Napoleon Total War - France Campaign #1

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legend of total war here with the new campaign series for Napoleon total war now this is the only total war game pretty much that it never covered the Grand Campaign for I just it was so similar to empire total war suppose it's not really my favorite but it's still a good game I guess so we're going to be playing Napoleon's campaign of Europe because they've already done campaign series on both of those but that was years ago and I'm not continuing that might one day pick up the imperial psychopath achievement attempt but not today so we're playing on the hardest difficulty of course which I find a little bit unenjoyable on but it's again because you know you this game focuses a lot on guns and the hive battle difficulty makes your troops very inaccurate and make the enemy troop incredibly inaccurate your elite troops are about the clamp quality of militia which I don't like annoys me but that's okay that's do is just shift is critical to down now if this is a game that you like but haven't purchased yet I've got a link in the description to white tie games which I'm an affiliate of now the way Weihai games worked is it big is their PvP straight from the publisher Sisko from Sega and a portion of your purchase price as a sale goes to the youtuber that that linked you to it so if you haven't purchased the game but want to check out why target white eye games it's just an unaltered to like GG way and to steam in general anyway let's just jump right into this and have some fun so that's what I'm going to be focusing on this campaign nothing too challenging just for fun frogs was a plane nobody gave false greatness he gave froze everything close trusted and low nothing wasn't touched his cold made justice a reality for me I watched the Emperor at work he was a force of nature with storm blowing away the cobwebs we old enemies to the density Britain Austria Russia and there lickspittles nathaniell was to remove them stay extinguished we were to start in 1805 all of Thrones he's empire prepared food the treacherous British have once more concede plans against France bullying Austria and Russia into a coalition Austrian armies have amassed in Bavaria and Italy with Russian forces already marching to their aid whilst the Royal Navy prevents the free movements of French shipping along every coastline there Admiral Nelson is not to be underestimated Russia so far has stayed out of the coalition but they will not raise arms to resistor and the revolution must eventually be taken for them occupied Burton Berg and Bavaria cry out for our help and French troops stand ready to enter german-speaking land to oppose the combined might of the Austrian and Russian armies conquest of Vienna and Moscow should be our main objective and let the meddling of other powers bids our intervention in other areas all right so you already thought of wool with quite a lot of other function handle enabled you know no advice ok wait with that I hate [ __ ] hater toys game settings advice go away fresh installations for my new computer about everything here that I want and then one time there were some battles all right although 50 minutes is heaps my dad still don't wanna okay so well with Austria I going to come look here Austria kingdom of Sicily Sweden Russia Great Britain I think we're at war with more more territory than we are neutral too we do have Spain as an ally but as you guys know I don't like allies now I would like to go for whole map completion on this game but we'll see here we go everyone loves depend on how much I enjoy it actually this campaign I've never actually 100 completed I'm a Pacific completed funny story though about it first time I played this game I mean I had always purchased every total war game up until Napoleon of when when empire total war came out I was very disappointed with that game and I turned away from total war for a very long years after Napoleon was out I actually pirated the game but look I can I can admit to it now in command years later end up purchasing it legitimately and I brought up I download a pirated copy and played about 75% of the campaign before getting to a unblockable because I couldn't get past a and crash to desktop and of course I couldn't update the game or anything like that because it was a pirated copy and I never finished it now when I purchased this game I still didn't really play that much of it now of course as you guys know I definitely do not endorse piracy this happening to use ago many many many years before I was a youtuber and I certainly do not endorse piracy now it was a stupid thing to do and like I didn't end up finishing it so doesn't really matter anyway I don't even endorse policy as they try before you buy thing except with Game of Thrones I mean in Australia Game of Thrones they just the digger give us no option but to pirate because I don't want to [ __ ] purchase Foxtel I'm trying to look for other legitimate ways to purchase that the series to watch it legitimately but it's hard at a time Australian watch it because you can't just watch it after the fact on YouTube you've got to watch it on the day it comes out because everyone spoiled it on Facebook anyway let's that's neither here nor there let's just play the [ __ ] campaign alright now one thing I don't like about having a really established starting position where you got lots of regions and armies already built up is because it's not how I've designed it and the units are scattered all over the place and I don't think the units that I've got are variable point out to my design I like to keep things very uniform I like to have you know one type of cavalry one type of you know type of gunmen I don't like to have tuna - they're students of that tuna - this because everything gets all messy and I don't like that I like to keep being standardized so we'll have to start reforming over time I really one that's on our border let's have a look here well there's Venice down this way where are we going to send Napoleon that's the so these here at were allied with all of this but not up this way with Prussia and I believe we start off with a fleet down this way now let's see if we can steal some stuff and don't have any trade ships we just see here though so we've got the Spanish that were allied with in here the great bring does have some ships down here I don't know we'll see here we go with that been such a long time to the plane of camping I'm not going to know everything about it where it was the the learning centers research technologies coming from Alderaan which is over there ok so we're going to turn the gentlemen over there like the games very similar to empire total war just a few eight weeks what we want to focus on for us I don't know what any of the techs do so I need to have a look at it reduced upkeep costs for lumber units that will some help glimmer economic I don't like that the certain tags actually decrease happiness that's annoying but what I will sorted out and that actually helps Plus to happiness for lower classes well let's have a look at the happiness so we're just of course on normal tax right here and the public board is under control what happens when we take a new region if we have a look here at politics most of its under control and we're going financially national summary we're not making a hell of a lot per turn we to increase that public schooling public school is probably a good idea to get let's go for that so really just trying to decide who'd one want to kill first allied with the Swiss Confederation how long would it take Napoleon to get down here take a few turns we can't walk through that sector yeah if we come down here and focus on Italy I think that'd be a good idea I don't know maybe I should walk pass through and go to maybe to pick on these guys here Prussia hello many territories is Prussia have well we can trade with them the vertical quite a few territories so Austria all war with them Great Britain we don't want to invade their just yet or maybe we do maybe we should focus on Great Britain because all I need is a ship to get my troops from here to there and then we can go and invade England but is that a smart decision I don't think so I don't know what to expect in this camp excellent nothing said it's not really a whole lot of ships out here who's this is that it's not Nelson where what are we gonna do with the boy I kind of sit around on my hands and do nothing I'm thinking just I could just go to war with Prussia I think we could deal with them is this no no no don't take on our allies just yet wait until my tools deal with all the suffers alright um I'm going to combine a few of these these forces to create a full stack you can just stay here for Toby no they're going to need new troops so we'll get them from France from bar from Paris let's have a look here line infantry saucers was a little different 120 men hundred sixty men same upkeep costs they've got higher range but you know he's got more men by quite a bit better morale better defense better charged bonus better melee attack letter munition better reloading school bunker experience yeah I'm going to go with with this just spam them okay they all got made up with him eventually and others others militia yeah militias almost worthless in this game but send them in there for the time being alright we have to focus a little bit on construction as well because we need to need cash so where would be the best place for that what we thought is going to give us the most bonuses I don't have tons to give and it really started out make sure trade routes will okay we'll go with that now let's establish some some trade agreements maybe with the Ottoman Empire might be a good idea and then tend to go with into war with them how much is that worth so I'm showing minor nations that have a little kid dead marketer and can be go to war with them anytime soon Mecklenburg so yeah trade or die [ __ ] that's all I'm gonna today I'll probably make a profit out of that over time so that'll be good yes then get a trade agreements sure I'm going to increase my cash My dear not with Prussia because we're going to go to war with them yeah okay sir help my income now through fixing up trade national summaries we gained about a thousand extra income rating now I've also got some forces here in Italy so these guys here they're allied to me so we start off here with a really trashy number of troops and I think we're going to be able to take Venice with this let's go and have a no-shoe contra stick away from that at least we need to bring in two more troops how long it is militia I don't want to hire military it's just a worthless in this campaign okay go for more ships here we should meet a minute in there to meet up try and find where the enemy trade ships are so we can think them and I need to build a trade ships the plan and want to be better actually if I build to build that down here I think it'll be safer so the word from the British do I have any trade ports of my own Alex go military ports which you're not going to focus on that right now I was out I've got more troops here I'm going to send him down here to meet up with them I did it go yeah we'll take a little bit of attrition there but we miss you we just I just need to get over here quickly so your commander here hi and you meet up with them dawn can use the movement vote together without a bit that's right okay so right you know you can down over here as well and see what's going on what else have I got they don't really checked up on I like a little bit of cash left not nothing to do anything with a I got some troops over here bring them up north you need Molina force in the north of France to protect against the British until it's time to invade them after their vend invasion might be the time to attack them or maybe I shouldn't use the Polian right now and go straight forward just go to cut the head off the snake they've got four settlements actually at five and include that [Music] okay let's let's see here if if Prussia trades with us then we'll we'll go to war with someone else all right I'll accept that payment whatever okay so yeah let's try to take you out Britain straight off of that because the British are the main reason that the Napoleon must have won the first place now with that we need to slow down all the recruitment here I'm going to need a ship I just need one just a transport from here to there that's all we need it isn't a crappy salute three turns now not militia now you guys over here as well come this way and you'll come over here we've got three times are you totally made in time I refill my army is better I cancellous organize we'll try and bring multiple stacks over so that we can take on England I think that's a good choice alright move on to next day which is attack yeah I mean it's the richest land in it's right next [ __ ] door why not go for it so what if it's difficult just because something difficult of me it should be done it's something different or maybe you should do it for us and how bad was the attrition it's bad but it's not that bad can we do we get replenishment in a lot I liked territory yeah not that he'd spit we're sure a bit high made up together and you just go wait somewhere else I keep thinking to click down here you're at force March because just playing around to it if most can't do that still isn't funny initially I change that up you can move over here so this is the National Guard here just militia Hey okay so our recruitment order will be finished in Excel we're going to need more troops definitely uh what's our best artillery we can get eight pounders maybe a bit more of that do I have triggered on - that was my army lists lists armies okay so just go along like I've got some artillery here there's a Dillon to be seeing that I'll send them into Italy you're going to we're going to send everything for the attack is this our Hannover legenda military access through crusher let's see if we can get that Yeah right everybody well let me just see if I can get it for even just do it like five turns okay just so we can get these guys over here we'll focus on Great Britain in his way to deal with their neighbors just take out perfection and all their neighbors should disappear and all we need to do is cross the English Channel unless they block out all my ports they're going to and which they don't do should be fine all right we go built here gunsmith or or this made a Louis happiness which is not Houston is here comes from the lower class what else can we do a little bit of welcome nuts and something cost much okay good for that good that's speeding up do we have any more gentlemen that I are unaware of no good that helps with public order which is good okay it looks good moving on I also go back in we've gotta cross the English Channel before [ __ ] Nelson gets there lots of new troops and this ship should be available yet next turn that's good come stand over here oh so many more you've seen it too here you go let's go three whatever max good now he's got a full stack now we're going to ten more than a full cycles then this guy with the remaining troops we've got here how's their income it's okay we can totally afford to have a few more troops we with you but it's all so unnecessary I think we're gross snack and a half here let's just hope that's going to be enough to defeat England well at least get some games on them see how they're good Maxie oops either getting to Spencer stay there for this gently get some more replenishment these guys catching up and we'll see here we go alright a little bit of cash let's build stuff really want to get some trade ships going for dealers possible might be good if we could capture some ships and also weren't a locating trade down here my Spain they must have ships again I don't have to know where the ships are how does that good for money make this a bit than nothing all right I'm going to build more stuff what are we doing so if we upgrade this College the priest faction white research right subscribe that sooner we get a text on the data and that we've won there's no any diplomacy that I love you I do can't trade with anyone else alright let's move on to the next time also these videos they are going to be air and a half long and they're 60 FPS that 1080p 1080p to flee after also doing with them all that's why they were crossing over from again good the East not give us Tommy unless they've got a ship they're in England will be out across I'm hoping London is undefended or at least like they got their armies spread editor if you like sitting there with two full stacks that's going to be a problem for us and we helped by here to tell of the Napoleon needs to land first oh oh in Abbey get him on the ship about the full stack in England [Music] and this well we can't go any further or at least we've landed here understand well they couldn't be any further than that whatever Roxy oh no you don't understand in a be happy they know the uses of full movement of the bassoon or sound or ones that burn up all that movement just to learn there that [ __ ] might come an attacker so we just withdraw from it no point at least we've got these guys here now next term we can attack London let's just hope it works if I could borders artillery and not a big deal now where are they these guys here they might get a chance to reinforce but later down the track stay in our powerful time being okay now over here how much is the venom we get mom here now don't forget a lot of that would be militia it's why percent we do their militia is better than our [ __ ] troops because of um the difficulty rating it might be better to come up here my gosh how many years we'll have one two three four five six seven eight per guest our eleven line infantry eight pounders we've got some cavalry here what kind of artillery do they have they look like a good any artillery that will give us an advantage suppose you was a lot I might actually still just try and draw them out where you can move it yeah I really need to know what they've got here in order to make it a judgment call on this you never get of that just um infiltrate your observer if you could okay so they do actually have artillery this is going to be a lot of that crap in there what I will take you madam today okay the order result though some resolve he argued three and just stay on the bridge here why there are very slow replenishment rate has been how I'm sure you're not in home territory and we may need some more recruits leave it militia like that that is not as much of a concern right now is England let's get more because after this is over win or lose we're going to need more soldiers all right really on what's this opportunity intercepts we should fight this odd into there that's going to intercept them what disorder resolved that no son we saw yeah Jane lost they lost way more than we did it was everything that ya withdraw from that the rift drawl range is ridiculous so they want to block us at the bridge there that's again artillery mate holding a bridge pointless you I didn't have an alliance with this cross Judah didn't realize I was out like with them that's my okay doesn't really bother me alright so these guys here to give it a damage actually appealed it we can still go to London even without these guys we put those guys there let's do that so what was our thought was our yeah that's it okay so it's an even match here let's see we got three loads of artillery against therefore no strike four loads of artillery at four it does seem very evenly matched so it's just going to come down to skill here who are we up against Arthur Wellesley Duke of Wellington okay so it's like Waterloo but way earlier it maintains a balance of health Lakers bled a little bit out of my favor so really gonna need to pull the stops on this one it may have been better to have attacked the bridge and keep that tournament under siege and then attack the bridge with Napoleon's army just to get rid of them first but oh well this will be more entertaining it's vital that we witness what the [ __ ] is that that's going to be in the video if you head like that ding-ding-ding-ding-ding sort of noise I've never heard that before that's game before don't eagle is my microphone I don't know what it was background ambience noise here isn't worse than my fan even though I never on right now first video of the day so actually pretty cool in the mornings alright so you can see exactly how they're being set up how are we going to set our scripts up and what we're going to do about us we want to be a fight in such a way that all of our artillery of shooting and very few layers is going at the same time so we should stick to a corner I'd save something along the lines over here Oh our reinforcements are going to pop in until we actually with tools with other tricks I've got 40 40 battles that comes in in the next game it's a deploy little bit what's with that audio okay please have canister shot yeah okay we really want to make uses canister shot actually you go on this flank here I'll be able to make better use of their mobility away from the buildings and I want to put them on this right here but sort that out and a bit all right it's time to shoot my own troops I'm getting organized yep yeah definitely want to try to take out some of that artillery we'll just anything really to blow the [ __ ] up I think I shot some of my no I didn't okay good we're all right there keep going to reorganize a little bit got a few early kills here which is great you're really going to want to get rid of the enemy artillery they're good at getting rid of cavalry these guys as well so take a defensive position here cuz it works for us and protect the artillery forces of Napoleon you stay in the woods which will be cheated okay taking that two of their artillery pieces that now these cavalry they're coming in so which you shoot them artillery is great at taking out keV especially getting sorted right hold your fire to be rigid leaving a big line of rum I'm Hillary there [Music] that is a great start with just made that unit shattered it's a really good start and they've even got their artillery organized yep and actually our artillery is blowing them to pieces little bit quiet as my quest adjusted again like the fresh installation system record bit of tweaking okay now that's done firing back [Music] let's get a little bit more of this white girl wide and they get close you studies in chemistry shots [Music] Quintin Ranger you could wear like a man said to get to kill him okay we should be able to start using canister shot on them if that's you [Music] also I don't know if he just gets wounded like you candidly kill the polio in this game I think yep eliminate a faction and a killer so is that little things keep flashing up on my screen what the [ __ ] is that already here one of the armed citizenry are they do that guns okay so when they go gun in which African sword are [ __ ] assume sentence shooting at the [ __ ] Flex warm and we go in here everything seems to be going pretty well so does your here with the campus with the cavalry where these guys getting over here and today they both get back on the cannon keep fury [Music] Jen here kill exam three your birth dip swing around into here get the nickel it away wait hey you guys going going reasonably well time for you to come around over here and flank them that don't be sure no my cab and get out of here I'm good it is it from the Enfamil a and crush them would seem to be winning the rich Napoleon's left our men now running turn the cameras actually you should be definitely the reinforcements on their way okay all artillery should start firing now we're going to reform up propelled the first way but there will be more than yourself get back in line turn around over here shattered relatively much back on the artillery until your artillery there then I came back to shooting - after live with on what the buggy give you in the wrong direction one in flight [Music] you go search my general what you doing we're certainly going to be able to be with retraining for the vulva burnishing [Music] this I just want some time to reform the line you should believe [Music] okay we're map this characters back over here reinforcements have arrived but I don't really want this guy send them away reform the lines artillery get back on you under cannons our men now running turn what would they be under attack by alright I should send the Whizzer cavalry again you good to get these artillery you can stop that now okay we're on your back you canister shot and enter them Allen propellers on the evenly-matched which is weird for me to do to all their reinforcements so they're coming in now probably a good thing to get some of these guys off the battlefield like this one here get them off similar here we've got plenty of reinforcements in reserves let's make use of them okay I need the counselor to stop firing Salinas and the caliber to go take them out [Music] morning okay so what are they good over here now I never saw that the English go down afterwards where didn't see him die they must have routed all right cannon start firing out this way you're not going to hit anything but just start firing cousin get more cavalry coming in that will be useful okay shift things around now I can't do that you can leave the battlefield I think that next fight is going to happen over here so this is where we need to be prepared so I guess duty on their way see the thing is from this angle here my cannons are going to be very effective you shoot down this way here teacher British I'm not quite in range it some of them actually advise that all you think is also what 12-pounders as well six times I'm a genetics accountant is don't have as much rearranging yeah [Music] okay that chivalry is gone now the palace now well in our favor you can leave the battlefield I think there's good more reinforcements to come [Music] okay we've got some artillery over here that that are basically begging to be killed so send them over there to go chase them to get them also the unit that are coming in here they need to be run down because they are going to automatically die because they're not sitting inside the settlement s garrison speed that up and they've got no cavalry left so then I came here to catch up to him they left it completely undefended there but firing on you only the 12-pounders have a chance of doing any damage but if they do let a hit it'll be a lot of damage because you watched it up another 1000 I have a week we should win all the postman's commit to hear the true unit that were too damaged to be of any further news much the cone enjoying business off I'm not worrying about too much with an ottoman illusion sometime oh sorry nice nothing said winning is a lot more enjoyable than losing okay so now they can be towards us let's try and pick them up as best we can in the meantime I think more than anything the artillery wanted to settle you're going to kill them huge and notice how they ignored the cavalry one of the biggest faults in the AI I think is the fact that they walk everywhere well yes yes then a tired fight like [ __ ] same time you're getting blasted by artillery you want to get your tires to be possible which I think [Music] what I'd like to not use them [Music] whatever that should we'll be done third that our children's life is how the garrison now these Monty we're gonna be very careful with them because if they lose any more men then they weren't getting your question I don't think I can get more of those right now I think eight pounders would get from Paris so when things have to get caught I'll pull them off the artillery careful not to shoot each other [Music] [Applause] shut up you can give me some you know that good runway [Applause] I think it's time for Miller let's go [Music] put on the cavalry you get it under here I'll show you my to do matter that [Music] I don't get very important plus D really so our general would you don't air attack get rid of it not [Music] it's great here in the rear I think that with them we're looking to live in a place [Applause] [Music] I think you're doing that we'll get rid of it how they doing sorry I should pick Victor we're learning I just don't lose the patella get matter back our men are running turn [Applause] the metal to be running out [Applause] [Music] probably a clue security everyone here to know fara will be a lawyer victory sir is soon to be on your run these guys down here make sure to come back in to attack us with bigger army you have to recruit your reinforcements from London if I be [Music] [Music] set the pulling gear in on some of the action here because they won't get any recovery during the in turn because now they're technically going to be in foreign territory as in be the English forces to remain here which won't be that much okay they may not fatigue there and must rest away expected closely through there lost a lot of troops but they lost more I lost three times so looking at this didn't the fact we lost any any full divisions then we actually got a [ __ ] no we didn't get any recovery sister though certain casualties were taken into account because of the the carriage to the unit [Music] if we lose it we can get a ton of cash there's a lot of we want to hold on to this in the long term so it's peacefully occupying it now it's going to revolt it in three times we can't do anything to stop that from happening where we can you know score services it shows up we've got a very large number of armed replenishment here it doesn't look like they'll lot if you have to strike us anytime soon she'll probably finish this guy off stay close to each other and there we go well at the end of this campaign I'm not really good with London captured England is as good as dead I should say one of the girls Great Britain so let's prepare all this stuff so like I said the public order here is going to be [ __ ] I mean look at that resistance to foreign occupation that's not going away in time to stop the rebellion I mean if we exempted some taxations not going to be enough we've got a full stack in here as well but it'll until the rebellion won't attempt too much and we've got time to replenish that's a huge victory we've changed the course of history already so I'm Venus recruiting it here here so I'll send reinforcements here shortly all right so looking at this now do we have what it takes to take on Venice as well I mean going up there might actually be better because I don't think it's defended there's no way near as well defended I mean we don't getting any recovery we don't really need it which is over send some litter of litter try and help okay let's he'll go to finances now increase by a little bit nothing major can we get our port here so what merchantmen I already had one here didn't see it and Ziggler is pretty much all of our cash okay moving on to the next time yeah all they can do now is have the block out of here port is not going to be enough they'll need to raise some serious armies in order to kick them out with auto-replenishment you'll be back up to full strength again in no time [Music] much of that will also need a centum forces down here to take gibraltar if we want to truly finish them off and a get rid of all their navies so who's going to stay here in I guess they also want to stay here so just thinking maybe sending an army over here to capture Wales which is their new capital but they've got quite a lot of troops there so just continue to replenish I mean it's all it's all coming in very quickly that fast replenishment rate that's great just leave that better time being got more soldiers here now I do want to bring them in too well to London don't need the extra generals but I'll bring in the extra cannons yeah they can't move after landing being disembarked interesting one of the exploits to make them move foot faster I don't know don't even players no rush with it you come down over here middle with them now we want appalled the entire me to be more standardized so may I don't want ever get in terms of artillery or certainly would prefer the 12-pounders over the six pounders but units like the vault egos I don't under a mountain put them in the other army I will just want him with that useless of line I keep him with the old guard that exit those are really good and the militia can go in that one so basically give him the good army now these guys here they're shot I was in shock over the practical they were everybody you can useful so they can shoot as well as right anyway let's just take it easy there's no rush called on to England there's going to be a revolt there soon let's just keep keep building up the regions it's time to go to here not great if we upgrade this then we can build that later that provides accurate pressure now we're going to not but forget about these guys here when we look in so I'm looking for like ships to raid [Music] once you go looking for this this money's going some way I'm moving on our [ __ ] method investor this is the need the order resolved [Music] so English equipped quickly mustering a new army to come and deal with this while we sit around in London and drink tea [Music] you better believe you're going to kill it's managed to which is not yet deal with the English first actually be really good if these Abednego I take Gibraltar okay so we've got public schooling there that'll help with research rate also we got Oxford I didn't set a text to that what should I research at Oxford probably that would be best let it be good as well the minute elicit here we need to get one repression - all regent public order is very important because there's a lot of Tophet to build that actually decreased public order and you get that tough time first I haven't noticed them actually saying they're going to revolves so know what's going on there this time is in good shape can it take on see this is what way more standardized I just come over here of the real guys is I think the rebellion will shortly sir was used for this plan to curve all right you take you take that can take the Grenadier militia and these guys give me five poverty line country supply post I got damaged that would be really good for a planet so she repaired that all the rioting would happen there right nicely so yeah the revolt is about to have babbles up this what are we if I kind of want to come over here and attack this me my forces are in pretty good shape can't quite reach all right well Napoleon you start making your way over here this guy here will deal with the revolt okay let's just what are we doing next well we're out of cash what are these guys doing to meet ribs in there to justify an attack therefore we need to stay here for a few turns to maintain public order and that's fine when we manage to take a region column so that's good there's nothing to see patient although all the real fighting is going on over here excuse me move on once again forgot about them if at any point leave this area undefended that's the time to attack because we're going to keep in mind that what Allah strips of [ __ ] because Russia doing over here my name really got here quickly it's only what 26/11 it must have started off with an army Excel it close by or you're going to go take it out I have fun with that what a really hook there is they go over there attack and fail that way because of all my allies getting bigger because I'm gonna take them all that eventually but they can weaken the Austrians well that's good to me [ __ ] big rebellion English rights I didn't think it was going to be that big well Napoleon you're going to have to come back here to deal with this because that that cannot be ignored he's gone okay I mean I did certainly want to take our Cardiff I think is the amount of troops that they just got there for free as more than what we killed here in England but there was no way to prevent a revolt so miss Kousaka scoffs go there and fight them and I mean we had enough time here to replenish mr. foster that was good goddamnit I've actually got a really good army here nine pounders well I guess that makes it the same on average does video tool pattern six pounders and loads of lineament reads almost an identical army to our because we've got more infantry than them and since our infantry definitely a better dog Bertha's cavalry we should have a slight advantage I don't need them coming in to help they need to be ready to deal with the other one coming in still can't believe how large this 4 billion is maybe it's scripted debate is large because it's England all right at least we get to deployed first we should deploy in such a way that to our advantage not dead of course until the real implants cavalry on both flanks I wonder if our 12-pounders in out ranges there 9 pounders can get a good spot for this some reasonably good high ground here might be good idea to keep some of these guys separate for the 12 pound is here actually and at six pounders and make therefore time being but to put some the old guy here I know I'd like to keep all my artillery together if prevent the vault it does create a vulnerability for the pen time it's also a strength and I'm a big believer in high attack even if it does make it a little bit vulnerable but it would sacrifice defense for offense any day of the week [Music] he could be a little bit more straight than that because whatever is if they thought holding out over there maybe asking around well I'm not defeat these horses go which is a high chance of that right here look at the range yeah the 12-pounders of well within range that six pounders eyes first thing I want to do though I shoot the cavalry because you do so much more damage then they look small target which means not likely to hit them better to have a high chance of hitting an unimportant tiger than a low chance of getting an important target look at that kicking their kappa result and the cavalry is really we're going to do the damage to my artillery my artillery is vital tell them to keep aiming to the ground area anyway the English they're gonna pump around a little water I always do and we've just killed their general that was very lucky okay now still also need to move these guys into position [Music] so if I had gone very well within the video after the federal [Music] I'm big fat target here I prefer they retreat off the battlefield so I have to deal with that well then again yeah just get off the battlefield we can deal with them another in another battle [Music] I don't think they shattered I'm not getting fired after I'm fine to keep it up it's been involved to go to it would be good if we also hit when they cannons give us the cavil argument an artillery advantage [Music] water [Music] brick road man [Music] good anti-cancer they can't wait and look at that they try to read pull me out look account that blank so I gotta rebuild it buddy whole entire army before we make our attack you look stupid fastly much focused on reforming their shoes into discovery over here because if we kill them they might try and reform again we just couldn't get any just on those artillery it's very hard to get them well they're not using them right now so it's not not urgent to get rid of them look these cavalry they came back didn't quite happen and plug-in us we got cavalry incoming over here in your really experience as well so I'm taking a single casualty yet mountain house one of my phobia slightly nice [Applause] [Music] and keep reproving [Music] he come to cover it once they're all reformed they'll begin marching towards us it'd be good if we get to keep shooting in for free [Music] good Vanuatu reform everyone again this time they were after battlefield imagine being a soldier in itami just waiting there half the goddamn day or being shelled by artillery and doing nothing in the meantime should we just [ __ ] do something neither much portal back to just being critical of these [ __ ] if you could their shattered in a good man these guys without being silly um she hasn't shot it on them I don't have we got cavalry coming in be careful though they're diggin a shadow for sure what am I doing here is that so just pause the recording until they actually decide to advance I'll just keep shelling them in the meantime okay look lies are going to make an attack here with the cavalry I mean it's going to go well for them [Music] disappoint number of kills would though they're not going to be nicer to guppy artillery I got a whole bunch it kills the behavior fool [Music] we've got another unit completely shattered they did a little bit of damage made you look [Music] I never know what I'd open borrowing with with their artillery they just keep moving it around everywhere we're looking for some good ground I have been at academia yep I think see if we're getting hit honestly with the terrain to run even have to get a proper tear on I think this month this unit here might be the last of their cavalry I think they had eight units in total so for them to have lost seven units already potentially hated all the significant one here's my Jack here and they go on to kill what 12 of my men which one took damage there's one here pathetic so one thing I'll just pause the recording until there until there's something going on because they just keep moving back and forth along the line which I'm fine to keep shooting like this is what it is this time consuming I can't imagine be particularly you guys watched a one-sided battle ok it finally seems like the Ripken trigger is ramping after what half an hour of the battle we've taken out quite a few of their artillery pieces as well but they're not even using assessment I want to focus on their infantry pretty much all of them have taken some damage ok no now they're actually museum ok if they're coming at a sort of awkward angle here I've been shooting when a trip here a little bit even though the amount of damage done to them is nothing compared to that encounter them then they get closer to start using a candle shop you what you ran the blank over here and they take your mother's life I think they might have one or three bits of cavalry so that is somewhere [Music] another bout the power quite significantly in my favorite now you guys stop blowing that up you you look let's rain but just treat on this anyway so temple micromanager they're not going to hit them into the community we're not going to get that because we feel in the way to aim to them instead look at my bike sure if he is top meeting Ren's slings over here [Music] they kind of exceeded to think of the hill [Music] in they're breaking would you need to run them down [Music] yes firing in our artillery but we do way more damage if the [ __ ] is completely what goddammit we're changing it so what they've just been shot too full of blood okay time to go back to using standard short they'll probably come back your job take care the artillery [Music] what I've been here artisans where they're feeding us with artillery I'm going to just copy it getting back up [Music] okay they're gone next one whether he's actually recruiting you if you can Oh data roaming there we figured those out to the real okay okay artillery stop or ahead or one ship I can imagine developing be over very soon Oh glorious victory sir is soon to be yours now where this one going to be a close victory and crush them but apparently it looks like all units around another pause of recording as it gives us the victory screen so that I can concentrate on running these guys down so you have fallen out and there they go decisive victory probably I think is one turn to recover those casualties so that should make it a lot easier not easier for us to deal with the remainder of this revolt that comes charging down here we're probably not going to be able to well get them to help but the being said we've still got more troops in here than they do there and after after that just pathetic display of defense we should be okay now we didn't give the military crackdown on that now if we did get it in military crackdown we might actually be able to maintain public order from here on out we'll still need to build more things like opera houses but anyway let's get to the deficit okay no we're not an hour and a half so I keep going with longer there's nothing to this episode yes almost an hour - just two minutes away all right so not making any attack on that right now so we can get a few layers of the line here those are much better than militia especially to this difficulty not so much else to do so let's just move on to the next time now if I have to guess on what those rebels are going to do the revolutionaries they're probably going to go and raid the countryside that's a guess and I was wrong all right so look how we do Teeter part is that all I'm not going to do it now though the bells of hell is not anywhere close to being in our favor probably due to not having great units we do have artillery same amount as they do actually not necessarily deserve a eight pound six pound and we will figure it out I'd like to subscribe part two is next and don't forget to visit me on Facebook see you next time [ __ ]
Channel: LegendofTotalWar
Views: 850,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: napoleon total war, total war, napoleon, campaign, lets play, gameplay, legend of total war, 60fps, 1080p
Id: N-lKKrA6pzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 32sec (5372 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2017
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