UFC Chronicles: Baddest Dude on the Planet

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen this is the main event of the evening this fight is three rounds in the UFC middleweight division so the first time I saw Anderson Silva fight was when we fought Chris leben and I knew a little bit about Anderson Silva not a ton touch clubs touch clubes go back to your cor let's start I had no idea who the guy was and at the time Chris leben was smashing people it was hard to imagine how Anderson was going to beat Chris leben let's get it off nobody had ever hurt him nobody had ever knocked him down after he gets in there with me and I knock him out he he may want to go back to Japan or somewhere where the competition's a little easier I was there I was there front row and I thought I don't know I think you might live to regret those words Chris I head kick oh and Le goes down turns out Anderson hits a little harder than most guys oh he is in big trouble Chris Le goes down again the debut of Anderson Silva last less than one minute when he destroyed leben I said man if you keep destroying people like that nobody's going to want to fight you and he was like oh I hope not I I want to fight I need to make money that's what I was talking about this is a different kind of Striker so Anderson went on quite a run after Chris Le Anderson Silva against Rich Franklin middleweight Championship is on the line Rich Franklin who spent years here made it to the top of the world it looked like it was his first day to the face him again trouble by Franklin Anderson Silva is lethal you want to talk about highlights from Anderson Silva when the first one that comes to mind is vtor Belford you've never seen vtor bford fight before he can change the course of a fight in a split second oh he front kicked him in the face Anderson Silva REM Remains the middle he definitely did a good job being Innovative with his striking let me tell you something not only is that the first time I've ever seen anybody knock a guy out with a front tick in MMA in any contact sport I've only seen that in a video game Anderson Silver was the big one for a long time so Fighters like emulated him my goodness is over what's crazy is this is after the Anderson Silva fight which was the first front kick knockout we ever watched look at that front kick the exact same shot that we saw vtor B for get hit with by Anderson Silva straight up the middle ball of the foot reminds me of Anderson Silva Anderson Silva's been an inspiration for Generations go the movement so smooth on his feet his footwork he was a Jedi he was like the enlightened master of MMA oh Sila dancing around oh my God is thinking he wasn't even human dude's from a movie man talk about a guy who can intimidate you without even being in there Anderson had that he is so above and beyond on everyone else he's fought against it seems like he's fighting in a different dimension but he was the Medusa he turned pronus to stone right any Flinch any fake is just to get a guy to pause he wants you to kind of come forward and come get me he's baiting you he's setting traps for you Anderson Silva has knocked out for his Griffin but that's the thing about Anderson that's why he was such a massive star in mixed martial arts because people love finishes and Anderson could always provide a finish at any moment one more brilliant performance by the greatest martial artist of all time he made the top guys in the world look easy just over and over and over and over again he will be talked about for decades let's get this straight for a handful of years no one could come close to him he was the baddest [ __ ] dude on the planet Travis has got a hold of him this is exactly what he wants this is bad for Patrick he's got his back big trouble for C he's got it completely locked up and it is Travis lunter is The Ultimate Fighter Travis congratulations you are the winner and more importantly you get a shot at Anderson Silva Travis ler has a significant advantage on the ground he's a great wrestler he's got fantastic Jiu-Jitsu there it is L knee and he's had some great success over guys with similar styles to Anderson Silva I thought I had a very good chance of beating him because of my wrestling and I had really good jits I took him down I passed his guard I mounted him he's you know I thought I was going to knock him out looking to be Anderson Sil but he's tough you know it's like I saw his eyes roll back I hit him again his eyes popped open and he was he was good to [Music] go maybe if I want to hit him again he would have stayed asleep but I took him down in the second round drives through down again and then got to up kicked ni up kick triangle joke triangle [Applause] choke you know and then it was like man I'm I'm going to go to sleep he's got it in nice and deep in that flash of an instance he's like man what if I [ __ ] piss myself or [ __ ] myself on live TV here he's trying to push that elbow aside to get it even Tighter and I ended up topping tapped and Anderson Silva is Victorious you know I've regretted it ever since I should have just taken my ass beat is what I should have done at the time the UFC had bought Pride I held two different belts at 205 lbs and 185 [Applause] right oh my I was a double champ at the time so I came over and started with title fights right away in UFC Dan Henderson is a tough as Nails veteran who's been around forever Dan Henderson stands out as a huge threat Champion against champion in tonight's main event of the evening the first round started about how I wanted to do big clinch and a take down took him down once I got a hold of him and stayed on top the rest of the round phenomenal first round for Henderson in the second round I remember getting in the clinch with him instead of doing what I could to keep him there I just kind of decided to take a little breather and he caught it with a big knee once we were out in the open I I remember catching a a nice little knee to the face Henderson's in trouble I think I recovered a little bit I had hand control as I was trying to get up and I lost his hand and next thing you know he was on my back uh choking me at the end of the round trouble he wow Anderson Sil that was one of his strengths was being able to finish guys when he got him hurt true champion did a good job against me doing that for sure I I said it before and I'll say it again Anderson Silva is pound-for-pound the best fighter in the world anybody who tries to debate that is out of their mind yeah good one of my training Partners um came running over to the gym and said it's emergency you have to take this call my manager saying you're not going to believe who we fought going on and on finally I'm like dude tell me who I'm fighting already just give me a name I can tell someone's big and he goes Silva I'm like oh we got vanderly I'm like awesome right left and right and and down goes J keeps in trouble victory for cand Silva never in a million years I think it was going to be Anderson Silva so when you told me that who it was I was completely blown away and it's nothing I saw coming Anderson Silva the UFC middleweight champion is about to fight at 205 for the first time inside the Octagon getting the opportunity to fight that guy on such a big stage sometimes doesn't seem real you ready that was one of the first times that an actual current champion was going into a different division to test the waters so it was a big deal him doing it what Silva likes to do is he likes to feel his opponents out and then open up about a minute in my coaches did tell me me not to throw a single kick the whole first round and it's exactly what I did I went out there and threw a kick and he made me pay for it trouble already that's Sila trying to finish it it is all over and then I remember waking up on the ground looking at my hands and blood was just pouring out of my face his eyes leaking like a faucet right now I think it had more to do with Anderson Silva setting me up he backed away from me and he very slowly switched his stance not like a normal quick switch he slid his leg back and I think that was a trap of his and it's exactly when I went and I fell for it I didn't listen to my coaches and I was out before I hit the ground James Irving still can't get up he's struggling I think it was 15 or 16 stitches I have right across my cheek right here I think it's one it's my favorite scar I have any mistake you make he makes you pay soly knowing that I got it from that guy a a white s you about your upcoming fight with maybe pushing the face well they wanted a big slow guy to follow Anderson around and make can look real good and they're like for is a big slow guy he takes a beating well I get him to do it he's stupid and uh I'll do all right I don't worry about it quick technicians that are good counter Fighters are like my Nemesis so I mean I was hoping never to fight Mach he's getting teed off on he's MAA it's the new UFC BL heavyweight champion and then and you know I got Anderson which is actually worse Styles make fights and this is the perfect stylistic matchup between a very technical masterful Striker and a wild madman in Forest Griffin ready the worst thing you can do against a guy like Anderson Silva is just charge in and try to land big shots on him that's that's his dream opponent wow he's standing right in front of him I was obviously nervous nous and I just start throwing [ __ ] hammers at nothing and then he he catches me down go ging it's the ones you never see that hurt you and I never saw any of them coming that's what happens when a guy like Forest fights a guy like Anderson and you can tell like I don't really kick him off of me I just kind of let him stand over me I hate that when Fighters do that just let a guy stand over you kick him kick him off you kick his knees if you accidentally kick him in the groin look at him he's giving him his hand oh man I get up and again what do I do I tap his glove and like acknowledge like okay you want me to get up sure I'll get up wherever you want me man you do what you want to do Forest looks so tentative and so slow so immediately think about it he's literally telling me what to do and you think about that mentally he's telling me hey I'm I want you to move this way so I'd move that way you know and and that's uh just never do that and again Anderson Sil has knocked out for his Griffin wow that's a walking away right jab and that's what makes Anderson Silva so good is a lot of times he's just doing fundamental things to you that you've learned that he's just does them faster and at a speed and distance that you can't quite gauge in time I love Forest Griffin but this is one of the most embarrassing Knockouts I think we've ever seen so here's what happens when you got a guy like Anderson uh there's definitely that ore he's Untouchable he You Don't See bleed you barely see him sweat uh guys are afraid to fight him as they should be so you want to be the next in line for the 185lb title I think we just he's always had that this isn't a fight that's going to be Tit for Tat people say CH you're getting ready for war guys this isn't going to be a war this is going to be a one-sided pounding and I'm swinging the hammer first time I was going to fight Anderson Silva there was great buildup for this fight right nobody knew how to do a fight no nobody did I saved Anderson's job Uncle Dana was going to give him his Walking Papers and I begged him keep him around you know I've been calling this guy out for 4 years and he still doesn't want to fight me my big thing with Anderson was never a confidence that I could go beat him ever I never had I'm not a bully if I knew I could beat him I wouldn't have wanted to fight him but I knew I could go compete with him and I knew I wasn't going to will ladies and gentlemen welcome to the prefunk of Anderson Silva's retirement party hosted by Yours Truly tomorrow night you look at Anderson Silva and you wanted to construct an opponent to beat him you want a world class athlete wrestler that is CH sunnon and CH sunnon has been motioning to Anderson calling him to get in here so the ref final is are you ready are you am I ready are you kidding me say go rocked him he hurt him he's bringing it as promised I respected what he could do on his feet I wasn't interested in contesting it there and CH sun is one of the very best in the world at grinding and beating guys up from the top position oh oh my when national championships as a wrestler he's never wrestled before this is simple math and he's down again him down again Big Shot again I'm going to throw him down and beat him up I'm going to do it for 25 minutes until he gives up back on the feet for the start of round three and as the fight kept going I had a major urgency to take him down and that's the kind of stuff that CH son does he's never going to let you rest there was never a point in that fight where I felt comfortable I mean there was never a point in a fight where I thought okay this one's a lock chils got him over reversal I do remember certain positions of okay I'm glad we're here he's got to be careful all the wild though of submissions from the bottom Anderson is capable of throwing those arms up and I never felt like he was a big threat from the bottom but I never dismissed it I never relaxed in that fight another round for CH sunon in the books this is 4 and0 in my opinion so I'm going into the fifth round and I'm just telling I got to get him down oh he tacked him he got him I can take him down one time he will never get up I mean is is it too early for CH to start celebrating and towards the end of the fight he he started to set up a triangle triangle watch out triangle it's is trouble and um I just didn't react to it he's got his legs across that's what's he's all over I just didn't see a lot of that offense from him early in the contest and I wasn't doing anything different in the last round than I was in the first four whether he was saving something or whether he just had never fully committed to something until he went for that triangle we'd have to ask him he brought the fight like no one has ever done before final score was I hit him 311 times he hit me 11 but I will tell you those hurt man he never touched me once that didn't matter I had stitches on both sides of my head a that's nasty elbow this side elbow this side cut cut he kicked me one time in the leg it slowed me down for a week leg Ki by every part of his body was very sharp and he just didn't really have a way to touch me that didn't affect me we both left with the same damage I got to I got to give him that credit the fight that happened tonight is the stuff that makes Legends you know this guy got roughed up and beat up for five full rounds but finds a way to win you either get your hand raised or you don't and I didn't and and that's it and I'll live with it but I'm devastated all I wanted to do after I fought Anderson was fight him again you know and that's a very tough spot to get to but at the same time Anderson and I had separated ourselves from the pack everybody understood it's you two and you're going to end up back in there sooner or later how much more dominant could CH son and actually be he brutalized him for over four rounds is Steven Seagal in his corner he he is oh my goodness maybe we'll see some iido tonight ladies and gentlemen my big problem going to the second fight is I lost respect for him in the first fight prot at all time OB my in at all time if you want to touch that first fight was one of the easier fights I've ever had I've never had a 108 round in my life I had two 108 rounds in one fight again Sun pushes forward I've never gone into a fight confident it's never happen except for the second fight with Anderson I'm here with a bum look at that CH will give him no space Joe and now Anderson starting to throw the strikes I didn't have that same urgency I didn't have that same fear of Anderson I have that same respect of Anderson that is an early turning point in this fight that's a knee when I went down I remember seeing him and I remember his eyes they were surprised I was down and he gave me a moment to get up and I elected to stay there that was my choice looking to finish the but in trouble he is all over generally when a guy is better than everybody else he's not tougher cuz he doesn't need to be you only need to be one of the two You' be tougher than everybody you could be the champion you be better than everybody a guy's never two he's never both of he doesn't need to be that was what I had wrong about Anderson and he's getting beat up like we've never seen before I appreciate his skills but so what I respect his heart I respect a guy that will hang in there I respect a guy that will come back Tri that was something I didn't know about him I knew he was a good fighter I didn't know he was a tough [Applause] [Music] guy I'm on a fishing boat in the Pacific Ocean we're poaching lobsters it's at night too we're cooking them up right there on the boat melting butter and everything and I get a call from Dana White I have scubba gear on and everything that says he wants me to fight Anderson Silva in a couple weeks and right there off the fishing boat I I accepted that fight I don't know if you heard I got called up to fight Anderson Silva I need all the help I could get so I've got some great advice have you seen when I fought him yes I did do not do that do the opposite of what I did boom you know I'm just hoping to God Seagal's not in his corner for this fight I mean you don't have a chance if he is let's be honest the fight was uh down in Rio De Janeiro Brazil so that was awesome good underhooks by Anderson now Anderson has double underhooks I'm in there with the Michael Jordan of the sport it's a big moment elbows short punches really my plan was to not fight him um the way he wanted to fight me and and kind of make it in his face B staying right in his face uglier get off strikes clinch him look for Downs Anderson went back to the cage he's standing there on the cage on purpose just don't give him the range and let him get comfortable that shows what disdain he has for boner skills I took his counter right hand counter you know his good punch that he puts people away with was nothing you would think if boner has a chance the only way is Anderson stands in front of him that's boner T off on him and that's exactly what he's doing look up at the clock and and oh my God 30 seconds left and the thought went through my head that this isn't that bad I got this so that was my mistake and he made me pay finish here he no matter how much heart you have you get a jump knee from Anderson Sil in the solar plexes and you're going fetal and boner crumples under one brilliant Blow by the master that's Anderson he finds that tiny little window and then Boone fights over one more brilliant performance by the greatest martial artist of all time I thought at the very least I'd give him a cha type of fight and lose like Rocky and I had a great promo to cut afterwards in Portuguese so yeah yeah if there's one you know and I look back back on big regrets in my life it's I didn't get to cut that promo what were you going there yeah too late everybody knows who Anon silver is so it's a huge fight the goddamn guy in Starbucks knows who Anderson Silver is febru 27th I will put his career to bed make no mistake now a fight the had us anticipating it from the moment it was announced Micha Dana is an awesome guy but he doesn't usually ring me on Christmas Eve to wish me Merry Christmas anyway after a discussion he tells me I'm fighting Anderson Silva and I was just elited I'd always wanted to fight him and of course you know he wasn't the champ anymore but still for me it is the biggest fight outside of a title fight right now I mean I'd never fought for the belt and to fight Anderson silver this this was it this was my world title fight to be honest I think it may even be a bigger fight than the title shot because being the UFC middleweight champion in my opinion he's not nearly as impressive as beating Anderson Silva at any point in his career it's these early rounds that Anderson Sila is the most dangerous when he's as unpredictable he's not showed his card he's not showed his game yeah he's a dick oh he's a dick Anderson Silva when you fight him is a dick good head movement again from Anderson Silva in fact when we fought good shots for Bisping one of the main things was not o Anderson to play his mind games Silva looking to embrace the counts having absolutely none of that hey it was your round you're still at the end all right don't let him don't let him beat you in the [ __ ] so obviously you got to be careful with Anderson he's a very tricky customer good consistent work again Michael bising I'm finding my range well I'm landing shots oh and again Anderson goes down for a second but again this is how good Anderson Silver is I drop him with a left hook and then as I'm going in to pound on him he hits me with a cheeky little up kick and you don't see that that's how inventive creative and that's how good his reflexes are here comes the onslaught of Anderson Silva Michael's lost his mouth guard but Anderson Silva does not care so my mouthpiece gets knocked out right and I know you Americans all say that we have [ __ ] up teeth but regardless mine are pretty good and I want to keep hold of them so I stop and I turn I go ref my mouthpiece and I think [ __ ] I have got Anderson Sila to deal with so as I look back I'm like oh [ __ ] [Applause] oh but that is the buzzer was a beautiful KNE God bless him drops me like a sack of potatoes and uh I'm on the floor looking like [ __ ] my face is exploded I'm on the floor and I look up and I say to Herb Dean I say I'm not out and he says yeah I know fight's not over fight's not over Anderson Silver is convinced that this fight is is over but her is saying it's not I'm glad the third round happened I'm glad I had to fight through that adversity I'm glad that my face was falling apart and there was it was a total blood bath some definite damage to Michael bisping's nose but that does not seem to be deterring him at all he's not giving Anderson Silver an inch here oh thr kick from Allison Silva because it makes it cooler and if you anytime you got to fight through adversity and that kind of storyline it just makes the fight way better after we went backstage and both needed stitches and I was backstage and I needed more stitches than Anderson funnily enough but on the other side of the curtain was Anderson he was right there we shook hands through the curtain you know but that was it you know it was all respect yeah listen Anderson Silva is a legend he had a legendary career he is in discussion for the greatest of all time he finally got to measure his skills against the legend and getting the win yeah it was it was an amazing feeling I think what Anderson Silva accomplished can't really be putting no words are measured with title defenses or you know championship belts what we are looking at right here is a very unusual athlete the kind that comes along once in a lifetime I always describe him as a Michael Jordan of the sport a generational type of fighter he became kind of just like in everyday conversation where you know he's like he's the Anderson Silva or something this guy's striking is like a ballet of violence and it also turns out he loves the sport right when you have a guy that's fighting in there in his 40s it's because he loves the sport he's doing something that he's truly passionate about and I think that's a very cool thing good kick to the body he heard him with that he was one of those guys like an old school guy fought Daniel Cormier fought Israel adna adna forced to retreat when you got through his record it's just champion after Champion or Challenger after Challenger just barely says out of I respect Anderson I appreciate him I appreciate what he did for my life he changed my life he gave me an opportunity whether he wanted to do it or not he did it and then he did it again whether he wanted to do it twice or not he did it twice and honestly I wouldn't be doing this [ __ ] interview if it wasn't for Anderson Silva but Anderson Silva's earned the right he's earned my respect um every fighter should feel the same way WOW bows at the end of the round how do you not love that guy listen I wish I this you all the best I really do and I want to say thank you for entertaining all the UFC fans for over the years and the performan that he put on and I got to say for for that you know he will always have my respect that is the greatest fighter of all time period Anderson the Spider [Applause] [Music] Silva [Music] [Applause]
Views: 616,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufc, ufc fight pass, LFA, Cage Warriors, Cage Fury, FPI, EBI, PRIDE FC, WEC, Strikeforce, CJJ
Id: Lhr--rE-1w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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