The Lowest Rated Homebrew MONSTERS on D&D Beyond

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so what did you think the video was going to start running when you clicked it you idiot this video I can't start it like that hey this video is sponsored by hit point press they're having a Black Friday sale right now and there's a bunch of their stuff that's cheaper as is Black Friday sales Jacob not only do they have Monster Cart there's discounts on everything from Humble wood to animated spells to Griffin Saddleback to the deck of many reference cards miniature stls and more you cast a spell you whip out one of these bad boys and be like oh yeah it looks like this and while you're there make sure to check out the fablemakers animated tarot the new series 2 animated spell decks and you can try out a free download of the shift quick start beta a brand new RPG system in development these make good gifts I'm just saying link down below okay which one haven't We Done Yet monsters at least with the defeats and the subclasses and the magic items you could just write text this is a whole different kind of Beast monster is a whole different kind of Monster Zero no rating threshold give me the lowest give me the trash give me the garbage I love doing these videos why did I did so many people coming down vote this why is it that bad what is it okay before we start though I've tricked you again it's another advertisement except it's just for myself I'm also doing a Black Friday sale all the stuff in my merch store is going to be priced down a little bit wow look at him the dead meme himself and I've also got a new shirt design that just dropped today if you want to just show how much of a giga Chad you are at the table yeah that that's it yep commoner assassin medium humanoid lawful evil the armor class 10 hit points 12 okay speed 30 climb 30 feet that can climb strength 10 all right Dex 30. oh my goodness oh do they have a 30 decks you can't just type numbers in there that's not how this game works a 30 decks he has 12 hit points I didn't get a dirty decks I feel like you should do he should be able to do more or even realize he only has a 10 AC why is his base AC Ro deathly dagger melee weapon attack the other thing that's really funny about these is that there's probably a lot worse Homebrew out there like I've got some really horrible Homebrew files just sitting in my DND Beyond but that's just because I needed something quick for like an encounter Builder or something like a monster but these people published them they were they were like somebody's gonna want this and they like they gave it to the world they said take it please actions deathly dagger melee weapon attack plus 20 to hit of course reach five feet one target hit one slashing damage that's not very deathly if the target is a dragon humanoid Celestial Beast monstrosity fiend fair or giant they suck I'm not playing this up I swear it would not be funny if it said they instantly died that would it would just be like oh okay but it's because they said they suffer instead of death why does he have to suffer if it's Instinct it's not very sufferable but suffer death fool that'll teach you teach you to live commenters include peasants Serfs what's a surf that is not written the book is it oh okay an agricultural laborer Bound by the feudal system to work on his Lord's estate oh so Ellet and villain villain if you don't how do you say this villain okay a feudal tenant entirely subject to a lord or manner whom he paid dues and services to in return for land well what is the difference between a villain and a serf a villain represented most common types of surf in the Middle Ages villains had more rights and a higher status than the lowest surf but existed under a number of legal restrictions my Adderall is wearing off let's continue Aphrodite goddess of light love and beauty cool so we're making gods now uh armor class turbo glass give me that high that's too high that's too big of a number 460 the deadly dagger can't even do that it can get Max 40. also what an arbitrary number if it's 460 why not make it a thousand why not make it a hundred fifty even AC 50 alone would nobody could ever hit that unless they crit I'm not even gonna look at this these hit points what is this 21 150 300 D20 plus 18 000 speed 12 000 feet okay okay we're gonna do a little miles per hour calculator here okay so if somebody's going so three miles per hour is typical walking speed if this is walking speed for this creature 15 000 miles like like 16 000 miles to miles they go two miles in it in six seconds so what's the miles per hour on Aphrodite goddess of light love and beauty um can walk 1300 miles an hour that's not even a fast pace that's just just a jaunt cool only a 24 strength you can move that fast only in 24 strike 26 decks 26 con 28 intelligence 20 wisdom and a 30 Charisma yeah reasonable immune to like everything necrotic poison radiant bludgeoning piercing selection of non-magical attacks condition immunities like everything true sight 300 miles oh my God it has a perception 420. languages all telepathy 300 miles challenge oh only 30 only a 30 challenge rating Angelic weapons Aphrodite's a weapon attacks are radical when she hits with the weapon she deals an extra 600 d8 radiant damage oh included in the attack cool so Comfort this is not Comfort dude 740 piercing damage he's not comforting but that's that's instantly being destroyed this is dumb this is just insane numbers it's also a way to crash Dean to Beyond if you wanted to roll all these dice remote sensing she can perceive everything within a radius of 300 miles is this supposed to be fun whenever a creature within 24 000 Feet cast a spell Aphrodite can dispel it as if she had cast counter spell at eighth level she can make 10 legendary actions she can do bright burst which does 4 000 damage and has a 420 oh my goodness what oh what are your player characters is it was this supposed to be like uh Hey guys if you make God mad here's her stat block good luck dude like I said in the last video why go through the effort nothing could ever beat this when Aphrodite casts a spell that has a duration of one minute or longer it's duration has increased 3 000 times my God if she's in light she has resistance to all damage well she can move she can move with the Sun so I mean why wouldn't she ever be in sunlight oh what there's previous versions you're kidding me this went through reworks you're you're telling me Oh this wasn't good enough it had to get stronger inside you there are two wolves commoner assassin that makes you suffer instant death and that eins wool gown a large Undead lawful neutral 13 plate or robe either one 99 HP 30 feet of movement devoted followers ains has a Mastiff following that is very very loyal very nice spell casting aims is a 15th level spellcaster spellcasting ability is 10 10. 10 what 10 spells 10 magic he has 10 magic and his his dc2 his Chill Touch spare the dying false life inflict wound and then blindness deafness Rave and feeblement dc2 transform aims can go from a mage to a warrior changing armor and weapon Vice man how does he do that he could provide me a little bit more details does that mean he gets plate or a robe CC seems to stay the same X slash reach 10 feet to Target hit number D number plus number damage type damage based you don't put in right there is great advice medium monster you just go I don't know I didn't write down anything 30 damage suck it but then you can't go overboard because then you get Aphrodite again you're gonna have 14 000 hit points demon bow shot to hit range 10 100 feet but then if he's within five feet he's gonna have disadvantage has to stay within 10 feet of somebody to use the the prime aim of that bow armor up as a reaction when attacked ains can roll a D20 and depending on its rating is how much his armor increases is the idea that when an attack misses his or an attack hits his AC increases because it's actually super cool and I'm gonna steal that description the toll of living thousands of years has took its toll come on come on the toll of living thousands of years has took its toll making ains a large skeletal figure and usually robes and or armor depends on the day some days you smell like rubs sometimes he's found like Army what drip he's gonna be in is completely depending on the day but regardless he's gonna have a 13 Armor class Atlas huge Celestial Titan any lawful alignment Armor class 24 metal hit points 630 D20 plus 10 speed 60 feet walk on whoa whoa whoa whoa he walks faster than he runs if he's jaunting he's moving 60 but if he slows down he starts walking he's like Atlas rap when you attack roll one extra dice in general like if Atlas enters the battlefield he just has the Perpetual condition that whenever I roll and he dies I roll an extra one when I whenever I attack I roll an extra dice that's that's sick when you are blinded Charmed frightened paralyzed petrified poison prone restrained stunned or unconscious then one other player becomes the same condition so if me Jacob becomes blind I then have to go to my friend and make them blind unconscious going to sleep and uh you gotta go to sleep too Atlas beam Atlas charges up a death ray and shoots at the player the players dude you're not specifying characters you're telling me that if I push the plus button put this monster my encounter Builder and go okay everybody Atlas shows up and he's gonna use his legendary action Atlas beam then a Blazer beam shoots at my friends killing them Regional effects the two Sentinels come out of the floor and attack the players just just out of the floor one quad warps into the lair and attacks the players the hard one tiny swarm of medium beasts any chaotic alignment 300 AC 700 hit points speed 90 million feet walk 500 feet fly 70. oh my God these tiny swarm of the hard ones break the sound barrier every time they move they're vulnerable to force and necrotic okay so they can be killed do some uh do some Thunder waves and you know they have resistance to like everything while in dim light or Darkness that's kind of cool actually once again not a bad idea to give them resistance while it's dark out that's kind of cool okay let's go into nothing I can slash can't do it this is an ominous all chaotic humanoids get advantage on attack rolls against any creatures for the next 10 minutes okay non-chaotic humanoids get disadvantage on any role for 1d4 days sweet the hard one has unlimited movement in the water unlimited not even light can stop their speed they can teleport instantly anywhere the second they touch water actions goblins recharge one three what do we recharging Goblins the the hard one has a Flawless chance of summoning 1D 20 goblins under its control and the remain until the hard one dies see Goblin step I don't think this goblins are really going to matter the hard one has 700 HP and can run away from everything they can they could move 45 million feet to the players attack them I don't know if they even can attack they can just summon goblins they just show up summon goblins and they move 45 million feet away again I guarantee you no player character can move that fast stinky stink what the crap is this legendary actions three a day I wish any harm done to me any harm done to the the hard one is done unto the attacker tenfold oh my God is Tiny swarm moving and mock speeds across the entirety of the world just to summon goblins I can't attack you can't do anything he can't hurt it it's vulnerable to force an aquatic but any harm done to them is done until the attacker tenfold but they want the harm I wish any harm done to me can't do it they can't do it they have to retaliate the hard one wants to die but anytime somebody attacks it they have to attack retaliate but they can't do it so they keep somebody goblins just to create friends and they travel across the world but no matter how fast they run they cannot escape the inevitable cannot escape this world it can look like anything it desires but the one thing it desires it can never ever have also it's kind of stinky I guess
Channel: XP to Level 3
Views: 1,258,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeons and dragons, how to, tutorial, funny, monk, fighter, 5e, player, book, dm, dungeon master, roll, ranger, rogue, paladin, cleric, barbarian, bard, wizard, sorcerer, warlock, artificer, mystic, skits, idea, character, stats, build, new, tips, gm
Id: lEHDXXEqrks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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