The Magic of Walt Disney World 16mm, 1972 Restored in HD

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almost 500 years ago the first contingents of adventurous men sailed across the ocean to open up a new world one of the first places they set foot upon was a bit of land that is now the state of Florida USA of course they've been quite a few changes since then and the new world has come a long way but now squarely in the middle of the very same bit of land another new world has been opened up Walt Disney World well Disney World is more than just a place it is a complete vacation destination where guests may stay as long as they like and here even a hotel is an adventure at the polynesian village there is a leisurely atmosphere of the South Seas of trade winds the great ceremonial house dominates the scene in the setting that is lushly tropical and for each guest there is a feeling of coming to a tiny island in the South Pacific to stay in play a South Seas island is only one stop in Walt Disney World but getting around here is another fun experience sleek high-speed monorail train silently whisked travelers around the seven seas Lagoon to one of the wonders of this new world a dramatically different Contemporary Resort it's unique 14 storey tower building is flanked by wings of Bayside rooms one of the most unusual features of this ultra-modern resort is the manner in which monorail passengers arrive entering high in the air they are taken right into a spectacular open mall lobby called the grand canyon concourse the concourse which is actually the hotel's port floor gets its name from the colorful ten story mural which covers all four sides of the central elevator shaft truly a modern work of art this mural is made up of over 18,000 individually hand-painted and fired glazed ceramic tiles from the lobby inside to the activities and surroundings outside everything is keyed to the contemporary theme and there was a feeling of now of today from the hotel is the monorail tracks lead directly to the real heart of Walt Disney World the Magic Kingdom this of course is the place that most clearly reflects the man Walt Disney and the things he held to be a value the wonders of nature the fantasies of childhood the spirit of America with nostalgia for the past and faith in the future and above all a sense of humor and fun there is something for everyone in this Magic Kingdom it is a world which make-believe has its own reality beginning with town square Main Street USA as it might have been the turn of the century but old days ever were and everybody and anybody can join in the fun seems along Main Street may recall fond memories for some the highlight for everyone is the character parade led by a rather familiar celebrity and the Walt Disney World marching band like everything else in the magic kingdom Main Street has its own flavor in many different varieties in the same turn-of-the-century atmosphere but in quiet contrast to Main Street a glass domed Crystal Palace restaurant caters to the hungry guest who prefers a touch of elegance what more relaxing respite could be found than a bit of food and a cool drink in these delicate mid Victorian surroundings going from the nostalgic charm of yesterday into the world of tomorrow requires only a brief step in space and in time in Tomorrowland everything is planned to fit the theme of things to come here entertaining preview shows some of the exciting new developments in store from Science and Industry of course in Tomorrowland as in any glimpse of the future there still remains a bit of today in Tomorrowland the most up-to-date musical beat gives way to the command ladies and gentlemen start your engines drivers of all ages can experience the thrill of the raceway scale sized Grand Prix racing machines when the going gets rough on the raceway it's only a step to the Skyway for a trip to another land in the Magic Kingdom Fantasyland and here it's only an imaginary step from the heights to the depths for a submarine journey 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea a fantastic voyage where strange undersea creatures may be encountered at every turn of course Fantasyland is also the domain where favorite storybook characters come to life against a background of childhood in Chapman most enchanting of all is Cinderella's castle the central landmark of Fantasyland and in fact the symbol of Walt Disney World the main entryway is a work of art in itself its walls covered with glittering mosaics done in hand-cut Italian glass fused with silver and 14-karat gold together these murals tell the classic tale of the little sender girl and her prince charming upstairs dining in king stefan's banquet hall is an experience fit for a king in an atmosphere of 15th century medieval splendor this fairyland structure is all the romantic castles of all the ages rolled into one and every hour that tolls on its magic clock is an enchanted time nearby the Tower of Liberty Hall rises above another lamb and another time each guests may roam the streets and experience the sights and sounds of colonial America two hundred years ago this old can liberty square symbolizes the actual Liberty tree of revolutionary times and everyone here may almost feel the spirit of 76 marching across the land orders for the day Norman by these presents proposing special trust and confidence in the honor fidelity abilities and good conduct of Amy and Carvey I do hereby bestow the titles of daughter and son of Liberty to these recipients I now present a copy of the Declaration of Independence the lucky boys and girls chosen at random every day to be honorary sons and daughters of Liberty can take home a feeling of participation and personal pride in our American heritage in Liberty Hall there is to be found the most inspiring attraction of the Magic Kingdom the Hall of Presidents here in a dramatic presentation using a new film process and the miracle of audio animatronics we pay homage to those immortal men who each in his own turn have guided this nation through perilous times this government must be preserved in spite of the acts of any man or set of men nowhere in the world is presented to government of so much liberty inequality to the humblest and poorest among us are held the highest privileges and positions what constitutes the bulwark of our liberty and independence it is not the frowning battlements our bristling seacoast our army and navy these are not our reliance against tyranny our reliance is in the love of Liberty which God has planted in us our defense is in the spirit which prizes Liberty is the heritage of all men in all lands everywhere destroy this spirit and you have planted the seeds of despotism at your own doors at what point that is the approach of danger to be expected I answer if it ever reach us if must spring up amongst it cannot come from abroad if destruction be our lot we ourselves must be its offer and its finisher as a nation of free men we must live through all time or die by suicide surely God would not have created such a being as man with ability to grasp the infinite to exist only for a day no man was made for immortality from the landing at Liberty Square magnificent sternwheeler such as the Admiral Joe Fowler cruise leisurely through scenes of a growing country the country of which a brand Lincoln spoke so eloquently into a time of pioneer spirits and the songs of Stephen Foster along the way there is a place that holds spirits of another kind the lively spooks and mischievous goblins of the Haunted Mansion those who make it past this ghost infested stretch of the river find a relatively safe landing at a village right out of the old western territory it's the lusty atmosphere of frontier land of trappers and hard rock miners and a fast gun the wildest foot stomping his toe down in town is the country Bear Jamboree with the same iya stand attainment this side of cripple creek let er rip boys bam-bams will play now in the good old key of G is the exam ten friend by name Tennessee thanks playing on banjo on a tap-in with his feet on binding on and a spine with real old country beat samah McDonald with a crooked gait great ball when a spare room bathroom he can make that little girl ted is all the corn job now i mean that back and blow he also plays a watchman and they said playing mouth harp he played the counter side he never took a lesson little tell us the bear isn't featured on the time sound is like a guitar but it's only got one train - don't repeat that rapid once your thing the Batman's got is real country the on the sand all around and debris Oh on the ground on the mountaintop in Tennessee Green is tied in the land of the phrase right in the woods souls in you every trade timed him afar he was only three wait a minute on the phone now there you've had your turn hey gang in the Magic Kingdom anything is possible being guided from frontier America into the exotic scenes of far-off regions in Adventureland seems only natural while many of the animals native to this area go out of their way to be friendly this isn't always the case Adventureland means exactly what the name implies that the greatest adventure of all is the jungle river cruise a fleet of launches with names from Amazon an e to Zambezi Zelda shove off on exciting safaris through the jungles of Africa Asia and South America guests aboard may encounter menace at any time but there's no real worry because every boatload of explorers is in the hands of an experienced guide alert to the creatures ahead and the dangers they present around every Bend there is a new adventure on the Irrawaddy of Asia there are ancient brooding ruins under the watchful eyes of sinister temple guards the sacred bathing pool of the Indian elephant is tucked away on the banks of the Ganges these rights are seldom witnessed by man there's no danger so long as they are undisturbed but danger is always present on the mighty Congo and there are often narrow escapes eventually every expedition makes it safely back to the landing and nearby reaching upward from the jungle rivers is the classic Swiss Family Robinson treehouse from here there is a towering view of Adventureland and all the rest of the Magic Kingdom where from The Hobbit it's very Center all roads lead to fun new experiences Walt Disney once said you can dream design and build the most wonderful place in the world but it requires people to make that dream a reality the enjoyment on every face clearly reflects that reality the appeal of the Magic Kingdom will always be to the imagination of every guest young or old or in-between but in the rest of Walt Disney World there is still more to come recreation of many kinds to choose from there are two 18-hole championship golf courses whose magnificent greens and fairways can challenge the skill of a professional yet give pleasure to the average player or even the lowliest duffer for those who prefer their sport on the water as well as in it there is plenty of room for almost every imaginable kind of aquatic farm Oh even though walt disney world is open to all who wish to come there is a private area set aside for a special purpose over 7,500 acres of land and water have been designated as a conservation area for the creatures native to this region still as primitive as it was 500 years ago this environment will remain untouched and undisturbed by man in Walt Disney World there is another wilderness set aside for the use of guests who enjoy the out-of-doors the Fort Wilderness campgrounds there are accommodations for 800 campers trailers or tents each site equipped with all the modern facilities yet in a natural setting of piney woods and stands of Cypress here every member of the family can find activities to his or her own taste part of the Fort Wilderness campground is known as the Tri circle dear ash the home of all the horses who work in Walt Disney World unlike those of most working ranches all the animals here must always be well groomed and ready to meet their public after a full day of outdoor fun comes the time to rest and relax a while because there is still more to come Twilight is a magic hour in Walt Disney World and the Sun touching the Cypress is the signal in Fort Wilderness to light the campfire it is time to gather round and join in the song and dance darkness descending in Walt Disney World is perhaps the most beautiful time of all and the appearance of everything begins to change this is also a time for guests to set out on an evening of unusual experiences in dining and entertainment the climax of all aquatic shows in Walt Disney World is the electrical water pageant this colorful parade is performed every evening after dark and is clearly visible from all the hotels there could hardly be anything more romantic than a late supper and dancing on a privately chartered cruise over the calm waters of a lake but to literally top off the evening the top of the world lounge of the Contemporary Resort the highest spot in Walt Disney World is the place to go you the foundations of Walt Disney World were the dreams of one man the sharing of those dreams with others has truly created a new world and it's reality is living proof that dreams really do come true you
Channel: RetroWDW
Views: 468,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney, walt disney world, history, wdw, disney history, vintage, retro
Id: -GDTp8P_h4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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