The Many Controversies Of Palworld...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and today we got to look at the controversy of pal world you know a day ago I made a video talking about this game basically telling you that I enjoy it today we're looking at the actual controversies did this game steal from Nintendo is Nintendo going to sue them and God forbid is it doing something Haram like using artificial intelligence to generate some of the art assets today we're going to try to find the answers to these questions in an investig ative report that I like to call the controversies of pal world now this starts off with pal World basically patting itself on the back and telling us that it sold 4 million copies in only three days three days they sold 4 million copies of a game that's also available for free on Game Pass okay momentum has increased since yesterday with the latest sales at 86,000 units per hour okay so that's a lot of units sold okay that's a lot of copies of a game that kind of dropped seemingly out of nowhere and sold a lot in fact it didn't just sell a lot right now in the dead of night 3 in the morning witching hour it's getting 896 th000 people playing right now in fact looking at the steam charts itself it's actually beat the well it didn't beat the alltime peak of of Counter Strike but a 24-hour Peak it did beat see pal world is one of the top 10 games uh in in steam's alltime history that's actually like breaking like records so if you want to compare it ladies and gentlemen it's beaten balers Gate 3 uh it hasn't beaten Dota 2 slightly just under it we're talking a few thousand players and of course pubg Remains the Champion by a large margin of the all-time steam Peak pile world really did seemingly come out of nowhere and I say seemingly because obviously as you know in the last several years uh you know survival games have taken off okay survival games are still an era of or or an aspect of gaming or a or a genre of gaming that millions of people love to play okay you put a podcast on the side you sit down and you play a game with your brain turned off for hours on end and you just progress by building a cabin then a mansion then a crack Mansion you know you might tame a few dinosaurs or Monsters upgrade your weapons peace meal at a time there are so many types of these games that exist and the gameplay Loops that they provide if they are fed well if they are done right can keep people playing for hours on end okay people literally come home from working their job to play another job and this isn't new we've been doing this since the days of shenmue okay whether we be working forklifts or flying through the galaxies in no man's Sky Survival Games ain't going anywhere but with Pokemon Pokemon as you all know has gotten such a Negative RP in the last several releases that we have come to basically making fun of this franchise Pokemon scarlet and violet are typically hated by the grand majority of people that like to rip on them at least if you watch it on YouTube right there's a lot of people me included that call game freak out on their laziness okay the fact that this game comes out on the same piece of Hardware that you know uh tears of the Kingdom Xenoblade Shin Mami tensei 5 exist yeah this is the same platform that has all of those games and still sits with a dud we call Pokémon scarlet and violet but see Nintendo doesn't actually care about that because for every single person [ __ ] on it on the internet I'm just going to show you the sales quote of Pokemon according to the company scarlet and violet are the most pre-ordered titles in the series history so that alone should tell you it doesn't matter how many copies of pal world is sold Pokemon is still the king and of course within 3 days of its release the game is sold over 10 million copies worldwide the sales figure was the highest of any software on any Nintendo platform within 3 days so yes by September 2023 the game has sold 2323 million copies so to give you a quick idea here ladies and gentlemen no matter how much you make fun of game freak in Nintendo's eyes they are worth more than the the guys that develop Zelda Xenoblade [ __ ] Mario any of their P Pokemon is still printing Yen dollars Bots Euros whatever currency you can imagine okay so pal world isn't really infringing on Nintendo but there have been a lot of people who have basically called out palor for its rather uh but I guess you could say plagiarized assets so we're going to look at the definition of plagiarism plagiarism is a representation of another person's language thoughts ideas or Expressions as one's own original work and again if we look at copyright infringement which I think more so applies to the situation copyright infringement occurs when a person uses content protected by copyright in a way that violates rights granted in the Copyright Act Now to understand there's been a few people who said I can't wait for the Nintendo lawsuit to come in and here's the thing how world for anybody following the development of this game it was actually announced two years ago in fact specifically June 5th 2021 is when the announced trailer it actually dropped and I watched this announced trailer and without a shadow of a doubt a lot of the actual designs of the actual like Pals do exist in this original release however what I also see in this original release is some of these cool animations that I don't actually see in the final build of the game uh it actually seems like this stuff never actually made it but if you look closely you can see that these sheeps actually a lot of the mons that are actually in pal world do seem to exist in this situation and their concept of Pokemon with guns is still very much alive here so yeah these designs were shown years ago and Nintendo did not give a flying Hoot about it so here's some of the most agrees examples of I guess you could say a copyrighted or Pokemon that are a little bit too close to the actual game freak variant this is um Lambo one of the first mons you find in palor and of course if you compare this a little little bit with wulu you might notice whoa hot damn that's a bit too similar than I would expect I mean it's got the same poofball style it's missing the buttons here compared to like lamb ball and of course if we look at the horns over here yeah the horns are there uh slightly different color I don't know if that might be the lighting actually it is a different color the ears which are you know sort of aiming to the side you got ears that are kind of aiming to the ground uh but of course you're missing the actual dreadlocks so yeah ladies and gentlemen I would say that it's probably an inspired asset you know for copyright infringement these things typically have to be one to one and there are I guess enough differences that appear where this isn't going to be taken to court again I'm not a lawyer but again this is not a exact onetoone rip not to say that it isn't you know very inspired so of course this ladies and gentlemen right here is dire how now this looks suspiciously close to lyan Rock now again I'm just kind of like you know putting it out there these are wolves at the end of the day wolf type Pokemons and last I checked wolves look pretty similar to one another okay cuz look at the end of the day it's a wolf Pokemon right I don't think you can draw a wolf that differently now again is it one to one obviously not this is where it gets really egregious though okay so the examples I showed you so far you know they had their differences but ladies and G gentlemen this right here is Anubis okay quite literally it is Anubis that is the pal World equivalent of it don't believe me pal World Anubis that's literally what it's called I'm not even joking with you that's the actual name they didn't even change it now Anubis is an Egyptian god and if you what if if you know anything about ancient Egyptian gods you could probably see oh [ __ ] I can see why this is a nubis you got that kind of design going on cool now if you're a Pokemon afficionado you probably know I'm about to show you Lucario which from what I understand is also based on Anubis okay Lucario is a canid like Pokemon partly based on Anubis now look there are similarities here but unless we're going to start digging up the tombs in Egypt and start like taking this to court between like ancient Egypt and modern day civilizations like ours I don't think anybody's going to be testing it but again clearly you could see that this is like the Lucario version or at least what's the closest to it now this right here ladies and gentlemen is LIF monk from palor and if you look at it obviously this is kind of similar to uh Leafeon again there are still some differences like this kind of looks like a like a Pikachu what is the uh what is the what is the uh smaller version like the Pichu SL Leafeon version okay so there's definitely some aspects I would say or some inspiration it seems from some Pokémon fused together now look these are just some similarities I found other users on the internet we're quick to find that apparently fake or like fan-made Pokemon may have been ripped directly now this is more egregious than anything game freak hadat too this account by Barbie Elite actually showed the one man in pal World our Soxs and then they compared it to I [ __ ] you not this is a Pokemon known as flares from a fan game known as Pokemon Sage okay so if you're looking at both these Pokemon or both these like Monsters you can see that there's definitely more similarities here than anything game freak might have brought on again if you squint your eyes it might even appear to be the same exact goddamn monster so yes there's definitely Inspirations being taken on development of this game and whether you want to get into the plagiarism argument or the copyright infringement those are all for courts to decide and ultimately I don't think Nintendo or really any company are taking these people to court so that's one of the first glaring bits of controversy that have come out and look at the end of the day there's plenty of monster capturing games out there you can go into the Digimon franchise you can go into I would say you know Shin Mami in a way Shin Mami tensei is kind of like a monster capturing type of game and you might decide to jump into that franchise um and there's plenty of these types of games that exist even on Steam games like cassette Beast exist which if you're into monster capturing type games Pokemon type stuff they exist Beyond just is pal World pal world just happens to capitalize on that whole survival aspect that Survival game The Arc fix the Pokemon fix that people have been craving for but we'll get to that towards the end so the next big allegation here Beyond just plagiarism or you know copyright infringement right is the actual allegation of artificial intelligence now for anybody that knows AI generative AI in the world of art is kind of a taboo thing uh a lot of people believe that AI generative or whatever computer artificial intelligence will take away jobs from you know hardworking artists that exist now look I get that sentiment I feel it 100% but at the same time a lot of companies are pushing for AI and these tech companies these big organizations are going to get their swayed they're are going to get what they want with things like chat GPT with things like the dolly image engine there's going to be lots of AI and it consistently gets better over time you know trying to stop it in my opinion is one of those things that is a waste of time what should be done is actually focusing on laws that are centered around making sure the people who these AIS train off of are protected legally okay that's where I think the focus should be you can't ever stop AI it's the genie in the bottle that has jumped out okay and honestly all you can do is regulate at least how it trains and the type of data it takes and trying to provide the people that it learns from some form of compensation which I think is about the most fair thing imaginable look we can have the AI art debate all day every day but it's not really going to get us anywhere that we haven't really discussed at all even on this channel so one of the actual like posts that I saw was po World successes proof that despite protestations most people will cave and use an AI product because of some loophole it's fun it doesn't feel like AI it'll be a sad day when the happens on a wide scale for other creative Endeavors books music art it sucks now I understand the sentiment over here but it's so insane to see 8,000 likes and not a single shred of proof that AI has actually been used in this situation so I decided to look at the actual history of this developer and see if AI was used or not so fact of the matter the company that designed pal world is known as pocket pair now if you don't know pocket pair they've made other games so we're going to look at each and every single one of them and we're going to see just uh how unique this game company is so if you look at never grave for instance never grave the witch and the curse if you actually scroll down and look at just the gameplay for it you might notice oh damn muda that looks a lot like Hollow Knight I mean literally that is shot for shot if you squint your eyes a little bit it is very inspired by Hollow Knight the other big game is craftopia which is the open world survival crafting game and by far this might be the the worst actual example this might be worse than anything pal world's done if Nintendo isn't suing them for effectively creating the unity asset flip version of breath of the wild at least from this introduction cut scene I haven't even seen this since I played this game I would say a year ago before any of this was introduced this is pretty bad but again it's a game with fishing uh you know dunge engineering vehicles and whatnot it's again just a crafting game with a very heavy inspiration from breath of the wild and tears of the Kingdom so again if you look even more one of their games is AI art impostor and this is where they actually brazenly showcase that they use artificial intelligence within it so AI art impostor is a quick $7 video game where it literally is them actually using artificial intelligence now this is the only game where they actually use generative artificial intelligence in order to facilitate their game it very much is them admitting that they are using AIS in their title now is it a great game I personally haven't jumped into it I personally don't care too much about it but this is a key example of one of their games actually using AI generative art and they've fully admitted that this game does use it it's not that they're hiding it or anything so if they're so Brazen about admitting it for one of their titles they should pretty much be honest about admitting it for every other title that they put it into and it's not even like the CEO of this company is against talking about how much they jerk off AI so there's actually a couple tweets from them that are a bit eye openening so back around in March of 2023 literally takuro Mobi who is literally the founder of palor or this company the game company behind them and also a company known as coin check which we'll get to in a bit uh Toro actually says pocket pair the result of introducing AI to improve business efficiency employees started to hand over all of their work to AI but the quality was so high that they were disappointed so yeah this person enjoys AI they believe this is actually a future and again here he's even discussing that they're having so much fun creating crazy artificial intelligence that they're not even making any progress at all this person loves AI okay and this is a very important thing for them and their company so again I decided to look more into who takuro was and I wanted to see like what other companies that he was running and one of them was coin Che now for those of you don't know coin Che I believe this is their website own your first cryptocurrency on coin check this is an exchange platform that is again headquartered in Japan at the moment now again what it appears to be is coin check is one of the companies that takuro was like originally one of the founders on they don't actually list him as a Founder in their very recent like Wikipedia entry and again going to their website I can't actually navigate and translate it properly so I can't confirm if takuro is exactly with the company as of now but looking at coin check they're basically a wallet and exchange service and if you actually look down over here they apparently have partnered with some pretty big names for Chinese Hong Kong and Taiwanese investors to start buying actual Japanese real estate with Bitcoin then they also have a hacking incident back in 2018 coin check was hacked for approximately 500 million NM tokens which equates to $530 million what hold on a minute that's a whole I got I got to I got to write that video idea down that's crazy half a billion dollars stolen that is insane we got to look into that one but that's for a later date the currency was transferred through a total of 19 accounts one of which was found to have no connection with the hackers the hack LED two of Japan's cryptocurrency trade groups to merge into a new self-regulatory agency you know when you [ __ ] up so bad that they got to start making self- rank organizations just to make sure that this doesn't happen again which is true that that should happen 100% of the time but Jesus Christ I'm still shocked by $530 million being stolen after the hack coin Che suspended trading temporarily and reimbursed its customers for their losses okay that's actually great but I still want to know how half a billion dollars got stolen but that's not the point of today's video so looking at pocket pair's website I looked at their CEO again this is takuro mobe and again yes 2014 they founded that company coin check they also found at pocket pair a year later but see if you look at their history they're like joining JP Morgan Securities like this person seems like a fch bro somebody into AI into things like cryptocurrency and now they're spearheading game design game development which again leads people to insinuate that maybe there's generative AI being used in pal world but there's no definitive proof one way or the other so again they started off with Ds development at a Nintendo game seminar back in 2010 and this is when I dug even further into a wied Japan article when they actually went and started discussing with him and there was actually a quote that I [ __ ] you not is going to blow your mind and this is by John cartright who actually translated and mentioned this out I've always loved Nintendo games and that hasn't changed I also deeply respect him however when it comes to making games Nintendo has a strong philosophy of creating new and unique games with high quality and this was questioned at the Nintendo Game seminar what what isn't that what you want you want new and unique that's what listen as much as I should on Nintendo I love when they make unique genre defining games okay Nintendo makes high quality slop okay it is good slop let's not pretend otherwise on the other hand I have a deep rooted desire for my work to be enjoyed by as many people as possible and to that end if there are good ideas in the world I pick them up and I don't necessarily have to be particular about originality I'm thinking about it I want to make it more casually or rather I want to make it more casually I think it would be a good idea to create things in a way that just jumps on what is trendy LOL so yeah this guy doesn't really want to create things that are new and unique and it kind of shows for a lot of the games in their List look whether you look at craftopia whether you look at Hollow KN electric bugaloo and whether you look at palor clearly they are taking Inspirations from well IDE like well-crafted ideas CRA like wellestablished franchises like Pokemon for instance like Monster Hunter like Arc survival evolve they are taking the best bits and pieces and putting it together for the ultimate steam slop okay that's effectively what we've got going on over here so again is this all generative artificial intelligence have they been using AI to produce this game doesn't seem like there's any actual evidence to that allegation ladies and gentlemen and look when I think about AI this this is like what I guess some people are saying it's like generate me a generate me an electric Pokemon uh that looks generate me an electric Pokemon there it is all right boom you can just ask uh bing to produce this for you and it's going to create a quick image so let's let Bing cook for a minute then here it is boys Bing is done cooking so when you actually look into Bing you can see that yes it's generated me Pikachu's it's generated what appears to be this I guess Squirtle Pikachu crossover and you got like a Raichu over here so yeah this is like again an ai's interpretation of what it could consider and somebody could take this design which I don't believe is an actual Pokemon correct me if I'm wrong and just turn that into a 3D model and of course fix up some of the issues that AI does with its generation look there's nothing that says generative AI couldn't be used obviously if it means that that's how they created like two or like a 100 designs and then 3D modeled whatever they had maybe they generated a thousand different versions of like Pokemon and just specifically like you know um uh picked out the best 100 and then 3D modeled them but if we look at some of the relationships to like actual Pokemon versus what they have in the game it's clear that they are definitely inspired very heavily by actual Pokemon designs and in some cases even fan fake Pokemon designs which is insane now look I think it's a safe way to say that it one of their biggest controversies is how much they've been inspired and look at the end of the day we can talk about parodies we can talk about Inspirations but yes none of this game is a direct one toone in terms of design and nothing is really going to get taken to court if it was going to get taken to Court it would have already gone through in my opinion considering this game and most of its like designs that are still carried into the final release were shown two years ago the discussion around generative artificial intelligence is one of I think genuine concern look there are artists that are worried heavily 100% about if their jobs are on the line and look the problem with AI is not so much how it takes away the jobs is that in order to create the AI it's scrap tons of actual copyrighted Material off of the internet and learns off of it now look I'm also a realist I get it AI is the future and companies are slowly perfecting these tools in order for them to actually start replacing or streamlining development of movies television music and video games it's just an unfortunate inevitability but that being said in a situation like this it is an unfounded allegation because yes even if the actual developer jerks off artificial intelligence like the second coming it doesn't actually mean that it's part for the course over here now the other big thing that I have to ask is where did this game kind of come from and why is it selling millions of copies look at the end of the day I understand this game is actually in a perfect storm right it's got a bunch of streamers who are currently talking about it I played this game and enjoyed it I think what really works with this is obviously it's catering to a lot of niches like the ark survival Community the survival game Community the Pokemon Community which has been so neglected and so underserved to its core fan base that now anybody can take what appears to be a Unreal Engine asset flip game like palor and just hype it up to no end because at the end of the day the community at least on PC and consoles that are Nintendo want Pokemon games they want Pokemon with guns they want a Pokemon game that actually has good quality attached to it and like I said in my video day ago I really do think this game at least from a quality perspective feels better than whatever game freak has pooped out but ultimately that also being said it's a game that is shipped day one even in Early Access to be relatively bug-free and I think that really speaks for how [ __ ] the industry is when for us a barometer of what is a good enjoyable game is if it just works out of the box does it hit 60 frames a second does it run relatively well or the bugs kept to a minimum that's our barometer for success and honestly in some ways that's pretty Saad to think about but yeah ladies and gentlemen I wanted to look into the various controversies of pal world it's a game that despite its popularity has been marred in so much controversy that literally everyone I talk to either sucks this game off or hates it because of the allegations of artificial intelligence and ultimately at the end of the day I'm going to leave you with the real intelligence to decide what's really the matter of the fact I've looked through all of the facts I've come to my own conclusions let me know what yours are that said if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike if you dislike it I am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 739,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q4thYs_0qNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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