Project Florida 1971 - Restored in HD

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[Music] [Music] annihilated seven a progress report on the new Walt Disney World in Florida this rule that the Walt Disney Studios is the command post for project Florida here are the aerial photographs and survey maps the plans and models that were the beginning of Walt Disney's greatest reach a few short years ago surrounded by these same maps and plans and models wove spoke of the screen [Music] welcome to a little bit of Florida here in California this is where the early planning is taking place for our so called the Disney World project but before I go into any of the detail I want to say just a word about the site mark Florida project as you can see on this map we have a perfect location employed almost in the very center of the state Ike we selected this site because it's so easy for tourists with Florida residents to get here by automobile now in larger scale on this map our Florida land located Part B in Orange County Osceola County between the cities of Orlando and Kissimmee and the important thing is that the Disney World is located just a few miles from the Musti point of interstate 4 and Sunshine State Parkway or borders major highways Carey motors movies the West but Martha found the center of the state we're now developing a master plan that encompasses the theme park and all the facilities around it Detroit hotels hotels and a variety of recreation activity in fact just this little area alone is my time size of Disneyland in California you can see on the Miami theme park and all the other tourist facilities still just one small area of our enormous Florida body going to this skate home I am six miles long Alex club miles from here up to here and the whole area 1,400 feet that is 43 square miles twice the size of the island of Manhattan here in Florida we had something special we've never enjoyed at Disney a blessing aside there's enough land here to hold all the ideas of plans we could possibly imagine right now our plans include an airport of the future down here in Osceola County an inputs complex where all visitors will enter Disney World an industrial park area covering about 1,000 acres and of course the theme park area way up here everything in this room may change time and time again as we move ahead but the basic philosophy of what we're planning for Disney World is going to remain very much as it is right now [Music] we know what our goals are we know what we hope to accomplish and believe me it's the most exciting and challenging assignment we've ever tackled and Walt Disney Productions and so Walt Disney's great dream became reality very early in the game it began to be unveiled for the public always the showman Walter decided it should have its own proper setting and so one of the first buildings to be completed on the site was that handsome information headquarters and reception center inside the reception center a special theater had been constructed in which to present the Disney World store the main feature was a scale model visualization of what Disney World would look like on opening day and here it is the parking lot in the foreground Bay Lake for water sports on the right the tropical Lagoon with its resort hotels on the left and the theme park with its towering Cinderella Castle in the distance as our hostess and tour guide tells the story in full detail suppose we pretend we are opening day visitors where do we go for it well it's likely we would leave our car and our cares behind us up on the Disney World monorail find ourselves delivered to the exciting new contemporary hotel not just at the doorstep but right in the lot only a few steps from our roll next up if there are kids in the family almost certainly the Magic Kingdom recreation for the whole family rides theatres entertainment restaurants more of this story later now suppose mom and dad want a game of golf do championship courses with lots of water hazards to test their every shot perhaps lunch on the way at the new Disney designed and Disney managed aging hotel the Polynesian hotel carry one to the South Pacific and even supply a coral reef where one may die of a pearl all of these new hotels will be managed and run as a working part of Walt Disney World this one is a bit of Venice and st. Mark's Square Venetian throughout in design and decor that's what will be a vision out of the Arabian Nights the Persian hotel a veritable palace a motel keepers are post employ days there will be the Trailer Park Campground the small-scale city in itself and along with it the diamond deed dude ranch where a small sized scalpel meets large size horse who cares about girls unless it might be this one afterwards at or lonely heart walk here every phase and every facet of Walt Disney World is sketched and visualized in complete detail this is Walt Disney's way part of his meticulous Sarah here is the decor of the Polynesian Hotel who's rich interiors will reflect the exotic arts and graces of the South Pacific and here's the hotel be as contemporary as tomorrow where the monorail look cause in the lobby itself these two hotel will be the first to be made ready for guests on opening day besides the monorail there will be water transportation every sort sail boat water taxis and excursion steamer this is the side wheeler Osceola that will apply Bailey all the inviting byways of the tropical Lagoon and these will be the landmark features of the theme park itself the Cinderella Castle towering above Fantasyland like a vision from a fairy tale the railroad station done in the grand manner what might be called Victorian brass the city law every proper American town has to have a City Hall as well all we said here is where children can find lost parents Main Street America period 1910 reflecting Walt Disney's own boiler here is a place dedicated to the American spirit - fun and frolic and in nostalgia and Liberty Square USA here's the visitor we'll go back in time to colonial days and come to know something of our American heritage this reception center has been open since February 1969 and already a half million people look passed through its door walt disney world itself expect 8 million people in its first year and will open to the public in october of this year Walt Disney's greatest dream was left in competent hands his brother and lifelong partner Roy Disney became head of the planning team and was a seal born of dedication he plunged into the past a soldier began a series of on the site inspection trips often is not by Roy Disney himself who like Walter for him wanted to see how things were going it seems to follow you to we'll watch a dream coming true in no time all those to look like this the construction site began to look like the model buildings taking shape even streets and plazas beginning to appear approaching from the lagoon when later there is a lagoon we would disembark at this boat dock make our way under the railroad embankment and continue a plain Street toward the central plaza in front of the castle [Music] circling the castle we can see that it is sturdy as any medieval castle but the food will be better our first-class restaurant on the top floor will provide the best view in the park the too grandiose concoctions in the foreground are not birthday cakes created by some giant confectioner but a railroad station of the City Hall remember the sketches now the artists dream has become a tangible reality still further evidence of Disney syrup this whole operation from start to finish was recorded unfill and here's our documentary cameraman setting out to make this day's report [Music] meanwhile is assistance of man the 50-foot tower that stands on what will be the simple plaza the very hub of the Magic Kingdom this camera records their activity and there's record his coming by a case of future takers taking pictures of picture takers of course there was a good practical reason for all this camera coverage it became a constant check on construction progress no one was permitted to forget that target date October 1971 production query are the Golf Course is coming along practical answer will have a quick let's see this is the pause course with the Magnolia in the distance the greens are in the sand traps located with the fairways yet to be plan [Music] there's a whole oil they get to it you'll have to cross either by bridge or narrow causeway you do that is your ball that's another matter [Music] our helicopter driver couldn't resist this jelly he wanted to pretend he was a golf ball can you hook or it's license with a helicopter or whatever you do man stay out of the trees you're flying mr. Hill a golfer right on right on conservation was always part of Walt Disney's plan and much of the property will be left in its original state reserved for all future time as a wildlife sanctuary the great blue heron flying above it is almost a symbol of the wilderness spirits that will be left entirely untouched in the park itself meanwhile one of the last big jobs is the monorail the sky running Railway that will circle the entire premise the tall pylons are in place the streamlined cars are being readied for a first trial run oh and here come the tracks arches of solid country getting them to the park is an engineering feat in itself for each of these bandits 110 feet long and weighs approximately 55 ton listing them into place becomes almost an exercise in bridge building 300 of these giant beams to create five miles of elevated track meanwhile let's make a magic carpet jump to California to see what fantastic shows and attractions are being planned for inside these fanciful building in California Carnival is the organization is known as wend enterprises formed by Walt Disney years ago when he was planning Disneyland itself from the very beginning of project Florida led has been busily at work doing what we call imaginary blending creative imagination with technical know-how this may look like an explosion at toy factory but it's really one of our most charming attractions called it's a small world there will be nearly 300 of these doll like figures representing children from around the world but each one has been made an individual with his or her own cheerful face and native dress here again carefully built scale models have been made so that our artists and designers can see just what the final appearance will be [Music] in another area at Wed and in a more serious vein other Imagineers are working on a show to be called the Hall of Presidents this will honor the men who have held the highest office this nation can be stole from once our artists and researchers have pored over hundreds of books and paintings and photographs studying each president in my new detail beginning with George Washington himself every president of the United States has been meticulously sculptured in life-size all this so that each may come alive and be part of a contemporary moment of history when all are finally assembled in common Conclave we shall hear Abraham Lincoln's inspiring words from the past words of presidential prophecy which are as valid today as in earlier time in contrast to the hall of president let's see how it's somewhat less serious attraction is developed here one of our artists designers sketches out the members of a troupe of rather unusual bear Vaughn million this is Henry the master of ceremony he heads up a down-home country music review now the next step is to work out the routines of kuryak story sessions are held in which writers bounce ideas back and forth and as part of the game act out every part this is gomer playing a few bars to open the show now Henry takes the spotlight and says howdy folks welcome to the show now we go back to go over for a solo on the music box any similarities between Gomer and our story men are coincidental here we see the magic of what we call audio-animatronics of course it isn't really magic it's a blending of imagination electronics and computer technology today clan welcome to c1 we know it the original country Bear review returned a bit of a our musical heritage from the pack world over this kid Jam yeah yeah Capri flame just refrain hibernate then we'll all enjoy the show play on their Gomer whoa no the mountaintop tennessee green inside in the land of the free slices of wood so the new every tree gives him a farm with you know agree Davy Davy Crockett king of the wild frontier well that's about all we have time for we better let our imaginary get on with their work they have a lot left to do we have an opening date deadline and time is hurrying by so let's go back to Florida for a last minute look at progress there remember opening October 1971 that's the guys phrase now and a couple of Disney characters materialized on the scene to see if a little magic will help [Music] all main street buildings are looking bright and new and finished scaffolding is coming down what there's much to be done and the deadlines approach time runs by the temple of things picked up it's not only fix up it begins to get a bit with the help of a little trick photography of course well that's project would Walt Disney's greatest dream but this is only the beginning over the years ahead there's more to come or as well always said it will never really be finished there's always room for new ideas and new achievements opening day October 1971 a gala occasion a time of celebration a time for fun and fire [Music]
Channel: RetroWDW
Views: 116,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walt disney world, magic kingdom, wdw, disneyworld, disney world, walt disney, epcot film, 1971, project florida
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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