The Master Class Anointing Service

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[Music] what a beautiful name it is the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] what a powerful name Jesus Christ my [Music] [Music] one of you beautiful [Music] [Music] beautiful note you're beautiful don't you [Music] Wow what what [Music] what a beautiful day what a beautiful name it is the name of cheese [Music] what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful thing that is what a beautiful name it [Music] Hey [Music] one of you but a beautiful name come on tell them what a beautiful name what a beautiful name what a beautiful we've now Jemaine we worship actually what a beautiful name one beautiful name [Music] [Music] [Music] Laurie by your name [Music] [Music] [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba-ba oh yes oh yes oh yes McCarthy period elevations you rebel shelana lavender and Alabama has even a llama casita de de de mission a beautiful what a beautiful [Music] name is Jesus [Music] oh what a beautiful name oh what a beautiful name everybody say that his name is she [Music] what a beautiful name what a beautiful come on everybody said again his name is Chi his name is he what a beautiful name what a beautiful somebody just given worship in your language give them worship for a few minutes in your holding language as you take your seats thank you Jesus Jesus Jesus come on somebody just wave to him tonight can I heard this this while you're right there while you're right there I stand in a maze of all you two cuz there is no none like you I love you I mean all in all of you I stand in amazement of all you do cuz there is none none like you hi I mean in all of you I stand and amaze me you do how many know that tonight there is none none like you I mean come on sing it with me hi [Music] [Applause] I stand in amazement of all Oh course there is none ah somebody say ah man cuz it's finished come on Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] - OH my stash come on Sega say my baby is says he is tell him yet Oh [Music] Marcia says it to me over where so whatever you do whatever you say this is that you do it your way my soul is my will says he is merely oh well anybody else feel like that tonight so whatever you do whatever you say this is my that you do it your way my is my yes chili oil [Music] don't care [Music] [Music] who [Music] oh yes [Music] or you may be seated in his presence thank you Jesus oh yes oh yes I feel it in the atmosphere the audience [Music] yeah boo boo shake it out of us thank you Jesus anybody else telling them yes anybody else telling them yes yes slower Jesus this is not a regular night [Music] aha thank you Jesus [Music] get your Bibles if you would my god [Music] yeah oh I just need somebody to give up my shop right there if you believe that [Music] somebody come up give them a shout right there if you believe that somebody gave him the phrase if you receive that [Music] [Music] [Music] turn with me tonight just touch three people around you and say the Lord is asking you to tell them yes the Lord is asking you to tell him yes it's not a song it's an invitation it's an invitation the minute we recognize that we are being invited to be a part of the Spirit of the Lord then we will no longer take his Spirit for granted it's a privilege and an honor and I give God praise for the opportunity that was a good place to praise him right there when I give God praise for the opportunity Thank You Shan bring me my phones we give God praise and honor tonight for all that he is doing and all that he has done tonight is special anointing service that the Lord commissioned me to have and out of divine obedience I am doing what he has asked me to do but to my surprise normally I would think you preach the word of the Lord and then have the anointing service but today the Lord has courted me into a different place I was kind of shocked today concerning the anointing want to acknowledge somebody very special to me I don't know if she passed her doctor prophet is I think she all love them per share heal you and I'm so happy to see you and have you stand up and give us away every time I I get an opportunity to see her it reminds me that the word of the Lord is without fail and if it takes something 10 years 15 years to come to pass when God speaks a word he's going to do exactly what he said I have confidence in the Lord Miss Cummings I have confidence in him as he began to talk to me for those of you that are watching also my facebook I want you to get some anointing oil if you have some in your house I want you to go and get it and set it next to you while I deliver what God has given me and those of you that don't have any in your home I want you to ask babying them the run to the store and get you some whoever is in your house go to the corner store and get some some olive oil because tonight you're going to need it you're going to need it the anointing the anointing bring it up some more I'm all the way up eat thank you when I began to read this and in this hour of my life everything god bless you Pastor Holly everything that God is doing and he's speaking he's reminding me that it has to be intentional it has to be purposeful he can't just be doing church things we have to be doing what counts and when you have a prophetic anointing on your life you have to be sure that you are in the time zone of the Lord because what is coming out of your mouth becomes guidance for the kingdom you can't just be preaching something because it just sounds good it's got to be intentional and you got to know that when you get through speaking the Lord has used me in some kind of way to help steer the body of Christ so everything that you do with your life it has to be intentional cannot be by chance cannot be oh I thought of that it cannot be a good thing it has to be a god thing a lot of people are doing good things but they're not God things because they're not the will of God for their life so you got to make sure that you started' really yourself of things that the Lord has not told you to do the anointing was something that was so and always been precious to me but I don't think that I understood it like I understand it now I don't think I understood 20 years ago 15 years ago the value mother gathers and really what the Lord had gifted me with I didn't understand it and so it was diminished not intentionally but it was diminished to to to to being comfortable with the fact that people would say you are anointed oh I felt the anointing and so sometimes you you kind of feel good about the fact that you are anointed but not knowing not knowing what exactly it was that God had commissioned my life to do he said here anointing anointing is in inauguration to represent the Lord the anointing is not goosebumps it is in an organ to represent the Lord it goes all the way back to the ancient times preferably when Kings were being anointed and it represent one who has been chosen by God to lead a people you don't need the anointing if you have not been chosen by God to lead uh people you don't need the anointing to be a bench member I'm saying something right there you don't need the anointed if you don't plan to represent the kingdom you don't need that Norton if you never plan to live right I'm not hearing y'all talk to me and so because the enemy knows that we in a society that isn't logged by sensationalism the devil will loan you a spirit that feels like the anointing and he'll make you think that you are really doing something for God when all you doing is givin people a happy feeling but the anointing representing God which means when you get through in the service what happens to the people should be what the Lord intended to happen in their lives tell somebody tell them if there's no change it wasn't a real anointing the anointing there's a leading Spirit pastor Sirois it's a leading spirit it's a leading spirit it leads you it guides you it's a leading spirit it Jesus when you are anointed you don't you don't know every where you wanna go it's a it's a it's a leading spirit when you anointed you don't say everything you want to say it's a leading spirit I'm not hearing you anybody else can get up in the morning say I'm going to the mall but when you anoint it you have to wait for the leading of the Lord I was driving riding down the highway last week and we were riding in our lane and all of a sudden I just put my hand out where Elesha was driving I said hold it and she just hit brakes I didn't see nothing I didn't know nothing a few minutes later 18-wheeler came rolling by us moving over in the lane and there was one car in the right-hand lane that had come to a complete stop we would have kill'd been killed but the anointing said oh oh y'all don't hear me you don't hear me you don't get me when you've got an anointing with your life he protects you I'm knocking when you got on your life he does for you what he doesn't do for anybody else when you have an anointing on your life oh my god you are a representative of God and God cannot fail I'm not hearing yah who am I talking to Who am I speaking to tonight God cannot fail I'm representing the anointing anybody explain it you can't explain it that God does things for you that he doesn't do for other people you can't explain it when it looks like oh come on somebody when it looks like there is no hope you rise up again on the other side you can't explain that you can't explain it I'm not giving up when they repossess your car and you going back and get it and it's paid off you can't explain the stuff that God does for somebody that is unwarranted why because his name is overnight to do what I'm doing for you but my name I know it to you and now I got to do it for my name's I'm gonna say something right here this gon shake somebody every now and then you may mess up but he said I still gotta fix it for my name's sake if it never did you miss the mark and God said I still gotta work it out for you but my name say every now and then you step over in the realm of disobedience and you wondered oh my god he must be finished with me but God said what's happen don't you I cannot take that back another word another word that means I have to repent but what I did that means I didn't think you what I did that means I have second thoughts about what I told you I knew you were not going to be perfect but I also knew that you would be faithful I knew that you would keep coming back I knew let's play on the altar who am I talking to than that that's what you want [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the anointing it is accounted as holy holy today as it was in time-space I got to hear that holy when oh listen to what he said when all external worship was performed by means of being a representative and the words when I get up to give God worship and he is using my body in my mouth my voice to worship Him and it is intended to be an external formation of worship representing the internal space then the anointing is felt when you pray brother Tony and though you are praying with your mouth and your body the reason why we feel the anointing is because what you are doing you are representing a spirit that is on the inside so the enormity has felt because there is divine alignment the anointing that's felt because the flesh comes under come on somebody and my actions now begin to represent what I am housing when you see people get up and sing and you don't feel nothing when you see people get up and pray and you don't feel nothing it's because they are in the form of godliness but they have that will chosen to be anointed how do I know that because they have not been chosen to be anointed because there was a slain of yourself when you are called to be anointed there is a life that you have to commit you and they're giving up in order for you to represent the holiness of God there's a life that has to be on the inside of you that when you open up your mouth the external is representing the internal and now people don't hear you they hear cop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] anointing anointed Joe somebody I want to be or not no no watch this so the things that are noted were called holy and they were of service to the church because they were a representation of a divine now watch this so then what is anointing what can be anointing I remember when I was little my mother used to anoint the doorknobs in the middle of the night you get up to go to the bathroom and go to turn the doorknob but it's slide and all that your hand I don't know if y'all was raised like that I mean my mother used to anoint the refrigerator when it would break down she would go get their 19 and she would anoint the refrigerator and the refrigerator would start back to working was that legal I remember when the washing machine broke and we couldn't afford another and my mother would import some anointing oil in the washing machine and turned it on and it came back off is that foolishness what was anointed what was not stones were anointed weapons of war was anointed they alter and its vessels was anointed the tent of meeting was an octave the priests were anointed and their garments the prophets were anointed the Kings were anointed what mother gave us in the book of Genesis the 28th chapter and the 18th verse the stones were anointed because the Bible said when Jacob rose up early after having his experience with God the pillar of the stone that he was laying upon he anointed it and poured the anointing oil upon it why did he do that why did he pour the anointing oil on stone on a rock was that legal because the stone at the time represented the power of truth come on somebody the stone was a rock come on somebody the Bible said that Jesus was the struck that the builders rejected and now he has become the head cornerstone which means the stubble represented the Spirit of Truth oh you hear me what he has to declare but pouring that oil on the rock is that what I am declaring is that in this spot truth met me somebody in this building today that God wants me to pull the anointing all hold you because truth needs to be tuned everybody's not being anointed because it's the service of Avadh some people need to be anointed so that truth can be confronted to you somebody because know exactly that the spirit of the have been lying to you about destiny he has been lying to you about what God has for you and God has to anoint you so then it can represent the fact that when I put the anointing all upon you said the Lord it is the oil every spirit it is the owner when the enemy sees it that one know this one I called them to walk it true tell somebody he's called me the walk'n'shoot tell somebody else he's called me to walk and shoot Genesis 28 19 and 20 to that spot as a place of truth he named it death hell that's a that's a that's a heavy responsibility right there it's the reason why if you come into our I'm ministry you don't feel God we are in direct violation of what we were called to do supposed to be the house of the Lord can I continue you anoint weapons of war thank you God you anoint weapons of war you are not the shield and the buckler and the sword my shield is not religious my shield is the Word of God you you can't penetrate to my spirit because everything that comes at you slides off of your ship because he and I think oh y'all come over here somebody come over here somebody no no no I will win when I do walk there in the spirit because my side has been anointed who am I talking to my what club have been anointed Who am I talking to I'm not just fighting with instrument I'm fighting with instruments that's been anointed that's what it is not anointed you just swinging something you just swinging words you don't have a life to back it up you just swinging words I'm not hearing you all you're doing is quoting the letter oh my god when you become real daddy dresser it's when your life begins to line up when what you are preaching who am I talking to I know why now it beginning to penetrate to the spirit how does it get in and get in because they all not be anointed Tony I don't think people solve that you're trying to get somebody delivered and you and you praying for them and you and you lay your hands on them your hand go in them and through them because the oil gives you access my god I just said something like that I just said somebody listen listen I didn't come tonight degrees nobody Ishod yeah I can't go in here I didn't come tonight let's just rub some oil on somebody come over here somebody know all of the unknowns they give you access into where the problem is so all of the unwanted give you access into the heart into the spirit so all of the unwanted give you access to go in and get the cancer going into right now that's what it does and that's where I can guarantee you tonight that you're going to be delivered oh shut up my son Gary my god it's going to work it out when the Ohio are the unwanted upon you ripping that troubles you it's going to change it to the pit of hell where it came from talking to right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh I don't think you hit my car the same so kind of short but it was an anointed David what they wanted I'm not hearing now because the life could hit with the instrument and cause change and deliverance Who am I Laura Masha he said imma change somebody's life tonight hey come a bubble SIA its SIA no no Moshe he said I must pick it up tonight creme de la mancha he said I will watch you tonight [Applause] [Music] true true the oil is a representation of truth can I just can I just say that one more time they up I'm getting there I'm getting there Isaiah Isaiah 60:1 is my scripture but I'm getting here instead really he didn't say region we we we anoint ultrason Exodus 29 and 36 we anoint we annoy altars and we anointed the vessels of a tent of meeting lord have mercy Jesus we anoint cameras and we anoint tables andrea noise chairs andrea noi drums and keyboards and organs while we do that so if you ain't anointed the instrument is okay I'm not here y'all talk back to me I'm not here nobody talk back to me because when you bring it in the house of the Lord and you are noted for the service of the Lord I'm not hearing you who am I talking to right there when it's been dedicated the Lord they are in the playing something they've never heard before Who am I talking to and why are you playing the people because it's not just a keyboard it's not just the camera [Applause] I'm not hearing you and no a king that got in trouble because he took the vessels that were noted for the service of the Lord and began to use them in his party I'm not even your talking to him and he got in trouble with God the very seat you sitting in the night is an orientation toward our Amish idea I said the very seat that you sitting in tonight it's anointed somebody said I don't know why they sent me that they set you where the angel of the Lord came and sent me for you I'm not hearing y'all they said because that was your divine seat or not they set to there because club has already started do I work in you tonight who am I talking to right now because you're watching you're tuned in tonight because God it's going to represent himself at your house a 10 to 12 an exodus 30 25 through 29 he anointed vessels in the habitation have you ever wondered why sometimes you walk into a walk into a building you walk into some churches and it feels like coal is ice have you have you ever had an opportunity to walk in shorten ain't nobody in the building and when you walk in the building you can kind of hear the building humming like you could feel the presence in the building because when God chooses something for himself be about you didn't get that in there just one over your head when God chooses something for himself he abides with it but maybe that's why he ain't left you because when he chooses something for himself he abides with it I'm not giving y'all maybe maybe maybe something another wondering why is it that gorgeous won't give up on me because when he chooses something for himself Leah pie he with me they want me to leave you but I can't I know they want me to just disregard you but I can't I'm not here nobody talk to me I know you don't even think you worthy but I still can't I know you don't gave up on yourself but the unknown said heaven gave up on you of your life so now you choosing is your torment I gotta follow you I gotta follow you to the club I'm not hearing nobody talk to me y'all better come over here and speak some truth now I gotta follow you to the club I gotta follow you to the disco while you got weed in your hand I'm still there like that was so trapping you all your shoulder said when you get you gettin high and you come back down mo still be right here because I chose I'm not giving you because I chose you you came back from this it's a game of losing it's not a religious commitment it wasn't your choice [Applause] I can't get nobody to talk back to me you don't choose this Australia it chooses you [Applause] it will not let you close until you replace it slip that which they chose and you who am i preaching to tonight into the night yeah yeah they go they go oh yeah y'all sit down they go they're gonna call your hypocrite for a while because cuz it's gonna look like you in church praising God on a Sunday and doing some Neffs on Monday I'm not hearing y'all they gonna call you a hypocrite by Telemundo hypocrite I'm just I'm just running from the callin that's all rabbi shai you already know that in the end I gotta give up to God I already know I already know that in the end my already know that in the end because there's more to you that's what the devil hates you when it's too late you have been anointed [Applause] see there is no let me explain this there is no there is no middle watch this so how he explained it to me there is no middle for the anointed ok if you do not watch this if you do not envelop yourself and what you have been chosen to become I saw this in it and I heard the Lord speak this and they blew me away he said if you do not envelop yourself and what you have been called to become as a representative of heaven watch this at that minute you don't go to hell hell comes to you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't think you just heard them hail comes to you doctor behind if you don't understand I'm going through so much hack hell comes to you some of the stuff that you've gone through it's not spiritual warfare it's spiritual rebellion how come save you I'm not giving you to be a representation of that which is divine if you don't come to that face then where you I'm not giving you you'll become an open-plan and he'll come to you and it's not gonna stop until you decide to come into the third dimension the workings of the enemy the attacks of the devil where you control your life [Applause] [Music] see what you don't understand is what I heard today he said tell the people that what they're dealing with some of them in this place tonight he said it can end tonight no no you don't hear me cuz he the devil and got confused because he thinks some of y'all is open pray and I hear you the reason why he in your camp the way he is he think this is open gain okay they don't want the Lord they don't want the divine face they don't want to be the anointed children of God then they must want me the enemy thinks that your life is it open came for him but you gotta shut the door tonight and I changed my mind right there ain't gonna get y'all to praise God right there God's anointing God's anointed [Applause] he said to me tonight he said when you when you annoyed tonight he said I just don't want you to annoying and just put them all on the head he said no he said because they are instrument in the body of Christ he said according to the book of Exodus I want you to do them like Moses did Aaron I want you to anoint they closed - no you ain't hear me so I hope you ain't got no none that you don't want no grease on I'm not here nobody talk to me because he said I don't know if they close - he said because they need to be reminded that when they get dressed they're being dressed for an anointed us raiment he said just like Aaron he said I wouldn't finish what is inside but I chose him and I demoted him and when I put the oil on him and I love his clothes up he stood as a representative of heaven who am I talking to and he said the reason why he died is because when he chose another god he had been down to the stone of your feet I want you to be anointed [Applause] [Applause] all of you all of you I want you to have a remembrance of this night every time you pass by that t-shirt you remember this night every time you go to reach for that black suit I want you to remember who the basic editing a shot yeah if the time you reach for that stripy browser I want you to remember that was the night that the Lord confirmed my anointing in here who in my preaching to the night every time you look around at the shoes you got oh I want you to be written like that but I can never get away from it I can never run from it no talking to me who is God we tend to okay what you're here now okay what you're doing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your mother's womb I knew you representative cloud you just mean my undaunted this fad I have already desire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] around you tonight I'm feeling this thing that I'm a Shia I'm sending notice every demon I'm sending notice tonight settle order take every demon spirit huh I send notice and I tell you the backup I send Lotus and I tell you to take a hands-off I send notice and I tell you they would not leave this forever filled up assignment up in here somebody [Music] Yaba [Music] take your seat there for a minute I gotta do this mr. Libin I'd never seen this the way I saw it today I just heard the Holy Ghost say stop worrying he gonna get you there ha ha somebody better pray I don't know who that was [Applause] don't scare me he said don't worry [Music] listen listen listen to me [Applause] he said Jesus this generation has an advantage point as it relates to the anointing in the Old Testament they anointed them Trina they anointed them mother gathers they did not have it in them he said it then he says he says now what I gotta do I gotta do something different because near the end times the strategies of the enemy will not be that of physical armies and physical kingdoms it would be spiritual so now for this next generation that's coming in the New Testament I have to give them Jesus because now after Jesus comes the fight for the life which is territory you are real estate you're not just a human being you are territory you are realistic you what the enemy wants are you and are you hearing that wait wait wait so why does he want you why does he not leave you alone because you are what they call an influencer you can walk in a building and people want to know you you start talking and they believe whatever you say I've got to get now in the body of Christ and start trying to kill all the influence because if I don't I'm going to lose real estate I'm going to lose my ability to have weapons in the in time because it's your legal now for me to operate outside of a body so I've got to go in now and I gotta find the ones that are the most powerful the ones that the most spiritual and that's the reason why people have a great anointing from the internet because you are final oh hey to him if I stop this one I stop Millions did you just heard that I stopped this way I stopped millions that's why he said he said I don't know I don't speak about it often that's why he said no that is spiritual warfare but he is authenticating you he is trying to find how do you serve me because you have this you dedicate it to me because you have this well you still give me a yes even though your name is no longer in life so I'm not here nobody let me know then saying it up here will you still recommit it to me I'm not giving up it's a wheel in time that's coming and you better get ready for Who am I talking to the gates of hell are you where you still say then I'm still your Lord and I'm still your Savior whoever can you see will be a representative [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jesus saying jesus said for today the book is for you Wendy walks into the temple he picks up the prophecy and he began to read the prophecy about himself and he said today is for field he said today he has can I just pay for this today he has anointed me to be louder today he has anointed me to be whipped today he has anointed me for my bath to be opened up like a plowed field today he has anointed me to be disfigured gosh autonomous ah today he has anointed me to have a crown of thorns on my head I know y'all wanna skip over that part and just get to the book that day he has [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] anointed to be used for the anointing is the other because he said it is in this oil it is in this anointing and Isaiah I'm trying to make you a tree of righteousness that's got roots in it I gotta make sure you ain't no fly-by-night Kristen Kristen I gotta make sure you ain't high off of music I gotta make sure that you ain't high off of the cosmetics in ministry called a buy this so take that that bad yeah that's why sometime I gotta let you walk through a place well you can't find no help I gotta let you walk through a place where you don't even think you coming out huh maybe I'm talking to myself come over here somebody come on come on sometime sometime sometime come on somebody super what's going on with your life said nothing come on after tonight you gon be able to tell people ain't nothing going down honey he just had knowledge in me that's all that's all that's all sure [Applause] [Music] I'm looking for [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] well the spirit Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world was late so in the spirit realm Sam I said what no flesh up there he he wasn't he once slain I know had no flesh of me wait hold on a minute hold on if the Bible said he was slain before the foundation of the world you don't know that's the first time you seen flesh God can make whatever he won't in a ram you know nothing about so he was already slain before the foundation of the world was laid so when he stood and read that he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me I came to go through the process but I've already gone to the work you're chosen the same way in the spirit realm you already a finished work your job is to go through the process I'm not hearing you I'm not hailing nobody talk to me Who am I Richard you right there then I put you back you're already a finished work c6 it said that's one then that's that's where you get that's where you get power from when you praise God because I'm not praising God for what I want him with you I'm praising God because I'm completing him it's way way home come on somebody come on come on he's unrolling me out of something let the devil thought was my identity that the enemy thought where's pepper level did you put it that's not who am I talking to it so my job is to give him praise with the finish work my job is to say I don't understand what I'm doing right now I'm finishing you to set the captive free he has to give them Liberty to open up the gate tell people come on out you can you can go free he he has an on it meter to open up your body and tell sickness and disease I came to be your uh sure I'm showing you the way out of jail I'm not hearing your tonight I still believe in miracles every now and then the Lord would let me know it he'll let me know you're not crazy you're not crazy you and the RAM you're not crazy I I promise I'd the last Tuesday that I was here that night when God took us up in the spirit I said the Lord said he gonna begin to give us back what the devil have stolen from us I'm not hearing y'all he said did anybody remember that he said the band reversal was taking place it was like he was pushing rewind and everything was going back then anybody hit me say that anybody hear me say then well then then back in back in 2016 a ring was stolen from me and somebody broke in and stole the ring and I was so hurt and the police was like we don't know where they went where this person is but we know who did it but but but we don't think we can ever get the jury back and so I go to day star and I go to day stuff to minister and I'm sitting on the interview and when I get through with the interview I come down off the steps and Joni lamb says dr. Bynum she said I got up this morning and I put this ring on she said and the Holy Ghost told me to present this ring to you and tell you that the Lord loves you and when I saw the ring it was exactly like the ring that they stole I'm here to tell you you looking for it in the wrong place I'm telling you let the anointing of God is dropping in this building I'm telling you everything that the devil stole he gonna give it back even new identity even though life even your ministry even know Cartman dimension because god final operation shatters ow ah you [Music] I'm getting ready I'm getting ready to anoint you the spirit amplified by the Lord God washes say it up in me yes upon me you think its own properties you think it's on me I'm your touch and agree I'm just gonna give you the shadow and the interpretation of what you already got I'm not getting ready to give you something I'm getting ready to reconnect you back to what you already got see y'all y'all get y'all a phrase and god right there cuz you still you still you still you still thinking about it and here I know any but no no fast and I know I ain't been prayin and I know it ain't been really doing what I was supposed to be well when he chose you when he chose you before you were born in your mother's womb when you came into this world you wouldn't praying and preaching friend prophesy you couldn't even talk he chose you with limitations why you had a speaking problem you didn't even know a language and I chose you did anybody see that oh you knew how to do was go go gaga but you were still my chosen so I hid my Louis and he raced that out of your mind right now and think about the fact that in the midst of everything you've done every place you've been I still didn't change my mind or do that I still chose you you better give him a praise right then you better get them appraised right there I don't know about you but I feel like praising him right there myself good lord have mercy [Applause] [Music] because the Lord anointed and commissioned me to bring good news to the humble and afflicted you getting better go to work he has sent me to bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted but wait a minute let's talk about Jesus well no he's in you and you are now his representation and now you are the only Christ that people know I'm talking to you to proclaim release son from confinement where I can't get out where I can't stretch I don't think do you not know after tonight you're gonna walk in businesses you're gonna walk in people's businesses that ain't been going well and you're gonna speak release you know Sam's band the enemy right now everything that's come that's under the spit of confinement beat loose right let's see y'all in sender but you don't believe it like I believe it you don't believe this like I believe this I said you don't believe there's like I believe this no he's giving you the authority I'm telling you I'm watching it happen hold on another shot yeah I'm watching it happen with my own two eyes things that people couldn't get free they pre now things that would not break is broke now are you hear me you don't know who you are you so busy worrying about what you going through you better get your mind on what you've been chosen to do to proclaim release from confinement and condemnation thing condemnation the finger that makes you run away from God he's anointed tonight not to run you don't know what I just seeing this boy right here I said he's anointing because I'm gonna page for him right now from condemnation to the physical and the spiritual cactus and freedom to the prisoners to proclaim the favorable year I heard two people say something I just heard two people say something so I'm gonna say it again cuz I think something maybe the sound went out 2017 is the favorable I just heard six people say it I just heard six people say it but I must say it one more time I don't care what you're going through he said 2017 is his favorable year the favor won't drop over you this year I don't think you hear that I've got I cannot I cannot stop saying that it's going to drop on you this year regret to those who mourn in Zion the following to give them a turbine instead of dust on their heads a sign of mourning the oil of joy instead of the morning when I put it on you today have said Cabos are not Messiah whoa my god somebody better give God a praise right there the oil of joy our Messiah and the garment expresses a praise instead of a disheartened spirit so they will be proud the trees of righteousness surround and magnificent distinguished for integrity and justice and right standing with God the planting of the Lord that he may be grow that after tonight I'm gonna get the glory out of this after tonight I'm gonna turn that thing sweetie after tonight I'm gonna turn it and I'm gonna get the glory out of it you ain't losing you ain't losing it just looked like it but I'm gonna get to blow me out of this i'ma turn it tonight [Applause] we just you just sended me to some people [Applause] he's sending me to some people Wailord who are you who who are you in who will you sending me - I'm sending you to the people I'm sending each other I can't take no more people he gonna turn a book he gonna turn it you too close you too close and he said if you just get up and start praising him you too close he can't turn it I'm just I'm just I'm just trying to I'm just trying to get to the people I'm just trying to get to them babe if you don't turn it get up get up and bring he go turn it I'm just I'm just trying to get to the people I'm trying to get to the people here he goes baby he gonna turn it he can turn it Oh [Music] God somebody better give him please somebody better give him places he gonna turn it turn it turn it you came somebody better pay [Music] yes rushon from Manhattan [Music] it's from Finnish properties drop it the spirit of the holder go first drop it Wow get that all if you got it you watching back Internet get your oil [Music] I'm going there hair and your clothes your hair your hair and your clothes somebody understood I just heard him say I'm putting a shield around you [Applause] [Music] this is not just an anointing I'm putting a shield around you what the enemy thought he was gonna do he will not be able to do it I'm not hearing you I'm not hearing you what the devil thought God had canceled because of your disobedience I give the Lord sin when I anoint you and your clothes he's going to reinstate you okay I just heard that somebody better say something I'm going to reinstate you anybody in here anybody never watching but Internet if you know that you not in the place you used to be because Teredo come up [Music] [Music] [Music] ten fingers coming back your play Lakers coming back don't break through it's coming back I see it it's coming in a whirlwind the invoice it on your life it's coming back [Music] they are nitrogen coming back up it fall right on the aisle tonight so they are going to coming your father is coming back you're going to get coming back got bran I'll show you rascai of it's coming back it's coming back why some they are you are with us the Holy Ghost Oh Nellie Oh I know Mom Annelise great up brighto brighto brighto brighto brighto brighto wax residue right a wife's traitor do up right a work sugar to up somebody shot it mother died shouted back get back get back trust me what they had like thing up trust me what they are going to take us Kashia my god we appear though might be a try me again try be a pillar try me again I'm ready to go away drop it come on sit try me I'm gonna chop it up $10 I'm glad to me again my God we're kid my god and I'm becoming a servant and I'm a playa limon and I be a kid Bella do it again do it again I'm all come out town Joe and clear though until you don't have bigger do it I can he'll throw it again now do it again y'all can't trust me Jenny laughs oh yes sir I'm Daniel a fool yes sir I'll give him up oh yes all the way this time the whiteness by the way this time I'm going on away they are blowing the IRS the IRS the ILS why what you're gonna lie come on down yes yes yes yes no yes no yes okay - they are so powerful you can trust me my god oh I through the whack trust me appear [Music] oh yes I can yes when I struck my box here come on top yes yes like yes look at my soul oh yes mother my soul so that my soul - what a meter to God like they appear Richard Richard another take Wow yes hello Wow yes hello Wow you can't sell you that you can't sell you you can't smell me yeah yes and by serviceable and my answer is yes yes yes open your mouth oh yes while the Aqua Velva yes you can trust me you can trust me okay maanteeeca three what they said or take no can't trust me with yes oh yes lower yes to our yes low on a beach a leadership quality yes sir yes a better Street huh yes a ministry top aha yes what the work yes to the work color yes for the work you can trust me again yes Oh although I the line [Music] climb outside it Kocher have left it receive receive the pressure Warren but tomorrow you won't be the same you love me the same tonight right that loud that's what your wheel Oh Oh right yes hello yes hello I think so this little thing oh well yes and my soul go away all the way yes oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah not my will not my will I will but I got whale not William that's fresh oil yes yes sir your way I'm going yes yes ah whoa I'm a singer it's my I've already but all yes - me yes Oh Oh ah without my friend yeah yeah Oh do the work yeah yeah yeah yeah yes well yes we are they are drive drive drive they never seen it that question right up not a level say Wow I'd say Silas radishes I know I fit Wonderlic yeah I can encrypt away power flower lord say I'll be the set like that that's a bad idea yeah I wanna live I wanna live away away yeah our Oh Australia truth back in trade the truth trash yes all the way on the way yeah Oh right I'm not you know but I and I after it yes yeah Oh yes [Music] we tell you yes tonight God ah walk away all the way Oh yeah yes tonight I say yes for that new level Oh thing I won't leave the same I won't be the same extry won't be the same Oh inside never wear Rocko Rocko why'd you sit down in the seat so now I take I take that's the point and the circle I take Oh right try that what telepods yo bhaiyyaji Oh my god my god that little treason Oh thank you raise your neck great [Music] I love me the shred thank you Jesus [Music] like at reason Jesus over your mouth Oh Wow like this Wow - we fight about Oh Wow Roger about sixty Seconds hip-hop her abortion capacity remedy available mm aha in about 60 seconds I'm getting ready to lay my hands on this on this lens put your hands on your computer if you got some annuity Doyle cool take that bus shotgun put it on your hands and put your hands on your phone put your hands on your computer somebody said I wish I was there but the anointing the anointing oil is a shadow is a typology of the Spirit of the Lord being upon you and whatever the sickness is akin to the bullsháá he said in the book sakalava ha the infirmities thoughts or the breaker to that when we shout you shop with us and deliver us coming in your hops somebody right now [Music] you back a shop [Music] generation restoration restoration [Applause] respiration [Applause] restoration you better shout restoration we wish for you be putting you back no original place respiration you better catch ow [Music] [Music] you don't know what you don't know what I see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well somebody you need two people for this get another partner hold both with a hand hold open a pole [Music] found another person you need another person okay two people he said this time when you pray he's got you in your house get another person I mean can they sleep on the couch just go grab the hand if you ain't got don't like to grab the hand get your Bible and dance what your Bible because God said tonight you dancing and praising God would choked up a blessing I don't think you just heard that when I say shout you better start shouting and dancing but you dance and put your dumb finances Pisa [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh and shame [Music] somebody gonna one myself rubbing start rubbing your body down the top of your head all down your arms and speaking I am God's anointed speak it I am God's anointed do it again rub yourself down speak it I am God's anointed one more time speaker I am Oh ah [Music] - ah [Music] he speaks to the devil tonight his street - beginning of your man tonight he speaks to the enemy of your man tonight and he says touch not my anointed you're my prophet know her [Music] touch not my anointed Dubai prophet no huh [Music] Treach enough my identity and do my profit about somebody better say some writing somebody better say stuff like that somebody better say somebody touch about me my anointed my prophet don't lay your hands on yourself speak to the enemy said touch not God's anointed the do is profit no harm but I am gods are not you from the top mafia to the solarmoxie have where the oil for identification for representation that I'm coming in the name of the Lord and I shall not be stopped somebody better give God a praise right there I'm coming in the name of the Lord and I shall not be stopped somebody better give him a champagne on plummet in the name of Allah [Music] [Applause] I'm coming [Music] you are coming in the name of the Lord I want you to hear that you are coming in the name of the Lord and you shall not be stopped you better get on a praise I don't think you heard that [Music] the door when the Lord anointed Jesus the Bible says that the heavens opened and a divorce ended down and set up on him I don't think y'all understand what I'm saying tonight the Lord is saying that when I got finished anointing you the heavens opened somebody but if somebody better prays I'm right stock heavens open [Music] get open you better get goddess [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are under an open heaven [Music] and I'm not just saying it but when the principles are prescription lines up then all of the attributes of heaven goes in the operation when you realize that you are God's anointed when you anoint yourself you are reaffirming that I am a representation of God when you put the anointing oil on yourself the Holy Ghost set for the next seven days anoint yourself for the next seven days anoint yourself anoint your head and not your hands anoint your feet are a messiah cetera bajalia anoint yourself watch this show the dark and fans you anoint yourself so that what's coming down from heaven can identify you I'm not hearing up cuz I care my lord send in the next seven days he's opposed Chaka Massa he showering down stuff from the heavens on watch yourself so heaven to be able to recognize you [Music] I will be looking at the Spirit of the Lord I'll be in church from now noin ting what I have stored up in the heavens I've kept it there I couldn't release it on you cuz you did not enter fire yet but I declare tonight if you declare with your open mouth that I am God's anointing he said the blessings of the Lord is about to overtake you you better give a you're gonna give God a shout right now [Music] you gotta give em a shout [Music] chose me he chose me when I was on my way to hell he chose when I was living in saying he choked when you was underneath that water drowning and dad and demon spirit was coming for your soul he said back up this one is man this is minority and it wasn't in my wheel for her to drown and I won't ever see somebody [Music] go back to the dock [Music] go back to the doctor in the report company [Music] [Music] something done happen in this [Music] I keep seeing a big net I keep seeing a big net coming up out of a dark pit [Music] all your brothers [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] a burly I have released Angels tonight babba Garrison's there will be four angels to each relative they are caught in a garrison they will be marched to God like they being marched to prison they have been chained to the Angels and they will not get away [Music] you're gonna give it a shot [Music] [Music] I gotta go you're watching back Internet everybody you've been praying for just came of Jesus I'm gonna say that one more time everybody you've been praying for they just got caught in the net and God said tonight stop praying and start praising you gotta praise it [Music] [Applause] [Music] all of our coffee shake oh they never that you might now but they won't be laughing at the Wow [Music] you know what my boy come on mom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I gotta go hose would they go hearing from the born and having a custom ring done for themselves stay back there having a custom ring design for themselves and then the Lord speak to him they say put it on my finger [Music] he said let this be a sign to you that everything I've spoken to you hold on here it is for you I will do nothing except I'll reveal it first took a property he said tell them tonight that that ring sealed the deal but everything the devil took from them [Applause] you better get motivation Vidya [Music] the ring the Bible said the wicked seeking the Lord for sound I wasn't seeking the Lord for son but he said let the ring represent I'm a God of detail I'm gonna give it back whatever you think you lost and then I'm going to double it so tell somebody I'm looking for another ring [Applause] you're gonna give God a praise that you tell somebody I'm looking for please set - you better give Gutterman he said - [Music] [Applause] [Music] he proven itself how do you sold $1,000 seed can get 337 how do you sew $5,000 see and then God said he wants you back on TV and he sent somebody to pay for everything you need how you do them because when you are God's anointing he make waves if he can't find nobody in America to blessed he'll go across the waters and if he can't find nobody approach the waters he'll put clothes on angels but he wouldn't if he don't bless you you better chapeau right [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all over this field I gotta go give me some hellos I gotta go [Music] we preparing for the next 21 days our consecration he said for the entire year of 2017 every first of the month he will send us on consecrations he said if we obey Him sacrifices would be great but the blessings will be great if we obey Him if we afflict ourselves for him sacrifices will be going but the blessings will be greater hire a radio see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was born come on come on [Music] go away come out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] gates of Hell will shake every time I was born [Music] [Music] that's why the gates of Hell will change every turn she'll be gone where [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's why the gains of a over shake every time I shall be away [Music] that's what the gates of hell would shake [Music] every time I shop that way that's one the great several shake [Music] I was born lift your voice and say that that's what the militates of hell [Music] that's wonderful [Music] [Music] so bite where you are [Music] I got a ghost if this broadcast has blessed your life tonight I want you to keep in mind one thing you're God's anointed and ain't nothin the devil can do about it [Music] no weapon that's formed against you shall be able to prosper there's a hedge tonight at the Lord is placed around Jews and I want to know that the premise I believe the proper and so shall you prosper there will be no more delays for your shame you shall have double this program has blessed your life I want you to reach up and hit the content button that's right above this broadcast and I want you not to be afraid to show your consecration seed of 1:21 I'm gonna tell you one more time McDonald's want your money I know the devil say all they want is your money but the church is the no gold and Society knows that and you can be deceived but the only way that the Lord has arranged for the righteous to be blessed he told lustre so that's our way are you hearing them that is our way he arranged it that way for us to be blessed and I know you're watching now and God told me don't back up on this you're watching tonight and you're saying I need God to do something for me in my finances on my job but I'm here to tell you right now that you tonight you gotta connect a seat to it somebody's saying I can't afford to do that but I'm here to tell you you can't afford not to now 1:21 seat has proven except during these days of consecration to be the seed of a breakthrough and yes the Lord does tell you what to give he spoke to Abraham and told him to take his son onto the mountain and sacrifice him he didn't say give me a sacrifice he told him what to give I hear the Spirit of the Lord speaking now we've been on this consecration and the consecration ended on the 22nd I get to go on Daystar and I couldn't be here on Tuesday night but God is speaking to you right now reach up and hit that contact us button I'll go to the link right above this broadcast and so you're 121 and watch and see what God won't do you're God's anointed the anointing destroys the yoke of poverty you're under the anointing that destroys the yoke if you release now I guarantee you it'll connect with what is in this building and you won't regret it somebody said I don't have 121 so the biggest seats you can to come as close to it as you can all I can say to you tonight is that God called a special service with you in mind and tonight you gotta trust him and you gotta connect to what's in this building you can get money back but you can't get a moment back like this when God is speaking I challenge you tonight to obey guard and watch and see what God won't do for you somebody give God a shout in this building hippies are my mother's 21 people in this building come down 121 this is a special anointing service come down $121 God said new it God said do it move quickly move quickly this is an anointing service this is not normal what happened in this place tonight wasn't normal [Music] get your copies of the brain from the third dimension collection by dr. Juanita Bynum the Lord gave me to devise this book he gave me to add some things to it that he was giving me recently and so we did that and now this book is available for you today brain from the third dimension by dr. Juanita Bynum this collection is available in multiple languages French Spanish Dutch Portuguese and even get your copies [Music] actually the consecration you say I don't have always been stuck at the spot you trouble and if you always look at where you are you will always be where you are I hear God's name it's time to go baby that I've been pulling you back so I can shoot you forward your City God did let you be in one building at one time have one encounter that would change everything you've been praying about the time is now to change the course of your personal professional and spiritual life if you register today for the woman Thou Art Loosed masterclass not only will you receive a special rate for individuals and groups you will also get the opportunity to win a WTA Elle masterclass executive VIP getaway so register today and step into your destiny
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 83,635
Rating: 4.7525773 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 20sec (9920 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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