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they get the worst I've got wherever you are because your worship brings you into the presence of God and when his presence is there is fullness of joy when his presence is there is Liberty there is freedom for whatever you might be bound by around but God has come tonight to set you for God if you're ready to be free only about the worship God like you know I'm free tonight my worship makes me free my worship intimidates the devil and tells the devil get out of my face and because my God has declared I am full power more than a conqueror in the night and they'll only put me but for my family for my children my wife Eva my mother my father my sister my brother's got this worship is for my family amen [Music] we all know you [Applause] and we bless you tonight that's it that's it all be about that's it go for a moment somebody you got your mouth closed the secret is open up your mouth the secret is open up your mouth I'm trying to help us w some easier then put your mouth shut the secret is to open up your mouth [Music] the glories between her lips the glory is rich Oh [Music] and we are one more time [Music] my Super Bowl you're nothing is gonna be worth the wait I hear nothing is phormium worth the wait worship [Music] worth the wait the way you're gonna be so glad [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] everyone standing [Music] you will be so loud you ate [Music] the winds [Music] [Music] so thank you [Music] why don't you put your hands together if you've got one more phrase before [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus we honor pastor tonight between he and I pastor is a faithful man of God and we give God praise for him well not be literal Michaels if you would and those who are watching by Facebook when I tell you that the Lord dropped this word in my spirit pastor was asking me earlier today did I want him to preach for me today because he knew the task that I had been under the task that I had ahead of me and I said no no I have to do this I have to do this and in the midst of and the Lord gave me a word some of you are maybe looking at my role within my winkles in a survivor survivor IRA said her role was always so Chris we have some records no but you know you have to get stuff like that either way because a devil a mess what you do your whole message you know you had a run in your stocking you do but now they don't let your on a the dementia they living at you're wrong I think they they looking at this side you're hearing right now sometimes you just have to just bust it out and get it over with but uh my ropes are washable and so sometimes the shoulder pads getting rolled up in there the wrong way and the one she pressed out so nice for me I was up there trying to get them the shoulder pad hunt done and I couldn't so I grabbed the next one that was clean and this wrinkled but it's clean any bands somebody so I don't think it's gonna hinder the word of the Lord tonight that's what I don't think is going to happen and so we have been under under the gun to complete the assignment that God has given us and I don't know about you but I'm proud of what I see God doing is awesome thank you sir but today this afternoon when I went upstairs at about 8:15 or so something like that I think it was right at 8 o'clock we were here doing the floor and laying the floor and when I said we I mean all of us people that was helping me to lay this floor and I cut all that around them myself I did I will make a point tonight and so alas not yesterday we were laying the floor they before that we were pulling up the carpet and then yesterday we were laying the floor and I had to stop in the middle of the laying the floor and do a full photo shoot then lasted till about 3:00 in the morning and then I laid on one of them set of chairs that y'all was sitting on now getting ready and George eases so an extra anointing is on somebody's chair right there in the front I was laying there getting them maybe an hour and a half or two hours of sleep if I could and I got up and came back over here I got some coffee in and we start finished you laying the floor all the way up until the time it was time for us to open up the doors and we still were not ready to open the doors from laying the floor so when I got upstairs pastor said do you want me to preach for you and I said no I said no and at first I kind of second thought about it and I was like I don't know if I should do it and then I sat down at my desk and the Lord dropped something in my spirit and what he dropped in my spirit was so profound that I knew that God was speaking this word tonight if you would go with me to let me see James the second chapter James the second chapter James the second chapter and a roundabout you'll have to give it to me because I'm on eight and I'm not going to I'm on eight okay okay so y'all know in here tonight if something is wrong with the sound and here tonight you know who fought it is everybody after me Cory right there you automatically know that that's not a knife not after all this equipment we put in here and I want to give God praise for latreille morons who came in here her and brother woman and she is the the one that spearheaded and hung all of this sound it's all brand-new style that God has placed in this building amen amen oh you can do better than that [Applause] in the book of James and what do you want me to do because we laugh I'm gonna talk to you lab or the whole world is looking so what what do you want me to do start over okay I'm gonna start over I have it all okay thank you thank you I don't need any more just give me a little rebirth with mine thank you when I came across this scripture today I saw it in a way that I had not previously read it and sometimes life experiences can give you a different revelation about a world and when I was looking at the scripture and I have this scripture marked in my Bible I have it marked practically in every Bible that I have but today it just jumped out at me James 1 in 21 i'ma go there first I was going to go to the to the to the second chapter but back up you should be right across the page from him James 1 and around about the 21st verse and I'm not gonna park there so don't don't preconceive your thoughts there but when the scripture starts saying getting rid of all uncleanness I'm not going to park there because I want to go someplace else with this it said so get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness and in a humble gentle modest spirit receive and welcomed the word which implanted and rooted in your heart contains the power to save your souls Masterclass to souls the entire man the soul of a man is the man himself is the entire man I'm going somewhere really happy with this tonight and so it's talking about the Word of God being implanted being implanted in your heart contains the power when it is implanted to save your souls if in fact the soul then is the complete man and all that concerns me then not only is the Word of God qualified to help you spiritually but it's supposed to be qualified to help you with every endeavor that God has called you to do and that's why when you are when you have a believer there is no such thing as a failure there is no such thing is I'm going to quit there's no such thing as I'm gonna just give up because listen I'm not I'm not striving based upon myself and when I saw this it triggered something else in my head when I saw that the Word of God being implanted contains the power to save you think what God was really saying was that when I have the seed of the prophetic word because we know that the scripture is prophetic when I have a scene of the prophetic word of God on the inside of me it gives me the power and it ignites me to do and this sense of the right there so when you're welcome and you see people doing nothing you got an ideal but you don't have a word from God y'all can I teach this tonight there's a difference between an idea and a word from God there's a big difference because an ideal you have to clutter it up and ideal you need watch this you need people drugs you need people drugs that keep an ideal going or somebody don't encourage me and I just be somebody curves me and I just feel like quick because I just feel like giving up when it's a good idea you need people drugs to encourage you but when it is of common idea even when you are not encouraged you cannot stop doing the word from God is not dependent upon feelings it's not dependent it doesn't it doesn't operate based on outside stimuli it doesn't operate based upon outside amens you don't really know that you have a word from God you don't watch this you don't have a proof that you have a word from God until you move over to change the second chapter and it talks about my works it says it says how can you watch this don't let me read this let me read this because y'all those have made it up you guys have made it up but I want to finish this 22nd verse it says what's this but be doers of the word obey the message and not merely listeners to it between yourselves into deception by reasoning contrary to the truth if I don't become a doer of the word and I just become a listener of the world then I will betray myself with my own emotions how did you betray yourself with your own emotion happen how do you walk in betrayal you welcomed betrayal when you start someone maybe God didn't tell me to do that when maybe that ain't what God was really saying to me because if when it gets difficult and we don't see watch this and we don't see that popcorn Rizzo we start doubting myself and we start betraying myself you know what betrayal is where somebody talks about - when they act like they with you but behind your back they not that's what you're doing to your own self when you in church you act like you with you and when things get hard then you act like you're not then you talk about you behind your own back [Applause] so I will not be wind yourself out the what you doing this for why are you doing it and let another down enough and then ain't gonna turn out right and look at Dookie wookies over there and it don't look like yours look and look at how long you've been doing this and look at how look no bench whale so then your spirit don't know what it needs to produce because it's getting two languages from the same person are you hearing that are you hearing that two languages from the same person one minute I can the next when that came one minute I'm gonna do the next one and I'm not gonna do it one minute oh god I still encourage the next minute I don't know I'm teaching this tonight I'm taking this at night why why why do we have like that about our faith because our faith was a mere suggestion it wasn't the Word of God did you hear that Claudia it was a suggestion too sometimes we got to be careful cuz we'll look over at what other people are doing and thinking well you know God called me to do that - well you know they doing it that and I know I know that listen I don't know I can do that cuz I do you know they they over there doing it let me help you with something how do you know it you got a real vision from the Lord how do you know when there's a real word I'm a lord because he will give you something that you can't copy he'll give you something that ain't nobody doing but you he'll give you something that is difficult to do he'll give you something that is beyond your ability what do I mean by beyond my ability he will give you something that is going to require a seed of the world to stay in your spirit or you would not be able to produce it it ain't nothing worse than a person that God has given a word to and you can't produce them I know God gave this to me cuz you know we we talk a good game now we said that make people think well you know the Lord show me this and I saw this plan and I saw I saw it was like three buildings and I saw this and I saw them and I saw people and I saw Flags coming from everywhere I'm going somewhere with this today hahaha I saw I saw flags lined all up and down I saw I saw building a building be building see I saw one ministry in two locations I saw one ministry in five locations come on somebody we got all these big ideas but the problem is something happens between the faith of the preaching of the scene and the execution of the palace [Music] [Applause] can I take this one it's right along than here it's in the middle where it's all messed up in the middle well we don't know what to do it's not in the beginning because in the beginning we shelf and they're here and on and we skip over the middle and we go over here to the end and we keep my vision on the end but shot buddy you gotta come back here and work the middle who is God talking to you a mister is a listener that's a listener that's a listener because one is trying to do don't nobody have to see you doing it when it's time to do it you gotta do it gets private what it's time to do it you gotta do it in silence I'm not hearing yo when it's not to do it you have to do it with nobody he's giving you a word of encouragement I'm Alyssa church people are listeners [Applause] believers are doers you got people that know how to quote the scripture but cannot do it you got people that know how to quote where town I don't walk by faith and not by sight but will not do it because what since you are enjoying the sensationalism of what it feels like when somebody preaching I'm not hearing y'all but you have no proof that you have received it because we don't see you doing works that God has given you to do the Bible said let us watch this works though works let thing hit me what which means if you are believer you have been given more than one thing to do you're supposed to sir just a pupster man you were built to juggle things you won't be a master and he gave you a mastermind I'm not gonna be young you just watch somebody that got them give a mastermind to and say move the chairs I can only move one chair the time somebody walk up to your satsang don't sit in me I gotta move these chairs well how you doing don't talk to me I gotta move this chair because Lord send me I can't I can't see you because the people that have sinned have to be able to do more than one thing okay let me let me show you what I mean Lord send me so why are you going I want you to I want you to go cross the floor and I want you to preach it maybe consider that as being destiny so you own your way and that's the brightness you need some help with you you're on your way it's not gonna fix the TV quarters hanging out I don't know how to do all that ah no no this is a journey Jesus was on his way from one city to the next and what he was walking a domani I came and got in his pathway Who am I talking to no you know that God thank you when a demon come across the pathway encounter a demonic spirit then we'll just stop you I'm getting where you up going God we are the thymus people I know sit down cuz I can't go there right there [Music] [Applause] how many people have got fainting on Michigan I don't believe it I don't see it where's it at where is it at where is it at let me show you my faith conference man you got faith yeah sure to me it's not an apple even if my heart show me your favorites sure to me maybe my baby's not clicking on like like I show it to me well you know I started this whole studio I have faith in God okay what is it my recent big my recent faith is a floor the stage is my past faith but my recent faith is a floor but tell me what God did for you 10 years ago rap is your recent thing whatever to you lately I'm not hearing you talk to me because some of you all are staying high on what God did for you last year and two years ago but I wanna go what has he done for you lately what have God trusted you with that you accomplishment [Music] I can't get nobody to say them where's your recently well I've been believing God for a house how many have you gone insane well I've been believing God for a car how many times have you gone to the car lot I'm me and it was on the show room in the window but he said he's going to be back [Applause] [Applause] you ain't doing nothing you got superficial fit you got shuttling dancing thing you're not producing them don't be doers of the word don't be hearers and listeners of the word only but because that's the problem right there that's the problem right there because even the Bible said in John 14 why she his wife see I'm talking about I'm talking about I'm talking about the seed of faith I'm talking about UK cause you ain't got no see this am I say something then I guess my system over here zeyneb I stayed on over here you can't grow nothing cuz you don't have a seed for that I said in the time [Applause] I have a seed but what I am doing my see is backing me up when people say it can't be done my sheep bleats what you see out of me even with myself Maxie hates over my emotions of that never know who am I talking to right now fire haha let us see them it's something to be over there who am I talking to in this building my why is it that important and fights you to have it that's lucky I want you to read that when you believe in God for something the first thing that never does it and shift you over in your emotions about it so what does reading that reading and take it in my seat watch this watch it you gotta listen to this when I take in my seat and I read for my seat my seat did is a thing that protects me from my emotions to me boy but it kept watch but not on your kitchen table you're not riding the back seat of your car but watch this watch it you ain't gotta wait for prosperity because when you get an shoe in you it's gonna prosper and the thing where I sent it no reason why you wouldn't even go for that because God fix it for ya no he's sister to you because he sent me his word [Applause] [Music] what's it Joe 1472 9y 16 washes him now this is this is hope it is because I'm a train I'm my home because visit down there still they don't know why you still shouting you still shouting because they're gonna wake up watch dream [Applause] judge your neighbor said there's still hope judge I'm max wait hold on a minute don't judge it about a day at night that's all y'all touch them briefly and they look cry as baby cop if you gotta turn around and reach behind you you ain't even gotta say nothing if you just touch somebody dead and they see you reaching for somebody else they know it wasn't enough life in him yeah your neighborhood [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] No if you touch three people say he still telling me yes okay here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] right then [Music] Kings are gonna praise right now no y'all go ahead and sit down sit down it was a quick play so now I gotta put this in I got you go understand in a minute what I mean so I said well why don't you make us get up I'm gonna sit down today sit down sit down why would you make must get up and you start crazy god I mean it you ain't even finish reading the scripture so what is that all about Kazama then it's heavier yes the motion of this and people just being high - no no no because the Bible lets us know that the Spirit of God is a representative of water whoa doctor but a - a again then watch them say that dole a tree a tree has hope if it is cut down that it will sprout again see that's why the devil can because to another and will sprout again washes and tender shoots of it will not cease watch this watch this watch this tender shoots of it like tonight is considered a tender shoot anything that you do closer to water but if you cut down the tree there's still hope because the chute because in the description [Music] [Applause] somebody I still get my stuff [Music] [Applause] [Music] how are how about started lease to Allah you you didn't get it how dr. Bannerman well let's go the open oh no no no no no no no no there's two things that the enemy he's something else but there's two things he does not contain the power to transition in an hour doesn't two things God showed me about this less God okay okay just let me just describe a few things okay God is worship and so when he created Satan he created him to be a worship God is like when the creator say that he created him to be like so there's a lot of similarities and and identifications that Satan has with God that that makes him to the finite mind competitive cuz he could show you a box light and you believe that it's gone now when I'm getting ready say right now just get it adjusted it just messed me up so he can he can he can even the Bible said the devil speak in tongues and he trembles which means he can even pretend as if he is under the power of the Holy Spirit and he is so convincing because he is a liar and the father of lies he live lives every manifest lives so Allah is something that looked like the truth but it has no foundation of the truth in it okay so then he looks like he's telling the truth and this is Alpha [Applause] [Music] [Music] wait so he's angry my god [Music] watch it Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is shoot will not cease wait wait my shoot anybody ever seen a treeless 20 and like a rosebush her flower bushes and all of a sudden you start seeing when the between the spring town come you start seeing these little leaves you're seeing a flower [Applause] [Music] but [Music] now watch so then it says true they said but there is no such a hole for man oh so you stay in your flesh and not moving the supernatural but how God is renaming who he sees you at there is no hope for you and you will always be discouraged and jumping out of windows like you see somebody's people doing you will always be beside yourself I'm not hearing young because there is no hope for a man but there is hope for a tree that washes me that this is what I love it says though its roots grow old in the earth and it's stuck dies in the ground oh oh y'all got some trees in front of my house I'm telling some rose bushes last year and ain't water them yet they put the world of a trifle water sprinkler thing was broken I wasn't getting fixing him when the people told me how much you were I was like I'm not that in love with grass so that means I have to go out there with my hand and spring you know you'll be coming in from preaching you'd be like not today and then you go out to the mall and come back then you come back again another day my head hurt and then that day you get the rain you said thank God so so so now the rose bushes I reject them sometime I don't I don't give them no water sometime no I'm always too tired to water the flowers and I got to the trees that's bending all the way over and I'm too trifling to go out there and put the stick in there stand them back up my back hurt I'm tired day so I don't I don't watched all the rose bushes get all brown crusty and nothing and ain't nothing look like it was coming and I just said alright cuz you know I I had a green thumb about two years ago that my yard looked like the Garden of Eden my neighbors was coming across the street one neighbor said to me I come out here on Saturdays and I sit out here and read and just look across at your house because it reminds me of the Botanical Gardens I mean it was beautiful I mean I spent a lot of money on all the flowers and got down there and planted them myself since I it was built I planted rose bushes in and tied them around the strings like the book said do I want about a plant food and Rose food and I fed him and when they came up my god people can tell you it looked like like roses out of a magazine I was clipping out roses and giving them to my friends in clipping off roses and giving them to my neighbors and I was just miss flower garden back here come on somebody but that's how we do when God bless us real good we passed and with nothing nothing I mean I came home ago and you can correctly he said not only do I just has you know not just you by penalties just as you would blessings I remind you that it's migration you didn't deserve it see I can't get nobody to talk to me I can't get nobody to talk to me the reason why I bless you when you know when you know you ain't been were you supposed to be it's because I have to let you know I'm still garden and I'm still good to you and I'll let you know your value to me even I just right there I just felt something he said what is that thing people do what he say y'all oh forget what men are men you are who you are and sometimes I give you visions and I give you dreams because watch this cuz some we go when the Lord gives you a vision and God give you a dream maybe like God I don't know I don't know about that that's a lot and the Lord said it's not a lot watch this your eyes have become so common and who people think you are that I got to show you a vision so you can see who you really are I'm not hearing y'all walking in the back talking wack can get nomads come to me yelling saying that this vision right here was because he's sailing 27 years ago 27 years ago I told you that I was going to put you on TV 27 years ago I told you you was gonna have your own show I'm not hearing young sometimes you get complacent and sometimes you get satisfied now young and helping somebody else build their patient I'm not hearing y'all until you start looking like them and who God called you to be I'm not heating nobody talk to me and that's why if you away from my walk in the spirit who is with you tonight about what you can't do and what too hard for you the responsibility [Applause] I said somebody wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute it says here through through the set of rain responsibility the middle that's what we lose a lot people I gotta say this shot that's why we lose love people watch this the Bible said in the book of Proverbs that I went over into the field of amazing me right right and I saw in the lazy man I saw the lazy man's field poverty but then the book of Proverbs said this and I was instructed right I was taught by watching the lazy man's I don't think y'all just get what I deserve I receive instructions washed it on how to become poor by watching the lazy man's feet because the man was said that a man with a lazy in an idle hand shall come to poverty I'm not here we don't talk back to me you gotta stay away from lazy people I'm not here we don't talk to me but one thing I cannot stand is somebody that's amazing and I really can't stand a lazy man I'm mad hearing y'all talk to me Who am I talking to and that's why we can't feel what God is giving us the bill because we're lazy lazy lazy [Music] and about your children lazy can you take this chair will take across the floor no no no put it up lazy ten minutes pass back you still trip in the same table lazy because what you don't know is it's the way you are physically as a manifestation of your mind and that's what God can give you millions because you wouldn't know what to do with it because you tired to listen I'm not giving you you are what you think and based upon when I see some time topic y'all ain't thinking much [Applause] lazy you got people don't know how to sweep a floor lazy I'm not here a young and I got to talk about some of y'all mamas in here I don't know what y'all raised I don't know what you are raising I'm not even don't talk to me but any parent that raises a lazy Chow something is wrong with you in your mind who am I talking to any time you raise a child and you're not making them wash dishes and you're not making them clean up and you're not making them cut grass and you're not making them take out the garbage there's something wrong because they learn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why are they talking while y'all make chocolate a laser man was a lazy boy amazing I'm not here you a lazy one that was a lazy girl Cipriano had the strength enough to do nothin who am I talking to how you talk about goggles send me to the nation's he can't send you to the garbage can how you talk about you gonna go in the streets and wind people for Jesus when you can't even swim ah floor come on Supper ministry is and you know what makes you rich [Applause] now listen tonight scale this what make you rich scale is what make you rich when I was growing up Oh God that thing got Rudy some young ain't got no roots Rudy when I was growing up four girls and one boy my brother was a baby I was a middle child my parents I was a baby for five and a half years so I was always at home my mother sold Janis and Kathy went to school I wasn't go on his whoo yeah she I was always at home my mother and I was always being made to do something go wrote in newspapers up y'all I told my dad I wonder if I keep on your back my mama said I get a paper route [Applause] where's kept going daddy kept going out there and paying people to cut the grass one day he pulled up in the station wagon with a Lambo and he act like with nobody in the house but neither that's all he called I'm not yes sir come on out here my show you how to cut this grass I'm gonna show you how to cut the grass i'ma show you how to cut the grass so I got behind the lawnmower and I went down the lane and I was cutting the grass came back came over he said ho you don't see that line you created when you cut that grass coming this way I said yes sir he said then take that wheel and put it back on that same line and go back up there great I got here he's a determined to go back put that wheel on that same line and go back so when they sell who don't lay the floor I said we got because I was taught how to foul that line take that lawnmower down that line and take that line and come on back she wants you to understand if the very things that you hate to it if train did you for what God is trying to take you I'm not giving up that's everything that you think as nonsense everything that you think you try though and this is remedial and this is beneath me God called me to be a prophet he taught me that but no pass or no floor he called me to me - in Asia he told me to be a doctor he taught me to be a lawyer don't be asking me to sleep no flow Who am I talking to the very thing [Applause] [Music] a whole lot of faith no works I won't let a fake don't work had a flat tire one day I don't load up and down highways all people saw girls that on a sidewalk had a flat tire my friends are we're going to I something to change of time so you know how to do does not say I know how to change that well how you gonna my daddy taught me how to change the time he said you even always tell nobody on your changing Oh child you better change this guy got that log and put that thing on there [Music] [Applause] [Music] what about them that scuba stands at Kenai 100 gas engine a scooty sometime you gotta have some strength to be successful Wow can't get y'all to say nothing they say no Holy Ghost real message sure it is that's my we in church chatting with each other why everybody else is getting rich that's why we entrust me and jealous and bein haters on each other and ain't got nothing else to talk about but each other why everybody else is out there making a killing coming up with all kinds of idea who am I talking to because guess what because prosperity in the mine lands in the head of a person that's not lazy when God knows that you're not gonna do anything anyway then why would he give you a visit when you can't even work your own bedroom I'm not giving y'all something Oh y'all better come on up in here and say something here young people sitting the hoppers you didn't see this crooked all over the couch cannibal Shia I'm not believing God just a phone television I believe God for my home network so I got a tweet this building like it's my own network in every area oven get that trash up straighten that rug out how can I show God that I'm ready for my own network what I can't even have my chest keep my rack string [Applause] oh my daddy said Jack and doing nothing you're going next and then you straighten this out right here because how you go own your own company Yonex and I told God I want to office building it I want to offer space in Manhattan I want to overlook the city yeah I'm not hearing y'all talk to me jump wait too much for me no no no Christians pretending to be Christians I told God no I want my own network but guess what when I get through building this one and when God tell me you could have your own I'm gonna leave this one here and i'ma go and build another one and you know how I'll be able to build it because I feel this one I'm not giving and guess what I built it I'm not giving up because it was another man's business it was my pastors business be with the Lord I'm not giving you why do you want me no sir who are you helping you don't have a foundation you ain't got no seeds in the ground nothing coming up for you I can't get y'all to say no I can't get y'all to say nothing I can't get y'all to say nothing whatever it is you put me for gospel where's Josie where's you'll see where's Josie when I was 14 years old I got my first job my first job when I was 14 I worked for the Park District I came home with my first check it was full hunt I'll never forget it it was 400 I felt like I was rich and y'all know I'm teaching somebody young people looking at me with the mean look but I promise you I'm gonna wear them out and some of them absolutely could not stand me and I'm happy because now I know that I'm getting under your skin how you gonna walk around the building are lazy strolling like you going somewhere and setting up and we're the kind of shoes my dad in where the guy said but don't wear them kind of shoes in here no more because when you drop in this door then you gonna have to work barefoot cuz I'm gonna teach you how to work you don't hit me I'll be wearing no cute shoes I've been here and you see we trying to build something for God they leave your famous shoes out there leave your I'm not hearing y'all talk to me don't wear your pretty clothes when you know this room right here it's all about work and please don't stand in the door and act like what y'all doing please don't do that who am I talking to up in here okay and when I came home wouldn't watch it [Music] [Applause] he took my took he folded up real tight he gave me back to him he said now put that in your wallet in the back of your one right I said okay he said now what the Lord is doing is I just told you to put that in the back of your wallet he said if you're pulling out your thief he said cuz you gotta give it Sunday so God won't rush you through the beauty shop through the mall and everything to hold his ties and his home and he said when you get the church in your time that you're open ain't got no crease in it that means you never put it first that mean you gave it what was let's go run no see I'm not here with y'all when he got through with me pastor I've made $30 a spin and after that every single paycheck I pay bills with every single paycheck and that will be days he will call me up and say daddy and eat your whole check don't spin it I'm coming down to your job two years because he trips I have done it but 33 years and I still do it [Music] [Applause] I've lost cars and I lost houses but 84 31 South Kings ride Chicago Illinois what going nowhere I don't care what I had to lose what because that was the seed that was the ground we'll gotta still on that gas bill gotta be point who is God talking to [Applause] I bought my mother 300 Chrysler and I paid cash for it and I want to bought myself that sea-green Jaguar when it first came on Brandon my mother came to visit me she had had a car maybe a year and we went to the mall and she got out of the car and she was coming around from the passenger side she hit the top of the hood of a car and she said I want this car she said get out of his car my mother she don't know she said I said my mother had a way a point of energy and she would drop her boys and that would make it worse two days later headed I had a flatbed of children my mother was a person that had vision and she people said why won't you like that everybody my mother was was the district missionary my mother was it was the wipey lady she was she was the pram by my family she was always like they have dinners at the church and she would walk up to me and said I need you to about all these tables so when they asked her would she be there we'd be the stage Super Bass she said neither guys let me tell you she said they want me to be stationed but I said you are not gonna be sick super I said cuz the more you climb the high in a deep would you go in my pocket Superman no no no no no but my mother was like that and when she had a pastor that pastor when the building was in trouble we was out preaching I don't know why God got me teaching like this tonight I don't know why but we were preaching and my mother just walked up to me and hit me and my chest really hard and she said I need $25,000 and don't ask me one and I was like mom she said don't ask me why she said it's God just give it to me I said what do you need I need about tomorrow morning I said back tomorrow morning she said yeah take me to the bank right now I said well mom and she said he don't ask me why don't ask me why and so it come to find out it was for one of her one of her sons who were pastors I'm about to lose his building and he needed $25,000 I learned how to serve a church from my parents and learned how to serve ministry but my parents this just wasn't how they do this I was raised up in the church learning how to give all I had to know that the gospel of Jesus Christ see your inter personality ain't him my mother passable my mother Peter Wallace revving so on so inking my mother you're missing the whole point the point is the up building the kingdom do you know how many shows up well one in New Castle don't talk to me I wish somebody was shouting here [Applause] we don't want to be someone it's because we're not we're not the workers some of y'all sitting in this building some of y'all just watching my enemy ain't never picked up my brush or broom in our church in your life some of your parents ruining your children find them all kind of tennis shoes in oh design edition design of that I'm not hearing yoga I'm not here nobody talked to me I'm like no no no no no we shouldn't have no grown people as being no Church Janet I see all these teenagers we got around here should be on bathroom duty every week to make sure that the bathroom is clean but we raised in the mother-to-be these have minded arrogant type of children I'm not hearing y'all talk to me we're raising them up with no responsibility we're raising them up to make them think that if I say I want it you got to buy it for me and they're not able to earn anything because we're not teaching them work ethic whoever and that's why it's our children that get fired from jobs it's Christian children that can't hold on that quit school who am I talking to because we're teaching them to be quitter [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no seed no see I remember one summer home dr. Morgan I was going away to school my parents sent me and went to a private Christian school but he would they sent me to jail because I was off stop smoking weed I was all into the Black Panthers back then and Angela Davis all up on my wall and a big ol afro wearing green and black that's all I wore my mom said we want your sunny Sunday I had on greenie but I just written bills all power to the people my mother wanted him ripped my bedroom one day and she said get angel' the neighbors off my wall cause she don't pay no bills if you wanna he said you wanna pitch on the wall put Jesus up there cuz everything pick that down and I took too long getting it down and she walked up there and she knocked it down ripping my whole poster my parents sent me away so when I when I came home for the summer my sisters because in the end I was just glad to see me my boxers so we was just hanging out cuz when they sent me away and I got away from the wrong crowd I went to a straight-a student that's what I always was but I just took a dive and I remember pastor every night 2 3 4 5 o'clock morning yeah BAM uno just Oh fried chicken it fine french fries it got to people on the phone and phone five people in the house and you know this kakakaka all night long to the Sun come up mom and daddy be getting up to go to work dr. Johnson and we've been all night my daddy just come on leavin house about five o'clock in the morning and then we sleep all day daddy left for work one day in about ten o'clock he came back in the house he said y'all got ten minutes if there was about seven of us he said you got ten minutes two of my friends and families he said you've got ten minutes to be in my car we get that yellow and brown station wagon with the wood on the side yeah you said you've got ten minutes to be in this car and my father when he gets upset he crunches his ship he quickens when his shoulder he said he said I said ten minutes we start running and get out of this stuff you know we didn't have we didn't get dressed up we just grabbed something just we got outside the car he got on next best way he didn't say a word we just said we're done he do all worse dr. Johnson downtown in the middle of Lake Shore driver I'd never forget on Lake Street stating Lincoln pulled up under the subway he got out a car came around to the passenger side open up all our doors and let herself he said here's mine I was hears that off he was bad I gave everybody bad he said and do not come back to my house without a job and if you ain't got one a day then find somewhere else to live oh he said because ain't nobody gonna live in my house with no child three of them didn't find jobs and when I went to my grandma my house or other to go to my auntie Alice so they call said junior win again he said they can't come back until they found a job and if they didn't ran out of five dollars I'm not giving another five dollars you always saying them I found me a little job at the drugstore I said daddy I got a job he said you got a job you guys I got the job you see how much this man I know he said well in the first two or three months I I want you to get your whole check to the house pick out stuff that you want to do to decorate this house but we need some new lamps and we need some new this and we need some new that and that's why to this day it's inbred in me I can't see that something is needed and act like I don't see it because our house being taken care of is in my spirit even though it's the house of the Lord somebody better face up like this somebody better say something like I don't care it's gotta be [Music] but he speaks the prophecy and the vision because I could have said what passive him let me do this and he don't let me do this to you I got my life back when I got through dating a man 28 years my senior and out of the will of God had messed up in my mind you don't hear me the Lord gave me a job at pan-american airline to bring me to New York and pass the point my first something in the church looked over at me and said your worst days are behind you no lady God got a vision for your life and he gonna use you around the world this save my life Who am I [Music] [Applause] [Music] and people came to me and said you didn't already serve dr. Boyd you don't own unless to get Church you don't already did your duty he was your past he was my pastor but the church is my life that's why it didn't matter to me who became the pastor because I'm connected I don't get Billy Goat John what it became the past all I know is these grounds sing all that noise came before thirty-one Bertha me out because watch this because I'm not building this for my church you gotta you gotta have enough faith to be able to build something for your church and forget about yourself because my proof of my fate says I can do this again and the way that I'm gonna do it again is determined by how I do it right now somebody open up your mouth and give water plate [Music] I set them apart [Music] cannot continue I don't I don't care if you don't have a church you cannot continue to be a hero of this word and you have no proof of your faith you got faith [Music] you got where is it what do you have a show convince us that you can fake testimony lately while we just using the atmosphere a feel good are we using the atmosphere to feel better about ourselves but where is your faith I believe God prove it of course god [Music] the only way you can prove your faith you have to move [Music] you have the mobile no help you have to go line [Music] the only way you can prove your faith have to get a known [Music] in order for you to know that you're moving in a yes you gotta get unknown don't faint alone [Music] I don't know why God talking [Music] tell me some can be done because it just just something boils up in me the minute I hear somebody said I don't know how we gonna do that no no no I know how we gonna do it you know how we gonna do it we don't do it because we got to do it we don't do it because we got to do it I don't think you understand that you keep giving yourself an option you're the beginning of this message let's not be joining your own self how you gonna do it you're gonna do it with nothing you got to do it there's no like oh my god it ain't no choice you can't act like you have no choice you don't have the choice and you gonna get it done you gotta do it have us more woke up it's gotta walk out of here we go how does the way gonna be make it remain [Music] [Applause] [Music] you gotta work it out because believing him is free he got a working out because trusted him don't cost me nothing he got working out men are gone because I don't have nothing us to trust right you gotta work it out because everything else has failed and he the only one that he never failed me i'm mahalia and that's why that's why my sole dependency he's a partier because he's the only one that's never failed me I'm mad here we go I wish I had so much because never stop fail you in here and it don't cost me nothing to believe it it cost me nothing to teach oh my god to keep confessing it in no costly method to keep join my vision to be working on the plans even though ever done nothing [Music] [Music] I know he talking to somebody because you are on the verge I'm a breakthrough but you getting stuck in the middle [Music] you get stuck on the down stuff [Music] can I tell you something the only way pastor I can believe God for what I want God to do here you gotta find somebody people I'm talking to somebody on Facebook as well the only way that I can really believe God you know what helps me to believe God because my vision dr. Morgan is big yeah you know what helps me to believe God what helps me to believe God is when I can believe another man's vision enough that I believe in it's so hard that I help you work yours because I don't have no anxiety about mine the way the way that a kid the way that I can the way that I can show God that I'm not in anxiety about mine I'm not afraid to sit mine over there they say not what you wanna do now how do you want mister boom what if you want the feel I'm not here when y'all talk to me who am I talking to some of you are they said you invaded you and feared because you know what fear makes you do fear calls you to be selfish beer calls with you they have a a single man feel called you to think about nobody but yourself and thank you we go I'm not hearing young fear causes you not to want to help nobody because you know why because you only have enough fuel for your clock space you only have enough fuel for your phosphate oh you've got left ah if I give you some of my thing if that's not helping to build the kingdom record I'm not him again we're not starting up until the kingdom and Lucifer man because what I've got a real faith is only fear so I gotta keep it to myself and then I gotta hate on you while you trying to build I'm man enough who is God talking to right now [Music] got talents and won't use them when's the last time you helped somebody do something right [Music] when's the last time you did something anybody didn't you didn't say and that'll cost you right well the last time you did something for nobody it didn't expect nothing but the joy was I had what they needed that kill I was I can help them get it done but I was when they needed somebody I made myself available and it came to and it went over big because I wasn't selfish who am I talking to you sitting there how do you know you can watch a restaurant well you won't work in the church kitchen how do you know you can be the next fashion designer when you won't help with the content of Christmas costumes [Music] how do you know if you ready to record a record when you won't even sing on a crazy how do you how do you know you ready for your home building when you ain't never asked what can I do for another man's right you know what this says he says I have the ability to see nothing I have the ability because when I first want the pastor he said you I said pastor can I just use the multi-purpose room to do a studio he's their usual so maybe I can get in touch with people we can just find human he's an older stop but I stood at that door one night and I saw all the junk was stacked up in here and I said pastor you just give me a chance I know I don't know what I see in this building without vision I just heard the whole thing go sit somebody is listening to this message tonight and what you've been looking for is already rolling right under your nose and you don't even see it because it don't look like what you wanted to look like yet somebody but if you've gotta practice out there he said what you looking for his right under your nose hold on about chaga you trying to find it when it's right under your nose he said if you just be still I'll show it to you I'll show you a pitcher I've told you that you're closer to it than you think you looking way over there God said yes be still he took it as somebody he simply still it's what you need to do what it is not soldier into I know somebody give God a praise right there [Music] this is this this was this was this was a peculiar message and I know it tonight [Music] but when I was in a dark hole and I wouldn't let nobody change my mind I wouldn't let CNN I wouldn't let me see I wouldn't let TMZ I wouldn't let limited-edition I wouldn't let the newspapers I wouldn't let Facebook Instagram I wouldn't let nothing change my mind because I will seal it for this and the seed that God put in you tonight is going to stand the test of time [Applause] you put it in a place what man can't get to miss them at all I saw love this I saw this and this is only an indication that the rest of what I saw is coming when they say all manner of evil against me on Facebook why don't you just respond to them are you not talking to my seat you start talking if I cede you may get a response out of me you're not talking to my seat because my seat did shake when I heard what you say which means everything is saying ain't got no depth to it [Music] you can have whatever you want this message was for sorry denying it is not over it is not over it has an even bigger tonight's message is going to trigger your see tonight world is [Music] talking to its the restoration of your quasi faith because I just have to hope they go said everybody in here used to operate with crazy faith not I just heard you say that I just heard you say that you used to vision that God gave you what are you fast gave it to you somebody give God a shot I think your equation I need you to poison cats looking after people store in your place what Shannon another cutter he's renewing your man he's bringing was refreshing to your basic day I need to prophetically literally to go to seven people in this view this is prophetic I tell them my vision is not there do it now I don't care what the devil said your vision is not there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right there [Music] they're making money shall run with it and this is my favorite part and so it Terry wait boring I'm funny but if you've got plenty and so it cattery wait though it tarries wait [Music] [Music] the judge shall be a Patrick it ain't over it ain't over it ain't over your dream ain't over just dream ain't over there's a contract waiting for you your dream is not over do not fit to hell and back the enemy even gave you thought to suicide but God said I'd do what I promised you I know what I said your destined is it is in the fashion industry and do not give up your dream somebody give gotta pay [Music] [Applause] oh come on keep buffing it out he piped it out he continued chairman Facebook but bless God went to the water he drove up and repaired your visit it out and I know it carry weight [Applause] [Music] he said praising there's some people in here he said your vision is greater than you it's really huge he said that to the people that I want to praise me right now because not [Applause] my god I hear this somebody better prison IQ the person industry I view the person industry somebody better places somebody better plays it Hashem si door is opening [Music] oh come on somebody you praising for your vision you praising for your vision you ain't supposed to have enough money right now when I give you a vision you ain't supposed to have enough friends when I give you a vision you may not have enough favor when I give you a vision you may not have all the plan isn't that's why I gave you your way trust me I trust me [Music] thank you turn around and tell three people whatever you need face it in [Music] somebody better phrase if I said bakery [Music] you're crazy that's what takes it in and let's face it is God set tonight up doing the impossible the second night I'm doing the impossible he said tonight I'm doing the impossible come on come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on the water : the water solid water water the Bible said a percent of water at the sink of water the vision will come back to life in the set of water the dream shall be restored and thus with the water [Music] that's why [Music] that's why God called in a master class it's a different level is a different number but people I call the new venture [Music] I'm not talking about your age some of y'all think you too young but God is making multimillionaires in this building tonight God is making multi-billionaires in the studio tonight I really wish you could hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying my hand is on the screen God is doing something that is unbelievable I just quit because I just felt somebody catch alter faith I just felt somebody on Facebook catch off to think inaudible shaker God gave you a big field and the Lord said to my roll start working your vision the judges hear that the Chargers event honey if you gotta go back when do notebook if you kind of a pathway new notebook the Holy Ghost said if you're watching my Facebook tomorrow start working your vision tomorrow start putting it into motion tomorrow there will be a scripture winner that was upon you the first vision that came to pass in this building was when pastor Boyd walked in this building and the other people that was trying to buy it I was told had a suitcase full of money but past the walk in this building what are some case full of faith and he got this building because they were the grounds of thing the Bible said you look over into the land of dogs and I hidden poverty and you are instructed by it so why would I go out and find a building what a different kind of root to build a studio what am I saying today if you're standing with both of your feet on the ground in this building tonight if you're told in watching my internet tonight this is how I know for sure it a that what God has spoken to you it is going to come to pass because you're spending on holy ground bah-bah-bah bahah you're doing it for Kwanzaa plate sometime if you call appraise right now all over this building everybody is history that's so in the 121 I'm telling you [Music] all over this building come now come now as quick as you can all over the school ten nine days of that come right down you watch is my Internet I'm telling you right now God is doing something in your life and in your vision you go out to get that contact us button and so then one to anyone you gotta connect with what God is saying in this noona tonight this was an unusual a message this was something that I did not wear I did not even want to preach but come on watch to ignite your faith Donna and that's why the scripture said that in order for you to know that you've got faith you've got to be obedient to the act of faith faith the Bible said what that works is an activist it is an operative it is dead just leave that contact us button and so beg 121 tonight I'm telling you I'm sensing this so strong tonight oh my god there were some Tuesday night I speak to you and I tell you the soul but tonight there's an atmosphere of faith in here tonight there was a strong move of faith in this building tonight you're watching back Internet God turned you in for a reason he told you in for a reason because the Bible said whatsoever man's treasure is there also lies his heart if your heart is full of of the promise of God and the vision of God you have to connect us see so what God is saying hit that contact us button right above my head and so that 1:21 and watch and see what God won't do for you I know I feel it something jumped in my belly when I put my hand on that screen I know God sent a joke I this building into Facebook tonight because Shibuya was about to give up some of y'all felt discouraged something yo said it's over for me but here's a little beginning he's the one that determine when the beginning isn't when the end is I want you to know that God is not finished with you yet be obedient if that contact us but and you say tonight dr. banner I don't have 121 but you gotta show something if you never trust in anything that God is giving me trust me tonight you got to show something I don't care putting the thirty I don't care for name but porting but you gotta sow a seed of faith what is a seed of faith you gotta saw something that you're gonna feel you gotta saw something let you then plan to show those of you that belong to the church in the air you already know what to do in that contact us button so your tithe and your friend I'm telling you God it's in the atmosphere tonight you sitting in here oh my god you say I don't have 1:21 get up and come and get an envelope and so the biggest seeds you can give something is in the atmosphere tonight oh my God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 47,524
Rating: 4.7828054 out of 5
Id: YSpE2EmesPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 25sec (7285 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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