The Interrupters of A Finisher!! - AM I REALLY HEARING ?

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last him I would trust him I'm trusting holy you come on everybody say I would trust him I will trust him how trust him I'm trusting only you and trusting I am true the scene come on everybody sera scene I'm too rusty oh come on everybody say I'm trusting I'm trusting I'm trusting only you [Music] I'm trusting you Lord I'm trusting welcome Oh sing it like you mean it I'm trusting only you [Music] I'm trusting in you come on and Charles Street come on everybody try Burstein I'm trusting only you I don't know if you're watching back internet yet but I'm trusting oh come on say it that's what's the only Jew Rothstein I'm trusting all day I'm trusting in you goddamn trust me and trust me I'm trusting hey trust me I'm trusting in you Jesus [Music] I'm trusting I'm trusting and Trust [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yes I am I'm trusting or somebody just given worship somebody given wish somebody give him worship somebody give him worship somebody give him worship somebody give him worship about somebody give him worship [Music] I'm out giving worship come on giving worship come Oh give him worse come on give Him worship oh Jesus come on come on [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] you may be seated [Music] oh yes oh yes [Music] come on take us somewhere let's give us worship come on come on come on come on come on give it to him [Music] [Applause] [Music] came into this place to bless your name give you all the glory and I give you all the honor I came into this place to bless your name Lord I give you all the glory I give you all the honor I came into this place to bless your name lord I give you all the glory I give you all the honor I came into this place to bless your name Lola give you all the glory I give you all the praise I came into this place to bless your name God I give you all the glory I give you all the honor I came into this place to bless your name cuz I don't want to be the same I can't bring you to watch my shame that's why I came to this place to bless your name because I don't want to be the same got the chocolate what a shame because we came into this place because we won't change god that's why we give you all the glory now we give you all the other that's why we came into this place to bless your name [Music] give you all the glory god I give you all the honor oh come on somebody worship Him [Music] your name [Music] [Music] don't wanna be the same [Music] don't wanna be the same [Music] came into this place I don't wanna be the same came into this place ss your holy name [Music] don't wanna be the same don't wanna be the same [Music] oh yes I don't wanna be the same I don't wanna be the same [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you may be seated in his presence you will get your Bibles if you would turn with me to the book of want to go to the Book of Proverbs the still speaking on the interrupters our finisher and over the course of a few days I have recognized as well as noticed how people are not realizing the importance of reaching destiny the last couple of days have been eventful spiritually hearing from God allowing him to just guide me and speak to me and instruct me and in doing so I went to Jersey and from that service on Sunday night God began to deal with me very strongly about making sure and I said this before and it it needs to be said again to make sure that you are not celebrating in the transition but that you keep longing for the end of the thing keeping that in your spirit that I am I am longing for something I am waiting for something maybe I'm by myself but I don't I don't want religion I want an experience something that is truly truly supernatural and watching all of what is happening now in the body of Christ I kept falling back into this scripture proverbs 4 and 25 let your eyes look right on with fixed purpose and let your gaze be straight before you hearing God said don't look to the left don't look to the right don't put your confidence in the flesh don't put your confidence in the flesh the flesh was made with failure in it and accept the spirit of a man is brought under the wheel and the power of God then failure is the inevitable you will fail every time you'll fail at everything God gives you to do God will set visions in your hands and you will fail because your eyes is not fixed on vision there's too many distractions too many distractions and as I began to minister on Thursday night then I drove back on Sunday night and at that point of I called it beyond weariness beyond physical weariness because when you are in travail for something the warfare is not external when you are after what God has called you to do and you believe with all of your heart and what God has ordained you to do when you are at the door of that promise the internal warfare begins and the internal warfare is because then you're brought to make some decisions and all of those decisions starts colliding at one time and you have to start then dissecting everything around you you got to start asking yourself are you here to hinder me are you here to hinder me I'm not I'm not preaching to nobody but me tonight are you can the hinder what are you here for and why aren't you sitting over here and why are you in my back because if we're not careful the distractions are not what's coming the distractions are already in your presence and I had somebody say to me you ought to be careful about all that fast [Music] sometimes things can get in your spirit got to be careful about all that fastening you know you ain't in your twenties in you ain't you know you shouldn't be probably be doing all that but I'm living to die I don't think I don't think I don't think people understand that about Christianity we are living better we are living so that we can become a living sacrifice mother living Hendrix mother living image but a living sacrifice in other words if I'm not operating in the spirit of sacrifice in my walk with God then am I really connected to God because Jesus walk was all about his sacrifice not about his image it's gonna cost you something don't cost you something to walk with God it's gonna cost you something to see what God has for you god I wish I had somebody in here than a it's gonna cost you something and somebody said well how much accurately it's gonna cost you everything who am I talking to tonight and if you are not ready to pay that kind of price you're in the wrong army I said okay you start hearing that and you start asking yourself why might why am i doing all this why am i praying like this I might want my consecrating like this don't nobody else seemed to be really you know what I'm saying well why why am I doing this and and Sunday Sunday I almost gave up Sun Sunday I almost I almost quit and I grabbed the whole to the railing in the elevator when I couldn't hardly stand up and I said God I said you gotta give me your strength if this is what you have called me to do I said you got that you got you got to infuse me what power from on high because I cannot do this of myself and watch this and watch this and then God said to me he said when you feel the pain what I have called you to do I'm not giving up and I'm not just talking about plastic I'm talking about the will of God when you feel the pain of what God has called you to do he said that's when you said ask me for whatever it is up you are praying for because now you have just entered into the vein of the sacrifice I almost quit and then he started talking to me about this generation start talking to me about this generation he's not talking to me about how this generation don't know nothing about fasting and praying I'm not hearing y'all this generation is not equipped for Oh night prayers and Whitman and I'm not talking about the kind of all night printers where you come with blankets and pillows no I'm talking about the kind of all night prayers when you seek the Lord all night long and when you find yourself getting ready to fall asleep you gotta get up and start walking because you know that you are on a watch for heaven that there were some things that God has called you to watch in the spirit for I'm not giving up you know that it is God Himself that is shaking your belly I'm not human y'all talk to me everybody in this room everybody that's watching my television there was something that God is calling you to do that means a yearning in the spirit and it's got your name Odin and you don't have any other choice but to tell God yes and that was I was I was just about to say I don't think I can do this by the gathers I was just about to say I don't think I can do this and I was like Lord what can I do this and he said no I said well God what can I have this he said no well can I can I can I put a little protein him no well I can't put it up now and he's come to you saying no no no no no no Jesus it has no protein shake I'm not hearing y'all now I'm not hearing up he said because there's a fish hi let's got to come out now I'm not hearing y'all talk to me I can't nobody talk to me I'm not talking about jumping and shouting I'm not talking about a powerful time in church I'm talking about when demons get their hands on your body it's gonna take up these kind consecration touch your neighbor and tell them they're not coming up we'll just your praise so your neighbors they not coming out because you wave your hand tell your neighbor they're not coming out because you speaking talks I'm not hearing nobody talk to me Hannibal Shia they not coming out toda raba Shia for the sons of stiva on that hearing yo they not coming out because you go to church they not coming out because your daddy is a pastor and your uncle is a bishop for that reason [Music] only a fasting life can call them out good God have mercy I just felt that in my spirit ibaka Shia because they had an oath in what they know shake and it's not calling me out I snake it's not calling me out but an empty belly that's full of the will of God it's commanding me to come out [Applause] Babak a seeker a rebus Adorama hiya oleander area Shia and Amukamara Mahasabha Shia or Adama hi hero Shia market IDEO Shia he said no no no no no no no no no no you got to you got to you got to you got to grab this generation you got to grab this generation and I'm sitting there and I get upstairs and I say okay Harley I can't hardly make it I told the people I said give me a few minutes get downstairs and Thursday night there was a woman sitting in the back of the church and I saw a wave with her hands like this but I couldn't see all the way in the back I couldn't see her standing up just saw her waving her hands like that Thursday night Sunday night the Lord gives me and he said I want you to pray for handkerchiefs God give me to do some in this building tonight he said I want you to pray for handkerchiefs and so I started praying for the handkerchiefs and I was praying for a woman and the power God's laid her out and I looked down the aisle and they were helping this lady come down the aisle but the way they had to help her come down the aisle they had to pick her legs up and and and move them and hold hold her up because her legs wasn't working because she had MS and every time her legs moved her whole body would start shaking out of control and so I told the people I said let them come around her because they've taken a little while to come and as they begin to come closer to me I just started hearing the holy ghost talk saying you can't keep running away from what I called you to be he said I said can't set the captive free I said healed the sick and raise the dead I'm not hearing y'all and so I begin to I begin to pray and I begin to pray for her handkerchief and when I did the power of God knocked her out and when I went to pray for somebody else he said stop right now and get down there and get on your knees and I want you to command the spirit of infirmity to let her body go and not only that the Lord said I want you to say out of your mouth not only will you walk but you would run and the minute it came out of my mouth mother gathers her body shut it shrivel it and shake him I said get her up off the floor when she got up she son of a running down the aisle I want you to know that God is still working miracles I want you to know that goods are still in the building who am I talking to right now but God is saying I need a generation that's we're late to put down your plate and call these kind out I want you to think about what he's saying tonight I want you to understand that this is not a show for some of you that are watching my facebook that this isn't that okay that not only is the world in trouble but the church is in trouble you don't know who you believe you don't know whose reports you believe you don't know whether or not you're gonna trust God or not cuz the enemy got you confused as a believer the enemy got you confused and the thinking that things are resolved with my intellect when God is saying in the book of Rebecca when he begin to digital to watch this to agonize over the fact that it look like the enemy was getting the victory and that's when God began to prophesy that but just shall live by his faith who am I talking to right now no we can no longer be in the house of God raising a card that we do not trust [Applause] [Music] nobody say why won't God do it because he can't find you because when the Lord tell you to do something and when God tell you to stand somewhere and when God tells you to stand on something when God gets ready to complete the promise he is not coming to search for you he is gonna come to the place where he told you to sit he gonna come to the place where he told you to stand he gonna come to the place where he told you I'm giving you this to trust me for and you cannot move from that place just the door you cannot move you can't shake too many Christians shaken so many people not trusting because I don't know God like that and so now here comes the conflict sit down I gotta teach this here comes the conflict in the book of Habakkuk he said I would I will I will I will I will stand upon my watch and I will see what the Lord will say to me I will stand upon my watch mother gathers it's gonna be alright and I will I will God give me to wipe them tears I'm telling you I'm telling you God gave me to wipe them tears I was standing up on my watch and I will see what the Lord is saying to me so if God is talking then we are talking about prophecy we are talking about the prophetic we are talking about a people that the way we have been designed to survive is that we can only live by a prophetic word he said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God which means I have to be able to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying I gotta be able to hear I'm not talking about phonics I'm not talking about sound I'm talking about getting my spirit the Lord said the Lord said have you ever heard the spirit of Laura told me have you ever heard him gas book a word to me have you ever really hurt him have you ever hurt him when did he professor how did he professor so what is what is what is this conflict that her Bukka is talking about because now it ain't about what somebody is doing to you Lord Jesus I could see in the spirit all of old of what I can't I can't find the niche and it's just like what the Bible prophesied that the end times would be that they would be running to and fro saying is there a word from the Lord and they'll be running back and forth and running - everybody's church and everybody's meeting saying is there a word from the Lord because after Wow singing in the choir won't matter after Wow being on the praise team won't matter at the Wow I'm the criminal and the world Gibson talent won't matter because now the world is in a place now what people are running and asking is there a word from the Lord no never asking like they did in the Old Testament have you heard from the Lord lately anybody Oh Oh his heaven shut up oh yeah he left us to the sensation of our own prophets I'm not here nobody talked to me I'm not here nobody talk to me are we under the spell of our own profits I've read the generation that just won and ears tickle I win the generation that just want you to pop us are things in my hand and ignore what I need in my heart have anybody heard from the Lord lately well well let me see how I was praying that her I heard I heard sources I'm not talking about what they said I'm talking about have anybody heard from the Lord but then let me ask this question have the Lord because see hearing is a divine gift hearing is a divine gift and a lot of people can hear but came here and a lot of people can see but can't see a lot of people can hear but right now in the spirit of God there is an outpouring from the divine place where now the Lord is moving Lord in the midst of the people and what he is now singing is that I'm not looking for you I'm not looking for you I'm not looking for you I'm not looking for you not you not you not you not you not you I know it's a crowd and no churches are crowded now and I know they growing like flies and I know people are packing our churches and everybody is you're gonna do they think he said but I'm in search of the remnant I'm in search I'm in search for the ones that I delivered them I'm in search I'm in search from the ones that's got a real testimony I'm looking for the people that I can anoint with some ears I'm not leavin y'all because see if you ain't never been through nothing you really came here because last oh my god if you've never been in a situation where you have with God but not some things but everything's changed [Applause] where are those people well oh look everything has changed me I did stop doing this he want to know where is the everything he said where is the umma I'm a new creature where was the where was the I'm a new creature what what what the Lord he changed some things new creature no creature so much about you what do you mean by hearing hearing hearing hearing hearing he said I would stand up on my watch and I were and I were I would see what the Lord is saying what she means the voice of the Lord equip to be able to see see people people lose faith because they only hearing what he is saying but you not see what he is saying and you're not able to see what he is saying because what he is saying it's going into your earlobe it's that going into the spirit of your ear it is not gonna I'm not here nobody talked to me it's not going into the connected to my heart saga let's see the llama hyah it's not going into the intent of my heart that's what I can't change because I'm hearing something but I don't but I can't see what he's saying I can't see myself different I can't see myself delivered I can't see myself oh I'm not giving up because I'm hearing words from the Bible but I'm not hearing the power and the spirit of the scripture [Applause] [Music] I haven't collected with the spirit of the word that's why that's why that's why one of the greatest gifts that God can ever give anybody we are playing with that gift and watch this and somebody said well that's the gift of singing no no no no no one of the greatest gifts that God can ever give you you're watching my internet one of the greatest gifts that God can ever give you is a spirit of conviction unlike a nobody talked to me one of the greatest gifts that God can ever give you is that when you move in the wrong direction I feel convicted when I say the wrong thing I feel convicted on that River Yahoo am i preaching too right now when I go where I'm not supposed to be even though it looks like it's alive my spirit feels contented [Applause] [Applause] I wish I can preach this the way he then gave her to me never a messiah that's what you can do anything that you wanna do because you really don't have the gift you'd know how to speak in tongues but you don't have to get the power of the Holy Ghost because it comes with a you ain't got the gift until you in conflict you ain't got the gift until your lack of occur when you know I can get out there and turn a few tricks and get my rent but I won't do it because I'm convicted I'm not hearing I'll talk back to me who am I talking to right now who am I talking to right now who am I talking to right now no no I'm convicted because I see the wicked and they are prospered I see people that I know ain't livin like nothing and they're prospered we're in God are you gonna do what you told me to do because I'm in conflict right now cuz you making me stay here you making me stay here you telling me I can't move you making me watch this I've seen it but I ain't seen it and you making me stay here based on what I've seen and not based on what I've seen and so like Rebecca um I'm in conflict internally because now the body of Christ is looking like we should be making a shame because we we have heard and seen what we've heard but we don't see so he said and I will in my thinking stand up on my post a barber's Asian and station myself on the tower of fortress and we'll watch to see what he will say would then me what answer I will make as his mouthpiece to tune to the perplexities of my complaint against him so so so so here he's identifying something he's identifying something if I'm not in a high enough place to communicate with a divine spirit did anybody just hear that no you want to live your life raggedy down here on the ground the only communication you have what god has saved me the onus of the only complaint you could ever have with God is God do something and deliver me but he is talking now to the people that he has been prepared for years and years and years and years no we get that season now he is now addressing the people that I have been preparing for such a time as this he is now a dressing the people and say it no the requirement in order for you to understand what I'm doing in this season you got to come up here and stay up here I'm not giving up you can't keep going up and coming down you keep me in one day and out the next you came behind god one day in the next day you don't even know whether not you want to live for him you've got to get up in a hot place and you got to stay in that place I'm not hearing yo who am I talking to he's calling us in the spirit where he's calling us to come up higher who is not written to the night high tower you - no you - no you - no you - low uh-huh the stuff you asking God for you too low you believe in you [Applause] [Music] hi is the divine protected place you get divine covering when you go hi I'm not hearing y'all when you end up where God told you to be just like he did just like he did Joshua when he told him I want you to go and I want you to take the people in the Canaan and when he found him where God told him to be I'm not giving up the angel of the Lord showed up with a drum sword and he said are you here are you here for me or against me and he said neither I'm here to guard my promise I'm not giving up we won't got to do it but we're not high enough you won't got to fix it but you're not high enough you want to live in the basement you don't have to pray at the bottom I do I'm wait hold it I'm not talking about that I'm not talking about just pray I'm talking about after tonight you gotta ask God for brains spirit I'm not here we go I'm not talking about stopping that five o'clock and getting on your knees I'm talking about my spirit is playing all that God give me I'm playing spirit my spirit it's constantly maker says it but things that I know not of [Applause] I need a brain spirit I need a pray in spirit but the gap is I need a pray in spirit Canada bolshaya I don't need to go to prayer I need to walk in prayer I'm there here enough who am I talking to I don't need to wake up to pray I need to go to sleep in prayer I need to wake up and watch this and be woke up but my spirit speaking in tongues while I am sleep nobody saying nothing [Applause] [Music] baba hyah hey Baba Shia somebody told me the other night they told me love at night they say we walked in the room and what mother living room and you were asleep on the couch and all of a sudden we heard some girl Herrara bhai and I said I thought she was three she said I went back over there and you went back to snoring a never familiar ever let us wait I'm not listen I'm sleep with my spirit exploited who am I talking to right now - Tina Basha I'm talking about when you are breaking demon powers even in your sleep [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in me put that but that spirit in me until when I'm in the grocery stores the cashier saying what this beyond you go ahead add that up I'm sorry man yes this would be aha God put them both at about shut up aha God put that spirit in me until when I walk in places a spirit a favor trucks on me because every demon spirit subject to the power of God that is it my life who am I talking to God but that spirit in me so you can count on me [Applause] lay down in prayer is when you stand up is when you start messing up I didn't get nobody talk to me stand upon this watch now what I am looking for I want you to be like the prophets that said it ain't go ready and it don't oh god I can't nobody talk to me I can't nobody talk to me yeah I said God take me back take me back to that place when I used to come outside and it was revival time then they said it was gonna be a thunderstorm and speak to the atmosphere and said I blow you in the next cabinet but not here who am I talking to people to be my mouthpiece and if you say you ain't gonna come if you say finances is here before you can get to sanded it's in your hair who am I talking to I'm ready for a mouthpiece [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you'll be classified as that Crispin that's always praying but don't nobody see nothing under here yeah he said tonight I am changing some things in the spirit I'm not giving up if you're watching back Internet you're watching my internet tonight the Lord is changing some things in your house and in your spirit he said tonight I'm trappin the divine spirit in your body and when you open up your mouth and you begin to pray up he said before you can get to praying I want to answer you Who am I talking to I'm back in for nobody say nothing we kill let me quote the Bible to you no nobody said nothing happens but God speaks to you today he said that when you speak it there will be no more delays who am I talking to open up your mouth [Applause] quick [Music] you better shout at him because God - attached up you better shout at him firing up the temple right now chop-chop [Music] [Applause] [Music] my car I'm feeling you're going to speak up fascination of your gorgeous makeup techniques up up your family your minor of your business [Music] [Applause] [Applause] somebody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can save you the proper shot clock I didn't deliver you just promised our houses but I know my cover huh when I set you free because I need you Marva just start wrapping your the protects it is a society somebody shout [Applause] sit down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hold on y'all shut up sit down please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you don't know what we go on through dr. Bynum you don't know what I'm going through you don't know what I'm dealing with you don't know what's happening but God is saying I know what's happening because [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dry up Cooper [Applause] [Applause] dawn what you don't [Music] I'm wondering why do you have looking on something that's been dead for so long there's nothing about it that you can even call the human oh you could call it his bones I don't know who I'm pretty due tonight but he preached into somebody on Facebook because somebody presents something in this room and it looks like it ain't nothing but bones up through cannabis aiya but God said I imagine your mouth to prophesy to the complexity I know is perplexed I'm not giving up I know it's perplexed no it looks confusing and now it makes no sense but guess what I'm not wearing said God cuz I've got a mouth please eat you that was speak through it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's a sit down sit down come and help me I gotta help you tonight today I didn't I did not you're watching you watching my internet and everybody in this building tonight he said you're not the people in this season there were some things that I have called people to pray about but then there were something that the prayers of the people that are in this building tonight and the people that are listening by internet tonight the prayers is not to labor in prayer about the issue he said I'm calling you to pray and ask me to show you what I am saying I'm asked you to keep on praying about George I'm asking you to ask me what about George and then when I tell you I want to deliver him I want you to switch that prayer and then I want you to speak get the perplexity I'm not hearing you I don't want you to keep on Tampa and God fix Georgia god I know now what you want to do in Georgia and God I know now that if you showed it to me you have already rebuilt the devil now I speak it into existence that cause I'm about to preach the gospel Georgia it's gonna be a anytime you're only given what God is saying if it I'm ready to do it but who can say it I'm ready to do it but who can say to do it what who say it [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Applause] say prove it what I'm saying I'll prove it what I'm saying and prove it what I'm saying you can pray about getting somewhere but season it once you get there it's a whole different something Oh talk to me who's I talking to right now go back to my day can I can I can I just go get yourself about your shirt the whole day go sell you eat it you eat it you eat it you eat it you win if you win if you win it oh we said you already ate it do not try to do you already me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] what is doing are you kidding me y'all talk back to me everything out when you lost your mind back when you let us blow your brains out when you jump off a bridge you what the doctor said you weren't gonna make it I killed you and now lets you much static if this place 2018 you go [Music] whoa thank you Jesus sometimes I'm back you don't talk to me y'all examine up in here Sonia and you go you ain't wanna laugh at no baby yo what about you what about you here we go let's days when you didn't know you must go like eat that's what crap about you but saying that you didn't know where you was gonna make your head that's what just [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I don't even want to trust my spirit I'm not gonna go who am I talking to rather God speak to me in your word because we do speak to me and you fought beside me through the scripture to make yourself better fit now you are looking at the reveal know Septimus you ain't have to reveal yourself pathetic she'll get a see some off-the-wall prophecy doesn't make me feel better but you didn't get that point and I know you did so that the bottoms I had you but why would you say that if you got a Bible a computer anyway where God sent you to his word and you got some Machens in your Bible to prove the day at the time that he's spoken you oughta not just run around this church but run down the street to another counting on that hey nobody say nothin because we gotta fall back to trust it and hit the note is aware to pick off his word said it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] again no matter say that's I say I gotta work but the work [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] watch my word he watches over his word to perform it and just in case you lose your man just sound that giving yo who is my top you do you moving into this purpose you don't do what I told you to do this oh my god oh oh man tripping I said that you're the cake holder [Applause] somebody needs a great shot right there [Applause] it is a surprise [Music] [Applause] [Music] summer God didn't even receive that turn around the best thing papers I don't think you heard what he said you can't mess it up this time no I want you to hear you can't do it you won't try to do it what you can't do it I don't think y'all get that the enemy is coming what you can't do it you do it [Music] I thought it worth [Applause] [Music] somebody's perfect [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] wasting your speech [Applause] [Music] but he takes his children [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight and he said you don't have to see the whole that's bit wonder but if you can look within the spirit of the works of Leviathan and you can find one thing that is my will that would be the thing I don't I don't know if you the way I'm looking at it I cycle excite you take up I'm not just when you're spaghetti but you can find one piece and you can ever hope to the one piece [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] really [Music] Oh [Music] we are what take it of Wow now [Music] we get a break some mid 3 we get my defense of mid free turn the trunks up we can make a trench of free god Wow come out [Music] here I know [Applause] speak those things God deliver on justice to another lawyer deliver unto us tonight [Music] you don't know what they said and held up you just say smoking your brain about it but you didn't speaking let me go let me go let me go get my saga Irish snoring upbringing reservation - no confidence just speak what thus saith the Lord just because a word and not shake just we can work it back up just speak this word triple [Applause] [Music] [Music] I just heard the Lord said I'm also changing your seat you better get out of great see [Applause] [Music] you're you can do spirit messed up [Applause] [Music] because now I know that my news have the potential to produce a movie now I know that my peers have the potential to change my vision I know that my ears can offset that this I'm not gonna place where it's just a good service I'm in an additional place now where I know that everything that God is doing now isn't it and you gotta be careful because this moment in time told them go and get me No so you can find obedience and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't you my security I said I may have [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no business of mine is connected to what thank God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but it's bigger than you yeah are you yeah you watching my internet is bigger than you and how do you know that because in your heart of heart wouldn't change and the manifestation of Jesus sword he's got [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the power of the Holy Ghost is going to visit [Applause] that we'll run to it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well [Applause] oh wow [Applause] you're gonna sell for your children [Music] [Music] right I worry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Naga I'm back a child that was raised up at the church every adult that was raised up in the church too much different [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where [Applause] [Music] [Music] right our Father do report [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when the Lord speaks he speaks to all of us he's not just using me to speak to you [Music] nobody is exempt I know the Lord it's challenging you in your spirit to go to another place of him I've no man I don't have the question I know he is I know he is and I want you to understand something when you come on here on Tuesday night we're not coming on here to give you a 15 minute message I'm not coming on here to give you a 30 minute message I'm coming on here because the Lord said it's time for breakthrough it's time for breakthrough in the church in the air it's time for great to lighten up in your house it's time for deliverance right there no you may not be in a church building but you are connected to the power of what is going on in this building and I know I know that the person said mother what is visitor chicken and some of you have already made a connection but I want to share with you one more time I was speaking on Sunday and Thursday and I told the people I said do not be deceived by the enemy because he's a deceiver he's a deceiver somebody made a statement on Facebook a couple weeks ago and they said all the church want is your money and I make this statement and shoulders baseball team and the basketball team is that it's the believers now that's been targeted because we are the new wealth the church is a new wealth that's how all the movie industries is coming out with Jesus movies will not deceive we on the next market because the wealth is in us as a saga we are the untapped market but don't be deceived the thing that Kumar is the man that is so precious for every believer is he has so fixed it that he has connected everything that he's going to do for us to our seed that means the enemy doesn't make a decision about my success that means your job doesn't make a decision about your success that means the doors that were open for you it's not made by man but it's made because my see connected with God it was made because when the Lord challenged me I sold into the spirit by next Tuesday we would be off the consecration there 22nd because we had to wait the 22nd we would be closed in the 21 day fax and this would be the last Tuesday that you can make your mark for what God wants to do in your life and to make your connection and what he gave me the 1:21 see I won't back off with him because I've seen too many things happen I've seen too many love exchanged when I went Thursday and Sunday he said I want you to speak the word of the Lord and I don't want you to touch the offering because I know that this is a prophetic season if I never known it before in my life and you're watching right now and God is challenging you you saying God I need a miracle and the Lord is saying and I need you to connect with the spirit of what is sitting in this building you said God I don't have no way out and God has said I'm not asking you for a big thing I'm not even asking you for the hard thing I'm asking you for obedience and every time you hit that contact us button one lady said to me every single Tuesday I saw it she said that the miracles that I get bring singing in my church has blown my mind the doors that God has opened has blown my mind people that are spending behind me can wave their hands and testify that since they've been show it the 121 seat wave your head God has been doing supernatural things in their life and now the Lord challenges you and the closing of this mess I will be in Mississippi I will be preaching on that Friday night the last day I don't know if they'll be going now but tonight the Lord told me to challenge you with your consecration seat I'm 121 go right up at the top of this page and if that contact us button and let the devil know I'm not on the Miss car I can't I can't afford to miss god I can't afford to miss nothing that I am asking God to do because I know in this hour he is going to work on miracle he is going to work on miracle just like he did for that lady on Sunday night he said it quickly and she jumped up and started running that's exactly the way I'm going to do it for you and he said tonight I'm asking for your obedience the Bible said in Abraham lay down the seed and a figure-eight symbolizing new beginnings and the Lord put him to sleep and walk through his sacrifice tonight the Lord will walk to your sacrifice if you'd be obedient go up and hit that contact us button had one know God is talking to me dr. banner because you got it how do I know the Lord is speaking to me because I don't worry about I'll tell your motive but to know this that I know that God is speaking and with what I need God to do for me and in my family and with my nieces and my nephews it's not worth sabotaging my entire consecration to lie about you and lie to you about a seat I want you to understand that it's about you it's about what God wants to do for you don't procrastinate do it now get that contact us button and show that one to anyone and you said that behind them I don't have 121 but on this fast we are in the midst of the consecration you sew as close as you can to it I don't care pretty much seventy six dollars allocated for $23 you come as close as you can to the 121 seat and you want you to see what God will do for you the contact button this one up there it says contact us when you hit it is going to take you to a place where you saw your seat and you connect with everything that God has said tonight and you watch it see don't God show you a miracle somebody give God a shout in this place everybody [Applause] Travie this way all the Rock Hill Church presents verified by the blood conference seemed nothing but the blood of Jesus dates are from Thursday April 19th to Sunday April 22nd 2018 with guest ministers dr. Juanita Bynum dr. Jamal Bryant you know what if I hold my peace wheel in Miranda Curtis times are 7 p.m. nightly except Friday at 10 p.m. conference is hosted by dr. sunny Badou address is at four one eight three Northeast expressway number 220 Atlanta Georgia please visit you get your copies of the plane from the third dimension collection by dr. Juanita binary the warden gave me to revise this book he gave me to add some things to it that he was giving me and so we did now this visible you today plane mentioned by dr. Juanita binary this collection is available in multiple languages French Spanish Dutch now
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 41,242
Rating: 4.798687 out of 5
Id: n_-c6CRHXT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 13sec (7633 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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