I Don't Trust The Helldivers 2 Anticheat...

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to expect okay I'm the kind of guy that when it comes to my computer I tend to have everything pretty much monitored and controlled under me when I built the bu when I built the Billy rig okay when I built my rig with multiple different operating systems and virtual machines and graphics cards I made a promise to myself that I wasn't going to let any big corporate company run on the bare metal my system is a Linux powered system that I have complete complete control over the software that I have running on my system is software that I very much trust and the only highlevel piece of software that I can't control is my graphics card because ladies and gentlemen without my graphics card a whole lot of things in my computer would be useless now the reason why I'm talking about this is years ago I made a video where I talked about valerent antiche and why I didn't necessarily trust it and that was because the antiche in that situation was a root kit it was a kernel level antiche now since that video since that era of gaming konel level anti-cheats have become more prevalent than you can imagine almost every massive multiplayer game game these days has a kernel-based anti-che whether it be battle eye whether it be easy anti-che whether it be something inhouse like Ricochet which Powers Call of Duty war zone and Modern Warfare 3 there are games these days released that all come with anti-cheats and obviously as you all understand in the world of PC gaming there are a lot of cheaters okay plenty of them there are games like tarov where cheating is almost an expectation when you matchmake for an online session so obviously game developers put in anti-cheats on PC to prevent the actual prevalence of cheating something like a console like a PlayStation or an Xbox usually has much more rigid safeguards in the software that it can run where anti-cheats aren't necessarily a necessity but for PC gaming it's a big thing now hell divers 2 is a very popular game I love this game I enjoy it it's a great Cooperative experience spreading democracy around superar is awesome so before we begin I want to really separate the game from the anti-che okay hell divers 2 great title anti-che I'm not really a fan of nor do I trust especially anti-che that gets really invasive into my system so let's start off with why hell divers 2 a predominantly PVE game a game that doesn't even have you competing against other people needs anti-che so this game if you have not played hell divers 2 is a Cooperative extraction shooter and the whole concept of it is is that there is a combined goal from every player in the entire game like a server the the entire pool all contributing towards a goal right so every week There's a goal that you contribute to defend missions capture missions whatever and the whole concept of it is is every single thing that you and your squad do in one game session contributes a tiny percentage to an overall goal so that's kind of how Hell divers 2 works so there are two reasons why anti-che is needed for one you don't want to have hackers run around and absolutely tear through the uh goal and ruin the experience for people who are legitimately trying to play this game and the other thing is there is obviously a revenue component this game also has microtransaction will currency and I believe some of the premium stuff can be acquired through regular play so clearly a game company is going to be there with anti-che software to prevent people from getting access to premium currency which can affect the revenue of the game and this is an independent game obviously there needs to be some level of control on that that's why anti-che exists so now that we know that let's leave hell divers 2 on the sidelines the game is not so important it's the anti-che that powers it that I care more about and I think more people who come to this video are interested in in general now rootkit level anti-cheats or kernel-based anti-cheats are anti-cheats that run at the very very highest level of your systems kernel so to give you again a quick graph here these are rings the least privileged ring ring 3 is up over here and ring zero is the kernel layer so for instance when we talk about user space or the space that you see and interact with on your computer that is obviously not at the most privileged level of your computer's access but a kernel-based anti-che resides here again right next to your kernel meaning that it has the access to see some of the deepest layers of your system now most anti-che software if not all of them are not necessarily built to spy on you the reason they exist in this space this deep again very privileged area is because actual cheats these days actual cheaters use software that also resides in this space if anti-che existed in like ring 3 for instance and a cheat software existed in ring zero there is a pretty understandable chance obviously that that cheating software is going to go pretty much unnoticed by the anti-che software because it doesn't have the abilities to look deep into into the kernel and see what's actually going on so I'm going to give you the best example from a group of scumback cheaters who have made a cute graph to show you how this works for instance this is your gaming computer right this is where you're playing something like hell divers 2 or I guess the better example is let's use Rainbow Six Siege so you're playing Siege right here now this computer is connected with a dma card which is a direct memory access card now that dma card is plugged into the PCI Express slot typically where you plug in your graphics card and it allows another computer through the use of a USB cable to read your video game memory and that's how a lot of hacks work in order to use things like aimbots and ESP cheats and wall hacks you need to be able to read the game memory which is why another computer exists that reads the game memory while the actual game just plays the title and through here you can actually run things like other you know aimbots you know trigger exploits recoil hacks you you so on and so so forth so using all of these other pieces of Hardware that's how you actually get by certain hacks that exist it's one of the reasons why even virtual machines that I use to game are typically banned by anti-che software because once you access the memory for any computer uh whether it be through a virtual machine or through one of these PCI Express cards it can be very difficult for an anti-che to basically figure out where the hacker actually is it's why if you're a good closet cheater you can get away for months if not years without ever really being detected by even the best anti-che solutions that exist now I want to start off by saying do not use any of these devices they're not exactly legal for video games nor should they be and uh again they're also pretty illegal depending on where you live in the world also they go up against terms of services and you will go to Hell by the way if you use cheats in a video game online plus you're a [ __ ] scumbag okay there's a lot of negatives here just get good at the game or stop playing loser Jesus Christ and again all of this doesn't even involve the next generation of cheating software that exists for anybody that doesn't know there is literally AI based cheating software cheating software that doesn't even touch the memory of the game it just looks at a video feed of a first-person shooter and is able to in real time correct your aim and Aimbot without the game ever knowing these kind of cheats are nearly undetectable by almost any anti-che on the market right now now in order to combat AI cheating you need to have ai built for anti-che okay you have literal Artificial Intelligence on artificial intelligence violence for this it's a arms race if you ever wonder why it's because there is a lot of money and a lot of reputation on the lines of people that gain really high ranks in these competitive Shooters you know there are stories of twitch streamers who keep getting caught with cheating software because they play at a really high level on the internet and of course you know when it all and that that it is what it is right like if you're in that market and you're competing against millions of other people for that super high prestigious rank you might end up using a cheat or two it's disgusting unfortunately it happens okay so now that you've kind of understood about anti-cheats and I've kind of given you a little bit of update on this what anti-che does Hell divers 2 use and why has it gotten so much controversy why was the game getting review bombed and why was there a big discussion well the cheating engine that it actually uses the anti- cheat engine is known as n protect gameu guard now if you're somebody that plays like old school Korean like free-to-play MMOs like I used to back in the day you know ji.com all that stupid [ __ ] you probably know of what nprotect game guard is in fact the games that it's been used on are games known as City Racers uh fly ff of course hell divers 2 being one of the big popular games lineage one and two Fantasy Star online blue burst maple story and of course even fantasy Star online to so yeah this is a pretty popular piece of antiche software and again it is a very very very deep rootkit that's just how it has to work and the entire goal of this is to prevent cheet software from even running on your system game guard effectively hides the game application process it monitors again that memory range and it terminates those applications that is defined by the game vendor to be cheats so if the game vendor says you know cheat engine is for instance a cheat right like it'll basically prevent that from running the way that they designed this is you know to obviously isolate the game and prevent people from modifying it or using software in general that's just how it works and for anybody wondering bro how long have they been around this this anti-che the company behind it Inca internet is actually a South Korean uh company that has been around for 24 years we're talking January 2000 they've been around and they don't just make anti cheats software they're around making all kinds of antivirus and Internet Security based Solutions so this is a big organization as the big company it has history to it now personally speaking if you ask me I think better solutions for hell divers 2 and Sony would have been if they went with battle eye as much as I have disdained for battle eye I think it might be a better solution something like easy anti-che which Powers tons of popular games like I believe fortnite and even Halo Master Chief Collection why Sony didn't go with them might be up to whoever was running this deal in the background right again these are just vendors and companies will pick whichever one comes to them first or whoever has the more applicable solution for their operation now this anti-che has its own levels of controversy right months ago when I talked about something known as um UND December a game that was like a Diablo likee clone that I couldn't even run in a virtual machine was from my understanding powered by this exact root kit in Che software and one of the problems was of course if you look through the steam discussions for that game was people were trying to wonder how they could even remove this because one of the big problems was even if you uninstalled the game that the anti-che was associated with the anti-che would never go away so they would have to make special tools just to help remove software like this software that should have been removed by the time you were uninstalling a game see one of the big problems with this kind of software is that it persists more than it should the fact that you have to download a different tool in order to uninstall the actual anti-che that comes bundled with a game in my opinion is [ __ ] absurd and then obviously people would have to go through their Windows Registries the deepest parts of their system to make sure every little nook and cranny was clean of this software now since then I'm pretty sure that somebody at n protect or the companies that work with them decided to bring this up because hell divers 2 is actually really different if you go to hell divers do and browse its local files you can actually go to the tools directory and do GG uninstall.exe that'll uninstall from my understanding all of the software regarding that easy anti or sorry that end protect game guard now the other big thing about this software is it actually works underneath Linux entirely as a Linux gamer I can play hell divers 2 on my system I can play it on the steam deck which is a little unprecedented for invasive anti-che like this to even work underneath Linux because the way Linux games work is that they're Windows versions but they're wrapped around you know something we call Wine which is a compatibility layer and the fact that anti- cheets work is a little surprising and so if you want to uninstall this from Linux you could basically just delete the game and the associated wine directory that basically is the container for the game's files you could just do that and it's actually a lot easier than Windows surprisingly it's a weird it's it's a weird bonus we get now the other bit of controversy y that ended up happening in this situation too was obviously even other games like Fantasy Star online blue burst that also required you to download special software to remove those extra anti-cheats again you shouldn't even need to do that but one of the severe sort of controversies come all the way from this right here now this vulnerability report says n protect game guard NPP tnt2 gain access that's a little confusing and protect game guard could allow a remote or local attacker to gain unauthorized access caused by a vulnerability in their specific driver which allows unrestricted IO for any process by masking the permission mask so this ladies and gentlemen is obviously pretty dangerous and you don't want a hacker to get access to it but if you read real closely ladies and gentlemen this was reported January 6 2005 making it almost 20 years old that this was detected clearly en protect game guard has had addressed this and patched their software up so this wouldn't be abused now again this is kind of similar in a way to something else that happened recently with another big game known as genin impact genin impact had another actual anti-che and one of the drivers my 2.is could be used to actually work alongside malicious software and get unprecedented access into your system so according to Tren micro during the last week of July 22 a ransomware infection was triggered in a user environment that had endpoint protection properly configured so when they analyzed they found a code signed driver the same driver from the Gin impact antiche uh basically used to uh bypass privileges as a result commands from kernel mode killed the endpoint protection processes so by using an anti-che driver that had the deepest level of access to your system they were able to bypass any protection and see that's where the real untrustworthy part Parts come out of I'm not going to sit here and say that I don't trust anti-che developers because I think they're secretly spying on your system if you're worried about your system being spied on installing hell divers 2 is its own mistake if you don't trust the game developers then don't even bother installing their game they can do a lot more damage without even involving an anti-che in the first place and anti-che software is not going to go out of its way to directly spy and steal information from you that is highly illegal [ __ ] and nobody is going to risk doing that the only reason I say I don't trust this is because I have their software sitting on my system it can be used potentially by Bad actors to attack me or anybody else in the future and as some of the examples I just showed you that can be the case now obviously if you're worried about anti-che software I'm going to just basically level with you real quick you probably should be more worried about anti virus software for instance back uh February 22 literally of this year the FTC order will ban aast from selling browser data for advertising purposes and they required them to pay 16.5 million which by the way is Pennies on the dollar for an organization like aast uh overcharges The Firm sold browsing data after claiming its products would Block online tracking so if you actually read it real quick and you read through the complaint you'll find out that Avast which was one of the largest antivirus softwares you could download for free an antivirus software is as invasive if not more than anti-che software yeah they were basically alleged to uh sell your data sell your private information you know to third parties which obviously is a big no no they were fine for it and if you're worried about your personal information this might be more interesting to you it's one of the reasons why I don't use anti-che software at all I use something known as common sense I don't run weird executables and I don't go to Shady websites without a VM therefore I don't need these shitty antivirus softwares that exist for free literally so they can do some shady [ __ ] I only find out about it like years down the road now even obviously hell divers 2 developers have talked about this and they you know Peter lingren who's the technical director actually discussed this where they said is game guard a colonel level administrator privilege anti-che yes game guard is Colonel level AKA rootkit anti-che most anti-che run at Colonel level especially all the popular ones and he's not wrong and of course he says that anti-cheats that run in user mode can be less effective and here he even tells you if you want to uninstall hell divers 2o he says even when you uninstall game guard is removed at the same time the game is uninstalled and they even give you that same uninstaller tool I showed you in the actual game directory files now I personally don't trust and protect game guard and I don't trust this on the same level that I don't trust Vanguard I don't trust uh easy anti-che and I don't trust something like uh you know battle eye I don't trust rootkit software running on my system in general ener and again you shouldn't trust it because the company behind the antiche or the game developer spying on you you should just not trust these things because they're very invasive for very little gain again if this was my graphics card I could understand that I use it to visualize things on my system but if it's a game that I play from time to time I don't think any software should be running entirely on the system now it also depends on how long that piece of software runs one of the big differences between this in Vanguard at the time was Vanguard from my knowledge when it first released was running pretty much as soon as you booted up the system and that is obviously not something anybody likes obviously if you're not playing the game why is the invasive software even running now since then you can disable it and with a lot of these anti-cheats their drivers are only actually active when the game is running in fact I even checked this myself by looking through the network stack itself through the actual virtual machine I ran hell divers to in so again these kind of virtual machines these kind of anti-cheats that do in some capacity work under virtual machines I play games right there and then and that's how I separate I don't allow these things to run on my native system what I do is I run a Windows Virtual Machine and I install all my multiplayer games games like uh Call of Duty games like Rainbow 6 Escape From tarov Hell divers too and I run them underneath a virtual machine so I can have that layer of Separation so even if they are running really invasive the most invasive they are are on a virtual machine and not my actual system where real damage can be done but again not everyone has a solution like that so again it's really up to you if you trust these organizations and their software with your computer and personal information and look for most people They Don't Really Care most people are just here to play video games and they don't give a [ __ ] about their personal information I don't agree but it is the world we live in you have that choice but yeah I wanted to look in H divers to anti-che and yes n protect game guard is probably the shittiest anti-che in my opinion they could have used if it was up to me probably would have went with battle eyee probably would have went with easy anti-che you know a somewhat reputable vendor but we're here right now okay and that's pretty much the world we're in if you are really worried about these kind of cheats and you don't want to expose your computer and you have the money to buy a PlayStation that might be a better solution you can install the game there and never have to worry about [ __ ] like sh anticheats that said though ladies and gentlemen this is all I really wanted to get into I wanted to give this a little seal of approval I wanted to talk about it in general I have no reason and no actual evidence based on any analysis that this is spying on you now again should something be running this deep that's a matter of you know personal opinions this is me mudahar and if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe thislike it if you dislike it I am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 450,897
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Id: zzfPE5lKy1E
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Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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