Legendary Achilles Early Game Guide

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[Music] uh our deeds shall be known even when our bones are dust scattered on the wind this is total warhead and welcome here to another early game guide and this is going to be our first in a total war saga troy so this is one of my favorite campaigns that i've played in total war and it mainly has to do with the faction mechanics that actually has and how he plays as a hero right a single entity um on the battlefield so he has two faction mechanics and what we want to focus on is the living legend one initially living london is a mechanic when you start the campaign where you have three challengers that are challenging you for the living legend they're just heroes on the campaign map generic heroes when you go through them on a menu of living legend you can select to confront them when you confront them one of three things happen they basically accept that you are the living legend and that's it you've basically defeated them now when you defeat them it actually boosts an emotion and if they reject it actually boosts an emotion as well now talking about this when you confront them the other two things that can happen is that they don't accept that duel or i mean they don't accept hey you are the greatest living legend and you have to confront them either in auto resolve aka auto resolve or battle or you have you get called out of the campaign map for a few turns i think two to three and when you come back you will have defeated them now once you defeat all three of these uh challengers in one of those three ways then you get faction-wide bonuses to influence i think it's plus four faction-wide you also get minus 20 upkeep for all units faction wide and you get around i think four units in total that number might vary of some tier three or higher unique units um unique or um units of this uh culture that you can recruit basically like instantaneous recruitment of really good units and that's really good early game to get some really good units into your army now we want to work around making sure living legend is active as long as possible second off we have hot blooded achilles so you have a lot of parameters that as you do things in the campaign map they boost that percentile for these parameters and once a combination of a set of parameters causes one of these three emotions to reach a hundred percent that emotion activates or you have to pay some resources to avoid it getting activated the ones we really want to focus on are grieving and outraged grieving really helps with getting units leveled up really fast and in getting a lot of divine favor from the gods um and but it does cause a penalty to faction-wide happiness but that's not a bad thing you can actually farm rebellions with achilles at a really good effective way additionally you can also do outraged and when you do outrage you get stronger armies by that boost up your melee attack across all of the armies and additionally you get an additional melee attack bonus to achilles own army but it's gonna cause a big reduction to your resource development so we can work around outraged and making sure we get a lot of our resources through barter agreements getting outraged is the most important emotion out of all of them but grieving is also very useful indignant i never really focus on it too much because i don't really slow down that much when playing achilles and what this one does is it increases economic efficiency and happiness but it reduces likelihood of diplomatic deals and influence so it's really good when you're totaling up building up your um basically your commentaries you can work around indignant so we will look at these emotions but i really haven't used indignant too much the ones i usually focus on are grieving and outraged and those are the ones we will focus on initially in the campaign so in terms of heroes achilles can't recruit um warlords but it can recruit archers meaning you can basically get lighting strike in this game and really good bonuses to skirmisher units like the unique unit that this faction gets the aegean javelin men which are really good missile units with good uh missile block chance of 40 percent good missiles uh armor-piercing missile damage of 17 and they have okay combat stats additionally you can get probably the most important of these guys of these heroes which is defender veteran i'm not going to spoil why that is i might get to it in this um actually let me spoil it in case i don't get to it in this early game guide if you get defender veterans to rank 5 you can get a skill that boosts the recruit rank of agents in local province by five and you can get plus five to recruit rank of heroes really fast so say you pop uh five of these heroes right at one like across five turns at what location at one location sure you're gonna get a big hit to your food but if you don't have a big army upkeep you can manage that and then you can get an insane you can get all the agents recruited in that province at max rank already or ranked 26 but pretty close to max rank which is 27 completely crazy you know that's a little strategy that can be done all you got to do is combine a couple of things here boosting heroes um here and there uh their recruit rank and that is it now for unique faction units let's just uh bundle these up really fast italian marines tier three pelagic attacks pelagic the salience tier five flanking stock units really good for flanking and with stock really good for getting the walls um or getting on the walls without the enemy scene um in siege battles asgenian runners remembered on swordsmen good flanking units genie runners are tier three remembered on swordsmen i think are tier five mermaid on swordsmen also have unbreakable which is really good spear fighting meridans front line tier five unit can switch weapons making them really deadly and they have unbreakable as well all these units medium or lightweight meaning that you can build really fast attacking armies and finally as mentioned the aegean javelin men the weapon that achille starts with gives a bonus to plus four melee attack for all units when attacking and minus five percent to morale of enemy units you can also stack additional penalties to the enemy armies through morale via a priestess to really cause the enemy to have a low lower morale than usual before beginning the battle and you have really good bonuses to your own melee attack you also start with plus 10 to diplomatic relations with the kians -10 to diplomatic relations with pulaskians which are the trojans so what we're getting at here let's see what our initial plan is so you get an idea we're gonna race the two first two settlements of the lopians here that's our first thing we're gonna do the reason for that is that it will help us get to grieving faster and even if we don't get to grieving we will then cause this faction to struggle or to be eliminated and we don't have that much area to defend from if we have our um eastern enemies attacking us they'll have to come straight for our capital or the provinces that are in this border here there is less area for you to defend and what we want to do is eliminate enemies on the eastern front or deter them until we get peace and then we want to push into northwest greece that is the most important thing the main reason we want to do this is because there is a common theory where my mouse is right here about the the salience um commandeering that is uh it lets you recruit giants and it has four settlements where they don't have ports now what i'm getting at is it becomes an awesome military recruitment location and because achilles has a tier three building that boosts influence in adjacent provinces you basically make this common this commander here a military recruitment commandery where you can get insane mili attack bonuses due to that same building being constructed four times getting a statue of achilles also constructed and a temple of aries to get insane boosted giants and the unique units in achilles faction getting you really high melee attack and charge bonus units additionally you can build a temple of a fastest elsewhere but then give them additional melee attack and armor via upgrades to those units really crazy that is gonna be our plan what we're gonna do here we'll try to make this episode an hour maybe a bit more we'll see how far along i get but basically some things that can deter this plan that i've seen happen there is a faction here in the rest of this island past the southeast of the olympians sometimes to declare war and what i do is i kind of wait for them to send their army towards my settlements and then defeat them once i do that they tend to want peace i don't push down this island because of how hard it is to defend and because i want to push the northwest of greece additionally you don't really want to go to war with that faction here because they hold a settlement across the pond and unless your plan would be to grow across this island and then into this island here then set up shop and proceed east into the trojans you can do that as well it is a a viable early game uh strategy but it is dangerous to play and and if you're not really too familiar with these games and you might have to handle a lot if you get two people coming to war against you and you have multiple fronts where the enemy can attack from if you go northwest not that many avenues the enemy can attack from they can just they can only come via whatever you hold close to the water the rest of the northwest is protected that's something that could deter us i've also seen times where like comedies the lupians actually declare war on you it's rare but i've seen it happen that's something to watch out for the magnetis faction sometimes tends to break their non-aggression pack with you and declare war on you unexpectedly that's okay we are gonna break it and then declare war on them by turn 21 and that will then lead us to attack them if they do it beforehand it might take this wooden this wood settlement that we start with by our capital we'll push up to them and take their their settlements the rest of them that's basically a plan right now uh we'll also get a lot of non-aggression packs with the big factions in the pulaskians or the ikea side to really get into a really good situation militarily and diplomatically speaking to set up shop and then you decide whatever you want to do in the campaign we're gonna play on legendary campaign difficulty veteran battle difficulty which gives in battle modifiers to the ai of about 15 to 20 percent across many stats additionally the ai gets plus six to their morale and you get minus four to your morale meaning that you have a net 10 differential in the favor of the ai versus you and morale that is the biggest thing you must overcome um when playing against the ai in this game we're gonna play on extreme unit scale size and uh blood is gonna be completely maxed out because i don't know i just decided to play it like that so that's everything let us begin now we're gonna watch the cut scene so let's begin how they play we already know this stuff already talked about it defeat enemy defending army belonging to the following faction in battle elopians we get some good food and bronze we will do that really fast early in the game so we want to before doing living legend because we could get achilles called back um and removed from the campaign map if i confront and he has to be removed for three turns we're gonna engage this army initially but before doing so we want to do diplomatic deals right away because that's actually gonna help us early in the game to um get some non-aggression packs initially so i think the one we want to go for here is sparta and additionally we want to get some stone here to benefit us to build up shop boom now we got another aggression pack and then we also want to get one with this faction it's not you know it's a random faction but it prevents us from getting pulled into anything unexpectedly it's always good to get in on aggression packs because the ai does not always tend to just outright break a pact they break i mean break a pack to declare war that same turn they tend to break a pact and then wait a bit before declaring war others they're kind of unreliable so they can potentially be a problem in that aspect so i think that's it um we could potentially get a deal with these guys but we don't actually want to spend that much in bronze i think that's it there and now let us begin here so in terms of real decrees whenever you play factions in troy sometimes some resources are already or some reforms are already acquired here you start with food and bronze the game designers pick these two for maybe one or two reasons as mentioned before the unique units of achilles are light and medium units so if you look at this side of the tree you boost up the stats of light units here which is excellent and if you go on this side of the tree you boost up the stats of medium uh infantry so the game is telling us that it's for the units we're gonna be playing with i'm gonna already give you two uh reforms that help you get those units up and running or recruited faster now here we're gonna have a lot of food early in the game um so this doesn't really worry me too much about getting the recruitment cost reduction but it is useful to get the extra mili attack and melee defense for light infantry now this is a total of 12 turns to get here 11 turns to get here that is good and all but we want to make sure we get additional resources that can benefit us to recruit units and build buildings etc and there's a couple here extra stone always very useful extra gold always very useful so we will get those as well and we already have extra bonuses to food and to bronze so this settlement here is the one that's in danger of being taken over by magnetism they betray us hoping achilles might have so here we're gonna go for mr achilles he is doing fine and all we'll push him into this army down here going back to this settlement there is a chance that we will lose it but we also don't want to uh reduce our growth too much so we're going to do is our influence also is going to go down below 60 so we want to make sure we get the highest magnitude of wood we can get in this location um with uh not too much penalties and not considering high influence because we're potentially gonna drop below that now if we get this one logger's tent it's gonna take a long time to get the wood back of constructing this uh building here which isn't a good thing now happiness could essentially uh potentially tank to zero here and get our i mean to negative 100 here and cause a rebellion but it's in a bath it isn't a bad thing to get a bronze fire pit at this location to just boost up how much food we're getting but it's only five percent so it's not really too much that we are actually getting at this location we do want to get a freak uh prectoria here to get the light swordsman recruited and then here influence is gonna go down that is a given so i would say that this can be constructed but the loss of growth is a pretty big hit and we don't essentially want to take that um early game we could manage with the bronze fire pit and the happiness hit it is what it is we don't care too much we're gonna remove the muster field and put a temple of aries here also of ares here to get extra melee attack and charge bonus for units and we're gonna get a full stack of light sourcement units recruited at this location here with achilles we're gonna push on this army now it's a pretty easy auto resolve we're just gonna go for it cram look at that excess blood my goodness man okay so here we didn't take that many losses that is good now spill their blood boost grieving so it's good to go for this all right we're good there and now it says here maintain a total of 12 units we will do that in due time let's go this way and here it's a cabin victory we are going to do this because this cadmium victories when you get a couple of them sometimes even once it's kind of weird you can get a trait that boosts the charge bonus and i think milli attack of units in your army which is really good so there we lost the young spear unit that's fine that's a really weak unit and here we're going to race that's going to give us a good amount of stone and that's really important and gold crazy and this is gonna cause us to get grieving up to 35 already because race settlements gives plus 20 percent and killing captives gives plus 10 percent each unit that is destroyed and achilles army is 5 couple of important things to note here the straight units also includes replacing a hero so if you replace achilles because he confronts another challenger and he has to go away for a few turns this goes up by five percent now additionally a trick you can do if achilles gets recalled right because of confronting a challenger is to do it when you have really low amounts of food because if you have less than how much it costs to recruit a hero you will only pay however much uh food you have left in your bank at the moment uh to recruit the hero because it's a necessity so if you have cereal food and achilles gets recalled you pay zero food to recruit a hero which is a good trick to avoid that food penalty achilles leveled up there are some good um abilities here i like to go for frenzy but later in the game because frenzy causes a penalty to stamina but if you combine that with cleave you can get net stamina again using them together and get crazy stab bonuses for achilles i think we're good here um additionally another thing you must note about achilles is that he starts with teresa's uh orteres tethys a ceremonial cup giving more food per ton in the region he's located and more growth in local province important to keep track of so here we're good there and then we're gonna move back over here in a turn um i think that's all we're gonna do here now i am going to do a prayer and a hecatum but it's going to be in a bit it's going to be when i'm ready to recruit units because i want to get units recruited at rank in a recruit rank 2 and have very high local recruitment capacity so once i build the altar of aries i'll get plus one to local recruitment capacity and with athena i'll get an additional plus one to local recruitment capacity and plus two to recruit rank of all units if i do a hecatum and a prayer or athena getting me a respected effect which you can see it on the top right that's it there nothing else we're gonna do here let us continue i don't think there's anything else i wanted to do yep let us continue okay it shall roll the cream it's gonna take a little bit of time and then here we can go back this way i don't care about this and then we just want to replenish our units but we want to do it at the location where we have the pretoria so we get the plus 100 to recruit experience of units and then here we want to build a um where is it alter of aries here we go let's go back all the way this way and now the units will get this extra bonus of plus 200 experience or plus 100 experience because this is the bonus you see here is the preview bonus and that's going to be for own armies in this province it's this region region okay yeah actually i don't think i have to place them here i don't remember now but that's okay let's go to diplomacy quick deal not aggression pack nothing yet that i can do it's always too it's always good to check every single turn how high you are in the deals to get make sure you can get something that you might lose at the next turn so here we're doing good we'll get the altar of aries constructed we'll get that it's gonna take a few turns to get this up to level two up i think that is it let us continue you okay construct the building in a second and we can build this yeah we'll wait on that and then what happened here is that he got this building but it's really weak so what i can do is take advantage that he took this while he's mustering units and then potentially race at the next turn to get grieving up even higher so here we're still gonna wait next turn we can start recruiting the light swordsman and a temple of aries let's go to um a living legend or a lot of achilles what am i doing oh let's go to divine will let's go to athena race it and then pray and now we should be able to start recruiting units at level two here so here we're doing good we're not boosting up achilles level right now i yeah this is up to level five i already looked at this we're good and let us continue yup constructed a building that's good prayer answer athena level up ares upgrade the main building of any settlement okay so this is at level six here but my units are really weak so we're gonna hold off on attacking that guy just a bit more and then here we can get a bit more resources happiness will go down i think we'll keep it as it is and then here we're just going to get tons of light swordsmen it's a weak unit it's not necessarily great per se but with all the bonuses that we're gonna give this unit it's actually gonna become very viable let's get a bunch of them recruited like infinite amount of them there and you see how we have 54 food now now is a good time to go to living legend and confront people the one refused there we go achilles got recalled now watch this it's only gonna cost 54 food to recruit a person that's the trick here now it is good here to get um someone that whose motivation will go up so aries will get respected we don't want him to entertain garrison he's gonna be garrison for a little bit and then here he's gonna this guy could be reinforcing later down the line so we could get this motivation his motivation up plus two when he's reinforcing or being reinforced let's recruit him and there didn't waste that much food and now i got all these units being recruited excellent but he starts at very low health actually that's very neat i decided to do it like that and then here this can go up in level but that's okay we'll hold off on that let's continue now i didn't check diplomacy but that's something that you can do okay diplomacy again big deal nobody wants to do a deal okay get everybody recruited up there are 20 units in total it's gonna take two more turns to get this army completed and if we look how long it takes to get achilles back gonna take one more turn so he'll be back in one turn okay two and i'm gonna waste that and then in two turns i can get this up to the next level i don't wanna boost up the minor settlement because there's a chance that it i will lose it so down okay so now let's go to here now watch what i was talking about look at grieving it's at 40 percent if i go here you can rely on me boom achilles okay maybe i was wrong about that i thought um i didn't make it go up well forget what i said about that and then here two more units or one more turn to recruit the last units here to get a full army and then we'll engage on this army and finish them off and here we're doing a okay getting good amount of uh food let's continue they want peace but that's gonna cause us to have a reliability hit and we don't want that and then here they know that i have low food this is why they're trying to give me more food but they want my wood which is the most important resource i would argue in the game because you can find yourself short on it it's good to just try to boost that oh there i completed this mission right now or i should be completing it and here again that's going up because i've been garrison for a while and i can engage this settlement and we can do is go ambushed and then pull them off into the battlefield and in here we're gonna be doing a okay continue yup either clear wars so he's probably gonna send that army towards me that's okay so these guys want to give me one tom my stone for bronze that we're not gonna do that okay so we got the extra stone let's go to public achilles or yep got the 20 units there and then here we got the stone let's get the gold now okay and then i actually want to deconstruct this the altar of aries because i'm no longer recruiting units there and then statue of achilles i also don't need this and then here we can continue okay control entire province we'll do that in a second i can't okay and then here what we're going to do is we're going to get a ultra fastest to get these units up and running in a very good state and then of course um the happiness is going to go down so i am going to um struggle here with having rebellions but that's a given and then here i think we're okay let's continue yep they want to give us food that's okay we're not gonna be taking that deal we'll beat that in a second it's beyond me my reputation is fueled so then here i can just do this battle because it seems like the army is not really moving don't hold back and it will be a cadmium victory and i'll lose a lot of units but that's so that's i would accept that but since i already recruited all these units i don't necessarily want to go through that big penalty so let us just fight the battle here all right august is good because fog actually reduces the shooting range of the towers and then we actually want to attack from one location but we want to make sure yeah this location is good and easy to take you see this the tower range it's very low so we're gonna go over here right here there he's back here everybody's hiding and then we're gonna use the italian marines because they have stock to come into this range here between these two towers they don't get discovered and make sure they're actually very elongated like that and go up this way hey very good but there is one unit around here we gotta be careful about that your ladders have a foothold on their walls i'm still not visible that's the important part you have captured the enemy tower they're not visible go this way the foe has sighted your hip units because we are sighted we're gonna have to start moving up so here what we're gonna do hold on you are about to capture the gates you'll be able to eat them up for breakfast how this guy has so much aristea what so we're gonna make sure there's no unit here so we can take the gate we're capturing it come on that gave us out some speed which we're gonna need here you have captured the gates very good pushing them back the foe has captured your tower oh interesting they actually captured that okay let's try this get in get in get in the enemy is trying to capture the gates mike elise come in reason you want to get on the gate is because your units are going to get winded you don't want that at all okay hungry come on and then you switch your attack mode chase you sure you can take him out let's get to it last chance to run away come on come on come on chase his ass got surrounded there come one you're going to suffer attack for the ikea [Applause] trained and ready your warriors are losing your heart come on shoot at this guy i don't have to listen to this okay warriors that's gonna help break his ass there you go [Music] okay that hero's gone we gotta finish up this one i've been routed come on you can be broken if you want to prepare to die just shut up and fight wipe them out come on finish him off come on just lost some frames there very good go through them sweet victory is how hard is it to shoot this guy come on there you go now you die understood fine not a problem no mercy let us ass escape one of your units has no more ammunition come on achilles i need to keep chasing him so he doesn't come back and doing anything okay with all these units this way let him come back three two one raise your speed there you go let him come back hades has claimed the enemy very good as they're getting their asses kicked that's okay there we go all right much harder battle than i wanted it to be but we got them done we're not to keep chasing them i know we could get a lot of unit model kills but that's okay then here we still want to do the grieving so let's just race again and we get some good resources and let's see how high we are 60 now pretty good and then this faction could potentially push towards us i want to make sure i can finish him off uh in the next turn here i think we're good we'll get the ultra fastest in a second and then next turn i will also get um that breakdown on aggression pack with magnetos so they're willing to give a lot of food and gold for peace and that isn't a bad thing but they you know there's a chance that they could potentially declare war on me again now let's declare war i think actually they did yeah you see and still were with a bantus so i could push on them actually there's an army right here i didn't even see them you zoom out you can actually see them here so we could definitely do peace and forget about them and then just um proceed to the northwest like i mentioned that i'll turn the fastest got all those bonuses recruit one hero defeat all challengers defeat the last one boom we got that bonus and now i got the bonus of um recruit extra units and minus 20 to upkeep for units which is great now we can go back this way get everybody replenished and then what we want to do here is grab all of these units and upgrade boom sure they are sort of weak that's okay and then we're at rank 3 here we do want peace with this faction but i'm gonna have to push back on them try and convince me that minus 12 which is pretty high okay wait for them to come back and then here we want to break this an aggression pack bam uh i think we're in a good state now construction available assigned skill points two points left we got this which helps with pr uh happiness and local province which is good so we're not ready to get hit by the penalty there um and then here what we can do is upgrade this to the next level we have enough stone and food for it and then we can start this this is already at rank three so we can start getting a bit of chariot which is great and then continuing we do want to get hephaestus up to the next level and then finally we do want to improve happiness at this location let's go this way um i think it's good to go for this stone because we do need it um not worth it well i got a mission to do a hecaton ritual so the one i would want to go for is plus three recruit rank for priestesses so i can recruit a priestess right now all the other ones some of them are good um for example cult or love of all people is good as well and also uh plus two recruiting for spy is also useful but let's just do one for apollo uh here [Music] all right we got it for apollo and then we'll get fastest up to the next level but in the meantime this army is going to come to attack this minor settlement we're going to make sure we get into a defensive position when they actually come towards us let's go here and then here we can level it up to level three but there is a chance that this faction will attack this settlement so you want to play it very defensively there and i think we're good let's continue and then here hell no we're not going to do that it's too way too much resources for that non-aggression pack buddy and then here they're willing to ask for some food to give me bronze and i'll do it because i'm gonna get fastest to the next level and i need bronze to get that um up all right so uh upgrade then building a fine settlement to its max level elite unit will be available in the recruitment pool so we can attack this um faction here but we won't get the garrison um basically right behind us what we can do is come over here get that extra bonus there to um ambushing and then we still haven't built a temple it's gonna take one more turn and we can actually get a bit more happiness here we get the spy recruited and what we can do is recruit an agent and we can get the priestess at a bit higher level which is good and we want to get her for favor of aries which is really useful for us athena is also really good but we'll get um aries for now because she's ranked five we can also do this here and lower the morale of enemy units which is going to become -10 because we have achilles bonus due to his weapon which is really good or we can get more gold and that is really valuable to get we can also get even more favor to have fastest going this way or we can improve the sections of enemy or uh of any actions for this agent so since we want to get user for getting gold we're gonna actually give her those points there and here we're in a good situation we'll recruit an agent there and we can start recruiting some chariots in just a bit let's continue so we'll push back on this army and then here nope we want that bronze thank you and they are willing to ask for peace but they're asked for a lot of resources and i'm gonna get a penalty if i accept that so we're not gonna do that right now so this it's okay to declare war on me because i do want to go to war against them so we got 250 favor a mythical unit's not available let's see which one uh simple giant vanguard they're not really that good so we're gonna forget about um using them i am a legend hey there will be a rebellion here that's okay so now we can recruit chariots and they're gonna have bronze um they do cause um bronze to actually maintain we'll hold off on getting them until we get some bronze in our faction i'm not gonna use any skill points there oh he actually went for that um what we're going to do is we're actually going to go towards him here because he just actually got this settlement that was raised i can now completely beat up this army and then race this settlement yet again and i should get grieving to a really high level now [Applause] yep let's just race again all right so now let's see how high grieving is it's at 80 so it's pretty high i lost some units there and then let's actually get oration of dread to get a bit of gold very good and now let's see i'll get the half actually should have done the upgrade to the armor there and i think i can get here so i think what's gonna happen is that this army that is not possible i actually don't think they can reach the settlement okay what we're going to do is we're going to recruit an agent victory uh this guy again and i recruit him right here so he can actually reach the settlement and this or um the enemy army and then achilles can reach um the army in um reinforcement and here are a couple more things that i can use actually still leveled up did he does he actually have additional points one more additional point so uh important thing to note here arm of the fastest actually it says it gives plus 60 weapon damage but it gets actually 150 so it's actually bugged right now i would actually still take the plus 5 to melee attack and then i would go for the typo of aries to get the extra charge bonus for units but we're just going to get extra milli attack because it's very useful and no point on the first um skill points up there so now we left this fashion really weak i can't see this at one piece now a really good piece value and none aggression is really good because they're unreliable so yes another russian pact means that they could break it but at least it'll fend them off for a little bit and then here they have a good amount of stone and gold so we can actually go hey man i want some good amount of gold here let's get it to like 150 there and then how much can you can i get out of you a little bit is a little bit so we can get an aggression pack piece and then um some a little bit of resources now i also want to do a barter agreement and the resource that i'm low on at this time i would say is still going to be gold and wood so if we go here anybody want an aggression pack itaca's very close to winning an aggression fact i'd say it's very good to do this so we are in a very good situation with them nobody else wants to do non-aggression pack those either okay so going back um who has a lot of wood ithaca of course we shall sacrifice the stop order agreement speak together like that and then let's give him just a tiny bit of gold getting plus 10 actually no it's not a bad idea bar agreement 100 and then yeah this is fine we're gonna lose a bit of food doing this but it's worthwhile okay and now we got a bit more um resources control complete uh look settlement location recruit some units we're not going to recruit any units just yet and then we're going to use achilles to go for this army in a second continue [Music] so yeah there's a rebellion here that doesn't worry me at all it might cause my archer to lose some movement though but that is the only worry that i have actually and then here lose some stone to gain wood don't think so okay so there they go sure that settlement was all lost cost let's actually let him take it okay and that's good now because since that army moved back they're not replenishing the settlement a lot of buildings actually got souza's wrath which is not good there we took some big hits to wood okay now this way let's go over here and then let's make sure everybody gets the upgrade oh i can't do the upgrade because this guy hurt oh my god really okay yeah where is this chick nice give me more gold and she leveled up and let's get moments of sacrifices lost 10 chance of rituals yeah let's just do it here because i think that affects both enemy and our own so here we can actually attack this um rebellion boom okay and then we can go for spill their blood to get grieving see how we're doing here 90 percent it's good to be reinforcing because that actually gives you campaign movement range you can also through a trade you can also gain a trade where you don't re or you're alone not getting reinforced and that will also get you um off we go call it master of combat yeah so here we go so we're gonna get favor of the gods some more favor from priestesses and um from rituals and plus 200 experience for units which is really good so let's do this so now we reinforced multiple times and now now we have plus ten percent to campaign moving range and plus five percent for movement for all uh units so now if we look at this here for our milli units if you look at the vine wheel here we got pretty high for hephaestus now and apollo is still there you know not bad so it's good if access is where it is now i do want to attack this army here life is suffering and now that i got this to the next level i can now build up the charge bonus of units it's good to get the extra charge bonus for two-handed units but most units that you use like the elite ones are shielded so you know for example getting a lot of myrmidons instead of like boosting it up for italian marines because you're not gonna have that many of those in the army i take it extra charge bonus for shielded units and now these units actually have that bonus let's go this way i think he can reach right yeah i'll do it right i think you already used it right yeah let's go this way a very good situation let's take him out so there's an epic mission in that main settlement of magnetis without the genie runner unit that's expected they usually get taken out um for some reason and we're just gonna reoccupy this settlement it might have lost a level yep because the enemy took it but now we can start building this up correctly and then here or die glory go this way let's go here so we can get replenished better and now he's in a very weak situation where i can just roll into his settlements so we're a good state there you have a lot of missions we're the heroes senator russian back to the diplomacy let me see in a russian pack nobody wants to do one right now that's okay and we can start recruiting an agent but i don't think i can right now so i think we're good raw decree available so now we can get there's a couple things that are very important here now that we have all of these so i would say that really important here is to get the extra diplomatic relations with all these factions to get better deals and we'll get that gold up there by getting those favors with this priestess so here we're good and let's continue okay and then here they want some of the bronze but no we're not because we're still going to use it for all those units and they won't piece now but we're not going to give it to them sorry buddy a level apollo went down that's expected 100 outcome boom so we gain more hephaestus which is great because we get fastest up to 600 we can get the um divine craftsman agent recruited to get really good armor for the units and additionally we can get really good extra damage for milli units in our faction so now we can go attack that settlement there but we're just gonna hold off on doing that right away we can actually grab the minor settlement so i think what we will do is it's crazy how much campaign movement range i kill these gets actually no we can't reach it okay yeah let's go here 30 that's okay yeah there's no extra bonus there let's go here 30 percent more there let's get you over here i already used her and then here we can start building this up to actually get um more wood over time although we might want to hold off on that because of this faction if they declare war on us glory then death and then we can get back the aegean runner but there's a chance that we will lose the enemy runner there we can also start recruiting um the chariot although we don't have that much bronze coming in so here so let's actually go here and spend all of this bronze to level up these units yet again and that's okay to do that and then now let's get one of these genius runners and then boost them up again and then here from me or the skill point hasn't been used and we'll hold off on that he hasn't leveled up okay let's continue so there's another there's going to be a lot of rebellions at this location that's fine we'll just have to manage with them and now this faction will pro potentially the army that's there will potentially strike there we go and this is good now oh and there's already a temple of avastas constructed there i got lucky actually not really lucky because you're not i'm not gonna get the divine bonus from it so yeah and then here no replenishment just get the food done really just donation of dread on me and they're willing to give me more bronze that's okay don't need it there's an aggression pack but they want to give me they want a lot of my gold which i'm not gonna give them queen of mythical units go here version of dirt 65 there we're good and then we can start attacking this settlement now we might lose a unit let's go over here and then we're actually gonna get in camp stance bam that's gonna give us bonus to melee defense and morale there's actually a rebellion here i'm actually surprised the world will burn a long road there and then let's actually confront we want to do this no i should do this yeah you can rely on me very good and then we'll take the major settlement this is a great um commentary to get because it is actually very defensible uh because the enemy would have to first attack what's by the water before getting to it and there's no portster so you can make it into a military um based um commentary just like the one that's north of it that i mentioned at the beginning of the guide here this reward is just oh nice and now what we're gonna do here is just straight you take you straight here so it is a common victory but the casualties are predicted too high and i don't want to lose um all these units uh during this battle we're actually gonna fight this manually here sure they have some light swordsmen they show the spearmen do worry me along with the renowned club warriors but definitely some scary stuff that i'm facing off against but i do have achilles actually before doing that i can use the level up and i can use one skill point let's see where do i want to spend it so if i look at this garrison let's look at it again there is shielded spearmen are actually really scary we can actually get achilles to do more damage against spear units boom there face off against this and we're going to do this battle manually and i'll send an achilles to finish off or to i'll defeat the shield of spearman and the rest my army should be able to manage against them let's fight this battle let's continue here so let's see if we get foggy again watch me get rain watch i'm gonna get rain that's always dry huh okay so now starting here there it this map though because i am reinforcing it is good that i'm reinforcing from this area because now my army can come in and i'm not gonna be hit by um them not you know being visible so what i'm gonna do here is use this guy as a distraction and move him all the way over here really far away so the ai places um the units on the other side of the map and then once this army comes in and gets really close to the edge of the forest then i'll send them in um and they'll become visible reinforcements are here here we go so let's grab them little by little so what the problem with this location here is that i'm gonna be coming into this fourth tower which is gonna be a problem and look at all these stab bonuses man so we're gonna do here with achilles is make sure this unit let's put them all the way i just move them all the way over here so achilles uh make sure this unit gets the bonus of speed okay there go this way [Music] oh whoops the foe has cited your hidden units [Music] you are about to capture the gates through the big gate capture big gate there you go you have captured the gates no no log in on the tower don't get on the tower come on oh my god i hate this okay come on guys go straight in you have captured the enemy tower wanna kill ease lost his ass um [Applause] [Applause] uh everybody got in right almost for glory these missile units there one you two focus on the hero everybody else move your asses there you go bush come on come on you're shooting at them okay all right this guy's done you chase him achilles help everybody except these guys let's get to it together yeah 30 seconds thirteen seconds aliens chase them chase him i mean i need to go up this damn hill to take this freaking tower here here we go achilles get the damn tower come on did you chase him well let him come back come on ready to throw attack should have wrapped the damn tower there yo deplete his ass come on [Music] okay comes back in i'll take his ass out ease man come on dude if you don't move through all these units my blob is too big come on your warriors are losing hearts is german oh basic spearman unit okay [Applause] there you go flank them get your shield back up come on your warriors have been routed jeez man that freaking tower thy aries your warriors are rallying just to break all these units come on there we go all right army losses hit and that should be it i forgot about the shield experiment was that them up there um i didn't know where they were all right stop this because we're just taking more damage so that should take care of those units and now we have the the salient capital okay very good we didn't lose any units which the auto resolve would have made me use uh loose and we're just gonna occupy the settlement nice because it is ranked two that is really good we have a ultra fastest which is not really giving me any bonuses but we can actually just demolish this and then we don't really want to get these units recruited there we don't care about this for now only legends live forever and then let's get you those are that way so we can uh get their final settlement and then we'll deal with this um rebellion in a little bit actually let's not build that and then diplomacy quick deal non-aggression pact anybody nope i really want peace but we need to start grabbing all these territories all right continue okay no thank you eat the gold homie and then here nope sorry and then how many more turns to get this one more turn go here boom excess even more gold and now we can actually go this way and finish off this faction very good we did lose our unit there that's okay my skills improve death is the leveler more this is really good for a um archer hero because they actually boost up the stats of melee units the signs are destroyed now it is turn 18 perfect because i want to when it's turned 21 i actually want to go off and go to war against that small faction there and here we can start recruiting a spy if we want to we can also do a hekatoom for artemis here and then let's go over here and recruit a spy a regular one boom level three is good and success chance of enemy actions is always good we can also embed him into achilles army to make it even more resilient in combat but i think it's always useful to use this um to really uh incapacitate enemy characters there's a really strong way of playing with um agents this one leveled up again victory something that i really want to spend this on i can definitely use it for altar of aries down the line okay and then here let's go back and then get another ultra fastest to really max that out and we want to build this into a very big uh location for recruiting units but we'll hold off on building anything like that just yet because at least we want to make sure our happiness gets stabilized we recruit a second um spy as well we are doing good so it says recruit a mythical unit and i can get uh this mission completed so i gotta see her now if i move the seer oh my god dude how many turns is that one two three five so one two three four five okay so i should be able to complete it i'll get this agent all the way down there so i get a lot of experience for achilles all right we're good there we go divine challenge or suez's wrath both are really good um we will actually use it on disciplinarian because we want to get the bonuses for uh raiding on enemy locations again and then we can boost up the stats of our missile units and that's going to be really useful especially if i get a lot of virginian javelin man on this secondary army which i think i will do all right so we're good there we don't want to get hit by that um hit to growth here because we want to build up this commentary as fast as i can let's continue so we should be getting ready in about three turns to declare war on the magnetis faction and then finish them off and then here um i do have a good amount of wood coming in and not that much stone pretty worthwhile to do this and then here nope sorry let's see where his army is there's one there that seems like that's it i'll wait two more turns so the things that i want to the building that i want to build here is this one which is really expensive but this is what uh it could really make it useful for recruiting units but i should actually leave it for the settlement that has the giant buildings we'll avoid doing that here but for now we can use this as a location to get um growth to build this up faster let's go here yep let's just get closer to the enemy as well all right i really don't want to keep this giant unit because it just caused a lot of food i should have actually have maintained it i'll just change it for a genuine runner and then if we look at divine will it's 144 right now or have asked us so we'll get a heck of tomb in four turns here and then here doing good a little bit more with happiness i cannot oblige oh yeah i should actually go in force march because i do need to fend off this army from attacking this settlement it's actually a pretty strong rebellion now that i look at it and the seer is going to go all the way down there yeah so i'll deal with the rebellion in a turn and then i'll go start proceeding against magnetism in due time and here nope i need to go stone thank you and they nope sorry so let's go this way and strike at this location and that's really good don't be done for i think that the army that was there actually attacked this rebellion because they don't have well maybe they didn't yeah let's get all the treasury there very good units are rank four now so what i can do here is since i have the chariots ready to be recruited um let's do this how many can i recruit two right now so let's combine a couple of these units or [Music] let's go this way and then recruit two of these chariots i have 10 units there right now he's still level four all getting built up i keep the rituals or favor how fast this and then if we look at divine will that 278 now okay one more turn to get this up a lot of rebellions in multiple places that's okay and now next turn i'll declare war on this faction and then start finishing them off damn you got a bunch of shielded spearmen holy dude oh you're recruiting here huh can i get that uh deal a russian pack with anybody no how many more missions do i have left control in province upgrading settlement to its maximum level work with a hero and an aggression pact this lady down there in a second all right i think we're good and then here hector is uh sending people over of course like always war never ends there we are all born to die there everybody's in a good situation here i have a couple more turns of these favors okay continued um no thank you no thank you really good for me so now this gets me really high up in gold which i do want um but additionally getting bronze is gonna help me because of how much i'm paying in bronze or um the chariots and help me actually not go negative so it's it's always good to go for the gold initially um but the bronze is going to be useful actually i think that i'll still go for the gold and i'll manage getting bronze through uh diplomacy but in here i can assassinate rival has a 60 chance of succeeding really good now that i actually needed to do that but now what i can do is come over here he's on force march so he's in a really bad situation boom and now we can start pushing towards his settlements with ease yeah let's get some more treasures that gives me a bit more bronze let's do motivation oh nice and then yep let's go into force march we need to make sure we can reach that settlement you're good there you say you can't move or growth we're already getting an outgrowth here and two three more turns until i can get this up to level two there will be a rebellion here so forget about this growth building and then here we're gonna be able to recruit one more spy we already got the chariot that's okay let's continue [Music] so what i want to do is i want to finish off the episode by taking out this magnetis faction to have a really good um situation surrounding me and then here he's like hey uh give me some wood per turn and i'll give you some food because you're negative but i can manage with how much food i'm losing and here nope i need that bronze because i'm negative on bronze dead before they know it so because i only have one turn left i'm actually at a really good state where i can um i can actually then when i get the first epic mission which will give me a free chance to get outraged i will have finished grieving meaning that my units will rank will have ranked up a lot over time and now then i can move to outrage to get even more bonuses which are insane all right so i now completed this mission that's good it's your commandment on one province and we will issue it and then happiness and growth and since now this is in a very good state here defensively speaking i can start building this up and because i need to start getting more food because i'm a bit negative in that aspect we're gonna start building all of this here and then i need a bit more wood actually drop this and get that constructed a little knowledge is a dangerous thing where's my spy here the knife in the dark setting off we need to keep leveling him up and then here a chance of incapacitating it's always good to incapacitate enemy characters it's very very useful and one more turn i need to wait spend there what temple is here aphrodite yeah okay good here leveled up yet again so this one's really good rating no longer incurs movement penalties meaning that you can keep braiding as you're going through enemy settlements really useful to get this and then now where is the seer keep taking her downstairs there we go and then the vine will take a tune one more turn because i want to make sure fastest gets up and running up to the highest level oh my god my uh fps has just dropped there and then here go stay camp to make sure everybody gets replenished sky leveled up yet again here we can just keep lowering uh do the same thing with this one so they can be raiding as well it can be raining at all times as well okay and i think that will be it there agenda moved which one yeah that's that's a given it's one it's anything i don't know that's constructed here let's see and then here we're doing fine we can start building stuff here oh i can actually build this but that actually costs a lot my growth is actually pretty insane actually manage this penalty but we don't need that wood yeah let's let's not build anything just yet let's continue yeah i don't care about that thank you so now the army sh um grieving should be gone this next turn and then i'll get outraged in the upcoming turn and then here no thank you commandment so we're done with that mission all right here this got hurt just got hurt all right so now we want to grab this settlement next let's go this way it's actually that's what we're going to do you're going to reinforce again getting camped boom you're going to go here oh i didn't get the okay interesting okay i kill these we'll take it i think we'll lose the genie runner yet again but i don't think i'll lose any other units yep we lost a genie runner damn that's actually a really bad auto result for me that's okay um actually for some reason the the tn spears energy runners get really bad auto resolve um chances with this army composition yeah we did lose some but now we just got a major settlement pretty good and let's see he got this already constructed always good to get centaur scouts but right now we really want to stabilize the region how much or movement do i want to give you you get there in one turn you should be able to though um let's do this my reputation will stay here a while all right we got him there and now we can embrace destiny and now he's gonna actually get outraged which is great yeah i don't really want to spend you can select whichever one of these you want to get outraged is going to be really useful so i'm going to lose a lot of resources and that's okay but we're going to get a lot of casualty replenishment like what you can see here you can actually keep moving forward and then here we get the center scouts i'm gonna avoid them just for now and then i kill these leveled up um melee defense for all units yep we don't care about getting more missile damage because we're gonna have missile units on his army that much and then here or hephaestus and there's a rebellion here that we need to manage my growth is really low why is that not that high okay so we're good there this guy i need to actually use him here assassinate enemies okay very good so now we have enough gold to get this plus 30 diplomatic relations which is excellent when you get the 15 spears but again just like before we can lose them i start confronting all these people so we can get that minus 20 again so achilles got challenged except what does the clan do let's recall him so we're gonna actually get hit by the food penalty that's okay nice games got reinforced okay that's fine even with the losses there i'm okay and we'll confirm the next guy in just a second all right continue yep do that now we should finish that oh mission that i have pending to get another aggression packed let's see don't care so there's always a chance when you declare war on magnetos that that faction so this is fine and all but we don't want to waste that stuff there and i don't want to change my actual stance so let's just ignore the demand sure i'll get a penalty to minus 10 to the magnetic relations but i got the minus the plus 30 which is fine and this is one of the missions here to get a lot of these settlements which are up here in the northwest we'll we'll take them in a little bit and then here we can we should be able to reach the settlement right yeah fighting fit afraid not we will claim victory succeeded and then here attack the settlement and that is it bring that so i think this is x-net when i want to have so it's a very long early game guide so the key here is that yes you're gonna suffer through happiness issues gonna be going off against a lot of um rebellions but what you net gain at the end is a really good amount of settlements in the beginning you also deter pushing through this island which is not a very good defensible position to be in and now we're in a situation where we can recall this uh dude here yeah boost the stats of missile units for him and then recall him because we don't need him anymore and that's gonna help our food and then in terms of uh what we're gonna get next is more treasures after battle is always very useful but we need to start stabilizing our regions because right now we're just pushing endlessly out towards the enemy and when we're outraged we get a penalty to all resources faction wide and to growth so we need to help uh counter that and right now what i can do is go all the way over there one more okay so we just keep her here she leveled up so this this lady is really good for what i'm using her here which is to get a lot of gold and then um yeah get a lot of gold against enemy armies like um the rebellions and then also get a lot of favor with whoever is um whichever god we're praying to so let's get another alter of the fastest we can get that leveled up there and then we are not that close to getting this up and running we also have a pending mission to get this stuff to the next level one of these minor settlements to level two so we're gonna do that there and then this agent is very useful to just help counter some of the weight that the enemy could be hitting us with and i think that's it there let's see yeah let me make sure she's getting down there there we go so achilles has got a bonus to his uh statistics this guy leveled up too but since achilles is recalled i can't really give him those points just yet but wait i think one more turn all right and now from here you have multiple options so let's go to diplomacy quick deal and because we just got all those bonuses diplomatically we can start making deals with a lot of factions to really calm them down so down here these guys are still kind of iffy about me but here though since it's at 1.9 we can do a uh single barter and just get a little bit of resources i'm gonna make sure that any factions that are around that we just don't want to be you know in trouble with even if it's a minor faction we just get deals with you know non-aggression packs make sure everything stays calm in these areas okay let's go over here so ithaca is actually willing to do a a defensive alliance i'm not willing to do that because it's actually iffy to be doing that um because you can start getting pulled into wars with the trojans and i don't want to be getting pulled into wars with them so now that we're in this situation right we have a lot of settlements let's do ownership here so it's it's visible so we're in a very good state here we have a lot of ways we can move outwards so this faction here has two settlements by the water and then one over here which is a bronze settlement we need bronze for all the chariots and any elite units that we get additionally we gotta look at other factions see what they have so for example this faction here has only one settlement so it's actually a viable candidate to go to war against they do have a defensive alliance with these with this army here which i also want to go to war against so whichever you decide to push up against you know this army here which is in defensive alliance with these ones or this this um action here you gotta make sure that you push carefully towards them whichever way you go because he here you have two avenues enemy could attack from so you need to use your agents to get line of sight the same thing with um these factions over here the ones that are in defensive alliance here and this one that is not in the defensive alliance so you must be very careful with your decision making so i think we're in a very good state here i should be able to get a uh divine craftsman um in due time it's the next level just gotta work it up just a bit more and get to this ah damn i can't get to him okay you get the extra gold but i hear let's see i can do this two turns left so anyways we're in a very good state here i think i'll do like one or two more turns to just get her fastest up to the next level and i think we'll be in a very good state it is always good to get defensive alliances unless your you or your um potential defensive ally is not at war with someone that you could get in trouble with if they getting pulled into war because they declare war against the ai faction that you're going into alliance with you got to be very careful with that decision making maintain a total of these units so they want me to get a lot of unique units achilles is ready for duty and what we're gonna do here is get him back and now he has level 11 because of the seer so there's a couple things we can do here um we don't really care about getting stalwart we're just gonna get collectors to get more treasures after battle and getting more captives is always really good to get more resources after battle so it's a useful thing and then more influence after victory is also gonna help us if you kill captives um which killing capital is gonna help with our morale but that's actually gonna affect getting grieving which is not good but it's better to just use this for the dynamic um side of it and then here so you can either boost up melee defense of sword units or plus five percent million defense not eight percent or all units during siege battles i think it's useful to get this because siege battles is where the auto resolve is mostly not in your favor let's get that there okay this is already at level 16 and then we want to start getting um another garrison built up here but before that i want to start getting um influence built up and start getting some envoys recruited so i should be able to afford now let's see three spies in total but i don't have the food to maintain that what i can do though is get another um agent it's level one but that's okay and then here let's go back oh i gotta wait one more turn there i keep the rituals go this way okay let's build this and then achilles i do want to get back into this location over here to start recruiting a little bit more units check the defenses these are getting the light swordsmen again just so i can replenish with those uh weak units and then let's confront this last guy boom now we got upkeep fixed now we have a variety of more units that we can recruit we know that a genuine runners are not good for um you know for me in terms of uh the auto resolve but champions of the thea appear to be really good so far they haven't been uh hampered in auto resolve so we can actually recruit them but we'll we'll get the ash you should have actually waited we'll get that boosted up now we only have five left there and yeah i should actually get more bronze here let's get this one we didn't want the growth so i had to remove that building more from there we're good here he just not moved wasn't moved let's go this way yeah we want to finish off this faction happiness is for getting fixed here finally let's continue the seer has been used we don't get that food upkeep per turn um let me see if i can get the divine craftsman in a little bit of time and then here more bronze don't think so and then let's get you over here okay so this guy's back here then we can start getting wood here again because our influence is back up that is great fastest leveled up her here oh hi i said now i'm really close i'm super close so i just need about 1 11 11 more of achilles yeah we'll wait on that there's no army over here i think the best thing i can do is go this way go this way anyways i think we'll finish it here as you can see i'm just rotating through getting hephaestus up to get the divine craftsman to keep boosting up achilles army this army will get really good stab bonuses as you can see already it's already pretty insane for these really weak units i'll fill this up with some um renowned club warriors because they're not that bad in auto resolve purposes just to fill up the army and then we're gonna take this settlement here build it up for resource production this one is also for resource production but i was using it for chariots in the meantime and then i'll start getting some more bronze produced because i kind of need it uh here and for the elite units that i'm going to be recruiting in the um from this pool here of special recruitment and now start pushing to these northward northward factions and start getting a lot of territory in the northwest but the goal here is no enemies coming from the east at this time we're in a really good situation we got good resources coming in across the board and we have really good relations with the akians overall as you can see here we can start getting a lot of non-aggression packs and um resources as we get these deals from a lot of these factions here we can do like zero zero money we shall save it like that boom there's another aggression pact and then if we go here we can do another one with this faction down here which i'm not too keen on taking territory off at least for now so here we can just get let's say i'm short on bronze so let's get some bronze here there we go and then non-aggression pack macedon i do want to go to war against um so that's definitely one that i do want to face off with sparta i can get a military access which is some bad defensive alliance with sparta and him that's good confederation not even close because they thought i was doing really good but right now we're in a really good state here we're going to get the growth after getting the growth i'm going to get the influence and after that i want to go work my way down to get more favor from the gods which is going to be really useful and then if we look here at divine will gotta wait let's see a little bit more turns to get that and i really want to stabilize my happiness and growth so let's actually get a prayer to aphrodite down here and yeah i think that is it so it's a very long episode but we're in a really good state here and i think it's a good place to leave this at definitely if you want to take the alliances you can i usually don't tend to want to go for them um so i don't get pulled into i don't want to be in yeah i think so [Music] beat the fisherman i don't really care about that i want to get more food for now and you can start building all of these things up because we're not getting hit by the penalties of um resource production building speak thanks to the havastas um i think that i'm building right now i think we're good there let's see rotate you back over here and how are we doing 550 more turns do not anger me desire marines not gonna be recruited against speak to me i will fight to the last champion of champions my rage burns cut them down and then yeah i'm sorry i've been quiet here we're gonna grab this settlement rank 12 for achilles he's already pretty much down all the way down here and then sunder armor is also really good here um but he must be in challenge in order to use this so that's important to note you can get here terrify get a really big moral penalty on the enemy or also get minus 10 here but a really big penalty to um morale and melee defense to everything around him but i think at this location here regeneration is always good but reducing rage cost of abilities is very important because that's what we would focus on i will petition the guards for victory okay come on [Music] so do not anger me turn the grout bread hungry for action and there we go student of hephaestus so with the hephaestus uh character we can put him in own army and that's gonna give the warforce equipment per turn which is excellent and then before we uh finish off this um hero like before he gets recalled back i think he's in eight turns in total so by the when there's only one turn left then we'll use them on a settlement so then he that settlement can then have permanent bonuses to resource production which is crazily good may the gods bless you all right so i think i'll finish it off here we got the divine crescent we just put it on achilles i kill this is in a really good state here we just start grabbing the rest of these settlements of this faction stone is very hard to come by and wood so it's good to boost them up with the divine craftsman when it's going to run out but then these units all will have really big bonuses uh to them um with the extra armor that they will get so now we're in a really good state here i really want to thank you for watching and i hope to see you on the next one bye bye you
Channel: Total Warhead
Views: 6,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Total War, Strategy, Turn Based, RTS, Troy, Warhammer, Three Kingdoms, WH2, Warhammer 2, Attila, Medieval 2, Warhammer 3, Real Time Strategy, Legendary Difficulty, Mods, No Mods, Rush, Blitz, Build Tall, Build Wide, Early Game Guides, Strategy Guides, Lets Plays, Tips and Tricks, Gameplay, Analysis, Review, Reaction, TotalWar, Total Warhead, TotalWarhead, 3K, Shogun 2, A Total War Saga, Total War Troy, Total War Three Kingdoms, Discord, Patreon, Legendary, Very Hard Difficulty, Very Hard
Id: 5LfombgrW6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 38sec (6518 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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