This Is The Most Insane Reddit I've Seen...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and today we're going to look at a subreddit that's gone truly insane ladies and gentlemen yeah this is r/ Batman Arkham I am Vengeance I am the Knight I am Batman now I refunded Suicide Squad the game and I ended up getting Persona 5 Persona 3 reload and I've been having a banging time with that but you know what I also have a banging time with Arkham KN can you imagine this game is like almost a decade old at this point okay and it still looks like it could come out this year it is without a doubt one of my favorite superhero games and even though there was a lot of people that complained about this game when it came out I still love it I love the Batmobile I love flying around Gotham and I love being Vengeance but you know what I also love the mentally insane Arkham subreddit now people have talked about this months ago but this is something that my buddy amaru brought up to me he's like muda you got to see the subreddit it's literally r/ Batman Arkham and they're all insane and I thought he was trolling ping me cuz I'm like oh Arkham ha they're all role playing Insanity no they're actually gone now if you look at the header over here you've got what you've got one of the best skins that rock steady should add to Arkham Knight you've got the you've got the uh Santa Claus Batmobile sleigh cuz you know Christmas just kind of kind of slipped through about a month ago and of course if you go down the infamous mad house of Reddit this place celebrates the Arkham series as well as the subreddit's most infamous jokes and Insanity that have taken the Internet by storm so of course if you want to talk about Batman you can if you want a post you can and the reason why this has been so shitposty is between the Suicide Squad game that just dropped and is getting panned and Arkham Knight which is the last Batman Arkham like verse game there's been a a long Gap okay you had a little Gotham Knights Action in the middle but that wasn't really satiating these types there's three 194,000 members and all of them around 2,000 currently online are insane so to show you the level of insanity we're going to look at a few posts together for instance I enjoyed this game am I stupid where they show The Suicide Squad logo and so brain broken at this point dude yeah this is the level of hilarity you're going to expect now if you look at their actual Banner you can see that they've got multiple characters the most famous is not the ghost not asky man but actually you've got just men all right this is like the this is the this is the central God of this Reddit okay so here you've got this is not the Joker the juner there's common misspellings and there ain't no way that's real this has got to be some mid Journey there ain't no way this is the real Joker dude ain't no shot let me actually Google this oh no oh no it's real dog a minutes ooo oh man that's the twinkler right there boys looks like looks like a twink version of The Joker there oo there's no way that's real in development footage not final I refuse to believe this is from the actual complete Game Dude I get that's 10 days ago but I refuse to believe that's actually from the real game no this is Melvin Melvin ah you got to keep the channel awesome memes away from this only me and get him guys bone left his clothes he's running around naked right now as you can see they're misspelling Bane and uh I don't even remember which part of the game this is from uh is it it look Graphics wise it either actually no actually this is Arkham Arkham Knight because I can see by the Hut over here don't even remember this part of the game but then again I haven't done a lot of the side stuff because there's just so much just got a man USB what the should I put on it you know there a kind of USB you just don't buy uh and I'll just be real this is the kind of flash drive you don't buy from the store God forbid any garage sale cuz it probably contained illegal material to begin with and there ain't no way I'm catching a charge or most likely it probably contains bat wear bat mawar instant ejaculation why it's all all this board is it's just Reddit I know a f boy when I see one the erect why dude there's so many memes it's just it's just the Red Dead meme why you fools fell into our trap deploying sane gas Ultra anti- Asylum G see they're already they already misspelled this is a bad meme on this they actually misspelled Asylum because it's supposed to be spelled ASU uh no sorry uh it's supposed it's supposed to be a s u l m actually I'm trying see you gota you gota like downgrade your brain a little bit this is insane so yeah this is a criminally insane server and it is what it is and all the comments are literally just people posting from various different goddamn like franchises even before the nukes dropped I was able five hours ago that icon right there I played Halo 1 so many goddamn times I can recognize this anybody make it all my scans are picking up Dustin Echoes I was far away and didn't see nuke I was actually in the Republic base so I don't know what happened and then this is another famous mannerism can we all agree that the Arkham Saga ended here and of course you know this is spoilers and this is actually such a trash Reddit that you have to put the flare of serious discussion and question on top of it and yes this is a spoiler for Arkham Knight the game has been out for nearly a decade if you were going to play it then you've already played it okay all right it is what it is and you know what's insane when it's act when they flare it then everyone's like all right we got to we got to turn down the crapping okay it is implied that Batman's using the fear toxin after the Nightfall protocol I played it years ago and honestly don't remember this is actually I would imagine the same account that probably puts the skib toilet memes on the same subreddit they just like turn it down when they have to be serious can we all agree the Arkham Saga ended ooh Ark survival ascended why the picture of H and why Ark I heard this game was a pile of AIDS too can we all agree the Arham Arkham Saga ended here and of course you got Batman I think this is the Mad Hatter Mission isn't even like Arkham Knight this is from Arkham City God I played these games way too many times can we all agree the Arkham suck this is a Paleolithic eror dude you haven't even evolved yet to be fair these guys are thankfully safe from the shitty uh live service gaming industry that's unfortunately taken the World by storm this is the real Arkham Origins Dawn Of Man dawn of the Rise of the Planet of man they're reminding me of the Planet of the Apes movies stuff that I've actually went through medical surgery to physically forget this should have been the Arkham vers suicide score no not going to lie though if they had a FNAF Arkham crossover you know what I haven't like honestly understood why isn't there like a FNAF Call of Duty Crossover at this point like why why can't I have you know foxy chica Bonnie and Freddy as a squad in war zone for crying out loud uh then again though that would probably be a bigger overall post than anything even on this board that would be like a corporate tier you know post guys today's my birthday what Arkham quote should I use to celebrate and here you've got man with two with two two two like two two uh two birthday birthday devil horns on them okay why does man have horns man is celebrating my birthday obviously are you stupid it just doesn't stop you got Harley Quinn's red me air what where do you guys find this and they're just like wholesome people too like just posting cakes it's it's just it's it's so beautiful man it honestly is like you know if you ever feel bad about like if you ever if you ever had a bad day this is literally the Reddit board that is designed for you to like turn your brain off and like get a few laughs out of it okay and this is what I don't get some of these people like greetings I am sakuna I have come to return you home Mental Health Institute yeah everyone needs it here okay but the thing is nobody's going to go through with it come on now could you imagine like back in August 21 2013 the person who made the subreddit was like this is going to go places and then it complet completely the bed I mean it went somewhere somewhere nobody expected can't stop drawing man are we stupid so here no way dude what is this move your career forward now it's I mean if this if this is like if this is like a civics class where you're supposed to learn about how to write a job interview I'll tell you right now this person is staying at home but the drawing you know it's good give him a 100 more days and he's going to take over the world that is better art design than the twinkler superp man Ben Wing Jesus Christ dude what like look at this just literally College and Career plan I'm like reading tools that can help with College and Career planning and this dude's just drawing like man I wish I was the teacher who got to like grade these papers well Le at least they a good student like nine out of 10 10 out of tens it's like it's it's also cursed you got the Wii U version of the game Arkham Origins which I feel like everyone forgets about but I honestly is Loki one of my favorite Arkham games the last boss battle in it was one of my favorites God bless asoom demon see is what I was telling you the actual spelling was asoom demon not Asylum but yeah this is uh this is this how it works holy is that a Dark Souls reference what about smell on ring I prefer boar it's like they're F it's like they're five can we all agree that the Arkham it's a picture of the big bang or a computer representation of it you can't have a photo of the big bang no matter how much people tell you but yeah I would believe the Arkham Saga really did begin there in fact most of life began there too when you first saw man were you Blinded By His Majesty this is like this is the ending to Halo 5 Guardians man Jesus Christ or is it the end end to Halo 5 guard yeah it's the ending to five guardians when you like it's like the legendary ending what am I going on with why am I trying to add sense there's a big image of like man in the middle too controlling Halo forget Cortana forget the Covenant forget the storm it's about man now you can actually see the last few posts that were like you know surprisingly normal so one year ago this person asks why doesn't Batman just call the Justice League for help is he stupid stupid so then you open it up too and it literally is like one of the most normal ones and then again the one reaction he's playing in single player doesn't need the Justice League and his ego is too big that is true Batman's got a big ass ego but uh that is what it is this is like the last post that was like trying to be somewhat relatively normal and then again you go down like one scroll four months ago is there a lore reason why I got cancer why I really hope this person doesn't have cancer but the reaction is just like equally cancerous the one top is just this Emoji holy moly new response just dropped actual zombie I really hope this person doesn't have cancer crying outow imagine maybe they just accept that they're dying maybe they're like terminal as hell and they're like you know what might as well just make my last post on the Arkham Asylum subred you know go out dying as a poster I was born in this world as a poster I'm dying as one this guy realized one year ago he posted the wrong question is there a lore reason why he's called the Arkham Knight and then of course everyone like this was genuinely the last last post somebody could make that actually talked about the franchise ever since then all the posts have just been jokes our Insanity has reached here is there a lore reason [Laughter] god dude these people are you know what these people live life the way I want to live it with just pure ecstasy and happiness oh you know trying to find the one post that's like actually about the Arkham games is like literally trying to find a needle in a in Tokyo almost impossible but ladies and gentlemen we're going to chill out relax this has been the most insane subreddit in history and you know what for all the faults that the the the the new Arkham verse game had at least at least it brought me closer into realizing the true degenerates in the community and that is the filthiest Reddit board so yeah if you want to experience true insanity if you want to join and see what what life is like in the Arkham asy r/ Batman Arkham is the closest thing you will experience but that said ladies and gentlemen I got the dark hour to take part in so if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it I am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 644,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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