Tito Ortiz | The Ultimate Fighter

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the honeyton beach bad boy Tito started in the UFC as actually as an alternate somebody fell out of one of the shows and Tito came in and won the fight my [Applause] figher and you know Tito was very Brash cocky next opponent I'm going to sop your ass too there a big take down did a lot of stuff that pissed people off which made him very popular very fast and then he really started to explode and blow up was when he had the confrontation with Ken Shamrock Tito fought guy mesgar who was one of Ken Shamrock's best fighters and Tito won the fight Tito or doesn't matter has defeated guy mesgar he jumped up and flipped off the Lion's Den which was Ken's training camp and Ken Shamrock freaked out Ken Shamrock very upset jumped up on the oct G started screaming at him and that began the feud between Ken Shamrock and T Ortiz I'm going to beat you into the living death every time these two get in a room together I'm always worried about those two breaking out into a fist fight so I knew that the big Blockbuster fight that we could make that would really uh do well would be Ken versus Tito it it's all over Tito orz and Tito won that fight ever since Ken has been dying to fight him again he's been terrorizing me calling me letting me know he wants to fight Tito Ortiz again it's very real these two hate each other with a passion they really do not like each other so I knew I needed to sit them down and tell them they need to act like professionals and it's all about the kids that are coming here to train and and not about them and they'll have the opportunity to kick the [ __ ] out of each other when this thing's over the Rival between me and Ken Shamrock is pretty much reals a gets I hate the guy I hate the guy with passion and I know he hates me I think he's a complete [ __ ] Tito says anything disrespectful towards me or if I take it disrespectful we're [Music] fighting Tito and I have had a real bad history too you know Tito and I were good friends at one time we had a falling out and we hate each other so let's just say it's going to be an interesting season there's there's a lot of issues this season you and Ken you and I have issues you know we need to realize that this is about them not about us you and Ken are going to have the opportunity to kick the living [ __ ] out of each other in July you know what I mean that's the plan I know he wants to fight me again which I don't understand cuz last time we fought I gave him a beating everybody knows a hum how bad of a beating I gave him I'm not going to lay down for anybody I don't care if I'm 60 years old you know how [ __ ] crazy he is about being disrespected and all that kind of [ __ ] too and you know it's too at the same time you're good at disrespecting so I don't all I'm telling you is I don't want to [ __ ] fist fight in this I don't I don't plan on doing it good cool awesome you ready y they were both receptive and they both understood why they were here and then I brought them out into the [Music] gym up up so everybody everything's cool um um you hate me I [ __ ] hate you all right let's just let's make this an awesome show you know at the end of this is all done May the best [ __ ] team win and at the same time when the fight comes about it's business I'm willing to respect you until that happens I respect you stepping up and saying that completely cool I didn't think you had it in you the only way to make this happen is this right here all right awesome good good I'm cool cool something's weird about this Tito's on his best behavior and it's just it's very odd it's throwing me off I might be able to get the Middle East put back together I'm [ __ ] good well that showed me a different side the Tito but I don't fully trust him I really don't I always want to win I'm too damn competitive and for him to someone I don't like I have you know a vendetta against him and I have to be a Victor over him in everything I do who's going to be worse Tito or shamro meet your coach is Tito Ortiz kend on and guys Ken [Music] Shamrock guys ready so this is the way it's going to work can is going to evaluate you first then you're going to come back later and train with Tito okay cool ready start warming up and getting ready this your three minut to show what you got when it was Tito's turn to evaluate the middleweights he put him right to work and helping him is Dean liser who's going to be his grappling coach he's one of the best Jiu-Jitsu guys in the business and Sal Alis will be the standup coach who's another world class trainer why you guys go for take down we're not dancing here come on you guys you need this place look for Tak down I'm looking for the best gu to be on my team I'm trying to look for the the toughest guys I possibly can get the guys with the most heart as possible the guys with the most termination as possible Ed Herman has awesome wrestling skills usually it's not hard for me to take guys down and it seemed like he was a lot harder to take down he's one of the kids that I want to pick I like Tito I think me and him will click I hope that he picks me to be on his team two pH because I've been training for five months and I know was not now in Jiu-Jitsu Dean liser is the best in the world and de out with a bunch of chokes but he was eager to learn very very eager to learn time and as we were doing the workouts it just seemed like he was the person asking questions there's a person no no no come come here show me show me I want to go again I want to go again I'm I'm not happy you know what one more it's okay it's okay I like that I like that and to ask Dean lard to go with him again and again and again that shows me that kid has heart and he has determination and he has the right tools to work good very good hey hey one of the best he gets me all the time too I'm a hard time with him yes you're going to con [ __ ] he's like Dean I want to go with you again that's the heart that's what I want to see that's what I'm looking for for sure guys you ready yes we over the last 48 hours your coaches have evaluated you checked out your weaknesses your strength and both of them right now know who they want to be their first pick and who they want to be their last pick the way this is going to work is I have a coin one side says Ortiz one side says Shamrock I'm going to flip the coin whoever wins the coin toss gets the first pick ready here we [Music] go Ortiz wins the coin toss Tito gets the first pick Tito who's your first pick well to me it seems like every time me and shamra compete I always win one way or another um my first pick will be a light heavyweight my pick will be Matt Hamill uh p p me f i I feel that I'm going to be the champion and the final then get the cont track what we call team punishment guys we punish ourselves Tito learned early on in his career how important conditioning is and Tito's actually uh very well known for having tough training camps I want to make sure that they know that I'm willing to do what they're doing I'm just not going to be a coach as The Season's prior where a coach is just barking out and telling them what to do I'm going to get in there I'm going to sweat and cry and bleed with the rest of them you got learn to feel your balance with your sener gravity so damn tight you're like an old table I've always been a fan of tto T's fighting style but from what I read on the internet things like that I was always led to believe you know it was a bit of an [ __ ] uh from meeting him this couldn't be fair from the truth and uh genuinely a nice guy and a fantastic coach guys we never show how tired we are facial expressions are a million team Ortiz in my mind it's not about me it's about us as a whole that's why I changed to team punishment CU we are team punishment and we try to punish ourselves to punish our opponents and that's what it comes down to when it comes down to the training prepare for the worst and the best will always happen 1 2 3 you're right when you said the fight is going to be the easy part you're right about that fight's easy man training what it's hard doing this repetition of doing it over and over again it's hard all right believe in that man you're going to do good you're do really good Mike S got picked to fight and it seemed like a nervous tension automatically kicked in I can see the nervous nervous tension in his eyes I said breathe you know what you're fine like that his emotions out be good to that later even if you have to spend time by yourself get away people go in the backyard real men cry all right guys say you're tough I don't cry you're because you don't cry I cry all the time dude I cry in movies I cry when emotional I cry when I talk to my parents I cry before fights that's emotions man everybody's human yeah we could be animals in the ring but you're human you're no different anybody else man guys see when I lost Couture and I lost my World title I cried after the match I prepared so well for that fight and when I came down empty it felt like a loved one dying to me Fighters are emotional we're animals man we're back in the caveman days we'd be the providers we providing for the families we're Fighters man that's what it comes down to right you be fine man don't worry about it get it out of your head you put the time in right I'm starting to have love for these kids where they're starting to be under my wings I'm starting to care about them and I'm treating them like my own when lose the draw I'm still going to be here for you and I think he took that in his perspective of knowing that you know I do have a good coach and he's looking out for my best [Music] being mad ham kid's an awesome athlete and I have a great chance of working and possibly making the next World [Music] Champion oh I could be wrong but I think that the only real other competitor that I have in this house is matk because of his Superior wrestling and as look would have it I've actually come across probably one of the best wrestlers America's got to offer he's a two-time world champion and his wrestling is awesome so I think possibly it's probably going to be myself and Matt in the final I think that Tito puts a lot of hopes into Matt and I think that you know Matt um closely resembles the person that Tito is and I think that Tito is looking to build another Tito orti and Matt fits that that mold very very well you try to get on top because scramble scramble I kind of did bring him under my underneath my wing a little bit because he's being challenged right now does not have an interpreter he's reading strictly by lips so he does have a handicap and I think I got to spend a little extra time with him just because he doesn't have the same abilities as the other guys cuz he can't hear don't punch with the guy I don't I I go take down take that that's all I do I don't it's pretty clear to see from myself and uh few other the guys on the team that Tito's favorite is Matt it's getting me down a little you know I've flown halfway across the world to come to this thing I expect to get the same treatment as everybody else uh which I don't feel at this moment in time I am getting one of the biggest challenges that I had was working with man haml he's a deaf kid he can only read lips and the other guys were getting everything I was giving him so it hit me I was like I asked him I go Matt how'd you get through the wrestling whole time he goes well I had an interpreter I was an interpreter I was like I'm going to see what I can do I need to get you an interpreter no matter what you're going to like me more than ever well the first day that The Interpreter came in all of a sudden Matt had a smile on his face the kid was happy to be here because now he could communicate with people so you just let whole to explain things the when you're Lu what I the interp are really happy they have a great communication then that mean that work get l in the jungle all right guys you be guys seen a lot of this man right here Wing this is uh Max interpreter all right Kendall Kendall he the heel nice that's perfect tell him that's perfect that's so hard to smooth knees bent by keeping his hands up if you block your face you have no chance of getting punched Matt almost dropped the tear he's he's so happy The Interpreter is very nice uh the guy signs like 92 words per minute 30 seconds left guys with the combinations on [Music] them yeah great Matt needs an interpreter he's got one you know but it's if anything he making my job [Music] harder as we're moving on up to the top to me my job is to be a coach I mean of course I want to get get to know these kids a lot better than everything so I was like you know what hey s Dean let's go to the house we'll make dinner for these [Music] kids I'm really proud tto show up and out the how he he C the great great spaghetti you there Tito coming over after practice kind of gave us the time to hang out on a different type of level than being your coach and uh freaking driving you into the wall I have a special place for them in my heart for each one of these kids it seems like and it's growing each and every day these guys got to know I'm here for them man when they cry I cry man I feel the same pain that they do because now I'm getting a connection with these kids trying to get ready teer was downstairs cooking dinner and I came downstairs and I was a little pissed off and you know I wasn't prepared to stand there and put a false smile on I've flown halfway across the world I've not been cheated fairly you know I'm not giving the fair crack of the weight you know there favoritism I'm not getting coed as well as everybody but it's okay because I've had a spaghetti dinner all right guys I'll see you guys [Music] training we're here at the Hard Rock uh today's going to be a lighter day I just really need to push their cardio and make sure that when they step in the Octagon that they're never going to get tired go go that's one of my biggest weapons I never get tired my cardio is my number one thing come on guys way to push yourself all the way up to the top oh good job good job guys way to push [Music] yourself guys check it out pick him up like a baby walk to the wall and switch walk to the wall and [Music] switch yourself keep it up guys keep it up T you know he he's really trading his hard he's trading is good and smart but he's also trading his very hog good job Matt good job good job Matt way to work way to push your guys a shamrock pushing his guys the right way to make their training the right way possible that's great I love that that's a heart right there if we're doing it it we're going to come out with the win I think just because of you know if these guys listen to me the guys believe in what I can do with them I think they'll have Victory matches each and every time team punch when we left the Y we're standing on the corner waiting for the van and Ken and his goon showed [Music] up Vendetta there will be one square Hy it was kind of funny cuz there's no expression from Tito or Ken at each other so I want to see them fight again this guy still disgusts him you yeah you don't understand how you can build hatred poor person so bad you know I don't like his attitude I don't like the way he used to treat his fans one of the times that I just lost complete respect for him I was at a UFC see and uh a kid walks up to him ask for an autograph he goes ah no get away from me man yeah it's a little kid dude like come on man once for the fans he would to be where you are right now I think their relationship is hatred they hate each other it's all I can say about that I've seen a huge Improvement these guys in the last just couple weeks but these guys are just getting so much better their confidence their cardio you know they're striking their wrestling their submission abilities that Rubik's Cube all the colors are matching now you know they're coming full complete Fighters come on guys keep working way to work Buddy way to work I think Shamrock really really makes a huge mistake of underestimating me thinks I'm a punk kid doesn't know how to coach I've coached in high school I coached in junior college so I know what it takes to keep these kids motivated come on let your hands go and elbows go boom boom boom boom boom 1 2 3 elbow a lot of these kids just seems like they're really trusting me they're really putting their their life in my hands and me they're reacting quick they're reacting everything I'm doing they're everything I'm saying they're listening they're not second guessing me they're not doubting anything I do last 30 seconds these guys are working hard they're pushing their Tempo they're pushing themselves so at the end of this will I be only have one loss and have all the rest wins only time will tell so we're going to see what happens next time good job [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys got way to work guys way to work Matt came to me as a world class wrestler with no Jiu-Jitsu experience no boxing experience so I have a lot of homework on myself to work on him to help him and he's catching on he's he's getting better and better go oh he's a rabbit speed on the lwn Bro training with M you know uh he can be a bit too intense you know we're just drilling techniques going nice and gentle that's the idea you know go go you know he's just going crazy and he's almost like he's trying to hurt people [ __ ] com me come on go go hey come on we're br good partners all right we work together we're a [ __ ] Team all right come on get in thank you yeah I think I think m is getting special attention at the gym to be honest uh he was picked right from the start to be the winner by Tito yeah and I was picked to be a training partner for his Champion you know and when you put in that situation it's quite hard to deal with go how much you [ __ ] wanted Michael come on how much do you wanted you want to push yourself you always want to be second it is starting to piss me off a little bit how people have predetermined that Matt's going to win this we're all in here and don't count any of us out because uh you know I see myself and mat in the final uh and I've got a good bit of time to prepare there been some long days been some hard days that's just me getting frustrated with hey guys one more thing listen up listen up listen up before you split guys I love to see aggression okay aggression can only go so far though you guys got to remember we're not in here to hurt each other go we're in here to work with each other make each other better that's what I'm here for that's what each partner is here for all right when you guys step in that octagon the competition in front of you is not going to be tough in your training Partners you guys going to bring the best out of each other though everyone you guys going to something from you everyone's going to learn something from you either it's the toughness the submissions or the takedowns you're going to learn something from each other [Music] okay all right Kendall congratulations on your win you now advance to the semifinals and uh you keep team uh Ortiz in control the next fight is going to be the second light heavyweight fight Tito what are you going to pick uh represent team punishment Michael Bisby and he'll be fighting from team [Music] Shamrock [Music] Christian all right weighs tomorrow guys have a good night ready to bang baby good luck ready bang thanks everybody was sure that that that they were going to pick um uh Mike to fight Mike you know um and uh but you know I went in there prepared for anything guys let's take just keep control of this stuff man that's what it comes down to like I say guys it's like chest you know we'll take Pawn out at a time until we're Checkmate and we're done all right [Applause] guys all right we got both guys here the five Style a comparison between michae and Christian 24 and a half Mike himself uh his wrestling ability is not as good as I would like it to be but his striking is great um his submissions are good when I was rolling Jiu-Jitsu with him I rolled jiujitsu with all 205 Pounders and he was the only guy who almost caught me Christian had doubted his heart from the very beginning to kind of no why who Shamrock's number two pick he relied on his jiujitsu more than anything 204 so what it really comes down to is you know who's going to come in ready and I think Michael's ready to do it good luck good luck right hand stop it right there stop it right there all right baby good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] job make him stand up make him stand up Christian didn't know what hit him because I think Michael hit him with like 20 different shots punch kicks elbows knees and Christian didn't really know how to respond to it he started thinking [ __ ] what just hit me Michael hit him with the left hook and H of D little I go put it on him now put it on him now put it on him put it on him so hit him with the right hand dropped him try to finish the fight karthy stepped in these guys are not doing what we're doing I guarantee it they're taking their time off go shooting [ __ ] golf balls do whatever they want to do confidence of Shamrock team now is like we lost three in a row is this team Ortiz for real yeah buddy you better realize we're for real I mean I'm teaching these guys everything I know damn good job guys I'm proud of you Michael awesome guys hey we stay in control and we're going to stay in control team punishment on three 1 2 3 team punishment all right ready go well now that I've been picking off team Shamrock guys one by one now Shamrock's confidence is dropping he's getting more and more pissed what I got to do to beat Tito's team is he going to overtrain the guys cuz he's not doing the right things he's have to push the guys a little harder now um and I think more than anything that if that comes down to it he's going to push these guys where they're burnt [Applause] out kill yourself here fight are easy and that's the whole idea cuz the way I'm going to beat Ed is I'm him pushing him to too hard and they're not going to be ready for the fight they're going be burnt out come on one [Music] more all right Michael congratulations on your win good fight you now advance to the semifinals along with Kendall no and Caleb by winning the fight you keep team Ortiz in control now Tito gets to pick the next fight the whole time I was telling Rory that he was going to be fighting Ed and he was worried about it and I was like well here's a coaching side of it we could really think about well do we give Roy an easier fight and take another one of their guys out or we give them a harder fight and have a chance of losing one of our guys representing team punishment will be Rory well with Ed I kind of realized that I should have picked him and I didn't pick him so now what else can I do besides mess with him mentally represent team Shamrock will be Solon yeah yeah Ed's getting pissed Ed thought he was be picked and each time I do that to him he's like oh you're killing me you're killing me that's the idea kill me the mental orare is 75% of the game piss him off so bad the whole fight game was lost completely Tito's intentionally having me fight last he can try whatever he wants but I'm going to smash through his guys and I'm going to look him in the eyes and ask him who's number one now so he can do whatever he wants it's not going to stop me it's a good fight have a good night Tito keep smiling I smile after every one of them buddy it's all right your team's dwindling Budd your team doing wait till I get to you I'm going to knock this knock your head off that's what you said last time you look like Frankenstein marshmallow boy little bench monkey I was just kind of like where did this come from it's like one big kindergarten in here Tito keep going man we'll get it going before then so that's fine with me dude what's that you [ __ ] heard me I said fine with me come on come on dude what come on you think hey we can remember last time you a paintbrush yeah last time you keep thinking about last time go ahead red guy Ken's so easy to get under man the guy has no confidence in what he does and I get under his skin man I just push the right buttons and things happen cuz I'm going to beat the snot out of you this time Bo I'm going to smash your little head oh yeah we'll see who's a boy boy yeah punk old man that's all right hey yes all right you watch this old man punch a hole in your head oh okay just like Reach Out And Touch Me Tito yeah Reach Out And Touch you yeah oh fast yeah go ahead we should not be happy right now so I as a coach got to figure out something that's going to get these guys fired up if it's getting in a fight with Tito then fine that's that's cool with me you keep remembering the last time yeah yeah yeah yeah talk talk talk that's all you do yeah that's right well I'm not I'm I'm not go ahead go ahead yeah you stay there punk yeah what what what what shut up monkey yeah exactly this monkey going to beat your ass down style exactly uhhuh exactly you better hope you get through this time this show ends yeah I will for sure just keep leaving through living through your boys here boy cuz that's all you're going to get my kids listen to me well that's all you're going to get exactly that's fine watch and see hey team Shamrock down here when Ali used to compete Ali didn't care about fighting it wasn't about the fight it was about what you said before if you get a guy so pissed off he forgot his whole game plan know that was crazy was it I a to hold back either laugh or slap him mental Warfare and that's what this fighting game comes about I don't know about you guys man but I I'm I'm I'm pissed off I'm just done with this crap I hate freaking losing I don't like Los and if we get beat by skill I have no problem with that but if we're getting beat because we ain't going out there and we ain't trying to kick somebody's butt then yeah that pisses me off the guys are getting frustrated you know we're going to pick him apart like I said one by one if you guys think that a two round fight is a big deal man it ain't nothing dude if you're out there trying to take take care of business I can Bang all night all I see them is treating you guys like punks because all they're doing is laughing and smiling and you're laughing and smiling with them how can you be happy how can you be happy with what's going on we going to see that's what I want to see we cannot be happy smiling we got our fight that's a fight we want's going to pound Rory beat you senseless War let's keep doing what we're doing keep training training we're doing a damn good job guys you know I'm bang this Mark bang bang bang all night long too beat the whiskers off this boy here 2 three on no just win on three one 2 three yeah yeah head kick head kick head [Applause] kick baby saw him hit him with some really good shots and Rory survived the storm I thought caught everything he had in that first round catches his breath I look at him and okay you got 5 minutes to make this happen his eyes open wide up and he goes I'm going to do it look like head kick go look for a head kick go set up with the jab and it'll come I guarantee it'll come the head kick the head kick the head kick Rory sort of hit him up on the side of the head which dazed him it was gut-wrenching to see him hit the canas with that high kick Rory finished it off got him with a couple other punches and it was done someone almost out cold 1 2 it looks like Tito's guys are really getting better and starting to learn something here I'm not sure I feel that way about team Shamrock Told You So Ken told you hey you keep talking I'm going to tell you so in a little bit little punk that's weird I don't know what Ken's thinking or why he's not training them harder teaching them more see you next week same bad time same bad Channel but uh Tito could end up controlling this whole uh competition somewhere along line is that our luck has got to change man cuz I'm telling you what a lot of this stuff is luck 5 Seconds [Applause] [Music] go I can't wait to fight you know I want to really fight soon you I've been winning what F fight next think may be it I have a confidence myself you know you know um really uh composed and they they're cool go go go there you go Josh break that's a world class wrestler you know we all know that he'll do like a takeown or something and then he'll raise his hands and walk around you know ready and then he's saying I'll defend the take down you know with uh with no hands and and things like that you know break he didn't even use his [ __ ] hands either it just uh conflicts with my male pride to be honest you know use your hands you use your hands use your hands I'm a good kickboxer but I wouldn't insult Somebody by saying well I'll tell you what I'll kickbox you with my hands T behind my back take me down you take me down don't people try to take me down but I tried without no no hair look more more sharing go break break no hand yeah use hand no okay you want okay go ready go some of the F really um upst and they just want uh damage my my level but you can't uh learn everything one one day took you down now you can use the hand son of a [ __ ] [Music] M likes to train or and you've got to train or this is the tough sport you know but sometimes you know you've got to draw a line somewhere training like that you know it's prone to picking up injuries things like that and you know it's not smart I don't know if the F really complain about I mean many I'm I'm the way I am I can't I can't even hear screaming or yelling you know so what am I suppos you do sometimes I think that that Matt does hit a little bit too hard but you know it's a simple fact you feed me something hard I'm going to feed you something back a little harder today at practice um we were sparing and I got pissed so I kicked kicked him in his head rocked his block a little whoa good good good Kendall did Rock Matt real hard with a with a head kick I didn't see it happen but I kind of saw the aftermath and Matt was pretty rattled then I followed up in the next round with with a real hard [Music] uppercut see if it pops my job hurts really bad my jaw hurts really bad and I was like all right I hope he doesn't have a broken jaw he seems have no problem about picking people up and dropping them on the head you know so you know you got to fight fire with fire and if if he's been coming in hard and he's been hit with a good shot you know uh if that's the way he trains then you know that's going to happen the first time that usually somebody gets their um their Bell rung you know it's a little more devastating than the first ones cuz he's never felt that before he never felt like that before ever ever so he doesn't know how to react to it I was watching Mt train earlier today he looked like he wasn't himself looked like the guys were manhandling and that never happens so we're going to take him to the hospital [Music] today Noah some what's going on with you you in trouble come on man man come on what's [Music] up I'm thinking oh my God you know like this kid's family got in a car accident you know somebody's hurt somebody's dead you know like something really serious is happening I just know something's going on with my old lady hey shout my girlfriend oh [ __ ] she's okay she ill uh no uh you know he's trying to hold back the tears you know and uh and he tells us that someone had posted something on the Internet or put some pictures in an envelope and sent him to his girlfriend uh accusing Noah of cheating on her in the time that I've been gone I guess somebody is trying to sabotage this relationship and he doing a good job oh [ __ ] I don't know you know I don't know about you but to me that's not as important as my family in the hospital you know you know I've been sitting here praying for you and your family cuz I didn't know what was going on and I'm thankful that you know nobody's in the hospital and nobody's sick and nobody's passed on without you being there you know I appreciate it this could have been more this could have been worse you know so I mean find the bright you know I know it sucks but yeah you know if it's meant to be bro you won't have lost anything there's two weeks left um I know that in the mental state that I'm in right now that I wouldn't be able to make it through those two weeks if I don't uh have some sort of contact tomorrow I'm going to be uh making the choice to go home and uh take care of the [Music] problem I got a phone call ear in the morning and uh they told me Noah is freaking out he's all upset and uh he's threatening to leave if he can't make a phone call he's going to walk out the door and he's going to leave so I get over there I I wake him up he's sleeping and I ask him what's going on I need to take care of some things you know so I asked for a phone call so you think a phone call is going to better the situation it's going to make it better um I think a phone call is going to [ __ ] you up worse when you're here in The Ultimate Fighter there's no contact with the outside world there's no TV there's no radio there's no newspapers magazines Etc these guys brought here to focus on fighting so what happens if you can't make the phone call I don't think uh a phone call uh you know is going to hurt anybody or you don't think every other guy in this house wants to make a phone call right now when uh Dana came you know tried to give me the pep talk you know all I could think about was getting home or talking to her just like want to know how she's doing you come here you push your body to the Limit you know you're you're asked to be away from your family and your loved ones that's we're looking for we're looking for for bad [ __ ] that can fight and guys that are mentally tough and can make it through this thing I'm not a [ __ ] if his mom was sick his dad was sick his grandparents his aunt Aunt his uncle his wife his kids there was something wrong with them by all means absolutely would let him make a phone call how long have you been dating this girl regardless of how long I've been dating her you know it's it's not that's your call then bro his girlfriend that he's been dating for six months is upset because she thinks he cheated on her I don't give a [ __ ] here's the thing bro your girl's not in any danger right I'm in danger I'm I'm I'm in danger of losing somebody that I would give the world for you you I'm in danger of that you will be you will be giving the world for that's absolutely a decision that I'm 100% prepared to make I mean I mean we've all been in the situation he was in but we were 18 you're going into the semifinals it's [ __ ] huge huge I can't be here thinking what I'm thinking not sleeping not eating and training twice a day and expect me to be able to keep my [ __ ] together when it's been hard as hell tell day one leave no I'm telling you I want a phone call you're not making a phone call it's not going to happen here's here's your two choices screw your head on focus on why you came here and what you're here to do go out there and win in the semi-finals if this is that important to you and you're ready to leave I'll fly you home today I'm ready to go pack your bags we're looking for guys who are physically mentally and emotionally strong enough to be in this business and to potentially be a world champion someday and from what I've seen Noah from yankon South Dakota isn't that guy oh I didn't catch that yeah he got word that his girlfriend his friends rangy told him so I just got home home from Toronto I find out that that no is freaking out that he wants to call call home apparently his girlfriend heard from somebody that he cheated on her he's been dating this girl for six [ __ ] months okay 6 months Dan White informed us he'd only been with her for 5 six months you know um which was a shock to me you know I never asked I just assumed it was a lot longer I think I think the whole thing is kind of silly and I don't know my own experience is if she really cared about him she'd wait for an extra week or two for him to get back we thought he was going out with this girl for Years big ass dun sign on my head he played us for fools and he left for some girl that's probably banging his best friend right now in South Dakota there was so many other kids that wanted the chance to be where he was too hard for you buddy find some other sport to do because MMA is not your sport sport I told you guys when I first talked to you some of you aren't going to make it these guys have kids they're married they have girlfriends but they're sacrificing it the biggest word is sacrifice if you never sacrifice you'll never be a world champion do you get to [ __ ] call your kids and your wives am I wrong here should Noah be able to [ __ ] call home when none of you guys can call home and talk to your families or your kids [ __ ] Noah he didn't want to be here and he was in the [ __ ] sem my final some of you haven't even gotten there yet so I hope she's the girl I hope they [ __ ] get married have 19 Kids and live together for 40 [ __ ] years because he's going to get back home and he's going to realize he [ __ ] up that don't matter that's fine that's fine no quit on the team I got to look past that now you know it's not about him anymore you know you guys put in the hard work you guys done what you did to get where you are right now I wish him luck at the same time he let me down he let his team down and I know he let himself down for a woman and to me you know be a world champion to let other women chase you [ __ ] Noah man five [ __ ] months man I quit too can I go home [ __ ] so they bring back a loser because of somebody stupid [Music] mistake guys on damn no played us for fools he just straight up put his tail between his legs and L and then Jesse coming back I I don't think that's right you know what I mean uh he lost I just don't get how a guy that loses and under two minutes goes to the semifinals just blows my mind I'll tell you what he's not getting his bed back should have came on our team and replaced the guy who [ __ ] that it doesn't even seem like we're four in a row anymore because they have their number one pick back and you know um one of our best guys just left and it's kind of messed up because now it almost evens the playing field oh they got back a loser they're just denyed inevitable he's going to lose again he hasn't been training like us every day of course not he's been shaving his head and masturbating in that [ __ ] hotel room every night that young [ __ ] 21y old [ __ ] pun yeah when they saw Jesse get the chance to come back they're like what the hell guys are like oh they're kind of mopy and it seemed like it sucks some of the energy out of the team all right guys can't let the [ __ ] bring us down at all zero forgot about it already this [ __ ] is forgotten done we go on with our days grab the guys I told I'm sorry and you know no quit and but you know what he puted out you guys get the day off let's go have a [Music] dinner when I took him out to Sushi I think it really accomplished what I really wanted and that was to kind of bring the team atmosphere back together because once Noah left kind they kind of dwindled and broke apart from each other and bring him out to Sushi I mean guys are laughing talking on each other you know M eat that eat it no let him try let him try no it was messed up you know when he had this opportunity and he left it and there's really not much more to be said about it you know especially not when we're all having a good time eating dinner what's the point of that excuse me can I have a for they say One Bad Apple spoiled a bunch it's completely the truth now that he's gone hey Unity will be back once again team punishment will prevail I think and these guys will get tougher and tougher and tougher to Josh and more winning ways for team Ortiz yes keep going keeping control you know it it really helps out with the coaching strategy of picking the right fights at the right time really getting into Shamrock's mind of knowing [ __ ] he got control again [ __ ] he got control again [ __ ] he gots control again [ __ ] he got control again the last time [ __ ] he gots control again but I mean what it really comes down to now is I got one of my weakest links Danny fighting one of their possibly one of their toughest links you know um I have no choice it goes down to Danny jumping against Ed can't avoid me any longer Tito I'll be pissed off for like the rest of my life that Tito didn't pick me I don't even not even first man second or third I'd have been okay with um but sixth all right you can take his place you don't want that this fight's more than just about Danny it's about me proving myself to Tito and everybody else who doubted me hey Brandon Brandon I know you remember that where' you take [Music] come on pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up push it push it come on come on come on it seems like with Danny he could do the work until it gets hard when it gets hard all of a sudden he gots a back problem so I'm kind of questioning it a few times is his back really that injured beat him all beat him all is he just kind of using his back in the excuse or does his back really hurt so I mean there's something right there that I'm not really sure of yet push when I was running with him at the running track just as I got to the point of him overtaking Fally he started going ah ah he's back he's back and as I passed him at some speed I just thought yeah yeah typical Bre Bre can it be a reason for him to say well I could have done better if my back didn't hurt so bad I don't know we'll never know no one will never know but only Danny will try backwards try backwards try backwards I definitely got a [ __ ] back injury if you went to the doctor and you went to my physical therapist every day you went through the pain uh you went through seeing me stay up for an extra four or 5 hours because I can't find a comfortable position on the bed up up then you'll understand but until then sorry come on stand up stand up take a knee or something stand up please Danny stand up [Music] please the middle there was a reason for me to save Ed last just because you know I kind of want to get under his skin you know kind of bother him and make him think about other things no hopefully it'll make him look past Danny and possibly get beat by Danny and that's something that we're looking forward to Tito's not that great of a coach looking out for his guys you know having Danny fight me isn't the nicest thing he could do to Danny throwing any of his guys against me isn't really the brightest thing but he doesn't have much choice now chicken oh man he does well I've kind of been messing with Tito since I've been here just giving him [ __ ] he a [ __ ] little AG like this big like I made fun of him for having skinny legs damn Tito's got some big cats just you know giving him [ __ ] TR make [Music] 205 I think the worst that I can do to him is you know by pounding out all of his guys and rubbing it in his face he's got little legs so that's you know what I'm going to do is demolish his guys and you know that'll show them what's [Music] up Josh congratulations on your win it was an awesome fight very exciting fight and in that win team Ortiz remains in control and I think this next fight's a no-brainer but Tito go ahead and pick the next fight okay it comes down to uh our last guys who haven't fought in 185 coach team punishment will be uh [Applause] Danny Ed find it that's right you didn't know my name [Music] huh I'm glad I'm going to fight Ed because he probably is the hardest the toughest uh uh 85 guy out here everybody says and I'm not here you know for a cakewalk I don't want to have the easiest fight so this is the last preliminary middleweight fight and then we go into the semi-finals weigh ends tomorrow and then fight the next day good luck guys I want it to be a war I don't want to have you know a walk in the park so Ed get ready we're going to have some [Applause] fun [Applause] job good right hand good right hand they kind of for a second a couple punches were thrown and the biggest mistake that happened and I told Danny do not do is he clinches with that and shoves him into the fence get him to the ground Ed and then Ed was able to sweep him get him to the ground and then from that point Ed just imposed his will on him round about I'm not sure if he just wasn't sure where he was he didn't get that hard of strikes on him so it wasn't like he was getting you know all kinds of damage on him but it seemed like he gave the arm and then Ed just saw it an opportunity for him to finish the match hooked the arm bar settled down pulled it back and McCarthy stopped the match due to an armar right there guys I'm a [ __ ] UFC fighter yes you are to me when Danny said that now I'm an ultimate fighter didn't make any sense at all take all all the learning experience man right all learning you got to have wins in the real show to be an timate fighter when you have 14,000 people around an octagon seeing you compete those are what Ultra Fighters are are the people who are competing for their life and this is my job you don't say okay now I stepped in an octagon now I'm an ultimate fighter he's not that's more of kind of being a show off than anything he has no stand up I can see in his eyes when I hit him he's like holy [ __ ] let him think he's an ultimate fighter and you know he has a long ways to go though he has a really really long ways to [Music] go exactly well at this point we're pretty much down to the last match at uh light heavyweights we got Matt haml against Mike Nichols beat him up put him down beat him up put him down beat him up put him down he'll be tired three times he'll be done Matt has had some problems over the last week I guess the doctors said that no he's okay he's [Music] fine I I really look at this kid being a really great fighter and he's not going to be just the next Ultimate Fighter I think he'll be maybe the next world [Music] champion I've been ready for 2 years I try to get my knee I'm in the boat Olympic the world game I have one four gold and I'm current training for the 200 uh Olympic I have MMA the figh i w the N Out in the first round the second figh one uh t t [Applause] out I I'm ready to fight Mike and I know I'm going to win big fight I'm could be really aged in in the r and know probably got to be a short time end his in the [Applause] [Music] fight wizard I think I'd uh personally like to see Mike win this fight to be honest um not that I'm saying I couldn't beat Matt but Matt's a wrestler you know my my weakness is wrestling so therefore you know it only stands to reason it's logical that I'd prefer to fight Mike who's more of a ji- Jitsu fighter so yeah I'd like to see Mike win this fight the deal between Matt and bisbing is they're very competitive against each other and it's great I love to see competiveness because they make great training partners thing is though I can KN from there you can't yeah telling not I love this [ __ ] Matt and Bisping are training together and uh it was just escalating you know continuously you know from take down position to position and it was getting worse and worse nice nice and break [ __ ] you doing can't hear you man go jumping around getting far too excited go snarling at me and grinning as if he was some kind of psycho you know and time time if he keeps coming at me but you can't hear can't hear I say stop we got to touch yeah but if I don't do anything I'm going to end up okay on the floor do you know what I mean yes I toly know yeah okay I stand there it's good fire up it's okay looking at me as if I was nothing he had some strange look in his face so I said what the hell are you greting at and the bad feeling started from from there really guys the whole idea behind this so you know to be comfortable we don't spaz out and freak out we get caught in the guillotin Tito um wanted us to uh practice an armbar escape so and it came to Matt's turn ready go he it that wasn't my fault no it wasn't he turned his elbow out it wasn't your fault was your fault I didn't do anything was your fault I thought I thought I got over but it didn't it po TW I hope a bone is it bad bad I move it he want he he want talk to me you know I didn't Jer it or anything like that so it wasn't anything that I did sometimes you can do hey stop with the I pretty much think that Matt did go a little harder and then when Bisby caught that arm bar I think bis goes like all right you go hard on me I'm going to go hard on you back but you know it's it's competition these guys are competing against each other Matt look nobody's going to think less of you if you tap listen to me qu being we iced a little bit and he said oh I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine the tough kid that he is and I just like is going to be okay okay go jumped in like a hyper not F hey it's better that happen right now than in your okay not worry about it up man I'm actually looking very forward to seeing Matt Hamill fight I know he's been the guy that Tito's taken under his Wing the whole time here 204 and A2 wo Matt Hamill is a phenomenal wrestler Tito is is blown away and very impressed with his wrestling abilities Mike Nichols is a real good Jiu-Jitsu guy good at submissions so the interesting thing is is Matt going to take him down to the ground and and risk getting caught in a submission or is he going to try and keep it on his feet and see who has the better standup 205 I think Mike's going to pull up the upset here everybody thinks that Matt's a Golden Boy and has some superpowers cuz he's a great wrestler but this game has a lot to it a lot more than just wrestling I'm visualizing the fight in terms of what I'm going to do tomorrow and I should want to be honest I just know that it's not going to be easy for me to do a takedown with this one left arm smart then he's very then he's right he has to do what you have to do uh most of the time uh I'm thinking uh I've got heavy hands I'm visualizing a standing up fight I don't think that I'm going to be able to take him down very well with one arm especially since he's really good at Jitsu and he's going to put the triangle on me right so I'm wondering if there's going to be any room to do a standing fight man tell me that he wants to punch the guy I don't think it's such a great idea but he doesn't feel comfortable taking the guy down because he feels like his injuries are going to make it very difficult for him to keep the guy on the floor so I told him to do whatever he wants to do you need to fight the way you want to fight tomorrow the kid is really strong I think that his cheer will to win will carry him through the fight so whatever he wants to do is fine with me my heart's on fire I'm just I'm ready to do [Music] this he's got no punches Mike throw hard KNE he's not going to take you down he's not going to go to the ground he's not going to go to the ground use that high kick yes yes yes come on mik good there you go yes yes yes there you goob Cobra Cobra remember how we were in this position work your way out relax there Mike he's just going to hold you watch your fingers watch your fingers he's just going to hold you Mike relax relax Mike yes yes yes get that [ __ ] cover choke relax Mike push out reach up pull his hand off reach up pull his hand off pull his hand off now work that guard hey Mike you need to throw a Hard Punch straight watch your fingers Mike straight Hard Punch counter him now go move that [Applause] head Mike cling your eyes Mike Go Hard Punch right hand high kick where's the knee where's the knee where's the knee where's the knee Mike Mike where's the knee when you get up you got to use that knee can't yeah right there Mike throw that hard high knee Mike hard high knee hard high knee hard high knee yes hey K mik you got a hard high knee knee Qui yes there go use that knee Mike Mike use that knee right and throw the knee run him and throw the knee you don't need to exchange with him Mike Mike thr the KNE mikit it Mike come on Mike your Mike come short time 10 seconds mik ahead if he comes in he's tired he's tired Mike he's tired too 5 Seconds Mike Mike Go the flying knee throw it throw it the flying knee he's leaning into you right there Mike flying knee throw hook Mike throw the knee hard listen the only reason he's getting hit with shots is because his hands are down you got to keep his hands up close the Happ the position where's the knee he's leaning into you a couple times and you're not throwing that short uppercut knee he was a lot more dominant when he's on top P to [ __ ] out on top I'm telling you throw that knee he doesn't want it either you both are at the same spot M Mike don't go punch for punch now move yes yes that what happened you went down that's where you want to be don't go punch for punch TSL mik TSL Mike Mike there Mike elbow elb come on Mike he's tired as you are man you got got to want this thing yeah you got to push it out baby mik Mike get some elbows Mike go down drop drop guard drop guard no front kick Mike front kick he's got his hand down Mike get your [ __ ] head up stay in it Mike don't do it don't do it let's go Mike stay in it yes it's fine it's fine high kick KN KNE KN KN KN Mike he's tired I know you want [Applause] to first thing Matt does is Bam hits him with the jab steps back bam hits him with the jab and it seemed like all of a sudden Matt became a box man comes straight at him punch himom minute or two minutes in the fight he's not going to take you down he's going to stand up with you he's not going to go to the ground he's not going to go to the ground he was hitting with some really good shots and it seemed like his right arm wasn't hurting him at all he was clinching them and hitting him with Upper Cuts and he started throwing a lot of damage on him that's it he that's all he got from that point it was like okay uh he wants to stand up so knee KNE KN KN KNE KN KNE high kick high kick if he leads in you kick him in the jaw um and it turned into a slug P I think that Matt could have stopped the fight a few times at the end of one round he had Mike and was blasting him and the bell rang turning around running turning their back while they were fighting looked very very sloppy to me I have to give them credit they both showed a lot of heart and Matt is a monster man he's a great wrestler um but the fight looked really sloppy to me all right we have a unanimous decision all three judges scored about 20 to 18 for the winner Matt [Applause] [Music] Hamill hey Mike keep your [ __ ] tough tough fight go man man hey got nothing to be ashamed of that was a good fight Deep Breath Right deep breath I need a bucket I got it after the fight Matt goes back to the corner and uh he's having trouble walking he says he's exhausted you know his arm is bothering him too um he's pretty messed [Music] up [Music] the doctors jump in and take a look at him and he's going to the hospital to be evaluated come [Music] on over this drive get in front oh there we go something's pulling in with a baldheaded person these guys worked really hard this season and and you know we wanted to reward them so we decided to go over and have a big dinner with them we to celebrate the semi-finals with the fighters who made it [Music] okay you guys are the cream of the crop this season man you guys are all going to the semi-finals I'll tell you what man it's it's crazy experience but if this is really what you want to [ __ ] do for a living this is the thing to do it's the place to be we had a nice dinner Dana gave us all props on uh making it as far you know as we have what's the first thing you guys are going to do when you own like a wild guy dinner came off great you know Tito was at one end of the table Ken was at the other sometimes they throw remarks back and forth at each other but that night it was cool cuz you know it was about the fighters these guys were celebrating eating a good meal all pumped to be in the semifinals he you guys the semifinals good love to all of you guys [Music] congratulations Dana came back in the house tonight um with a bag in his hand and we're all wondering what the hell's in that bag I was hoping keys for all the semi finalist to brand new car all right guys Ken and Tito are going to play pool tonight I can't play pool yes that's what Tito wanted to hear here's the way it's going to work it's the best of two out of three games and what's the winner get $1,000 immediately Tito goes crazy cuz apparently Tito's very good at pool Ken says he never Plays Pool so I figured you know Tito's going to kick his ass two games out of three and win the 10 grand you got this ready here we go Shamrock [Music] [Applause] [Music] breaks yeah oh he's a [Music] hustler it's okay hustled the [ __ ] out of us man that guy is a poo shark man that guy can shoot pool can't sandbagging as [ __ ] I thought well maybe he just got a couple lucky shots I go for a harder shot my M hey Paul side [Music] pocket I was kind of worried when uh Ken won the first game I mean uh everybody can make mistakes give me a chance to run the table and I'll run the table and then uh all of a sudden the next game started I break I didn't make anything and he ran the table I was like oh [Music] [ __ ] nice Ken was the shark man he had his pool hustler shirt on his hair slick back silver chain he had it all man it was like right out of a movie ball corn [Music] [Applause] pocket shark man I think I just got had I love the game game man you're going to need the money anyway all right [ __ ] Fu Tito and team Ortiz has been handing it to us so to to get in there and this Challenge and actually turn the motivation a little bit in our favor it was sweet for me it was sweet for our team because they got something to cheer about it was nice hey you guys peace man had a good time man back to normal tomorrow I still hate GTO [Music] team [Music] we brought all the light heavyweights down to the gym so that we could figure out what the matchups were going to be for the semifinals but first I had to talk to Ken and Tito cuz we had a problem here's what we got with the light heavyweights Matt is not going to be able to fight he's still at the hospital and uh Matt want a tough fight but he can't continue now um his arm is really bothering him uh he has to walk around with it uh stuck to him like this so he's out of the ition and Mike Nichols has a broken nose he's out he can't continue we need to we need to bring somebody back we're going to bring back Tate and Christian and see which one of them would like to continue let's grab uh let's grab Tate first when Dana said that Matt will not be fighting and you know kind of let me down I was just like damn I want to see him in the finals and I thought that he would be in the finals and he might have chance of want I'm winning it Tate is going to jump all over this thing Tate's going to be pumped up that he has the uh a second chance to to walk right into the semifinals and he's one fight away from the finals and uh Tate's got a good shot gentlemen what's up buddy how you doing welcome back so here's the situation we Matt is uh is hurt right now right and uh this might be an opportunity for you to come back you want to come back I got no interest in fighting again this week at all no MM that [ __ ] blows me away I wasn't I wasn't expecting hear that I was I don't know man just like mentally I'm not prepared to do it really yeah you realize you have the [ __ ] opportunity to come back and get a bu all means and possibly go to the finals really sure yeah that's where I'm at right now today all right brother see what happens with these guys all right I was done man I I mean I'd finished up and and I turned that corner mentally and it's like there's a time when you rise towards a fight and you work towards that and it Peaks out and you fight and then there's there's a there's a downward part from that and when I got to that place and they say you know are you ready to fight in a couple days and I was just like I'm so far from there I'm just I can't even tell you wow I thought T was going to be all pumped up some people are made to be Fighters man some people are wow I am [ __ ] blown away that was the last thing I expected I did not expect that at all take quitting never even crossed my mind what's up gentlemen how are you what's up how are so Matt can't return he's out you want to come in and fight in the semifinals and have a possibility going to the finals I don't know man I'm [ __ ] don't don't what's that the cut yeah two of we we've dealt with that [ __ ] before in both seasons dude be honest with yourself man don't don't sit here and blow smoke up your butt 4 hours no I'm not blown you want to fight or don't you want to fight if you don't feel like you want to fight don't waste our time they wanted to know if I wanted to fight and I was like no not really I don't want to fight cuz I feel like my head's still sore you know if I'm going to fight I want to put myself in a position where I can really really compete this is a shot to go to the finals and win this whole [ __ ] thing and now we're like [ __ ] 4 days away and you got a chance for the finals and you're telling me you don't want to fight you got that's crazy you got some of the best skill here man I don't want to [ __ ] lose on TV again and I feel like I'm out of shape and my head's all busted up the way you fought last time man you could redeem yourself cuz last time you didn't fight you know it and I know it you was all in your head you were telling me in training I'm tired I'm not in shape I'm telling you were're in shape to go two rounds it was in your head and now it's in your head right now Christian he doesn't belong here um you know I respect him as a human being but in this world of fighting he doesn't belong here I am [ __ ] blown away and I don't even know what to do now wow so I'm sitting there and I'm thinking oh my God what do we do how do we fix this and it crossed my mind I said I know a guy right now that if they bring him over to this thing I know exactly what he's going to say what's up guys how are you he as you I think a lot of times in life and especially in this business some guys misfortunes become other guys opportunities There's an opportunity right now for you to possibly come back in this show yeah and fight again let's do M yeah you think if you had the opportunity to fight again right now yeah definitely man what if it was at 205 lbs yeah definitely let's get it on man so you want to come back and do you want to fight at 205 lbs and go into the semi-finals and have a possibility of making it to the finals definitely you're my kind of [ __ ] guy welcome back I want to be a fox you're welcome back I'm happy Ross has never fought at 185 lb his first fight ever at 185 lb was on this sh so he's used to fighting at 205 and that's where he's more more comfortable he's what I'm talking about he's a real fighter you know we call him back and he's all over it he he wants this fight I love guys like him I love you you tell me you want me fight I figh him it's a big opportunity you know uh I've got a chance to prove myself again you know and let my fighter I don't refuse a fight [Music] all right so we're here decide the light heavyweight matchups and we're in a situation right now where Matt can't return and uh Mike unfortunately you have a broken nose and you can't continue in the competition I'd be lying if I said I'm not disappointed with what I heard today [ __ ] shocked and disappointed and uh I know somebody who'll take this fight and I know he'll come in and give us all first fight on Thursday going to be Jesse and Josh the second fight will be on Friday and all I got to say is thank God for [ __ ] England Mike gor you got some [ __ ] balls go [Music] [Applause] [Music] L just about to start training today and Matt comes walking into the room with his trademark woo you know it was quite funny cuz you know we were all looking forward to seeing Matt come back you know let me see let me see you're [Music] okay hell you know so how how did I win decision decision okay hey hey you broke you broke his nose yeah you broke his nose I broke his nose yeah you did good how they job job the Box you're doing if your hands were up you would look good your hands kept dropping I don't remember hey so what's going on did you guys make it guess who I'm fighting who Ross who Ross from England the middleweight no he went up he's come up wait minut I'm in I'm F this Friday no you're not fighting with Friday I'm fighting with Friday I wanton yeah but they won't let you fight who uh the doctor the doctor won't let oh come on man go hey no no it's not up to me it's not up to me it's not my choice it was my choice he still wouldn't be fighting I had my up and downs with Matt but whether I like the guy sometimes or not you know I still have respect for him as a fighter I would have liked to fight him and and be able to say that I beat him um you know so it was a shame that I had to go out the competition that way Tate Tate didn't want to fight he said no I don't want to fight uh Michael said he want to fight but he has who knows doctor would not her okay um Christian Christian said oh I don't want to fight no more I want to fight for the no but the doctor said you can't the doctor won't let you yeah Matt's a good person damn tough competitor I mean the guy is tough as hell I'm going to bring him under my wing I'm you know I see him being a great fighter let me fight I'm sorry man it's that when I let you fight and I was really disappointed but that's okay and I'm still undefeated you know I'm going to go back home and heal healing myself and it keeps trying real hard and get ready for the next fight I want you know that work in time people will see Matt Hamill again I guarantee that L to fight another day [Music] always I think Michael Bisby has a huge opportunity to be a great fighter he works hard he has great dedication and he pushed himself as much as possible strategy um for Michael I just want him to put his temple on Ross you know put his will on him push Ross as much as possible anything is possible in the Octagon anything at all you get a guy who's supposed to kill another guy and all of a sudden you get get a lucky punch and match is over I think with Michael I just got to get in his head to not make mistakes don't be over aggressive because that's when mistakes happen this has been probably the best 6 weeks fire preparation I've ever had in my life you know now cardio has been pushed to a whole new level I've learned a lot more new skills real skills that are useful in the octagon and um I'm I'm mentally tuned in you know to win this competition and I'm going to do everything I can I've got baat at all angles yeah I'm a better Striker I'm better on the ground I'm a better rest better cardio and a lot more experience yeah team punishment nice nice you heard him you heard him yes yes stop him get out of there Ross let's move come on work get yourself out Ross let's go you get right [Music] there don't get sloppy Michael takes a step back he shakes his head like all right I ain't going to make that mistake again jab jab jab jab Ross had the fight one in my opinion even though bisb was pushing he was throwing some things here and there but everything he was blocking and Rock was countering him and he was Landing shots then bis me through a beautiful flying [Music] knee got him in the top of the head and knocked him down and Ross still kept fighting ra get out of there Ross let's move come on wasn't expecting it at all never seen Mark use knees in any of his fights before and he just unloaded and just came with a varage of punches and knees and just came striking striking bing bing bing bing bing stop right there stop Biz Bing finish the fight we ended up with three uh Ortiz guys and one Shamrock in the finals there's no doubt about it Tito won the competition team Ortiz was more of a cohesive team right guys we're done this is it everything you guys worked the last 6 weeks it came down to this right they trained hard they they they listened to Tito they did what he told him to do um I think that's why Tito won I don't feel the same way about Shamrock I don't think Ken came here in the frame of mind that I'm going to you know take this young group of guys and teach them all I know and see how well they can do he figured he'd just show up here for 6 weeks and then he'd get to you know try to kick Tito's ass at the end of the show I believe that's why Ken came here and the only reason I'm proud every one of you guys listen to me Saul and Dean everything we try to push you guys you guys listen you guys push yourselves as hard as possible see the final outcome I gave my heart into it I gave everything I possibly could give into it to me it wasn't about myself it was about shamron it was about the kids was bisbing Josh and Kendall those three kids showed what type of athletes they are what type of competitors they are what type of real true Warriors they really are and in June everybody at home will see the type of real Fighters they are when they fight here in Las Vegas team punishment last one we got man this is it punish on three 1 2 3 team punishment the show is over you know we're getting ready everybody's getting ready to leave and Ken walks by and bumps in the Tito this whole time man you trying to play like this Mr good guy and I know I [ __ ] told you right [ __ ] I said all respect you I [ __ ] respect you all right Shamrock took it upon himself to trying to like clown me I don't know trying to clown me from of the kids or something or trying to clown me from the cameras and it really got me pissed I'm going to [ __ ] retire you [ __ ] you right retire me was he looking to get camera time or whatever whatever that's you remembering that I don't understand the guy man he's he's getting seen out over the old age or something you know what dude you're looking for a bone and I'm going to give you a bone it's going to be my elbow bone and your face my stand up and be a man you back off like some punk what what the [ __ ] you going to do come on Step Aside man let me warm it up a little bit buddy hey come on we fought the first time I made him famous I put him over and he threw it away with his attitude and thinking he's cocky he deserves more he threw it away I'm going to hit you so freaking hard man know what days you born on just Dr the f bomb and make all cut which do not make him tough I hate Ken Shamrock I do me and him always have animosity towards each other just because I respect him the whole time I was in here and him trying to say that I was putting a show on for everybody on camera [ __ ] I was myself that's me and if I was acting that [ __ ] man give me an Oscar cool I I did an awesome job then I fooled everybody ha no that was me that's really me for Shamrock I can't wait to fight again be great talk to your smack bro [ __ ] I don't talk smack man I go and I get it done whatever however it fall however it falls at least I step up and I don't talk when it's over it is a fight and anything can happen and I'm going to make it happen that's anything can happen in July they're going to beat the [ __ ] out of each other again and when it's over they're still going to hate each other I'm going to be the bully in this fight I'm going to beat him down I'm going to turn him upside down the last time I fought him I grabbed a hold of him he felt like a little girl felt like a rag doll I dislike him very much so much that I want to get in the ring and I want to punch a hole in his head car's going to have to pull me off literally he's going to have to pull me off the weight is finally over we are here at the manderlay bay in beautiful Las Vegas Nevada inside this is the hottest ticket in town it All Began in 1999 a young man named Tito Ortiz had just defeated one of the top fighters from The Lion Den his name was Guy mesgar afterwards Tito had a message for guy mesgar which was also a message for Ken Shamrock Ken Shamrock didn't like that message since then the hatred and animosity has built to an unbridled unbridled Tempo now even yesterday the weigh-in got heated as Ken Shamrock took to the scale now remember this is a light heavyweight matchup at 205 lb you have a 1B allowance so at 206 K Shamrock wait in properly but you know what Tito Ortiz said no that's not right that does not work he was animated he was upset he wanted Ken Shamrock at 205 but ironically when Tito hit the scales after being very vocal he weighed in at 2062 Dana White already trying to make the piece Tito gears down and Tito is still over by a quarter of a pound they stare down Tito goes and runs around the Octagon for about a half hour and then finally he makes weit and they come in tonight for this long anticipated Showdown Joe Rogan On Assignment my partner tonight the UFC Hall of Famer Randy the natural Couture we use the phrase often as real as it gets but when you talk about and Tito the hatred is as real as it gets absolutely that's the number one question I get asked now especially after the third season do these guys really hate each other are they acting well nobody in this sport acts they actually hate each other they both wear their buttons on their sleeves and they ham it up but they don't like each other at all don't see that not let's go to UFC 40 Vendetta this was the first meeting between Tito and Ken and Tito demolished against Shamrock Tito put a pounding on Candy Relentless takedowns his ground p and pound classic Tito Ortiz style this is how he winds 99% of his fights knees elbows he puts you on the ground jams you into the fence and just beat you up and that's the Tito we're used to seeing the arrival of the Huntington Beach bad boy Tito Ortiz this fight is about rivalry it's about hatred a live look backstage here at the Mandalay Bay Event Center there he is the Huntington Beach bad boy Tito Ortiz and there is no one that he dislikes and disregards more in the entire fight world than the world's most dangerous man Ken Shamrock Tito Ortiz knows I'm not coming in the same way he knows how much I want this fight I'm going to be the bully in this fight he knows how bad I've been wanting for a long time I'm going to beat him down this fight means everything to me everything to me I'm going to turn him upside down I dislike torz very very much he's going to get hurt and I do not want to walk out of that ring losing to him I don't want the belt I don't want the world championship I don't want to be K the world champion I I just want to beat Chuck lill's ass that's it I'll knock you out again you will be the last of moans that's going to be my job but first and foremost is dismantling Ken champ and the by last time I fought him I grabbed a hold of him he felt like a little girl felt like a rag doll no matter what he says in that fight he gave me everything he had and he couldn't hurt me and I hit him with one punch oh left by Shamrock and buckled his knees I dislike his character dislike him very much so much that I want to get in the ring and I want to punch a hole in his head oh nice Shamrock's got the Heart of a Lion I'm going to come out there and I'm going to beat this guy into the ground I'm going to break a leg or break an arm if he leaves something out that he makes a mistake I'm all over it I'm taking your ass down and I'm punishing you you keep thinking that because when when the time comes you're going to make a huge mistake thinking that Ken Shamar is of the old always will be of the old and never will change because he's in the old well the last time I remember him fighting somebody 42 years old he got spanked goodness literally if Ken sham tries to compare himself to Randy Couture bro wake the up he's going to try and take me down he's going to try and submit me cuz no one's ever submitted me I'm not going to look for a submission I'm looking to beat his ass down look at Ken shro face K is going to have to pull me off literally he going to have to pull me off he's going to get a good old oldfashioned TI Ortiz beat [Music] now 42 years old UFC Hall Famer Ken Shamrock 11 years the Elder of the Huntington Beach bad boy the former light heavyweight champion Tito Ortiz everything else is virtually the same and now it's time this man is a submission fighter who holds a professional record of 26 wins 10 losses and two draws he stands 6 ft tall and weighed in 26 lb fighting out of Susanville California the legendary UFC Hall of Famer the world's most dangerous man K [Applause] shamron vent standing in the Red Corner this man is a submission fighter who holds professional record of 14 wins with four losses he stands 6'2 in is tall and weigh in 206 lb fighting out of Huntington Beach California ladies and gentlemen the former UFC light heavyweight champion of the world the hon Beach bad boy tacher oh R [Music] te begin our referee in charge of this contest is her de okay gentlemen we've gone over your instructions let's keep this fight nice and clean protect yourself at all times follow my instructions at all times touch BRS come on ready to do this Ken comes out swinging big knee by Ortiz right into the freame a double leg attemp by Ortiz picks it up the a slams it down nice job by T he slides Shamrock nice elow on him Herb Dean walks in and it is all over I'm not sure why herb stepped in there early Shamrock in disbelief Ken is going after Tito again little pandemonium in the Octagon right [Applause] now let's take a look at the [Applause] [Music] stoppage now he felt that Ken could not intelligently defend himself there yeah I mean he really took three or four unanswered elbows his hands didn't come up to protect his head I never want to question a referee Ken Shamrock is in [Applause] disbelief Chuck Liddell in disbelief let's take a look at it again Randy again no hands covering the head three four five elbows in a row there five elbows in a row there answered Ken's hands weren't up around his head I'm not sure if Ken was Dazed there obviously he's in disbelief now after he's standing but you got to do something to change that position Tito's reaction he had no doubt that the stoppage was [Applause] justified you know what as you said you must intelligently defend the fighter because one more or two more more of those elbows could do permanent damage to someone even as greatly conditioned as Ken Shamrock you but in that light we may see these guys go again Tito gets the win here's Bruce Buffer ladies and gentl referee her Dean has called a stop to this contest at 1 minute [Applause] 18 ladies and gentlemen referee Herb Dean has call us stop to this contest at 1 minute 18 seconds of the very first round for the winner by TKO the hington beach bad boy tto or te Tito Ortiz wins in just 1 minute and 18 seconds here's Randy Tito great double Leg Takedown Tito big slam you put Ken right where you wanted tell me about the finish what did you think well um you know what I was just doing my job dropping elbows I hit him with a really good elbow and he went completely Lim Herb Dean just I was hitting him with like four or five really hard ones I think I might have chipped my elbow bone I hit him with some really really good ones he wasn't responding he wasn't telling defending himself herb Gan stepped in did his job I'm just in here to fight that's all I want to do is fight if chamon wants to do it again we can do it again I have no problem with that at all Tito walk me through walk me through this Mickey's replay here at the end of the [Applause] fight well right here I just hit him with a really good elbow he went limp right there and I hit him with another one and another one another one another one I was hit him unanswered Bloods right there he wasn't challenging to defend himself that's the rules of the UFC but like I said I'm willing to do it again give these fans a great fight one more time let's do it Tito great job you look like you were prepared how was your training for this fight you know this time my training um it's the first time I've been in Camp where I've actually been non-injury free where I had no injuries at all I was very very happy you know coming here in Las Vegas in my own backyard this is my home I love fighting here in Las Vegas Give All You fans you guys can go ahead and boo but you see me a Kid Shamrock one more time I hope Tito Ortiz ladies and gentlemen for over a decade two legends have defined what it means to be the ultimate [Applause] fighter UFC Hall of Famer Chuck [Music] Liddell and former light heavyweight champ Tito Ortiz I honestly don't have one bad feeling towards Tito he he and I have have made up and and we're cool but Chuck and and Tito still do have bad feelings with each other and don't like each other I'm a better Coach and at the end of the season I'll show that I'm a better Fighter the guy is a complete th up now their epic Feud becomes a war 28 middleweights will have to fight their way onto team Liddell or team Ortiz to get a shot at becoming The Ultimate Fighter [Music] all right guys let's line it up on the map when Dana and Tito and Chuck walked into the gym today you he feel it in his stomach you know and I'm ready to go man put me in the cannon and shoot me all right gentlemen welcome to the UFC training center the new and improved UFC training center um obviously you know your coaches Tito Ortiz and Chuck Liddell not only two of the most famous fighters in in UFC history but two of the best fighters in UFC history and they're they're both fired up and and ready to train you guys and get you some wins and find out who's going to be the next Ultimate Fighter he is cocky well I guess there's cocky and there's confidence right and cockiness is always [Applause] good oh oh that oh there ow wow wow awesome kick I'll tell you what Jagger was cocky as hell when he was walking into that fight today but he backed every ounce of it [Music] up he has the power on his legs and he has speed and and he has uh some people call it Cockiness they called I'm cocky my whole career but I think it's just confidence moving to the house baby y'all know how we do it passadena Riders good well you know they both came out uh both came out firing and Brad caught him and knocked him out put it on him man bing bing bing hit him with the right hook and that's out winner by knockout moving into the house I won I'm in the house I'm excited I'm living in my dream you know it's one step [Music] closer my name is Nan parizzi I was raised in France but I fought off for coconut quick Florida people say that French people are pretty soft or easy fight and I can tell you you're wrong and I think after this fight uh the mindset of people about the spirit of French fighter going to definitely change what are you talking about he's quit quit the hell you talking abouty get get fight get my legs what I feel my [Music] body Let Let It Go man hey got no heart man fight fight's over there can you fight no [Music] I man good job embarrassing that's embarrassing freaking quit I don't get that how do you make it this far that's where your mind is I mean I my guys if you did at my gym I don't come back just don't there's no quitting in the game of MMA you kidding me it's just it's it's amazing to me that I gu to do that that's you know to me it's like tapping the strikes but uh you know wait I think Tito did that once that's just crazy though I mean suck you think suck it up man come on you think it's almost like that whole thing about tapping the strikes you know that's a quitting that's a quitting so paz's big thing is he was going to come on this show and he was going to prove to the world that the the French aren't a bunch of [ __ ] not that I'm calling anybody a [ __ ] but he should probably get another job these two guys are excited to coach you and train you you're going to learn a lot from these two okay I'm really happy with the talent these guys came in they're tough they want to go they want to fight I know we're going to have some good fights and the competition is so brutal between the coaches that that neither one of these guys want to lose to each other teams get picked tomorrow and uh I'm fired up guys don't it up don't let it go to your heads remember what you came here to do don't forget all right good job good luck every [Music] buddy and last but not least Welcome to The Ultimate [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Fighter [Music] [Music] all right guys good morning great fights yesterday and obviously today we're here to pick uh teams now here's how it's going to work I have a coin [Music] one side is red Tito one side is blue for Chuck I'm going to flip the coin see who gets the first pick I'll drop it okay Tito wins the way that this works is you can either pick the first fighter or the first fight and the way that it works this season is team that wins stays in control and can keep picking understandable um I'll take my first pick first pick yeah first pick okay T was opted to pick the first fighter Chuck gets to pick the first fight ready ready uh Nick my first pick was actually uh Nick ring I watched him in the Octagon yesterday he was very poised and he looked like he knew what he's doing and that was my first pick all right Chuck what's your first pick K you know we looked at his fight record and the way he fought his composure and he uh got a good shot to win it so that's how he picked him 1 2 3 a few of Liddell's picks were very questionable just because the guys don't look like 185 Pounders you know a lot of the guys were smaller they 5'9 5'8 team Liddell they kind of look like like Willie won in the Chocolate Factory you got one tall one and then they're all 5 foot nothing they're all really short guys they're all tough guys I'll give them that but they're really short I'm Blown Away by the team picks yeah I'm Blown Away by the team picks too Chuck's Chuck's the strategy guy man he not today I don't know man Chuck's out there and watched the fights yesterday I honestly don't know how he could have made some of these picks you got every guy that won the first round yesterday crazy congratulations good season good season thank you brother Chuck's pretty good with strategy Chuck wants to win this thing so maybe I'm wrong but I think Tito got the right team today he's got a very strong team I couldn't believe he go some of those kids because I wanted he took Dana came to talk to me about he he was surprised with some of my picks and I told him I got what I wanted so you know me me and him disagree on Fighters all the time I think I got tough guys I mean they they're good guys so uh you if you guys guys think I picked the wrong guys and we'll see I just want to make sure my guys train hard I want to make sure my guys get the best out of every single day what are you going to get out of it come on Chris get your ass in there what are you going to get out of it my number one sister coach is s s he's been with me for 9 years he's a great standup guy great G guy a great guy to put everything together awesome I think me and Tito work so well together is because I understand what he's trying to accomplish he's a perfectionist and so am I come on come on get it get it get it yes that that's it perfect cber Luciano black belt and Jiu-Jitsu one two lift the hips he's a small guy who's going to teach a lot of fast moves to these guys this opportunity Once In A Life Time 5 2 1 how did you and Tito get into the WorkOne then making that fight happen again like cuz it's not like the first or second one was close you know what I mean what it's I said it's not like the first me I think it came down I argued against it too but you know they know I don't like him and they knew he was going to talk up he's already he we've been here what a week now I was looking at as a tuneup fight well now he's motivating me to train for so now he's in trouble Tito said in an interview that Dana had to have an intervention with me in September and saying I was an alcoholic and he was using I think to explain why I lost some fights want make up and start talking make make me look try to make me look bad and thepress try to do whatever you want you which is completely untrue I mean even if it was it would be a complete thing to say he knows St too he hasn't said since since he did that and sets up he hasn't said a word of me walking through here and he had looked at me last two days and I know myself I put myself in the wrong position he might get dropped here and knowing Tito he's that big a [ __ ] he probably pressed charges we had a Chuck Liddell pinata for Tito's birthday he had stuffed the Pata full of money so we kind of ran around like kids at a carnival and just had a blast I'm thinking like there might be a 50 100 maybe a 20 but they're all [Music] singles all righty guys check out uh that was my money I give you guys all right good job today good work today all right guys I just want you guys to win man it ain't nothing personal against me okay yeah it is personal against me and Chuck but I still want to win 1 2 3 happy birthday thanks guys up [Applause] [Music] up it it left to the W left to the W left to the W hey clay playay clay clay please please Clayton Clayton please give me one minute Clayton give me one minute please Clayton please give me one minute please please I want these guys to still continue to learn it's frustrating to see a guy lose who I thought he was a little better than him but but everything happened for a reason you know learn from this and we'll never get caught again okay we'll never get caught again just look at this for me please one minute all I want is one minute of your time and you can do whatever you want after okay please yes yes go on your back dude I don't want to please come on hey you'll get caught in again okay shle comes for him to get choked is to pull this hip here I keep this elbow across C please watch I keep this elbow across this hand comes on top this hand comes on top and I go down give it to me twice all I want is to do it twice please please please all I want is twice yeah I should be able to get out of that right I mean it's not the first time I've been in one one more time you know it's okay come on you do what you want to do now all right it up it up come on come on guys come on guys let's go break break down break down we break it down it's right hey clay please stand up please stand up hey humility is a that makes us men okay please stand up no it's all right hey it's a mistake that you make you make mistakes and you grow from it come on Clayton come up here hey we're hey we're still here to work together man hey hey you could still be hey you could still be that wild card remember this we're still team brother you ain't done yet remember this we still got a wild card right lunch round three 1 2 3 three hands plus feet two one don't load up on the kicks let's go [Music] keep it friendly keep it friendly keep it [Music] friendly two one beautiful time shake it down coming over why you call me name me and Jaggers we had a little drama at the gym he started calling me names let's go this is good he's not you're good you don't need to be calling your teammates names or anything like that I that's just not right it's you know totally unacceptable all will you guys Spar man bitching dude you guys cry about you getting kicked talk too hard check dude all right you got to start checking those kicks man you're going to get someone who's going to no it's cool coose but people are sandbagging it like they're you know they don't want to they don't want to go hard and then so I'm just going for movement with them and then they're like just one just hard you're doing that to me and that's another thing there's no name calling to your partners that's wrong pushing up on me and you're complaining cuz I hit you then that's a [ __ ] move and I thought he was acting like a [ __ ] so I called him a [ __ ] hey guys we're going to make each other better no one wants to SP with each other what are we going to do all right what are we going to do all you guys can understand there's going to be one champ in the show one of you guys are going to be the champion but the only way you guys to be The champ is for rescue only reason that's going to happen only way that's going to happen no possible way you guys got to understand that man please man the team is what matters all right I don't know where the your is you should keep track of your it was in your room you [ __ ] I didn't touch it okay how many people in each room did you say something to the other person yeah we already talked about it oh we already talked about you're ignorant mother that's what you are I understand where Casey's coming from but nobody sees eye eye with theer it's like talking to a child so there no point in bickering the whole time we're here it's not going to help this is every day so now you guys got got it all out I mean every day coach it was it was in there hid it a lot better than that buddy Casey thought joerger stole the sweater the only reason they thought that because I had a couple punishment t-shirts hanging around and a couple of them came up missing hey Rob you said I could get those shirts that I got or did I steal those shirts you you asked thank you all right did you tell us to put on shirts and sweatshirts yes sir thank you all right can you apologize no no joerger said the coaches said it was cool for him to take one well ended up being that he did ask but all of a sudden he was labeled as a thief he ain't no Thief I a with nobody all day just sleeping and that's I got to wake up to cuz my was in your room so that sounds like a fun day so what else to do what you it's every day coach swear to [Applause] God was getting up he was on a knee he was getting H hey get your back you're doing okay you're doing good you're doing good you're doing good you're doing good get up let's fight get up calm down Cas calm [Music] down Jing me right now man see the replay come on still fight come on let see the replay before you disqualify me this is my life it was tight rolled Rich all the way through got Mount position cro got pulled out so he just started dropping elbows dropping elbows and Rich felt like he was in a bad position started stand up Casey threw a knee hit him in the chest threw another knee I don't think it hit him in the face I thought it was the fight was over I thought I won I know one hit him in the collar bone and one hit him in the chest if they might have grazed off and hit his and slid into his face a little bit uh so be it but they didn't initially hit him in the face I know that wor about get after that second one hit me man everything got real fuzzy and I didn't I wasn't sure if you know they called the fight and I lost or what but um at that point you know it took you know a few minutes gave my faculties about me stand up the way that I saw this one in my personal opinion it was absolutely a one-sided fight until he got hit with those illegal knees so I think the ref made the absolute right decision he made the right call Rich wins by DQ to Illegal knees to the head I thought you coming up doggy no I understand brother I don't want to win like that it was a good fight guys it's just lose like this you know he was just looking for a way out rich is a good guy I respect him as a as a person but not now as a fighter no way this is [Music] I'll get you guys back man I'll come back I'll come back I watched Casey who here fighting for his family and he gets a chance taken away from him so I was frustrated you know I I haven't been that mad in a long [Music] time w w w it's going to fall the Dust what's up homeboy what you want it make an example please okay all this that's been going on time to [Applause] sh Jagger I guess I'll say suck the desire right out of that kid put it to him hit him with some big shots and he basically just laid down and turtled up and got you know punched into sub Mission all right good fight boys good fight you okay he's good he's good guys now we're in control Power turn Jamie here moves on referee stop it do the strikes good job Char having jer's hand raised you know it raises the morale of the guys and you know to win and finally get control it puts a smile on my face the last couple fights whatever now we're in control you see the work that's put in he wasn't going to take his ass down there way feels great man I mean uh there was a little bit of bad energy on our team you know we had three losses in a row and uh you know I definitely wanted to be the one to change the pace of uh what was going on for us so I'm glad definitely to bring some good energy to our team now guys we're putting in the work let me tell you something guys when I defend trying hard all you guys get amp power to do work understanding you guys I'm doing this for y'all too we ride together come on guys let's go good job punishment on three 1 2 3 strong five exhale [Music] four 2 all right I got to do this you want some I got apologize to you cuz I've said some all right what I said that you didn't want to work and you take an easy way out and d d d da and I apologize I appreciate it and for that happened I'm bummed bummed bummed bummed it seemed like he was lacking heart but I guess the surgery needed to be done and their injury was worse than I thought it was I mean I was trying I trained for a week with it banged up you know fought with it banged up I was trying I know I could tell you thought that that's big for me to do that yes I normally don't do that but I think he deserved it but like say I got to apologize appreciate it Dodge a r you can dodge a ball oh this would be funny all right guys welcome to my favorite part of the competition the coach's challenge this season it's dodgeball the first team to win three games wins the coach's challenge now obviously you guys know yeah I'll hold that I'll hold it I'll hold it I'll hold it for you the winning coach gets $110,000 okay and everybody on his team gets 1,000 bucks okay I'm just excited to hit chuck with my balls guys good what's at stake in this game is nothing but 10 grand and bragging rights and pride because I I'd say we probably haven't had coaches who hate each other this much since Jen's and BJ all right this is game number [Applause] one hey that's how I hit the ground so the first game starts off and guys are picking guys off left and right bro chck balls go man Chuck is a beast he's gunning the ball man I swear there was smoke coming off that thing and then all of a sudden it's just Tito and three of Chuck's guys in there get me touch me hit him you're out yeah baby never touch touch you never touched me so obviously three of the one in DodgeBall they end up picking Tito off now we go into game two you ready game [Applause] two shot getting tired ch's [Applause] tired so it it's two to nothing Chuck's beating Tito and if Chuck can can pull off this last game it's a sweep he sweeps Tito three to nothing all right you ready you [Music] ready they're picking each other off left and right then at the end it gets down to just Tito and Chuck Chuck [Applause] Tito come on [Applause] Tito remember that bab as you know we picked off Tito quite a bit because he couldn't move he wasn't moving he couldn't move his feet fast enough so you know maybe the same problem he's got in the ring [Applause] sometimes I've never seen so much emotion out of Chuck in my life he's Mr Mr dull Mr non-personality but hey I'd be happy too if one 10 G's uh it's great I came out on top on top again on you know I mean it's he has some trouble beating me just about anything Chuck 10 Chuck's a competitor man and he's a smart guy and and you know he outmaneuvered Tito so far coaching this season too um and then he beats him three games to nothing to dodgeball so I'm sure Tito is getting pretty frustrated good thing it's only dodgeball cuz the next time I'll be hitting sha with an elbow in the face or a punch in the face all right Ice Man on three 1 2 3 Ice [Applause] Man [Music] So today we're going to pick the quarterfinal fights and I'm going to sit down with the coaches to put together some good fights now take blue and red and take teams out of this whole thing you you're first you tell me who are the best four Fighters here I don't know but it I mean um I don't know you don't have a top it doesn't matter you don't I don't really no you are not helping me here my friends I know I'm not I'm not helping you no and what do you think who do you think are the four best guys here you the four best guys I can see out the bad you know had to be Kyle Brad uh ring and joerger that's what I think too I think those are those are the top guys I don't know I don't know how you do that I think core beat ring and if they gave him another round he would have beat him for sure I I agree that he should have had another round I think he would have beat him in that fight fortunately we can't answer that question now both of you guys are talking about you guys want to see a third round in but court courton ring you guys will get your third round you could do that fight or you could do court and jger um like M against jger better but I want to see I want to see josco swinging at at Nick but now why don't you like that I don't and what's the reason because you guys bring qutb but you don't give Nick an opportunity to finish him off I mean that's that's BS dude I mean just the fact that he gets to come out being in the winner that's horrible then don't leave it to the judges and let them fight again let them fight again and see who wins the fight they they left it to the judges do what you guys want dude dude am I wrong I mean you're getting mad no I'm not getting mad true though no you guys are saying crying so much about the third round that should have happened here's your chance the opportunity is right in front of you then let's do it let's do it cool we'll do that so so he gets what he wants cuz he wants to yell about that fight no let's third round do you think could beat Nick yeah I think he beat Nick yeah but he gets he gets all the match up wants and he match if it was the matchs I wanted look at dude I've been scribbling them out it was the matchs I want it would have been totally different totally different was the match ups I want oh Tito's over there shaking his head saying yeah he's buddies with Chuck he's goingon to give chuck whatever he wants and Chuck's going you gave the big crybaby you know exactly what he wanted it's a no- win situation all right go with your team psychos and let me figure this thing out all right all right thanks don't say anything to the guys should I leave this here yeah yeah thank you thank you it's been fun [Music] hey Tito's neck everybody knows he been messed up for years uh he's had at least one surgery on his neck or back uh if not multiple I had to go see my do neck doctor neck touch I had to go see him yeah they want to do surgery when do they want to do it like straight away you know my my medical conditions right now is between C6 C7 my disc is pressing on my spinal cord I get numbness down my legs down my arms um headaches every day uh I don't sleep well what they said I may have to get surgery no I'm what my neck I just got back from right now so what's the date what what did I say I don't I don't know if I'm going to do it I I've been through one surgery before and if it happens again it happens again I still have another 5 years of competition left if I keep chancing myself of fighting injured I'm going to hurt myself worse and I've done that I've done that for the last 6 years and I'm not going to make the same mistake that I've made before I ain't going to let Chuck beat me because I wasn't 100% no possible way no way I'll find a next couple weeks when I'm able to fight I put it in God's hands right [Music] now I got to deal with that's exactly what I was afraid he was going to do with this show come in here and them puss out of fight me puss puss out if I got to put up with him for 6 weeks um he better better let me let me let me go in there and fight him I mean it's just he just said two days ago he has to have surgery on his neck or that's because he better he better cuz I'm he shows up in that ring hey he don't he don't fight me after this he pulls that when he's when when he's all done when it's all done with when he says he's healthy I'll come to house and fight him jackass I mean it so whatever I'm [Applause] sorry was that to the body [Applause] no T kicked him in the face on the ground knocked him out what did he hit me [Music] with what do you think no he does doesn't even know what he got hit with so give him a second but we're going to have to decide very quickly obviously you make your decision and I'm Bas [Music] on go f let's go go let's go go fight or not we don't you get hurt the doctor out that's it okay it turned into a scramble in the last 5 Seconds of the match gra slip throwing that knee s soccer kicked them you see that kick land and he just drops right to the canvas arms down right on his face like he's out he hopped up and I said tarus I'm sorry and uh he said for what oh I'm sorry I'm sorry immediately after hitting Brad no I I wasn't even worried about the fight really I was just worried about him I was a a bad way to end a good fight I'm sorry it's not the way I wanted to I'm sorry man I do on purpose I'm you did good on purpose I don't even know what you hit me with I kicked you I guess yeah you kicked him while was down in front of us one of the doctors came over to me he said that he KCK him in the chest underne the armpit and what can you do it was in his armpit under the chest no way on no way come on let's go come on one's enough come on I mean you got one GI don't need two one gift what what one gift I got oh I got KN in the head twice you fat yeah bro whatever he disrespected me first nobody's disrespecting you yeah it's a gift bro just let it go okay the fight was ended on what was clearly an illegal strike the rules clearly state that that is a disqualification winner by disqualification that's not how I wanted to win the fight you know the coaches were kind of trying to imply that I was faking it or something and I wasn't hey punishment guys come on over they get a win this way that's great it's only way the C in you got to be kidding me right now out of the corner it's already called we disrespecting him Joe how can you disrespect somewe pick him in the chest are you kidding me right now you step he started walking back and walking at one of my guys to scream at one of my guys and that Happ don't talk to my guys come on come come on come your way off hey don't be stupid guys talk to your own civilized [Music] boort stupid no because Guy loses always should lose these guys are like my own kids man any Father Figure or you know any good head coach we'll fight for their guys and I'll do it every single time no matter what talk to your own guy Dan will give you the opportunity to watch tape watch the tape then you can come apologize to me let me soccer kick him in the face and then tell him to continue afterwards and we'll see what happens oh looking for you oh know what come here huh Chuck is looking for an opportunity to get into it with Tito he wants to fight Tito so bad so what's up this what I've been waiting to tell you I guess now is a better time than ever Tito pulled out the fight don't break your phone I'm I'm going to go punch him that [ __ ] you're serious right yeah I'm serious he uh I told you he was going to do this I told I told they won I said that's why I didn't want to do this with him I got a text from Tito that said I'm out of the fight I'm hurt my neck is messed up need surgery don't let that guy fight anymore man he's [ __ ] unless I get to fight him but that's a different story but killing me Tito pissed me off I mean I don't like the guy I didn't want to do the show with him the only reward to the show was getting to punch him in the head afterwards go what do you want to say what am I doing so now what do I do now you're still going to fight at the end of the show yeah sure yeah fine I all right it's the first first time ever during the season coach says now I'm not going to fight I'm out I'm hurt it's never happened before [ __ ] pulled out [ __ ] he pulled out I'm not we're not fighting I told D I didn't want to do it with him I didn't want to do this show with them so I knew you do this check don't understand he don't understand and it's when I fought Forest after a fight I had a lot of tingling in my ear um my legs would go numb my arms would go numb now sudden I'm having have to go through neck surgery I guess it's God seeing what type of person I [Music] am don't quit get Warner Jagger You're Warrior come on Jagger come on buddy come on believe in your right now come on son believe yourself believe yourself got the corner can't help come on come on how you're not tired go get him he's done all right the judges have declared it a draw we're going to the third round you give me one more chin down Hands Up Get Right inside in his face Jagger go give here come on dog hey you will hate yourself the rest of your life [Applause] now yeah baby yeah just like Tito just like Tito qu just like at the end of the second round referee stopped the contest Josh Chu is pretty amp right that's what I'm talking about to break somebody like that he quit I mean to me is better than a submission that's better than a knockout he quit right he quit right it's one thing to come in and play the game everything else it's another thing to quit on the stool he got hit with those first first two punches and he wasn't the same the rest of the fight he didn't like that he didn't like that all he didn't like that at all that that see I disagreed with all your picks at the beginning thing you were right bro if you even see the thing when you see the season you see that attitude of my team and his team totally different that was the best fight since we've been here man that was a good fight every one of his fights have ended in 15 seconds he hasn't fought more than 15 seconds since he's been here man pussed out Tito was pissed basically called you you're a [ __ ] what a [ __ ] man quit [ __ ] that so badass yeah you're pussed H you got be joking me right now you can teach people how to fight but you can't teach someone to have heart he broke [Music] him he's got to live with that though that's going to haunt him forever he's tough dude I told you dog you got to recover and come back hard you got to come back hard you good fighter bro yeah you're quit nothing more than that he quit he was fine he said the back of my head no he quit I'm sorry guys sorry [Music] toughy sorry about anything keep your head up man he let me down he let our coaches down let his team down and he let himself down I don't want to let everybody down you ain't got no heart you're in the wrong mother sport no heart don't work in the sport at all [Music] what's up boys what talk to you from that Dana White came in and pulled Tito out said Tito come here definitely knew something was up didn't uh didn't really know what though so here's the deal I have you a doctor's appointment tomorrow in California I'm going to send you to La you see this guy he's the best in the country of what he does I know you like your guy get a second opinion if you agree with what this guy says he says you need surgery you talk between the two doctors you figure out what you want to do cuz at the end of the day it's up to you you got to make that decision it's your body but I'm on it we got it and we're going to make it happen awesome okay appreciate it you're welcome yeah so the way that this is going to work now this has never happened before and any season of The Ultimate Fighter we've never had a coach fall out during the season so we going to leave tomorrow tomorrow is your last day who what do you mean I mean this is it why why is that cuz I'm going to send you to go see this doctor and we're going to start the process right now so that's it here it's over I don't understand that we made another fight for Chuck okay but I still got one of my guys in it that I've been coaching I mean I I know well I don't understand that it's never happened first time it's ever happened in any season it's never happened where we've had a coach [Music] Fallout he uh took me out of the show said you're fired I just never I've never been fired at anything in my life and it's really hard to swallow [Music] it so whatever you're doing from here on out whether it's surgery or therapy we're starting the process tomorrow cool okay thanks thanks brother Tito didn't have much of a reaction Tito sat there and asked me why and I basically told him and he said [Music] okay challenging very challenging I got everything taken away from me in a blink of an eye my health is not worth fighting no [Music] way [Music] I love to fight I fight for my family fight for my fans I go through another surgery I'll be back if Tito even thought that he wasn't 100% he he should have never come on the show dude Tito's bummed Tito's like he is down in the dump right now I'd give him a hug why are we still sitting here he just got fired or something I'll take my medicine like a man and I'll continue on with my career I'm not going anywhere anytime soon I'll be competing again for sure this is this is not the last of cedo Ortiz I gave him time to go in and talk to his team and he didn't he just took off and didn't tell his team so I called him back something's going down oh my God what is Going's going on got out of the van went back in the locker room and uh lo and behold Dana walked in guys the hell is going on so I apologize for calling you back uh I thought Tito was going to talk to you um Tito's gone what do you mean what do you mean he's he's done he want to be here anymore no he he pulled out of the fight he pulled out of the fight with Chuck lell he's got to go so what we we ain't going to say nothing we do we get to say what's up Toto I told Tito he Tito came back in here I thought he came in here to tell you he he didn't say I mean it was obvious something was wrong he's gone he didn't he's gone like to the airport pack up and laugh not even going to say bye to us really we were all kind of shocked and OD because Tito didn't say anything to us he didn't say hey guys they're kicking me out or hey guys you know I won't be seeing you anymore he just was gone just like that there's no way he's just going to bounce on I mean there's there's only like 6 days left I don't understand why he just can't ride out here the thing uh somebody else has signed on to fight Chuck so somebody new is coming in and uh they're in rot they're on their way and you're still fighting I promise you that you will have you will have some good coaching trust me okay all right so I I didn't want you guys not to know so I just came back and brought you back so I apologize all right have a good night need that there he is there he is knew You' come back we were like oh man he's you know he's got to come back and see us before he goes and and sure enough he came over to the house within a couple hours well I I wish things could be better but danis pulled me aside and said since I'm injured that I can't be a part of this anymore and us as coaches we can't be a part of this anymore so for once in my life I'm getting fired um I thought this was about you guys to me it wasn't about me and Chuck yes I want to Cave his face in it's going to happen one time or another for sure my spinal or my uh disc is press pressed on my smal cord so I don't want a chance to go un paralyzed I've done it in so many fights before I'm not going to do it again I ain't given that Chuck that opportunity no possible way um all you guys been through hell and there's one of you standing and I feel like I'm letting you down and it's like it's hard to be pulled away from something I have so much heart into and I have so much time into I mean I wish things could be different but Dana is like you're done that's it God makes everything happen for a reason and for me not being here it's very hard for me to understand why I have to leave but uh I guess they have to get the next guy in here to fight Chuck and good luck to him I feel bad for Chris because now of a sudden he doesn't have the coaches who got him there I I don't take anything away from T he didn't have to tell anybody anything right there he probably just had a go collect himself you know hopefully I can get some good training before my fight it's what what this game is about is learning man you guys learn from it and that's what it's about and hopefully you guys leave this season learning something I just want to see you win it Savage bring this mother back and win represent that was real cool man any time to spend with Tito is good nobody will replace Tito we've been here for five weeks with him you know he's it's our boy that's our coach hey guys hey guys hey for putting in a good season man I'm proud of every one of you guys I couldn't ask else you know you guys got to test yourselves that's what this is about to test yourselves fight the good fight good luck to you guys man all right Tito put in the work Chris put in the work all [Music] [Applause] right they said that we're going to have a special guest so T Ortiz went to our practice and didn't think that it's was going to be a legend like that you know for me he's a Godfather of ground and pounding Akira Kira pleasure man this being as if I come down of course I coached him on season 3 and he's done awesome with his career he's uh another bad boy I guess he can say it's not about the money it's not about the fame it's not about any about that it's about us being men and seeing who's the baddest guy alive as it comes down if you prepare yourself for those things then you guys will be ready to fight all you break the ass and get a training session going yeah yeah oh your you guys warmed up you guys ready to go or the reaction when tto walked in a lot of them were like wow they couldn't believe it you know and um we just let T basically take over I'm not just elbowing I'm shouldering or all this comes straight down I was just like wow man this is Tito Ortiz man I always want to try to clear clear the lane once I clear the lane then there's an opos for me to hit bam wow this is the man the king of grounding pound right and I just like wow he has a bit head what about this hand how about I control it you can trap it also oh okay it's same wrist roll same wrist rolls for at the Garden some of the techniques that ran through with Team bisbing were uh Landing elbows on top the ground and pound someone mastered at uh throwing your shoulder and your head straight through to cut big lacerations or knock him out you want to pin that hip down to the mat as hard as possible so he can't go anywh yep I wish you guys luck you know all you guys for sure just train hard you guys get you guys have a great Coach man I mean thanks for coming in tonight guys lift the moral you know what I mean round fun guys
Channel: Larone
Views: 807,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultimate, fighter
Id: CL8J0h7CXhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 38sec (9038 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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