McGregor vs. Mendes | Best Moments

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light yeah [ __ ] off ah that's playing brilliant it is a gracie you know like to look at but like to be in the middle of it to be heavy right through it is it yeah get a snap on it it's another day in the life living in hotel rooms walking where you can get it in where you can i've been living in these hotel rooms for a [ __ ] long time now it feels like and until less than two weeks it's all going to be worth it his coach called and basically said that all those ribs is too painful and uh he will not be fighting so chad mendes now will fight conor mcgregor for the union belt the number one guy in the world chad mendes is ready to go so it makes sense they'll fight for the interim title and whenever jose aldo is ready then that fight can happen to unify it's not the first time it's happened that someone's pulled out uh late notice now we get seen against one of the strongest wrestlers that's not bad on the feet very easily and then whether aldo comes back and fights conor or he just decides to retire connor will be the unified credible champion yeah i'm fighting conor for the title on the 11th so i'm getting ready i'm pushing i'm i'm making weight i'm going to show up to vegas this is the real deal so i'm excited guys we're trying to hold in an irish dirt at all times all everyone's a specialist in their own area are we sticking with the shades on 100 okay and uh you know just get loose i want you to feel loose you got room to move what can you see on it on this show turn the screen around let me see ah that's [ __ ] s i'm conor mcgregor the seal to be ufc featherweight champion watch me destroy chad mendes this saturday night live on pay-per-view you're in the octagon with a good day to die hard on fx you're in the octagon with a good day to die hard on fx yippee kaye [ __ ] his biggest thing i think is solid standard but he's kind of creative with it but that works for guys that are scared and cower and move out of position for somebody that stays put and stays protected it's not that dangerous when you get asked to fight for the title in the ufc even if it's two or three weeks notice you don't turn it down i mean at least that's how my mentality is you know this is what i've worked for my entire life chad has found a recipe for himself there's been shorter training camps this is going to be a fight that's more mental than anything i think connor's the type of guy that wants to get in god's head you know he tries to break people he tries to you know just get inside their heads before but not on here baby had you already thought that aldo was going to drop out of the fight but really i don't i don't blame the man i was going to [ __ ] butcher him rip him limb from limb you're going to want to watch me destroy connor chad you have chad your numbers are so low okay there's going to be a lot of people tuning in they ain't chewing it for you chad let's let's call a spade a spade here you shouldn't answer that phone connor do you think chad is a tougher fight than jose i think chad is the substitute the b level we had to do an interview right before my aldo fight and he's talking about putting balls on on my head and you know just being very unprofessional and uh you know this is something that you know it made it personal and uh for me you know you don't [ __ ] do that tracking him with everything i have every shot the heel the knee i don't know how you're going to be pressuring anything from your back dude trus listen what's what you're going to do you can't ev you can't even pass guard you're a white belt on the map you're going to do the splits on me all right you're so tough we're getting ready for the conan o'brien show which is a big show in america i believe i know he's a big red-headed guy x74 [ __ ] you need to have a passport if you're traveling with exotic skins cayman crocodylus so if i have them i need to prove that they were bought in las vegas [ __ ] sluggard so you guys know the movie step brothers so you know when they sleepwalk and they do all kinds of crazy stuff the director got that idea from spending time on the road with chill he actually does that stuff so he didn't just post it one time he posted about a hundred times tons of people blowing me up i actually had to put my phone on airplane mode because it was just ringing non-stop thanks chill thanks buddy the more you move the colder it is my nipples always feel like they're about to fall off pure chad's opponent right now yeah injury what do you think happened he has been medically cleared to fight doctors have looked at him examined him he went and saw a gynecologist and a choice take his head off and if i don't do that i'm going to put him on his back and make it one hell of an hour that was solid yeah [Applause] he wants but you know face to face man the man [Applause] is where i came from yeah i'm representing the family athlete like you yeah i think i think you're [ __ ] breaking dude i think he's gonna break dude his [ __ ] head off dude [ __ ] excited for you dude you know basically what i do is i kind of look for tendencies stuff that they love to do oh [ __ ] drop them there with that kick again that's that's the best one right there this is a pace it's super slow mcgregor and he's a top 10 fighter he just didn't have the power you know yeah there you go get out great job great job it's almost game time baby feeling great feeling like a beast you better [ __ ] watch out connor time to get in there and [ __ ] put on a show i'm gonna [ __ ] whoop your ass dude not in my shoulder did you catch me what's this yeah try that connor you're better than jack it's not about time it's not about the push it's about the feel you come up against me with a singular approach it's not enough thank you if i was to give him some advice it would be to have a backup plan you wouldn't get a better view anywhere than right here yeah wouldn't you know look at how far they're going over there the icelandics don't give a [ __ ] they have the northern light there but i don't care about fireworks this is meat that i've actually gone out and hunted for i got anything from wild turkey breasts wild pigs like this is a full rack of ribs from a wild pig this is all my stuff from new zealand we got the red stag back strap the fight business i just get a buzz from me i always do fasted cardio i you training on an empty stomach because it takes you someplace once you're in a different mindset you're in survival mode almost yeah on the hunt there's some similarities between hunting and fighting you gotta have the focus you gotta get in that zone it's that time to get in there and and whoop someone's ass so i'm gonna put connor's head up here somewhere have a few pairs of polygons now i love animals dogs and cats and [ __ ] like that i remember reptiles yeah they had the chance they would [ __ ] him yeah they'd be wearing me on their feet if they had the chance here all right let's do this so he was asleep talking last night and he said we're gonna make it happen okay and i was like what yeah we're gonna make it happen okay and i was like all right let's make it happen dude going to be laid out oh you're not here i think the stage is going to be here yeah it's the biggest it's literally the biggest event the biggest way we've done that so the stage is going to be there and the whole arena get the [ __ ] in there what we focused on and trained for the last you know probably few days has really just peaked my mind and i feel very confident going into this fight that you know the game plan we've put together is going to work really well what is it about him that's gotten under your skin the guy thinks he's god's gift to the earth and um you know the fact that he's taking things to a personal level for me it's it's gonna feel good to punch him all it's doing is feeding my fire the last couple weeks training i've had teammates talking trash to me you gotta tune all that stuff out i mean this there's no different difference between your opponent sitting there talking crap and all the people in the stands all around you yelling crazy stuff at you i step up and fight i don't yell like the rest of them he was an all-american wrestler in college and over the years he has developed staggering knockout power i said one by one i will take every single one of them out whether it is chad forest and jose next or jose now and chad next i will get every single one of them i said i would do that and i will do that we just got to tj's house i'm about to jump in the hyperbaric chamber tj just got out of it not very much time you know before the fight so you know any advantage we can get we're gonna jump on it and um you know we're training hard so you know this is great for recovery and uh i need that right now you know i train with guys that are world champions i train with guys that you know fought for the title many times and conor's never fought a guy that knows he's the baddest man on the planet i have that mentality i will take that belt from jose and i will come back hunting for your little [ __ ] head he can say what he wants he can do what he wants it's not gonna bother me at all when we step in that octagon i'm gonna be looking to rip his head off conor's been training for aldo you know i think a stand-up war and i think the questions always been asked is how's mcgregor's ground game chad's a bad bad matchup for conor mcgregor and chad's got the perfect recipe to get him to the ground i think he's the strongest wrestler in the division you know we're going to see things of mcgregor we haven't seen before come on let's go three minutes nice chad i don't care about where chad's focuses i'm going in there with complete confidence in my ability to shoot any opponent they put in front of me down okay three fives clinching ground five minutes off you go connor is really hard to take down even if you take him down he's very good at getting up and connor's pressure on the feet is something else if you haven't experienced it you're gonna have some serious trouble he's gonna hit a brick wall i have finnish people in the ninja finnish people who've been working to take me down i have finishing shots from everywhere i should be on that podium i should be standing right there that's that should be my spot and dave maybe you should see here cause it's me who's at the bringing all this seven point one million dollar gay highest numbers every time we have self we have superstars singing us into the octagon who do you think got that me connor is a very one dimensional fighter he's just a long southpaw stand up fighter he doesn't have wrestling he doesn't have jiu jitsu you know you wipe all that hype out of here i'm gonna get in there and destroy this dude bottom line we've done a lot of build up into this i've i like i said i built this event this is the mcgregor show make no mistake about it so when i go inside that octagon i'm going to pull the trigger and eliminate my opponent and i'm going to enjoy every damn second of it let's say i pull out let's say i pull out and it's jose and chad up here the gate easily chad's last gate was 545 000 607 that's that's that's less than my show money it's absolutely embarrassing yesterday conor was talking about uh some tweets that you sent to uh jose aldon he said trying to be friendly you're trying to be little friends with him oh please can i have your fans it's a [ __ ] he is a novice in my eyes i look at him as a novice he he throws an overhand right he looks at the floor closes his eyes and hopes for the best this is this is day one beginner stuff where i come from so he will find out the range and the difference um in skill level when we when we face him when we collide i was just still asleep and he came into the room and woke me up and says hey connor uh ho it looks like jose's out it's going to be mendes i opened one eye i said they are all the same i closed my eyes i went back to sleep and that was that was that it makes no difference i can take you down and beat a hole in your face and i can submit you what else can he do and conor what would your response to that be he will do absolutely none of those things every athlete must they must have things that they go to to believe in and to enter the contest but he knows himself and he will know um that he is in over his head it's as simple as that the first exchange he will know and i when i look at him compete and i look at him train i see fatigue i see inefficiency and when that happens against me you were in a lot of trouble and this isn't [ __ ] yoga we're fighting dude it's going to be uncomfortable he has been sweating me since i arrived in the promotion as has the whole division i can't as soon as i came on the scene everybody start preparing to fight me because they knew the king is i can't understand you you know if i was to jump under an x-ray machine i'm sure a couple of little knocks and bruises would show up on me too but i'm still here so if i mean it's the fight everyone wants is the fight we we walk towards so if he comes back from his jog we will we will consider but it will be on my terms he will do as i say how do you see the fight going if it goes stand up well first off i'm gonna i have to say that uh i'll probably knock him out conor mcgregor is going to dismantle you do you go up or do you go down what do you do after he beats you did you make sure you took your juice this morning bro i will win on saturday bottom line go sit down connor can you please rip chad mendes his head off you have to have a lot of fresh way and it makes the only word at once some law suits three pieces i'm surrounded by a lot of luxuries they have been built through sacrifice and continue to be built through sacrifice together king mcgregor it's it's good up here at the top when you got someone feeding your fire definitely makes for a more interesting training camp anytime you're in there pushing yourself to the limits you have that in the back your mind is go that little extra there's no way that guy's getting in my head the thing is i'm still trapped and i'm prepared for battle i can hit like mike tyson in there especially with those little gloves on and i'm looking to put someone to sleep i've said this i am the world champion and this is it thank you for having me all the mistakes he makes all the [ __ ] he does wrong he's gonna see [ __ ] i see an object in the way that's about to get removed and now to get the official weigh-ins for ufc 189 underway here is joe rogan look at this crowd this is my time to shine and i'm going to take that belt i feel like the champ already that's what makes me different the notorious connor it's perfect for me i get to get in there beat the crap out of conor mcgregor and get a belt there's not a man alive that can be me connor mcgregor 145 for mr mcgregor chad money mendez [Applause] 144 and a half for mr mendez all right i'll meet with conor mcgregor chad is a an overblown [ __ ] man tomorrow night i'm gonna come in half and raise gold for ireland for my country good luck to you sir this is [ __ ] awesome man look at this [ __ ] it's time to take what's mine baby [Applause] chad mendes ladies and gentlemen there's no joke but i don't think he knows what he's getting himself into it's going to be a chapman i know what the guy's capable of and you know the whole world's gonna see when he goes out there and uh and destroys conor mcgregor i think mendes is gonna win decision that's what i'm thinking oh my god where'd that come from check this out oh who is it where'd chad go we're going to make connor a pretty good fighter on one condition he's not going to be able to unflax his lats his whole life and he'll never shut the [ __ ] up either they're like all right deal you're gonna be all right [Music] down a professional wow looking at that profession i don't [ __ ] about this game [Music] [Applause] tonight i am going to press forward and i am going to break my opponent down i am going to raise that goal in front of my home country connor's got a big mouth on him he runs his mouth he's running his mouth all the way to the top my style my power my athleticism is going to destroy this dude he stands out he stands out because of his performances he stands out because of the way he's been able to promote fights he stands out because of his confidence and he stands out because of his abilities i feel my power go along with my precision will be too much for anyone to handle this fight's definitely gonna live up to the hype there's a lot of people that want to see me destroy conor and that's what i'm here to do my confidence is sky high going in here and i will dispatch of him what we're gonna see tonight is a guy in conor mcgregor who is a really a unique one of a kind the first of his kind a guy who combines crazy trash talk and hype with spectacular talent and skills and confidence [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the irish people have come out tonight in a way that just defines them as a nation and this man has incredible weight on his shoulders right now joe it's like a rock concert in here 107 decibels sinead o'connor conor mcgregor the fighting irish looking to leave with the belt [Music] with a simple save and baby don't tread on [Music] [Applause] mcgregor 26 conor mcgregor with an 8 inch reach advantage [Applause] all right gentlemen we've been over the rules protect yourself at all times follow my instructions touch gloves if you wish come on ready to fight looking for the tape that's a big power shot he gets him down nicely done there's a good shot by chad beautiful shot by chad connected the right then the left 10 seconds [Applause] champion wow [Applause] herb dean stops the fight the new interim usd featherweight champion of the world the notorious conor mcgregor and i knew my shots were landing every time i heard them many times to the body and then the precision with the left hand nobody can take that left-hand shot it's as simple as that everyone breaks and he broke so my eyes jose has gone running if he wants to come back he can come back but i swear to god his day will come there was a lot of talk in him he was trying to get into my head trying to get into his head just but i i respect him he stepped up he showed up you know you have to respect that so yeah um i have respect for him he came to fight and we fall some of the hits i mean there's definitely some of the guys in our gym that hit a lot harder but i mean with those little gloves on it doesn't take much so you know he was a better man tonight there's not a whole lot i can say about it other than uh you know i'd like to try it again if rousey outdraws connor i'm sorry if conor outdraws like conor just outreach everybody yeah this is the biggest this is the biggest gate in u.s history sinead o'connor i actually ended up calling sinead o'connor i called her and uh and i said have you ever heard of the ufc and uh and she said no but i've heard of conor mcgregor it's the it's the efficient fighter who will prevail so i never really bothered about the question my team knew what i was capable of i knew i knew when i hit him i would hurt him um and that was it just know that i had a hell of a lot more wrong with me than a bruised rib and i still showed up i was speaking to him in there i knew i knew i was being efficient here and when my chance arose i was gonna i was gonna crack him with every shot i had and i felt the body the body really uh broke him down and then then we put him away with the shot to the chin i was never in any danger in that contest tonight and i felt extremely confident i spoke to him throughout every single exchange that it was nothing this is you're against a different animal now this was this is this was the event that we built we he he should have made that walk and respect the chad from making that work and showing up um but in my opinion jose is jose is doing and every time i say you know what [ __ ] this next time i'm not doing all of this and then i get handed the check i'm like all right then i'll do it one more time shanheid is an absolute legend an irish hero a passionate powerful strong woman and a voice sends chills through my spine anytime i listen to her so havor their singing life was an absolute honor what a night of fighting you know so i'm just happy to close out the show on on the sport that i love and introduce everyone that may have not seen it before maybe a new audience but this is this is our sport this is the ufc and this is as real as it gets every show he true i spoke to him he has he has a he has heavy shots he's been he's put people away but i didn't feel nothing i don't feel anything when he's fed away hits featherweights hit me i feel like a concrete block he was searching for his enemy his gas tank and i was stabbing him in the gas tank and then the stray shots landed the the the roundhouse the spinning kicks i felt the fight went exactly as i said it would like they usually do
Channel: Larone
Views: 2,672,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conor, mcgregor
Id: 1BDt3XeAsW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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