The Most TERRIFYING Chess Bot on Earth

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ladies and gentlemen there is a new AI in the world and it is completely and totally unhinged now normally when you hear a sentence like that you think Society is doomed to fail we might be but not yet we probably still got about at least 10 or 20 years I'm speaking about a chess AI a chess AI that has taken the World by storm and its name is torch torch was introduced last year by ches and I've made several videos about it where it beats a lot of strong Bots loses to them but the thing is it always provides a fascinating fight and in today's video I'm going to show you several games that will stimulate several emotions inside of you that may or may not be confusing they might be anger they might be Fascination they might be nausea they might be excitement and Jubilation and laughter because you and I will never understand Chess at this level and as a bonus the last game of this video is a a fascinatingly ridiculously idiotic stupid game which is normally what would describe our chess games it was a 2 200 move game between torch and stockfish so you will watch it like I don't know like a Seventh Wonder of the world and I'm going to break these games down for you uh this game with stockfish was one of the longest I've ever seen 202 moves but this game the first one oh my goodness now a friendly reminder when these Bots play each other they use an opening book so they play pre-programmed moves until a point against each other their ratings are estimated here uh torge begins with D4 none of that matters we have a modern defense an opening that many many strong strong Grand Masters use uh including hikara Nakamura white develops like this white plays F3 to prevent Knight to G4 or Bishop G4 and then white will frequently put a queen here and use these pawns to attack black now the players played a lot of that stuff black instigated on the queen side this was actually uh the final moment of the uh of the opening like Knight H3 Bishop B7 so now they're on their own which is fascinating because normally these Bots are given massive advantages against each other so they were on their own and as you can see Leela played H5 to stop torch's attack right and torch can now Castle I think many humans here would make a preparatory move torch lunges forward immediately it's it hasn't even castled so I guess its idea w which is its hybrid style you know it was to trade the queens that was actually its idea and then probably to sacrifice this Pawn to make black have two weaknesses torch is a fascinating mix of ridiculous posi uh aggressive play but also positional play now Leela Strikes Back Against The Knight and then puts it sight in the center and now torch gives up that pawn completely to try to open up Leela's position Leela says no thank you instead I'm going to play the move F5 I'll leave this Pawn here for the future maybe I'll capture it and now good luck attacking me torch says okay terrific I'm going to take advantage of their weakened uh G5 square and now I'm going to get as many Pawns in the board as possible I'm going to ignore this attack on the Knight completely take my knight I don't care if you take my knight my idea is that your pieces will get stuck and then I'm going to go get the C file and that's going to be a massive problem for you which I created with my Pawn sacrifice that you did not accept so Leela goes back with the Knight and torch here with its Knight hanging on the edge of the board and the opportunity to protected doesn't want black to have time to consolidate and sacrifices its Knight completely Queen takes A4 100% free night no questions asked the only questions that are getting asked are the fact that what are going to happen in the black position if you allow white to start brutalizing your position the craziest part is torch doesn't even take it brings another piece it doesn't even capture and it's sacrificing another Pawn it's basically saying that despite being a full night down Black's position is standing around like a Tetris piece black has absolutely no forward mobility and the queen can't even get back to help Leela plays B3 now torch does in fact take on G6 it loses this but that is an opening of the E file now Queen E2 and if the Knight moves it's mate cuz both pieces see E7 so Queen E7 is literally mate Leela play to defend and now torch can grab the rook and have a rook and some pawns for a piece it doesn't torch keeps going forward with D5 cd5 Bishop F5 look at the attack but now the black queen gets back to defend and black is still up three points of material notice what you're going to notice in this game is how many pieces see each other and completely ignore each other watch this Rook D1 what look at my stockfish it doesn't even understand that move Rook to D1 abandoning this pawn and just allowing it to stand a square before queening but now white gets an extra piece into the attack gives up the Knight for The Rook with check bishop h8 and now how do you activate the queen without moving it I'm speaking in riddles F4 bringing the queen in like this now look at this move Knight takes F4 you can take my queen but then I'm going to get yours and if you take my knight I'm going to get this but the only move Queen C2 defending the bishop maintaining an attack on the queen and the Knight is still hanging Queen C7 and now instead of taking the Knight which is also free torch castles why does it Castle because it wants its knight uh it wants its king to safety and The Rook to pressure the Knight which gets to the king it's all about getting maximum resources into the attack Queen B6 check the king slides out of the way the queen takes on B2 you can take black is going to make a second Queen now Bishop G6 preventing the back rank escape the Knight is pinned the King goes to the corner now we hunt the king out of the corner into a check and now begins a circus level King hunt King E8 Queen G6 check King to D7 and now how do you get to the king and black is about to make a queen what are you doing Bishop E7 and you can't make the queen because Queen D6 leads to mate wait but what if you take the bishop what if you take well then you walk into a ladder oh my God Bishop E7 Leela defending itself with Bishop E5 Rook F7 look at the king walking out now you're trying to sack your queen to make a queen with a check and mate Queen D4 so The Rook comes back to protect the rook and the promotion oh my God this is one of the most insane games I've ever seen between two Bots it didn't even take the queen it's just letting the queen sit there now it takes Bishop D5 Bishop D6 every piece ignoring every other piece what is going on Bishop D6 and when it's all said and done the black king gets hunted out to the B file where it is brutally checkmated brutally and black never even played with a rook in a night black basically gave torch eight points of odds because it never used the rook in the Knight it finally uses them but there's M on the board King C5 you take the queen and now it's just the part where you know the pieces lose all the the one side loses all the pieces and look at this Rook A3 mate with the bishop in the corner I mean you talk about peace utilization what the what even was that this was deranged this was an insane attack it literally just gave up a whole night because it understood mechanically black can't survive I don't even know what I'm looking at like this this this is unbelievable now I've got another game against Leela then I will show you stockfish here's a little mini game against ethereal which is slightly weaker than torch so I put it at 3580 uh this one was an E4 E5 it was a weird one cuz it was like D4 and then Knight F3 I mean you you can just play Knight F3 but again they're they're just using an opening book essentially the the position that they got is a filad defense with Queen D4 it's basically E4 E5 Knight F3 D6 which is fine but it's a bit passive and then now you don't take with the Knight but you take with the queen you don't worry about Knight C6 because you can move your queen but you can also pin the Knight and get faster development anyway none of that matters what does matter is the first move that they made uh by the way both queens were hanging that's why white didn't take Queen D2 Bishop B7 Knight C3 this is the first position out of book so both players both sides have made eight moves torch ethereal all right this one doesn't look you know that fascinating well torch goes Knight H2 undevelop its Knight to push the bishop out of its position and now it's able to Castle now it brings its Bishop back and before black has a chance to get settled torch just steps on the gas F4 G6 prevents F5 so F5 and E5 are stopped H5 is not possible and neither is G4 because black control controls it three different times so in this position to prepare G4 torch plays G4 yeah because the pawn investment will make black waste time and it will cause black to open up White's position you have to take if you don't take I play F5 you just lose your Bishop so now black has to invest time just like you saw in the other game right its understanding of wasting time take take and now a human here with the attack on The Rook looks forward and says you know what there is really nothing there for me uh and I don't really want to trade so maybe I play Rook E1 and then I continue an attack or I play Bishop E2 take Queen E2 and whichever way black castles then the attack will continue no no torch says Knight D5 let's go I mean torch literally plays like it's 500 because I if I if I gave this position to like 50 people rated 500 I don't know 25% of them might not even see this attack they might go like here cuz me me see Rook me attack Rook but should D4 is not a good move it's not a losing move but it's not you know it's it's it's not a good move Knight to D5 and it just straight up gives away The Rook there is no benefit yet no clear benefit I I don't get it well the idea just like in this game it understands what pieces are going to get into the game by stripping your opponent of a key Bishop the relative value of that Bishop was about four points for this position now this Bishop's value is going to be four points you can hardly argue that having an extra rook in this position is beneficial that is the fascinating thing about these these these algorithms Queen d8 is a crazy move but the point is not to get hit with this so it goes here and immediately torch takes over so now torch has five active pieces right which are powerful it plays H5 and C3 C3 blocks the bishop and blunts the knight's access to the position bishop h8 and now torch just marches forward because torch is playing against four pieces it's got five on four all right just like in hockey five on four is a good power you know it's a good opportunity to score a goal power play Rook G6 Queen H5 this rook's presence is not felt at all and it and it won't be felt knight7 another piece joins the party five pieces pressuring for torch Knight D5 Queen D5 suddenly black is getting mated Queen D7 Queen B7 Now The Rook moves but it's out of desperation F5 Rook G3 beautiful move you can't take my Bishop because Bishop B5 Black's pieces are hardly they're they're they're they're just standing around they're table decorations they're not participating King E7 Bishop F2 now ethereal begs for Mercy it would love this move it would love if white just simply took the Rook any human being there goes for The Rook then puts the bishop back plays Rook H7 and tries to go for M but that's not winning and torch knows that so it doesn't do it it doesn't play Bishop H4 it it just it it it's the continuous threat of something about to happen Rook G4 not only does it not play Bishop to H4 in this position after sacrificing its Rook earlier in the game to the very straightforward Bishop takes D1 20 moves later torch sacrifices the second Rook it's going to play Bishops versus Rooks and the attack is simply too strong the game plan now is push this Pawn because black has no way to create counterplay the Bishops cover for everything and they threaten mate so now it has to lose material back Rook D4 it gives up for this bishop and now the most simple of transitions to a winning position Queen D6 Queen C5 the threat is Bishop to B5 check you have to trade Queens this is simple the pawn joins the others right because you could have taken BC but the pawn joins the others these three pawns the bishop the game is over this Pawn is not even important it obviously stops f file stuff but White's game plan now is push these pawns bring the king put the bishop there and win the game it transitions out of these monstrous attacks into just the cleanest conversion Bishop D3 and the idea is to again push the bishop backwards put the King backwards and it's just going to push it's going to push his most powerful Pawn which is of course the outside pass Pawn pushes it to A6 Black's Rook is now completely stuck and uh the king walks up the board the bishop walks up the board the king walks up the board and uh that's it the game is over you're going to make a couple Queens here and and that's going to be a nice little mate in the corner this game was absurd I mean it it straight up just took an opening that was relatively balanced and straightforward it gave up a pawn it gave up a rook and it won the game from here I mean it it just it lost three points of material and it was like rock lead dropping the weights and it was like I feel a little bit lighter without that and it it just it's just incredible how it understands relative peace value and how there's just nothing the other side can do just a fully controlled demolition I got two more games for you this one bananas the next one mind-blowing 200 moves against stockfish E4 C5 this was a tyon of Sicilian against Leela Knight D4 by the way sometimes y'all ask like why do these Bots play so many games with white it's CU they rarely lose with uh when they have white so like it's very rare for black to win so it it it's much more common like 95% of the time these Bots beat each other with white uh just the nature of Chess he six Knight takes B takes this has been played many times before E5 is not the most common move but the idea is to secure some control Queen C7 Queen E2 and now black has many moves here black can play Knight E7 Knight G6 Knight E7 Knight D5 as well as C5 to open the diagonal the first move out of theory is this move F5 uh F5 is a very committal decision it's trying to kind of take control of some light squares in the position not this one that's not how pawns work but I'm just sort of saying the light squares um now black can play a little bit more combative but F5 okay white has control of dark squares Bishop D2 C5 long Castle so in this game torch prioritizes castling over everything else cuz it's kind of hard to sacrifice material like if you play Knight D5 there is that's not a sacrifice you're just a which I understand for many of you is very difficult to know the difference it's very difficult to understand like I show you these games these these Bots are losing all these pieces you're like I'm going to go in my games and lose pieces nope then then you're just a and then you know the the bot is genius right Rook G1 pinning and also you're going to try to Target that pawn very natural attacking idea white uh black plays H5 right so Leela stops G4 torch tries to reenable it typical stuff that you understand black plays Knight E7 torch doesn't wait it's got to go for an attack right now now according to stockfish the position is still in the balance FG HG and now you would think what kind of a deranged person plays like this what about H4 because now black just straight up marches to the end and escorted by the bishop like a lot of humans here would go here as you can see Knight C6 F4 you would lose a good amount of your advantage because black would get very active and you're playing defense torch doesn't Play Def it doesn't understand what defense is okay H4 it just goes Bishop G2 to trade the bishop it completely does not care about the H Pawn says you can push the H Pawn as much as you want now I go here I activate my rook and I stop you from castling very important Rook B8 F4 so now I'm going for an attack right I'm utilizing all of my resources Bishop E7 trying to trade that's a very good trade for white because after Bishop B7 you relinquish the control but D6 is up for grabs so something will go to D6 very very soon and you will continue with this attack F5 and torch just loves opening the position you bet it's going to play E6 at some point too it's going to get the queen in get the pawn in it's going to play something like that F5 black castles the next move by torch is a gangster move uh no human being being here on the planet would play this move not a single one it's the the move here the torch plays it it's so like again as a human I look at this and I think F6 you know to open up the king that's what I'm think I'm playing that's what I'm thinking I'm thinking uh Rook H1 to try to get the H Pawn right torch plays Bishop H1 I guess it basically said the position is wonderful now if you take me I am immediately go to the H file and also if you take me here I open up and my Rook is targeting your king which my Bishop was blocking I Bishop H1 is it's just bananas completely you know and then like I said it's going to put a rook on D6 and now Black's in trouble now Black's in a lot of trouble because everything is under pressure this Pawn is definitely not an asset Knight d8 Queen E1 and just just watch this just there's there it is there's the there is the sacrifice of the material right the true and tried and now instead of E7 attacking The Rook or taking the kn torch plays this leaving the Knight to die entirely why because after Bishop takes Bishop takes the threat after you take is this and then I get to your king if you go to the H file I mate you so you have to give up your material oh my God Rook F4 trying to get the king to escape Pawn takes here here and torch is just down a rook it's down a rook there's nothing to even show for it it can't make a queen what is it doing yeah well as it turns out actually stockfish here instead of Queen H4 right away wants E6 King E7 Queen H4 check Rook F6 if white plays G5 white actually loses its Advantage but instead of that Queen G5 Rook G8 to defend Rook F1 it's actually very hard for black to make a move black can't move black has to go Queen B8 guarding the Rook like look at this position look at this nothing can move nothing you play Knight p7 I take and then your queen stops guarding the Rook it's just instead of that torch does it this way and this is just as good torch is down a full Rook but watch as it carves up Black's position Queen E8 utilizing the pawn you you can't take my queen you have to go here now I dance you can't go to the H file cuz I may you Rook D1 you have to go here and now I just March my Pawn up the board Queen G6 Queen E4 this game never ever ever slows down for black black is under a merciless attack and the king is hunted into the center despite being a full Rook down C4 and geometrically white is still winning white has checks from the lateral forever from the diagonal forever and the black king will never find shelter ever King C4 Queen E6 and when it's all said and done I win The Rook back and I just win oh my God I mean you what about King D4 Queen H4 the closer you walk into the position I play Queen H3 King C4 and then I would take the queen cannot protect two Rooks at the same time what what are we even looking at King C4 I win the Rooks back and that's it I win I mean one of them and now Queen D3 Queen A3 Rook H6 Queen A5 Queen A4 Rook D6 you have to lose your queen you got to lose your queen got to lose somebody Rook C6 Queen E6 Queen G8 it's all threatened Rook B6 and I just push I just completely ignore you I just push we can trade there's nothing you can do D7 Queen E6 I stop the only check you have and I threaten Queen I mean it's just it's just unbelievable like it was torch was straight up down a full rook in this position and yet it was still winning it it couldn't even promote and it was still winning because these pawns were too powerful and the King was too weak it managed to carve its way in and completely paralyze the black position that's just I mean I and then and and then it won I mean you know it did what it promoted and then I and and and by the way we're 21 minutes into this thing and I told you at the very beginning I'm going to show you this stockfish game this thing is going to completely blow your mind I I I I I had to I learned a few things from from from this game so torch stockfish okay starts out with an English Okay stockfish plays a E6 A6 Queen plays a weird setup um and the players leave leave the opening very early they leave the opening here and then in this position torch sacrifices the bishop it gives away the bishop because it's trying to deflect the queen from the bishop the alternative to that is after this torch plays this move and now is forking these two pieces so it's going to win a queen and if it doesn't win a queen it's going to win back two full pieces so the idea is either be up a lot of material or black needs to give up the queen and that's exactly what stockfish does stockfish takes takes this and when the dust settles it has a knight a knight and a bishop for a queen now white do up two pawns so it's Queen and two pawns which is 11 versus Knight Knight Bishop now clearly when they made it this far from the opening they had a feeling that that was going to happen right that was the that was the idea it was like how do the Bots play Queen versus three pieces so this is a master class in how a queen can beat multiple peace imbalances you need pass pawns because if you have a pawn imbalance with the queen you will create past pawns the opponent will have to sacrifice for them they just can't stop the pawns okay that's number one number two is you have to hunt weaknesses so your opponent cannot have a bulletproof structure the queen needs to break through something so watch his torch spends the entire game poking at those Pawns that is order of business number one all right and you don't want to trade too quickly we're only in the 20th move there we go so phase one is isolate these pawns now the pawns start going now instead of opening the position for the opponent torch completely gives away a pawn but this is incredible at the cost of a pawn it prevents the opening of two pieces see the alternative was that two pie pieces open and not only that you split Black's structure so you isolate two potential future weaknesses whereas originally the structure was Rock Solid all for the cost of a pawn now I told you the pawns are going to go there's no way for stockfish to defend so stockfish is going for this it gives up the bishop for two pawns so torch gets its advantage and now the position is Knight Knight Pawn for a queen torches still up two points however there are very high drawing chances why there are no more pass pawns getting mated is going to be very difficult for black and the more pawns you trade the less chance you have of winning so all the simplifications lead to a draw Knight G6 Rook A7 now the bot's trade every Pawn in Black's position is protected except that one if you trade too quickly white will never get an advantage so Queen F3 and it does stockish trades the pawn how will torch win this well number one there's an H Pawn right that's what it's going to do it's going to try to push this Pawn but it can't make any more progress and at some point in the future they're going to they're going to have to trade every Pawn is defended stockfish now sets up a fortress it's a full defensive Fortress H5 Knight f8 it loses the pawn but everything else is protected how is torch going to break through it trades its Pawn stockfish would rather lose a pawn what why did it take I don't know these Bots understand something I don't and now for the next 30 moves torch cannot find a win it takes torch until move 94 to consider a victory we are on 52 42 moves later stockfish saw the idea and torch didn't torch proceeds to spend 40 moves not understanding how to win the position or it's just playing moves on purpose and trying to stall the clock so torch shuffles until the 90th move it cannot find a way through black is a defensive Fortress stockfish sees it though torch doesn't the idea is so absurd the idea to try to win is to bring the king and March the king over there why so we cross our 100 moves now it's winning wow now a friendly reminder chest is solved with eight pieces on the board or less 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 there's something called a table base which is every possible position known to humans with eight pieces on the board or less is it a win is it a draw these Bots probably have access to it but I'm not sure if they do I'm not sure if they do Queen C1 and now it's about hunting the king down now what I'm about to show you is so ridiculous so the only way to win I swear to you the only way to win is to lose the pawn what the only way to win is to lose this Pawn it's to give it away why because it opens lines to the king now how does white win from here what but but it's still a fortress there is no way for the white k to attack the you can't attack anything this is how you win I swear to you you're not going to believe this the only way to win this position is to lose the pawn what yeah you have to lose the pawn stop there's got to be another way no if you allow the computer to shuffle indefinitely it won't lose the pawn there might be some way right like at the end of there's like a string of moves maybe somewhere but you can't because black will go here and here the rest of the game you can give checks and then you can like attack the Knight and the Knight will go here and there's just no way to win Queen C8 Knight E6 there's no way to win King G7 so you have to lose the pawn and now you have to get the king out of the corner how like this King G5 Knight now you may wonder why not like Knight E6 because I'm now I'm actually threatening to take you Knight F5 King F6 Knight E3 right Knight Knight A3 Queen C8 King G5 Knight F5 oh am I going to get you out of the corner like that because now if you had gone here this is a Swang and you can't move the Knight because you lose this you can't move this Knight because this is mate and you can't go King h8 because I play Queen G5 and then Queen G2 2 I play here King H7 Queen G2 if you play King h8 I give you a check I play King H7 I play Queen f8 Zang you cannot move a single piece without losing another piece so you go here now I've hunted you out of the corner oh now I'm winning but I can't take your knight because you Fork me so now the only way forward is to do the exact same thing it's to force UK Swang it's to force a position where black doesn't get the right defensive setup I an I analy this with table base the drawing setup that was discovered many many many years ago is as follows let's say King F3 F4 King F4 the only way to draw this position I'm just going to do it very hypothetically is something like this this is a draw if you can put the king to hang out with his Knights and protect the invasion it's a draw but white doesn't let the knights get close white spends the rest of of the end game hunting the black king to the corner disallowing the knights to to disengage from each other and wins the game like this it basically makes white black run out of moves and these Knights can never line up together if the knights line up together it's a draw so for example in this position let's say Knight C6 is played to try to line up together it's still winning it's still winning because it's the wrong setup it's still winning because the wrong setup I mean it's so ridiculous and this game goes on 200 moves until slowly methodically stockfish gets run to the corner and it ends up losing the game I mean it it simply does not make sense like it completely and totally does not make sense this stockfish doesn't even understand it until suddenly look Suddenly It's like oh wait a minute I've been losing the whole time it doesn't understand it it was just saying it's a draw it was just saying it's a draw and yet now it's like oh I'm losing yep even if Knight D4 it's going to lose the game it's going to lose the game see it doesn't even get it it takes 200 moves for the dance to go all around the board until finally one of the knights is going to get captured and that's all she wrote Because then you're going to lose the other one too but uh I don't even need it I don't even need it but I will cuz I'm in check 200 102 moves this is one of the most unbelievable end games I have ever seen I was studying this like this is aliens there's got to be aliens playing chess like white has to lose both pawns to win the end game can you imagine I'm done bro I I'm going to go stare at a [Laughter] wall all right you just I got a plenty other AI videos if you'd like this one blew my mind I can't even I got low ELO chest we got whatever you want all right this channel is like a buffet now get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 438,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: H2qo9fHyXL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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