Kodak Presents Disneyland '59 - DisneyAvenue.com

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Any way to convert this to the original broadcast format of 4:3?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/wongs7 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] there's an ABC television network presentation well Walt yeah how do you feel like an expectant father nervous but wonderful synchronize watches this kind of reminds me of something we did four years ago yes sir hey listen pal friend neighbor I'm counting on you we'll do our best I'll run and pick up the grandchildren All Right see you later wherever you are whatever you do funds more fun with a camera by Kodak so this summer be sure to save your good times in pictures and now direct from Disneyland USA kodak presents [Music] Disneyland 59 a place for people to be happy that was the dream that put the wheels in motion a few brief years ago since then it has been host to 15 million visitors two kings and presidents to almost one in every 10 Americans to people of every race and Creed in 1954 Disneyland was just a painting on canvas the transfer and expand this into reality took 160 acres a site that had once been an orange grove quiet secluded and unsuspecting to build a Magic Kingdom in these times takes more than a magic wand it took earth movers scooping out lakes canals and broad river beds paid off with enough dirt for rolling hills Knowles and Islands rare tropical plants for the jungles of Adventureland were sought out and brought from many parts of the world there was a deadline to meet and no time for nature to carve out rock formations so sculptors took over the job riverbeds were sealed watertight crafts and skills near forgotten will revive and put to use craftsmen created a Mississippi paddlewheeler a pirate ship a Ford of hewn logs a fairytale castle [Music] down on Old Main Street the architecture may be 19th century but construction methods are strictly up-to-the-minute as the opening day of Disneyland drew near thousands of workmen were kept on a round-the-clock schedule time was running out a speed-up Proclamation was issued man material and machines shifted into overdrive today the carpenters were on the beat the man's got to have his lunch oh well there's always the coffee break to look forward to only fast whispers dude whistle while they worked after had the quakes and Herculean Labor's the deadline was kept the dream was fulfilled but it was a dream with a future for Disneyland will never be completed from the beginning it is expanded and grown as new adventures and new ideas came into being the Skyway was soon added is a link between Tomorrowland and Fantasyland it was a new and exciting way to see the sights from the heights [Music] the jungles of Adventureland thrived and grew [Music] wild beasts were added to increase the fast-growing animal population a tribe of natives moved in and they've been celebrating ever since in Frontierland more pages out of history and legend came to life the Columbia took her place on the big river a full-sized replica of the famous vessel that was the first ship to carry the American flag around the world in Tomorrowland that ever-changing land all things constantly make way for the new the old Autopia freeway is being expanded into a new multi-level superhighway the first modern monorail system in America is being created here a highway in the sky submarines will carry passengers through the depths of the seven seas for an adventure in liquid space the man-made Matterhorn with its bobsled rides and glacier skyways is an engineering feat without parallel today these new adventures are ready for their dedication in a moment we'll join the crowds along Main Street USA and meet your hosts Walt Disney and art Linkletter for an on-the-spot preview of Disneyland 59 now let's join the Aussie Nelson family over on Tom Sawyer's Island [Music] hello we're having a wonderful time and best of all we'll be saving all of it to enjoy again and again you can too with the browning movie camera like this I was just taking a picture of Dave and Ricky on Tom Sawyer's raft now I'll get one of Ozzy enjoying himself in his own way that picture will be a big hit at our house Ozzie loves this browning movie camera because it's so easy to use even I can get movies with a professional touch I can start with an overall shot like this then turn it and get a medium shot another twist and here's a close-up of tonight's dinner brownie movie cameras are so easy to operate and so inexpensive why don't you put your family in movies that's what we do see even Ozzy will enjoy every minute of our trip when we get home take a brownie movie camera wherever you go and save the thrill of seeing new things visiting historic places or watching that big swimming meet save all the action with a brownie movie camera for big clear colorful low-cost movies you can get a brownie movie camera for only thirty to fifty or as little as 350 down remember brownie movie cameras are made by Kodak and the surest way to better movies is to insist on that named Kodak how do you do everyone I'm art Linkletter standing right in the heart of Disneyland and the main plaza at the head of Main Street and we're just about to begin the ceremonies for this hour and a half show and here in the main reviewing stand are friends of Walt Disney who come from all over the country to help in these ceremonies vice president of the United States Richard Nixon and his family and from Hollywood Hedda Hopper wearing a parasol and Edward Peron a the Consul General of Switzerland come to see who stole the Matterhorn and many many others from all over the country you'll meet them later in the program including the Admirals who are here for part of the submarine dedication ceremonies but right now we are all waiting for the big brave and looking down Main Street I see Disneyland 59 in a huge paper drum [Music] fittingly bursting through the drum so many years ago the fellow who formed a lifelong partnership with Walt Disney and helped to start a chain reaction of happy events our television cameras are going to look right down [Music] now your town might have looked at the turn-of-the-century [Music] the Disneyland ban directed by VC Walker and man he struts is coming up the marching us band in the whole world covering every cranny of Disneyland they play on the riverboats and covered wagons and the carousel in the jungle launches you name it they're there and so they're here for the opening it's a beautiful day here in this [Music] some of the most colorful characters in Hollywood famous people beautiful clothes [Music] following the disneyland band at the color guard of the armed forces with the flag to the United States in California [Music] mr. Disneyland himself Walt Disney having a great time with his grandchildren Chris and Joanna there's the Pied Piper of America Walt Disney and he'll see the rest of the parade we're gonna see a dance the reds and the purples and gold brilliant colors in the sike Missy cameras present Eastman company is going to get its costs back just miss parade alone snapping shutters [Applause] now we have the parasols [Applause] [Music] cute little dolls aren't they Hue's they're wearing it's a good thing that they aren't taking one of the customary American parades eight miles through streets of the downtown district [Music] [Music] as an old parade man myself and I've staged and been at many of the big parades in the country over the past 25 years broadcasting them I'd like to tell you that the way some professional parade operators judge success evaporated by the number of prostrations along Hawaiian and March president say all was a great parade we had over a hundred and fifty paintings well it's too comfortable here to faint but if the magnitude scope and color of this parade were any criteria we'd have two or three hundred paintings [Applause] exclaims the Austrian and these are the authentic costumes and authentic dances of the old they're wearing their later hose their leather pants oh shoot I play dance slap leather [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the sound of a music box [Applause] incidentally this group has appeared many times in the Hollywood Bowl [Music] there they go with a characteristic Austrian flower [Applause] our neighbor to the south Mexico brings tourists to Gaelic comparisons riders and these riders have the beautiful silver saddles seeking [Applause] Brina bow there's dancers who also appeared at the Hollywood Bowl many times they're coming up the street with a Mexican dance see some of the girls carrying the doors but [Music] coming up forests in the buckboard with such liquid names riding a missile Olivia Veronica be arrows such a lovely language Gonzalez trio gone by her Martinez and Alma Church and back of them the Los Angeles County Sheriff's mounted posse and back of this horse and buckboard first rains of a band coming up the street captain ben Oberstein is leading in Sheriff's Mountain passe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're now looking at two rickshaws carrying miss chinatown of san francisco and miss chinatown of los anglers well they say East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet but here at the Disneyland parade we've just seen a drum and bugle corps which is typically Western and now that's followed by gong carriers firecracker pole carriers tiny Chinese dragons and a tremendous dragon coming up the street now this one is a hundred and fifty years old think of the care that this has been given because of the countless parades that it's been in and it's been in Chinese parades in both San Francisco a real good luck Chinese dragon it's like a centipede with all those legs underneath it doesn't it who brings up the rear now here comes our next international group and these are the Ghamdi dancers about 20 Gandy dancers from Greece and the Greek musicians which are in the cart just in back of these Gandy dancers have just recently arrived from afternoons captions are predominantly red and white and the men wear dark blue or black boots black men and the turbans around their heads [Music] [Applause] [Music] many many gold coins around the national much jewelry almost in the gypsy style characterized their damage [Music] less than a month ago [Applause] next comes Spain in their proud banner of red and gold and Norma cucas is wearing the Spanish bridal dress preceded by a matador and followed by a cart with Spanish musicians and the lily allele our dancers [Applause] to pick up now we get into the fast-moving dances with a castanets these Linea with our dances it appeared at the Hollywood Bowl and Pomona fair in Canada and many many times at Disneyland they wear bright green gold purple black you can see they're very young all of them under I'd say under 14 become some of the older senorita maybe 16 or 17 and back of them come Spanish masks 10-foot high Spanish masks called a he hunting he's date back to twelve hundred and seventy six over six hundred years ago representing the four parts of the world known at that time and then of course colorful Spanish equestrians Bob Phillips and Hazel Creek Patrick riding the beautifully silvered horses those saddles must cost from twenty five to fifty thousand dollars each solid silver mounting [Music] now come the Scottish dances in their bagpipe [Music] these are the san diego highland dancers the Campbell Highlanders bagpipe band and the Cameron Highlanders bagpipe bands all from San Diego incidentally a group of highly [Music] some of the stars in Hollywood are all waiting back in line coming up [Music] [Music] you know I'm having the time of my life Julia are you having any fun oh yes I am and I've been taking pictures everywhere I hope you're going to take plenty of pictures this summer too on your vacation on holiday weekends wherever you go I know you'll find plenty of pictures that you'll want to take summer is made of pictures waiting to be taken every hour of every day there's a picture somewhere near you waiting for your camera summers a boy surprise let's go summers a new adventure summer is Sun and fun and pictures waiting for your camera summer is a time for looking ahead for dreams of worlds to conquer summer is made of a father's pride a mother's love and a youngsters grin summer is made of pictures waiting for your camera summer the time when old friends meet for rest and recollection good times gay times warmth and friendship all of these and many more are ready for your camera for summer is made of pictures waiting to be taken wherever you go whatever you do in the perfect days ahead take along your Kodak camera and lots of dependable Kodak film whether you take snapshots color slides or movies in sun or shade you can count on Kodak film for sharp clearer pictures time after time I'm sure you'll want to take lots of pictures this summer and that's just what I'm going to do right now because I see the parade is about to begin and I don't want to miss a minute of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now ladies and gentlemen behind them comes the lassi cast John Provost June Lockhart hue Riley and lassi at horse-drawn fire wagons and J Carroll Nash as Charlie Chan and zasu Pitts Roberts maxie of people's choices the mayor [Music] Edgar Bergen and his wife Frances Bob Cummings [Applause] and now coming up at the first car ballet a gay nineties dance with a gay beach and in these old-fashioned horse-drawn streetcars grandma office window shop while sitting down much like they're gonna do my setting today [Music] let's see the dancers there on each side of this fan of this each side of this horse-drawn cart [Music] that's the Elliott brothers band these are the Disneyland date nighters they provide the beat for teenagers in all ages in Disneyland summer night dancing parties every night there's dancing here [Music] [Applause] [Music] Disneyland's Main Street in the composite of all the main streets in America way back [Music] [Music] and there go the Elliott brothers band who really blew up a storm on that one get to Adventureland because each round is represented to salute as you can see we're on safari and Wally Boag is the white hunter on the elephant incidentally Wally is the famous entertainer the golden horseshoes today he's turned in his pengallan cowboy hat for a safari hat doctor's Headshrinkers [Music] jungle warriors [Music] this represents the Adventureland ride where the river boats love the rivers of all the continents and all the jungles they're fighting Python [Music] that takes us through Adventureland and brings the frontier land the Huntington Park youth band of 90 pieces is going by their bright blue and gold [Music] and the band having serenaded Vice President Nixon Walt Disney and his guests of honor go on by followed by a stagecoach with Richard Eastham of Tombstone territory riding shotgun behind him the silver mounted equestrians look at those saddle mountings Ernest Peck riding King Cortez jr. and LD Ward or riding a Palomino parade horse many many other riders wearing costumes that run up to 40 50 60 $70,000 in solid silver plating these are beautiful Arabians quarter horse palominos bei Arabian horses and as George Putnam up there one of our top TV newscasters who is a gaily comparison rider and many of our better known citizens here in Southern California dressed in their Fiesta costumes that's a beautiful beautiful display sergeant Preston of the Yukon [Applause] now we see a Columbia float Columbia was the first American ship to circumnavigate the globe in 1787 and an exact replica of this famous schooner carries passengers on frontieres' lands big river this is a little model of it about 12 14 feet long no frontier land would be complete without Indians all real Indians member of the drum and feather Club members of 16 different Indian tribes are here every day in Disneyland and out of Golden Horseshoe flow a dancehall fight takes place there and it's taking place right now tough guys breaking bottles and furniture over each other's heads [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all killed now comes out they go baka who is Robert loggia and John slotter and other Western heroes the lawman John Russell frontier dr. Rex Allen rawhide Clint Eastwood the sorrow and the kids are screaming their heads off the riders television [Applause] black capes and his sword there is sergeant Garcia the man he always foil [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as Lawrence Welk so well Marvin Miller Tommy Kirk of the shaggy-dog Richard McKenna the real McCoys Jeffrey hunter Darvin McGavin of Mike Hammer Dennis Hopper they're going through and now the monorail float this represents the rapid transit system of the future takes its first official run in Tomorrowland today in fact Vice President Richard Nixon and his family will participate in the dedication ceremony of this Skyway of the future this represents the monorail system it goes all over the dissection Disneyland there it goes an actual working model [Music] [Music] a submarine before that however is the matterhorn flows of the bobsled coming down the steep slope [Music] they're wearing [Music] built into the Matterhorn 14-story hi look at that kid enjoying the fun [Music] training centre van [Music] San Diego Naval Training Center band is the submarine voyage with two men clad in deep-sea diving helmet sparingly riding the float with the submarine over his head mermaids accosted jewelry from Davy Jones locker to the crowd this is another edition the Disneyland 8 submarine carrying passengers ocean depths you'll see it all dedicated and the underwater ballet [Music] [Music] and Jim Nast's and Disney cartoon characters from Walt Disney's cartoon family screen stars in their own right Mickey Mouse Alice and Wanda them the three bears Pinocchio Britain in the bowl mr. coats car the whole game Dumbo the crocodile the kangaroo and Musketeers of all sizes and horse courtiers here come the Arabian what do I see down there Meredith Willson would you come up here a minute I want to hear from an expert you're mr. music man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know it's a great pleasure to have Eastman Kodak Company with us tonight because pictures and Disneyland just naturally go together since Disneyland first opened in 1955 there have been more than 15 million visitors and all you have to do is look around you to see that practically all of them are taking pictures of their many adventures here and they enjoy their visit a great deal more because they do you know most everyone uses this Disneyland camera store as headquarters for Kodak film and cameras and today when they come in they discover that taking pictures is easier and more fun than it ever was thanks to Kodak's brand new automatic cameras that have just been introduced you can see them now it's your own Kodak dealers these great new cameras that give you the right exposure time after time automatically that's right automatically you can go all over Disneyland or all over the world and be sure of getting beautifully exposed pictures time after time now believe it or not this picture was taken in the shade and this one in the Sun and they're both just great I wasn't that a wonderful thing to know that every picture you take can come out just right and you never have to make a single setting so this summer saved your fun the modern way with a new automatic camera by Kodak there's one for every kind of picture taking for snapshots there's the new brownie star Matic camera and four beautiful color movies the new brownie automatic movie camera so remember wherever you are whatever you do funds more fun with a camera by Kodak now don't go away because in just a few seconds we'll be back with some of the most exciting adventures you've ever seen an undersea ride in the newest submarine at a look at the transportation of the future the monorail and a trip to the Matterhorn mountain all right here on that presents Disneyland 59 Ozzy's surprise party for Harriet Nelson mushrooms into a surprise for him watch the front Wednesday night over the ABC television network now it's time for some brand new adventures in Disneyland and the first of these will be the launching of Walt Disney's new submarine fleet which incidentally is the eighth largest sub fleet in the world but there's a story behind that as there is with most of the things that Walt does so let's see how it started in 1868 Jules Verne conceived an undersea craft powered by a substance beyond the wildest dreams of science an atomic submarine called the novel's the thought that men might explore the underwater world came to him long before this fact was to be accomplished in light of recent achievements we realized the prophetic vision of this most imaginative of all writers for what was then looked upon as fantastic fiction it is now true fact the world's first atomic submarine the namesake of Jules Verne's novelists was launched by the United States Navy a century after he wrote 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea his most noteworthy achievement in the interest of science took place when the USS Nautilus cruise 2,000 miles under a canopy of ice to the North Pole with the development of the atomic submarine the vast unexplored ocean depths present a new exciting frontier now it's time for the dedication of the Disneyland submarine fleet and here's Walt Disney I'd like to introduce our honored guests Admiral Charles C Corps Patrick of the United States Navy thank you all I'm delighted to be here for this happy occasion well Admiral as this seems to be a nautical affair I think it'd be appropriate if you take over sir I'd be most happy to do so long as a matter of fact the Navy has been interested in some time in the proceedings that go here today and we have a considerable rooting interest in Disneyland's peacetime submarine fleet since the launching of the first nuclear-powered submarine the Nautilus the Navy also has been interested in a new concept we call it the exploration of blimp of liquid space then - we believe that the under seas of the world have great potential for peace and for the benefit of all mankind but even more important than these particular resources under the seas could be the exploration which perhaps can be accomplished by submarines but even more important in the submarines themselves are the men over a century ago Jules Verne wrote out of the minds of men can come things that other men can do I'd like to produce for you today one of these men a man who does what other men can't imagine chief machinists mate stuart nelson of the nuclear-powered submarine USS Nautilus officially commended for outstanding leadership technical competence and devotion to duty in the first transpolar cruise in history under the sea by submarine chief Nelson thank you very much I'd like you two to introduce my family yes sir good to know some family are you well this is a real Navy family I don't believe that you could put the christening of a ship in better hands are in better company right you are Admiral and mrs. Nelson will you honor us by christening the first submarine submarine I'll lead the way [Applause] [Music] well the subs been loaded is now going out for its maiden voyage the official dedication and now let's see what our Hallam or underwater camera is picking up below the surface [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wasn't that something and how about that submarine ride I tell you there'll be lots of youngsters whose dreams come true on that one and you know that's the way it is all summer long we parents can actually see our youngsters vacation dreams come true it's just one thing to remember and it's true wherever you take your children if you want to make the most of your good times together don't forget your camera because when you see your youngsters dreams come true never forgive yourself if you don't take lots of pictures childhood is so short I often think our children don't really belong to us we just sort of borrow them for a while golly it seems like only yesterday my own kids were about the size of these two but you can make the childhood last for years to come if you take plenty of pictures and you know it's so easy to do just get yourself a brownie star camera you'll see what I mean why this star Matic model actually adjusts its own lens automatically you can shoot a picture in deep shade and then turn right around and take another in bright sunlight and get just the right exposure time after time automatically that's wonderful isn't it now I'd suggest you see all the brownie star cameras that your kodak dealers this week they cost as little as five ninety-five and any one of them would make a wonderful gift now remember brownie star cameras another good reason to insist on the name Kodak and now for the ride that I nominate is the most unusual and completely fascinating that I've ever enjoyed let's set a course for deeper water and continue our Disneyland submarine adventure very well among these coral reefs you may see some of the strange inhabitants of this undersea world hiding among the seaweed and weird rock formations other creatures are looking in the depths of mysterious caves favorite hiding places for octopus lobster and moray eels with the use of our exterior sonar hydrophones we can actually hear the fish talk [Music] [Music] salvage operations ahead sir divers to port and starboard very well take her down to three five zero feet use ten degree down angle flood negative the graveyard of lost ships [Music] think of all the treasure that must lie in those ancient halls Sam lights up crossing bow sir proceed with caution steer clear of mothership sir sonar shows polar icecap dead ahead very well continue on course to Paul [Music] scraping iceberg sir bigger deep daddy [Music] Oh a giant squid giant squid have often been mistaken for sea serpent such reports have persisted for centuries but of course they have no basis in fact tall tales of ocean monsters should be classed this fiction along with the myth of mermaids of your flight of fancy belonging to the realm of make-believe here a view into the distant past fabulous lost continent of Atlantis the treasures and grandeur of this ancient civilization are believed to have been submerged centuries ago by the eruption of a gigantic volcano all ahead full Gausman steer clear of those columns hi sir [Music] [Music] I'll see serpent captain the crew man your battle stations stand by for action further service an aquatic service sir [Music] [Music] after the deck make all preparations for end record how about that well not everything I promised you well now from the undersea lost continent of Atlantis to the freeways of Southern California is a long jump but we can do it with Disney magic as waltz provides a rare glimpse into the shape of things to come now you're about to see the debut of a revolutionary new form of transportation the monorail the first let's find out what's causing this revolution we are the most mobile nation in the world over a highway system which is the most modern in existence but cars can be built faster than the highways to take care of you wheels are rolling in all directions and they're all headed for the biggest traffic jam since the wheel was invented [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] where does the Harris commuter go from here let's take a look ahead and see what the commuter can hope for in the future traffic engineers agree that a monorail system could well be an answer to growing traffic congestion in large cities where land is at a premium an aerial monorail system needs only a narrow beam ways supported by pylons the accent is on economy with the advent of such highways in the sky the weary commuter will find himself traveling in speed comfort and safety tomorrow's living areas will expand as the beam ways of modern monorail systems begin to criss cross metropolitan centers [Music] but when is tomorrow in Disneyland a monorail system is being put into operation and the future in transportation can be enjoyed today awake monorail coach for its first official run pulling up to the loading platform where the dedication ceremonies will take place and the ribbon [Music] special guests and cheering is the monorail pulls in and now there is Vice President Nixon waiting this is your spot Walt take it away to open the first operating monorail system in America it is our good fortune to have our friend and fellow Californian the Vice President of the United States mr. Richard Nixon and his charming family mrs. Pat Nixon Julia and Patricia his daughters mr. Nixon our vice president well thank you very much Walt I want to say that this has really been one of the most exciting and interesting days that I've ever had in my life and I'm sure that's true of all the others who were here at Disneyland to participate in these various ceremonies opening these wonderful new exhibits which we have here I think you'll be interested to know and I know that our television and radio listeners will be interested to know that when my wife and I were planning his trip and talking it over with our two daughters we asked them what they wanted to do most when they came to California they said we want to see our grandmother and go to Disneyland now I can tell you however that that is not only the case with regard to young people all over the country but it's true of the dignitaries who come to Washington from other lands I remember president Sukarno also wanted to come to Disneyland and has been ears you know the king of Belgium the king of morocco from all over the world people whether they're adults or children want to come to Disneyland to see America the past the present and the future and so consequently I just want to take this opportunity to say what a fine job we think Disneyland has been doing in letting all of us for a brief few hours have an interlude in our rather busy lives and to participate in a feeling about the traditions they dreams the hopes of this great country of ours now of course comes the time for the dedication and although you and I the adults up here are probably just as interested in writing and this is the children since this first monorail system is a system for the future and since of course Disneyland is a place which children love above everybody else I think it would be nice if our two daughters Patricia and Julie would cut this ribbon and if they would like to do that we'll step back and let them do the job now you know how to cut a ribbon don't you [Applause] [Music] the train is moving now into place for loading for the first official ride and there comes Bob Cummings and Mary Cummings and their family of three or four maybe all five of them are out here today I see back there with a straw skimmer Fred MacMurray Joong haver and their families mrs. Linkletter and my brood of little links are all climbing in for their first ride there's my big son Robert my little girl Diane and a great many other [Music] roles on inflated rubber tires [Music] it's over the actual lagoon where the submarines are going preparing to a beautiful overhead shot [Music] is the first monorail in America [Music] cruising over the [Music] over some more of the Autopia is filled with youngsters riding their miniature cars [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's the monorail a long step forward into the future today you're seeing America's first scheduled monorail system and operation soon others will follow heralding the day when such rapid transit systems will relieve America's crowded streets and perhaps even bring back the original meaning of the word freeway and now here in slip one the Eastman Codell special the Triton featuring Codell new champion of stay fresh fibers in a preview of golf jackets that stay looking smoother slacks that keep their crease longer rain wear that keeps its good looks suits that fight wrinkles better shirts that wash and wear easier and easy to care for women's fashions and now miss Julia made hi you know Codell is different from other fibers because Codell is the liveliest polyester fiber it's so lively it fights off wrinkles better and keeps clothes looking fresher and crisper for instance let's compare a suit made with ordinary fibers to one made with Codell fibers here's the ordinary suit being crushed this microscopic view shows that ordinary fibers don't fight back and the wrinkles stay in but Codell acts like thousands of tiny muscles to smooth and flatten the fabric the wrinkles don't have a chance that's why clothes made with Codell the pressure and stay fresher longer arriving soon in stores all over America from alligator arrow Esquire sportswear Manhattan McGregor Michael Stern timely clothes varsity town Palm Beach Weldon clothes made with Codell [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whenever Walt Disney goes anywhere in the world he likes to bring back something for the park and so when Walt was on location last year in Switzerland and saw the Matterhorn he thought say that would make a nice souvenir for Disneyland well there it is not the real mountain of course because even Walt couldn't bring the Matterhorn back but he built one exactly to scale 1/100 the original size 14 stories high just like the real one and up there on the mountain now are members of the Sierra Club actually making the first ascent so we've invited a member Harvey would you come over here please Harvey here has Harvey but your last name Hickman Harvey Hickman has been one of the top climbers in California and along with his fellow Sierra Club members is going to tell us on this broadcast what's going on now this mountain is the exact replica of the Matterhorn and right about now they'd be at what height if they were in the real Matterhorn they would be a little over 14,000 feet probably with about 500 feet to go here here they're 14 stories high which is plenty scary and now who's that going up the overhang I believe that is George har one of the veteran climbers in the Sierra Club and a man who climbed the Matterhorn about five years ago from the Swiss side looks like real snow and by the way those trees are real up and down the slopes of this small Matterhorn they were growing up in the Rocky Mountains and brought down here and transplanted what's he doing right now again that is sixth class climbing he's stepping in slings to make this exceedingly difficult overhang this is probably the hardest type of climbing there is and it really takes experts to make it those slings he steps in our strong nylons slings you say sixth class what does that mean that means he has to use direct aid to make the pitch 5th class is where they just used Pitons and carabiners for safety oh hang on but he made it splendid climber for a minute I didn't got a good belay on him even if he had fall in the rope with a caught him and now there they are up at the top and they're raising the Swiss flag and the United States flag and in a moment they'll come down and what spectacular fashion they're going to repel down rappelling is a rather expert way of sliding down the rope using the friction over your shoulders and your back to control the speed of the descent and using a hand also one hand to guide your guide you down the mountain you'll see the rope [Music] sliding down the mountain with great leaps and jumps with almost like a freefall almost but completely controlled and completely safe when it's in the hands of experts and that's what these people are now we're about to see the most thrilling and exciting spectacle of all mountain climber is coming down just as they do up in the mountains this is Chuck Will's and yet one of the most famous climbers has made a number of first ascents getting ready to rappel down he's putting the rope through a carabiner then we will see the Rope come over his shoulder right now and you'll see him guide his way down just holding on with one hand perfectly safe but it takes skill he is loosening the rope right now so that it won't get caught in any pinnacles are caught in any cracks as he descends all right here he comes and right over the edge you'll go now there we go exhilarating to do that it takes an expert kangaroos in Reverse coming down the matterhorn Mike jerrick coming down the while he's closer to the fergan Ridge yes the Rope runs through that he's perhaps certainly one of the truthfully most famous young climbers in the Sierra Club well the crowd here is getting a great thrill out of watching this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] debar translated roughly in English that means crazy man crazy and why not Disneyland is full of music and adventure and plain and fancy fun just the kind of a place that would appeal to a kid like Ed Sullivan Disneyland is really a whirl all its own a wonderful place to have fun and a wonderful place to take pictures but still has the place for you plan to spend your vacation this summer wherever it may be plan to save all the enjoyment relive your entire summer and big clear colorful movies and it's easier than ever with this new brownie automatic movie camera it gives you correctly exposed pictures every time automatically for instance as we move along this jungle river in Disneyland the light changes every inch of the way but you get each new scene correctly exposed with a Browning automatic because it has an electric eye that changes your lens setting for you so whether you're in bright sunlight or in deep shade oh whatever your light you get the correct exposure even if the light changes while you're actually shooting and what's more you're always ready with a Browning automatic when the unexpected happened now because this brownie camera is automatic I was able to get those three terrific shots that fast the hippo and the Sun a guide in the deep shade and then back to mr. hippo the brownie automatic movie camera is yours for seventy four fifty or as little as seven fifty down other brownie movie cameras start as low as thirty to fifty why not start this summer to save all your good times with a movie camera bye Kota remember wherever you are and whatever you do funds more fun when you save it in movies my happy job as co-host it's just about wrapped up so I'm gonna have some fun on these rides we've been talking where is world oh there he is down there with some children naturally so for one last official bit of business I give you the happiest kid in the park Walt Disney [Music] Disneyland was made possible by all of you the millions have already been here the people here today and those we hope to see someday so I think it's appropriate for the occasion that I asked these children from the visitors here today to help me officially open Disneyland 59 for its only purpose the pursuit of happiness for all come on children help me with this you want to go [Music] Kodak presents Disneyland 59 has come to you direct from Disneyland USA remember for your vacation your weekends for the holidays coming up wherever you are whatever you do funds more fun with a camera by Kodak this summer be sure to save your good times on dependable Kodak film [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we wish to thank the Ralston Purina company sponsors a bold journey for relinquishing their time this evening in order that we might bring you the special Disneyland 59 program mold journey will return next week over most of these stations this has been an ABC television network presentation a five hundred dollar legacy from an outlaw gets the rifleman into trouble watch rifleman tomorrow night over ABC television [Music]
Channel: Diz Avenue
Views: 172,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disneyland '59, 59, disneyland, disney avenue, disneyavenue.com, walt disney
Id: Xu7xDIA0zeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 43sec (5383 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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