oh my God if I have a bad mix knock him on his ass you got this new there on the scene McGregor coming he's got all the [ __ ] flash seat back in there all this [ __ ] he's got all this fan base behind him like right well you know good for him he's doing a good job but dude I think he was gonna have any chance of whooping next his ass hell no because like he's a new guy state of the art facility and I brought in my team people have been grinding with me day in day out people that have been with me since day one and then also Dylan Dennis is also hearing myself I see a black belt he's been a phenomenal addition he's very attack audience and you were doing this and you were trying to lock this you know so yeah that made you roll yeah because I feel a little bit because it's around all right come on okay okay you've done this before okay here you go thank you the stairs and also let's put it perfect thank you that's a nice little evasive and that was there but I'll trade down the point left right hand left over right hand leader hey finishes with the right hand pump nice yeah it's time to fight five weeks it's time to go so we're here and that's about it that's what's going down getting ready to get the show on the road kick in the bag yeah he switched now that's straight right yeah that's it there it's going six for three so he's a big long [ __ ] crisp crisp boxer what's up everybody thanks for coming today we appreciate it who has the first question we're starting without him he has to start respecting people's time man Jesus Christ it's out it's gonna I'm not gonna make it he's a little silly man good got pictures of me up in his garage with I just mean the face what the [ __ ] who does it make no mistake it will be a Trilogy fight down the line it won't be straight away but we will we will do it three times 100 percent little crackhead asses [Music] get the [ __ ] out of here [Applause] that's all right hey hey Connor Connor don't throw those [ __ ] Camp Connor Connor that's a wrap I'm going back everywhere let me talk let me talk once again nowhere here we get the face off let's keep it down the little Phil chill Saturday night is two nights away when it's time to go it's time to go I mean he's ready to go we're ready to go you know think about you gotta tell you're gonna come in and make a scene with a whole [ __ ] I got real gangsters coming in we train together every day he hired all his friends like I said that guy uh he won he walked in like he was the show you know but so when I left the show was over so leave the show his big brother called him off the stage and Little Nate Jr went no no no that's what happened [Music] any regrets about what happened yesterday can you tell us why he left the decision [ __ ] I'm gonna let you know that we got a whole game ready to ride [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] again you can't wait oh I think the other the other guys aren't here the other guys are here this guy 170 and a half [Music] good morning 185 right 168. foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] obey my commands at all times I want you to fight hard but fight clean if you want to touch close touch now good luck to you both you Diaz the Southpaw and the black Trump and as I suspected right away he's opening up with the leg kicks [Applause] over and over here bonuses Get on Up and again with the leg kick Nate's having a problem with that leg Mike again he does good shots of the body by Connor good counter again final seconds of the round one nothing McGregor so nice deep breath [Applause] with the leg kicks oh he heard it again another nasty leg kick by Connor obsessed every single day and again waiting for tonight again with the leg kick Diaz trying to score here Nate moving forward and again big combination Nate Diaz weathered the storm and now Conor McGregor is in trouble he goes high with the knee he ties him again things just got real interesting Connor is fading radically here a much diminished fighter in this third round and again with the leg kick a hard one and a good counter left Connor's moving away here and needs pointing at him oh he's tired wow and Nate points at him after he hits him and Connor counter to the left hand himself quick punches to the drop oh there's the big body shots McGregor's in big trouble here big trouble for McGregor [Applause] did those last few rounds on the road another hard Lake Kiki wobbled him with that one Mike again Nate with the clinch drops down for the double can he get it no good defense by Connor oh big shot by Connor and Diaz returns fire Connor with a beautiful combination oh beautiful counter by Connor slip catches shots you're dominating the clinch I was still moving today they putting the pressure on him Conor attempts of flying knee and Nate just Smothers it Nate drops down for the double can he get it this would be huge cannot get it McGregor's combination there by Nate Conor moves away from him yep good combination by Connor Nick shakes his head big elbow Connor takes a look up at the clock by Nate Diaz wow what a fight and win loser draw that was an incredible performance by both Fighters [Applause] give us your thoughts surprise surprise [ __ ] the king is back [Music] we're here in New York nice and early two weeks out we can we're back at the end of the day [Music] if you're a coach out there you better be ready to get more stars it's rock and roll and that corner was here training with us no we've exploded this dude's stupid tattoos oh my God how cool is that um thank you so much thank you I really appreciate the support thank you thank you all right thank you so nice to meet you okay was custom made clothes now I moved up the custom-made cars look at look at that boys look at that [ __ ] hell uh Billy winning Rome I have an unhealthy obsession with spending money but I have a healthy obsession with making it perfect the first event in Madison Square Garden and my chance at capturing the second world home how does that feel familiar oh no you always go business is good what's this for example [Music] there's a different energy out here I don't know what it is but there's something going on right now this is a nice feeling I feel energized by itself really really happy career it's my first time here this is the actual spot yeah okay [Applause] Connor's late he's coming [Applause] I can't fight by myself [Applause] all right [Applause] come get it I wonder how much a chair would have cost me Galaxy I'm a [ __ ] pimp Rocky guilty Mick and without me this whole [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I gotta keep Eddie and the pimp off each other [Applause] yeah some of the trips uh that was a hell of a lot of fun he wasn't there this is the fight before the fight round two I just this is going bad for him now it's all going downhill can I come up to your uh I feel Eddie is easily here all you gotta do is look at his face that boy is ugly he will be unrecognizable by the end of the contest just go look at Nate Diaz I could care less about the way I look after a fight I'll win come on Eddie you've been you've been over in Japan or some [ __ ] you've been fighting bombs out of life you've never been on this stage you've never been against a guy like me you're an absolute bum look at your face guys everybody outside everybody outside excuse me 154 four the Lights Went Out Conor McGregor stepped on the scale and knocked everybody's lights out [Applause] this is why I'm late because of crowds upon crowds are fine screaming at me [ __ ] you please please watch please walk [Music] what's happening Square Garden New York we made it yeah the notorious [Music] McGregor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ithm UFC lightweight Championship once you protect yourself at all times obey my commands at all times fight hard but fight clean if you want to touch gloves touch them now good luck first time at 1.55 [Applause] can he finish it right here right now pop back up Game Changer again he heard him bad Connor did it back at home in Ireland and he delivers another big left it just seems to be one of those punches and Fighters just get shot by [Applause] Connor looking for a fourth front kick to the body by Alvarez returned by McGregor here we go pressure pressure and Eddie Alvarez has been there before Oh tagged him again man oh wow look at this really [Applause] [Music] that might be the third good news Alvarez getting loose getting better here in this round though oh man until that oh he's done he's done [Applause] wow I do I'd like to take this chance to apologize to absolutely nobody wants oh that looks good it's been an honor calling your fight sir thank you very much you're welcome [Applause] [Applause] [Music] he's one of the greatest tacticians of any era at 49-0 so don't give a proof about his record I fight to fight it's the fight that everybody wanted we're delivering it [Applause] it's an honor for me to come over here in the Box inside and showcase my skill and see what's next I can't tell you exactly what's next but no something will be next month [Music] you know the winner would seem to line up for a fight with Conor McGregor later this year have you had any initial discussions with him this is obviously a fight that that is very important to him and and his future it'd be awesome thank you smash the windows Jesus Christ just tell me where where and that's it why you need come here show up like you want to apply for something like this so today was Ultimate media day and Connor showed up with uh 20 to 30 goons and uh storm the place the Mac life guys who are credentialed let them in the police are looking for them they're gonna arrest him and um unless he turns himself in his private plane is going to be grounded his passport is no good um he's in a lot of trouble [Music] [Music] I'm on probation with the Milwaukee balls and ongoing and incoming civil cases and I'm coming here to do this [ __ ] bring the fans here here we are he just wanted a war here we [ __ ] our A Little Rock a little weasel a little hard man in groups I've met many of them through my years a man who grows in numbers but on his own and when confronted in a similar situation cowards away he [ __ ] his jokes after after doing something to his own country man I am going to truly truly love putting a bad bad beating on this little glass jaw rat and come here for Smurfs this guy smash me I can see you say send your send location here he is right here in Frontier I'm right in Frontier did you not see me at the outside the bus now did you not see me right in front of you outside the [ __ ] bus I showed you my hands no weapons here's my location you little fool right in front of you do something that way deals on the belly yeah you'll do nothing Conor McGregor is going to blank khabib when you guys meet each other stump on his head as he's unconscious now you're up on the real [ __ ] kid yeah with the real dogs now and they're gonna be smoked October 6th live on pay-per-view and I am gonna love every [ __ ] second of it oh you hope it's a long night in Twitter you remember this when we talk when I slip your teammates why you don't send me message if you wanna fix this why you don't send me a message what you come with 40 people and you think you can change you have problem with my brother or teammate something like this you give him sleep now you have to give answer okay I'm gonna come he gonna send but okay one guy two guy ten guys or alone doesn't matter but why you come with 40 people twin twin when the person you are looking for showed up yeah took a [ __ ] on the back of a bush so shoot your [ __ ] mouth okay but why you don't ask your friend eh when someone gives you sleep you have to give him back my friend you're afraid you have to fight if you lose we're gonna come what's wrong with him what's wrong with your team that everybody eat the same now one night that everybody eats lamb hey you ask your friend why he eat the sleep you ask him you have to ask him you have to ask him go ahead ask these nuts oh you don't have to do nothing for nobody issued a warning to you saying that Conor doesn't fear anyone what do you say to Floyd Mayweather I am deployed my weather box 26 and I'll never lose round and I don't know what this guy talking about I don't understand what he gonna do six October he think whiskey gonna help him and I've seen this man wobble many times I've seen his brother sparked unconscious in another promotion I know he is afraid of a smack and if you're afraid of a smack off me a smack will feel like a double battle shotgun [ __ ] you film don't come out again you know I went and I went around the world and that last one was like asparagus and put many of my tools into the toolbox and left them there when I stepped into that boxing ring I see him as a dead man Walker he [ __ ] his jokes like he always does it's nothing new I'm gonna go in smack him hard rattle his head and raise that gold once again UFC embedded what did he call it Mike better I'm just visualizing positions situations that may present themselves in the fight and just just enjoying being in my thoughts supposedly solid team people here to help me people who specialize in all disciplines so I'm very happy with my team we are well prepared and we are ready yes in [Music] and still run and still he may have wrestled dagestani bears but he has never wrestled an Irish gorilla Conan and that's what he's about to face on Saturday night Victoria 's building he's returning to the Octagon on Saturday night please give him a warm welcome the notorious Connor's not here yet khabib said he's not going to wait he wants to start the press conference without him I don't need to wait for nobody 3 P.M I beginning if you guys have a question let's go does it affect you at all dealing with the booze no it's okay they have to they have to support this guy I'm okay about this thank you guys 15 minutes I'm here this guy didn't come this is big disrespect and see you tomorrow guys have a good night [Applause] two to a bowling we don't give a [ __ ] about him or his people it's another day set in the bar high and knocking it out apart or you plan on knocking that man's nose straight into the nosebleeds that's what's going to happen on Saturday night here we go we better tell our Morty time a little late from the Little League closing in on fight time you just cook yourself in that [ __ ] Sonic you smelly dagestani rat and beat it on 40 at that weigh-in and be there on Saturday at that [ __ ] free that's it [Applause] 154 and a half [Applause] what's happening my friends welcome to the Wayans for the biggest fight in the history this morning [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we gotta keep this clean touch gloves now if you wish to all right let's do this [Applause] khabib looking to complete the takedown and he gets it man nice pass straight to half five let's see what he does with this exactly the start that Habib nurmagomedov was looking for in round one [Applause] nasty right hand he goes back and forth and that's what's made up the best he's on top of a full mouth good scramble by Connor getting his guard back oh Connor's talking to him I can't hear what he's saying but he's getting tagged talking he's not saying nice things oh Connor's in serious serious trouble McGregor forced to just cover up how many shots can one man take oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] now beam to the body he doesn't seem to fear the power coming back from McGregor as yet [Music] 15 minutes in the books we head to the championship rounds good entry boner Marco Madoff McGregor trying to use the fence to his advantage trip right down again full Mountain there it is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] broken loose how do we let these people back in here why don't we just separate them I mean an amazing night of mixed martial arts competition somewhat marred here late by the fight after the fight and this is what I believe if I put this belt on you everybody's gonna start throwing [ __ ] into the octagons [Music] he will not talk to Joe Rogan we will I mean he's still throwing things at him he's going to experience hate like he's never experiencing his entire career what did he say what did he say he said listen man I'm I'm upset I don't give you I don't give a [ __ ] about any of that stuff you know we don't like each other whatever he didn't even press charges you know you know he doesn't like Habib and the whole deal but he didn't press charges against him and his team he he doesn't care about that he cares that he lost the fight hello I'm happy to come back and have my comeback fight in the beginning of my season against Donald it's an exciting bill it's a fan friendly belt it's a fight that excites me and I look forward to it it's gonna be a good night and I'm Gonna Shine here on January 18th I'm going to create Magic inside the Octagon like I have done many times before so you know there's so much external noise especially at this level of the game you know in this light that I've that I've forwarded from myself with so much external noise that has no knowledge of anything and it's so constant so I've just developed skill of just ignoring it completely and just focusing on internal my internal thoughts well done everybody well [Applause] oh yeah oh yeah is this this a lot of things so we've got to go on that one yeah instead of going out because I think it's live so yeah we're pleased to be joined Now by Conor McGregor and I have a lot of love for the tiger and I wish both teams well and I can't wait to see the match take place thank you thank you I don't know the difference between the teams I was like you could say meditation yeah self meditation not like [Music] yes I'm not gonna raise the beat so much you know I actually look at the name where there's the shots on the flag and the way I was punched and I actually can't even watch that I'm like oh this shiver is watching the way I was trying to be born just back then it just wasn't sitting right on the middle I mean it's from the air now I'm getting into a position sitting there yeah there you go season 22. 00 quality Good Times this time I actually like it I like it it's very good you got a mad reaction when the voice came out already a crazy reaction so that's what do you think of the studio amazing not quite a Mystic mat or even a clairvoyant Cowboy but he said he wants a head kick knockout in the fourth round he wants it he's not predicting it so it's different I'm not really interested in what he has to say to be honest you know I like Donald no no ill will against Arnold book I'm gonna put him away and I'm going to put them away smoothie mother brother love it there we go I'm excited to be back and excited to have a perform on Saturday night it's tight perfect there you go nice love it is he no no wow how about that um it's always a fun time these press conferences the fans always enjoy it it's good to get face to face with the opponent it's a great path to the game right the notorious Connor McGregor [Applause] he has my respect and and although There Will Be Blood spilled on January 18th it will not be bad blood and for the Mystic Mike prediction it will be AKO oh man it's cool to finally uh get what I deserve man it's cool so uh thank you Connor and you write you do bring the biggest paydays you do bring the biggest eyes so why not have Cowboys welcome Donald welcome I'm the lawyer for you bro yeah seriously truly can you fight the big fight you never make it on the big fight here's the biggest one let's see huh foreign [Applause] do you find this more pleasurable I mean I think in the past man you've had the weight of the world on your shoulders as you're you know creating these rivalries is this better it's still a high intense belt and make no mistake I'm coming with all my intent and all my all my skills to put down all the way I know you're asking me who's next what's next and uh for me it's me next I'm just coming back in fresh ready prepared looking to compete you're going to see a lot of me right right five seconds after I'm still down to this morning [Laughter] 170. let's go Connor Thank you very much thank you what's happening my friends [Applause] official Lane 170 for Mr McGregor [Applause] now come on come on here [Music] oh protect yourself at all times follow my instructions we're going to keep it clean touch gloves let's do it [Applause] Spirits Romanian blue Conor McGregor with a couple early shoulder strikes is in green Wich [Applause] he broke his nose from his shoulder and he pointed to his shoulder to show him that he did that yeah wow unbelievable boom and again he sets it up boom again on the nose that time and again that one on the eye Clips him right on the jaw yeah right over the guard man the king is back no doubt about it [Applause] baby boom they knew he wasn't expecting that level change level buying walking into it so I'm going to party then I celebrate spend time with me finally and then get back in the gym and train and anyone it is it Melody Fields can get it it was harder to call your fight Conor McGregor kind of smooth it's there I slept the first leg of the truck woke up Abu Dhabi time in the morning which I plan on waking up when I get there I'll be fighting early so everything's right on track it's good to see you my friend how's your family my wife's gonna come up on the last Charter we're about to go to a five-star jail bubble so it's all good I started jails before so that's just nice thank you so much you know it's good to be here in Flight Island to see in the flesh I got a good look at the Etihad Arena as well checking it all out so very excited to be here very ready and yeah let's get it going you know just Good Vibes good practice finish off my practice uh carry on with the weight make weight and then perform you know I'm gonna come in and show the world something special once again and I'm very excited for it [Music] because we've spoken before about being emotionally invested it seemed personal to you the first time around it were and it was I felt like I was fighting everybody I just cared what everybody said and now I don't care talk to me through the weekend how does this man event play out oh I'm gonna put on a Flawless performance here an absolute Clinic I'm excited all across the board I'm confident all my skills are on fire at the minute you know pinpoint Precision my kicks my punches my my knees my wrestling my Grappler my clinch but there is respect there for sure making that [Music] it will still translate so I'm excited to get in and to create highlights that's what it's about you know what I mean at the end of the day everything is built money all of this comes and goes the highlights live on this is my 10th UFC Main Event that's an exclusive club by the way the 10 UFC main events so I'm excited about that okay I put in a lot of walk throughout this buildup to get myself down to a lightweight frame there's not an issue with the weight at all it's not even a weight cut yeah yep you know I'm right there and it's been quite seamless and just look right at that camera man um good solid lightly flame there ripped powerful we cannot wait to get into this Arena I can definitely see that switch Yeah oh yeah [Music] everyone kind of wants to hey Connor you've done it all you're so rich you're rich and Dana over here I just what are you doing here I'm like I'm not I'm not allowed here I want to be here I want to perform for the fans what does the cham Cham do he does a choice okay I conquered it let's conquer it again you know what I mean they were toys that's what the cham Cham does and I tell you this now I am coming to put on a masterpiece so I'm excited about it oh you know what it is [Music] 155. yeah 55 the official weight for Conor McGregor IES Championship weight [Applause] 156. 156 the official weight for Dustin Poirier good job Justin you too man [Music] does it feel good to do this again Abu Dhabi what's going on Welcome to the ceremonial weigh-in for UFC 257. I'm Gonna Leave myself in there man every bit of myself let's go ladies and gentlemen the King has touched down on fight Island 155 pounds the official weight [Applause] oh [Applause] it's time we've been over the rules protect yourself at all times follow my instructions gonna keep it clean touch gloves let's do it both guys exchanging quick I think kicks are very important for Dustin trying to get close in there [Applause] man he does that so well he throws his entire body into that strikes solid Connor trying to grab the other hand of Conor McGregor that's not allowing Conor to work with the left hand and keep it nice and close back to the center of the Octagon 90 seconds to go that's not his game right he's not a wrestler so having the wrestler extend the periods of time it's tough landing at distance there excuse me DC there's a solid calf kick there from Poirier and he points at him because Dustin Poirier and both guys really Landing well in this yeah it's a very good round the way out yeah backhand open we're on the way out yeah other than that keep doing what you're doing oh look at that uppercut the right hand lands flush for Connor Connor has not checked any of those little calf kicks man he's Landing him but he's got to remember DC to get back to the boxing too he can't just throw that because Connor will get the timing like that you just can't take him on the end of the punches oh man you can't sit out here at this range and play with mcgregories and then you saw him get more and more confident as the fight went on told you [Applause] I got my husband I swear to God once Poirier gets comfortable gets his confidence going he's one of the baddest men on the planet and he is as tough as they come and he had him hurt oh Dustin we knew his timing on the count of two was some of the best in the game but I just don't give a [ __ ] man I'm here to win Lafayette Louisiana how about your guy ladies and gentlemen your main event winner Dustin the Diamond Poirier if you put in the time in here you're gonna get cozy in here and that's how you just I have to dust it off and come back and that's it and that's what I will do thank you for everything your time ladies and gentlemen how about it the notorious Conor McGregor boom We Are The Champions foreign big drama in the desert here we go again back in the desert baby baby yeah hard to beat this Collier tomorrow into the desert baby [Applause] look yeah you gotta love it so look we're back here [Applause] what's up [Applause] in a very hard Camp a lot of hard work I'd come here 10 Mile cycle I'd Spar two fresh bodies over over a course of five rounds I'd go home I rest in our train again you're gonna miss three sessions a day I'm ready to go it's been all mixed martial arts this one so I'm excited to showcase I'm coming in with with vicious intent here Mora shots so I'm gonna whip out all the weapons here and I'm aware of what you know that Panic shot that panic in his body it's I see it all written all over him I saw it in the force fight when I sparked him I sent electric bulbs to his entire body from his head to his toes you can see him rattling the Octagon in the fourth round and in the second round he was out on his feet so he knows it as well as I know it and that's it's it's gonna be it's gonna be a bud run you know I believe breakfast Castle there you go right there hold up that my performance to win the second world taught was the greatest single greatest performance in UFC history and it's raised slightly yeah right there perfect I'm gonna top that on Saturday night about this this is a big boy look into him gotta watch it I'm not joking with you Dana I know I'll have more brought up for you once the press conference starts I'll get more brought up look I'm cool just not if he gets closely I'm slapping I'm gonna let you know that all right what's up everybody Cav kicks led to shots that that hands that opened up shots boxing that opens up cat yeah I can't walk you again on Saturday nights of the last fight you're unusually kinda Dustin now I'm quite big it's the exact opposite so we're in that switch because he got knocked the [ __ ] out not big brother fast McGregor sleep he's bus that Douglas is what he is it was a fluke win and I'm gonna correct it on Saturday night you know what's up you know what's up you know what's up yeah foreign palpable T-Mobile Arena will be loaded for the first time since March of 2020. one five six one fifty six the official wait for Dustin Poirier one five six the official weight 156 pounds for Conor McGregor thank you Connor [Applause] wow [Applause] guys [Music] [Applause] protect yourself at all times follow my instructions we're gonna have a clean fight touch gloves if you wish at this time let's do it thank you he stung them with that left hand oh Connor's really making him think about that right leg oh [Applause] he's got to get you here [Applause] needs to give up on this guilty to try to get back to the speed though [Applause] he's been through so many five rounds big right hand huge right hand for Dustin's [Applause] oh [Applause] one second [Applause] so that is it after five minutes Conor McGregor breaking his ankle at the end of the round he actually broke his leg Yeah it's bad everybody born you can kiss my whole [ __ ] Dustin Poirier ladies and gentlemen if we had to take this [Applause] your wife is in me DMS hey baby you're looking [ __ ] you little hoe listen was a wild fight for as long as it lasted I'm sure you'll be back and I'm sure you're gonna want Dustin again and I'm sure he'll oblige you [Music] they go down as the greatest of all time you need to put these people away and put them away in style I move different I think different I speak different I am a different athlete than these people this is who I am I like to look good I'm whoop ass it's what I do best [Music] I personally have a vision of myself as the world champion because this is the beginning of the McGregor era foreign [Music]
Channel: Larone
Views: 4,042,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conor, mcgregor
Id: 3LWHOi6o9aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 18sec (5418 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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