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i cannot i can't watch that oh no hey guys welcome back to dia jesus my name is maple and today i'm going to be watching the matrix threaten i'm threatening you guys for likes and subscribes so like and subscribe if you want to see the full length reactions be sure to check out our patreon i'm actually so excited for this movie [Music] [Music] was that the lady that was talking and asking if the line is clean is that why whoa like the men in black but not i think we can handle one little girl i sent two units no lieutenants your men are already dead [Music] oh i like her outfit [Music] whoa what in the world okay so i don't know this is an old movie i suppose are there any agents yes yeah god damn it you have to focus trinity trinity you can make it [Music] running in a suit does not seem desirable the music whoa oh come on dude [Music] oh man she's fast whoa [Music] not likely it's impossible i'm a little lost parkour or something in your little leather pants let's go [Music] swan dive wow [Music] get up little pep talk after all that okay there's the phone [Music] okay trash man [Music] bro also where she get out oh wow we have the name of their next target the name is neo [Music] weird okay who is this neo the next victim target victim i don't know what what the hell follow the white rabbit well escape doesn't work [Music] oh my own personal jesus christ you get caught using that yeah i know it's never that guy's wig in the back is my computer yeah he was having a whole thing you ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming uh-huh all the time it's called mesclun i don't know what that is it'll be fun [Music] follow the white rabbit i'll go yeah i can't deny that all right it's always movie scenes like this where you have like someone who's like in this scene how do you know their name like this right and they're all like off to the side like trinity they're watching you neil what is the matrix what is the matrix it's looking for you what is the matrix [Music] okay so now we're at work you have a problem with authority mr anderson same do i make myself clear yes mr reinhardt oh well finding another job kidding uh thomas anderson a cubicle whoa whoa do you know who this is orpheus they're coming for you neo and i don't know what they're going to do who's coming for you stand up and see for yourself said those weird men um no [Music] wow okay that's lucky [Music] come on neil yeah go dude [Music] uh let's make my stomach hurt don't look down well hmm okay my hands would be so my hand's like always buddy thinking about it it's so sweaty dude got a feeling he's gonna have to figure out how to do stuff like that at some point in time because homegirl is like scaling the walls like a little spider and little neo here weaseling out is that who i think it is i'm going to be as forthcoming as i can be mr anderson we know that you've been contacted by a man who calls himself morpheus give you a fresh start okay but who even are you how about no i give you the finger and you give me my phone call what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak then do it i dare you wait what oh that what i thought they meant kill him what is happening [Music] ew you're going to help us mr anderson whether you want to or what is happening um absolutely not um oh my god i cannot i can't watch that oh no oh that was horrible okay movies are so different now what the f what what the cost dude like what in the world that was disgusting oh oh wow failure so i must be brief great you are the one so morpheus is making people think he thinks he's the one but neo is really the one then go to the adam street bridge the one for what get in trinity i don't know what was that thing that went in his belly but whoa for our protection from you okay take off your shirt what yeah let's see it take off your shirt please neil you you know exactly where it ends um [Music] take off your shirt or get shot i guess maybe i'm confused does he really need to take off his shirt what wait i thought it was a dream this is gonna be terrible [Music] ew [Music] wow [Music] that's so gross are we gonna meet morpheus be honest [Music] at last huh i am morpheus the honor is mine it's a little dusty do you believe in fate neil no okay interesting question what you know you can't explain but you feel it you felt it your entire life that there's something wrong with the world you don't know what it is but it's there the matrix is everywhere it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth hmm what truth that you are a slave neo the concept is so interesting you have to see it for yourself yeah do people think about that i tried telling that to people too like it's just weird like all the things we do like we just do things to do them because we're supposed to you take the blue pill the story ends you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe you take the red pill you stay in wonderland and i show you how deep the rabbit hole goes red pill red pill red pill all i'm offering is the truth nothing more no it's too hard to resist hey pop are we online the pill you took is part of a trace program it's designed to disrupt your input output carrier signal so we can pinpoint your location okay it means buckle your seatbelt dorothy interesting is that how she was able to do that thing with the phone earlier and not get absolutely crushed by a truck [Music] did you what the [Music] have you ever had a dream neo that you were so sure was real what if you were unable to wake from that dream relation what now tanks [Music] what ew each time i'm just like what am i looking at who comes up with this stuff [Music] whoa [Music] a bunch of bald slimy bodies [Music] oh my god um whoa um okay all right [Music] they're there [Music] welcome to the real world the real world am i dead far from it huh [Music] jeez why am i certain you've never used okay this is so weird okay neo's actually kind of hot guys like i hate hate that [ __ ] jesus criminy i'm over the weird body stuff weird things coming in and out of the skin and oh okay morpheus what is this place you believe it's the year 1999. when in fact it's closer to 21.99 see for yourself they're outside of the matrix tank and his big brother tank and dozer try to relax this will feel a little weird am i plugging them back in oh i'm so just like right now we're inside a computer program is it really so hard to believe this isn't real what is real hmm it exists now only as part of a neural interactive simulation that we call the matrix this is the world as it exists today [Music] oh that's not good marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to a.i um throughout human history we have been dependent on machines to survive this is freaking me out dog the machines had found all the energy they would ever need um we are grown the matrix is a computer-generated dream world it's like in order to change a human being into this a battery no i just said it would be the truth stop wait so like is that all just one matrix but it's like is our matrix says within matrixes oh ew sorry neo i can't go back can i would you really want to i did what i did because i believe that search is over hmm get some rest well neil they're all really counting on you dude i don't know what i was expecting a tank i'll be an operator you don't you don't have any holes nope me and my brother dozer we're both 100 pure old fashioned homegrown human i gotta tell you i'm i'm fairly excited to see what you're capable of if morpheus is right now if you are very exciting time his operator supposed to start with these operation programs first let's do something a little more fun how about combat training [Music] this is wild i'm going to learn jiu-jitsu oh [ __ ] mikey i think he likes it how about some more hell yes [Music] what you must learn is that these rules are no different than the rules of a computer system some of them can be bent others can be broken understand some rules can be bent some rules can be broken whoa whoa morpheus just looks like he's dancing he's like [Music] morpheus is a badass so can they see him see them yeah like i said it's like the man is dancing yeah it's funny [Music] how did i beat you he's better you're too fast do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place you think that's air you're breathing now broke yeah listen to the whatever he said to you some rules can be bent [Music] break he needs to believe different i am speed whoa holy cow come on stop trying to hit me and hit me [Music] stop trying to hit whoa whoa whoa [Music] i don't believe it but i can only show you the door you're the one that has to walk through it okay load the jump program oh you have to let it all go neal the jump program huh [Music] i don't know i have a lot of self-doubt but what if he makes it once if i made the first jump but what if he does okay but what happens if you don't make the first jump [Music] i was too scared to climb on the building [Music] oh what does that mean it doesn't mean anything right friend um man i thought it wasn't real your mind makes it real if you're killed in the matrix the body cannot live without the mind um okay okay well i don't remember you ever bringing me dinner there is something about him isn't that jealous why isn't he taking to see the oracle oracle were you looking at the woman in the red dress i always look again [Music] this isn't the matrix no if you are not one of us distracted what are they sentient programs they can move in and out of any software still hardwired to their system inside the matrix they are everyone and they are no one we have they are guarding all the doors they are holding all the keys which means that sooner or later someone is going to have to fight them you i guess every single man or woman who has stood their ground everyone who has fought an agent has died but where they have failed you will succeed what are you trying to tell me that i can dodge bullets no neo i'm trying to tell you that when you're ready you won't have to we'll have to dodge a bullet we got trouble what the f space spider what is it oh they're in a ship right [Music] squiddy killing machine designed for one thing search and destroy escushka witty stealth mode power offline emp disables any electrical system in the blast radius it's the only weapon we have against the machines okay electricity they're gonna have to get the squiddy i hate it it's disgusting it's freaking me out they're nasty that is horrible [Music] well okay whoa oh yeah you scared the big jesus out of me i know what you think cause right now i'm thinking the same thing what actually i i've been thinking it ever since i got here why why didn't i take the blue tail just gotta know i don't know what i need to know but i just you know good [ __ ] huh did he tell you why did it what did what jesus got it what do you say to something like that thanks for the drink sweet dreams do we have a deal ignorance is bliss why is he talking to you and why is he talking to him you have a deal and i want to be rich whatever you want okay access codes to the zion mainframe no i don't know them and get you the man who does morpheus this is [Music] oh seems like it's just not gonna be good here you go buddy breakfast of champions the woman in the red dress but if you'd like to meet her okay mouse thanks for going in taking neo to see her yeah i don't know what that means but it sounds cool [Music] they dress so cool [Music] interesting [Music] dang it that sucks i have these memories from my life none of them haven't it's weird because like it's like technically like yes didn't it what did she tell you something scary we're here she is a guide neil she can help you to find the path yeah she helped you yes that i would find the one okay you have to walk through it hello neo you're right on time these are the other potentials you can wait here okay whoa spoon bending interesting do not try and bend the spoon only try to realize the truth what truth there is no spoon there is no spoon then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends it is only yourself okay the oracle will see you now all right thanks little kid you're the oracle bingo not quite what you were expecting right what is she doing and don't worry about the days okay i'm sorry don't worry about it how did you know what's really going to bake your noodle later on is would you still have broken it if i hadn't said anything you know why morphy has brought you to see me he's gonna save the world do you think you are the one honestly i don't know i better have a look at you this is weird i'm supposed to say hmm that's interesting but then you say but what but you already know what i'm going to tell y'all i'm not the one sorry kid you got the gift that it looks like you're waiting for something who knows that's the way these things go had me convinced yeah morphe seems pretty certain i feel like yes i don't even understand what's happening really morpheus believes he believes it's so blindly that he's going to sacrifice his life to save yours right okay so one of you is going to die um which one will be up to you god was a vase like a foreshadow you have a good soul and i hate giving good people also like what if morpheus is the one but needs neo you're in control of your own life see i don't know take a cookie i promise by the time you're done eating it you'll feel right as rain what was said was for you and for you alone oh morpheus if only you knew ah screw that guy i like that black cat trust your gut what's happening what did you just say nothing just had a little deja vu what did you see what happened a black cat went past us and then another that looked just like it how much like it was it the same cat might have been i'm not sure switch apoc what is it usually a glitch in the matrix it happens when they change something weird get out [Music] oh no oh no [Music] not mouse [Music] oh my god get stepping guys that's what they changed we're trapped there's no way out oh come on tank i need the main wet wall eight floor i'm sad i hope the oracle gave you some good news [Music] she did not i don't think where are they oh god that's wild dude that guy's like an imposter he got mouse killed and i hate him for it he sucks okay freaking sucks [Music] [Music] whoa what [Music] you must the oracle [Music] god dang okay well what is that down and out get out of there screw that guy nah leave cypher stupid the great morpheus and you are a okay okay okay whoa oh morpheus come on [Music] how's he gonna get i hope he gets out of it [Music] morpheus agent smith what a boring name whoa oh stab him or something with a piece of tile or like [Music] not far from cypher damn um what i'm so lost about the [Music] phones you suck cypher what's in the what what in the car what pick it up now [Music] no what [Music] i don't know it just went dead oh my god i am come on cypher where's tank oh god nasty a long time you've been a weirdo bad things have to turn out this way you killed them what oh god tired of fighting i'm tired of this ship but most of all i'm tired of that just say you're weak surprise [ __ ] oh my god but you never saw this coming you gave them morpheus he lied to us trinity he tricked us we would have told you to shove that pill right up your ass that's not true cypher he set us free free you called this free well i mean you're getting somewhere i suppose i would think i choose the matrix the matrix isn't real i disagree trinity i think the matrix can be more real than this one all i do is pull the plug here right there you have to watch apoc die don't kill [Music] no oh my god welcome to the real world huh baby but you're outside why oh no that's what you think by the way if you have anything terribly important to say to switch i suggest you say it now oh no please don't not like this not like this [Music] too late god damn you cipher don't hate me i hope tanker one of linda's brother wakes up morpheus was right and there's no way i can pull this blood i mean if neo is the one then there'd have to be some kind of a miracle to stop me i mean how can he be the one if he's dead you never did answer me before yes no i don't believe it believe it or not you piece of [ __ ] you're still gonna burn yes thank god oh my god but two people died three people died get the frick out of there pick it up no that sucks look out that window you had your time they're gonna have to come back and like get him what are they doing breaking into this line and it does morpheus other than anything you want to know no that's not good it could destroy us can't let that happen yeah well there has to be something that we can do there is yeah oh god kill morpheus we don't have any other choice uh the oracle i don't know if indeed the insider has failed they'll suffer the connection as soon as i'm possible deploy the sentinels immediately they cannot do that yes you're more than a leader to us oh my god stop thank you oh god the oracle she told me this would happen what are you doing i'm going in no you're not i have to but here orpheus did what he did because he believed that i'm something i'm not yeah cause i'm like i'm not the one trinity the oracle led me with that too no you have to be i'm sorry i'm not i'm just another guy i wonder neil this is loco and even if you somehow got inside those are agents holding them three of them i want more for you but what you're talking about okay but like what if he's just meant to save him save morpheus i believe i can bring him back yeah what are you doing i'm going with you no you're not no but i'll tell you what i believe i believe morpheus means more to me than he does to you i believe if you are really serious about saving him you are going to need my help and since i am the ranking officer on this ship if you don't like it i believe you can go to hell yeah load us up [Music] oh god morpheus i'd like to share a revelation that i've had of like the way his character talks drives me crazy every mammal instinctively develops a natural equilibrium it's like a virus human beings are a disease a cancer of this planet you are a plague what okay so lots of guns guns and guns wow no one has ever done anything like this that's why it's going to work [Music] cool okay i'm going to be honest oh the glasses are coming off i hate this place this prison this reality whatever you want to call it i can't stand it any longer it's the smell i can taste your stink every time i do i fear that i've somehow been infected by it as propulsive isn't it i must get out of here i must get free and in this mind is the key jeez j oh my god what if he doesn't know the codes carrying keys boost holy [ __ ] okay and away they go okay wow shot in a mist shot and i missed again it's so cool [Music] it's wild [Music] that's so ridiculous oh man hey they're getting it done though so whoa sure thing okay man what were you doing kissing him no i'm just kidding [Music] yeah he took his earpiece out so does he understand because they're probably telling everybody that i think they're trying to save him [Music] there's no spoon [Music] whoa find them and destroy them wow [Music] agent [Music] there's no spoon [Music] that's crazy [Music] oh hey man that's pretty good [Music] you won't have to dodge this [Music] oh i've never seen anyone move that fast it wasn't fast enough i mean can you fly that thing operator tank i need a pilot program for a b212 helicopter [Music] let's go okay cool you can do anything you program your mind to my mom said i could be programmed to do anything there's a lot of shooting and missing happening [Music] okay there we go we do it should we shoot him what is happening with that like they just like unprogrammed from yeah morpheus [Music] come on morpheus don't do it [Music] nice hold on [Music] no jump go away freaking frack okay everything's fine i don't know [Music] detach trinity there's a spoon whoa [Music] damn [Music] ow what [Music] do you believe it now trinity do you believe it now the oracle she told me she told you exactly what you needed to hear that's all huh god damn it's good to hear your voice sir tank has the cutest like cheshire cat smile that's funny [Music] yeah screw you weird sentient things sentinels are standing by order the strike they're not out yet you first move this you i want to tell you something we'll get to it everything the oracle told me has come true but everything but this huh [Music] i don't feel like we should be sharing with each other with the oracle honey pick up the phone [Music] what the hell just happened an agent mr anderson [Music] he's beginning to believe yeah okay another mortal kombat subway fight scene yeah [Music] there's no way that dang i'm gonna enjoy watching you die [Music] whoa jeez oh god the headbutts are just awful even it's like at this point even if you kill him they still don't have the codes dang come on oh god i know i was thinking about that it's just a lot [Music] jujitsu [Music] wow wow oh come on neil come on oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god not good uh just pretend you're dead just pretend just pretend oh that's wrong that's wrong [Music] that's freaking that wrong the sound of inevitability it is the sound of your death swing back hit him with the balls arms up in the [Music] eyes wow [Music] whoa proximity warning squiddies sentinels tank charge the emp we can't use that until he's out i know trinity don't worry he's gonna make it that's my phone [Music] get me the hell out of here [Music] oh is he gonna have to freaking jump when he failed the first time oh well that's me attractions no granny other granny oh no up and away okay red alert um squiddies [Music] there's like a gun or something like i hate it and we're getting closer just chill out man ah they're inside okay in ah [Music] no god dang it [Music] you won't have to you won't have to talk wait oh god he said something about not needing to dodge a bullet so like can he take it back i don't know dude there's gotta be something holy cow man [Music] there's no way yeah come on he's gone okay but if they can weird warp into other people can he goodbye mr anderson [Music] i'm not afraid anymore this is [Music] okay there's no time for smooching there's squiddies getting in the boat yeah come on and get to the phone now get up wild [Music] see [Laughter] i don't know how to explain that but [Music] whoa go get the phone go get the phone [Music] quit fighting code go get the phone come on damn go pick up the phone they gotta fix the ship [Music] what is happening [Music] whoa okay [Music] come on answer the phone pick up the phone dude the love of god and [Music] ah wow okay oh my goodness oh a sweet message from the oracle for her i know you're out there i can feel you now i'm going to hang up this phone and then i'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see a world where anything is possible a world where the spoon does not exist nice now he's all dark and edgy i'm gonna start dressing like i'm in the matrix [Music] nice that was actually a cool movie [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Diegesis
Views: 393,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the matrix reaction, reaction, the matrix, matrix, the matrix movie reaction, matrix reaction, the matrix reloaded, reaction video, the matrix reloaded reaction, the matrix revolutions reaction, the matrix reloaded movie reaction, reactions, movie reaction, the matrix revolutions, the matrix trilogy reaction, the matrix 4 trailer reaction, action, the matrix revolutions movie reaction, nova and mom the matrix reactions, best reactions, the matrix trilogy, reaction the matrix
Id: tdqG42ia2jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 54sec (3054 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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