EPCOT Center: The Opening Celebration

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you you good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome welcome to a party in spite of the weather we want to welcome you it's not really a party it's more a celebration a dedication a festival an event also a monumental achievement all rolled into one and it's also a party I'm Danny Kaye and I'm speaking to you live and went from Epcot Center this is the realization of Walt Disney's dream to create a permanent showcase of Technology and world culture it's a living monument to past achievements and a testament to the hopes of the future a future where the quality of life for all people will be improved it's with this spirit in mind that I'd like you all to share with me the Wonder and the excitement of this truly remarkable place why don't you come with me as we look forward to the dawning of the 21st century twenty-four centuries he it's time for the dream to come true this glorious figment of one man's imagination it started a long time ago continued to flower and grow from the marvelous mind of that magical man now the theme of the dream and the fabulous plan are born and just busted to get underway and the 21st century begins today twenty-four centuries now there's history happening here before you you see how the dream reached the most grilling site one could see with visions of things yet to be a brilliant design of incredible scope constructed of miracles magic and hope and a new kind of joy for this very old sphere and the 21st century begins right here with fantasies that you can touch but it's no fast RIT the Magnificent dream really but but maybe you're asking yourselves well what's an apricot much good question is it just another amusement park number one Epcot is the experimental prototype community of tomorrow and number two Epcot isn't just an anything it isn't just a resort it is in just a world's fair not just a cavalcade of wizardry technology and it's not just epicurean displays by international gourmet is where one can dine lunch munch crunch for days and days and days not just the festival of music dance the arts of education nor a passion for the senses off by wild imagination not just communication or the bounty of the land not just the world of motion or the ocean or the sand it's not just transportation nor light or sight or sound not just satellites in space nor the fossils where God is concerned there ain't no just about it Epcot is injustice anything is everything and more a great deal more than anything the world has seen before the perfect plan community the splendor if it's strong and just so there's no confusion Epcot Center is located in the center of it and Epcot Center is made up of two parts which is future world and the world showcase it's 2.5 miles from the Magic Kingdom which is also part of Epcot which is what the entire 27 thousand acre area known as the experimental prototype community of tomorrow or Epcot or Walt Disney World is called just so there's no confusion I hear a thousand voices loud and strong the weights too well done you and Chang painted just ha Starbuzz both sides is preparing to take SVA Tamir I magnificent estate a dear I've never seen lady dear it's because it people 21st century hooray for the 20% during the 21st century became ladies and gentlemen if cops entered the opening celebration with your host Danny Kaye and yet true Barrymore boy clock Alex Haley pony Osmond Eric's have arrived Alan Shepard green binder and pigment see : smart one the West Point 3 club and the all-american college marching band I am here on a little bit of space in front of the entrance to future world now that beautiful round object behind me right there is an engineering marvel called spaceship earth and that is the symbol of Epcot Center now inside that eight story geosphere is Walt Disney's tribute to the progress of mankind from the earliest crude attempts at communicating to the latest projection of life in outer space one man who knows a great deal about that is Alan Shepard he was the first American in space and one of the original astronauts Alan hi Danny how I am Gladys to see you again see you sir how do you feel I'm just fine well it's good back here on earth Alan without without divulging any classified information but where do you suppose we're headed I mean in in the terms of the future of mankind I think if you look backward phenomena and trace the progress of civilization you'll see basically there are only two directions we can go oh oh yeah up and down either way up in space or data into the depths of the sea and of course over the years we've been doing research and experimentation in both areas and I don't think that one necessarily precludes the other but you might imagine that I hope of you that spaces is pretty exciting is a great possibility of enhancing our lives in the future you know so much of the technology is being used in the space program has immediate application right here on the earth yeah with us today I hope you have a fine time around here there's a lot of harmless things to see but I will say to you okay so long take care hi hi hi you know who that was Alan Shepard when are the first astronauts and the national hero that's very good now do you know who I am Danny Caine one of the first comedians under national treasure I think I'll have to buy her a present for that now this is drew Barrymore one of the first actresses to meet et personally and a national delight now I hope you've got comfortable shoes on because I'm going to take you on a real long journey where are we going well we're going out into the past and the future past those walls into the land of energy in motion and communication covering thousands of years of progress maybe I should bring a snack I think if you just bring your curiosity that'll be enough this is the gateway to future world it's the world of tomorrow today and that world awaits through those magic gates well you see the future contains all the hopes and the dreams of the past and the present it's really quite wonderful well how do you know you've never been to the future well of course I had don't you remember yesterday I was saying to you that tomorrow we might go to future world yes huh yes what yes yes of course well today is the tomorrow I was talking about yesterday and tomorrow yesterday will be today and I got to the future from the past when the past became the present which is now to get it guy good you explained it to me but all the future starts with the past and they're both contained inside those walls right there they'll come a day not far away when living out in outer space is no big deal that day began the day that man first put his mind to work and came up with the wheel sometimes it takes a few mistakes before a great idea takes wing and starts to fly but the progression and foundation of our means of transportation all resulted from a man who said let's try you really think I'll ever live in outer space oh I don't know I you probably will as a matter of fact in the future you might be going to Mars High School make it homework yeah probably you call that progress well progress is in the eye of the beholder take energy for instance that's a good beneath the ground there once was found a large supply of high-grade oil and natural gas while on the show a dinosaur would stand and watch the prehistoric era pass men work today to find a way to stretch the fuel supply which now has gotten tight but when the fuel supply is done for we may all turn to the Sun for all the energy and power heat and light Oh what do you mean about using the Sun well that idea has been around for centuries but it took some very sharp people to make it work but every generation builds on the information that has gone before them in days gone by great men would try to put their knowledge down for other men to see the world took note of what they wrote and passed it on in many ways to you and me the printing press helped us progress the Telegraph and telephone and TV - and every step along the way there was a person who would say there must be still the million more great things to do and there were and there are and there always will be and it's all out there just waiting for little ol you sounds exciting well the future is always excited and it belongs to the children but there's one thing I always want you to remember even when you're grown up you must never stop being a kid will you remember that you will if you can see the world for what it is and keep that sense of wonder your well then I do believe someday you may achieve that perfect state where you know all there is to know and you grow up if you can keep alive that spark of joy and take delight in everything you see then I would have to say there is a chance be at that place someday we're all good dreamers go and you grow up if you will always choose the simple truth then you will lose the blue of you you're adorable if you can walk the road that lies ahead without a doubt or fear where it may leave your life will be secure your dreams will all in you and you will always feel that extra-special oh and you will roll like you hey kid want to meet somebody from the future well I would like to but that's kind of impossible are you telling a personal friend of ATS that's impossible come with me I didn t enact is like for me hello humans greetings hi buddy I'd like you to meet a friend of mine say hello to mr. Danny chase mr. K this is honoured oh yes well we know does it is it the honor is all mine remember may I ask you a question see do you do you live around here I mean I mean in- master Kate I'm just a visitor like yourself I do have relatives living in community core and an imagination pavilion and it's a very high places it sounds like a very good neighborhood that is correct you might say I'm a computer chip of the old floor well where do you come from originally I come from somebody's imagination we're all wonderful and incredibly fantastic things come from he hasn't been programmed for modesty I think you're absolutely right somebody was telling me that about a character named dream finder who lives in the imagination for the that is correctness okay and here's the latest creation I hear and a real expert on the subject of creativity and you suppose I could meet your wish is my command master cake dream fighter this is master k and drew drew and master k meet the keeper of the sparks of imagination trained fighters it's nice to meet you and this is my assistant and good ride on pigment the fire I understand you're in charge of some very creative things I I would think that would be terribly interesting right you are so right in their imaginations everywhere the visions what's inside your head it's just inside that place instead imagination is my gave the sparks of which ignites the flame of your own creativity and that's real great for you add me could have said it better myself want to go inside I I sure do and then follow her when it comes to imagination a child shall lead them come on kids and then get lost or lag behind and try not to leave your gum wrappers all over the place yes ma'am I promise when Walt Disney first began to think about F Codd one of the main objectives was to gather the latest thoughts and the greatest thinkers all in one place because they could share their expertise about the future of man on this planet now although man does not live by bread alone it's also very true that he doesn't live very long without it so a great deal of work went into finding new and better ways to feed the entire population of the world Roy Clark has a few words to say on that subject you know when it comes to food I'm very particularly I mean I'm making a rule never to eat anything that's still moving but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate food that does look like they've got here the animated show called kitchen cabaret it's autumn a cross between a Las Vegas review the produce producers production of a night of 100 vegetables now you may be laughing but you're also learning that to me is probably the most important thing about this entire place that and the food of course I mean they got things here in the land for vegan brought in the darndest waves in water in sand in the air crops one on top of each other you name it they've gutted they take you through a rain forest a desert the American Plains and you really get the feeling of what a complicated old lady that mother nature really is they got a film called symbiosis which shows you how the similar organisms can live together for mutual advantage in harmony you must have got the idea watching the guys in my band but believe me once you've been through this place you'll have a whole new appreciation of what it takes to feed your face and the faces of billions of others on the face of the earth this land is your land this land is my land from California to the New York island from the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters this land was made for you and me as I was walking that limit of highway I saw up early at in the Skyway I saw me lowly at Golden Valley this land was made for you and me this land is your land this land is my land from California to the New York island from the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters this land was baby man I've roamed it Rambo I qualify footsteps the sparking sands up her diamond deserts and all around me boys the sound this whistling for you and me this land is your land this land is my leg given to your Island every word for it to the public waters this land was maybe let me and the Sun comes shining I was strolling at the wheels waving at the dust clouds rolling as the farmer Smith this man was made for you and me this land is your land oh yeah virus to the bus before this man was faithful Andy this man was baby and me this is some kind of place in there right Wow you know raised in the country on the far about that I'll do look something like that yeah this beats are you know they even raise fish in here fish I would like let's go fish story I tended nothing surprises me in this place and that's what makes it so surprising Oh Carl Hodges Roy this dr. Carl Hodges our recent director of the environmental research laboratory at the University of Arizona he is also the principal consultant to the land pavilion right here and one of the most respected scientists in his field at deep bow yes he already has fathers what's new doc well the most exciting thing that's new are the possibilities that exists today for eliminating starvation and malnutrition on this planet did you know that of the thousands of plants that are possible food sources that we use only eight to produce about 90 percent of our food and really most of that comes from only three wheat rice and corn one of the things we're doing here is broadening the base by looking at new plants and you know the technology exists really all we need is that the courage and the innovation and the ability and the will to do it so he's our business you know I don't mean to sound frivolous but doc is any way that you may be growing all over the mart eating it at all compounds it's not terribly high on our priority I'm sorry Carl thank you very much it was nice talking came nice dishing the dirt with you I must say come say again back anytime oh thank you bye bye you know one of the fascinating things about epicotyl no matter where you turn interesting things are happening as a matter of fact even the robots are talking to each other come on yeah it's true what what do robots have to say to each other same as it or what else I guess hi cutie what's your name yes they call me Zico do you live around here thank you we're here to write in the communal our community for what is it that you do Wow we caught it from a highly complex communication information and technological systems for the entire Epcot Center this place is completely controlled and operated from a special computer bank and that includes life shows and all the audio-animatronic character Wow is it that kind of a big job for such a bit of a robot very loud hey I just say this epcot of yours seems like a very advanced scientific system can you show me how all of this works nothing balls over there speak up and pay attention okay Oh I feel I feel a little bit like Columbus felt when he started on his journey into the new world because on the other side of this man-made Lagoon is a brand-new man-made world and in that world there are nine countries that are thousands of miles apart geographically and they are joined together in a one-mile area to display their culture their art and their historical achievements standing side by side over there the United Kingdom Canada France Japan America Italy Germany the People's Republic of China and Mexico and the best part of this is that you don't even have to go through customs to enjoy reflected in the waters of this man-made Inland Sea there's a vision of the future of our world as it might be the fragments of a miracle are falling into place in this showcase for the entire human race people-to-people culture to culture nation to nation coming forth and joining hands this says World Showcase the substance the essence the coming to get the of youth from distant lands growing and learning from each other sensing the needs of one and I'll do a fellowship of youngsters with a special dream to share their different customs blending in a mixture rich and rain the need was never greater for all people everywhere so the Imagineers devised this wondrous the World Showcase of the family of man come see your fellowship showcase of the world you feel a spirit like no place in the world you may come face to face with the whole human race it is constantly expanding and a piece of understanding where history and heritage customs and traditions are presented in the permanent international exhibition the show case a Brotherhood of Nations World Showcase filled with hopes and aspirations this show case of humanity missions is tyrus all to get the various plays and firm let's celebrate the showcase of the world we'll cross the crystal lagoon to Shanghai and Kowloon then we'll travel to Mexico and then is Italy we may meet Joe Joe Sam on the shores of Japan La Belle forms are may we you'll be the toast of Maui to take a Teutonic Spain to Heidelberg and Berlin then to the fair you the king will away and will see Canada from powdery to mighty hudson bay so get dressing your sombrero later hosen and gray grab your ovie and your gondola and oh yes by the way bring a Chinese gong and bring along a puppy couple say you'll be grand in every land along the way with the arid addition often a brother issues where we'll show this show humanity in Saudis veterinarian smash Oh Oh Oh ladies and gentlemen these handsome and rather intelligent young people a part of a group will make up a kind of an interesting program called World Showcase fellowship and that right yeah well they're from the various countries represented in the world showcase and they work here and study here and they're sort of unofficial ambassadors for their native countries now I I met a lot of them when they first arrived in Orlando and luckily they they had seen some of my pictures so they kind of knew who I was welcome to Orlando on behalf of captain Beach and the crew of flight 647 we'd like to thank you for flying Eastern the official airline of Walt Disney World there'll be some new fellowship students arriving in the years to come as New World Showcase pavilions from other countries such as Israel Morocco Spain join this entire family I guess they didn't see my pictures stay tuned Walt Disney presents we'll be right back he presents right here on Disney Alex Haley I presume you presume correctly welcome to equatorial africa well thank you very much uh am I too early about a year but it's always nice to see I know you've been a consultant to an World Showcase since the beginning so you must have a pretty good notion of what we will all expect to see when the African Pavilion opens well for one thing we plan to show the beauty the trauma the energy the diversity of his amazing country well who should know better about that than the author of roots huh if I remember correctly Alex Walt Disney was the one who said I would rather entertain people and hope that they learned something from it and I think you agree with that oh absolutely and you know that's the theory behind all these other provisions that are soon to open sure it was an honor and I am very very proud to have talked with you and I will be seeing you sure I think I can find my way out when you think you won't need a guide ID not this time maybe next time we'll see you in about a year behind me is the American adventure convenient it represents in my opinion the finest achievement of Disney creativity and imaginary using film and audio-animatronic figures the American adventure praises the accomplishments of our nation without glossing over its shortcomings or dreams yet to be fulfilled now we may have difficulty in reaching our goals but the fulfillment of dream seems to come very naturally to a certain young lady named Marie Osmond watching her grow from childhood to maturity has been a national pastime for many years here are the results come and sing a sample song of freedom sing from every mountaintop and show let it fill the air tell the people everywhere to sing it like they've never sung beef you three three for you and me to me Scot intended fun you never same as yours the dark but you can feel such happiness the miracle we won a future that shines and the Berber freedom and human rights much happiness Oh Corrine spirits just kept redoing we are Hey Oh it's been wonderful sharing this world tour with the dancers from the online folk ensemble every move they make as a fixture another phrase that comes to mind walking around Epcot is one picture is worth a thousand words and if that's true then the one and a half million feet of film that was shot for all the pavilions in 30 different nations must be worth though a couple libraries I was especially impressed by the film in the China pavilion the story behind the scenes is almost as remarkable as the film itself from high over the Great Wall to the grasslands of Inner Mongolia the Disney film team worked side-by-side with Chinese production crews to capture the mystery and the beauty of the many faces of ageless China the quiet beauty and serenity of the LI river was certainly an enormous contrast to the physical hardships endured in the frozen Mongolian wilderness and the sweltering Gobi Desert Disney circa vision cruise traveled on to regions never before film by Western camels including the busy streets of Beijing and the Forbidden City the culture and history of these most gracious people came to life throughout an incredible journey across China after four months on location half a world away we headed for home priceless treasure to share the rest of the world Walt Disney the man whose enthusiasm and vision was the driving spirit behind this incredible undertaking has been gone for almost 16 years at the time of his passing a most eloquent tribute to Walt was delivered by this gentleman Erik severide any a few lines from that old piece if I may oh please do Disney was an original I thought not just an American rich no but an original period he was a happy accident one of the happiest at this century had ever experienced and judging by the way it's been behaving in spite of all Disney tried to tell it about laughter and love and children and puppies and sunrises the century hardly desert he probably did more to soothe troubled human spirits and all the psychiatrists in the world haha and to a child this weary world is brand-new and gift-wrapped Disney tried to keep it that way for adults you see we all spend our lives trying to recapture the vision trying to see the world of fresh most of us lose that touch Disney never did I wish I don't oh well I was very lucky Erik I did know him and I think he would have been in honestly please about what you just said ma'am Eragon on a personal note I've been watching you all afternoon you've been wandering around here scribbling like crazy now would you tell me a little of what you've been writing I began life as a scribbler okay just a few impressions of the center it's obviously far from just entertainment I think the whole thing's desired was information instruction that inspiration now this man dealt in the gossamer of dreams and fantasies but look how he's created this tangible and permanent monument to real life and humanity I think he knew that in our time fantasy and reality are merging together and obviously he was a perfectionist the passion for truthful detail is all through this Center and he was always upbeat you know somebody said there are three kinds of people in this world the well poisoners the lawnmowers and the life enhancers Disney was like you he was a life enhanced heart thank you this place itself is a celebration not only of Technology and creativity but of the American Dream as well Oh Oh Oh Oh my whoa you you oh boy hi I must tell you I've had a wonderful time here at Epcot and I hope I hope some of you share that feeling as well on behalf of EPCOT and all the people who took part in this show tonight on behalf of all of them I would like to thank them I would like to thank you and I'll I send you the very best of wishes good luck and good night I hope to see you soon
Channel: AllCentralFlorida
Views: 183,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Epcot, DreamFinder, Figment, 1982, Center, Opening, Celebration, Danny, Kaye
Id: TyKOA9k9qrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 43sec (2983 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2012
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