Horizons: Revisited - AI Enhanced HD wide-angle ride through! All 3 Endings

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see castle the newest and most exciting floating city in the Pacific and bites you and your family to come away with us to the sea convene with daily departures by sea train and skylight Mesa Verde the most advanced desert reclamation complex in the Western Hemisphere invites you to explore its wide range of career possibilities maglev Express service to Mesa Verde leaves every 30 minutes [Music] Bravo Centauri newest of the exciting Centauri series of space stations offers remarkably rewarding opportunities in earth support vocations come up to Bravo space shuttles depart daily [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bryson's one is departed a 21st century hey that's some destination twice right wait'll you see the new towns of tomorrow desert farms and floating cities even colonies in space but you know this isn't exactly the first time anyone's tried to make this trip people have been dreaming about the future for centuries well here is the stuff dreams were made of several hundred years ago yeah it's always fun looking back at tomorrow come on I'll show you what I mean there's the grand old man himself Jules Verne this is the way of milk to him back in the late 1800s old Michael Jules may not have had all the answers but he had the right idea he was just a little ahead of his time [Music] you know people of payments are pretty fantastic views of the future and some pretty mixed-up ones too [Music] easy living it's always been just around the corner [Music] [Music] say we're just in time for the matinee yeah looking back at tomorrow through the movies of yesteryear [Music] and meet you as father chooses the route in advance on a push-button Selectric electronics take over complete control [Music] look the future from the 50s a bit don't you think I guess so but we always thought the future would be kind of fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] I suppose people have always dreamed of the future we sure do the only difference is that today with what we know that what we're learning to do we really can't bring our dreams to life it takes a lot of work but the truth is if we can dream it we can do it tomorrow's horizons are here today [Music] the cityscape a living tribute to our richest resource people here's a new kind of cityscape the microprocessor an entire computer on a tiny silicon chip [Music] crystals inspired by nature now engineered by man for an ever-growing role in micro electronics the world of liquid space oceans of minerals and food ready to fuels from Morrow's needs [Music] the DME chain the life's molecular blue Trenton decoding its secrets is leading us to dramatically improved health the Sun today we're learning ways to harness its limitless energy what you've just seen are the building blocks for the future up ahead and while it may look fantastic remember it's all possible that's right and we ought to know we live there come on take a look at 21st century living on land and sea and even out in space but let's start off with our place [Music] she's talking to our daughter at the desert fidelity a little girl and her husband are farming like music right there with you that's our daughter she's not [Music] isn't it something send a city kid to college for seven years and what happens she becomes your formal engineer is a little more like it okay but me I'll take the city yes it's always exciting today's transportation we're just minutes away from our kids look at that will you a few years ago this was all bound desert no crops no irrigation [Music] all suspend irrigation Harvey to six continue 20 the whole you know this really makes me proud and you wanted her to go to law school but he is supposedly a mister of the city [Music] [Music] [Music] shouldn't your granddaughter be studying instead of flirting with that beach boy he is not a beach boy he's studying marine biology there on the floating city you must use good judgment and what else must you do sir don't even see words around [Music] floating cities they're amazing I mean whole new industries have developed in them and under them mariculture sites of marine mining fuels energy and serious semi floating cities have opened up new ways for people to enjoy their lives as well as their work [Music] there's always been something sort of mysterious on our oceans we knew they were filled with valuable gifts yeah water is very funny but see water has become an excellent source of energy as well as big valuable for desert irrigation and kelp the seaweed smell is a tremendous source of low-cost fuel although we found lots of good things under our oceans and don't forget space are lots of good things out there too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these space colonies are out of this world let's take a quick look around [Music] [Music] now there's the new frontier I said and his family wouldn't live anywhere else hey maybe you and I ought to move up here what a wonderful idea [Music] now there's my speed sports and exercise in zero gravity it is what you now that's really lovely practical to just think materials through space for all kinds of industries back on earth and we got time for grandson's play later [Music] attention please Rises was earth as passengers you are invited to choose your own flight path back to the future' port please look down and delighted battles in front of you press one of the three right choices space desert or undersea everyone can choose majority rules make your selections arises in a colony you are clear for departure [Music] [Music] [Music] arises huh Berlin you are clear for takeoff [Music] [Music] [Music] landing sequence complete [Music] right as other lorry [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my for presently [Music] well we're almost back from the future oh it went by so quickly yes but one of the nice things about traveling into the future is that the journey is just beginning that's right and I'll tell you something if we can dream it we really can do it and that's the most exciting part from all of us thanks for exploring horizons now please take small children by the hand and once you step onto the goofy belt the belt and your vehicle of cotton will equal speed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: RetroWDW
Views: 137,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney, walt disney world, history, wdw, disney history, vintage, retro
Id: dBdglD3ziPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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