Trying not to laugh at D&D memes

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all right so I have an issue a bone to pick if you will with the entirety of the online d d Community or ttrpg Community all of which I rope into the same thing I don't find like 95 of the memes funny maybe it's because I make d d memes pretty much every single week maybe it's over saturated to Me Maybe I play like four to five games a week and maybe it just isn't that funny to me anymore or if we ignore all those logical conclusions maybe it's because all the memes are bad maybe all the memes are bad and I'm here to find out the answer no I'm not I'm not here to find the answer I'm here to record a try not to laugh challenge with d d memes because I ran out of creativity to this week and it is 3 A.M so that's what we're doing today I'm gonna try not to laugh at d d memes I think it's going to be extremely easy I'm going to be on r slash d d memes scrolling down to the top of all time and I guarantee you I'm not gonna laugh at a single one well mid editing Jacob here to remind you that one of my favorite things to do while I'm editing a video is drink G fuel foreign you can use code Fireball to get 30 off your order for the next couple of days so go click the link and go use it gosh I love Reddit the dungeon dragons movie should kill off a character only to have the party meet a new character played by the same actor in the next scene that would be funny and accurate see that's the thing a lot of d d memes are just like advice or things people think would be funny but they're never actually funny they're just like I could imagine how that would be a hilarious situation maybe it's just me maybe it's just me I don't know it's probably just me oh no did I ruin this he he Fireball go boom Oh God I'm not laughing I'm not laughing I'm not gonna laugh at all during this video water guns next to artificers is funny uh the DM who stayed up all night making a puzzle the player finding a way to break it yeah yeah and then and then it goes in the other holes and then it goes and it's like oh yeah you put it yeah yeah it goes in the square hole and then it goes and then that actually goes in the square hole yeah um what did you want a clever way to complete a puzzle in DND oh square circle circle oops we used to detect magic again oh what's this another puzzle um how about we use detect magic again yep that's how it goes how very relatable oh yeah well you won't be able to solve this quadruple secret mystery I put in the city oops we use the tech magic again and I wrote this entire campaign without remembering the fact that you guys could always cast detect Magic I didn't laugh I didn't laugh I didn't laugh that was not a laugh I I laughed at myself I made the funnier joke I am so self-centered right now true Bros never die Warrior I swear I will have my revenge for the death of my brother elf you have my bow dwarf you have my ax necromancer it's not funny it's not funny it's not I just didn't see it coming oh Necromancer and your brother that one's good okay I will admit for top of all time 76 000 upvotes that he's it's not bad it's not bad I've been I've been impressed so far we're only three in but I'm bit I am impressed how D plus use a bow Ranger fighter yep action surge but make an adult yeah look a distraction disengage oh that was really impressive whoa he did that upside down oh my gosh this guy's so talented no I didn't laugh damn it it didn't but the way that he kicked that thing was I it was it was good it was good I did I did it I did it that doesn't count I nervous laugh when I record videos I do it all the time it's bad I'm sure I I have to like unlearn to nervous laugh I do it so much Warlock the power of gray skull Eldridge might oh that was cool just missed oh misty step nice indeed what in the whoa whoa that is so impressive I'm just impressed how did you do that that is incredible I applaud you I applaud you at luminek that was amazing I a very accurate representation I would say why is everyone a social justice Warrior why didn't any of you choose a different class like social justice made or social justice Thief uh-huh my Agency for an even DND classes imagine if your dad was a Minotaur and your mom was a mermaid and you got the human half of both and you're and you're just some guy oh man I thought that this would be so easy oh I hated D memes for so long especially from Reddit they're so bad every time I see when I cringe and maybe I shouldn't have gone top of all time maybe that was a mistake I did bite off a little more than I could chew I think I think I could still do this I think I'm good when the Jack of all trades ability hits when the meme does the thing he did a backflip all right yep whoa whoa dude it's just people doing impressive gymnastics like what is this what is happening what are you doing are you just because a guy is carrying a guitar does not mean they're a bard whoa what does this have to do with Bard College he's just rolling he's just rolling across balls this has nothing to do with d d I like that they kept the text on there he's he's just occasionally playing instruments what is this this was definitely not if this was made for D and D I I don't know what the joke was supposed to be but I I don't think it was I think that this guy is doing something completely different and then uh somebody else was like do uh when the bar to play the instruments uh if a person have instrumented they barred now and not funny didn't laugh I've never been to Las Vegas but I love it in concept because it sounds so made up imagine if you were reading a fantasy novel and they were like smack in the middle of a deadly inhospitable desert there's a glittering city of indulgence and lawlessness and cheap sin that is specifically engineered itself to obfuscate your sense of time and keep you there as long as possible while they take all your valuables yeah you'd be like that's some wizard places to add to my next d d campaign Las Vegas y'all have never played Fallout New Vegas before player one I grew up in an orphanage player 2 the local warlord killed my father player 3 my mother sold my soul so I have warlock Powers DM okay player 4 what makes you unique I grew up in a loving home and I think adventuring is really neat oh it's organ uh it's Oregon roll to 20. sorry to put you on blast there Oregon but um should have been funnier in October 22nd of 2020. today was supposed to be a first session not a meme just pain oh is this the people who make a session and then nobody shows up oh what three years eight months finding players oh my that's so much time and they put all the dice together oh this just makes me so sad oh no I know the pain oh you did all this stuff for them all these things oh I understand oh all the special little surprises the special lights the speakers built a coffee table oh my goodness cat oh no this is horrible oh no one wanted to play two hours beforehand that's horrible I'm so sorry but three years to write your campaign three years I do it the day of what three day three years y'all are crazy writing campaigns for three years my husband is playing d d with some friends and told me to come look at the cat who's sitting in the chair like a person my husband handed him a D20 and said sir you have to roll stealth you have to roll a stealth check to convince the other party members you are a human and the cat immediately batted the D20 and rolled a 14 The Party cheered the party everybody cheered I was about to say and then everyone clapped and and that totally happened the final human player joined the table and they brought out a whole extra chair so the cat could remain at the table he's now the party's official Druid and just canonically in Wild shape all the time and therefore unable to speak common while super hilarious that definitely didn't happen sorry don't believe you I I like that the perspective here is that the wife is what is like not even in the d d game and just aware of the d d campaign happening like they're not involved always these Tumblr posts that are pretty tending that these crazy dumb boys are just doing dumb silly boy things I like that they just said the final human player like why don't you just refer to them by their name vampires who use way too much 90 slang vampires who say Booyah when they get too excited vampires who mix all slaying from the past five centuries mercilessly within the same breath and don't even try to stop it anymore the Mad Lads unhand me you egg sucking Lily liver to Jive talking Wackadoo foul villain could I bite my thumb at the you ugly [ __ ] so Hasta la bye bye Daddy-o I hated that so much and so did the last person that was horrible spits mouthful of Blood on the floor you've become far more powerful since we last crossed paths dentists please stop there's literally a sink right next to you when the role player goes too far it's so funny I can't handle it my friend turned 29 today for his birthday he hosted several challenges to set our stats contests of strength agility wisdom constitutions how he could bear eating spicy salsa intelligence was nerdy trivia based on our final stats he assigned characters heroes of various types or goblins we then went out and played live DND everyone here is between the ages 23 and 29. anyway if someone says adulthood means abandoning ridiculous parties and fun times with your friends they're full of [ __ ] well you crazy people you 23 to 29 year olds you gosh darn Millennials rolling dice making characters who needs adulting am I right so that happened but hey I'm glad you had fun that looks like you had fun my first DM didn't have any oh hey Justice my first DM didn't have any minis so he would use gummies or other snacks we liked this because whoever killed the foe got to eat it it was very Primal that's amazing the height of the drum was a boss fight in which he placed a huge donut on the battle map in front of 500 hungry college kids that that's that's very wholesome I want to write a d d campaign but just play it by myself and DM myself I've been informed that this is called writing a book yes that is what that is I'm not laughing party shares their backstory veteran Paladin and that's how I lost my squad of Warriors Necromancer oh my God that's terrible where he's dead funny haha regular RPG progression save the session one save the kitten session 40 kill God can't get me what the god memes the god memes are funny kill God God damn it that's just rhyme of the frost Maiden Americans when their AC is set to 70. who the [ __ ] uh 68 is uh perfect temperature Europeans when their AC is set to 70. d d players when their AC is set to 70. TF2 you can't have a 70 AC that's too high that just means that nothing hits you I guess so why he said he's bulletproof me buying dice at the game store clerk you sure you only want one set me yep it's got all seven dice I'll ever need uh okay then see you soon what what whoa me a European who learned the imperial system with DND Americans who learn the metric system with drugs that's funny cleric why are you at zero HP every fight Barbarian I paid for 200 hp I'm gonna use 200 hp ain't that the truth Bard out of nowhere I rolled a Nat 20 for seducing the dragon ah the dragon becomes interested in you enough not to kill you immediately I rolled another net 20. gonna tap that soon I didn't even all right the dragon takes you for its Lair for immediate copulation upon arrival due to obvious incompatibility and Anatomy the dragon poly morphs into a human form nice what does she look like exactly like you wait what I'm saying you can go [ __ ] yourself I experienced so much pain reading that I I can't go on like this oh my God give your players a disintegration gun what it actually does is shoot people in the future in the final session all the people they shot with it blink into existence around them at once wait if vampires don't need air they would be awesome scuba divers they could just wear a backpack full of rocks and walk to the bottom and if they Deep dive enough light won't even reach down there like aquatic vampire covens at the bottom of the ocean trenches don't underwater cave dive too dangerous why would I get lost and drown No SCUBA vampires how very wacky of you although vampires take damage from running water so uh there was ever any currents of any kind in the ocean they would just be dead my favorite type of RPG puzzle is one that I the dungeon master don't know the answer to and I'm just waiting for them to do something entertaining enough for me to say yeah that does it this hurts indeed d d is great I just tried to slam a guy with a two-handed mall and Mist swinging it into the floor I roll for the damage against the floor because of course I do I roll High the tiles are crushed to bits as a free action I grab a handful of floor gravel shovel it into my mouth and straight up eat it in an intimidation attempt my combat opponent is horrified I get a plus two to hit him next turn that is pretty good it I found an opponent who had an eye patch I used magehand to pick up his eye patch and move it to his other eye could you imagine just like this really badass pirate is like I've got you now and then the [ __ ] wizard just goes and he's like oh that is really funny he would be confused for like a turn and then like the next turn used to be like you son of a he'd like attack you uh I'm gonna get I'm gonna end this video with a meme for you D parties be like kill villain in one hit have my cake and eat it too and be Petty all the time okay this was fun I guess um maybe next time we'll do this again and you guys can like send me all the memes so that you're trying really hard to make me laugh but um I uh just proved my point like I only kind of only laughed at like three of like the bunch of memes that we looked at today so basically I win and I this is definitely just a myth there's definitely not just a me thing I everybody agrees with me and I'm always right water
Channel: XP to Level 3
Views: 688,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeons and dragons, how to, tutorial, funny, monk, fighter, 5e, player, book, dm, dungeon master, roll, ranger, rogue, paladin, cleric, barbarian, bard, wizard, sorcerer, warlock, artificer, mystic, skits, idea, character, stats, build, new, tips, gm
Id: H-1StTjuII8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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