Who is THE MAN FROM THE WINDOW?! (Cartoon Animation)

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[Music] once you hear his pep tap tapping you'll know he's found a new friend to play for now you only have five minutes before he takes you away but do not fret staying in place as the man's only peeved but keep him at bay for another five minutes and he'll leave he has no use for trinket or token he'll first check where bread is broken the man is doing what he does best next he'll check under where you usually rest the man is indeed very bold next he'll check inside the place that is cold the man will walk then he'll lurch under the mirror is the next place he'll search okay enough of that but the book's not finished there's one more place the man checks junior you are too young to be reading this kind of stuff it'll scare you half to death but mama i saw him outside i really did it's just a book sweetie it ain't real huh [Music] i told you mama he's real he's real if that story is true we only have five minutes to hide junior junior where's the last place of books eddie look the man has no family no son and no daughter last he will check the place which holds water the bathtub go hide there but mama no but just do it now okay i only have five minutes until he's here i need to do everything i can to slow him down there's got to be something else i can do come on come on try getting through that freak running out of time i gotta find hiding spot with junior in the bathroom junior you're hiding in the bathtub right the last place the story is that he'd look junior junior where are you down here mama junior the story said the tub was the last place he'd look you need to get in there now but mama then where do you hide you can't fit down here don't worry i'm a good hider you'll never find me junior be safe junior [Music] yes time's almost up [Music] ah junior it has to be nearby still ain't no way they've gotten far this quick i'll go father myself if i have to ma'am please calm down you've already scanned the entire neighborhood nobody's seen a tall spindly grey man lurking around or your boy i hate lion the man broke in and took my junior i couldn't stop him please do another search i know he's still out there please ma'am grief can make people think they see all sorts of crazy things we're gonna help you find your son but we need to know what really happened to you you're not listening to me the man took him the man ma'am stand down officer [Music] she's telling the truth oh my god apd calling all officers reports of trespassing on the east side the mother is claiming some creepy man is tapping on her window over it's him that's the man that kidnapped my junior we only have a few minutes before he breaks in move now come on officer step on it you have no idea what we're dealing with then tell me what's going on who's the man from the window nobody knows for sure but i know what he's capable of legends say that he wanders through the shadows without a trace completely undetectable that he has beady eyes and a sunken nose smiling ear to ear i remember his first victims a poor little frog family the mother was taken mommy the man is gone you can stop hiding now mommy the poor little girl didn't even understand what was happening she thought it was an innocent game of hide and seek it always starts with a book the man leaves it inside homes for children to read but who is he exactly i don't think that matters maybe he was human at some point he clearly has a fascination with nursery rhymes so he could have been a teacher or babysitter or even a poet but whatever curse happened to that man it changed him forever all i know is that until we catch him everyone's in danger i will rest until he is rotting behind bars we're here they're in that apartment complex top floor it's past three the man's inside already go go [Music] freeze leave the kid alone down on the ground now detective mama buddy i thought i'd lost you thank you officer mama is he gone he's gone now don't worry and no more cursed books all right okay but mama yes what do we do about the woman from the door
Channel: GameToons
Views: 9,083,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CzyW0Xr0JtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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