Why Do People... Hate the Magic Kingdom?

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if you were to compare the Magic Kingdom to Disneyland which one wins out well if you been to both the answer is obviously Disneyland not only is there so much more to do but it has an intimacy and charm as is unique to it it may be smaller scale but it's packed with detail in every corner the fantasy land dark rides are something that are really missing from its Florida equivalent and even outside of the magic King why visit the capacity challenged Hollywood Studios when you can get Galaxy's Edge in a better version of Mickey Minnie's runaway Railway all in the same park along with Classics like Space Mountain Pirates of the Caribbean or the enchanted Tiki room when you have Disneyland not even including California Adventure why visit Walt Disney World at all well despite Disneyland being the better park there is still a lot that I enjoy about the Florida parks at least I will for a short period of time as Disney seems determined to rip out all the experiences that made their Parks here feel creative and unique in fact I really do not understand why people enjoy Epcot at all anymore they only go specifically for spa of birth and living with the land and everything that made the park unique is either aging poorly or has otherwise been ripped out to turn the park into a billboard for Disney plus which does seem to be the strategy coming from current management and will likely continue long into the future while there is technically more to do at Hollywood Studios today than there was a decade ago still really suffers from a lack of of capacity and even the rides it has are mostly considered one ofun by me the park may have transformed but it also lost a lot of the charm it used to have while both versions of the park may seem to be themed to movies on the surface the old park was about celebrating film as art while also mythologizing the Golden Age of Hollywood is a unique and worthy nostalgic theme now though the park suffers just like Epcot as in it's a place to put Disney Brands rather than express any degree of creativity so so those two parks are essentially places that I rarely visit because they're no longer interesting which leads to the two remaining Parks animal kingdom is great for the moment although Disney has announced plans to Ru one of my favorite rides and turn it yet again into another Land Based around Disney Plus data so that leaves the Magic Kingdom which while highly flawed and not living up to the standards of Disneyland is still a really strong Park in my opinion that brings me to the reason for making this video though which is that recently as in within the last years or so I've seen this park receive a rather shocking amount of hate online is an actual vitriol and people say that's not worth visiting because it is essentially just the worst manifestation of a castle park with the worst versions of a staple ride lineup I can certainly understand why people would prefer other Castle parks to the Magic Kingdom as even I made the comment in the past that Disneyland's Main Street is so much better detailed that the Magic Kingdom version essentially seems unthemed in comparison well I haven't been to these other Parks I can understand why someone would prefer something like Tokyo Disneyland for its better maintenance standards Disneyland Paris for its excessive detail or even the few unique rides of Hong Kong Disneyland that can't be found elsewhere even Shanghai Disneyland which seems on the surface to be a traditional Castle Park was designed to be much larger and has its own unique taste on attractions as well so out of the castle Parks I can see why Magic Kingdom could be seen as the weakest although my issue is that still seems to get a lot of actual malicious hate through towards it which is completely unwarranted in fact despite the issues with the park and wanting it to be better I think it's actually still the strongest offering at Walt Disney World there's still a lot of charm to find in its cloned rides even if better versions are found elsewhere and there's so many experiences that are unique to it they're definitely worthy of Merit controversially I even feel that it contains the best version of some attractions so while not perfect May weirdly felt the need to produce a video defending the Magic Kingdom discussing the aspects of the park that I still really enjoy and I think are worth going out of your way to visit so yes I do think that this is very much the strongest Disney park in Florida so let's go through the park discussing its merits and asking what about it causes so much well actual hatred [Music] in my opion the actual process of getting to the Magic Kingdom is a fundamental part of the experience there's just something exciting about arriving at the parking lot taking a traum to the ticket and Transportation Center and either taking the fery or the monreal to the Magic Kingdom now as a local and as someone who has had an annual pass since 2017 they do actually find the process of getting to the park to be lengthy and inconvenient but I think it's important to not lose sight of how the average person likely experiences this process when Disney built and open the Magic Kingdom it was obviously done with the intention of creating a resort area around the 7even Seas Lagoon and aesthetically the area is great especially with the 1988 edition of the Grand Floridian however the area and Transportation was specifically designed around you getting a glimpse of Cinderella Castle as you were traveling which was intended to evoke a sense of excitement as it teased you with what used to be considered a massive Icon by today's theme park standards the castle isn't as impressive as it once was in the new 20120 paint job makes it appear a lot smaller but it's still iconic and for the general person who doesn't go often the tease of the castle is certainly exciting there's also something to be said about how impressive it is that the Montreal travels through the contemporary which is just an awesome signature from an era of Disney that really cared about creating cool things just because they could it's a completely unnecessary novelty which is what makes it so interesting so yes perhaps getting to the Magic Kingdom is inconvenient if you just casually decide you want to go but for the majority of people experiencing it the journey is often exciting around or across the picturesque s Seas lagon once arriving at the park though you're of course met with Main Street USA which again I'm disappointed to see that it's not as intimately detailed as what you'll find at Disneyland but it's still an interesting theme park land and has a different notable identity through its larger scale it's generally well themed and has unique elements that I enjoy one of which is the corner of Crystal arts or you'll often find a glass blower creating products for the shop another unique highlight is Casey's Corner which I think a lot of people might be surprised to find out is named after a short from the Obscure 1946 Disney film make my music while the hot dogs they serve aren't spectacular there's still a wellestablished element of the park experience for many people and there's just something about the baseball themed interior that really resonates and evokes Nostalgia more powerfully than the rest of Main Street going in and getting a really mediocre hot dog is for some reason just a quintessential tradition in this park and it really makes me wish that Main Street had more distinctly themed areas like this throughout its shops and restaurants Main Street is of course also the first stop of the Walt Disney World railroad which has a larger station than the Disneyland version and even includes an interesting collection of old Penny operated games and mut Scopes if you go under the station you'll also find a small exhibit dedicated to railroads which is informative and worth checking out briefly it's cool that this is unique to the Magic Kingdom because the Disneyland station otherwise lacks the space to do something here in general the experience of the Disneyland railroad is exceptionally better in fact I even have a dedicated video comparing the two pointing out how there's just so much more to see in the Disneyland version however I do want to highlight that the Magic Kingdom does have a cool Frontier land station and does pass Pretty closely to the flooded Town scene of Big Thunder Mountain which is notably interesting while the rest of the railroad is essentially just Florida swamp it's still a pleasant enough ride and is a unique experience even if less interesting than Disneyland counterpart so is Main Street spectacular well it may not live up to the Disneyland version but it's still a worthy nostalgic land on its own one with a lot of charm that's missing from a lot of other non- Disney parks that being said let's move into the more interesting areas of the park because that's where Magic Kingdom really [Music] shines moving clockwise around the park from The Hub I do want to First highlight that I very much enjoy the size of Magic Kingdom's Adventure Land unlike in Disneyland land it's much larger and features extensive facades that definitely allows it to feel like a proper land there's a few highlights here so first I want to briefly mention the jungle Skipper canteen which while serving very mediocre food does have a fantastically themed interior that ties into the jungle cruise I also want to say that I enjoy the SS Family Robinson treehouse which as an attraction definitely feels stuck in 1971 which is part of its charm in general I feel that walkthrough attractions are highly under rated and while it's now outclassed by the adventur land Treehouse that just opened in Disneyland I can still appreciate that this older attraction is unique and full of detail moving on to the Jungle Cruise both versions have slight differences in the scenes between Magic Kingdom and Disneyland which in my opinion is enough of a change to make them both worth experiencing however the highlight of the Magic Kingdom version and the thing that I think that makes it better than in Disneyland is indeed the indoor Temple scene it's short it's brief but is also wonderfully atmospheric and evokes just the right amount of danger without being too scary to terrify little kids perhaps the average person will try to write off both versions of this as the same ride but as someone who likes to analyze detail I find them both very different for example When I visit Universal Hollywood I often skip a lot of attractions because other than some small queue alterations they're essentially the same as what you can find in Orlando with Disney's Jungle Cruise however the differences are subtle but common enough that they almost feel like complet completely different experiences to me and that makes them both worth going out of the way for speaking of similar experiences the magic kingdom enchanted tiki room is well inferior I mean it is essentially the same as in Disneyland but it locks the enchanted Fountain which was removed when it was converted into the new management overlay and it never returned with the original version I will say that I appreciate the difference in pre-shows between the two as in the Disneyland Courtyard there's a small show that highlights different South specific gods in a comedic way however in the Magic Kingdom the pre-show features two birds Clyde and Claude who conveyed the story of how they stumbled across this Sunshine Pavilion or an enchanted Tiki room I don't feel that one pre-show is better than the other but I appreciate that they're different which reinforces my opinion that a lot of what I like about Magic Kingdom is that it's uniquely different from Disneyland even if the changes are not necessarily better or preferred by fans speaking of which I also really like how Pirates of the Caribbean is recontextualized here with its own little area of Adventure Land while I don't prefer the Spanish Colonial aesthetic of the area to New Orleans Square which really is one of Disney's best lands I do again appreciate that this is different and unique as is tradition in the Magic Kingdom the food at Tortuga Tavern is awful that is if it's even open but again I do like the pirate theming that you can find in here as far as Pirates of the Caribbean is concerned I also really appreciate that it has a proper queue the Spanish fort is welld designed and inside it's atmospheric and has a lot of notable Q elements that are otherwise lacking in the Disneyland version I also appreciate the recontextualization as here you're taking a boat into a Cave System under the fort meant for an escape as opposed to diving under New Orleans and reexperiencing an old Pirates memories they're both intriguing in their own way well I think it's pretty clear that the Magic Kingdom version of pirates is the least interesting as it's shorter and misses a lot of scenes from both the California and Par versions of the ride it is still a primary reason to visit the park it's a ride that is often disregarded as the inferior version and while that may be true it's still a really strong experience on its own if I can point out a few key differences then first I want to highlight that if you're comparing it to Disneyland the actual scenes here are a bit larger and the reveal of Barbosa's ship is actually a lot more dramatic as you're dropping directly into the scene rather than just drifting out of the caves something that this ride has that no one talks about either is the scents as when you're moving through the town the auction scene has a sweet scent the drunken pirate with the cats has a butterscotch scent which I believe is meant to evoke the idea of butterscotch rum and finally when the town is on fire there's often a burning wood scent these can be inconsistent and sometimes not very strong but if I recall correctly the Disneyland version of the ride lacks these entirely scent is one of the most powerful Sentry effects that you can use to enhance a ride and it certainly adds to the experience sub stantially in the Magic Kingdom version of pirates so this ride isn't ever going to win when stacked up to its competitors but I'm certainly not going to pretend that it's still not one of the best attractions ever built [Music] either when you're leaving Adventure Land moving into Frontier land a detail that I've always really appreciated is how the Spanish architecture of the Caribbean Blends into the Spanish architecture of the frontier it's something that most people won't notice but I've always found it to be fascinating with how subtle it is like Adventure Land Frontier land in the Magic Kingdom feels like a proper land rather than a small themed corner like in Disneyland I don't really have much to say about it other than I appreciate how extensive its facades are I enjoy P's bill as a restaurant not because the food is remarkable but rather for its Western theming I would also like to point out that I enjoy the seating area themed as a Mexican Town under the night sky which is one of the fun little atmospheric Disney flourishes of the past that goes under appreciated today in terms of attractions when Splash Mountain was open I did prefer the Magic Kingdom version just because it got you significantly less wet than in Disneyland which I anticipate will likely be the case once it reopens as Tiana's Bayou Adventure Big Thunder Mountain on the other hand is definitely lesser experiened than its Disneyland counterpart as the track is significantly rougher and the scenes are generally less interesting although some of them are unique to this version which is a plus it's also worth mentioning that Tom Sawyer island is larger and has more to do the pirat Slayer in Disneyland and even still has its Ford open which includes some of the oldest sets and animatronics that you can still witness judging from how rudimentary they are I suspect that these sets have probably existed almost completely unchanged since 1971 so it really does feel a bit like stepping back in time as a child I didn't really notice the transition from Liberty Square into frontierland but here I want to highlight that they're connected in a clever way which only really adds to how well they blend together if you start from the Haunted Mansion and travel along the facades on the river to the end of frontierland the buildings architecturally reflect the transition from the early American colonies into the architecture of the West slowly changing from the early 1800s with the Diamond Horseshoe to represent St Louis transitioning to the logs of the Colorado Rockies for the building hosting the country bear jamere and advancing and in time until you reach the southwest theming of P's Bell this isn't just reflected architecturally but in the building numbers which designate years as they Advance through time I also want to mention that I appreciate the Country Bear jeree for the weirdness that it was and while Disney has promised that they're going to bring it back and have the Bears now singing Disney songs and really hoping that they don't actually ruin it if so that'll be a pretty significant loss for the history of this park transitioning into Liberty Square I think that this is actually one of the most underrated lands and is often forgotten because it feels like there isn't much to do I was considering perhaps doing a more in-depth video discussing the culture and history represented here so I won't go into too much depth but I want to point out that I appreciate the colonial architecture and the many callbacks to the American Revolution the Hall of Presidents is also another underrated attraction one that is disregarded because people often joke that it's boring but I very much disagree in fact I find it to be a fascinating show because it manages to elevate the Office of the President of the United States in a way that isn't partisan that's a really difficult dance to do especially when you consider that the office has been inhabited by many outright bad men who are on showcase here and unlike the sappy 1980s nationalism of the American Adventure in Epcot the Hall of presidents has been updated to fit contemporary tastes as in it's actually really entertaining and it evokes a sense of nationalism that's actually quite inspirational without partisan Legions Liberty Square is also notable for its Colonial themed restaurants and of course the Highlight is the Haunted Mansion which if compared to Disneyland's version I think that this is easily the better ride as a matter of personal preference while I like the plantation style house of Disneyland's New Orleans Square I very much prefer the Colonial House of Liberty Square if you watch my older video where I discussed the history and culture of the ghost story that inspired the Haunted Mansion then you might recall just how how heavily many of its scenes are based on Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House the colonial facade in the Magic Kingdom definitely evokes Gothic horror a lot better than in New Orleans Square so that's why I prefer it because it's a lot more architecturally interesting and for boing however if we speak about the ride portion itself I think that most people will agree that it's just simply executed better for example the load station has the Doom buggies pull up into a hallway in the actual house rather than the strange black void of the Disneyland version in Magic Kingdom the ride also contains additional scenes which includes the hallway with the changing portraits and the library with the moving busts both of which are just small q elements in the Disneyland version Magic Kingdom also has a scene dedicated just to the piano player who is otherwise an element of Disneyland's attic and it also includes the MC user inspired staircase scene which is absent from Disneyland's Manion entirely the Colonial House Is Not Without its negatives as I'm really not a fan of the hitchhiking ghosts having been replaced with projections of her physical effects and the HotBox ghost placement is a really good example of how contemporary Disney destroys theming in favor of merchandise Sals simply put he's in the wrong location because the ride makes a point to only have the ghosts reveal themselves after Leo to Seance and the point of the hatbox ghost is that he exists in the Attic because well that's where you would store an actual hatbox which is part of the gag reportedly the haox ghost was intended to go into the attic before a structural issue isues were discovered but since hatbox ghost merchandise was selling well in the Magic Kingdom even before his inclusion I can only conclude that the company is so money hungry that they were willing to break the theming just to attempt to make a quick Buck which now that I say it is actually not at all surprising still despite the Falls of this version of the ride I still think that it's easily better because of its additional scenes and personally they very much prefer the scariness of the house facade [Music] if you've been watching my channel for a while then you might recall a video from a few years ago where I highlighted just how broken Magic Kingdom's fantasy land is one of its largest issues that I pointed out is that it lacks the small pretzel style dark rides of Disneyland's Fantasy Land which both had charm and capacity to that Park I had quite a few issues to point out and conceptualize some solution utions but for being the main draw to the most popular theme park in the world I wondered why is Magic Kingdom's fantasy land so underwhelming well despite that being the case and you can go watch that video If you really want to see me dig into the issues of the land I would rather be mostly positive for this video and highlight the things that I do actually like about it first while a lot of people have complained that the Tangled themed bathrooms are disappointing waste of potential because they could have been a ride instead I will say that while that would have been cool the area is is pleasant and well themed or at least pleasant when it's not a parking lot for strollers and ecvs Peter Pan as a ride is fine one that doesn't deserve the way time it always has it also desperately needs updates that the Disneyland version received a long time ago still the update to the queue for the new Fantasy Land project is pretty cool and the ride is still a classic even if it is in need of a few changes Mickey's Fuller magic is a decent show one that absorbs a lot of crowds and despite the poor food quality I have always at least appreciated the theming and atmosphere of the Pinocchio village house another plus is that it has the windows that look down into the load station of It's a Small World Which is less impressive to me as an adult but is something that I found to be really cool as a child skipping over small world for now though I want to mention that The Many Adventures of wiy the Pooh is a decent ride and while I've had pretty strong thoughts on how s dwarf's mind train fails as both an interesting experience and as a coaster at the very least it is pretty and adds a bit of con ISM to the area in general new fantasy land is aesthetically very pleasant ranging from the French mountains with the beast's Castle to Prince Eric's castle and the Mediterranean inspired queue for a journey of The Little Mermaid the ride while it has its issues often seems to get a lot of undeserved criticism thrown towards it and in my opinion is a nice opportunity to get into the air conditioning and away from crowds as it often has a pretty minimal weight it's not spectacular but essentially acts as a high budget sea ticket that absorbs part goers pretty well unfortunately while new fantasy land is quite aesthetically appealing that's about the best that it has to offer Enchanted tales with bell is a decent distraction for kids and Be Our Guest while a fantastic restaurant in terms of theming follows in the Magic Kingdom tradition of just serving incredibly mediocre food I'm willing to look past the food quality though because Disney really did manage to create such an aesthetically interesting restaurant which really makes me wish that many areas of fantasy land were just as Grand immersive on this scale if there's one solid strength of Magic Kingdom's Fantasy Land though it is definitely this Park's version of its a small world I certainly won't say that it's better than Disneyland's version as they really appreciate their inclusion of North America as a continent and their lengthier more detailed scenes but what makes this ride interesting is just how different it is across all the Disney parks while many elements are shared across the many scenes of these rides they're all executed in very different ways and so without getting the like the details about what exactly is different it's still a big factor in what makes the Magic Kingdom version of this route unique for example between both this park and Disneyland you can see that the scene dedicated to France features both the Eiffel Tower and Cabaret dancers but the style perspective and scene design are very different making them both interesting in their own way well I think that most people prefer the grand facade of Disneyland's version to the covered queue and load station of the Magic Kingdom there is something magically different about this that still has a lot of Merit to it it may not be as Grand but still has its own sense of atmosphere and charm another difference and one that I prefer is that the Magic Kingdom boats move through an actual Waterway rather than just an elevated trough like in Disneyland which is a relic of the ride as a premiered at the 1964 New York World's Fair there's something about traveling through the connected waterway that makes the Magic Kingdom version feel a lot larger so while I don't mind Disneylands trough this is still a plus I know this may be sacrilege to many but I also prefer the ending scene of the Magic Kingdom version as well in comparison to Disneyland the scene here has a lot more kinetic visual elements like the hot air balloons the various rides and the steamboat that create more distinct and memorable pieces of iconography to latch on to this isn't to say that Disneyland finale isn't great but it's very different and lacks the Epic scale seen in the Magic Kingdom again I do prefer the Disneyland version of the ride for many reasons but what makes the Magic Kingdom great is just how uniquely different its interpretation is to wrap up fantasy land they do consider story book circus to be its own thematic extension but still firmly part of the land and while its closest thematic comparison is Disneyland's Toontown which is easily the more interesting land I still appreciate storybook circus for what it is I think its largest benefit to the park is not only moving Dumbo out of a crowded area of fantasy land but also cloning it to double capacity he was also built in that era where Disney was experimenting with interactive queue elements in the park so while the indoor playground probably leads to issues with children not wanting to leave it is at least a somewhat interesting thematic addition that adds to the que experience I'm also a fan of Goofy's Barnstormer as it's probably the perfect introduction to a coaster for younger kids offering the right amount of thrill but not being too long while the theming isn't particularly strong I always appreciate what's there and how it fits into the Circus theme otherwise though storybook circus is really just tressing for meet and greets and while I wish that there was more perhaps another flat ride or two I think it's a decently themed area in its own right even if it's underwhelming when compared to Toontown overall M Magic Kingdoms Fantasy Land the primary reason for visiting the park is rather weak I do think that it does have those redeeming elements worth mentioning at the very least it does have unique interpretations of other Castle Park attractions and the new Fantasy Land portion works well aesthetically even if it leaves you wanting [Music] more if there's one place where Magic Kingdom outshines all the other Castle Parks it is certainly with Tomorrowland while not without its problems either is the theater for Stitch's Great Escape has sat empty for 6 years and the tamarand speedway is probably the worst version of atopia there are still a lot of redeeming qualities to this land that easily allow it to stand out as the best version First the land aesthetically has been slowly going through a Reb for quite a while now replacing the 90s steampunk elements in favor of something sleek and with a lot more color progress is slow but certainly better than nothing well once again I have to mention the absolute poor food quality of Magic Kingdom I do generally have a positive opinion of cosmic rays Starlight Cafe just because it includes Sunny Eclipse who has been rising out of the stage since 1995 the idea of putting an animatronic in a restaurant is an old Relic from an era where Disney really cared about delighting you in every corner of their parks and so even if I don't eat here because it's essentially just chicken strips and overdone Burgers I at least appreciate sunny as a weird quirky novelty of the past moving on I want to mention that I casually enjoy monsters in GL Flor and buzzl years's Space Ranger Spin as mid-tier attractions that soak up a lot of Park capacity they're never a B time although they are both dated and could probably benefit from being replaced with more interesting or exciting attractions however where Tom Marland really shines is with its Classics and I think the best place to start is with the Carousel of Progress obviously this show isn't huge draw for most Park crowds but it's certainly highly desirable for Parks fans because it's so well made in full charm even the complaints that ending scene is outdated don't really resonate with me because well yes that may be true that's also also part of what makes it interesting I don't really care that a car phone or voice activated house appliances are outdated Novelties but I do appreciate the humor in the irony of putting them on display it's not really important to the attraction to anticipate specific technology anymore and the priority should be its optimism for progressing everyone's quality of life which I think it conveys pretty well so sure it could use updates but I'm perfectly fine with the attraction as the classic that it is another underrated classic of the Magic Kingdom is of course the People Mover which really does benefit from its Simplicity it adds a lot of contic effect to the land from the ground in conjunction with the Astro Orbiter the Tomorrowland Speedway and alron and as an attraction it's just a pleasant opportunity to sit down and experience the land in some small scenes while not really waiting in line it's cool seeing into shops and attractions it's cool to get unique views of Tomorrowland it's cool to see part of the original Epcot model and it's cool to travel into the Tranquil darkness of space Mountain the People Mover is simple and could perhaps benefit from having a few more scenes but you can't really beat just sitting down and relaxing while a pleasant Breeze cools you off it's unfortunate that Disneyland's people M was destroyed but this is sadly another big plus for Magic Kingdoms Tomorrowland a bit more divisive however is the land's two coers they won't say that Tron is a bad ride but it definitely feels very disconnected from the rest of the land I think that myself and a lot of other people have agreed though that Tron is generally underwhelming it's a lot of Flesh and no substance I'm not angry that it's a Magic Kingdom mostly because it didn't replace a good ride like Disney usually loves to do but it's also a clear example of Disney's aggressive mediocrity that plagues its attractions today it's just fine and soaks up a decent number of people however where I think that things might get controversial is with Magic Kingdom's Space Mountain M as it's my favorite version of the ride while conceptually similar to pretty much every other Space Mountain what makes Magic Kingdom so unique and therefore quite thrilling is that as the first it was very much designed as a spiritual successor to the matter horn bomb slids I can see why people would prefer Disneyland Space Mountain with its fantastic onboard audio and synchronized projection effects but what it lacks is the thrilling almost unbanked turns and sudden unpredictable drops of Magic Kingdom it may not be as intense as the inversions of Disneyland paras's version of the ride but these strong lateral G's and frequent uncomfortably close head choppers offer a unique thrill not really found elsewhere I can also see people disliking the seating but the single file load to the ground Arrangement really accentuates the chaos also the queue and load area well not very detailed at least have a unique sense of atmosphere that is unique to this version of the ride I can certainly see why most people might prefer Disneyland Space Mountain especially as it's a more focused show effect based experience but in terms of rewrite ability I find that I prefer the Magic [Music] Kingdom Magic Kingdom is certainly not a perfect Park and one where you can find a lot of flaws if you really take the time to look for them its fantasy land is underbuilt and pretty underwhelming Main Street USA locks a lot of intimate detail that you'll find at Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean is a shortened version of what you'll find elsewhere missing out of iconic scenes still while the Falls may be apparent I'm still very much a defender of what this park has to offer I'm of the opinion that it has the best version of the Jungle Cruise The Haunted Mansion and at least has a unique version of Space Mountain not found elsewhere it also has exclusive attractions like the Hall of Presidents and the carousel progress while new Fantasy Land leaves something to be desired I don't think that you can really deny what it adds aesthetically even if better versions of attractions are found elsewhere I can still appreciate this Park's unique take on it's a small world Big Thunder Mountain or The Many Adventures of One the Pooh among others there's a lot of merits to the most visited theme park in the world and so I have to ask why have people chosen to voice actual hatred for it well I can certainly see why people would prefer other Castle Parks especially as I prefer Disneyland and so it makes the Magic Kingdom an easy target pointing out its flaws when compared to the others but why do people choose to overlook its positive aspects when even I someone who is often cynical about the state of Disney can find a lot of good things to highlight well I certainly won't blame someone for having Magic Kingdom the lowest on their list if that's truly their opinion but I do think that a lot of harsh criticism for the park is just people choosing to be contrarian just to be contrarian it takes a lot of effort to overlook the positive aspects of this park and at a time when Disney leadership is attempting to destroy a lot of what made their Parks interesting and unique the Magic Kingdom still stands pretty strong so do people really Express this weird vitriolic hatred for the Magic Kingdom just because they can yeah I think it's just a trendy internet thing to do right now and ultimately it's not any deeper than that in writing the script and exploring the park and its attractions I really just wanted an excuse to talk about the positive elements I like about the park because that's something that I just don't do very often I feel that I'm often too focused on the negatives of the Disney company and while I think that it's Justified criticism I rarely talk about the things that I do like about their parks and Magic Kingdom certainly deserves to be viewed in a more positive light so perhaps the next time that you see someone pretending that this is the absolute worst Park that they've ever been to maybe send them this video because I feel that I've made a pretty strong case that the park isn't just great but often off offers unique experiences not found elsewhere and has a handful of rindes and lands that you could argue are the best versions among the castle Parks so that wraps things up and if you watch through the video and generally agree with the positives I've highlighted you can do me a favor by leaving a like to give the video more exposure as always if you enjoy videos like these but have not yet hit the Subscribe button with bell notification yet either you can do so now to be alerted to new videos as they release [Music]
Channel: Poseidon Entertainment
Views: 150,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XR9dssqzJS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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