Conor McGregor - The Champ Champ (An Original Bored Film Documentary)

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really love his documentaries, half cheesy but also very well done. whenever i want to introduce someone to a fighter i send them one of these if he’s covered them

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Connor30302 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
he hails from Dublin Ireland here is notorious [Applause] the sport of MMA has introduced us to many great warriors but none quite like the notorious Conor McGregor if you want to look at a man who has clawed his way fought with every ounce of his being to get to where he is you're looking at him right here born in Dublin Ireland in 1988 growing up where I'm from to teens you you were known for you were to go to playing football you could fight he trained at the local boxing club winning the Amateur Dublin boxing crown then I met a guy who was doing jujitsu Tom Egan his name was Tom Egan John Connor and Connor when the three of those people collided I knew it was gonna be success John showed us a different approach to combat sport a different way of thinking the life of an MMA fighter is not a glamorous one fighting in front of small crowds for little pay in hopes of someday breaking into the mainstream I told them by the time I'm 25 years of age I will be a self-made millionaire true this game and my father laughed in my face at that at that time for most the career is short-lived and often doesn't end on the fighters terms yeah because the oldest thing is the games which lay it straight away I was no different as soon as I finished school I was always getting pensive what are you doing with your life you know in this deal no we're going to be a plumber I'm sure well like I've heard you working 12-hour days like driving two hours one way I was on them building sites cold and damp and I was like yep that was not me Conor chose to commit to a future in fighting one that his parents scoffed at [Music] from the start Connor flashed the personality that would endear him to millions of fans around the world as far as my family were concerned as far as my mother and father were concerned I left what was a safety net of a trade as a plumber to pursue a career in fighting as they wouldn't say no just getting into a cage appointment soon what a guy they didn't know nothing about it no one did really but I knew I mean I knew I just saw the ugh manicure that recognized the most fifth most recognized athlete on earth they must have miscounted I say I'm the morning what he lacked in skill and experience he made up for in tenacity and ferociousness and which matchlocks is basically the purest form of unarmed combat known as a month it involves all all disciplines all that combat disciplines boxing kickboxing wrestling Taekwondo karate jujitsu and it's just a pure combat Conor would face off against unbeaten top ten european fighter Joseph Duffy they were both quick I was landing my craft figuring it out again Connors lack of experience showed I lasted twenty seconds to a kneebar I lost in 29 states we had a very very fast condition there in London some good job what's the eye of Joe picked up a but then got caught in a collision you learn your craft as you go you face the feet like a child a champion when he faces defeat he puts his head down on mines he dedicates his entire life that's what champions do what got me to where I am is an insane walk Eddie a lot of people think they can do what I do until it's time to do what I do Conner would take the lessons of defeat to heart and continue to remove any holes from his game if I could describe it to two people it's like entering a car crash you're going into a car crash that shins up where the feet up where you can strike with the elbows the knees it's a vicious vicious game you would not lose another fight or nine years doing it to the gavel that was it it was over Connor has got four roses power [Applause] his style was tactical aggression a relentless crowd-pleasing assault of unconventional kicks and precision targeting order winner by TKO [Applause] a of those a fourth round he chaos and chaos all my wings if I knock down give me the bell for the CW FC featherweight championship of the world [Applause] do you really earn the shots at a at a bonafide world title and he answer back yes how many people do I need to knock out the main thing to succeed in this game is to either be me or fight me everything else is peanuts for the featherweight strat world perfect timing come on McGregor in the Kray Dave Hill in the whites well McGregor is gonna be so fired up here I think you could probably hit him with a truck go ahead Jake one of the things I'm blessed with I have many shots in my arsenal I've many meals I can box I can keep many different weapons in my in my in my arsenal submission victory [Applause] McGregor is victorious here in Cage Warriors he wins extreme scenes here in Dublin as we are showered with several sighing a fantasy for there is now the first Irish fighter in MMA history to [Music] notorious [Applause] [Music] [Applause] before against a very seasoned opponent he would win cage warrior titles at both lightweight and featherweight the first European to ever do it has obviously fury on and you have said that you're going to get into the bigger organization do you think the call is yeah I hope so I don't know but see what happens only if there's keep positive again keep believing keep training eventually you put in the performances you put in the work you put in the hours and the UFC brass take note and then and then you get the call-up to the big show the success and personality of McGregor caught the eye of UFC president Dana White the UFC is the premier organization it's number one there is no organization where you can make a sustainable living Connor was tapped by the UFC to fight Marcus Bremen his dream was coming true the fight game an Irish man in the UFC was literally and I mean literally laughed at we were laughed at I was laughed at when I when I said we were gonna get to the EOC my several my team are gonna get to you see it was one of the rare occasions that I felt a little bit nervous you know it's his first time I remember I like holding the banner over and he walked over to me fast for a little sip of water he took sit board on the back he says I feel a little different Barca scrimmage Connors 12 weeks intruder destroyed intruder destroying the knockout would net McGregor a $60,000 bonus this last week goes to Social Welfare Conor McGregor's energy and personality are as gripping as some of his mixed martial artists the dominators popularity exploded in this country last year with his MMA feats and that has led him to being the most searched sports personality on Google and Ireland 2013 this fight is three rounds in the UFC featherweight division not tarnish is so relaxing he is amazing the second UFC fight very high profile his style was tactical aggression a relentless crowd-pleasing assault of unconventional kicks and precision targeting chinese kicks there's no switch step look at this pile stop jumping with a dominant performance in Boston against max Holloway the winner by unanimous decision good note [Applause] I think that anybody realized it would be such a big event we did a 8 gauge polite that week imagine doing that for MMA it's certainly one that happened last year the year before well just like any sport personality makes stars and Conor McGregor certainly has plenty of star Pat wasn't long before the UFC but Conor on paper [Applause] do you think it's gonna take your lung I don't see him getting out four rounds bouncer okay there he is he's uh he's not the best-looking guy I wanted an apology [Applause] [Applause] [Music] sweetie a clean sweep for the artist real I said the last year when I entered to take part [Applause] I speak the truth I've spoken about Dustin's weird weirdly shaped head he has a t-shaped head his bold trash-talk and over-the-top antics made him stand out among a crowd of exceptional athlete that's not gonna be good you know I'm gonna crack him with a jab and he's gonna wobble and I'm gonna put him away early it's gonna be a first round KO mark my war his ability to back up that trash talk with results would make him a global icon it is personal and it's business it's a it's a grudge match I don't like this guy gentlemen this fight is three rounds in the UFC you know what division right I thought he wasn't getting in my head and he might have been you know looking back at it now I don't know I wanted to hurt him I was aggravated and mad all the time you know don't get me wrong I like the kid he's a quiet little hillbilly from the podcasts of nowhere you know I've nothing against the guy you know I mean I'm sure he grew up in a circus or a fair you know he's a nice little Katie whose cousin's party name Cletis or some Adam he's a nice kid a lot of times I find myself like being angry at him or thinking about him you know I'm not fighting man may have been on each other's nerves for weeks 90 seconds in Mikey's talking to Maya it clip them right behind the ear [Applause] the real-deal age make no mistake about it an entire country is standing on those two [Applause] he said he would make it look easy he made it look easy that's the real deal it's a fine line between charisma and obnoxious boasting one McGregor seemed to walk effortlessly he has an indescribable quality that makes him the biggest draw in the sport Wow cut McGregor Tennessee [Applause] here now [Applause] busted up [Applause] as special able to utilize your outstanding [Applause] [Applause] was McGregor tore over the top of the cage went right down into the front row got right in all those face although looked at him and smiled and I go home now I'm eager to get home to my Island as wealthy or Island you mean Ireland yeah it's mine you can't walk down the street now anywhere in our village without being known so of course very disappointing to hear of josie's injury the Pampa pound number one everyone wanted to see that fight a lot of drive behind defied UFC victories Conor was next in line to battle Jose but aldo was injured in the lead-up to the fight when I looked at Connor I see dollar signs in my bank account you know Connor I'm not sure horrible for this guy the kind of card you know what left one year I could I hear the bell away a forehead so instead Connor was pitted against Chad Mendes a world-class grappler for the interim world title although we are known as the Fighting Irish in boxing in boxing terms we have a rich history in boxing but not in mixed martial arts true fighting a full fight we had zero history zero impact but where I come from we're not supposed to farm to these heads were told that it's instilled in us and I wanted to break that mold and paved the way over the past I don't know my nations fly the UFC belt they released a new belt [Applause] the questions remained could Connors flashy and dynamic striking style hold up against a wrestler of Mendez caliber mendez tested connor early taking him down multiple times in the first round and opening a cut over the Irishman's i you know alrighty I tell you what Conor McGregor can take a punch you sure can you also holds his hands really well McGregor not only persevered he retaliated then des had taken his best shot on the ground but McGregor escaped if you're in the game make sure you're in it all the way all in with it and then that game will be your game perfect timing I'm only Youngtown you know I'm still learning learning the game yeah and I don't claim to know what all but what I do know I know it damn well you know when I'm continuing to learn and continue to push on [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] from the people of Ireland it's humbled me I'm blown away I've never seen anything like it in my life the gold belt is what I want the two gold belts I was a two-way world champion in the previous organization now I'm on the big stage at the UFC I want that Federer weight belt I want that light weight the dream fight against aldo was finally on [Applause] those the first thing that anybody ever really disrespected Aldo yes Aldo was the man for so long Aldo hadn't been beaten in over a decade it would be the largest event in UFC history [Applause] I thought I thought Aldo was gonna win back then we didn't I didn't know much about Conor I feel like at that point by the way chop it up [Applause] here we go and Josie Aldo is the perfect example Aldo was so out of composure although charged at him [Applause] the stunning knockout was a statement win for Conor who was now unquestionably the face of the UFC I change our formula if you fight me it's a cell b2 and you sign up fight me it's a celebration you ring back home you ring your wife baby we've done it well rich baby Conor McGregor made us rich break out the red panties well rich I can say about Conor is it's made him wealthy very quickly it's made and talked about more than maybe any other fighter in UFC right now you know I don't have a problem with Conor even though I didn't do much talking I tried I tried to have my actions do my talking for me in the Octagon but when you listen the guy he's actually pretty smart you're a star among stars [Music] [Applause] for the first time in his career Connor would move up two weight classes to 170 in order to face off with Nate Diaz McGregor was scheduled to fight lightweight champion I fail dos Anjos March 5th in Vegas until dos Anjos will drool from the bow you know I've been beating the drum all week about I don't like him fighting 170 you know he'll probably come in at 167 Connor wait 169 that's what he weighed when he weighed in this would be weight during the fight and they wanted to find a fit in five years know I can be about seven let me do seven Nate weighed probably around one night [Applause] we need smokin in the biggest star never whether Connors knockout power would transfer to the higher weight division was the question Connor came out in round one the way he always did his plus two made up he dominates the action and bloody Diaz in the books [Applause] there we go he's hidden ate with some of his best shots and they he was fine with it Connor was already fatigued [Applause] [Music] that landed on the practice chair [Applause] he has battered and submitted McGregor [Applause] I was watching Nate beat him up on the ground and choke him I was like it was the first loss of his UFC career and ended his 15 fight win streak the emotions after I lost like that you know it stings it stings real bad about this is the fight business I've been on the end of many defeats in my in my life and I bros back so I'm not shy away from me and I'll not make the excuses for it I will assess it [Applause] [Music] and it's headlined by the rematch between the notorious Conor McGregor revenge Redemption let's reduce pollution he knows if he knows the pain the guy steps in he loses to Diaz where it takes the Diaz fight on short notice by the way after a staph infection here's something a lot of people haven't know you've got a pretty significant staph infection was on antibiotics until like I think two weeks before the fight if you don't think that drains our gas tank you never had a staph infection when you knew how to take care about it nothing external can can can defeat the internal the only that can take someone down I'll break you down as internal Connors training methods are anything but traditional walk hard and in the time we will succeed is that he was obsessive about it she was come to nothing else all day every day ordered and trained movement and balance are key components in the Irishman's regimen that her to be just looking at it [Applause] despite many doubting Conner would win at the 170 welterweight level Connor insisted on a rematch dräger transcending weight classes is not something that other UFC fighters are even willing to try succeed connor started with relentless like kicks he was also much more controlled clearly preserving his energy for later rounds I'll fight Nate at 70 about 45 sharam Merc although in 13 seconds very different than the first round their first fight didn't ask for himself out an outcome to 55 like we've never seen this kind of creativity [Music] [Applause] if he couldn't knock out yes he would outs kill him and take him the distance looks perfect best boy Connor was breathing very heavy in between rounds [Applause] calculated in this fight breathing heavily best-laid plans often go a fossil [Applause] sensing Conor McGregor getting tired and he's starting to put pressure on Conor defending in this kind of clinch battle is brutal and draining to try to survive [Applause] and this much anticipation birthday it's absolutely wonderful when the fight is like the one were watching right now jump [Music] [Applause] [Music] and again with the leg kick a hard one [Applause] [Music] it was unbelievable don't worry decision don't know [Applause] the king is back take a look around you you got a lot of champions a lot of grizzled vets who do you think would give you the hardest fight out of anybody on stage right here is that guy next McGregor would drop back down to 155 to battle for the lightweight championship of the world against Eddie Alvarez took a long time for the UFC to touch down in New York and it comes down to Madison Square Garden three title fights on the line at Conor McGregor tonight that's something the same time [Applause] well it looked like Eddie the moment he got hit with what you can see on his face he was like holy MacGregor did not disappoint the New York fans he dictated the action against Alvarez smashing him repeatedly with precision shots from his left hand and then the accuracy of that combo that finally finished Eddie that's what I think makes Connor so special is his accuracy when he throws punches [Applause] by winning two belts he was now known as the champ champ I wound the two belts that force to ever thrown at the hood forever and still the only two the opportunity unified there's been interim double champions but that's not unified door handles I'm the only unified chair chair the champ champ exactly exactly the og I just wanna shake on the bottom of me hood I'd like to take this chance to apologize absolutely nobody [Applause] the tree I loved every minute so we need to scream at the top of your lungs the bed wetters - true at the height of his superstardom connor capitalized by taking part in the most profitable fight in history hey purview sales will likely be the largest ever mayweather the overwhelming favorite is eyeing a two to three hundred million dollar paid earning over 100 million dollars for the fight Connor would try his hand at boxing [Applause] [Music] the fight drew a ton of interest as both Connor and Floyd were masters of the pre-fight hype game we talk about a billion down the final we talk about it being a fight Conor McGregor so the biggest the biggest boxing fight I think in history just happened what a week ago yes but in reality it was in fact more spectacle and less of an actual contest there was no real chance for a UFC fighter to outbox one of the greatest boxers ever just as there was no chance Floyd could enter the Octagon versus any professional UFC fighter and survived the first minute in the end both men made out like bandits I went in on his cams I fought him under his rules and Allegiant Eve the promise was I'll fight him his game he fights me my game yeah with more money than any UFC fighter could ever hope to earn Connor was now in a state of limbo why fight in the Octagon again why risk the injury with little to gain his life is so chaotic he's always filled with so many distractions not good though no I mean he might he literally might wind up wind up in jail it's entirely possible that New York's gonna prosecute him he threw a dolly at a car he'd had their eyes cut and a face cut [Music] I just want to say I'm thankful to the DA and the judge for allowing me to move forward the same and constant media presence began to affect McGregor his antics increasingly ramped up resulting in legal troubles after a very bitter and ugly back and forth with khabib the fight was set I'm gonna smash your opponent guys I'm gonna smash your boy it was the highest purchased pay-per-view UFC fight ever as the fans flocked to see if Connor could return from his absence and recapture the title he vacated however to be was a new beast undefeated no signs of a weakness in his game [Music] [Applause] connor was unable to stay on his feet and on the ground to be was in a class of his own the defeat was made worse by the post-fight altercation for khabib jumped into the crowd and attacked by his trainer [Applause] no no and he's going right into the dentist Oh No that right hand the wayward right hand from a teammate inside the Octagon after losing a mixed martial arts fight now that was disgusting it was two things discussed it could be him to be on the osteon attacking doing dannis foolish jumping in the attacking Conor with the loss a legend of Conor seemed to be coming to a close many thought he'd never entered the Octagon again as his life spiraled from one misstep after another his presence in the consciousness of the sport didn't fade Connor would return I don't say nay sayers I'm not a comic Berger naysayer I had Conor McGregor questions going in despite cowboy is a legend he is a tough as tough as they come you're talking about a guy who was the most fights in the UFC the most finishes in the UFC the most head kicked knockouts in the UFC kind of stormed out and implemented the rarely used tactic of shoulder striking [Music] and then Connor can't counter with a head kick the rest was just a formality 40-second knockout by Conor McGregor over Donald Cerrone and then Connor hits him with Pistons is so he broke his Corbett uh bomb yeah [Applause] declare the winner [Applause] [Applause] as a number of potential next matchups present themselves one thing is for sure Connor is still the biggest draw in the sport and as long as he is fighting he is the undisputed king of the UFC nobody brings it home like Jill it's nobody make it so [Music] [Music]
Channel: Joseph Vincent
Views: 3,070,512
Rating: 4.8551364 out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Sports, Film, Comics, Fights, Highlights, Spin, Truck, Juke, History, edit, diving, leaping, catching, one handed, dunk, slam, jam, alley oop, jordan, lebron, vincent, bored film, conor mcgregor, training, first, final, power, knockouts, career, history, interviews, funniest, hilarious moments, spinning, ireland, irish, cage warriors, title, aldo, diaz, rematch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 40sec (2500 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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