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I you can have your lion that's alone that's the Lord I surrender all my hat's up Chris arrested by all accounts a Winston I surrender all I surrender you can have your life you can have your why you hid away I'm surrender all [Music] [Music] come on ring it up let it ring up in this building the enemy can hear you I surrender at all you can have your way [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] Oh flip it up I surrender let's just repeat surrender all in Europe I'm sorry that's how the posture in the mall you can have your way in me [Music] Surrender [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] goodnight [Music] away Oh wanna do it what you wanna do with Miki the sastra break the rules everybody's fake away [Music] don't come on everybody midnight we say it again come on [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] away give them away [Music] [Music] we can tell them how much you love them and how much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one to welcome to the broadcast tonight all of you that are watching my facebook live and also by television around the world we are going to pick up unless say where we left off we ate the book of Habakkuk and if you would turn with me to the second chapter of the book of Habakkuk my God my god keep saying all the time I like to get on a tour with my guests at night keep saying that we have to stick with what God is saying to all of my church in the air members that are out there that I'm watching and I will be introducing the Church of the air to many of you this coming we possibly am on Thursday I will be going live on that three with me and introducing you to the church in the air and it is designed for people that are around the world that have no church home and yet they need to be pastored and cover so the Lord has given me membership and so those of you that I'm watching we want you to follow along and it is designed that every three months we will gather in one place from the weekend so I can lay my eyes on you and be able to pray for you and you probably nurturing you in the presence of the Lord because it has now become the church without laws the book of Habakkuk is is really speaking to us explicitly and I am overwhelmed and how much the Lord is revealing out of this text it's baffling to me every time I sit down to read and I see something that I did not clearly see before but yet it has always been me it says oh I know I have been rash to talk out plainly this way to God I will in my thinking send upon my post of observation and station myself on the tower or fortress and will watch to see what he was saved within me and what answer I will make as his mouthpiece to the perplexities of my complaint against him and hopefully by the time we get to the scripture everybody should know this one by heart I should be able to just put the microphone out of y'all just start quoting that scripture because that's how many times we are going to keep dealing with it until we have exhausted every measure of what God is trying to teach us in this text I'm not interested in giving us a lot of gamma cynics in the scripture and a lot of homiletics in the scripture my interest now is that we can make what we are reading we can make it work in our lives come on somebody until we become independent to the fact that I not only do I know this scripture but the scripture knows me I like that mother gasps Oh a lot of people know a scripture but the scripture don't know you way the scripture needs to know you as you have to have an experience with the scripture because the Bible is the written conglomerate of a person it is not just pages it is an individual that is being described page by page it is us getting to know who Jesus is and I don't know nobody that can claim that you have a relationship with me and you don't spend no time with me you know what I'm saying you don't know me you know you don't you don't know a person until you spend some time with it you spend time with a person and you you know you somebody come up and say you know get dr. Bynum some cocoa and make me like she don't drink no cocoa she don't like that no somebody said well you know what we gonna go give her some curry and I can't stand curry but I'll play a young for talking about curry powder I I had a bad experience with curry powder one time and so I can't I can't eat curry powder it's just too many memories you know so I just I can't eat curry powder somebody go to get me something with some curry in it and you know me you know since the industry cooking from me insisted dr. Saroyan be cooking for me because I only everybody's cooking that part right there and now you know don't put no curry in my son you know cuz as soon as you hand it to me I think I can smell it so you automatically know and so when you have a relationship with the person that you know the person then you can speak on their behalf I can speak on your behalf if I know you so when the enemy comes I can forget about me I can speak on behalf of the world I can speak on behalf of God and I can tell the enemy what God don't like I can tell the enemy what God won't accept I can tell the enemy what's not the character of God what is not the will of God I'm all somebody I can be a defense for the world because I know the world and the word knows me so when he start talking about last week about that post that they got me that lone post that is planted in him you took us to Colossians the 2nd chapter and the 2nd verse which for the sake of time I won't reread that but this part of this text that says here that I will I will I have been rash to talk I planted this way and I will in my thinking stand up on my post-up observation of observation and I want I want to deal with that word today observation because we have to understand that the better endeavours of the enemy and he has endeavors you know that I mean endeavors meaning things he has set out to do what is what is that what is the endeavor of the enemy against my class I have to know that if I don't know what the endeavor of the enemy is against them against my students then I don't know how to best prepare you how to give you a proper defense so today I was I was reading and something came to mind and I wrote this our enemies the endeavors the enemy of this particular class of Master students students that have been called to master themselves to the point that they know how to navigate in the spirit whale our enemies strive is to prevent our ascent to the third heaven to deprive us of a heavenly blessing and to extract our communion with heaven he'll let you pray but the endeavor of the enemy of this class is to see that you stay struggling in the second dimension of the heavens where you're constantly bumping into the enemy I've got to use this for an example so I want you all to do something for me his endeavor is to make sure that he obstructs you from being able to go in the RAM because in that third dimension in the third dimension we've been talking about Begley you know for those of you have just joined us I wrote a book on it you can go to my website and order the book and keep up with us that third dimension is not a place it is not that it's not getting in um how can I describe it it's not talking about getting you into the heavenly the heavenly City that's not it that's not the third dimension is talking about the third dimension it's in God Himself it's in the mind of God it's not in the surroundings of God it's in God and so if I have not properly prepared myself to go to that third dimension that third dimension that I will always be pleased but I will never become an executor of the world because I don't know the mind of God and so we become we become players of warfare players of warfare people that always praying with the devil then about the devil then on behalf of the devil knew what the devil is done and what the devil have said we want to get to a place where we bypass him let people that want to fight you fight you but I get the mind of God and I go into the third dimension and I get the mind of God that the mind of God has always had the ability to navigate itself around your workings not only does the mind of God have the ability to work itself around your workers but the mind of God and the will of God contains the power to even work through your workings is like go ahead devil just answer gee coz I know how to work through you I know how to take what you are doing and switch it around and cause it's a benefit the people that you trying to do it again is anybody human that is anybody hipper that he knows how to work through what the enemy is doing when you know the mind of God my god this wicked I didn't know the mind of God if I didn't know the mind of God this week he knows how to work through what the enemy is doing watch this we as the master students are assaulted and things that belong to our souls cuz he's no he Kenda can I teach this tonight he cannot get to my spirit so he assaults me in my soul because my soul only peace my son needs joy not about sugar my soul needs comfort so since I can forget it your spirit and cause you to change your mind about how you feel about your walk with God then I wanna in yourself don't you in the areas that your soul needs such in the area where you can't function Tata boson yeah yeah my spirit is intact and still say but I can't function I know I'm talking to somebody today Lord that mercy cannot teach this yet I'm save living like I want a backslide but I hate function pristine level of a Christian because the enemy is assaulting my soul does that feel this thing tonight I feel this thing tonight he's um he's he devised a plan and he said I'm repeating this plan because I had a meeting about John only your people they want to be in the will of God only your people they want to vote for the third dimension I'm having a meeting about you the same way I met about Joel and that's what the Holy Ghost says you can't touch the pot that belongs to me huh but he told God if I remove these things from around him he will clasp you and God said no he will not because what yes yes spirit and the only thing I'm going to allow you to do miss mess what is emotions things that were caused his soul to be out of whack so the Lord is not offended I want you to hear this he's not affected when we have momentary glimpses of insanity I mean bumpy on top of our souls because God has already calculated letting where he was taking you who am I talking to because when they enemies get fluid all of that and the end result they going to be who I called them to be they're going to do what the Madhu who am I talking to right now cut somebody's animal be what he called me to be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my god [Applause] where you at right now is just temporary what you talking about oh my god hey that I won't side up I said where you are right now is just temporary oh yeah so what because of your soul or the enemy you made a mistake but the problem is this my spirit was never that touch from God I've always loved the Lord Who am I helping tonight Who am I helping tonight Who am I helper tonight because the enemy wants you to keep your keep your mindset in your activity of your slow let slip and that's what he said I will stand upon my post and the warfare is going to be fierce but it's supposed to be because I'm not a live I'm a boat and I can't take it whoa who am I talking to good lord have mercy thank you Jesus I'm accustomed to weather come on somebody who about who is God reach into the night I'm accustomed to weather and weather the basin where dr. Bynum why do you say that well well well you don't know sir to have anybody have anybody recently have anybody recently walked outside just out of curiosity and looked at the telephone pole the weather changes year after year season after season and you don't see them out there every time it's a new season digging at the polling a new poll was you and you in trouble both of us so the endeavor here it is now they labor to the face to decrease the heavenly image what is this what is this the enemy is laboring to deface the heavenly image that is in my heart first of all and speaking with dr. Saroyan one night we were talking about we were talking about the Hebrew language and we were she was rather an unveiling to me that the reason why the original Hebrew language was written in that fashion because the design of the way the letters are written are pictorial they're pictures I got that right they're pictures so God was speaking a language and closing them to draw the picture of what they were saying so then that means to me in my mind that the original intent of God was that when you speak my word they are pictures Oh God is that what I'm going to do my word is what I've already done do you see the picture do you see the picture of what he's saying what he says that up there that word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against they can you picture can you picture the word being here in a place in the darkness of his glory and the darkness of his glowing because people think that the glory of the Lord is the light of the Lord the glory of the Lord cannot be revealed unto you in the darkness because the Bible said oh god I'm not here nobody talked to me come on said man he said to the glory of the Lord filled the temple in the priest cannot stand to minister in it because of the toughness of His Holiness I'm not giving up and not the words God cannot get the glory out of your life until you break through some darkness I'm not here we go who am I talking to right there he is revealed in class me it reveals when they say that you will never come out when the doctor says you will never be healed Who am I talking about it is I know so what it is God is trying to do for you and they cannot see because of glory it's hidden it's the trial what's it and it is the word that reveals to people what the movie is doing in the dark whoa I just said I'm right there the Holy Ghost just sets up my day the Holy Ghost says I'm like that you got it let's just think on that might be so so so so it's the beginning of time God step down oh nothing and it says here that the earth was dark it was dark it was void there was nothing but darkness how did the world come into existence because if you don't know the word and what God is biggest of your life can never come to the life it would need the world to make it manifest okay make it manifest the question wait a minute you can't make it manifested cousin because because you cry you can't make it manifest the cousin cuz you speak in tongues come on somebody because you're talking to be fortified and built up it impacted and supported by the word comes to money anybody can speak and talks I've accepted applicants we can talk and he shakes he's got some of that and what he cannot do is become a manifestation of what is right Oh God I just said some abilities but he cannot do it's become a manifestation of what is right and that's why their enemy fights you in your righteousness hearing young that's why he fights you when it's time to do what's right I'm talking to somebody tonight that's why he gives you all kind of warfare well it's time to do what's right and the enemy want you to think more about your pride they doing what's right he about somebody come oh come on because some of y'all would rather be right than right to us I'm not giving up who am I talking to right now come on you minute think about what I'm saying that's the only weapon that you have against the enemy that's what the world gets you in your life in such a degree that I begin to walk up the word and the word and move that's the world like the word now I've become a living epistle who am I talking to right there he's afraid of your rightness he's he's terrified when you when you when you do things right he's scared of people that dares to stand up and say that's not right [Applause] [Music] my hearing about college so so so so watch it so watch it he's afraid and so and so what his name is me I'm by PacSun like it did Daniel you don't care if you pray just don't get to the dirt that mention don't get to the place where you can command angels can I Messiah and don't even get like Daniel where you can command Jesus to show up get it at my side up no honey you'll walk there you'll walk there what you thinking about enemy recognizes that you now possess the power to go and come back that Jesus shows up touch somebody so I can get in touch with Jesus [Music] that's something I can get in touch with Jesus watch this watch this watch this that this right here that's why he was going it's gonna really bless you and they labor to deface they labor to deface they label to take away from you the image out of your heart that God hasn't plenty told you James James told us that it was an in point nobody getting on imprint unless they want something bigger no y'all can't get no a man's right there mother God is that thing that thing scared me I went to I went to Atlanta not too long ago and I had a meeting there and the hotel they put me in was downtown and I was sitting in the library everybody that came through like had an extra in and my ride was late and they took so long to everybody that came and we had extra ins by the time I came I want my side like this like I don't want know how to stick nothing it let me hurry up and get to the car I was protecting myself I said cuss y'all going crazy around here with these imprints and if we get justice aggressive about having the word and planet then when the enemy comes to attack you he'll say that's way too big for me I'm not feeling up when the enemy comes against you he'll say no ah that's too bad leverage too massive because she gun went somewhere and got an implant she done got the word implanted now she's bigger than she was last week she's bigger than she was this I'm not giving up he's bigger than he was a year ago Who am I took his thumbs have changed his planes of pledged his promise let's please oh my god you gotta watch them Christians that keep allowing God um his work [Music] [Applause] [Music] can I make you confess why now I'm bigger than I was last year can I make you come watch right now but bigger than I was a week ago can I make you confess tonight that's why no weapon let's form the catcher shall be able to plasma because the weapon is not bigger than your employ [Applause] watch this listen to this listen it is what is he afraid of what is he what he what is he afraid of D face he comes to try to deface the heavily he doesn't he doesn't come the track he works he Labor's he can't that up because if he let up you liable to use your in play if I leave her alone for five minutes she goes stop worshipping and quoting scriptures whoa I can't get nobody to see this thing right here I can't get nobody uh-uh-uh-uh-uh if I listen listen if I leave one loan one week if I leave him alone one week they don't go to prophesize they don't go to speaker than tones they don't go to quote scriptures they go to ministry to people so I can leave for every day I got a loan they track every single day because this one is dangerous because this one has a wheel and plant [Applause] I have to track 2d face quarry I have to try to defense deface me to spoil the surface or the appearance of something by drawing or writing on it to market or disfigure it I are you hearing this now that right there just got much other work because because I want you to know that the enemy is strategic he operates with stratagem he's not he's not working out absolutely he's not he's not he's not working what well I just think I would just I'll just attack you please see this tonight my god helper said mind Jesus he's not just attacking it is not a real attack from the enemy unless he is trying to deface something unless he is coming against something that has been authorized okay if the Lord has not authorized you to be weapon he'll attack and your money ain't no real attack it's only a legal attack it's only called a real attack when the enemy is coming to get something that God has designated for your life are you hearing this are you hearing this and watch this and it only becomes the battle of the heavens when he comes against something that you have read a scripture to back up what the Lord prophesied to you I'm not giving up and when he comes against it then happen says to you back up and get behind me this is my fight it was your fight as long as he was attacking your vision but now that he's attacking my water oh you know [Applause] waitwait was with dr. Biden I've been praying I've been asking the Lord no boy you ain't gotta worry about honey you ain't got no word behind it no I know that I know the scripture said but did you read okay I'm trying to say something right here did you read what well what I heard the pastor preached I didn't ask you then did you really know this getting ready you just give me a moment it's gone with a change your life I mean change did you read well I thought I know let me help you with something because because in the book of Habakkuk he is saying write the vision write the vision because that which is right written is transitional that was written can be transferred that was just written can last throughout the ages I'm not giving up what because when you write it and somebody read it they become what you have Rick no no you didn't you didn't hear that you something my interns need you reading huh you can't be come back because you didn't read that in other words your eye sockets have not program what was on that page there is no visual that is in your heart because you have not read it [Applause] y'all don't got quiet on me right there y'all don't got quiet right there wait wait wait wait wait I told y'all once before what you hear what you hear it turned into a movie but watch this so then God said okay I'm understanding that so now he says in Jeremiah 31 and 33 listen to what he said he said but cuz I know y'all go help some battles Old Testament people but this is the covenant covenant covenant not at will if you will I will even if you won't that's why people can be friends but it's another level to be covenant because company says I'm gonna always treat you right even when you don't do right by me confident says I'm still never put my mouth on you because I made a covenant with you but I'm not giving up covenant means up I don't care how many times you mistreat me come on somebody I'm gonna always do the right thing wait you are concerned because money it's not just friendship it is a covenant and so and so and so until God said I know y'all gonna be human in crazy so I can't I can't make an agreement with you because you can break that and so can I even if I made your promise it has been noted in the Bible that I've made David a promise that he can build the sanctuary but when he see it I've had to remove that promise I can remove the promise and I can give it to somebody else but a covenant I made a covenant with the household of faith then a tippler was going up so even if I have to break my promise to a person it to a nation oh yeah oh yeah that's why you keep messing up and soon as you start worshiping God you feel this presence I ain't even worth it because I made a covenant with you I'm not hearing just no no you're not going to records I need you in the intent you're not going nowhere no no I'm not gonna let you go like that because I made a covenant I made a company that I was gonna keep on delivering you I made up confident that I was gonna keep on shaking you're free I made a covenant that I was gonna keep on bringing you out because I have need of thee that's why even when you don't want me I still won't you I'm not here y'all [Music] so so so so here he is watch this but this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel not with David with Israel you go ahead and look at Bathsheba and get all messed up don't be a murderer because I made a covenant with Jesus after those days saith the Lord what days after what days after one day after the days of your experience after the days of your season of transition after the days of what you don't have you in bondage there is after these days coming I can't get nobody to talk to me I can't get nobody to say nothing to me right there I said there is after these days that's coming in your life there is a copy no this is my phone the last always come on somebody where you won't write numbers that go the last Soloway better Caesar do you ever read Ecclesiastes you better read it there's a season to be born is a season a time let us see in the last let us become Oh somebody let us season us to mourn who am I talking to and after this season that you are going through and he is prophesied this right now to somebody in this room make somebody that is listening by placeable season [Applause] says the Lord I will put my law within them watch this and on their hearts will I write because I need a heart to keep showing them a move why can't get jokes is everybody seeing what I'm seeing here by saying of it I've gotta watch this I got to put it on watch it now this is the first rate this the first Christian faith I'm gonna put my word on their hearts and I will write it and I would be their god and they would be my people I'm a writer I'm a writer only heart so now let's go on this journey and let's see if y'all can make it to the end now you keep on disobeying me you keep on getting yourself in bondage so I have to do something different so by the time I get to the Gentiles time I get to them to the New Testament now I gotta take to the Hebrews to you because I must say the same thing but I got to do something that's different because if I don't do something that's different you ain't gonna make it to the air if I don't do something different you will give up why are you pointing for somebody if I don't do something different somebody would die on your watch Who am I talking to I'm talkin to the tensor breakers I'm talkin today's a big breakers who is God talking to the people in this room and watching my illness let's go to Lake Anza and raise the dead oh look at you don't do something necessary power so let me start the sentence all over again cuz I ain't changed I haven't changed I'm gone and I changed that so i'ma say it again to you when I get you Hebrews peoples that they chapter just the eNOS I'm I said the same thing before this is the company then I will make with the household of Israel you still talking to us after those days you still talking about those days yeah because after that day did another day coming after that season another season coming she's a problem the problem that I have with with with with with people who are trying to go to the master level you keep looking for um you keep trying to marginalize your Christianity with God you will never have that Yuman when God has called you to be a master student an intercessor you will never have that I'm not here nobody talked to me you're going to always be the person that's going to go even out of weather storms but you not the person that is going to be sustained because I built you to last don't stop looking for well was to never leave me alone he's never going to leave you alone stop looking for what a secret but no because when it gets to there and you prepare he's coming in another way who am I talking to and will you defeat him come on y'all I'm talking to y'all that Facebook and will you defeat him he can raise up on the way when you let me get otherwise [Music] that's a mother-son fit for it y'all in saying it like y'all mean that the master intercessor well always be the one that's call to the weather the beta Christian is called to the Sunshine [Applause] I'm not here y'all talk to me y'all act like y'all remember when y'all first got saved you just felt like whoo I'm disco servant to that guy and you all on the bus stop tell me about a buddy do you know Jesus as your personal Savior you own the grocery stuff do you know Jesus as your personal Savior I'm not here yeah and you know what happened to me I mean you get back to work and they look at you and say oh you look different yes and I gave my life to the Lord and I'm telling you I had a life to come from heaven and he shared on me and I felt like Mary did when she received in Dallas and I just threw my hands up and before I knew it I was on the floor I didn't know Amazon the thrill but when I got a you know what they say I failed and nobody called me myself but you know what I just feel that God fell in the arms of Jesus maybe there's some early ages let's there early stages uh-huh when you become a massive intercessor you'll be like the Prophet - Kaiser I'm here we go when you become a master intercessor you'll be battling for your life but you still reproduce the will of God who is God listen do I wish I had somebody say something when you become a master student you want become like your master you have your cross [Applause] [Music] pick it up and follow Jesus my god we got you many backs that ain't been plowed got too many sides that's never been pierced that offended me don't know uh-uh oh but wouldn't move your hand move your hand move your hand move your hand so the people can pierce you you said you want to be like Jesus oh oh you was talking about the part where the dog came down from heaven it rested upon him they said this is my sin my son and whom I'm well pleased that part that part okay but let's move on to the next part when you slip and out of the hands of the people that's trying to kill you when they whooping you all right go and put in a quick response over your head I'm not giving up when your crown becomes a persecution comes from people but yet you're still being cold just angle your post to themselves that the telephone pole was not a new invention the first telephone pole was called the cross that was the first land of communication that was dropped in the ground that was able to hold the body upright I'm not hearing you talk back to me y'all better say sup come over here Saints come on mr. McCotter who was a close that needed to make communication with heaven July back the different hey TNT was not the first telephone [Music] Jesus older male I may tell you what you are Jesus own domain [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you need your healing stretch your arms out all your cross so you want to be a master student with we cute makeup in and in bodycon dress is in and snakeskin shoes and custom-made shirts I'm not here y'all talk back to me I hear nobody talk back to me no no no no no no you want you want you want to be a master student and and you come and hit like a beauty queen or something couple somebody yeah yeah you got a say you you ain't even ready to go to work your clothes don't say you ready to go your clothes said I don't want nobody mess me up hey you ain't ready to become the innocence because you too hot you don't know what it means to lay on the dungeon you don't know what it means to pray unto Yahweh but huh I'm down here and y'all know why do you think it was sweatin cuz it was hot I'm not giving up and then he prayed so hard until his sweat became like drops of blood you ain't ready to be no intercessor and you want all of these amenities and you want everything to be so so in Who am I go have to mess you up commotion you're gonna have to be put down to another level whoever Club it will not be about you [Applause] [Music] [Music] got my master soon come down here summer young well halfway well how long how long I don't sing well well well let me just help you listen garlic's not asking the Angels how long y'all gonna say how long how long I won't sing cuz I got suddenly say you don't have to stop the worship to speak because if he can use and move through the enemy and reverse what the enemy is doing and what they getting me made for harm he'll turn around and make her feel good he'd know how to speak what he's saying through the song so everything is the time they connected but if you in another dimension you don't know them okay I'm gonna say something see Mike I can't okay I can't get through us in my you know I'm having so much warfare I'm a count to three when I count to three I want everybody in here they can I want you to get up and I want the people that online on my right I want you to go walk one just walk right if you have to walk through the pubes everybody on my left I want you stand up okay alright one two three stop okay stop sit down jump that camera show that now now what ah but I want to show you in this demonstration none of y'all affected me but when you high enough ain't nobody in your place when you high enough I'm not giving up your mother worked it back anybody's fault and the people job I'm not giving up CC pepper you're uncomfortable right now because you said I'm sitting on the floor and they say my seat but you ended up in that seat because you have to settle for where you can sit when you decide that you don't want to come to a dimension but I'm not giving up when you make the decision because I'm in a divine place I'm not even y'all talk back to me look at everybody you had a place your process somewhere else so can I just explain this your finances as somewhere else and you sitting over here and you don't have your money with you you ain't got your ID with you if I would have come in here right now I don't know who you are I'm never know Claude as you're looking to bless you but they don't recognize you because you're not in the place where he told you to be but you don't think it's necessary to go to the third dimension you think you okay because you're in charge you think you okay because you give God a little service but look at where you are you are limited you are at a place you have no identification you're not comfortable you are on the floor you're in a hard place [Applause] Simeone in a foreign place and let me tell you the secret to this in your spirit right now now get up and go where you belong no you got to see that you got to see that you got to see that illustration go back to no please get back to your place get back the Wescott go to to be yes the rhythm and the dimension that God called you to begin [Music] sit down now when you just sat down when you just sat down when you just sat down not turn around look around you touch your neighbor so I got my stuff back - oh come on Sonya come on touch your neighbours I've got my stuff back ha ha ha I got what I came to get come on somebody I got my seat back because I've seen it in heaven equation I have no business up being walking around here we exceeded in the place I've been called to another dimension I've been called the liquid Jesus I've been called let's do ramp what your neighbors say and I'm laying with him because I stopped there with him don't sit up cuz you don't know what just happened to you you don't know what just happened to here then Lord has established you in the spirit you don't know what's happening you just make an announcement wanna get out of the way and let them pass who am I talking to right now sit up sit down I got a clothes tell your neighbor said labor I didn't just walk across the floor by the time I came back I'd gain access [Applause] come back hold on go don't sit down for a second so now what say so then what what what's gonna happen now what's gonna happen what's gonna happen now this what's happened because I made a decision to become a third dimensional a third dimensional master master so I'm I'm reading the world and something different is happening in me then what happened to me in German one thing happened to me in Jeremiah was unto my salvation this thing that's about to happen to me is unto my calling because now I have been saved from the promise thunder from the land of captivity in Egypt I have been delivered out of the hands of my captivity jesus has now come I have made it to the book of Hebrews because his intent for me now he said I be the generation that takes us straight to Revelation so now this one right here in Hebrews is unto my calling not unto myself I had to pass by the Book of Ezekiel 11th chapter that says and and take out of me take out of me this heart it give me a new heart watch what he says he watch what he says it didn't make no sense to me first what I will but I take I'm in a harder place and give me a heart of stone well okay because he said I would not be undercutting that my words so then what I'm saying is I'm making a covenant now that this time I will imprint my loss upon their minds cuz now you gonna have some man problems cuz you don't you you try to persevere and stick your head in another dimension so now the warfare is good me to be in the map maybe I'm the only one of you so I got a do an imprint this time instead of a writing I wrote before but this time imma do an imprint and input it's a mutt made by pressing something on a softer substance so that an outline is reproduced which becomes a lasting impression so now when you are reading it I am I am imprinting it in your cortex and that's why when things hit your limbic system though you are emotional you are not forgetful I'm not giving up and in the midst of your tears you still they were to give God ways because your clock let's remember what's written just about I'm emotional I'm not crazy [Music] I was talking to somebody about a week ago and they were saying to me they were saying to me doctor buy him some time on this bill and this person said to me except for real like last week almost juice they was going through a trial they said I almost just went to cream or and just walk in and just sigh myself in and they said I just need you to help me maybe was in T less a baby you all right I said you are why you you bout that's about it right there cuz I can remember the days when I was coming if I pay and play and that would be screaming all the way down the street and then get in church and get the microphone the Holy Ghost come down and when I get to praying and promise on your preaching get in the car and cry myself all the way home sometimes you feel like you're psychotic and garnett to help me to understand next Olympic system that's at the cortex that's not the spirit of your man that's the attack of your man I'm not giving yo and in order for you to do what I called you to do you gotta master the track of your math and the spirit of your math you have to understand spirit of your math talk I'm not even though though I am crying will not get to I was still pursue I'm not giving up who is God talking to up in here who is talking to up in here lord have mercy Jesus was going through the same thing oh yeah I forgive you too you can come into my kingdom if that in a psychotic motion I don't know what is hum okay y'all come on get up I forgive you oh that hurt me so bad they just pierced me in my son and I'm thirsty and my lips is all busted and I got sky oh my my my lips father why are you forsaken me but yet I'm a dying for all of them that crucified me and not my will oh god I will be done let this cup pass with me but nevertheless not your will but that but can no terribly mean one hour I'm gonna come back and shot one more time y'all still sleep on me and I'm here by myself if either God if it be your will let this cup pass from me but nevertheless not my will but dine with me pray with me just for five minutes I mean everybody now what we die young wanting the one I fed all the young and now yeah y'all may go cover me by the guard is we could Lord Jesus it between your wheels let this cup pass with me and if you come Judas kissing me I'm gonna punch you in your head but but come on do it quickly know whatever you gonna do at the dinner table do it quickly that's the glory Lord might be revealed in me but yet you feel you betraying me and that really hurt and then i'ma let you kiss me I'm not gonna even stab you I'm gonna let you kiss me and I'ma treat you kind and they gonna take me and I know they give me the persecute me but you know what I forgive you anyway I'm not giving y'all come on come on come on let's go mastery let's go mastery where you can handle Oh pants up in the spirit it's called mastery you will never become until you learn master your emotions when people ask you well why are you forgiving them it's imprint it really ain't me I really know you wanna forgive me buddy you gonna still help them with a win and they just talked about you is that imprint that's that thing taking me over you still praying for them after what after watching well cuz I'm called to play for this lady over here with cancer and then if I hold this against them the Lord won't hear my prayers so the imprint got me doing what is righteous even though in the natural I don't know what is right in the natural it is right for me to tell you our holla at you but in righteousness I'm not giving your talk to me I have to do what is righteous and watch it watch it and the obedience of righteousness is due to the imprint [Music] [Applause] that's why it's not just reading the Bible I'm not hearing you're talking it you got to read the Spirit of the Bible because that thing with your brain that thing got an imprint so that it turns around and stabs you turned around and rebuilt you turned around and say to you you're gonna do this I mean you're gonna do this it humbles you a bridge it [Applause] softens you it prepares you I can't feature wise you by intellect alone it has to be an imprint a carpet in you and the only way the only tool I got is your life so I gotta take you through somewhere you and me that scripture when it becomes your answer and your imprint have to make you what shadows of dogs for the imprint of yea though I walk [Music] with me you know that Scripture the generation that can't go through spit and that's why you survive there's no harm of longevity and consistency there's no balance in no draft you're like this all the time because you're hearing the word but should not have an experience and because you have no experience with it you don't have an imprint when something is going on in a building the first thing the fire department want to know when I was fixing up this building they said to me there's a sign over there and we need to see that Sun and I said well what is this up he said it's a diagram of this building so we need to know what zone the fire is in it's the blueprint the imprint is the blueprint so when things happen to you the imprint has to know where the fire is talk to me the holy ghost gotta know how to get to the fire and put the fire because it's not traveling by an emotional experience it's looking for its word unless the only way I can get to the situation I gotta find out if my word is imprinted in you because I can't operate separated from my word I'm a criminal Who am I tell my pleasure me hold his river I don't want to touch you I want to feel [Applause] some of y'all future is that longest tomorrow y'all future as long as your next attack some of us is going to the end good I want to imprint that thing not just on your man but then I want to crawl up in your inner thought and put an imprint there too and that's your secret thoughts cuz I want to be able to challenge your secret thoughts I can't get nobody y'all ain't saying that I want I want I want to be a amateur yo-yo-yo-yo cray cray space I want I want I want to be able to chill is that space when you going up a little bit come on somebody now you ain't no real master student unless you don't thought about at least one time killing yourself no no I wanna I wanna I wanna put an imprint in your spirit until until your secret thoughts the e-book thought the thing that you said well I might as well just get in my car keep on driving I'm not going go to Europe because I'm sick all this and just leave all this Christmas stuff alone that's the same when I'm bad we'll just give up this church because I'm sick of Negroes and I'm sick of no no I want the imprint to be right there so when you start talking like that when you stop talking like that come on somebody who am I talking to when you start talking like this the imprint start talking back and say when the righteous o'clock the Lord shall deliver him out of all of his trouble I want to put an egg right there who am I talking to when you and when watches when God don't do it the way you better should do it and now you want to leave and you wanna you wanna give up I wanna hit print something like that because I want to be able to hold every fiber of your body and your mind in place know what I'm talking about I know what I'm talking about remember the night when I when I was about ten years ago when I took all the pills and wrote all the notes and said I'm done I'm gonna die check myself in the hotel and show you my low spirit I checked into the rich coffin cuz if I moved out and got high and I finally know the motel six somewhere I paid that boat 95 for that room set down in the lobby of the hotel and listen to the honey listen to the lobby singer sing route 66 and they said you won't mix alcohol with with pills and I just I just told the bartender just keep coming so y'all gonna lie I don't like no man I said keep him coming and the lady was saying Oh whoo 6 this sitting every time she and I go over to get $100 I said sing it one more time Oh route 66 keep her coming sing it one more time she had about $700 when she's getting the everybody the lobby said why does lady keep singing her song I'm going over you I was through with church people I was through with everything and I stumbled on to my hotel room had all my brand-new bottle of ambience cuz I had went to the doctor and told him I couldn't sleep so he gave me a new prescription I said this is the night took all them pills system in and went to sleep I told the Lord I said I love you know I'm just sorry but I just gotta check out in the kitchen on Monday [Applause] [Music] way to red pepper real I've got my God my God my God Who am I freaking you tonight you belong to God you know this ass the Lord is over the decided that the intimate came up when he best preserved Oh oh my god my god [Applause] oh come on somebody you better you better think him cuz he gonna take you all the way through it Lord Jesus I'm talking to somebody tonight come oh he gonna take you all the way through it you trying to give up but you can't okay because somewhere along the line the more put an imprint in the spirit of your man even in your inner Porter even in the place where you've given up and you said I quit quit hibakusya it's not your decision to quit the earthquake has already paved the way the it brick have already paved the way for you to get out for you to come to it for you to go over it and stand up on your watch and see what it is the spirit was say to your life somebody give God a shout right now I was born to get your brain come on get your hands up everybody's pretty always [Music] [Applause] nowhere [Applause] I was born a baby come on I was one of gates of hell was cheap every time I wake up my shop I wish I was born to give Ukraine god Oh [Music] [Music] Yahweh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] I know you were nice today I know got to smoke something in your spirit that charge you to the next level all of you that are watching that are members of the church in the air I know that God is fortified something in you tonight and I'm here to tell you I don't know who I'm talking to the night but you ain't got to worry you ain't nothing frustrated like that I'm just keeping it 100 because the imprint got you they imprint that deep coloring on something that itself has drawn an outline for you to go back and you don't have to struggle just follow the pattern and I know that God is gonna see it through it and in this room tonight the Lord brought this word with you in mind he brought this word because he wanted you to know that you are in the mind of God tonight and that it is a enemy's endeavor nothing ever allow you to have access of a third dimension but as you watch that demonstration tonight I hope while we were moving you've got a part of your seat and you moved because I want you to see it oh my god I want you to see something and that is a movement is necessary tonight you got to get up from where you are you can't stay there tech night you're gonna take your rightful place in God tonight you gotta make the decision that I'm going to follow the blueprint I don't know what I feel in my emotions that I know the innovation and attack my notions I know I've been there I'm there almost on a daily base where the enemy wants to attack your emotions and he wants you to allow your life to move by what you feel but I want you to know something at the spirit of mercy that God is talking about in him buck or two when it says and I was send up on my watch and I will see what it is if the Lord would say to me it when you look up that if the Matthew Henry commentaries say I will see what it is that the spirit of prophecy would dictate to me in other words I would see what it is that I would be told what to do I would be told where to go and I know that God is speaking in your spirit tonight and if missing message tonight and this service has been a blessing to you I want you to go out there to the contactors funny and so your 121 I'm telling you people's lives have been changed and not because I'm teaching you hyper not because I'm trying to promise you something but because what I'm trying to do most of all is to teach you how to walk and consistency because we have you ever wondered why some days you bless than some days you're not have you never wondered why some days you have finances and some days you don't because some days you give and some days you don't but if you can become consistent and showing something in the spirit ground every time you hear God says so if you can come out of the room now you gotta promise me a blessing and honor for me to obey his promise that I'm gonna tell you you will be always on the sideline looking for a gimmick but tonight I can with you Christian walk I can't look your Christian maturity to go up and hit that contact button that you right above this screen and so you're 121 and you said that the bottom I don't have 121 dollars was so the biggest see that you can show tonight why because it is imperative that you connect with this word that's right the Bible said whenever a maing 20s they also lies as heart and if your heart have been impacted by this word tonight then connect your seat to where your heart is and watch and see don't the Lord pour you out a blessing that you won't have a room to receive and to all the my church and the air members you already know what to do I'm telling you when you soak in the Spirit of God you can't be God given no matter how hard you try hit that content button and I know somebody is sitting there saying I've never done this before I've never sewn on Facebook before but i'mma tell you something there's a first time for everything and the very trimming that you're keeping warm air in your mind and the enemy is telling you don't do it well ain't don't do that but I'm not gonna get it I'm gonna tell you what's going on right now because when the enemy knows that you about to be broken free out of a tradition and out of the question and you about to connect with a word let's go to bring a residual in your life he will speak to your mind and give you every reason why you shouldn't show it he would even tell you that you can't afford to show it what I'm here to tell you different that you can't afford not to but the Spirit of the Lord is proper to you to do so obey the Lord and what you see won't God change your life forever somebody give God a shot right now you get your copies of the plane from the third dimension collection by dr. Juanita Bynum the Lord gave me to revise this book he gave me to add some things to it that he was giving me but recently and so we did that and now this book is available for you today brain from the third dimension by dr. Juanita Bynum this collection is available in multiple languages French Spanish Dutch Portuguese and get your copies always be where you are God can let you be in one building at one time have one encounter that will change everything you've been praying about the time is now to change the course of your personal professional and spiritual life if you register today for the woman now Art Loosed masterclass not only will you receive a special rate for individuals and groups you will also get the opportunity to win a WTA Elle masterclass executive VIP getaway so register today and step into your desk
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 28,482
Rating: 4.8080959 out of 5
Id: XjBLabP-bZw
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Length: 105min 56sec (6356 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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