THE USA RISES! Empire Total War: Darthmod - USA Campaign #1

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[Music] hello and welcome everyone AHA here with part one of my new us a grand campaign for empire total war with Darth mod as well as the brand work born setting sub mod you can find links the mod and sub more down in the description below as well as a link to the unit name suggestion QT for this series which is the only place that I'll be taking suggestions from so do check it out as of all my new let's play series off he goes the chance to get an early hour or in this series case an early hour-and-a-half special at part 5 if we can reach 2,000 likes on parts 1 2 3 and 4 it is of course completely optional so if you enjoying the content you do want to see an early hour-and-a-half special then feel free to leave a like if you're not enjoying the content you don't want to leave a like then feel free to leave a dislike and yes you did hear me correctly part 5 if we can hit 2,000 likes on parts 1 2 3 & 4 will be an hour and a half long and every 10 episodes there will also be an hour and a half special to I'm doing an hour and a half for this series instead of my usual hour specials as I found that with my empire total war and Napoleon Total War series the videos in general tend to be much longer than usual compared to other total war games it's likely due to the overhauls and tweaks that Darth Maul makes the game often making battles much longer than normal so obviously we're playing as the USA on the grand campaign start at hard campaign and very hard battle difficulty as that's what Darth mod is best balanced for I'll play to a long victory objective but I might extend the campaign past the victor objective if you're also enjoying it and want to see total domination of the map other than that I don't think there's anything else me left to say so let's jump on into the campaign I'm going to edit in the campaign map flyover that you get if you play episode 4 of the road to independence campaign as the USA as it gives a nice little intro to our starting objectives then I'll cut back to the grand campaign start as it's better balanced for the USA grant campaign start with Darth mod compared to road to independence so without further ado let's embrace some freedom let's begin your first priority should be to gain recognition of your new nation amongst the major powers in Europe through diplomacy then build up your fledgling Navy in order to prevent the Barbary States from raiding your coastlines for slaves and the British and Dutch from monopolizing your trade routes attack foreign shipping and patrol your own trade routes as much as possible to keep them open acquire as much of the American continent as possible in order to secure your borders from attack beginning with those native tribes who remained loyal to the British during the Revolutionary War in order to avoid an early land war with stronger powers it may also be necessary to purchase land from the French and Spanish through diplomacy okay so here we are on the grand campaign for the USA also before we go any further it's once they a massive thanks to H for havoc who made the fantastic intro for this video which will be played at the start of each video in this series if you want to check out his channel you can find it linked in the description down below so from that campaign map flyover that the advisor suggested we take a look at our diplomacy situation to start with so that's what we'll do and we've got a ton of trade agreements to go and make by the looks of things let's just quickly check our income 13,000 a turn let's see how much that goes up once we make some trade agreements I'm gonna try and avoid making any agreements with enemies of France though so that's Austria Iroquois Great Britain Savoy all the Barbary States but then we're all at war with Barbary States yep just because I want to utilize France as a hopefully useful military Ally for as long as possible in the American theater of war notably against the Iroquois and the British and then we'll want to probably else the French themselves and the territories they hold here unless we can buy the territories off them so well we'll see how things play out there but yeah I don't upset the French at the moment so Maratha Confederacy they are allied to the British but they're we're not set France I would have thought so let's get some trade from them because that should be pretty profitable we've try and avoid any military alliances as well early on just because don't really want to get drawn into any European Wars not because I'm worried about them sending fleets over with armies on I don't think that tends to happen that much to be honest but more the fact that I don't want them blockading my trade routes and shipping lanes and what-have-you we'll try and stay out of Europe's Europe's walls for now yeah so counteroffer let's just about a thousand there we go that's the price of trade it would seem we don't bother with Austria Great Britain because France at the moment let's see here mais or allied to France good good Naples and Sicily why interests the moment what if we offer you guys what actually if you'll take less than a thousand what if I could offer you five hundred uh you guys know how to how to haggle about two thousand oh it's going up actually actually actually sometimes what if I gave you ten turns of military access okay fine right wait you're wanting three thousand let's try two thousand five hundred okay you're sticking to your guns they're fine portugal yes trade with portugal would be nice it and who else venice yes they're a republic as well so they'll probably like us think that's everyone that we can trade with right now good good actually on the note of republic although actually first of all we've gone up like over 10k income with that trade that's beautiful yeah on the note of republic what a few view asking me in the wrote in depends campaign on and on the update video that i did for this series saying Lionheart could you switch from Republic to a monarchy it's definitely something I will give a go but early on in the campaign want to risk sort of having rebellion kicking off for placing a monarchy in for the USA and then getting attacked by the British or the Iroquois so I think once we've secured sort of the northern territories as long as we've got relative peace that's when I'll then consider it I think to get a monarchy I have to make both the middle and lower classes rebel so we just tax both of them at sky high and they do they spawn in the in your capital region so it would be Austin I believe if someone wants to give me a bit of a refresher on how I'd go about it then that feel free let me know down in the comment section um that looks good ministers you'll look fine although Edmund you're not getting us any bonuses here so three so let's kick you out and see if we get somebody better got laid Forbes and he isn't about he's still three stars but we can't kick him out straight away so we'll leave him in eighty percent government popularity that is fine it's all good right the next thing I think that flyover said was to boost our Navy which we're going up against the British we will definitely need to gain naval supremacy in fact we'll just need naval supremacy anyway they've got a fleet over here all the rates fifth rate sixth rates what can we recruit here we've got Karen aid frigate and fifth rate with our Admiral John Barry and the sixth rate they're both rates yes it's two of them in there for now what bomb catch lovely although probably need way more ships than the enemy anyway because you guys have seen my naval skills in the road to independence campaign it's not great yet the drydock upgrade because I'm pretty sure that lets us get third rates second rate all that you assess USS Constitution eautiful yes we shall in that bad boy yep yep forty eight guns lovely what's that rocket ship yes actually yes research research research we've got New Haven will go for national debt first because it has upkeep reduction for army and naval units we've already unlocked a fair bit of tech because we're starting at 1783 the brand mcbarns settings sub mod that I'm using for the series he has updated it so line infantry now or use fire by rank elite units use the mass volley fire and skirmishes and light troops use their regular sort of irregular firing patterns there we've unlocked a fair bit of military Tech's I don't think we need to go for any of that just yet probably want to go through industrial technology soon let's go through national debt first fact we can probably speed that up by popping benjamin franklin takes off two turns good good so we've got the fourth rates going in through there a lot of little armies scattered about we'll take a look at them in a moment let's get our rake scouting up through here and actually you guys move all the way down here now well if you've got got two goons you've got light infantry and light cavalry I'm gonna leave all of them down here for now just in case the Cherokee or the Spanish decide to go for us I need to recruit some more troops over here we're gonna get militia at the moment unless you upgrade the governor's residence that let's send the awesome missionary up here because we're gonna take the Iroquois territory we want to convert them over from even follow your like animalism or something like that and not animalism animism well no your animism their Animists ok cool cool actually have roads as well I think some of these down here don't even have basic roads so let's get those added in its cobbled roads we'll probably going to want to save the rest of our money for our armies so we've got Nathaniel Greene yeah I'm gonna move him up towards this iron mine I'm right on the border they in fact we could pop into it we could make a fort couldn't we but I don't think we're gonna get act well maybe now we'll move him all the way up here we're gonna take the Minutemen out though because I'm gonna send him in that way take all the light infantry oh yeah we're gonna gather an army here ready to strike the Iroquois within the next few turns so at Philadelphia we can get continental Marines first Delaware grenadiers although I think line of trees still better than both of those accuracy wise these guys the Continental Marines have some really nice melee stats though they take two turns to recruit so for now let's just get line infantry and I definitely want to recruit some of these guys long riflemen they are my favorite unit from any faction in empire total war in fact that's my question for you guys this episode let's do one of those let me know down the comments section in empire total war with or without darth mod which unit is your favorite and why so include which faction it's from the unit itself and why down the comment section I'll pick a few of my favorites to mention next episode but yet these guys absolutely love them because they they can move while hidden so I've got like a stalk ability seventy five accuracy they're just absolutely wonderful sniper units they're brilliant yet line of trees they're Boston we can get line infantry as well we accrue anything from Albany yes it's get some artillery in there and then yeah I'm gonna get all the Minutemen assembled into this force although I'm stealing those units for sure and them over here grab all the Minutemen over here and then we'll send them up to take fort Nash back from the British that's my plan over there line infantry yet definitely over here that could be upgraded should if we can fit it all in person get me provincial cavalry I mean get Lasky's Legion Lancer cavalry Oh cavalry for me to slay I think just fan out just more infantry though that's what you want a no provincial cavalry aren't great but as many as possible let's get another trading port in there good and then move farm upgrades in farm upgrades that is it for our first turn so yeah we leave these guys down here just for now and gather up the militia might be able to throw some extra recruits in there but doesn't have an army in that just yet so it's just got two units on it's bar for garrison but we're gonna want to bring that rake up to see what's going on although we could always send our ships around I guess scout out for me but I don't want to risk Britain's wrath just yet see how things go gathering our forces here ready strike the Iroquois rip tear Leon double-check just allied with Great Britain because if we attack Britain direct me will bring in Austria ralpher and they've all potentially anyway and Portugal and we don't want to do that Vickers again not too bothered about them maybe sending an army after me I don't think they will plus we could probably always try and just sync them with our ships there's more fact they'd hit my shipping lanes and my trade routes objectives so yep I've got a hold 40 regions by 1890 so definitely do that one of seven took a whole seven listed victory regions and then another forty well 40 total including those sevens at those seven rather yep that's all good there I said though might look to carry on all those objectives probably will do to be honest I imagine that'll just see us conquering most of the America theatres of war what I'm thinking is the role of going to full domination throughout Europe I don't think we really need to do that but what I would like to do is invade Britain and burn London I think that sir that should be a fine inclusion to the campaign I'll probably look at some point as well to set up a colony in India I always like sending a colony and Expeditionary Force over here to capture some territory and eventually conquer all of it it's a very rich theater as well to grab plenty of actually from so we'll see how things go here the British do have some some outposts here some retreat so we could always take them from them but yeah we'll see how things go it to be honest if we want to take if we want to take British pressure office if they're constantly harassing our trade routes we might even just peace out with the British once we've taken all of their territories in the American Theatre of war but yeah we'll see anyway anyway anyway let's end the term are you gonna do anything hopefully not oh you're not gonna see much interaction with factions for the first few turns I wouldn't have thought just while they're all setting themselves up and scripts are running and working out who they're gonna kill first it's probably Saxony I swear Saxony always gets killed off within like the first turn or two maybe that should be like it is it is it particularly challenging faction two players maybe should be like a challenge run series some point survive is Saxony war declared : if you weigh in yet Austria already got the notification okay any of units hang on where did we get where did you come from we didn't have a long rifleman unit before how have I managed to spawn in a long rifleman unit clearly I've got mad hacks I think we had was it to colonial light infantry what you had here why is the game spawning in I mean to be honest I shouldn't complain it's spawned in my fate maybe it heard me say it was my favorite unit and it's given me one that's mad there's not any other like unit's changed are they that light infantry unit has has upgraded itself to a long rifleman I've never seen that happen before that's crazy maybe it'll change back yeah well let's get you guys inside the iron mine I think for now maybe it's just reacting the fact that it's my favorite unit so there you go guys if you if you say you which your favorite unit is in umberto war loud enough it will give it to you that's awesome okay cool I'm I'm not gonna question that we'll take it though more artillery I think we'll go for another one whom probably want to wait another turn before we attack just again more line infantry into this force it's probably gonna probably gonna absolutely Massacre the Iroquois in this first battle but I'm mainly thinking that it'll be the either the Iroquois count attack all the British counter-attack that will be the the issue so I mean I guess I'm still thinking from the mindset of how at times challenging the early stages of the road to independence campaign was I don't necessarily want to risk things over here maybe I should get another church school I wouldn't go for another school for research because we'll get more of them later on was that will cause clamor for a forum a church school just to convert over to Boston sysm because once we've got 100 percent we don't need church schools anymore do we because another one to convert territory over with might be a sound shower actually well cool could upgrade that by again it's just look at making sure we're recruiting everywhere provincial Cavett's pop some in here and when Minutemen and let's grab those infantry over to the iron mine double-check that I wonder if it will change again next term that's mad you want to move more troops over haven't we say don't recruit too many provincial cavalry because they're not amazing you know let's get let's get two of these Lancer cavalry units why the heck not we've got enough money for those v rates start them cuz they take two turns so let's do that I should got the or over there yeah we need to make make it grow a bit more any tips for growth in regions how to increase it besides exempting from tax any other top tips I don't really want it just yet cuz I feel like we need all the money that we can to just upgrade all the stuff that we've got let's go through our little farms down here first read that as well those down here we're trying out you guys raided um that farm can upgrade cuz you guys provide growth and or region wealth as well so that's it I think that's all of us for another term we'll just check diplomacy no other tree to get requests a chem Oh they've gained old Cherokee and Savoy are coming to the castle no idea why that just fired off that's my alert to say someone's just subscribed do me on Twitch I literally don't have that active on OBS so not anymore anyway so I don't use it stream with our Ustream loves OBS know why that's playing maybe it maybe it's more bugs like the long rifleman spawn let's see if it's still there next turn anyway yep missionaries moving good good good good good oh hello so the Dutch attacking France that's gonna be slightly annoying in this theater because the Dutch have some territory but it means I can go after them so yeah we've got a enter on the side of France because we want to keep them about and we want to keep on their good side rue Britain Prussia alliance broken okay a dark star lost to morale in battles cool this is Troy sax and he's gone there we go how many turns was that like - they win out war with the Dutch oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah though they've got their territories here we go they got one over here one over here you have gemstones though but we'll need to probably check our coast then for Dutch eats they were brought in oh yes it was yeah I was thinking it was Austria but no Austria was Duchess Ally moving up with break I think we should assemble most of this army together now it's still a long rifle man and what we've got a generals body got in here now what was that instead of that's instead of the artillery piece I think note the artillery pieces out here what was that over line infantry unit now we've still got three but it just spawned one in well man this is it we don't want another generals bodyguard go away so I'm pretty confused now what is going on I've got some bugs okay so we've actually got space just for well the cavalry moving them up as much as we can we've actually got more line infantry oh it was I know what it was it was the cavalry unit we had I saw we had two provincial cavalry units in there before that's what turned into animals bodyguard that's really weird I might have to talk to Brad mcpaul about that and be like why is this happening we can definitely give those three line of treat over here and I think these these three as well to be honest but more Calvary coming on in so we'll attack next turn with our randomly I wonder which unit will change next place your bets place your bets so random all Light Dragoons Light Dragoons are lovely because they fire while mounted but we should get some of them and throw in another line infantry for now over here let's give you guys some regiment of horse of the line for unit it can be upgrade yet artillery and that that's good that no one has walls around there either I don't know if lost if the air will still build some but that means we don't have as many buggy sieges or that one's got what some down there you guys for now what else do we want upgrade great that one great that there we go okay right next I'm we should finally see some action who's gonna change in that army and this is a Maratha asking for Maryland oh sorry Maryland rather Georgia in trade for mal wa no and mature lion sir decline not region trading Oh a the AO is gonna start trading regions like crazy Pearlie does have a habit and who's this we have a new Benjamin Anika Anika now the gentleman lovely but who's changed here I think they're all the same the curse is lifted maybe might still change and we still attack we can so let's just double check see who the Iroquois have oh they've got that they've got the Dutch on their side well that's fine so we're gonna bring in the Cherokee nation's and Savoy it's oh you're not worried about Cherokee nation's they've got an army over here oh and another one down there so they're probably gonna move into attack so these extra units we're gonna need to go down here don't have the best force and I and attack them I think I can I don't want it what I'm thinking I might be worth pulling back to Charleston or infantry smash out load more that's what we can recruit for now guys link up here we've now got a pretty capable force whoa units of two okay units have turned into Demi cannons what the heck is going on over here that'll be a hang on one two three four five six seven what's going on I mean I actually kind of do want some cannons but for this harmie not really demi cannons but if you've turned some of my infantry and I think a minute man into Demi cannons that's really weird I'm gonna play through it for now and just see if that's a weird like first few turns bug or something okay right double-check that army so the only army that hasn't changed what it's got in it so far is this one down here as far as I'm aware which and how far they can move I really can't tell if some extra units they're in the garrison I think we'll we'll try and fight it with John Sullivan and if not we've got to send down as load more troops pretty pronto we're also gonna pop in it yeah how it's against them yeah sure let's do that I'm so confused right now I've never seen this happen in Empire before alright let's attack declare war very good with Cherokee broken yet they've joined in Savoy he has chosen not to you though and we're gonna fight our first battle of the campaign so let's dive on in yeah if anyone else has ever encountered units turning into other units randomly do let me know if you found a solution or if there was something happening really really confused but I don't think I've ever seen that happen in all my years playing Empire it happened in the wrote independence series not that was aware of it we got four and five they've probably turned into the unit though as well unless it's something to do with the units that you're meant to start with in the campaign and dolf mod change the scripting for which ones you get and it's just the games now flipping it back somehow but I think I've ever done a us a campaign before I've never seen this happen anywhere else so maybe maybe something maybe something to do with the USA nom massive thing but obviously later on in the game we don't exactly want the game changing units that I'm crafting into armies about artillery piece there have these three that side I think some of you guys said the fences were were stopping my canister shot so let's just try it without we were doing this in the route independence we are a little bit in the trees able F to think but clear line-of-sight that's fine bridge guys little bit longer and cheers good line of most ah just bow it's actually not great over here I'm gonna do that and a little weird little bend howitzer let's have it here on explosive shell and that one we will put stakes out in front of right we've got light infantry which I'll put out here and then get them to play stakes maybe what carry or they've also mines that's too bad it's my Lancer cavalry on the right you guys here and I'm gonna have oh no there's the Rangers hang on Rangers and I guess we can have them together can't we I think they've got both got stalk bitter here they go my favorite unit that just happened to hear my call and jump on in somehow into the cave can't get over that have you guys creep forward here and cavalry in support and your green chill at the back I'm thinking man I think we're happy with that move you guys over here pull you guys back one apparently so you don't bug out on the trenches those over here the you guys the ranges are visible long rifleman they can move without being seen the ROI for the Rangers will if the long reform in a way last time artillery I'm gonna play some steaks here Oh they've got tiller as well did not see that it's focus fire try and take there's that little mine Oh we didn't destroy a cannon but we destroyed a tree and I think some of their every attach to it they are moving toward us they closed the shell program not the best one let's go for our tribesmen over there stakes there it move you both over here for now Kaveri have they actually got Chiefs bodyguard that's it okay so let's put the Lancer covery over here think about some charges how's that artillery of those doing I mean we could put the long rifle Minh forward to try and snipe it out but we would really be throwing them into the lion's den a lot of infantry around that could jump on them don't really want to risk them just yet especially it hidden here are to keep on firing they're sending troops forward anyway of course they'd move all the way over [Music] all air pull them back early because this cannon is desperately asking buy a canister and these guys are gonna fire any second as well bye-bye rank it's the mine as well front rank kneel I said front rank kneel but rank kneel dammit you guys done it there we go they've broken reform your ranks he goes so far he's just gonna fire into my man omen can be hit by the Lancers it'll send them in oh that was lovely that was a lovely charge going to the Warriors over here oh oh ding over here on rifleman getting some shots this goes up up here but on Lancer CAF have all these steaks though and there is the Chiefs bodyguard coming in there we go they Pro can charge into them over here should be able to see him off and how well they fire from kneeling behind trenches so maybe we shouldn't put them in trench behind trenches in the future like every back get it ready for another charge charge launchers [Music] shakin more warriors incoming exit that away and quick-draw more of them towards my line over this side okay okay here we go let's go off the artillery [Music] take out the cannon [Music] nice knock them down just a one left enemy generals been killed [Music] charge to the arches still getting a holley offers they crest over the trenches to swung these guys round to the flank to be honest bring the Lancers back on in square with you guys [Music] lovely stuff then in your broken nearly once the struggling here a little bit that one broke just my cavalry broke shots off on the chief good good to see how many kills the long riflemen get grace cavalry coming through there we go broke the infantry as well these guys just broken as the m42 broke too and I'm pretty certain that is now the battle there we go end it because it's a settlement heroic victory we don't need to chase them down any further good all right we lost 842 Oh Roy from we've got 113 kills not bad most wood line infantry line infantry and the Lancer cavalry doing well edie we have now taken our first territory it do you have more forces over here and the British also have an army there and reason why I wanted to get a full stat ready so that we'd be able to deal with the next forces that would likely attack is the second wave the second round anything that I can cancel building wise I just set top grade routing lots of things down here just fine we need all that I can't I'm gonna cancel the fur trader and I'm gonna cancel desks then I know we'll get enough money the Train everyone we can't repair that though right so we should probably assemble our fleet shouldn't we got here sick three can't push in here move in next turn aha the British have a fleet over here fourth rate v r8 v rate sixth rate and a brig are they're all with Spain are they know they just off the oh no they are twill with Spain ooh in that case I Spain how you doing you are trade partners with France how about a military alliance yes lovely Britain's enemies are my friends oh and we can trade some more as well Austria is hostile aren't at war with me not yet but they are all with France so let's not do of that that who who likes us the most here rocker Persia we should would tell me how much I'd roughly get oh I do like that in Hammer it 1 & 2 I don't tell you how much you get in any other tools before that I like how it tells you how much you're predicted to get through trade which is quite useful um try to Noah be sure and you won't stop no I don't want that either I just might offer you the tiny amount of money that I have ok I'm not I'm not agreeing to that Denmark Denmark Denmark why do you want Georgia but the one I'm about to lose to be fair what are you just need to wait till next turn to offer them some more money okay I think wait till next turn because they're all just gonna want or jail time a piece out with him okay fine right yeah I'm not gonna say I could I could send my fleet after them here I think we'll wait we might do that next dose when I keep my get my guys together first of all don't take them out poor thing as we get jumped on by big old British fleet if that one stays there anywhere I go we should also look to get a merchant Mehta thing still we need to worry about getting them I forget I'm thinking always that or a merchant men in Napoleon total war and not Empire in which case can I just put anything on a trade node which case I should probably south some of them with some ships soon we probably can't afford no main comp attorney is dropped probably because my trade yes is getting lasted all let's try and fix that then we're just moving in and hitting a lands actually I should definitely attack that Spanish fleet a Spanish fleet sorry the British fleet that is blockading Spain a rather don't attack Spanish fleet you've just agreed to be allies dammit Lionheart will the Iroquois counter-attack nope cool yeah we should go we should go to that probably open next episode with a naval battle oho blaze your bets now like guys will Lionheart lose his whole fleet unless spanked remove Britain right now having a good old think no we also need tip my armies anything change five now that looks the same as it was everything over here you light infantry artillery no okay it doesn't like it's change anything here has it changed anything down here thankfully jerky didn't decide to attack me you've changed something over here there was a unit of dragoons before I'm pretty sure they've turned a unit dragoons into militia but some crazed reason let's get the missionary over here start dropping that geared bonkers right so the British are still oh they've moved both their ships away even better it's my income still shot no is going back up again Spain is still blockaded but if they locate locating other utilise but we should probably go and try and take them out that will do that next episode see so it wasn't other bits we can do necklace affair we're recruiting more militia but I'm pretty sure we had a degree in unit down here you guys are still the same that's good and where that army is there that does worry me a smidge we should set that up grace we get a military governor in here there's more flying infantry to send south if we had enough money which we don't yeah who's Rangers okay right Rackham right Oh can we reach ah you can maybe get close but first we actually want the artillery so let's bring you guys here that even say let's give you a general rules Turpin you'll strike that raiding party though from here they could likely go in and take any of my settlement so left them undefended cuz I took all the all the Minutemen they've moved quite a sizable force in here they're gonna get a boost with the garrison but we've got our crazy spawned in deme cannons I think we can get rid of the Minutemen send them back here one over to Boston just in case guys decide to attack good or result but I don't want to lose all my guys so let's have another battle and we will wrap things up for this first episode always like to give you guys an hour-long episode to start series so despite its quirks so far of randomly changing units here and there it's been an enjoyable start so far and then we'll have we'll have a naval battle I'll take my full fleet down just in case we get jumped on by the British afterwards we want all the cavalry to rank them down good flanking right you guys will move up that high ground do I actually want to move forward the rest of my troops they've got a mortar that's it these old demi cannons here I kind of want to pop them up here with them or shoot through all this stuff I think let's you know what let's just have them here we might even get them I don't think we'll bother with canister we'll just have them firing from here as our infantry moves forward and we're just gonna we're gonna march forward from the start [Music] then we'll keep back here are they all deployed all the way back here okay they are moving forward towards us so I mean we've chosen awful deployment now so we need to move on up really let's get on into the town oh cool meanwhile flank round with the cavalry aggressively not all the cannons gonna do much here mounted auxilary keep an eye on them in case it's led to charges I think they're thinking about it um square both these units take out 30 with that volley hold them back going to fire but we're hitting all these buildings they're just charged to that makes we'll get hit by those steaks or wait for them to move forward and engage when T then charging with my cab be able to fight one in the streets oh yeah give them a volley as lovely chew them up life just trying to flank just form up hopefully in time to give them a volley a broken get right you guys can move on up their shattered good ollie second rack notes five warm square [Music] there's nowt like far and rank to break a man's spirit at fire militia [Music] are you ready some of them are still reloading I'm on men second ranked drag that is firing drills satisfaction let them finish firing their third-ranked volley and then we'll move them up now on firing here so it's bringing you guys round and they've engaged this lot when you take out that unit we can press on up with these use on the left flank ready amen catching up oh no they honor their swinging round face the line here we go [Music] run rank now it's choosing to reload now [Music] they camera did lose a load of you over those steaks awesome controlling you manually I'm sorry [Music] well fired now they're about to break vote there we go buildings finally down broken my unit here let me get in there just in time fire back alas charge the try block Ziller e in the back there's got a shattered now that gon bring the reinforcements through here are we doing fighting pretty tight [Music] being hit by two units here get them some reinforcements I'm trying to bring you this behind so we can just fire at them and slay them all they've broken some my cavalry off come on [Music] HECO right cavalry is going to the back of the line infantry boom [Music] artillery limber on up you guys give a volley [Applause] but rank Neal oh he's too busy fighting this chap over here oh there we go good rank now finish it with a charge or an awkward shuffle you know whatever whatever floats your boat [Music] slay them all but is it broken as a a heroic victory excellent that's 1430 folks it was half our force well I was tough but for Nash Rack is mine I was gonna do more Trey but I have no money right now claim that British are in our port that is a shipyard though Oh chips they were a sixth rate in there I feel like we should deal with that later now I think we'll end things here but the sod next turn we will sail the fleet with 5th rates and 4th rates Karen aid frigate and sit great to smash these two and we might invite it as a bit of fun we're at sea the 4th rates smash away yeah really confused by the game changing units around from what I've recruited quite confused but if anyone knows a fix or what that's all about then do let me know down in the comment section if it's hopefully it'll stop happening in the next episode or two I mean thankfully they like the largest number of units swapped over was a - I think it was Minutemen and maybe one line infantry - Demi cannons hopefully I'll stop doing that if it keeps doing that then I don't know I think I might just have to deal with it for this campaign it's of those totally random things but yeah I'll have a I'll have a chat to Brownwood ball and see if he knows why that's happening but maybe it's something to do with America I don't think I've ever seen happen with any other faction in Empire before yeah you guys let me know as well if you've encountered this but yeah main thing is hopefully you've enjoyed the start of this new series so until the next one I hope you guys have enjoyed don't forget cone rate and subscribe following on Facebook and Twitter tip Ranjan the Legion check out my videos and sponsors gamesplanet overclockers UK cutie and msi till the next one ciao for now
Channel: lionheartx10
Views: 769,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: USA ETW, USA Grand Campaign, Road To Independence, USA, USA Campaign, USA Total War, Total War USA, Empire Total War, Empire Total War: Darthmod, Empire Total War: Darthmod USA, Birth of USA, Thirteen Colonies, Rise of the USA, Birth of a Nation, Jamestown Colony, Power of the USA, USA Rises Up, Overthrow the British, British Rule of America, America, British Colony
Id: _auOX74NoeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 13sec (4213 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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